STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Sas is a PM.....just taking a little break from posting......said to let you all know....should anyone ask.....consider it done.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Ducky thanks---I would strt worrying tomorrow, cuz I know Sas has to take breaks--as long as she's OK that want we want to hear.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    cami - you are SUCH a phyllosopher! "we're all in some kind of WTF happened area"  That really hit a chord with me.  We might need a group Tshirt that says that very thing. 

    Things are looking up today.  Had neulasta shot this morning so I already took claritin and 800 mgs of ibuprofen.  That should take care of things!

    beatmon - cure dude AND home grown tomatoes?!  Talk about excessive.  I'll take one of those dreams!

    I'm off to wander around the house fogetting what I'm doing.  Well, it passes the time.Tongue Out

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    The Buddy system is for me........

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited June 2013

    Saw this on Facebook. Perhaps we should print it up and hand it out. Sorry, don't know how to make it an active link. Hmmm, it seems to have done that when I posted.

    Glad to hear SAS is just taking a break. Wishing everyone a Wed filled with love.

    I'm having an argument with my foster cat. DH bought some beef cat food which she wouldn't touch. So we got her salmon and turkey (this one was expensive), which she ate happily before. So now she's turning her nose up at this also. I explained that she liked it before, we bought it special, and we're not serving anything else.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    I liked this paragraph...

    When you are talking to a person in a ring smaller than yours, someone closer to the center of the crisis, the goal is to help. Listening is often more helpful than talking. But if you're going to open your mouth, ask yourself if what you are about to say is likely to provide comfort and support. If it isn't, don't say it. Don't, for example, give advice. People who are suffering from trauma don't need advice. They need comfort and support. So say, "I'm sorry" or "This must really be hard for you" or "Can I bring you a pot roast?" Don't say, "You should hear what happened to me" or "Here's what I would do if I were you." And don't say, "This is really bringing me down."

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    So okay Veggy.... can I bring you a pot-roast?  Wink

    Yes, we all need breaks.... 

    And Princess....!  Tell me, what do you eat without your teeth?  DH is going in Wednesday morning to have most of them out....actually all of the top, and a few on the bottom.  Do you make a lot of fruit smoothies?  Do you make spaghetti and mash it, or use like Postine?  

    I can't help, because they put my upper plate right in, and I already had 8 on the bottom... so I could chew a little... Mashed spaghetti that night.  Any suggestions you guys?  xoxoxo

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    MIL is still in the hospital. She's giving the nurses a hard time... Banging on her tray and yelling for help. She's one of these fragile type ladies but very demanding. Anyway I just heard that when she had a CT scan done on her chest, they found a tumor. They haven't said what kind of tumor. I know tumors can't be good, maybe cancerous? What would they do for an 89 year old? I am sick and tired of all this cancer crap. I wish a day, no a week would go by, and I could forget about cancer. Everyday I see what it has taken away from me. I feel the long term effects of chemo. And I read what it is doing to my friends here. I wish it would all go away! Okay I'll shut up now.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Chevy - just don't give DH a smoothie made with frozen antioxident blend berries from Costco. I ate a whole bag bought in April -  several people in Hawaii get Hepatitis A from the pomegranates in the mix - came from Turkey/Egypt. Got a Hep A vaccination yesterday at Costco. Soft, finely minced foods are the best. You can even feed him chicken, fish and vegetables if you chop everything up into very small pieces. If you feed him red meat, cook it tender before mincing.

    Loved that article, Wren. Just precious - I cut and pasted it into my palliative care counseling file. Thank you. When you folks were helping me this past weekend, I feel like I got a pot roast with salad, rolls and dessert.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Wren I like that ink--Amd these cats are really finicky---the commercial is right--mine does not like any kind of fish??? And they can go on a hunger strike longer than we could. So Good Luck.

    Chevy--the usual soft food, or if u'r angry about something just peanuts will do.

    OH Shellshine.<3

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    So Has anyone here had a breast neuroma???

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    ChevyBoy - i am a Registered Dietitian and what your DH needs is called a mechanical soft diet.  I found 1 like after I Googled the subject so here it is.  If you also Google mechanical soft diet, you will find lots of resources.  The link I will paste here for you has lots of good milkshake recipes to keep your man well fed and ensure he has enough calories for healing.  BEST! _diet.pdf


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Cammi!  You BAD girl!  Ha, ha!  That was sooooooo funny!  Peanuts?  Yes, maybe even peanut-brittle?   Wink 

    Shells.... thanks little honey, I've seen that juice at Costco!  I think he will stick with either V8 juice, or bananas in something like either Apple or grape.   Minced food, or chopped sounds easy too.... And on top of that he is really a finicky eater.... Didn't used to be, but he just doesn't LIKE some of the things he used to eat!  

    Grammie.... I have never heard of that!  Why can't you have something simple that I can figure out?  Like a cold or something?  I had a Seroma...which is just a pocket filled with fluid, which usually gets absorbed into your body... 

    A Neuroma SOUNDS the same, but probably isn't....Wink  Anything else I could fix!

    Veggy!  My little Grandma raised hell where she was staying also....  Even used to whack the other ladies with her cane!  The staff mentioned this to me, and I just told her I would have to take her cane away, if she kept smacking the other old women...  Actually it didn't surprise me at all, because if she COULD have gotten away with it, she would have whacked almost everyone that got close to her!

     I'm sorry for what you both are going through....

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Gma, I looked that up last night after you mentioned it. I found a LOT on foot neuromas. How did you get that in your chest, hmmmmm? It sounds complicated and painful. I hope they can resolve it quickly for you

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Hi girls, Im here, just not posting, mainly lurking.Things around here have gone from bad to worse, aside from chemo hell,got my insurance papers in the mail today, and will have to pay another 3000 detuctable for this year even though Ive already paid 4500 detuctable this year, and my premium has gone up 100 a month. Dont know where thats going to come from...My moms house that we thought we had sold, is leaking badly, ruining new carpet and floors we put down, and we have to tear a retaining wall and front deck down to fix the problem, wont quit raining long enough to do any of it though.Wish I had something to laugh at....

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Chevy, I thought cami's peanut suggestion was amazing!

    My granny didn't whack people with her cane but she would come up behind someone in a wheelchair and hit the chair with her walker and yell "get out the way!". She also bullied other people in the dining room, taking their lunch money. No wait, that was me, but she made sure that nobody sat where she thought the shouldn't. We asked her to please not get expelled from the nursing home. It would go on her permanent record and she might not get accepted into the college of her choice.

    You can see where I get it. And it's on my permanent record.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Phylomedic---A foot thingy is just removed easily isn't it? I'm not sure actually but I have no idea what anything is in u'r breastes--and I'm glad I'm so concave it's actually funny but great stitching. hahaha

    Chevy the cane makes me laugh tho, I know I shouldn't but there's always a can in the crowds of old people and one has to use them.

    I might have said this before so just whatever. After my uncle died about 6 months later my dad was the only man left with my mom and 2 sister--so he was the limo driver and my one aunt wanted to go to the cematary so my dad drove the three of them--So she "visitied" her husb, and cried and then they went to my oher aunts husb, and just my mom and aunt went to his site, they had their backs to the car and after just a few minutes my one aunt was kneeling and my mom bending over her holding her and my aunt in the car said to my dad Oh poor Ann look how hard she's crying. And they made their way back to the car and went to get in and my aunt in the car said Oh I'm so sorry--but my aunt and mom were all wet and my aunt said what are u sorry about I really always wanted to piss on his grave and I never thought I'd do it, so now it's done. They werlaughing so hard they both peed all over and my Dad said I knew u wouln't be crying. So everyone has their own look at things.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Oh thank you Cam for the laugh of the day...

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited June 2013

    Boy, marywh, I'm glad Cam wrote that. I'm dying for you. That is crazy about the deductible. Where do they think people can come up with money like that? I am so sorry u are faced with that. Beatme

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Oh Beatme another new name! Love it. As far as the detuctable, that is our wonderful federal government at work. Also the fact when they take over the first of July, Everything I have done, has to be pre-approved...3 to 5 business days for pre-approval...

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited June 2013

    GMA, check out these two web sites: and  I hope these help you.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Mary, how awful! Sorry you have to deal with this when the truck already ran over you.

  • Mezzo75
    Mezzo75 Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2013

    Dear ChickaD,

    I hope you're pain is now under control and wonder what you're finally taking (if anything) for it. I too was taken off Cymbalta abruptly and had horrible withdrawals. I can't take Cymbalta any more because of hormone therapy w/ tamoxifen. Tried Effexor, but it doesn't control my pain the way cymbalta did. What is working for you? Thanks in advance for any help.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    Hi Miss Mezzo...currently taking Effexor, but only on it for 2 weeks...not really helping the pain like the really dont know yet.

    Now the bone pain with the Neulasta was they switched me to Neupogen...1st shot was fingers crossed.

    Back to sleep .....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Hi Mezzo!  Welcome to our little family here! 

    And Chickeroni, are you going alright?  Man, I think everyone is sleeping here....

    Marywhatisyurnameagain....  Yes, me thinks a whole TRAIN has fun over you~!    Man, what else can happen.  I don't think you will have to pay if you don't have it, right?  I mean my SIL was left with a million dollar bill after DH died.... But she didn't have to pay any of that....  Can you get help?  I mean I would call a Senior moderator, or someone that will fight on your behalf?  Can you get disability?  Or do I even have a clue about what I am thinking here?

    Geez Phyllisisniss....  Hope you are feeling better also....! 

    Yes, "Beatme".... good one!  Not that I'll remember, but it WAS funny!  Wink

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Mezzo75......Welcome to the Nuthouse.......

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Welcome Mezzo75!

    Mary - that totally sucks. What insurance is it? What happens if you pay $100 per month on your co-pays to your care providers? Who exactly provides your care - a hospital, health care program, clinic, physician, or combination? There must be a way to navigate through all this without having to pay such huge co-pays.

    Are you eligible for Medicare, yet?  I just went to the Medicare site - stage 4 BC qualifies for "compassionate allowance" eligibility for Social Security Disability payments. You can start receiving Medicare  after 24 months of Social Security. Some insurers combine your Medicare eligibility to make an "advantage" plan.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Hi mezzo--Welcome I am the same one here--heeping thing organized.

    MaryWTFaretheydoingThis deductible is insane--I wouldn't pay it that so much money just keep on going they will all get plenty of the money for all of the work they do. I know as of July 1 st more surprises too. Oh don't get me started on the government--REMEMER I worked for them and I'm fighting with them--Oh I feel so bad for u--This is all crap--u'r feeling like chit and they drop another chitload of stuff on u--then u'r told try and take the stress out of u'r life--Oh Yeah that'll work so simple to do--It's easier to keep the birds out of u'r trees. If u get the moneyu deduct as a bill from the hospital there might be some kind of social worker u can talk to about it.

    Hey chicki I type better with my fingers crossed for u.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Phgraham, google "breast neuroma" it seems to be pretty common after MX. I only had lumpectomy & radiation. But doc said now that most of the pain has lessened and I can pinpoint the pain, he can do something about it.