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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited September 2013

    Sorry to hear about all the troubles with rain/floods over there, we have been through it twice in the last few years, by that I mean my town.

    I had scans about two weeks ago and, as I was laying on the cat plank, the tech asked me if I had an implant.

    After being told, 'no it is a prosthetic,' he asked me to take it out as the rays couldn't see through them.

    He took it to a chair while the scan was on and remarked, 'Hmm, they're realistic aren't they?"  This was a foob

    inside a purpose-made cover that he must have given a real good feel up as he walked away. First time I've been fondled that far from my body.

    This is the first time I have ever been asked to take it out when not having to take all my clothes off and wear one of their gowns.

    Maybe after losing a lot of weight, I can no longer hide the higher peak when lying flat on my back.


    image alt="" />image alt="" />

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Sheila, he sounds like he enjoyed that a little to much, Hmmmm u never know.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited September 2013

    Welcome, AussieSheila.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Oh Aussie Sheila I talked to u without welcoming u, Thanks Julie---I think u'r like it here, we're all serious about the disease but seem to go off track sometimes, and it's good. Hope u come back often.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013
    Ah geez, HI Aussie Sheila!  I'm so happy you dropped by!  I remember reading you somewhere, but then lost track of you!   How have you been doing?

    We're not ALL actually crazy here, but sometimes we resemble that infurrence... 

    THAT was funny, how you described your technician and your foob!  Ha, ha!  He probably got a "kick" out of that!  Too bad YOU  couldn't feel it, with it being across the room like that!  Was it one of those guys I posted?   Anyway... glad to see you here...  Yes, if you can figure out how to lose a lot of weight, just let me know! 


    CAMMI!  Now you are going to make A.Sheila think we are a bunch of wild and crazy gals.... Okay, we are... but that technician guy sounds fun to me... And you will get used to the lack of spell-check with our Cammi...  We couldn't understand a word she said, if she used it!  


    Morning Shells and Mostlymom!  We need Pick-me-ups now and then.


    My DDlittleone is going to Orlando tomorrow...  So it's THAT hot there now?  And the humidity is 92?  Are you sure you are not sitting in a pool Spookie?     I know you guys get used to it, but man, it's hard for me to be out IN it when it is 92 degrees HOT here, and that's no humidity! 


    Shells, I just don't think these guys understand what you are going through, and just want you to go get "it fixed."   It makes them feel even more helpless...  see?  I said that with a mere smile on my face.


    Mary, yes... flooding so bad!  Will take MONTHS for those folks to get things cleaned up...  not counting the ones who lost everything.  A lot of those little mountain towns have older people, who don't have a lot ANYway, and then to lose it all!   Hope your Uncle will be alright!


    CAMMI, Oh geez, I say this holding my breath!  You are going to get an ankle monitor for SURE this time!   You know when I lost my hearing, with Tamoxifen?...... and I sent letters to EVERYone?  I never heard a word back!   Not a single "I'm sorry, what can we do?"  Or "Oh crap, didn't THINK of THAT SE."  or even "okay, we will include that on the warning label."  Maybe I didn't raise enough hell....  I hope you can get some help....  Just let me know....  I will be the go-to guy in the pits for you!  Ha, ha!    What directions?  Oh YOU and my Husband.... You guys don't know what directions ARE.


    Okay Di  ...  You and Phylligoingtoshow50shadesathingortwo!  I will post you more guys...  more pics.  I seriously don't think any guy cares if breasts are real, fake, foobs, crochet, silicone or kleenex.  They love breasts of any shape or form.   I MEAN!  We could tape a picture of breasts on our chests, and they would be happy. 


    Chabba...  You make me laugh!  Yes, we would ALL like back-up, ha!   I'm surprised more men don't get implants themselves.... just for the hell of it, and oh well, you know what I mean.


    Wren, I didn't notice that !  No, I think they are called Pecs on a guy...  Yes, pectoral muscles.... I remember that from somewhere.... Probably from the years of studying human anatomy...  and reading 50 Shades, Phyllidink!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    Okay, wake up gals.....

    hot firemen photo: hot Firemen.jpg

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited September 2013

    God where are they from? I'd be having chest pains everyday since the fire men are always the first to show up. Our firemen here are good old boys who volunteer after their jobs at the factory or down on the farm....

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited September 2013

    thanks peeps, got a new lung guy who I love, he drained the fluid himself....the pain is back where the abcess was so have to get an ultra sound..week off from chemo yay!!!  A friend of mine has stage 4 and now has oxy so going to visit her lurking.

    so happy that everyone is doing welll

    and hope the interview goes welll!!!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,288
    edited September 2013

    Too, Two funny about what the firemen when say upon viewing different 'chests'......

    Cammi....we are having cool weather down this way.  Maybe rain later on.  Thought there could be some last night but never managed to make it.  I'm still woring on weight loss....doing ok.  I cheat though and weigh in the weigh less in the tends to inspire me to continue even though I know by nightfall I'll have gained a pound or pound and a half.  As long as I'm aware.....and if that what it takes to keep me going -- so be it. 


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2013

    Yes Chevy, it's THAT hot, and will be for at least another 6-7 weeks. It's hotter in the central parts of Fl, like Orlando. At least I'm a block in from the Gulf, makes it a bit cooler. I've been here 30 years, still not used to it. Now the Arimidex hot flashes make it worse.

    Gee, thanks Shellshine!

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited September 2013

    Summer is over, over, over here is Seattle.  As anyone who watched Sunday night football knows, the rains have started up.  The 10 day forecast shows 1 day above 67, and all the rest in the low 60's with showers.  I'm ready to take off for sunny climes...

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited September 2013

    Holy crap chevy!  I almost swallowed my tongue.  I'll take two of those please.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited September 2013

    Blondie, so glad you found someone you like and trust.  Hope you can enjoy your week off!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited September 2013

    Lilli, your correct weight is NAB (naked after bathroom) first thing in the morning. Just ask the women on Wednesday Weigh In.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,288
    edited September 2013

    Oh I'm legal, I'm legal.  I'll never let that nutritionist push me around again.


  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited September 2013

    Thanks for the picture. Needed it. Up most of the night and then slept in!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Hi everyone----I measured my energy level from 1-10--mine is -72, so I'm floopy again.

    Blondie I'm happy u finally have a Dr, that will help you. U've been going thru this way to long.

    I still have to see the Dr. today and have to take a shower, I like to give the illusion that I have good hygeine, beside all they do is feel us up all over the place. I have more women Drs. than men now soit's very dull for me.Anyway my belly is so big they have a hard time maneuvering around it. Give me a break I have 3 hernias--(shut up Chevy) I'm sure most of it isn't about hernias but I just like to think it is.

    Phyloankle does it hurt much having that bracelet, cuz I have a feeling I'll really have one soon and they'll take away my computer too.

    I'm watching a very important movie right now--Robocroc---I'd list it as a scientific one.Now I sound smart.So today I have hygeine, intellegence and floopyness going for me. (shit up Chevy) at least I don't feed chickens and steel their eggs and eat them.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    Cammi, you are a riot!  Read your post again.... or maybe not.    How do you measure your energy level?   Geez, I hate when you are floopy, otherwise known as dropsy.    IS there such a movie as "robocroc"???  I think it may have been mis-spelled?   Spell-check, otherwise known as  corrector fluid for our brain, or maybe mistakemanagement, or even spellitrightdamnit!    OMG!  I looked it up!  There IS a movie called Robocroc!  Who knew?  Evidently our miss-informed CAMMI did!   ( that could also mean mis-informed, as in ME!)   All that first came up is Croc shoes...Ha, ha! 

    When I sent my DD that first firemen picture, she wrote back....  "Oh!  I feel a hot-flash comin' on." Wink

    I'll try and find some more eye candy....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    Well I tried, but my computer caught on fire, and I had to call the Fire Department..... Be back tomorrow!

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited September 2013

    FrownOh Cammi my energy level is the pits too. For the first time I really feel like I have cancer. Really wish the chemo would come through, this waiting game is nerve-wracking, not to mention ins. denied all the chemo my mo wanted to try so I have to go through the drug companyFrownFrownFrown

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited September 2013

    Good afternoon holligans :)

    Love the pics ladies ;) gotta love those fire men!!

    Blondie I am so glad the new doctor is helping you!!!

    Lovmegoats thank u for checking in!!

    Juliaanna how is your family in colorado did they weather the storm okay??

    ChickaD how are you feeling are U home yet?? Did the blood transfusion help?? Sending hugs

    Chevy glad you made it through the storms ;) I can't believe how much rain we got... Do u think it put a dent in our drought?? My parents basement flooded in areas three times. I felt so bad their windows just kept filling. Our house made it through thank goodness.

    Cami hope u feel better today... Let us know what the docs say...

    Mary how are u feeling?? Glad u had fun at the beach. Any plans for next steps? We are in your pocket with you!!

    The doctor TML has kept me busy... Developed this rash waiting for the doctor to call back with biopsy results... Had a procedure to have ingrown toe nail fixed today...oh man does it hurt. Other than that I am doing pretty good Austin keeps me so busy. My skin is a mess broken weaping, pealing and healing. Die Cancer Die!!!!

    Sending healing thoughts hope everyone has manageable side effects...


    Sweet Pea

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited September 2013

    Hi all...I will be vacationing at the hospital tomorrow for my blood transfusion...I sure do hope they have those drinks with the little umbrellas!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Sweet Pea I'm so glad Austin keeps u busy and having fun with him too is the best.

    Mary so sorry u'r feeling floopy too, it's not so good I know.

    And Miss Chevy how could u possibly question the movie I was watching, I knew the name I watch those crazy movies and enjoy them--My favorite are scary but sometimes I don't have a choice--so crazy then action movies--forget romantic and drama, I like to see blood and guts.

    2 Hrs. I was at the Dr. doing some tests, taking my BP 6 times--she didn't like it, I was fine about it, but Drs. have a different way of thinking. I was there so long that I went to the lab for my blood panel and they were closed--so now I have to go back, oh and I have to see another specialist for other junk--she's so thorough I told her she's creating problems that I don't want any part of. She's so sweet, but she did say the Drs. don't want to operate on me so she's trying to help with all this stupid pain and thought another Dr. might help without operating either. ??? Whatever, I told her I took a shower for her so she should be happy.Cuz i don't do that willy nilly.

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited September 2013

    Be well, Chickie

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited September 2013


    All my folks are staying dry.  Thanks for asking.  I do have a friend in Loveland.  Haven't heard from her yet.  Glad you and yours are okay.

    Chickie, I'll be there to have one of those umbrella drinks with you.  If the hospital doesn't provide, I'm sure there will be some in your pockets.Laughing

    Happy Monday?Tongue Out

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited September 2013

    Oh Chick you know we'll be there and byob. We will be in your pocket with anything you want.

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited September 2013

    Gotta say, I enjoy you girls and your hooter-nanny--ishness...thanks for the welcome, although I may have been here once or twice before.

    Becoming a D.O.L. (dotty old lady) is hard work sometimes and others, it's just too easy and embarassing.

    After the afore-mentioned scans, I went back to the dressing room holding onto the dressing over the dye-canula point.  As I pulled the curtain

    closed in the cubicle, and then reached behind me to untie the disposabe gown I had on,  I noticed red spots before my eyes! Surprised

    They were on the walls, floor, my feet and my left arm was wet, too.  Realising that the spots were being caused by my canula wound,

    I grabbed the gown and tried to catch the blood that was pouring out of my arm.  Pulling the curtain back to call someone (who, do you yell 'HELP' at a time like

    this?) of the female staff came around the corner and told me I was bleeding! I had re-decorated the corridor outside the cubicle too, it seems.

    She told me to hold on to the dressing which was supposed to hold all this blood and raced off somewhere.

    Immediately she disappeared, a young tech who had done my earlier scan, came around the corner following the 'evidence trail,' and he came face-to-face with me

    exposing my one-boobedness to the world at large...because most of the non-absorbent gown was covering my arm.

    Poor bloke has probably never seen anything like it...I hope it didn't turn him off women for life.

    After living this long, I can't understand why I stood there like a stunned mullet not knowing what to do...particularly after all the procedures I have been through in the

    last five years.

    By the way, down here we call older women 'chooks' (old hens, rhymes with books) but I can't see why 'they' came up with such a name for those of a certain maturity.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013
    OMG Aussiegirl!  So I'm assuming they didn't like the way you so inadvertently redecorated their whole entire office?  Tell them you thought it was time for a different paint scheme.


    Geez, I'm so SORRY that happened!  You are coming up with stuff, and occurrences  that we have never HEARD of before!

    You probably scared the bejeeses out of that tech!  He probably thought you sprung a leak!


    You were a "stunned mullet"???  Ha, ha, that is SO funny!  At least you find humor in all this.... I would have stood there in a heap, down on my knees..(and THAT'S a trick in itself) and sobbing! 


    Yes, Alyson is from down-under too, only she is busy vaga-bonding right now...  She says 'chooks' also!  But I don't think we are old... Not yet anyway...just 'older'....Ducky is older than any of us,  but I'm a close second...  But she will pop in here and mention ever so loudly that she is ALSO the prettiest, cutest, funniest, and is a member of the MileHiClub...(long story) 


    SweetPea, yes, those storms were horrific!  We just got a LOT of pouring down rain over here, but none of the flooding!  The Water Department will probably raise the rates again, because we aren't using much water!     Sorry you are going through a rough time....


    Chickersranoutofblood!  WTH are you doing?  You must be sick.   Because they just don't go around handing out blood like that.   You must have a leak.  That's all I can figure out!  Yes, we will be there with you... take pictures....Tell them WE NEED TO KNOW what they are doing with you. 


    Cammi!  Did you hear that?  Chickers is getting blood!  Holy Crap!  Aren't we supposed to give it, and not take it?  She's sick I tell you!

    And you too!  What's going on here?   Yes I know those guys expect your BP to be in a certain range, so you must have screwed that up.

    Were you drinking before you went?   And no, don't let those guys get anywhere near you with a knife, or whatever.  Make them "fix it" some other way.  And you don't do WHAT with your nilly?   I must be reading this wrong....  or it's just you. 


    So where is Sass?  Have you guys heard?  We need a wake-up call for all those still sleeping!
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    I said wake up!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    So Cammi is going to say, "Well he can park HIS Camel in my garage ANYtime."