STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2013

    Well, tonite was interesting, to say the least. I took the fur kids to the dog park as usual. Quite a few people and pups there, sometimes it's just us. People scattered all over, in the shade. It's still hot, about 90.

    I see a friend stand up to head for home, a second later he's flat on his back. His sister took off towards him. He's had 2 heart attacks, has a pacemaker AND a defibrillator. He's 65. I called 911. I could NOT make that doofus understand where we were! 3 people had to try to explain. Finally we got them to understand Garrison rd behind the Blue Jays training complex. I still had to jump in my car, race to the park entrance so they could follow me in.

    Now picture this. There's about 10 dogs running loose, the big dog park next to us. Dogs howl at sirens, right? Got rather loud!!!!

    They brought a stretcher in, checked him out and took him to hospital. His sister is a basket case, but I think he will be ok.

    Then another friend came in after all that settled and said her brother passed unexpectedly this am.

    And some smuck ran into my NEW car Tues.

    I think I need to stay home.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited September 2013

    ooospookie, Can anyone say "Friday the 13th?"

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2013

    Damn! Forgot about that!!

    OK, here's a funny, with a twist.

    Guy says to his BLONDE guy friend, oh, I see Christmas is on Friday this year. Blonde guy friend says, I hope it's not on the 13th

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited September 2013

    Spookie - sounds like you need a big hug.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2013

    AWWWWWW, thanks!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited September 2013

    GMA, follow need to get better...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited September 2013

    Spookie--great job! kept your head about you when all others were loosing theirs :) Soory about the new car:(

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited September 2013

    gma, julie look forward to meeting you the 28th, and shells glad you will be with us too!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited September 2013

    I can hardly wait!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    OK trying to catch up==it's almost 3ayem here==woke up chit.

    Gma take u'r meds and remember rest.

    Chickie u wil feel so much better after the transfusion --all these infections and crap.

    I'm so glad u guys can skype at lunch that's wonderful, it'll be fun.

    Julie u described a perfect FRIDAY THE 13TH TO SPOOKIE. OMG U've got to start staying home more. Tht poor man, u really reacted great Spookie---and did someone not see u'r car so they hit it. What a crazy week for u.

    Well I'm going to try to go back to sleep--I hope the weekend is better for all.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited September 2013

    Yes Cammi - go back to sleep and don't raise a ruckus and keep me up all night. Sheesh you ruffians.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013
    Okay, but now I'M awake!   I've been reading ALL of you, and just loving every minute of it!


    Last I checked in, Grammie was off and running to Urgent Care.  Glad you are better kiddo!  You need to drink more Chocolate Cokes!  They give you energy, and straighten out your metabolism.  Actually I made a smoothie with Aloe Vera, Banana and Grape juice...  It IS really good!  When I drink it, I add a little flavored coffee creamer.

    Honestly if any of you have ANY type of stomach, or gastro problems, that Aloe Vera will fix anything..... even ulcers!


    Spookie, I'll bet it scared the chit out of you!  Seeing him there on the ground!   But your description of events WAS really funny!   Dogs howling, etc!

    And someone smacked your car!  I would have shot him!  I'm so sorry!  Damn, that makes me mad!  So NOW what?  Did he have insurance, or even a license, or 1/2 a BRAIN???  WTH?  Was it bad?


    Shells, you DO sound better!  I love when you all are talking about rescuing and adopting kittens and cats!   They are the sweetest...  DD #2 keeps sending me photo's of "Tooter".... this little neighbor cat who has adopted HER!   She gives him treats, and let's him snuggle in her blankets, and he even sleeps with one in his mouth!   She had to have her one old gal put to sleep a few months ago, so I guess he thought, "she needs me now, more than ever."   Her OTHER cat is not very happy with Tooter Intruder, but will let him have a little space.  The neighbors who own him,  have about 5 or 6 dogs and cats, so maybe he just wants some "alone" time away from the chaos!  She DOES take him back to his house, but when he gets out, he is right back over there.


    So HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKIE!!!!  YAY!!!  It WAS yesterday!   Glad you got DH to take you out for Dinner!   xoxoxo


    Sass!  Your HANDS!!!  I know all about it kid.  So what ELSE have you been into, or DID, or even got NEAR???   I CANNOT wear rubber gloves, or get near that stuff I use on Lacee...  You have to figure it out, because honestly the Doctors.... ANY of them can't.  They don't know what you are doing... any more than you do. 

    So YOU have to figure it all out.... again. And just take care of them in the mean time. 

    I know your...(our) hands are TRYing to heal themselves... as does our whole BODY, but when we keep disrupting that cycle we always get a flare-up. 

    My left hand is almost perfect... still sticking my fingers in white vinegar to get rid of the spots around my nails, though.  My right hand is only drying and peeling a little, but sooooo much better.  Still wear soft gloves when I can.  Glad your tests came back okay!  But that was HARD, what you went through!


    Littlegardens, that was funny!  YOU telling Cami what was wrong with Grammie!  Ha!  She just skims over a lot, you know.... Damn kid!


    Phylliupallnight!  You reminded me of this gal I ran into yesterday!  She was in the Dollar Store, looking in their freezer section at these burrito's.  And I could just tell, that she must have been going through chemo because she had this little cap on, and she was just so white... I just softly said "I think those Burritos are really good!  We've had them before"... And she said " Oh Good!  I need lots of protein, because of this Chemo, and I was looking at the count, so I think I'll try them!"  I said, "You are going through chemo?"  And she said "Yes, I have breast cancer, and I am almost finished with this round...(I forget what she called it) and they took off my breast, but I think I'll have them take the other one off too, because the bad one had cancer all through it.."

    We talked about the Hospital she went to, and how she loves all the care, and she said "Do you want to see my scar?"  So I said "Okay..." And she opened her shirt and sure enough, she REALLY had a scar.

    I told her about mine, but that I was almost 4 years out, and she told me she was 64, and was so afraid, because they lost their business and their home, and had no insurance, but that St Joseph's and Medicare, and this women's group took care of it all!   


    I finally had to leave, but she hugged me, and we went home, I just felt sooooooooooo bad!  I WISH I would have gotten her phone number, or email, because she just seemed so LOST!   She just came into my life, for 10 minutes, and I can't get her out of my mind!  It all went so fast.

    I don't know if I should call the infusion center at that Hospital, to ask if they know who I might be talking about, or just leave it all alone.  

    But it just makes me sad, that I didn't do more to help her... or give her more support, or just SOMEthing....  Do you think I should try & locate her?   It just wasn't "enough" what I did....


    Well okay.... guess I'll go see if it's still raining... 



  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited September 2013

    UTI wiping me out. Sleeping 20+ hours for 2 days, sweats and chills. Normal?

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2013

    Big hugs veggygirl. Take real care of yourself.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited September 2013

    Veggy, DH had a UTI this summer and he had fever and chills going in. Are you on powerful drugs? They put him on Cipro. If the fever and chills are new, let them know right away. Especially if you're not on something strong. They had DH go in to Urgent Care for fluids and IV something to bring the fever down.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited September 2013

    Cami, This is for you. Antidote to chicken pictures.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited September 2013

    BIG KITTY!....sorry I really did sneeze seeing the kitty.

    I am so allergic to cats.....during college I worked in a boarding kennel for dogs and cats and at a vet's office and the cats are what changed my mind about being a vet.


    Wren are you going to the NW meet up in Olympia?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,289
    edited September 2013

    Just jumping in here to could try at the infusion center.  So much of what is done in the medical field is kept pretty private for a huge amt. of reasons.  If she was just there ( my chemo was always scheduled about the same time ) you might try once a week....a little before the time you met her at the Dollar Store, and just check out the infusion center. 

    I think we always feel  -- later on of course -- that we could have handled something differently.  Hopefully it was a comfort for her just to talk and also to see what she might look like a few years from now.

    You are one of the kindest, biggest hearted people I know.  I feel so fortunate that we are such good friends, sunny.Laughing



  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited September 2013

    Chevy, you could try the infusion center but they probably won't give you any information. You could offer to leave your phone number and they could give it to her. Maybe check at the Dollar Store. She might be a regular and they could get a message to her. You are such a wonderful, compassionate woman to care so much.

    Di, Wren is on the list for lunch in Olympia.

    Veggy, I think you should check in with the doctor. The antibiotics should be taking care of the sweats and chills. Did they do a culture and sensitivity to be sure you are taking an effective drug?

    Wishing all a peaceful weekend.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited September 2013

    GMA, how are you feeling today?

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited September 2013

    Juliaanna....had a brain freeze....thanks for getting us all together for our meet up in OLY

    Anyone else in WA go to cancer lifeline activities?  (all free) both groups I have been attending had PHD's facilitating the groups, they have yoga and other exercise classes, craft classes, jewelry classes, nutrition....gotta go going to one of their classes in a few minutes.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited September 2013

    I haven't been to anything at cancer lifeline. I think I feel like an imposter. Di, the kitty was adopted today. Will wear something hair free to the luncheon.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited September 2013

    Went to work today didn't take the zofran. Was afraid it would knock me out. I am very cautious because of all my sensitives to meds. I took it with the next wave of nausea after work. It does knock me for a loop. Especially with my pain med regime. I'm not nauseous though just feel like my body weighs a ton. Think I am playing hookie tomorrow from church.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2013

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited September 2013

    Yes, Veggy - a UTI can knock you down and out when you're fighting other fires. Main thing is to prevent  pyelonephritis. What antibiotic are you on? Go to urgent care if you develop fever / flank pain.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited September 2013


    Glad to hear kitty got a new forever home....good for you for caring for her in the interim.  I have recued a few dogs in my past.  Looking forward to meeting you.

    RE: cancer lifeline.....Why would you feel an imposter?   I don't get it. Should I STFU?  You don't even have to have/had cancer to go, your friends, driver, support people, (even my husband) has gone to several different groups of cancer lifeline. 

    I have signed up for a Lebed method (Exercise) and am going to sign up for gentle Yoga. (to get myself off my butt **and computer** even if I am tired and ANEMIC) 

    The woman, Nisha, that gave the presentation was really interesting.  Lots of info and handouts. She wrote a book which will be out in November. (

    Today, All were women who came, many whom had had breast cancer, one lady living with lymphoma, a health care worker, and a director of cancer lifeline.

    I know one lady that goes to C-lifeline that has gone for 20+ years....why?....probably makes her feel better.

    VEGGY>>>>>Get WELL.....feel better soon! (UTI's are the worst!)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Hi everyone--Chevy I'm sorry if u were concerned but I thought I told u I was going to my cousins today and was there much longer than I thought==but it was all good.Cousins I don;t get to see very often about 25 of us, weather was perfect , had a bonfire and Joey had a great time--loads of food and loads of laughs, My one cousin picked Joey and me up, My kids were tired so they didn't go but I pushed myself to go--it's about an hr from here, so Nick (my cousin) drove and I relaxed in the back seat totally.

    Veggy I'm sorry u'r feeling so icky, how high is u'r temp? I do get UTI's all the time??? I usually feel lousy and have a fever, chills and the whole thing. Over time they've given me different anti-B so I don't know which is the best actually.

    Chevy I don't know how far u'll get with trying to find that lady but the time u did spend with her was like an angel on her shoulderfor her. Maybe she doesn't have many she can talk to but even if for only 10 mins. she will never forget you. U are so sweet to care about her and she knows that.

    Well It's almost 2 am haven't gotten home this late in forever. I should sleep good tonight.

    Gma I hope your feeling better snd please just stay home tomorrow and rest u'r body all day. U need to. 

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited September 2013

    Good - go to sleep and STAY asleep and don't keep me up. It's 10 pm here now - will go to bed in an hour and I need quiet, please!!

    Chevy - I hope you're nice and dry.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited September 2013

    Shell,you are such a party-pooper! I'll try to keep it to a dull roar. Nighty-night.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    Okay Cammi!  Geez! I forgot you were GOing somewhere, but don't they have power?  Or a land-line, or where were you, out in the woods?   In a culvert?  Not even a peep!  Oh, sorry there...Wink

    I called the Infusion Center yesterday, but they were closed.... I'll just try again tomorrow, and explain as best I can about this gal, and how we talked.  She told me about her Neropothy, (spell check couldn't fix this)  of which I know NOTHING about...!  She thought it was from the chemo. and I told her a lot of gals on BC.ORG talk about this.... I don't even know if she has a computer.... But I'll try once more to find her...  It was just one of those "once in a lifetime" things that you think about later.... I'm just sorry I didn't spend more time with her... or at least give her my email or phone number.

    You guys are a bunch of night-owls...Ha!  But with you Shells, I can't figure out YOUR time at all... And Juliaanna, what were YOU doing up carousing all hours of the night? 

    And Morning DI!  That's really interesting about your thoughts on Lifeline!  I know what you mean....  We ALL need some sort of lifeline along the this group here!   Some women are just alone...  or don't know how to reach out....  Damn!  I have to find that woman....  this is driving me nuts.