STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Oh Chev, I remeber those days...but my kids were really little so I had to stay around, or drive them around in the car all night. Im sorry...No words of wisdom from me...and you've heard it all anyway...hugs to you.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning my lubricated friends--Sas knew excatly what it is used for and u all can use u'r imagination for a sexual act. all I did was give the info--I;s sure they didn;t use ham lube before but not it's Kosher,

    And yea bacon grease is good to fry potatoes in. Years ago did u'r moms save grease in the fridge from frying sausage and then use that for certain food. Everyone had a container of grease. LOL

    Oh the party was wonderful the fireworks last a good 45 minutets and we were within the size of a football fiend were the boats were and we were on the porch and alot were at the lake so closer. As litterally heart punding that it was it's like lokking and feeling of a beautiful celebration of life. Fantastic and soooo much food and desserts naturally too much. and of course I'm going to brag Joey had all the ladies charmed--he kept on checking on me and kissing me each time and wanted to get my food and I told him to relax and enjoy himself and he and my cousin made hot chocolate right before the firewirks nd made a cup especially for me and brought it to me then some other people wanted some and it was delisious--The actually made it on the stove so it was kind of oldfashiony. One of my Gf's was cracking up at everthing he was saying (not in front of him) and Joey can't believe how old everyone is cuz they really look good --unfortunately the last hr, my pain was getting worse by the time we left I wanted to screm my sister gave me some pain meds and my once cousin got me to the care, i could barely walk--I didn't feel funny with my friends cuz they know, but other people I felt stupid with everyone asking what was wrong and my cousin Joanne just said it's so complicated. Which means STFU so everone let it go.  My GF drak a bottle of wine so she was looped all the way home==funny but it was cold I had a jacket on and a blanket around me, most od the old women did hahaha00So that was my afternoon and night got home close to midnite.I was tired, Joey too. My GF's and i are going out to dinner Monday night  so we can gossp about people at the party too. Another GF is in from FL. so we'll meet her.So I'm going on and on cuz i go out he least and it was worth everybit of pain I had,Today I can barely move--Good thing I don't have a DH or he's want to talk or do something--I'm in the house for the day.

    I hope everyone is feeling a bit better and enjoy Sunday too. No work for most and a day for Thanksgiving,

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited July 2013

    Just checking in to say hi......and especially glad that i don't have to feel bad about not keeping up here.  Chevy, a million hugs dear friend.  As Olivia Dukakis would say...." you know I love you more than I love my luggage ". 


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Chevy,Why don't you do what Shells did. It straightened him up. There's no reason you should leave. But if H was put out. Had to fend for himself. Be in a shelter. What would happen. Do you think he would get it? Would it matter to him.? Would an intervention with the kids involved work? Their eyes aren't closed to the situation. Sorry this is happening XOXO sassy

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited July 2013

    Morning beautiful ladies... Feeling pretty good a little nervous my first day of radiation is on Monday. Austin is feeling better, poor baby those teeth are getting the best of him some days. I am so blessed I don't know what I would have done without him! Austin is my life line,he really keeps me positive and moving forward.

    Blondie, phgraham, and chickaD praying you feel better. Chemo sucks so bad!!! You all are amazing!!! You can do it!!!

    Mostlymom you crack me up... Neutered ;) glad your pathology was clear!!! Doing the happy dance.

    Wanted to ask everyone's opinion on a sensitive situation. My husbands parents are wonderful they watch Austin while I am at work one day a week and then I work on the weekend one day. So we were all eating dinner and my husband asked them if they would be willing to watch Austin twice a week so I could pick up an additional shift. They said they could once a month (which doesn't really help). Then proposed we use daycare. So I tried to explain after I get through treatment we would definitely be looking at that. However while I am still going through treatment that is not an option. I felt so upset I felt like I was begging for help. Which for me it is hard to do anyways. I felt like geeez we have enough on our plate WTF.... Trying to help pay some of these medical bills down. Sorry long story but they are retired I am not asking them to do this for years just while we are struggling and I am going through treatment. Am I asking too much? Then when I was really mad about the situation I thought if I died tomorrow would they even help there own son and grandson??

    Sweet Pea

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Sweetpee, I'm sorry that this is so hard with your inlaws. Maybe they're being buttheads but maybe there's a reason they can't or won't help more, that they haven't shared. And maybe they won't share because of your situation, if theirs is a health problem.

    You asked politely and they offered what they can do. Maybe it's a good thing that you could have the conversation. And after all, they are helping. Do you have a plan B? Other than sending him to me, I mean. :)

    Sheesh, who woke up my Pollyanna nerve today?!

    Or, they might be buttheads! Let me know if you want me and some of my prison buds to work on them.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Miss SweetPea....ugh on inlaws....I totatally get t

    he struggling thing....been without paycheck since March and money is getting really so hard to ask for help and then when you do sometimes you get shot great advice..just a lot of understanding and hugs♥

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh sweet pea I'm sorry u feel so bad and something doesn't seem right. I mean they have helped so there might be a reason cuz why woudn't they?? I hate to with Phyloankletlady but maybe u should have a heart to hear talk or maybe u'r DH sould do it--After all this is their grandson and normally gradparents love a couple of time a week to be with them. Try to see if there is an answer, try to wait to feel bad until u get a whole story. I would personaly.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Sweet Pea, that is such a difficult position to be in for you. When my daughter went back to work full time, We helped her out by paying for that extra day at daycare for her. Maybe your dh could ask them about that? After all it is only temporary. Another thought would be to check into your local social services. I know nc has a program that helps struggling parents with the cost of daycare, maybe that would be an option?

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    I have written three times to comfort those reeling from chemo, financial worries, idiot husband, pain and fatigue..... and everything I wrote felt like platitudes. 

    SP: Get through radiation and don't worry about the bills. Make a plan for getting back in financial shape after treatment and be at peace with it. Yes, I know, it's hard watching the bills rack up, but let it go and get the important work done first. Your baby's first years will speed by so fast - enjoy your blessings during this challenging time. Many years from now I want you to be able to look back and say "I have no regrets with how I lived my life."

    Chevy - I'm PMing you. 

    Phylly, Chickie, and Blondie, rooting you on - weather the chemo and get your mojo back.

    Mary, please let us know how your painful lump is.

    Cammi - you are an inspiration.



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Thank you little Shells.... I answered..... But WTH is/are platitudes?   

    And thanks Mary.....  Seems like everything gets better with time.... right?  Just give it a day..... along with a few choice words, and it helps.  A prayer here and there also does wonders....

    Sweet Pea.....  I remember so well watching my Grand-sons....  I LOVED it!  But you know, sometimes, SOME people only watch kids when they "have" to!  They have that feeling that the kids are good, but it's better when they go home.  I used to go pick up "my boys" from the Sitters, after work, or I would get them on my days off, because I only worked part time.... But you and I are different....  Some Grandparents are just that in name, and don't want the bother.   I remember they used to cry when Mom and Dad would pick them up.... 

    Just figure something out.... You can't change them.... and you can't make them feel like they "should.".....   Just "know" that they are not like you.  My MIL never took my girls when they were little even to a park!  Or for a walk, or even just to lunch!   But they loved her just the same. 

    So it's just you that feels bad..... and I understand.

    Thinking of you Phyllidink, Sass and Chickers! xoxoxoox

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Sweetpea though Phyllythinksyourdiabeticasinsweetpee, all have given you real pearls of information to work with. Cami's "try to wait to feel bad until u get a whole story"(wish I had that as a mantra my whole life!). I agree with all. Have your husband talk with them. If your there it will change the dynamic. When DH & Parents talk, it may get a little warm ah.. heated. You don't need to see/hear/and I recommend you never talk of it. Dh can forgive what may be said with his parents b/c we just do that. You though would have greater trouble forgiving & forgetting.  If you don't talk of what negatives were said, it won't gnaw at you.

    Have him practice counter responses with you, of all the different possibilities that they could come up with for not helping. This will allow him to control the conversation when they talk. It will keep them on topic. It will also allow him to not get emotional. Think of it as preparing for going into court.

    A real possibility is they are overwhelmed by the one day. That will be the thoughest to get by. But as you say IT is not for ever. If you can work it out with your boss that you are NOT on two consecutive days that might help. It would give them a day to rest. Before DH has the TALK, check with your boss on the feasibility of this.

    Gently reminding them that in the future the tables will be turned and they will need help. Aging is inevitable. Everyday they are getting older. Adult children are the biggest source of care for elder parents. There needs may be for a couple of decades. You are asking for X weeks. The phrase for a couple of decades has been the "Sandwich Generation". Adult children taking care of their children and their parents.

    Call when you or DH has time to go through with me, the web site has so much to offer. It IS NOT easy to nagivate. Should take about twenty to thirty minutes.

    Check with Church, your hospitals Foundation(they all have one), BC organization in your county, your social worker/case manager through your cancer center and insurance company. Also, check re: money resources  with each.  Our social worker gave us a phone number of an Foundation that only covered two counties. We each got 2000.00$. This foundation designated that the money could only be used for nonmedical stuff. Duh , we paid county taxes, utilities, groceries all kinds of stuff. This type of foundation may not be known b/c of limited scope of area. That's why it's so important to talk to a local social worker. covers more national organization and foundations.

    Suggest you read through Cami's/Phylly's/Mary's responses a few times. I picked up more pearls with each reading and it caused me to think of more stuff too. L&H&P's sassy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Cami, I'm going out to dinner, I will work on your thing after dinner. It will be done tonight for sure. :)L&H&P's sassy

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013


    Batten down your house and stay safe!!!!!!!

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Why? Have I missed something?

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Sweet Pea,Im like Sas and the more I think about it the more I have to say.When Dd had just seperated from her husband, I kept Jordan 1 day aweek, Dh was home most of the time, but for 2 middle aged, or maybe older grandparents to keep a baby is exhausting. When DD went back to work full time I knew I couldnt do it. I was still feeling good at that point and hadnt found my reccurrance yet.Thats when I offered to pay for the day at daycare. Now, at 3 its even tougher, I can only handle him a few hours at a time.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Thanks Spookiesmom.

    Tropical Storm Flossie was downgraded from a hurricane, it's mainly expected to affect the Big Island. Here it will be wind gusts to 40 - 50 MPH not a problem but I should probably get off my butt and clean up outside a little. I bought about 4 gallons of drinking water and we have a gas stove. Our main problem is the power going out, so if you don't hear from me it means our internet is down. I've  got an iPhone, but I'm glad you got me to thinking about this Smom - we need to fill up our gas tanks and charge up our phones, batteries and laptops.

    It is so sunny and beautiful - hard to believe it will be storming tomorrow night!! 

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Oh I didnt know there was a storm. 50 miles an hour is enough for me..Ive been through 1 hurricane and never want to do that again. That was Hugo in 89 that came up through Charlotte, nobody really thought would come here so we were all so unprepared...scary stuff, Ive hated storms ever since...

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    I edited my last post Mary.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    I was thinking about Oahu all day today..Dh and I were there 4 years ago. Its my favorite place in the world. I love the North Shore. We rented a car and just drove around the whole time, kind of stayed away from the touristy places, although we did stay in Waikiki, but down near the zoo where it wasnt quite so crazy. We only went out at night. It was beautiful at night, and the shopping-dont even get me started...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Okay Cami it' been sent to you.  L&H&P's sassy

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2013

    My week is not going well.  Yesterday, while in the shower, I felt a sore lump toward the back of my left underarm.  First thing I thought is now I am going to lose my left breast, too -- I am not even finished with the reconstruction of the right breast,yet.   So, I went to my family practicioner the same day.  She said the lump is too far back to be in the lymph node.  She measured it and gave me an ointment that I am to apply.  She said to give it a couple days to see if it goes away.  Well I see my oncologist next week--I sure will let him know.   Pretty down tonight--summer is almost over and I start back teaching in two weeks--I hope.   Just down--tired of being a cancer patient--just tired of everything.  I know there are others on this site that have it much  worse than I do--I apologize if i sound like a wimp- but all I can do is live my life. Sometimes my life sucks!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013


    You don't sound wimpy to me.  No matter how "simple" or "complex" the cancer diagnosis is, at some point and sometimes frequently, it just sucks.  I hope the ointment helps your lump.  

    You know you are welcome here to unload.  We won't judge, just support.

    Was it this weekend you were meeting with your guy or next?

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited July 2013

    Shea-Lynn,is Irish..........just a name my grandaughter liked.

    Grayson has use of all limbs very bright......she is doing very well..physical therapy 3 days a week for the past 11/2 years....aqua therapy is also done......everything is good, but she can't and alone........he had a severely weakened "core muscles" in her thorax area...he also has problems sitting up, but has made tremendous progress. Just so sad, cause this did not have to happen....

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Next time you are here, Mary, we need to have a huuliegirl get-together.

    I just love hearing from you Duckie. Grayson sounds like she is very loved by her family, especially her grandmother. It's good to hear that she is so bright and can use all four extremities. Little ones have such a tremendous capacity to grow and develop.  I'm praying that she knocks everyone's socks off with her progress. 

    If you hear me quacking like a Ducky tomorrow its because Flossie is expected to drench our area with a foot of rain. We live in one of the wettest, if not the wettest part of Oahu, actually have a major stream going through the bottom of our property, so we will likely fall asleep tomorrow night to the sound of roaring water (We love it - the roaring stream, not the heavy rain).

    Dwills and Mary - it's only natural to feel worry & distress at the appearance of those  D$%MN lumps after what you  both are going through, but it sounds like both of your docs are on it, and they aren't too worried. Thinking of both of you.  

    Chevette - a platitude is a shallow or insipid statement that someone makes when they should STFU. 

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Shells, stay safe.

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited July 2013

    Dwill I am right there with you I am sick of being a cancer pt!!! My whole world has been flipped up side down. I am sorry I wish I could take this awful disease away from us all. Please vent, cry, scream, laugh, or whatever you need to do we are here. I love you holligans you mean the world to me xoxo

    I wanted to thank everyone for your ideas and suggestions. I know it will all work out. I am going to read them a couple of times to help myself out. I guess I am just reacting to them not being willing to help. My mil and pil are so active skiing/biking/yoga you name it they do it in perfect health. They have been so lucky to have never had anything happen to them. My mom is a RN and still works full time and my dad is a pharmacist in the OR. Any time I have a situation my mom always steps in and try's to help or helps me brainstorm ideas. I mean if anyone would be to tired or exhausted would be my mom. But no she said she could help without question. I just feel bad asking anyone. I mean what would happen if I wasn't here would it just be a bother to my mil and fil. I agree I am going to let Tim handle this one. I Definitely do not want to get involved and forever resentful or angry.

    Healing hugs and prayers,

    Sweet Pea

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Sweet pea, hope everything goes okay with your treatment tomorrow.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning Hollies---

    Chick, chick ChickaD---U posted Hoollies on another post being silly hahaha---I dod't think it was for them hahaha

    I just vegged yesterday.

    Dwill don't EVER apologize for how u feel and expressing it--that why we're here==we all get sick and tired of Drs and the fun stuff they find and what to do. We are u'r cheerleaders, even thos most of our bones would craxk if we could jump up and cheer but verbally we can. So we're here. And on a better note what's going on with a date with this new man?? We want to know.

    Sweet pea like we said just let u'r DH handle it so u'r not involved and believe me someway this will work out, u'll see. I'm a worry about it tomorrow type of person aand I drive everyone nuts but things aren't going to change in one day usually so when u figure everything out and u will, u'll have less stress.

    I'm going out to dinner tonite with my GFs tonite, I kind of don't feel like it, but I'm going.

    I've got lots of Dr. work to do this week--as u all know--to get my misplaced organs back where they are supposed to be, such a silly thing to organize but I have a grip on it so I'm forging ahead with gusto and  gusta, (2 Spanish friends of mine)  Shut up Chevy. Anyway I'll keep u up on details as they come in LOL

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    I just love you gals! 

    Dwilliinthedumps.....  (that was funny Juliaanna!!!..)  Little honey, don't ever apologize for saying anything here!  If you found something, that IS important!  Oh just wait until you get older!  I find "things" all over me all the time!  My Doctor calls them Barnacles!  Because she had a Sailor patient.... shut up Cammi.... that told her that's what those things are.

    Mine don't hurt.... so I'm glad you went in.   We'll be here when you find out.... okay?

    She's the same Doc that told me to treat my plugged ears like allergies..... and take Claritin, do the rinses, and wait a month.   I knew it wasn't THAT, but I did it anyway....  Found out it was permanent nerve damage in my ears....  But hearing aids help me out! 

    So there's always an answer.... usually everything can be "fixed"....  Saying a prayer for you!

    I'll be back later..... xoxoxoxo