STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    I want Maggie Smith or Susan Sarandon because they each look so much like me! Haha, that's not why.


  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Oh  Miss PieladyGraghamCrackerCrustMetFree.....YAY  I just LOVE all this good news!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    You guys, this thread must be WORKING!  Congratulations miss Phillymetfree!  I'm so happy for all of you gals!  It just makes you sing inside!

    And I'm thinkin' of Bette Midler, or Janis Joplin...  It's the rebel in me.... Wink

    Cammi you have to be Angelina.... You must have big lips?  She's gorgeous....  You're getting ready for tomorrow?  For the liver-run?  Take a batch of chocolate  chip cookies so they will say nice things to you.  And Jack Daniels... for before the scans, or tests.

    I'm so sorry you hurt  Undecided....  My back hurt yesterday.... It must have been thinking of you, and wanted to join.  I finished pasting  the outdoor carpeting on our walkway out back Sunday... That bending over, and getting back up is much harder than say, 10 years ago!  And I touched up where DH SPRAYED paint on several things, and "accidently" sprayed the rest of the world along with it.

    Yes.... 'Our' book could be like the comedy of errors.... Ha!   Or something like "Okay, take THAT"  Or "What Cancer?"    You gals just amaze me with your attitudes.

    Yes Chickers...!  I love that picture!  Wonder why.....  Kiss  Oh now Cammi is going to say something infering that I like Chickens or something.  Good thing she can't post pictures, or I would be in trouble.

    Shells!  Yes, Michelle....  Weren't you married to what'shisname?  Whoever it was, he was rather tempting!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Chickers!  You're UP!  Morning!  How are you and little Coop?

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Well, got an early start this morning. Went to have more blood work done for thyroid. Get the results back tomorrow. Will probably start on thyroid meds trhen. She thinks the dizziness is caused by fluid in the eardrums and put me on a steriod nasal spray to try for awhile before they do anything else. Big relief there. just aggravating...Dd and I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that said "lifes to short to spend it riding around with ugly women". I wish you could have seen the guy driving must have wieghed 500 pounds and slapped on the head with an ugly stick himself.....

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Good morning you wonderful hoolies. Thanks for the happy dances!

    I'm at the chemo farm, about to get the juice! Well, maybe in a bit. My nurse just told me that my MO has to authorize and she is busy doing a bone marrow something on someone. It will be another hour before we start.

    I wonder what I can do for fun....maybe rearrange the cabinets in the chemo room? Go visit the other patients and pretend that I am a hospital official? Wander the halls looking in all the rooms? Go fiddle with the nurse's computer or fax machine? Fill gloves up with water? Draw on their whiteboards? Do an art project with the medical supplies on one of the sliding glass doors? Play with the chemo pump machine so the alarms go off?

    We'll see if I get expelled or arrested!

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited July 2013

    Yippee, Philly!!!!!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Philly, hope the chemo is kind to you today. If you want to mess with the nurses, mix the different glove sizes in the same box!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Juleee! Perfect idea. I can see you have experience in this area. I will do that down the hall where the old guy is sleeping from the benedryl. They will think he did it.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited July 2013

    WooHoo Phylograham.

    Hoping the chemo juice is kind to you today

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013

    Yea Phyiillisssssss

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Whatever everyone's taking I want some of thatCool.

    Mary, Question your son closely as to the w's on this thing. If he's upset now. This gal just is concerning to everyone. What does the word "account" mean. Is she spending money on this or is it free. My neighbors wife went through his entire retire account. Then he found out when the bill collectors started calling. She had wiped their bank account out. They divorced. He had to go back to work.

    On your dizziness thing. Google cauzes of dizziness. There's a bunch. Saying "I think it's fluid in the inner ear" doesn't cut it. She hasn't rulled out all the causes. Steroid nasal spray is still a steroid. Your going to get S.E.s. Please, check in with an ENT doc.  For me, when the dizziness started, I loved having the brain MRI b/c of the brain tumor. I didn't want to say anything while you were going through it. BUT it's  real nice to know that there's no tumor present YAY. After studing it, I found that people can go for years w/o a correct dx. Felt very lucky to have had a correct one within 48hrs of onset.

    OUR SHOW what would it been called? I'll be Judy Dench

    At party on Sun. This gal starts on the reason our hair turns gray is b/c we have done things to make our selves ill. That she's found a pill to reverse this. Said I was active on BCO thread and did she know what STFU was. Then said what she was talking about didn't exist and we get touchy when someone implies we did something to cause us to be ill So STFU. She kept on going. SO, I said SHUT THE FUCK UP. Kind of stopped all conversation. Hostess backed me up, we just moved on.

    PHYLLIWAITINGSOPATIENTLY: nurse manager screwed up. Go aheads for treatment should have been obtained before doc went in room. Poor managing and poor planning Hrmphh.

    Blondie, don't forget to ask for the pain med. :)

    Anyone using Fentanyl pain patches--don't use any heat source over the top of it . It can increase absorption. Overdoses have been reported. Most common heat source was a heating pad :)

     Need to swim before it rains:) be back

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    I agree sassypants. Now give me mischief ideas!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Dx 2007, Stage IV, 24/38 nodes, HER2+

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Dx 2007, Stage IV, 24/38 nodes, HER2+

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Dx 2007, Stage IV, 24/38 nodes, HER2+

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    My pics are all toooo big screwing up the screen--don't like that so now I'm aggrevated. OH whoa is me. I'll be back.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013


  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Ok here is the plan...I sleep when the puppy sleeps. ?. I was up so early this morning sounds good and the puppy decided to nap and I thought I better nap too...a few hours later here I am...again

    Miss you play Words With Friends?  If so PM me for my screen name and I will entertain you with my vast knowledge

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Miss Cam....when you put you paste the photo in look at the line with the dimensions that populates...I always reduce mine by half the number if its up around the 1,000's.that will keep it small

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Swim was lovely, no rain yet :)

    Julianna you little devil mixing up gloves ----LOL.

    Cami hope you get a dx soon. It sounds like you are pretty uncomfortable. HUGS

    Chickie we haven't had an update on the  historic surgery you had. Healing? No drains --how did that end up? Were you limited on shoulder movement. Forget was it a DEIP or a tram? What kind of things are they tracking i.e. do they put you through any special exam every so many weeks(that would be usual for a publication to validate outcome)? How many similar procedures is the doc going to do before he publishes? Please, ask your doc what his opinion of shoulder immobilizing after sx? Are they seeing less problems with LE? Is he doing BMX the same way?

    How's cooper? Love the pics. It's like cooper's everyone's baby :)

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Cami, love the

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Hi Miss Sassafrass.....sorry for not posting about surgery....I guess its becasuse I have not had any real complications (and dont even think how lucky i am).....except a bit of redness in the cancer was treated one time with antibiotics and cleared up immediately....I see the PS every couple weeks and he is truly amazed at my non-issues!  Cleveland Clinic/PS is still doing same  surgery and having great results...they believe a big part is the NO drain part which they believe  lets the patient heal faster and does not continue to aggravate the area.  Yippy I was truly lucky!

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Miss Sas...continued....I had no shoulder immobilization which was awesome because when I had a lumpectomy back in 1991 I got the frozen shoulder and it was so painful and so many months to work out ....I do not know when they will be publishing I believe sometime next year as he has over 100 patients using this surgery no special testing but I think it's because I am NOT symptomatic at all was the easiest part of my cancer road.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Cami when you click on the tree and put the photo url in there is a size box below it... if it says 1000 X 1000 change it to 400 x 400 (as an example) keep trying you will get it.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Chickie, when I had my BMX, I couldn't find any decent evidenced based recent studies on shoulder immobilization. SOOOO, 6am the morning after sx, I was doing full range of motion. From 12 o'clock position to 8-9 o'clock to the back. I did develop a seroma 5-6 days post op, but that was b/c the SNL drain was pulled early. There was evidence of skin infection. Seromas can either be aspirated or left to absorb over time. Mine took a year to absorb. I really think that shoulder immobilization is one of those things that researchers haven't done any recent look at. Some surgical things are still being done the same way for decades without any new consideration.

    Your sx is groundbreaking. The fact that he is doing so many before publishing is very significant. VERY. He is in uncharted waters in that he is NOT following the established mode of therapy. His numbers tell me, he is not going to allow the sx community to say that is work is a fluke. I am surprised though he doesn't have a list of items being documented. BUT BUT that can be being done, and you just aren't aware. ANYWAYS it's just awesome. Congratulations.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited July 2013

    Chickepuppie - have you tried wearing him out (I mean playing Laughing) b4 you are ready for nap/bed? The only problem is you might rev yourself up and he'd be sleeping. Just a thought. Sounds like a mahhvelous recovery from your surgery.

    Cami - hope you get some real answers tomorrow. Is one of your daughters going along for interpretation???

    I resize gifs by getting those little corner thingies to come up and pushing it in to reasonable size. But seems like you can't do that with animated ones. Just barely computer savvy.

    I think my chocolate neurotransmitter area is huge.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited July 2013

    Congratulations to all with good news! Sending healing thoughts to all.

    I want to be played by Whoopee Goldberg. Don't resemble her in any way but love her sass.

    Our foster cat kept us up last night sneezing. This morning, no sneeze at all. She's been on every antiB, head x-rayed, sinuses rinsed (she was out for this), cultured, and still no idea why she's sneezing. I'm still trying to get good photos to put her on Petfinder. She's black and long-haired, so difficult to photograph. I think we're just going to have to say she sneezes and it's not an infection. Can cats be allergic to themselves?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    GMA and Luv I really like those fnnies--I think I figured out the size thing maybe, I just like to find things to post to aggrevat Chevy anyway, cuz she thiks I can't-well not very good. But Thank u Maryuappreciateme.It's better than Chevymouth.

    Luv No one goes with me but for a reason from day one when I told my girls I had cancer the crying was rediculous and even if they drive me I have them drop me off--I go by myself always--I know it's best to have someone with u, but not if I'm the one who has to calm them down. Actually one ime one of my Drs. asked me to bring someone--so I did bring my niece (cuz she's a nursr) well when tears started coming and the Dr. holding my hand I said u 2 are so depressing no one is ever coming with me again anywhere and no one has. hahaha Altho I am a drama queen I filter certain things --just like now my DD wat me to go to the ER like 2x a day--she's driving me nuts. So I have to keep calm even when I don't feel that calm. LOL

    ChicaDgoodreaction--I'm so so glad it went well and u'r doing well--I know Sas knows about this whole thing, of course it's still a mystery to me but as long as it's all good that what I'm likin'. and it's like u have a baby--it's so cute.