STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Chevy that's perfect on the anesthesia link----Yay chevy!

     Cami, the link in chevy's last post is perfect. After finding where the surgeon does surgery ask for a referral for an "anesthesia consultation for problems with anestesia" If possible get records from old charts through the med records departments of the hospital you had surgery at. If unavailable. Write a short synopsis of each anesthesia and what the problem was. This should get it done:)----

    Shells another gardner . We could start a nursery. so, that's spookie, gumby, littlegoats chevy and you :)

    Gumby consumer reports has recommended Reli-on as it's best buy for years. It has the innards of Omron that has the best technology in the industry.... with a walmart price:)

    Ckickie---so happy no neulasta. Keep those numbers up YAY. Where is and what is Cooper up too?

    Foley hope today is a better day.

    Everything has degrees. My Docs called me Dr. S....... With respect, a smile, and always listened to what I had to say. But when I'd go to them with whatever. I went prepared with a problem and solutions. They could trust when I identified a patient condition change. If I needed to advocate for change, I would. Whatever was called for. But I was the only one on three floors called dr. S and it wasn't done derisively in any way. I figuired they must talk nurses at the meetings. Never strayed outside of practice, but was hell(nicely) on wheels if a patient of mine needed something. Also, the resource nurse, not by designate, but by trust from the other nurses. Probably sounds boastful, but very nice memories to be trusted that much.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited July 2013

    Never had problems with anesthesia......then for a pre-op evaluation I had to be put under....had a consultation prior to, however this was a"new " hospital for me, not the one I always had surgeries in.......after the surgery, they had a difficult time waking me up....I felt horrible for nearly 1 week after, like a truck ran over me......called the Dept head, and informed them of this.....the anestatist called me on the phone......could not explain what went the actual arm surgery I went to the hospital I usually go to, and asked for the anesthesia records of previous surgeries........I got them and took them to the hospital where my surgery was being done, and said........"THIS WORKS.....NEVER HAD A PROBLEM WITH THIS ANESTHESIA....... I WANT THIS FOR SURGERY......they had no problem with it......

    Bottomline.......right after surgery I woke up immediately, no problems, and funny thing the same staff was in recovery, and said to me.....".HEY, LOOK AT YOU! WIDE AWAKE".......",LAST WEEK WE COULDN'T GET YOU UP, AND KEEP YOU UP" again I are your own advocate...........

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Good morning!  I just typed a whole long witty, funny and relevant post.....and it's GONE!  You'll just have to trust me that it was good!  hahahahahah!  That's probably a bad idea.  I will try to be patient and type another one.

    LittleGoats and Shellyfish - thank you for the compliments.  You're very kind.

    Foley - The photos of you and the grandkids are great!  Made my heart happy.  But very sorry to hear about your friend.  BTW, my MRI technician on Wedsnesday complimented me on the scarf you made and wondered where I found it.  I told her that it wasn't found, that a wonderful woman made it especially for my beautiful blue eyes.

    blondie - hope you get to have some fun today!

    veggy - so glad you're home.  I hope they fixed what was broken!

    Littlegoats - I bet the candied ginger will be GOOD!  I'll try it too.  I make a cheesecake with dark chocolate and candied ginger. So in the tea should be delicious!

    Yesterday was a crap day.  Score one for the Evil Ixempra.  She may win a few battles but I will win the war! (Just curious, how many people anthrpomorphize their chemo drugs?  I hope it's not only me.) Feeling better today but really tired.  Oh and my mouth tastes like a dirty ditch smells.  Ick.  The only thing that's making it better is salty tortilla chips.  How many of those can I eat before I explode?

    And you, Dr SmartAssSassyPants - I have not been reading.  I've been whining and moaning.  Not the same thing at all!

    I'm sure that I would be a FANTASTIC gardener except that I'm forgetful and I hate those wormy, crawly things that you sometimes find on plants. I'm pretty okay if it has an exoskeleton, but those invertabrate things creep me out.  It's hard to accept that at 61 yrs of age, I still can't touch a worm, but that's the hand I've been dealt.  I am truly glad and appreciative of those of you that can grow things that are so beautiful.

    Well, I'm chemo +3 so I think it's time for another nap!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited July 2013

    Count me in on the gardening. My squash are almost ready to harvest and I have green beans growing rapidly. Tomatoes are mostly still green. We've gotten a few red from the patio tomato. We're still getting edible pod peas and eat them raw. Our little city lot is pretty much a jungle with all sorts of things blooming or finishing their show. And DH is a wild tree planter: 2 apple, 1 pear, 1 pear-apple, 2 quince, a corkscrew filbert (doesn't have nuts), regular dogwood, weeping dogwood, red twig dogwood, and katsura. We already had 2 ENORMOUS poplars.

    We had the little green lizards in Houston and the spiky ones in Okla.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited July 2013

    I simply cannot BELIEVE what great memories you folks all have.  I write something and remember maybe like 1 person, completely forgetting about others and then am simply embarassed about my idiocy.

    Anyway, luvmygoats - glad that femara is treating you relatively well.  It has totally destroyed my memory and if I don't take supplements, and stay AWAY from wheat I am in pain.  Plus I've lost a bunch of hair - but enough griping, I'm still alive, haven't had a recurrence and no mets.  So I figure I'm far in the plus column.

    Ducky - so glad I didn't offend, as I really didn't want to.  I can be a fairly opinionated person and know that sometimes my opinions are the opposite of others.  Just want to say that I am fully aware that my opinion is just that, an opinion.  Just 'cuz it's mine doesn't make it right Innocent  I mean I might think so, but I'm quite certain that I've been completely and utterly wrong more than once in my life!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Veggy enjoy your fluffy recliner and think pancakes:)

    Blondie it sounds like a wonderful afternoon, and you sound good too:)

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Crap crap crap... Thanks Sas - I went to see the sleep doc/neurologist - She says it is time to go back to my pain management doc.. My apnea isn't what is keeping me awake at night - its the pain.. She says that she works only with the sleep part of neurology - not the pain.. Everything she would suggest are things on my can't take list.. I might have to be creative.. She also said that the DC stimulator is questionable and would have to find more research on it.. 

    I have Relay for Life survivors walk tonight.. I know I'm cancer-free at the moment but sure don't think of myself as a survivor with all the SE's from treatment.. Anyway - maybe I will feel up as the day goes on..

    Guess if I just look at all the new pictures of the grandkids, I would feel better :) - actually this one makes me laugh - my friends doggy getting to know my GD

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited July 2013

    Garden.......I have been wrong a lot more then to my 6 grown children ....most of the time......then again what do they

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited July 2013

    aww kids - whadda they know!!! Laughing  (except of course when WE were kids - then kids knew WAY more than adults....  )

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited July 2013

    Garden....did you see I called you kids are right....I do need serious

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited July 2013

    Hey - everyone calls me GG....  Laughing  I've even started calling myself GG - 

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited July 2013

    Love it Gma!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Littlegoats!  That was so funny!  When I first read your post I thought you said "Chickensnot!!!"  Ha, ha!   Yes....!  She's feeling better.  About TIME!


    I don't remember any problems I had in a hospital.... Probably been 30 years since I stayed over-night with a hysterectomy and a bladder tie-up.....  And with BC, I was out the same day....  ALL of the staff I saw were great....  And even with my Parents.... I never noticed anything wrong in a San Francisco Hospital. 


    Oh wait!  Some stupid Doc, came to see my Husband after being just admitted with this TERRIBLE pain in his groin.... Couldn't even walk!  This guy said "Looks like cancer to me.!"  I almost died. 


    But then this Priest poked his head in the room, and asked if we would like for him to pray with us.... And of course, this was about our lowest time....  After he finished, and made the sign of the cross, a nurse came in the room, and said "All of your tests show there is no malignancy!"  I just sobbed.     Guess that's all I have to say....  Later found out after MORE tests, that the pain was from Epiditimitis....  An infection in the epiditimus tube ....  (Guys have these) 


    Sorry about your little Granddaughter Ducky.... I remember you talking about this....  How old is she now? 


    Spookie.... My Daughter meant EVERYthing grows in Florida, just like in a Petrie-dish! 


    Mainly because of the humidity, the temps, etc.  One time we were walking in a park, and a HUGE gecko ran in front of us, and my youngest Grandson said "Now Grams!  That's what you call a good bug gone bad!"  Ha!  I was USED to those tiny ones, but man, this one was almost big enough to put a leash on him!


    Sass, in a way I'm like you.... We just can't rest unless we can try and FIX something....  Like when I used to work, if I got a question about Beer, or the family, I couldn't rest until I found the right answer. 


    Oh Phylliknowitall!  So good to see you up and making sense!   So what again, is an "exoskeleton"  ????  Is that a real word, or did you must make that up?  And "Invertabrate"  WTH is that?   Do I have THOSE in my garden too?  I think not.... where the hell did you come up with THAT one?  From your books? 

    And what is "anthropomorphize"  ????

    I am completely lost.  As usual!  I am almost 15 years older than you, and I don't know those words.... at least in THAT context. 


    Go take a nap, and wake up and try this again....  (Love you little Philly!)


    Little Garden.... don't feel any type of idiocy.... Is THAT a word?  Where did you guys come up with these?

    Don't feel bad about having opinions..... I have them too, but they don't mean anything.... usually.....  (hardly ever.)

    Never admit to being wrong....  just maybe "wayword."

    So Ducky just named you DD???  I kind of liked Little Garden....


    What is Gumby for anyway?  Is that like what  those little green stretchable "dolls" they used to have when my girls were little
  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Chevy & littlegoats--yep it looks like chickensnot when read fast. Very funny. Shellshiner will shake her head. Yes chevy always trying to fix something. Now if I could just get the toilet OFF the pool deck and back in the bathroom I would be a happy lady

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited July 2013

    No was GG........funny that is what my Great-granddaughters

    Call me....GG...

    Grayson is 28 months old...she now has a new cousin......Grayson's Aunt, (her Mom's twin), just had a baby girl.....named Shea-Lynn........

    Grayson is coming along....she can now crawl using both arms, and can sit up for a little while by herself.......she stands with the help of a device she got from Shriner's Hospital.....we have the backing of Pediatric physicians from Children's Hospital in Philly, and Children's Hospital in Boston, that this Dr caused her disability from the Foot presentation at birth......she has a Brachial Plexus injury, and a partially severed spinal cord....

    He is done.......not to mention all my Dr's are at the hospital he delivers at.......I have never been one known to keep my mouth heart is broke for her.......she is so sweet, beautiful, and mentally sharp as a tack......her twin tries try hard to help her, and make her feel part of everything......a 5 minute decision to not do the right thing, changed her life.....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Okay, I remember now.....  It just breaks MY heart too.....  I don't know what I would do, if something like that happened to one of my family....

    But she is "sharp"  ?? Thank God for little miracles I guess...   And her twin will take care of her all of their lives!   My oldest Daughter "takes care" of my youngest Daughter also.... I mean by just being close to her, always calling and texting, and paying for her trips to go see her....   They are just 2 1/2 years apart.... but have always been "close."

    I didn't have a "Sister".... except for all you guys! 

    But knowing all of you, the little bit I do, it is like "family" to me.....

    Sass!  WHAT did you do now?  How did the toilet get on the pool deck?  Or should I ask?  You know what?  Our neighbors across the alley are using their old toilet for ...... get this...... a PLANTER!  Good Lord that is the ugliest thing I ever saw!  You completely miss the flowers, just looking at the toilet!   Is THAT what you are thinking of doing?

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited July 2013

    Oh my, I try to read those and catch anything inappropriate but I did not see chicken snot. No disrespect intended for our sweet ChickaD. Embarassed. Use left and right arrows to navigate.

    Oh Ducky, my heart breaks as well for your great granddaughter. I bet as sisters they will always be close. Smarts will go some to make up for the paralysis. Love her name. Glad you have excellent resources for her.

    Chevy - you mean something like this?

    or a trio though I think the aqua one is classy - minus the tank it might be passable.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Just poppin in to say Hi==I'll be back later--I'm so exhausted today. So I've been really resting/

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Hi littlegoats!  It is just the bowl part...  Like the ones in the bottom pic....(no pun intended) Wink  Are those yours?  I didn't really mean anything, except, man, those things are butt ugly.... (no pun intended)....   The Aqua one IS a little better, but STILL! 

    I know they use old porcelain bathtubs as planters, but even those are not what you would say beautiful.... Or even standing upright, and then they put them in a corner of their yard with like the Virgin Mary in it....   I guess it's called re-purposing....Wink

    Here's another idea!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited July 2013

    No, not mine. Just googled them. DH would have a hissy fit if I did that though I think I've seen ones on the curb for free. Ick!

    Oh I can see the bathtub planted. Heck, they plant in old boots. The bra idea is cute but again where would you hang it. I have a metal teapot that would hold just one little plant. Gosh making me want to plant something. Someone save me.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Yes, I googled bathtub planters also!  Some are really pretty!

    I have some baskets also.... maybe we could get an idea from here...

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Ok - you people are certifiable lunatics. Period.


    Now Duckie, don't go getting your panties in a twist cause I said hospitals are germy, noisy, unhealthy places to hang out in. They're great if you need care you can't get at home like surgery, but you should get the heck out of them as soon as you can because you heal better at home.

    OK - I have been running around all week, getting my unemployment payments tidied up, taking care of errands, driving my 83 year old dad to the beach and staying with him while he swims, going to Jazzercise, having a nice lunch for the staff at the Pediatric Clinic, and now I am being laaaaazzzzyyyy oh it feels so good. It's 12:35 pm and I'm still in my nightgown. I have a long "To Do" list of all the things I have been putting off for the past year, so I need to get off the darn laptop, put away my novel and get going on that list!!

    P.S. DH has been so sweet - I am loving the peaceful, loving home we have again. DS is an angel, taking a summer course entitled "World Regional Geography (Physical / Cultural)," and he is studying in the same room as DH and I are in right now.  Every 20 minutes he introduces an intriguing insight for discussion. Ahhhh, be still my happy heart.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited July 2013

    Your right Shell.......noisy yes, and I always managed to get a room right next to the nurses station.......thank God for big heavy closed hospital doors .............germy, sure, healthy people don't go there......unhealthy yep as long as there are sick people staying there......but what choice do we you look for the best hospitals, Doctors, you can find, and open your mouth........if you can't, make sure you have an advocate who your kids........mine are popularity contests for us........but who cares.....

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Hi all my crazy friends...Chickensnot too funny...

    Day at hospital for heart tests...I think I have a little CHF going on per the MUGA...we will see in a few days.

    My Cooper is glued to my side reading your posts right now with me....he loves all of you...just like me!

    So tired..... 2 days post Chemo #4 and relatively ok this far...just exhausted....

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Just checking in.  Back from the hospital. Surgery went fine.  All my nurses and aides were folks I worked with-not saying I got special treatment but.... I'm rocking a Madonna bra look.  PS is such a good guy-had to redraw the left side because it wasn't symmetrical, in his eyes.  I love a grown man that has a box of colored markers that he takes everywhere!  Thanks for your support.  None of my blood family could be there with me, but I knew I had a pocket full of chosen family.

    I appreciate gardeners and the fruits of their labors.  I gave up when I couldn't get zucchini to grow!!  We have plenty of wild blackberries in the backyard. I pick the fruit then cut down the branches.  They only bear fruit for one year.  Delicious on cereal or in a dish with ice cream!  And I know they haven't been sprayed with anything unhealthy.

    Chevy, Exoskeleton- bony structure on the outside of the body.  Invertebrates-critters that don't have a spinal column.  (Learned this from my DH who is a marine biologist.  He also belongs to the society of herpetologists and ichthyologists (snakes and fishes).)


  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Yay Miss well my friend!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Ducky I've been thinking about your little Grayson. Is her brain, vision and hearing okay? It sounds like she is making some devleopmental gains. What parts of her body are affected by the spinal cord injury? Can she move her legs at all? This summer in the pediatric clinic I was amazed at how far little ones with injuries or birth disabilities can develop with time. Thank Goodness for Shriners, they are a wonderful organization.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Julia happy dance, new nips. They may seem a bit too perky once there uncovered , but they will settle down in a couple of weeks. I rarely wear a bra. Only certain fabrics show the outline of the nipple. Usually it's interlocking knit fabrics. For me the bonus was they used the skin from under the arm. The skin that is often done cosmetically for contouring. So, it was a two for two. Nips and flaps.

    Chickenotsnot we will have a giggle with our made up words for awhile. But it does raise a questions --do chickens have snot b/c they peck in dirt? Not a interesting enough search topic. Hugs to Cooper our baby. Sorry about the heart thing. Are they going to do the last two chemo's? DH was down to 20% ejection fraction way before CA was in the picture. He was put on Coreg and came back up to a 50 % EF. At least you are at the premiere heart center in the world. Cleveland CLinic. WHOOP on that. Just couldn't dream of being in a better place.

    Hmmmm we could have some real fun with lots of mistakes in our words. (Shells stop shaking your head and giggling)

    Shells it all sounds so delightful. I remember there were about two weeks in 1988 like that. Has DH started to talk about things yet?  Delightful to have DS home. Mine has plans to come home for three weeks in a row. I won't know what to do seeing him that much :)

    Ducky so sorry about Grayson..........congrats on Shea-Lynn. Shea 's an usuaul name , please, share origin:)

    Ccami hope you feel better and aren't up all night.

    Chevy, the leaking tub from Jan 7th. The tub enclosure is in. DDBF did the wall painting. Just as you described how bad your DH was at painting so is the DB. Paint over everything. Why he didn't cover the toilet--WHO KNOWS. The only way to get all the paint off was to take it outside. AND there it sits in the middle of the pool enclosure. With my luck once it gets back on the plastic thingy. The pipe will probably have to have the plumber to do something b/c it hasn't been flushed in about 3 weeks. Going to have to hire a contractor to complete the job. OH well. But definitely , no dinner parties in the forseeable future.

    Loved all the pics of commodes and bra's and Chevy's link on earthy stuff.

    Lots and lots of gardeners, that makes me happy for some reason :)


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Ducky it is SO nice just to see u'r name here.

    Julia, u'r home? Are u in pain or hurt or what and u'r still covered so u can't see them--I don't really know much about this but U sound good. But rest cus u need to.

    Well I see that the new talk is gardening well I really don't know much about that but I'll pay attention  (right) so I can learn --especially growing flowers in a pink bra--sounds like a plan-Oh a really great plan, a plan of action and growth and happiness--Ugh I'm going to puke, but it's better than those little peckers (Shut up Chevy)

    Chevy I read that article well u know I have no idea what I actually read, but my brother called and said No Dr. would do this type of operation unless I was out because my organs would shut down, or something like that. So lottsa talking about this with Drs.

    ChickaDstilchemoing I hope u'r doing all right --One more right????

    Sasafrass u've been a busy little beaver lately--U need some rest. Did u know they are now making Kosher Lube? Just a bit of news for everyone.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited July 2013

    Cami, what is Kosher Lube? Is it for kosher cars?