STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited July 2013

    I know cats can be allergic - it would be awful for them to be allergic to themselves, though! 

    I want someone tall and thin to play me - then everyone from now on would think of me as tall and thin instead of the real short and well.... shall we say "plump" me.  Cool

    I don't get many comments anymore - but when I was first diagnosed (almost 3 years ago, now), I called my sister (we don't normally speak, but that's a different story) to let her know.  She let me know that SHE wasn't going to get BC, as she never drinks and exercises every day.  I encouraged her to get a breast MRI anyway.  She doesn't have it.  So that's good, but our mother, grandmother and aunt all had it, and they were all teetotalers who worked like horses, so somehow I think she has just lucked out and hopefully will continue to do so (I don't choose to talk to her, but sure wouldn't wish this @#$%^ on her). 

    At work I also got the "you've got to have a good attitude" line - as if that was going to "cure" me.  bah.  I was in a pretty foul and fairly self-centered mood for awhile - mostly now I think I'm back to my norm..  The people I appreciated the most were those who had experienced breast cancer themselves.  They just said to me, "call me if there's anything you want to talk about".  That, I liked.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Phylli!  You're such a brat!  We LOVE that kind of gal on here!  Go look for fun guys to play with!  Sit on their lap, and talk about the first thing that comes up!  

    Sass.... just wait for the rain.... then take off all your clothes and just DANCE in the rain!  Flail your arms about!  And sing!  See if anyone notices.

    No Sassy.... You can be Joan Crawford!  Do they have to be alive for us to do this?  

    Mary.... Did you flip him off?  I might have!   NO..... I WOULD have!

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Miss Sassafrass....... am SURE the questions, photos, etc the doc asked me are charting...but having no medical background I dont understsnd it...his PA is marvelous and love her..I think she knows just as much!

    Here is Tasha with new Cooper...everything is good in the household!   Tasha is definitely the new babysitter and official playmate...she is only 2 yrs old and loves to play...Sammy is 8 and seems to be the gatekeeper......and uyou ladies are correct...Cooper IS is

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Chicadoggielover--that's a perfect picture--I love it--And yes dog or cat they are the boss

    Well we all know that Chevcockadoodledo (shut up Chevy) her neightbor's chichens are her boss.

  • lezza13
    lezza13 Member Posts: 579
    edited July 2013

    luvmygoats  Thanks for the fine welcome. I've been on other boards before, mostly last year while going through treatment and all those surgeries. Now I am on Tami and and seven days post op from getting my impants removed. So I am happy and flat. 

    I do love this group and all of the crazy pictures.  I need the comic relief! I live NE of Ft Worth I believe.

    sass and marymary- Congrats! would love to do a happy dance for both of you. Good news is always wanted here and everywhere.

    juliaana- you never know about flowers and I meeting one day.  Not sure how that works.

  • lezza13
    lezza13 Member Posts: 579
    edited July 2013

    luvmygoats  Thanks for the fine welcome. I've been on other boards before, mostly last year while going through treatment and all the surgeries. Now I am on Tami and and seven days post op from getting my painfull impants removed. So I am happy and flat. 

    I do love this group and all of the crazy pictures.  I need the comic relief! I live NE of Ft Worth I believe.

    sass and marymary- Congrats! would love to do a happy dance for both of you. Good news is always wanted here and everywhere.

    juliaana- you never know about flowers and I meeting one day.  Not sure how that works.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited July 2013

    When I think of our crew and who should portray them the only I get a clear picture for is Cami s Goldie Hawn in Laugh In.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Lezza, I believe if we put our minds to it- we could all meet one day! Glad you found us and decided to stay. We've been known to scare folks away. Don't mean to-just our unique sense of humor.

    I'm having a busy day caring for my GD. Hope I have enough energy to do it again tomorrow.

    Wishes all a good day.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    It is so nice to hear good news from all.

    2 more days with the grandkids then have to take GD back to daddy. He has her one more week the has to send her home to mommy. I gave him 3 days of my 2 weeks, so he has more time with her.

    I will be heading home after dropping GD off alone. Pray I make the trip safely.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013


    Always praying for safe travels for all the hooligans!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    I love the hooleyhappiness we are experiencing!

    Welcome Leeza - this is a wonderful place to hang out and be yourself with total acceptance, especially if you don't mind getting teased. If Chevy starts calling you a loose woman or we change your name around with pet nicknames - it's a sign of deep affection.

    Wren, my precious dog, Olivia, has a condition called "Chronic Lymphoplasmacytic Rhinitis." She sneezes and has a lot of mucousy nasal discharge. We've spent so much money on surgeries and drugs, but in the end just need to live with it and treat it the best we can. She supposedly had "kennel cough" when we got her at the Humane the time we had her diagnosed she was already a part of our family. She is such a pretty, happy critter. I hope your kitty has something less serious. Make sure she goes to a rich family if she doesn't (rich in money and love)! 

    Sas - I am SO proud of you for your STFU moment. You go girl!..... (oh crap, maybe I shouldn't egg her on, hoolies, could be dangerous).

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    I'm back! Keep losing the connection. Chicklet, I would love to play W w/Friends but I might have to cruelly and forcefully dismantle the wireless system due to 'roid rage.

    So, I may take Chevron' s advice and go find a lap to sit on. I'm hooked up to the juice now so I will have to offer the lap owner some of it. It's okay though, I have plenty! I can start with " Hi handsome! I see you like beautiful bald women. Would you like to see my.......port?"

    On my way!

    P.s. I let the nurse know how I COULD have entertained myself. She thanked me for my restraint. She also asked me if I got the ideas from the TV show Scrubs. Told her nope, me and my friends thought 'em up! Tonight I'll watch Scrubs for new ideas.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Thinking of you Phyllia 💛

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Wessa welcome  ;).

    ChevyyyyyyyyI couldn't be Joan Crawford--good lord "Mommie Dearest" with the one eyebrow. No Judy Dench, she's always bossing the guys around no matter what role she plays. With a highball in her hand. I like her best in 007Bond movies. OR I would love to be Mryna Loy. So, Coquetish and absolutely a MAHvElouS commediene. Think Thin Man series.

    Saw ENT doc JP at 3pm today(Tues). Waiting 4 months for new ultrasound. If node grows any, out it comes. At this point he's talking only left lobe. So, we will see how right lobe behaves. He's happy with the wording related to nonmalignant status. Phrasing on these reports is everything. It as if they have hidden messages, you need to know the code. He was happy with the code, and is happy with the pathologist. So, I trust him and am willing to wait.

     Need to check out the Fairies :)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013
    Our little Phyllia!  Hugs and kisses to you girl! 


    And Cammihasapicture!  WOW!  Not that's it's big or anything!  But very good Miss Cammi!  Oh wait!  Yes, someone said you are Goldie Hawn!  YES!  Perfect....  I liked her in "Overboard".... Along with...was that Kurt Russell?  Smart girl!  


    Oh Wren.... Our dog Chevy, had allergies all over the place.... I mean he sneezed all the time, and stuff went everywhere!  I tried everything they told me to do, but the sneezes just drove us nuts.  Didn't seem to bother him in the least, but man, it was like I had to run after him with a mop.... And cleaning cloths, etc.  We had him for 14 years though, and loved him every second.....  What is..... IS.


    Yes Shells.... same with Chevy....  But he was worth all the cleaning up.


    "Chevymouth" .... That was funny Cammi Ha!  You KNOW I'm only teasing you right?   Cam.... My DH waits somewhere else, when I go for those tests...etc.  And DD goes sometimes and waits while I get Mammogram's.... I'd rather not have them around either.... until I get myself settled down after bad news.   It hurts them so much when something is wrong.


    I went to visit the "girls" Cammi!  I went over because Kelli called this morning, saying Jake, their 12 year old dog had died last night....  Even I cried.   Nick came back from work, and took him to this place where he will be cremated.....   But the chickens were out in their yard.... I took them over some corn off the cob, which they devoured in a flash.


    Hi Gardengumby!   Yes.... tall & thin.... something I know nothing about, Ha! 

    Your Sister is just not thinking straight.... Like denial!  But it just makes you feel like you must have done something wrong.... and that's wrong of her to do that.....   We can go smack her around it you would like?  Smack her back into reality.

    Yes, we're always here.... if you just want to talk... Sometimes we even make sense.....


    Lezza!  See gals, it's Lezza!  Lezza, don't pay any attention to them.  We usually screw up a name anyway, but I'm trying to behave because you are "new" here.... like Gardengumby.    You SOUND like you are doing alright?  Hope you can tolerate the Tamoxifen alright.... 


    Thinking of you Grammie!  Be careful!


    Hi Shells!   Okay, so when can I make them new names....  YOU guys keep calling her Leeza....  So did YOU make her a new name?  


    Yes Phylliflirt!  Yes....!  You go raise hell there....  Drive them all nuts! 


    Okay Sass.... You can be Judy D.  I don't know who she is, but if you say so......  I know Myrna Loy!  Be her!   Glad you trust those guys.....

    Yes, come over here, and we'll go find some fairies! 






  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Shells Thanks, I felt it was the right message to send LOL:)

    Sent a message to APRIL, I don't have her phone # .........

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Leezette, Leezalooloo (LLL for short), Leezalillypad, Leezzie, Leezapaloosa - I better work on this.....

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited July 2013

    Chevy - thanks - instead of smacking I just ignore, ignore, ignore.  Works wonders.  I think much of the issue might be me.  I've worked around mostly men for - well - ever.  As a result???  or maybe something else... I seem to have issues with women in my family - mother, aunts, sister, daughters....  I get along/got along fine with Dad, uncles, husband, son...  I dunno.

    Thanks for welcoming me.  :)  I like this group, as insanity and I are closely united.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    OK Gumby, the onslaught of new names are now allowed. You accepted hoolie's or hooligans, or hooliganism.

    Chevy, sorry about the dog. I hate in when anyone loses a pet it soooooo sad.      The story about your Chevy and the baby were precious.  I found something for your fairy garden. May seem strange at first, but wait until it's nestled in . Try to take an evening pic.

    Shells I already called leesa weesa, or something close.

    Cami have you still got your gallbladder?

    Phillyreadsomuch-----too many new books, come out and play---hey your on roids. Can you read on roids? I couldn't,  flying was the only thing I could fit in.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited July 2013

    Yay Mary and excited for the two of you....

    Phyllie that is excited for you no mets and chemo is almost do you feel today.

    Went to the lung specialist and he is confused as to why I can't breathe, so now on friday I have to do a swallow test with barium and an echocardiogram he wants to rule out a heart issue....chemo can cause problems with the heart, WTF, a new oxygen tank, hopefully I won't break this one, lol

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited July 2013

    Oh phyllo graham you cracker me up, I am so happy for you I have tears of joy! BE

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    I'm in the hospital. They think I have a clot in my lung. I was in so much pain. Now I'm on morphine and I don't care.


  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013


    So sorry to hear.  Morphine is good when you are in pain.  Sending prayers and best wishes your way.


  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013


    You must have read my mind.  So, Camiwithpain, do you still have your gallbladder?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013

    Veggy! OhMyDog!!!!!!!

    Feel better!!!!!!!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Veggie, WTF! We leave you alone for a minute and look what happens! I'm glad the morphine helps! Please keep us updated, you little veggie scamp. Feel better FAST!


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited July 2013

    Oh Veggy. You got good drugs. Morphine is good for cardiac and lung circulation. Keeping you in my prayers.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Veggyyyyyyy  Chit! Huggs, no dancing. Will do that when you get out.  Sassy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Guys my GB came out when I was done with rads. gone

    WTF is Veggy doing> Blondie?  al the lung stuff---where did it come from, why is it happening, damn I don't like any of this

    Welcome Leeza--I hope u stay with us we do have good days and Chevymadwoman is acting so polite and nice for u= U should be honored.

    PhylostealanotherstoryfromTV--no no we have to be original--Oh yes I have been mistaken for Goldie Hawn for man years now (right)

    Gmabecareful---U'd better drive safely and stop and rest sometimes so u feel better.

    Chevy I do feel sad when a pet dies ==whoever he belongs to. It's so sad. And Chevy u don't know who Judy Dench is cuz u'r too busy watching what--u'r DH. Geeze

    Well my GS polished my toenails tonight with 2 colors--every other one--I could care less what colors he uses it's done.Remember he's colored blind. 

    Oh I was going to get my results from my scan today when I went to PT, but they didn't want me because of this stupid lump on my liver but tomorrow I will get it---I doubt if I'm going to get any answers tomorrow cuz I'll probably have to go to yet another Dr.while my ribs are being pushed upt o my throat. LOL

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Oh veggy, Im so sorry.Hope you get some answers soon. Hugs to you...