STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited June 2013

    It's all about the almighty $$$$$$$$greedy bastards...yeah 99%of them don't really give a shit about us really....there is to me anyway 1% that really do.

    And now with all these changes the insurance co. Want everyone over 75 to get nuthin.

    What a sick world we live in.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Chickie, Cute puppy! You know they pee and poop, right? And the pee and poop gets bigger as they do.

    HuluPlus is $7.99 a month.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Blondie are you feeling okay? You maybe said, but I lost it.

    Mary, how was today?

    Ckickie good luck tomorrow.

    P.s. hulu does not have all TV how's but it has a lot.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Best mom, plus when I did day.... The bitch said he could not see me for 2 weeks.....I said...." Hold on, we are talking about a vertebrae that we hope had not healed, where time is of the essence, and your telling me 2 weeks till I can see him"....bitch said "yes"........I said, " you don't think you could squeeze me in, considering the visit is only 2 minutes anyway".........bitch said "no"

    Will discuss bitch's attitude with the Dr at the appt. as Blondie old

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Also I'll call my pcp to see if he got the report...if he did, and he should have, he will tell me the result, and I will make my decision to keep or cancel by what he says.....see there is more then one way to skin a cat........

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Better day today.Food still tastes like chit but at least I could walk. What a cute puppy, chick..Good luck tomorrow with chemo.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Headed home on the bus- will see DH for the 1st time sine "the incident." Son said he read my letter and "agrees" with me. I'm praying he will go into treatment. Will post later, son is picking me up at bus stop.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    Good luck Miss Shell...praying for your family xoxo

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Good luck and love, Shells.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Hoping everything turns out the best for all of you.

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited June 2013

    Hi beautiful hooligans sitting in the chemo chair today. Hope everyone is doing okay with manageable side effects. Thinking about you blondie, phy and ChickaD tomorrow. Sisters we can kick that cancers a**!!!

    Benadryl has kicked in ;/

    Hugs, prayers, and more prayers

    xoxo Sweet Pea

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited June 2013

    Hi. Gma Foley told me about this group.

    I have been feeling quite depressed and the other day I caught myself thinking of that saying we have probably all seen on public restroom walls: Here I sit, broken hearted. Came to shit but only farted." I don't know why that thought came to me, but it seemed to sum up my life. It doesn't make sense. I spent my whole life planning to die within the week, but somewhere there must have been a seed of great expectations, because I did expect much more from myself. Thus . . . came to shit but only farted. At 56 I am losing everything: my stuff that I had to sell to get by, my job, my house, my financial security, my ability to take care of what needs taking care of (my teeth, new glasses, water heater, furnace . . . . . . .

    Oh well. STFU!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Hope the chemo chair is kind to you and the truck doesn't come by and drop off any side effects.  Sending best wishes, J.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    I fell asleep eeeaaarly--oh I feel like I have a hangover. It's chemo day for a few of u right. May this one be better for all of u---less pooping, no truc, if needed more pooping, good resting, eat a lot of protein, loads of water and Stacey love the benadryl. Oh Ducky what a pain, I know it's ll this I hve to see u shit for nothing for the most part. I remember my other GP (who I had forever) telling me about this NEW plan that they have to see us. (by some kind of law now) and he didn't like it himself--he knew I was seeing other Drs. and they kept up with everything he just needed to do some scripts and stuff--before that I saw hime once a yr. (ubless needed) but he's prescribe over the phone with me and never just seeing me to renew--then the ins. co. made it mandatory--which he said the older Drs. don't like cuz they never did that so....we're all stuck.

    Dunes--I haven't seen u in a while, if u remember me---This has screwed with so many of us, I lost my home and car and lots of stuff too. I do have some money comming in but not enough that's for sure. I'm living with one of my dgts. which was not in my plans- I made an OK living and planned on working longer and I would have been OK but chit happens and here we are. Dunes I'm so sorry u have to go thru this. It's not bad enough going thru all of this but then the repurcussions are horrific too. And never knowing what's coming next, more medical problems and financial too--adding it all up it's like what the hell just happened. Alot of us were independant and worked hard to stay that way, now forgetaboutit. So there has to be a plan for u to deal with this --it might not be what u wanted but something better than feeling this way--I don't know much about u actually how old, chidren, etc. If u like to share maybe we can come up with something. There's alot of women who are really smart here, of course we try do lighten things up whenever we can--it helps alot. But we are here and maybe give u some ideas or some hope to figure things out.

    Wow is today shower day for me--I will smell so good in a couple of hrs. I wait for my SIL to go to work so I feel more comfortable hahaha---no rain today but more tomorrow and they are saying Sat. no no--we have a party and we want the back yard. chit Too many storms going around, way to many.

    OK I'll be back later to catch up on the Hoolies---NO CHICKEN PICTURES--everything else is welcome.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Princess I momentarily went Kobong--I'm recovering now. OK I got the chalk colors thru the mail from Beauty Boutique, I've ordered from them alot--and it came with 4 colors for 9.99 + S/H--but they are being sold all over--getting popular. And they are so easy to use my GS did a few strands for me, now the top of my hair is short--spikey short and the rest is pretty short and ot was no problem--u just open a little compact with this color and sponge and close it over the strand and pull down--viola ther's u'r  color any where u want it. My DD who said how stupid this is---took a piece of her hair (to the shoulder) and started from the root and pulled it down all the way --Fushia and liked it BRAT that she is--she was doing mine too last nite and loved it. Well of course we got carried away Joey put some dark blue on the sides, my DD put purple on top with some fushia and then I had to ttry the bright green so I put just a couple of strands in--a little much but it was fun and like I said it looked good on the top especially where it was so short gave it some pizzazz.  Give it a try it's so easy to do.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Hey Dunes..... stay with us.  It's just a bitch that you are going through all of this now.  Just ONE thing going wrong, sends me for a tail-spin!  Cammi, I'm glad you posted! 

    Dunes I can't say it'll get better soon, but I just want you to go one day at a time.....  So PLEASE don't go Dunes!  All of us around here could maybe help you someway.....  somehow.  Can you just call someone, like a 24 hour hotline?  I did that once, or quite a few times, when I had just come to the end of my rope.... couldn't see anyway out of that hole.  Someone will talk to you... Or just like us.... WE will talk to you!  Even if we don't have a clue as to what we are talking about...Wink  But WE care.

    And then Shells.... thinking of you!  Your Son wants his Dad to stay, with treatment.   So does that mean he will get treatment at a facility?   I hope during this time, something will soften inside, and you can feel a little compassion, if he is really trying.... Otherwise you can shoot him.

    Just kidding!  It's either treatment of the highway.... I know.  xoxoxoxo

    And hugs to the rest of you hooligans!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Dunes.....hi and welcome....not sure if you remember us being together on another thread, but I remember you......I was on a few, but found this one to be the one I call sisters here are the best....we talk about everything, and anything....we laugh, cry, solve problems, and share stories that many of us have told no others........nothing is "off limits".

    But a footnote.......want you to know.....I am the prettiest, funniest, smartest, oldest, but the sexiest on the thread, a re-cycled virgin, and a member of the "mile high club". ......".QUIET ALL OF YOU HOOLIGANS". IT'S TRUE.....

    So Dunes......WELCOME TO THE NUTHOUSE......pull up a chair and stay a while....your gonna love it here..............and don't forget your "RED SOLO CUP"

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    So Dunes!  If you believe that little tart Ducky, then you will believe ANYthing!  Ha, ha!   Yes, we will take good care of you....  just stay with us, and hang around and have a cup of coffee, or whatever.... SOMEone is always here, and ready to talk.... even if it doesn't make any sense....  We understand each other, and really DO care! xoxoxo

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Good morning hula-gals. I hope everyone is planning for a beautiful day. If you're out in SW Nebraska today carry you iced drink and stay hydrated. Supposed to hit 105° today.

    I think I may be coming out of the chemo-coma, because my brain is not too full of swear words.

    Dunes, so sorry you have all of that going on. I'm the one here that knows the most about "came to shit, but only farted.". I'll tell you about my python someday when you have a few hours. Seriously though, we will listen and as cammi and Chevy (don't listen to everything she says) said, maybe even help. I will soon be facing the exact loss that you described and I know I will count on the knowledge and compassion of the ladies here to help me through it.

    Chevy - "I hope during this time, something will soften inside, and you can feel a little compassion, if he is really trying.... Otherwise you can shoot him.". WTH! You made me snort my tea... all over my dingy cancer recliner bathrobe. I hope it dries fast so I don't have to wash it today.

    Sweatpee and chickie have the dreaded chemo today, right? Blondie, marywho and I had it last week. Today I have labs and neuropathy assessment to see if I take the Mighty Zelda for another week. It my counts are down, no Zelda and more of the frickin' neupogen shots.

    Cammi, don't think I haven't noticed you calling me a slut! I noticed all right! Thank you, you're the best!


    PS. Sassypants! Hope things are looking up today.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Good morning hula-gals. I hope everyone is planning for a beautiful day. If you're out in SW Nebraska today carry you iced drink and stay hydrated. Supposed to hit 105° today.

    I think I may be coming out of the chemo-coma, because my brain is not too full of swear words.

    Dunes, so sorry you have all of that going on. I'm the one here that knows the most about "came to shit, but only farted.". I'll tell you about my python someday when you have a few hours. Seriously though, we will listen and as cammi and Chevy (don't listen to everything she says) said, maybe even help. I will soon be facing the exact loss that you described and I know I will count on the knowledge and compassion of the ladies here to help me through it.

    Chevy - "I hope during this time, something will soften inside, and you can feel a little compassion, if he is really trying.... Otherwise you can shoot him.". WTH! You made me snort my tea... all over my dingy cancer recliner bathrobe. I hope it dries fast so I don't have to wash it today.

    Sweatpee and chickie have the dreaded chemo today, right? Blondie, marywho and I had it last week. Today I have labs and neuropathy assessment to see if I take the Mighty Zelda for another week. It my counts are down, no Zelda and more of the frickin' neupogen shots.

    Cammi, don't think I haven't noticed you calling me a slut! I noticed all right! Thank you, you're the best!


    PS. Sassypants! Hope things are looking up today.

    This is not posting dammit

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited June 2013

    Ducky: you must quit bragging about the mile high club or when the auto correct changes ducky to sucky I am going to leave it! Beatmo

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    ChickaD - Whatever comes your way today - remember - Gma is starting your purple headscarf! today - Got sis's done and mailing hers today.  I made a few errors on the extra red, white, and blue one... you want it anyway??

    Anyone else??? My new goal in life - after work - do what makes me happy - sewing and watching my wild life... 

    Dunes - love chatting with you.. you are here in this world to chat with me ;-)  

    Ducky ((((((HUGS))))))

    cmbernardi - sorry I haven't called yet - you might have to initiate the call - I keep forgetting - darn neurontin anyway!

    Everyone Else - didn't forget you just have to get back to work!!!! 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Gma.....bigger hugs.. my age....I have bragging Pilot said

    Chevy......Excuuuuuusssseee me.......which part was not believable.....huh, huh, just tell me.....which part...........ok, maybe I'm not the

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Dune just realized we were diagnosed a year apart almost to the day.....

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Beat mom, you are too funny !! Good one! Iove how everyone gives each other so much razzing, harlot, tart, etc.

    Our Internet is down so sending a quick note on iPhone, trying not to spell like Cammi and Princess PK.

    DH has agreed to go into treatment and is looking at programs today. He said he realizes he has to stop, cheap words but at least he's finally saying them.

    Went to bed at 8:30 last night and slept till 6 - still feel like a truck hit me, but clinic is only open half day so after 12 I can apply for unemployment and meet with the "Victim's Advocate" Office.

    God bless to all on chemo today, welcome Dunes, thank you everyone for your prayers, I really needed them.

    Love ,


  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Oh my God, will this chemo hell never end? Thought I was turning the corner yesrterday, but chit issues started last night..first I couldnt go then of course around 2 am it started and wouldnt stop..I definately did not write that lovely little poem about only farting. Oh go ahead and shoot me now......It must be just moving systematically down my body-next comes my feet and legs-wonder whats in store for them?wah-wah-wah-marywhiner

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Mary I am so giving you an extra prayer today!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    marywahaah- I count about 6-7 days of h-e-double-L. You're almost there! And you weren't shining, just stating the ugly facts. Hope today gets better fast!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013 were whining....although Philly said you were not shining....she had fallen into the Cami, Granny

    But it's ok to whine...we love whiners here....just don't get carried away with it......unlike me.......who never whines......Quiet you hooligans.......I never whine, ask my Pilot......oh never mind.....he might call that noise I make whining..........yowza , yowza......up, up, and away....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Okay Shells!  Guess you didn't have to shoot him yet.   We will be CHECKing on him....  one wrong move, and we'll send that Phyllirambo out to give him a wake-up call.... Her ankle monitor lets her travel JUST that far.  Sorry gals, about the damn chemo.  I'm just surprised you can still talk to us, going through all that crap!  I'm sorry....Cry

    Ducky!!!  Oh YES you are the oldest.... aren't you???  Ha, ha!  I'm almost up with you....what is it 130?  I MEAN!  How can we act so outlandish and be this old???  And have this much fun???  You little brat!  Gotta take DH pretty soon.... To see about having the rest of his teeth promptly removed.  (After the infection is gone.)

     Then in the morning, to the Denture place that made my upper plate!  He will take an impression, then when teeth are pulled, slap those suckers right in there.... Like I had done!    I even ate mashed spaghetti that night!

    I know this isn't easy....but I did it!   And I only have the top plate, but that's what makes me more gorgeouser than Ducky.... Because hers CAN'T be as beautiful as mine....  Do you even HAVE dentures?  Ha!