STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2013

    Thanks Camilegal, Illinoislady and you others that have offered me advice. This guy is not only a Christian but he is also a minister.  I've decided to meet him this weekend in a quiet setting and discuss my BC and reconstruction process with him.  We have gotten very close through email, texts and phone calls.  We laugh and joke about all kinds of things, our families, our day to day life, our jobs and really enjoy talking to each other often sometimes up to 5 times a day.  When my vacation ends this weekend and I am home--I will chose to meet him somewhere we can talk quietly.   As one of you ladies said--it will be a litmus test.  If he decide he cannot handle it--then its better for me to know where I stand to cut my loses before I get to emotionally involved.   I truly believe that he will stick around but will let you guys know what happens.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Dwilliorwon'ti, sounds like you have a solid plan. Best wishes. Enjoy the last of your vacation.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OK Dwilli--the ball is in u'r court (CHEVY) now proceed with caution. I do know someone that met on line a few months ago and she is having a great time, she's older and so is he--but they do so much together with both families and all and she's very happy. So I'm not against this at all, but I think u just have to be careful that's all. So promis us that and u have out blessing and enjoy the rest of u'r vacation.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Dwilli ca sa ra sa ra or is it cascara?

    Cami check in asap.


    You too Blondie. Make sure your O2 concentrator isn't near any chemicals that it can suck up fumes. I know the concentrator came after the breathing difficulty, but it can happen. I had to call Hazmat one night.

    Have someone check your airfilter to the return air duct. Do you change it monthly?  Is their mold inside or outside of the house? You may not even be aware of it. Have someone check the furnace?  Do you have a carbon monoxide detector? Have some one look at the coils on the AC unit. Is there standing moldy water near the AC unit outside. Gas or electric house? Have the gas lines checked.  Are you in a house  or apartment.? Is the land flat or bowed?

    Shooting blanks here just trying to think of stuff that the pulmonologist might not think of cuz he's in an office, not your environment. Each question has a storey, I'll spare you.


    Veggy zoning out. May be a decent nights sleep. Think Pancakes in the morning.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Vegette - I'm so sorry you have been admitted to the hospital but glad you are having morphine for the pain. Have you had a confirmed diagnosis of pulmonary emolism? Have they started you on heparin? 

    Please take very good care of yourself and let us know how you are doing.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    I always get the worst roommates! Her tv is on constantly and she's coughing. I cannot sleep. Morphine is not working.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Veggina, ask for ear plugs or a paintball gun.

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited July 2013

    Veggy: turn our heads for one minute and u end up in the big house! Maybe they can give u an ankle bracelet like our girle Phylle and send u home with your own ms. Really, pulmonary embolus is nothing to kid around about. Hospital only place to be. Be good in there! BE

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Veggy if the roomate is infectious, you have the right to ask for a different room. Play the immunocomprimised card. Morhine not working? Certain questions relate to heart. Other questions relate to lung. Is your pain constant(H) or intermittent(H angina or L next question)? OR does it change with breathing(L)? Where is it located(Front , back, sides)? Does it radiate-- meaning does it go anywhere(jaw, neck, arms,elbows)? Besides looking at lung stuff they should have minimumly done an EKG and Troponins on admission and by protocol an EKG this morning and a total of three days. Troponins should still being done by protocol. IF they haven't done them, ask why not. Anything in the chest should have heart ruled out. Historically there is discrimination against women and heart problems. Easy question -ask them what your troponin levels are this morning. They are run for so many hours after admission. How much O2 are you on . You should be on minimum 2 liters. Did they try a nitro on admission? Besides heparin in the hospital did they give you and aspirin on admission or in the ambulance?

    Sometimes they only do one ekg and one set of troponins on admission. But your presentation warrants continuation of heart evaluation.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Veggy, ask the nurse to enforce rules re: TV. There should be earplugs for the lady to use. Rules for semiprivate rooms are different than privates.

    Hey BON nice to see tou here--Good pic LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Hey Bon coming back to the crazy house? About time and with pics too.

    Wow Veggie do u understand everyhing the girls are telling u--pay attention and ask or tell the Drs. nurses everyone. How u feel---I thought if there was another room available u can aske to be moved for any reason u wanted.-Try it. I'm sorry Veggie what's going on. This is crap

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013
    Morning gals!  What happened?  I turn around, and you guys are dropping like flies! 


    We lost LEZZA!  I think it's because we can't get her name straight! 

    But we gained another Hooligan!  Garden Gumby...(Hello!) and Bon!

    Hope you guys hang around awhile! 

    We LOVE new gals, that don't know what we are talking about, and stay and have fun!


    I mean Sass and Shells and a few others do, but for the most part, the rest of us girls just want to have fun.... We need THEM to straighten us out, and to give us good advice!


    Veggie.... That's AWful!  I'm so sorry!  How long before they can spring you, and you can get out of there!  Are they treating you with blood-thinners?  Is that what they do? 

    It WOULD be nice to have an ankle monitor to help you guys with breathing problems!  Something that would alert you when you are not "working" right!


    Beatmon... That was funny.... the "big-house"!    Take care Veggie...


    Phylli!  You little rascal!  She CAN'T use a paintball gun.... can she?  Is that the deed you did to wind up with the ankle monitor?   Maybe a stun-gun would be better...!  Something that don't make noise.

    Veggie..... Just go find an empty room and go back to bed.  The hell with them.  Tell them you just can't take it anymore! 


    And then Blondiewhocan'tbreathe!  Yikes!   That is just the WORST when no-one can figure out WHY something is wrong!   And how did you break your oxygen-tank?  Did you throw it at someone?  I think I would throw it at who-ever can't figure this out!

    You know, it COULD be your heart....!   Glad you are maybe finding out what is going on.... hopefully!


    Sassafrass!  Thank you for thinking of me....  I WILL take a picture.... and I will love it forever!   But "it" isn't here yet..... so I will wait.

    I could even move some of "their" furniture to fit it in,  I sprinkle it everyday to  help the new grass-seed grow!   AND because it does have those 6 little plants.... They are succulents.... kind of like Cacti.


    Hi Littlegoats and Juliaanna!  See?  I got YOUR name right...Ha! 


    Cammi!  I'll go with you.... if just only in your pocket!  I will make sure "they" don't hurt you....   We will show them your newly decorated toe-nails, and beg for mercy.   We'll tell them "we have issues" and maybe we won't have to wait long.   The "lump" is probably something you swallowed wrong, and went down around your liver. 

    That's what my Grandma would say.   Have you tried Castor-oil?  I think that was the cure for everything.....  And  you saying that they are going to push it up to your throat?  SEE? 


    Okay Dwilli....  You will have a wonderful time with this guy.... probably.  Just remember we will be here to hear the latest details of this "meeting."   Take a stun-gun just in case he gets "fresh"..... Man, how long has it been since we heard THAT one!    

    Now if that were me or Cammi....... oh never mind.
  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Oh veggy ear plugs? That has always been my worst nightmare!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    I am hurting this morning 2 days at dizzy castle is way too much for grandma but the kids loved it. I hope I typed this correctly becauseci don't have glasses on. So what's my nee name Chevy? Lol.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited July 2013

    Veggy........hospitals and Doctors are not perfect, but I'm sure they are doing everything to find your have enough to worry about without having to 2nd guess your far as the roommate goes that can be difficult.....I'm a fighter, but sometimes our complaints can't be the time they are your discharged....

    Take care girlfriend...will pray for you....hugs

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited July 2013

    Hey veggy - I've had pulmonary embolisms (blood clots in my lungs) twice now.  The first time hurt BAD (it was one fairly large clot), the second time didn't hurt at all, but could NOT breathe (it was bunches of itty bitty clots).  I bet they've got you on heparin drip to thin that blood down.  So sorry the morphine isn't working for you. Yes, another gift from BC - the gift that just keeps on givin'.  And you'll probably get to add warfarin to your medicine chest once you get out of there.  I also had fragmin shots for a week after the heparin.  Those are EXPENSIVE shots, so I hope you've got good insurance.  For 5 days worth WITH insurance I think it was $100.  That was in 2011, though, so you never know what's happened in the meantime....

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited July 2013

    Veggy........stay in the moment.....don't think ahead......focus on getting better and only getting better........remember what we have been told about stress......just get better, and don't worry about shit that may not have enough on your plate......hugs

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Oh Miss Veggy.....I am worried about you......please get sprung!

    Ok Hoolies..I am at chemo with Cooper dog! Yay...everyone loves him....nice distraction. I THINK this is my last big chemo. ?.keep your fingers crossed...after today just Herceptin for a year and I start radiation soon...more scared of that!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Chickie, hope this is your last big chemo day. Glad Cooper is keeping you company.

    Veggie, hope today is better for you and you can get some sleep.

    Cami, hope they find out what is the problem

    Greetings to all the other hooligans!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Chicad-dog u get to take u'r furbab to chemo--How nice and this better be te last one--and don't worry about rads A piece of cake--(chocolate, double fudge)

    Oh Phylogunrunner---how long does it take u to clean a gun--u must have timed u'rself by now--?

    Chevy I tend to use my hands alot when I talk (Italian) so if I hit u it was totally be accident.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited July 2013

    Chick.....38 rad's not scary......of course everyone is different, but the worst thing I got was fatigue about 2 weeks after I finished.......a little pinkish....kind of like sunburn, but used Aloe 99% pure, Aquaphor lotion, salve or cream, also emu oil........

    The biggest pain is going everyday.........the hardest thing was the prep....positioning for your mapping and that was staying in one position for a while...but that is done once in the beginning......,,,,your gonna do will hear and read "horror" stories...I did......but ignored the bad ones, and focused on the uplifting ones.....

    There are good threads out there about is what I did.....on my first Rad day I purchased $1.00 scratch -off lottery tickets 38 of them, (all the same kind, was advised that was the best way by the store clerk).....and each day when I came home from Rads would scratch one the end I won $ 93.00.........and had fun to boot..........Good Luck......

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Chicki.... The girls are right.... If you have gone through chemo, without pulling all your hair out after what's left, you can DO radiation.  Being tired was probably the worst.   Ducky had some really good points...... Of course that Pilot was with her, so that took care of the boredom.Wink

    That's IT!!!!  Ask if you can bring a buddy..... but I think not.

    Ah geez Cammi!  Another Italian.... that's right!  You and Flowers..... I KNOW all about you gals.... I mean men..... guess they are different.  You know Italians can't marry Italians....  they would simply kill each other..... Wink  Two people under the same roof, of the Italian persuasion, just do not get along for more than 10 min. at a time.... unless you are in bed.....  eating.... spaghetti. 

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Hi Miss Duck...LOVE the scratch off thing...totally gonna do that...

    But..bad Onc just added 2 more cycles of chemo and put off rads...ugh AND the chemo nurse had a fit about Cooper...and sent Caitie home with him...I have Service Dog papers for disappointed right now.....every single nurse and my Onc were gaga over Cooper and so happy I brought him...ugh

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited July 2013

    Actually I had "Mark" my blue-eyed honey that greeted me that first day......near shit.....said to my on......"oh boy", "we'll maybe he is just the one taking me back"...,,,,wrong ........when we got to the radiation room there were 2 ladies there......thought.....phew, thank God, he will be leaving........wrong again........he said......"ok Genevieve, take off your robe, and get on the table" that I answered ......."OK! HONEY, IF YOU CAN HANDLE THIS, SO CAN I"..............broke the ice, everyone roared, and it was business as usual........he was the same age as my grandsons........adorable, and told him.......TODAY I FELL IN LOVE AGAIN.....the day I was done and "rang the bell" Mark said with glassy eyes........I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU, YOU MADE MY JOB FUN........he made my Rad days something to look forward to..........

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited July 2013

    Chickie, so sorry you're having such a disappointing day.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    Slept all morning. Roommate has her tv on low. The nurses outside my door are loud.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    veggy, just woke up (again) if their hanging their hat on your D dimer--d-dim's are positive in the presense of a blood clot, surgical wounds, wounds(your chest). So a dimer in your case would /could be a false positive. What does the ring CT say. If the CT is negative with ddimer positive, ask them if they considered the wound on your chest? Ddimer measures activity of fibrin.  The words you used at first post was "they think I have a blood clot in the lung". Damn I will be pushy---are they checking your heart out.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Ducky 2nd guessing medical care or at least asking the right questions saves lives. One of the bigger problems in the country is that women with heart complaints are misdx'd, ignored, managed wrong. Google it. Actually the problem was identified as a problem about 10-12 years ago.  AND I wouldn't hang my hat on them making the connenction between her wound and a positive d-dimer.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited July 2013

    Veggy glad you to some rest..........relax Sweetie, and let the Pro's handle this......I am sure they are looking at everything........having confidence in your Doctors, (while still being your own advocate), is so important.......yes they put their pants on one leg at a time like we do, but they have the Medical Degree, we don't........always ask questions, no matter what.....but you have to "love" you Doctor's, not like........"love"........and confide in them..........mine were wonderful.......hugs

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    ducky - LOVE the lottery ticket idea!  I will try that with my rads in September. 

    chicklet - I agree with ducky and others about rads.  My first time around, I read what I could and concentrated on the good stuff, but still had a feeling of dread in my stomach.  Have to say though, that it was unfounded. I had to take a nap every afternoon, but I might have done that anyway!  I had very minimal pinkness and did not even have to lotion it up more often than usual.  I was very lazy about that.  After my rads appt, I would go have lunch with whatever friends or former coworkers that might be available on a particular day.  Got to eat lots of great food that isn't available here in the wilds of Nebraska.

    Chevy - gee, that approach doesn't work with DH anymore???  Spaghetti in bed?  Why the hell NOT?

    Beatley - you are so sweet!  I feel a little crumbly today - got the shakes a bit.  HOWEVER, I feel good and have energy!  Must be the combo of decadron and fentanyl.  I've done more around the house this morning than in the past week.  I even took 10 minutes to sit on the porch and watch the kids in the park across the street.

    I have an MRI this afternon of my right hip/groin area where I've been having a lot of pain with this chemo.  I'm almost positive they will tell me it's old age.  I had my port accessed on Monday for labs and left it accessed for chemo yesterday and again for the MRI contrast today.  I do NOT like sleeping with a needle thingy taped into my chest.  I can get it out this afternoon.  YIPPEE!

    I want Maggie Smith or Susan  Sarandon to play me in our movie because Maggie has a tounge like a sword.  She can tilt her head a little and smile and cut them off at the knees.  Susan because I think she's great and men love her!  When I was a a young thing in my 20's I used to tell people that when I grew up I wanted to be a character.  I think it's happened and both those ladies can do that.  Hahahahahah, plus they both look better than me.

    blondiedear, cammi and vegetating - I hope your pain is better today.  PAIN Sucks!

    I had some very fun and insightful stuff to say to Wren, cammi, and others but.....gone now!

    I watched "Michael" with John Travolta and Andie McDowell again last night.  Love that movie.  I was laughing and sniffling through the whole thing.  It's just a nice movie with some standout scenes.  "My, my, I love pie".

    Here is what my niece had to say on my FB page that I updated yesterday and is just one of the many reasons I LOVE that girl!  "Go gettem' girl! You tell that cancer to suck it!!!"