STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh Veggy me too---WTF did u'r Dr. give u that goes under u'r fingers and up u'r nose. U can put it on a Q-tip and put it up there. But what;s it for.

    Oh u have a sweet son too--I think boys are sweeter to their moms than girls most of the time.It's so nice to hear really-=My grandson is like my son (good thing my DD is all right with that) and i love it too. It's so sweet.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    Somehow I got mrsa under my nails. One toe nail is almost ready to come off. I thought it was because of the cancer. I don't know how I picked this up. Q-tips? Now how do I get the tube out of my nose?

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    I wasn't blessed with a daughter just 2 sons. I'll never know. Husband wante to try again for a girl. Two was plenty for me.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Veggy I have 2 girls too---but since I have a grandson I see how different boys are and with my sisters grandkids, they are actually more fun and not as moody. hahaha

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    Good morning hooligans....just getting ready to crawl into the shower.

    BTW ...Inhave two sons also....always dreamed of having a daughter....maybe we could

    do some exchanges, but you can't have my youngest, he vacuums, does windows and cooks....the older one is up for grabs though...ha ha ha

    Have a great day ladies and chemo gals ..more hugs. (((((((())))))

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    GM Scottie OK we can trade but I want to keep my youngest too--the older one is much more stubborn--my oldest does cook good--she had a catering business for a while for money w=to go to school, but she doesn't clean well. hahaha

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Morning gals!  Okay, I'll start with the last post, and go backwards?  Ha!  I'm just having coffee, getting ready to go out & shovel a little area along my 30 foot fence out front, to set in the Iris!  Have to wait until it gets light...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    We have 2 Daughter's and 2 Grandsons, and you are saying the girls are "moody"????  Whatever would give you THAT idea??? Wink  Yes, moody would be the right word...  And that somehow transfers into bitchyness as they get older.... Ha, ha!  

    Veggy, I'm not sure what "mrsa" is.... Is it like fungus on your cuticles?  I used white vinegar on my fingers for that, and it finally looks a lot better.  So if it ISN'T fungus, then never mind.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Cammi, did you go back to bed?  Can we talk about our sister hooligans now that they are sleeping?  Except I think Scottieeeeeeeeee is still in the shower.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    So okay!  If no-one is going to stay and play with me, I am heading out the door! It is now 5:20, and starting to get light...  I have to get my shovel, rakes, 2 bags of mulch, bucket of bulbs, gloves, and plastic edging, and do the deed!  Besides no-one is out to see this lovely creature of the dawn.... Except little dog-face Lacee!  And she don't care!  Cool

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    GM Ladies--very interestin Chevy--u say u'r digging the groud for flowers? Or is it a body when no one is aroubd--u do a little at a time to give u a full lentgth 6 foot hole and 4 feet deep and bring props so no one will know---who's missing in the neighborhood--we know it's not the chickens u can just eat the evidence--Quite an interesting post, sound like something Phylodigaditch would do. muaaahhhhh

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    I was a wild one, but looked real sweet, wore a school uniform  and got good grades. If I had a daughter who was as wild as I was I would be scared! I'm sure I was the youngest age on this thread to do some grown up activities, but boy was it fun!! Life is rather sedate compared to back then but I am wild at heart and always will be. I can party, rock & roll, dance like a stripper, even lap dance, but mostly live a sedate life - cook dinner every night, look after my family. Get me with a bunch of hooligans, though, and WATCH OUT! 

    I went to bed at 9:30 last night. Holy macaronium. Clinical is going much, much better. 15% done! Love, love, love to hear about all of your stories - what a hoot. Chicky and Phylodandria, thinking of you - what troopers. I'd rather see you on the cover of People magazine as courageous. Granny, so good to hear from you. Love you Sassy, Mary, Scottie, Flowers, Joan, Chevette, Cammi, Julie  and all our other sisters. 

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    #1 - I want some of those tasty fingers and the stuff up MY nose!

    #2 - I want to be in CO. with Chevy!

    #3 - I wish Rudy the Pug did not have to go outside at 6am EVERY morning.  I am going to have to make him NPO after 8pm!

    #4 - I always will always be the wild child even if it is in my own mind!

    #5 - Have  a blessed day hooligans and Peace!


  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    ChickaD, My sister just started her chemo too. She has her 2nd infusion on June 12 - I talked to her the other day and she is feeling better, just in time for the next infusion - She told me she is tired but feeling ok. She is having trouble with her taste buds and says it hurts to eat or drink. She started sucking on hard candies while drinking her water. She said that helped. I hope your infusions go smoothly!!! I'm praying for the both of you.

    I think I am now trying to let go of my past.  Very emotional - I'm trying to focus on the "here and now" and not focus on the things I can't do anymore.  I enjoyed my archaeology/osteology jobs so much, this is very hard to let go.. I have so many books and artilcles.  I just need the stuff out of site for now. I think the hardest part is seeing my archaeology gear in the box. I have it set up if I am ever called to do anything.  Which, with the LE, I won't be able to safely.  Should I just get rid of the stuff to my archaeology friends or just hide it in a chest to remember later when its not so hard?  I am really torn and can't let go.  My life right now stinks... Guess I will really STFU - and get on with where I am in the here and Now.... Right.... sure... STFU

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    GmaFoley - oh Sister, everyone's life stinks right now.  I mean we all have or are recovering from this devil, BC.  Stay strong Girl.  Put your stuff in a box and put it out of sight for a while.  Do not get rid of it just yet.  I have not worked for a long time and it is depressing, demoralizing, ego-crushing, depressing, etc.  I an a Registered Dietitian and food safety consultant and I miss, miss, miss, my jobs, my co-workers and using my brain every day.  This 2 shall pass, I hope.  I am starting RADS tomorrow and I am like a little kid that knows her Mom is taking her to the Doctor.  Shaking inside!  But YOU hang tough please and PM me if you ever want to talk by telephone.  We can share telephone numbers and have a good talk, commiserate, complain, cry, laugh, bitch about everything,  Could be very cathartic!  Remember above all, U R loved!

    OK, now I will STFU!


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Lost you ladies last night...not sure why.......IPad kept saying...." Safari cannot find this page"......really pissed me off......but this morning was ok.....

    As some of you know (Granny, Chevy, Cam, Joan, and others, except some of the newer friends).......I have 6 children......3 boys, 3girls.........I have 18 grandchildren....10 boys, 8 girls, 2 great granddaughters, and another on way, also a girl due in July.....

    My daughter takes Makayla and Sean to the Geneticist today.....I am so is Sean that could have the Marfans, and I am beside myself......he had so many symptoms of it. This is the dearest boy anyone could have.....loving, caring, respectful, straight A student, and an avid golfer. Makayla may have the scolosis..., like Sean, but she had no signs of the Marfans, other then being extremely tall for her age....she is 12, and 5ft 6 in........Sean is 6 ft, and 14, but many's daughter is being brave.....I am the worrier, but she can't fool me.....

    Glad I got back on, not sure what happened.....gorgeous day in the Philly suburbs......everyone have a great day..please pray a small prayer for Makayla and Sean...hugs

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Gma - If you can't look at it, store it.  I can't imagine what it must be like to have to give up archaeology stuff.  I wanted to be one since I was about 10.  I never had the stick-to-it-tiveness to get the education required.  But you did and now you have to give it up I hate that for you.  I hated giving up my photography studio back in the late '90s.  It was just such a wrenching feeling.  I can keep taking photographs though.  Well maybe I can again after this sldkfjdkfjl! chemo.  I kept all my stuff including my darkroom equip.  I will probably never use it again and go digital but I have it and it's MINE!  Good luck to your sis!

    Flowers - The same for you too!  It's awful to have to give it up.  I found out yesterday that I am losing my job (office mgr in small financial services office).  FMLA has run out and they need to hire a replacement.  I'm trying to look at it as a new start, but what a mess!  I'm sure that I will get through it, because so many others have, but it's still a blow to the gut!  and as you said "depressinizing, ego-crushing, depressing".  I hope your rads go easy for you!

    ducky - saying a prayer.

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited June 2013

    Marfans runs in my dhs family- Dh is supposed to go for an ultrasound every 2 years to check for enlargement but has only gone 2xs since we've been married.ugggggg. I'd assume? they can treat it somehow now?

    Will e hoping for the best for you et al!

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited June 2013

    Ps. Try not to stress about the tall thing- my kids are very tall for their ages too- 11 year old son is 5'4" , just turned 14 daughter is 6' and 15 year old son is 6'2" ish.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    duckyb1 & phgraham

    HUGs and prayers 4 both of U.  God and our fellow Sisters, family & friends will help  guide us & get us thru the toughest roads.  At least I keep telling myself that!  Peace y'all,


  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Morning girls, I have to admit that I just skimmed over last nights posts, mainly to see if you guys were talking about me whilst I was snoozing...had trouble with my computer last night too.Am very bummed out this a letter from my insurance company yesterday, informing me that nc was pulling out of the pre-existing condition ins. plan, and the federal gov. is taking over. Which means that Ill have to pay 100$ more a month,440$ and another 3200 deductable, (already paid 4500 deductable).and thats just for 6 months, when the new program starts. Who the h can afford that? Then to top it off if Im reading it correctly I will still be responsible for 30% of treatment. Now according to medical bills, I know havalen was about 8000$ a pop 2 weeks on 1 off. Cant get medicaid either, as I am technically not disabled yet. I geuss I should reapply. So much for saving for retirement, right? Scary stuff going on.and to top that off when I turn 55 in aug. it will go up another 100$ a month. This s@#t is for the birds.

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited June 2013

    Phylodirtycop did u notice that almost everyone on here is either a teacher or a nurse?

    Cami, I was a medical technologist in a former life - worked in Labs for years. Now I am in healthcare information systems consulting.

    Not a nurse or teacher by background - but a little tad of both in my current job when I teach nurses how to use the computer.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh Ducky when u'r children or granchidren are passing down diseases it's so frightful for us. I'm sorry I've never heard od this disease but if it worries u than it worries all of us--u know prayers wi be sent to u'r family.

    Gma and Flowers It's hard to think u have to give soemthing up thst u love and worked hard to achieve, what can I say it has to feel like life just shot u down more--but it hasn't u don't know what the future will bring and it might just surprise u and if not unfortuntey deaing with this won't be easy--but praying is--the universe surrounds us with positives and negatives and try to draw on positives--and Gma I would think u'r would be a tough one to return to, as interesting as it maybe--but maybe it can be done in other ways--when u think ceary there are so many possibilities for u to continue in someway, And flowers u'll feel better and u can get bck to helping others and enjoying u'r life again.

    And Phyophoto what a fantastic, interestin career u chose too, but it's very possible u can get back to it--in this new century it might be easier for u too.

    U are all strong women everyone  here and contribute to life in so many ways, atho now u might be on hold it can be temporary u don't know--but it seems like it's forever--but u are young well everyone is younger than Chevy and the sexy Ducky, even me but my dreams are pretty much not going to happen and I'm fine with that. But that doesn't mean u'r can't--U hve time on u'r side, talent, passion for what u love--so be patient with this and see 1 yr from now it will all be different. And everything could be turned around. See I made a smart decision in the long run, a little college, no dreams of anything, no passion about doing anything no love of anything special---so I/ve never been dissappointed bout anything. And people thought I was stupid. So I miss nothing. LOL 

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Camillegal - thanks for your kinds words and support!  I will try to distract myself today by introducing 2 friends to Pho for lunch.  Hope my stomach stops rumbling and the anxiety does away so I can enjoy it.  Woke up in tears the A.M. but I am sure it will get better, right?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Flowers right now I'm laughing not at u for life in general--I'm giving u guys is everything will be fine thing and all of a sudden my phine starts with all these Drs. wanting to see me and I don't want to see them--I see a Dr. tomorrow (my new one) and another Dr. ordered my blood panel so i can get that done tomorrow then another Dr. wants to see me bout something else and my meds got confused )nothing major) just pain meds so zi take more hahaha I have to call the pharmacy and get this straighten out so I'm pissed about Drs. right now LOL BUT YET


  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Cam - thank U again.  I can only hope and pray for myself and ALL of U.  Peace,


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    OMG I think I'm caught up. Good Morning,

    Everyone going through Chemo and rads this week blessings. Anyone down and feeling blue, It's all the Bc stuff and drugs. Just like Cami said think about a year from now. Block out today. Screw living in the moment. We'll forget these moments.

    Chevy, had it bad too, but still can't talk about it. :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    I do respect any privacy u or anyone wants.--but are u saying Chevy had it bad like u or Chevy had it bad. Whoever tho I'm sorry.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Stacey, wracking my brain for a couple of days trying to remember something for you, Found it. This is a link I did allot of nursing stuff on for setting up a wound care station and wound/insicional evaluation. Hope it helps :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    I think I have lots more buddies now, or at least I sent PM's asking for buddies. It's important to have several. This list is going to be together for along time. I think it was Granny that said when a buddy disappeared, the buddy had decided to move on. So, if you only have one buddy, it could be a problem if they've left. Plus, we can all call each other just for fun. Imagine fun!. It's so nice to chat, even when there's not trouble.

    Shellshiner, What does it cost to call Hawaii?

    Cami I think wrote about how nice it was to talk to the nurses before the doc. All the people I know that have access to ARNP's say the same thing. Our Shells Is the same way and she isn't afraid of the kids on top of it . KIds are a treasure, but when they are sick. It takes a VERY SPECIAL nurse to be able to care for kids. Many nurses will opt out of it if at all possible.