STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013


  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    HA!  We've got some funny, funny hooligans on here tonight.  anyone have anything I can take to fall asleep??????


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Jan-sorry, about the eyes, but you might be eligible for services from the blind. When Mom had her trouble I looked into it, forget most everything b/c it was sooooo long ago. I was impressed with what was available and not publized. Oodles of things.

    YOOO-HOOOO Ducky, heh call the local Chapter for the blind, I started with the library, it may lead to things like financial assistance. Who knows. Might even help keeping the pilots straight. Their thing-a-miggerers may all be the same, but you want the one that first beguiled you with their eyes. It'd be nice to recognize them.

    Back to 168-----OMG I'll never catch up.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    SHELlSHINER, interesting, preceptor seemed to actually treat you well, staff clued you that his modis operandi caused students not to come back. So, maybe it's his self delusional arrogance test. Treat new students like crap and see if they can handle it. This approach went out decades ago. I saw the end of it at an unamed Ohio hospital in the late 70's. It was with Medical Residents.  Potential Residents were recognizing they didn't need to accept being debased.  So, recruitments started to support a more human treatment and hours. There was a time all residents expected to be treated like dirt. then it changed as I said above.

    ARNP was just beginning in 1980. The two geographical areas I've worked then and since totally supported ARNP's.  What's the history in Hawaii? Is  Hawaii(sic) supportive of ARNP's? Or do the docs see them as a threat?  Shellls sssssso hope it keeps getting better. Why a medical/nursing teacher doesn't understand that what they teach has a geometric response. 1>2>4>8>16>32>64 etc.

    Thanks for checking in by Pm on me, love your caring, You are our Shells, hope you have time to become your wonderfull word nemesis to certain unnamed ones.  I love your ability to banter with them. :)

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    OMG you guys have me laughing so hard!

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    Hmmmm everyone is up so late and to no good.......I presume?

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    Miss Cami....what the heck did you do to our screen you rebel!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Still working on pg 168,

    Ducky, yes putting our business all over the street. Except the street is here. I did warn one of our own actually, three change names, avatars  and Joan and Shells concured. We are vulnerable. Cuz whoever want's to watch and then use our words will do as they please. ON OMG THEY FOUND A CURE FOR STUPID, someone found our stuff on FB. We confirmed it and there was a pronto changing of avatars and names. Wouldn't be surprised the same here. Between you Princess, Cami, CHEVY---OMG. ya'l are hooligans with a capital H. The rest of us Hooligans with a h.  I am of the mind that Chevy should have been a writer on Saturday Night Live, they would have had better retings, but if I tell her that she might get a big bottom.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Rofl, cammi broke my screen too! How can that happen? Now my eyes are leaking because I'm laughing and they are irritated and lashes are falling out. Too funny!

    Chicky I would be up to good if I had some!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Pg 168. Ducky my Ducky, did you tell you pilot to hurry up . No fun, but sometimes necessary, like he has to land the plane , or you got a cramp.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    Anyone know what page our last roll call is on?

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited June 2013

    This is really weird that it changed everybody's screen! Be

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    Can't keep up here...but did read the survey question and had to skim the answers...hey Veggie must be in Miracle Gro - she wrote a few paragraphs.
    Lil Shell says she will keep the night shift signing off so hope she does....
    Shell, read back 2 pages for the survey question...I'll bet she's gonna be shell-shocked .. or maybe she'll be the shell shock-er.

    Hope to find time at work tomorrow to goof off and show up for the lunch crowd here.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Stacey Thanks about the writing, but it didn't come easy. Had nuns that didn't teach us well. An unusual contradiction to parochial school. My writing when I frist came here at age 59, it wasn't near what it is now. DS the lawyer, said Mom you can do better. He was right. Every sentence written when I get serious on a subject. Is evaluated and rewritten till it's right. When I'm playing , I'm playing. When it's meant to impart something serious, I'm serious. 

    So I worked on it allot. VR from Bonfires noticed a change over time and told me it had improved. Notice the amount of posts 6000+. Allot had to do with organizing Novena's, but numerous were just writing.  Not to be arrogant, I'm sure much has been "lifted". My feeling about that and the plagarism below. Oh well, as long as it's right and someone learns.

    I always had an extreme verbal ability, but not writing. Even though I've been published and plagirized(sic?). Stacey this is fun cuz you will get this. I helped write a book. In it my section was shock. I had used analogies for years with my EMS students. I was restuding to take ACLS for the upmteenth time. I thought something sounds a bit to familiar. I got out the first edition of the book I helped write and low and behold my words in the ACLS textbook verbatim. No anotation just lifted. Well my words are in two books, perhaps others. In your study of the heart. The heart was for decades described as the pump.  But it didn't describe beyond that of how the vessels worked. Scientist knew. What needed to happen was to bring it down to a less technospeak level. Because I was married to an engineer and taught basically firemen to be EMS/paramedic responders, I combined the words of engineering and fiermans understanding of flow dynamics, vessels, and changing resistance by constriction at the arteriole. I used for the first time that the vascular system was a piping system. Sounds small. But if the heart is a pump what does it pump do. It push fluid through to a system. A piping system.  In the body the piping system is the vessels. How do you change flow on a pipe system? Valves that can be constricted by tightening or loosened by "something that causes them to change diameter". For example, a gardenhose with a nossle, tighten the nossle, flow becomes extreme. Loosen it flow, not extreme. The nossle is equivalent to the arteriole. When you understand the flow and the beauty of the ability of the arteriole, it so makes the understanding of drugs that control the arteriole so much easier. I at one time could do all the beta1 beta 2(lungs), Alpha 1&2, ACE/ARB' jelly was fun once and a challenge. I think the sympathetic/parasympathetic nervous system is incredibile. It's like the universe. You can study it for years and just when you think you' ve got a handle on it , more is found. Dear Sweet Pea, I heard this in your words a way back. Carry on be a learning sponge. I wish and hope I have nurses such as you H&L&P's sheila  

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Beatmom, you have a right to feel loss, you have BC that has rocked your world, you are surrounded by devastattion, it makes what you feel about your own devastation even more physical. The world is realing about you and within you, get thee to a counselor. Granted they are going to be overwhelmed in your area. Contact your PCP aske for a referrel. If they aren't available got to the nearest mental health center and ask for help. Also, go to your nearest gym and make it a personal requirement to maintain a daily exercise regimen for the next several weeks. No gym b/c they are blown away. Stand out on your own and exercise.

    After several disasters in the early 80's___used to do disaster stuff__so, take this as science based. Strenous exercise within 24 hours of disaster contact and continued for several weeks, But the key was within the 24 hour time period, [sorry beatmom you keyed me by your words, just now, otherwise, I would have said it before this,]....Activity can prevent or reduce PTSD. So, get that bod moving physically. not just in cleanup. Cardio rehab type exercises

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Yes, this must be Cami's fault lol

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    a reply                          

    May 23, 2013 06:34 PM, edited  May 27, 2013 09:01 AM    by sas-schatzi

    Post a reply

    May 17, 2013 07:53 AM, edited 6 hours ago    by sas-schatzi

    May 10, 2013 11:44 AM, edited 22 hours ago    by sas-schatzi

    May  6, 2013 10:29 AM, edited a few seconds ago    by sas-schatzi

    By next week we're going to have to do a roll call to see who's who and who've each has decided to be. I'll start off then as people add the old ,the, new, and the wanna be, I'll keep adding names to this list as I see them, except leaving off "B"'s.

                         "A child of many names is much loved"

    *ChickaD, ChickieD, chickadee, Miss chickie, chickie, chickiepoo, Dchickie,Chickadana, Our Baby Dana, Chicklet-- OHIO, Treatment: BMX with DIEP sameday-surgical history; chemo to start approx may 17th2013, Furballs:Shepards-Tasha& Samantha Contact:sassy

    *Mary, Marywhat, Marywho, Marywhen, Marywhere, Marywhy, Maryhowmuch, Maryhowoften, Marycontray, Ice-road Trucker,IRT Short for I-R-Trucker,  Hoedown Girl(Nov9th2013 DS wedding), NORTH CAROLINA,Treatment:chemo, Furball:ZiggyDog; Contact:Sassy

    *Camilegal, Cami, Spunky, Spunkie, ILLINOIS, Treatment:done,Furball:Kati-Kat, Contact:sassy

    *Chevyboy, Chevy, Olds, SweetPea, Chevette,Chevylicious,Chevorlette, GM Chevy, COLORADO, Treatment:done? furbal:?, Contact:

    *Princess Purple Kantalope, GrannyDukes, granny, GG, Princess Kantaloupe, Princess K , PA, Treatment:done, Furball:none, Contact: Joan811, Veggy, Sassy

    *Pdgraham, Phyll, Phyllis, Phyllopian(phoenetically that's fa'-lop-pian, Chevy did you really mean to call her a tube attached to the uterus?), Phillissians(now Chevy's got you in the bible), Ph/pH now your a measurement symbol for acid/base balance. Choro-phyll ah environmentally correct producing___? Is it oxygen or sugar? Phyllo Dough. Phyllopteryx (the weedy seadragon) now she's a dinosaur er weed?. PhollicleDamage speaks for itself. Phyllandita, is this a drink or a plant species, PK,Phillidromia=plant?, Phyllipinat, Miss Pie Dough, Phylissnavidad, Phyllylopsided NE, Treatment:chemo, Furball:none, Contact:sassy

    *duckyb1, Ducky, Promqueen MHC, Duckling, Duckmiester, Miss Ducky, Duckster, Duck,  PA, Treatment: AI, Contact:PKK

    *SasSchatzi,Sas,sassy,cassyorlina,sassafrass, FL., Treatment: BMX, recon, chemo, brainsx, done, Furballs:dini-lab, schatzi-germanwired haired pointer(GWP), Contact:CkickaD,PPK,GMA,Lindan3,Fuzzy,Julianna,Stacey,Marywh,PdGraham,Wren44,blondie

    Red, Carla Terry Hunt, our Angel 5/4/2013

    April485, Stretch (am 4'11" - Ha!), Glinda the GoodWitch, Treatment Rads May 2013, Furball:, Contact:

    *Shellshine, Shell, Shells, Shinyshells, HA. Treatment:TE to foobs May2013, Furball:, Contact:

    *Kathindc, Kathy, Kathy-in-dc, Treatment: None, Furball: taking care of daughter's cat (that I'm allergic to) and dog when she travels, Contact: elsewhere

    Cmbernardi, Flower, Flowermound, Flowers, Ms Flowers, Carolyn, TX, Treatment: chemo, broken foot5/13, Furball:Broadway Rudy Guiliani dog, Contact:

    *Scottie, Fartface, ONT., Treatment:, Furball:kitty?, Contact:

    *Chabba,Treatment: lumpectomy, radiation done, 4th fo 5yrs of Tamoxifen,problem toe now4/13, Furball:Yo aka Pal, Goof, Contact:Sas

    *VEGGY, Plain Ole Veggy, Veg, Val, PA., Treatment:BMX,Chemo May 2013-NED 5/22/13, Furball:none, Contact:PPK

    *Blondiex46, Blondie, Sandy, Miss Purple, Blondiepurpledarling, akaBPD, PA., Treatment:rads, Furball:, Contact: sassy

    *Wren44, WA., Treatment:LX, re-excision, MX 2012. 1year anastrasole done/4 to go. Furball:none, Contact:sassy

    Mericat, mer, meri, MARYLAND, Treatment:, Furball:,Contact:

    *Iatiger, IATig, Tigger, Tig , IOWA, Treatment Bmx, no chemo/rads, TE exchange 5/13., Furballs: 4 kitties, Jazz- 16, Jack-5, Sniggle & Fritzy both 3, Contact:

    Beatmom, Brenda, OK., Treatment:, Furball:, Contact:

    *GMAfoley, GMA, OR., Treatment:ProblemSleep apnea/Insomnia, Furball:My Tigger Dog, Contact:

    *savgigi, jeannie, Treatment:LX/SLND/IORT/AI, Furball:Kitty-Maggie, Contact:

    *Julianna, Jule(s), Jewel, Treatment:BMX,AI, Furball:none, Contact:Sassy

    *Jan69, Jan I am, Jamarama-ding-dong, Jan the Ding DongTreatment: BMX done; chemo/rads 2011done, Furball: thumper, bambi gopher, smokey the bear, Contact:

    Zephyr1929, Zeph, ZEEE,ZEE/phyrTreatment:, Furball:, Contact:

    ShaneOak, Shane(where are you?), Treatment:, Furball:, Contact:

    *Spookiesmom, Spookie,Treatment:, Furball:spookie, Contact:sassy

    *Joan811,Joan, Treatment:, Furball:, Contact:

    Dvrgrl, Alaska, Treatment:, Furball:,Contact:

    Stacey, SweetPea Treatment:chemo5/13, sx in 6/13; Furball:, Contact:sassy

    *Luvmygoats, Luv, TX., Treatment:, Contact

    Dwilli4483,Dwilli, Dwilliwillinilli,Treatment:, Furball:,Contact:,

    Sandcastle, Sandy Treatment:, Furball:shitzu, Contact:

    Mostlymom,WV, Treatment:, Furbabies:Dog-jessie-Australian shepard, DD kermit mostly pug. Contact:

    Charles Petley

    Who'd i MISS???????? SASSY

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Ckickie this flipping thread moves so flippin fast, don't ya love it, anyways here's the list.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Chevy, oh sweet, on many levels. The young man carryiny for the bird, if i had a daughter, bring him home.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Stacey, write as you are talking to them as a person or patient. Go back and review what I wrote to you in the last post. It was nurse to to nurse.  Other things are nurse to layperson. My recommendation once your through this, go  to the OR spend about 3-4years, then decide after that what to do. I have this idea about nursing start out in medical 1 to 1 1/2 or post surg.>>go to OR for 3-4 years, then ICU/CCU for 2-4 years, then 2-4 years emergency. AND this will blow your mind -------go back to the floor. Why b/c you can do the most good after all of that training, from preventing patients having complications. If your goal is patient centered. As nursing is in the USA right now, the most at risk patient is in the hands of the least trained nurse. Sounds harsh. But think of the patient int the hands of the nurse that went through the years of experience I just described. I'll add one 1 year homecare. I did all these not by these numbers. But I could go on with stories of why it made a difference. AND if patient care is what you believe in.........then putting the highest trained most knowledgable person at the bedside is boomers are coming our way. It takes a certain amount of time to gain expertise in each area. It takes a learning sponge to want to move to another area. It takes a hard shell to be a newbie when you have other experience that thoses on the new unit don't have. Nursing culture should change. Is it going to...........................

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013


    You are so right about the experience a nurse should have.  Book learning/theory is great but you need to put it into practice.  The clinical experience of nursing students is minimal at best.  Sure they have "sim" labs but nothing can compare with real hands-on care.  The National Council of State Boards of Nursing is working on an idea, "transition into practice."  The idea is for new nurses to get more bedside experience.  Nursing isn't about the newest electronics/machinery, it's about looking into someone's eyes and seeing the pain, confusion, illness and then working solving the issues.  

    We need nurse educators that have the bedside experience to go along with their masters/doctorate degrees.  Then we will have high caliber nurses at the bedside.

    Off my soapbox now and off to bed.

    I'll STFU, J

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Julianna onto your soapbox , but only shortly, I guess I said it above. Jumping up and down on  the soapbox . WHOOP.L&H&;s sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    It's 5:30 am good night L&H's everyone have fun today STFU

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Camiilegal - Love the cat in the Hide It's Monday post!  A good week to all with Peace!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    WTH?????  Sassy, WHAT did you just say?  I mean up above there???? I mean my brain is just not tuned into stuff like that yet...Wink

    But what happened to where you guys were all talking about what kind of tarts you all were???  Okay.... Sass is the only one going to believe this, because she said something one time, as to why I am who I am... When I was a teenager, I was just afraid of life.  I was amazed that the next day would come, and I would get through it.   My Brother and I were raised by Neanderthals I think...Wink  And one was always drunk, and they both were always fighting.  But my little Brother and I had each other...  I didn't go out until I was 16...  and I never went to a bar, because I didn't drink...  I HATED beer.  (Funny, because I started working for Coors when I was 40) and I LOVED that job.

    I don't remember any of my school years... Not grade school, junior high, or even High School!   I somehow shut out my whole life... I just remember snippets of little things... but I DO remember what happened when I first just closed up.....  And that service-man that lived with my "folks???" during the war should be hung by his short-hairs for what he made a little girl do.  I was afraid of HIM, and my folks...

    And then I had a severe brain concussion by being dropped on my head during acrobat lessons, when I was flying through the air.  Onto a gymnasium floor...  So I had amnesia for about 8 hours.... By this time I was maybe 16.  I quit dance lessons, and went out with maybe 2 guys before I went out with that ONE guy, but after I broke his back window with my head being slammed into it, I never saw him again.  Heard he was mad about his window.  But it was worth it to me... He never got a THING!  My Dad wanted to call the Police...and maybe kill the bastard.

    I met DH right after I graduated High School.... don't even remember the ceremony. My Brother joined the Navy at 17, and  my folks moved back to California, and I wouldn't leave  the only love I had ever known.  So I stayed and lived with my German Step-grandmother....I mean we couldn't even sit out back in the car and neck!  She scared me half to death!  We finally saved up enough money to get married 1 year and 9 months later. 

    So from then on, I could live life, and start to remember what I was doing!  It was like I lived, but I didn't care and no-one else did either. 

    And that little shit Princess!  Ha, ha!  Nope, I was tooooooo scared to smoke grass.... or weed, and you know I never even SAW anyone doing it either!  And are you KIDDING??? A Tattoo?  I would have been skinned alive.

    On the OTHER hand, my Daughter's made up for what I didn't do... Ha!  At least my youngest did.... But she didn't get her first Tattoo until she was 18... We knew they drank beer though...found it in their car, and they watched as we poured it out, and threatened them with taking the car away!  AND their life was significantly in jeoporady also!  Wink

    So I've still never been drunk.... I was too afraid I couldn't know what I was doing!  Remember I was RAISED around drunks.  I'll drink one or two drinks, or glasses of wine, but I just get sleepy.

    So Sass!  I think going through all of that, and making my own life for my family, has really helped me carve out the life I wanted.  I started working for Pepsi when I was 30.... Up until then I would NEVER have thought of having coffee with a boss that I was working for... because being married to an Italian, you do NOT even look at another man... much less have coffee.... Ha!  But I did, and I didn't tell, and I am here to tell you that being friends with guys was JUST as much fun as having women friends.  Only you can't talk about it.

    Actually I am happier now than I ever have been!  Sure DH drinks too much sometimes, but I told Princess, at least I have him with me all the time, and mornings and days are perfect.  It could be worse.  And I know he loves me...  He said "Here, this is for you..."  It was a $50 dollar bill!  And I said "What is THAT for?"  And he said "Because I love you"...  And I said "WHY DID YOU SAY THAT???"   And he said "Because I DO."......  And I melted.... I said "I love you too, and you know that."...... It's just that sometimes things get so hairy, you think you are just living together and have lost the love and closeness.... Damn I love that man!

    ANYway..........  I love reading you gals....  every one of you...  I have to go jump in the shower now.... xoxooxoxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Flowers, that picture screwed up the whole screen, that's why I seldome do pics--they don't always just sometimes.

    Good Morning all---It's 6AM here and I see blue skies smilin at me nothing but blue skies do I see---why do I go in song all the time?

    Howis everyone this morning I hope the weather is good all over for a change---too much chaos.

    I noticed with all the Drs. offices now there are a number of nurses and techs that predo u before the Drs even come in and they are (IMHO) so nice and answer alot of questions---this was the case sometimes yrs ago but 1 nurse--now u see different nurses all the time and go long enough u have met them all and it's a good system, of course this frees the Drs. to see more patients and get some preknow what's going on, saving time. I've noticed alot of the nurses are midleaged and it's n easier more practical hour job for them. I still think it's a tough job cuz they're knowledge has to be pretty top of the list with their specialty. I think I like that cuz the nurses never hurry u--they really take the time with u and questions. But and her's my but (no not my ass) but some of the Drs. are so young and I think they are up on all the newest forms of treatment, altho in a practical sense they have not been involved in the newest form of treatment--hands on---so sometimes I tend to talk to nurses more so I weed outwhat the Dr. needs to know. I prefer a Dr. who has been around for a while---I know they all have to start somewhere---but with all the Drs, I've seen the older ones seem more confident unless it's arrogant.???  Oh am I jammering this morning.

    I'm also trying to use up the screen to go to thw next page so it will straighten out===it usually does.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    There we're on the next page==ok screen back to normal--so no more spitting on me.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Up early.....another grandson staying with me......long story, will elaborate later.......not the same one as before.....this one is 23, and a sweetheart.....oh boy....

    Well going today for my I'll wear a mask,or at least hope the receptionist is a different person then yesterday.......

    Chevy...what a story......don't you sometimes wonder how we ever made it thru.......the good Lord must have meant us to survive regardless of how we have ended up day I will share don't hear many stories like some of ours because the kids today either "end their life, turn to drugs, drink their problems away,",or in the case of being married say " that's it, I'm outta here, and they move on to another part of their life, without a second thought..........

    Ok, guess I'm on another roll...........will STFU the way....Good Morning, let today be a good day..........hugs

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited June 2013

    I, I think, by nature was a Cunningham. I have 1 sibling who was a complete bad ass and 11 years older than me....anything to rebel against my very strict, very old fashioned parents. My sibling tormented me relentlessly about being so goodie goodie and pretty much anything about me- I was short until after high school- one thing to b tormented about. I had wavy hair- torment. Wasn't great at ports- torment. Saw people for what they are and didn't put up with their shit- torment. You get the point. SO, to appease my sibling, I started doing 'bad' sneaky things like a lot of drinking alcohol...never did drugs except pot and only a few times, because it made me barf. I always felt homely fat and insecure. So I turned to drinking excessively to b more outgoing and 'confident' at parties. I thank GOD that more bad things didn't happen to me and eventually, I turned out ok-ish and realized that my sibling was/is no good for me and wrote off having one. Obviously, there is FAR more to this story but I wouldn't want anyone to poke their eyes out trying to read all of the droning on and on and on...

    To totally change the subject, is anyone here my age or am the youngest at 47?

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    WOW.......I can barely remember my best ladies know alrea...I am 78....,..been around the block several youngest daughter is 44, I could be your

    This is the place to unload....we never judge....we listen, comfort, and remind you we are all here for each other..........some crosses are heavier then others, but we all help lighten the burden. .......hugs
