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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Feel better and rest up Mary

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Phylo---U DON'T NEED RADS? did I read that right? (shut up Chevy)

    And Chevy u't poor DD, what a goofy thing u 2 could have really been hurt--she said she didn't see you--like wonder womans' airplane invisible--crap--she meant she wasn't paying attention. Well I hope it all works out for u'r DD and things go smoothly.

    Lynne U hve lots of people in u'r house--Holy Cow a lot to feed is right.=Good business u'r in.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited September 2013

    YEAH for Phyllis....No Rads! wooohooo 

      image alt="" name="imgthumb2" width="54" height="90" align="middle" border="0" />

    Mary thinkin' of you....hope tomorrow is a better day, rest well 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2013

    Chevy, so glad you and DD are ok!!!!!

    Some schmuck backed out and hit my NEW BRIGHT GREEN car 2 weeks after I got it. He had insurance, I called the cops anyway. Cost his insurance over a thousand, his rates will go up. He didn't see me?

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited September 2013

    Was that your new Spark???

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited September 2013

    Fantastic news, phyllieflyinghighwithnowifi!

    Chevy, Sorry about the accident.  I think you have to file it with the police anyway, right?  Be sure to mention she was on her phone.  It's against the law in Oregon to talk, text while you drive.  You can use a "hands-free" device.  It doesn't matter if she works with kids-if she is that careless in the car, what's she doing with the kids!

    OK, I'm being snarky.  Just got home from Safeway where I picked up my Arimidex.  (A little background) My prescriptions were transferred there when the pharmacy I had been using closed-I wasn't consulted, just informed.  So for over one year, every month I go in to pick up my Arimidex.  Every time I have to spend 5-10 minutes explaining  1) Yes, I do want the brand name.  2) No, I don't have to pay the $45 since I am incredibly fortunate to have 2 insurances which they need to bill.  

    Today was the last straw- went in, perky little pharmacy assistant pulls out 3 bottles of Arimidex (2 original bottles and 1 orange store bottle with A F***ING PINK RIBBON TOP!).

    Clerk:  That will be $465.

    Me:  No, it won't.  I only need one month.

    Clerk:  Well, you will only get thirty pills.  We have to count them out, but we don't do that until we tell you the price.  (They usually just give me a manufacturer's bottle, still sealed, but not labeled until I say insurance will cover it all)

    Me:  I want them.  Did you bill insurance?  I have 2 insurances.

    Clerk:  Well, we billed somebody, something.

    Me: If you billed insurance, the cost would have only been $45,not $465  (I went off a bit about always having delays picking up prescription.  You would think after more than a year, the information would be in the computer-they put it in each time.)

    Clerk:  It's all taken care of now.  I'll go count them out.

    Me:  If you aren't giving me the sealed bottle, DO NOT PUT A PINK TOP ON THE BOTTLE!

    Clerk:  Ok. I don't understand why they sent us pink tops.

    Me:  (to myself- are you f****ng kidding me?)  to her:  It's for breast cancer awareness month- I'm very aware there is no cure.  I find the pink top offensive.

    Felt good to do that. Probably would have let the whole thing slide about the insurance once again, but that pink lid set me off.  I will be changing pharmacies.

    Thanks for letting me vent.  

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2013

    Yep!!!! I can't begin to tell you how pissed I was. The damage wasn't all that bad, the body shop did an excellent job. DH said to me, don't park here, you'll get a door ding. I said I already got one. An expensive one.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited September 2013

    I'm back, in a better mood.  

    I had shingles, too, right after my exchange surgery.  It itched.  I identified it really early, got on the Acyclovir,so didn't spread.

    Looking forward to this weekend when 10 or so of us "Northwest" ladies will be meeting up for lunch in Olympia, Washington.  Shells is coming, too, via Skype.  So if you hear the riot police were called out, it might be us.

    Wishing all a restful evening.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Julia what a mess at the pharmacy--I would have been goofy, u actually kept pretty calm and then the pink top OMG--why is it they think anyone who's dealt with cancer pink will make u feel better--it just reminds u there is no cure and all the crap u go thru. Well I'm glad u feel better.

    Spookie I remember about that accident and I remember thinking who could not see u'r green car.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited September 2013

    Dear Ones ~ NEVER, EVER NOT call the police when another car and your car make contact. It's a bad practice - and it will only cost you money. I let someone go and a month later had a $250 bill for my windshield fluid motor being broken by the impact. Wasn't my fault - but the old guy who hit me said - "looks like there's no damage." rrrrright   Today if Ms. Texter wasn't in such a rush - she wouldn't have hit you. Make her pay by having to wait for police - too bad - she created the mess not you.

    Juliiaanna - speak to the top person of your pharmacy's administration about your rx problem and tell them you want it fixed f**king NOW or you are turning them in to the insurance commisioner.

    Take care Dear Mary - rest up 💛

    Phylly - no rads - girl - it's about time we had some good news around here!🎈

    DH will be in the hospital for a long time - they are taking him off all narcotics due to high risk and have to do it as inpatient. He's super bummed and realizes he's in deep kim chee. I'm on my own for awhile but today very very grumpy - trying to take care of everything before next week ...a little overloaded today, will watch non-scary movies when I get home late tonight - then to new job tomorrow early to sign all of my paperwork, take the stray cat to the vet, get a hearing aid, do the shopping, drop off all the cans at the recycling center and them have a good stiff drink when I get home. At least I can do that, now. 

    Off to Jazzercise - my favorite drug, then to Home Depot to buy all the stuff to finsih our construction project.

    photo 06d44bdc-c47c-4c8e-8320-5f37313f77de_zpsed6e4051.jpg


  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited September 2013

    Di, Ducky, Chevy, Sass, Wren, Shells, and Juilaanna thank you for your ideas. The mystery is the spots look just like a zit, but no pain or itching... Dr said no shingles but perhaps from chemo Perjeta?? He is looking in to it. My oncologist was awesome called the dermatologist and demanded the results and dx: Humm see him on monday... All he said was hypersensitivity. Found one medical journal on a acne form rash...that maybe I could buy into.

    Phgraham happy dance ;) no radiation!!!

    Mary sorry you feel bad. :( wish I could make u feel better... Call them if not better check labs get fluids whatever u need to do....

    Chevy OMG sorry about the accident. You both are so lucky you aren't injured!! File police report. What a dumb B***h!!! She could have really hurt you. Some people just blow my mind. Self centered with no idea of any kind of reality...

    Shells good luck tomorrow... But I know you don't need it. They are very lucky to have you!!

    Sweet dreams xoxo

    Sweet Pea

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Sweet Pea it might just be a skin irratation but nothing horrible--I think skin gets a lot of reactions to things that everyone kind of overlooks cuz everything else isn;t to good and even skin products are sensitive for u'r skin that u are used to. Oh everything is all jumbled up.

    Shell U've got lots to do tomorrow but it will all get done and remember u can enjoy a glas of wine or whatever when u get home without a worry. K how long will they keep u'r DH in there.? Well if it's going to help the situation then that's fine and maybe u can actually breath cuz u need u'r mind on something wonderful tht's come into u'r life--JOB

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited September 2013

    Good Night, Sweet Princesses  of Maine, you Queens of New England.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013








     I just typed a WHOLE post, and accidently hit "cut" instead of "copy" to put here, and it was GONE in a flash!  Drats!


    Anyway,  The insurance company is coming out today to see the damages...  It's all being taken care of, and DD is coming over today to fill out the accident report. 


    We DID stop at the Police station on the way home, and they gave us a card, and told us how to fill the accident report online.   


    She CALLED the Police, but they told us to move our car off of the road, and wait in the parking lot by this restaurant.... DD went to the wrong parking lot...


     They had asked her if anyone was hurt, if the car was driveable, and if we got all information from the other gal.


    Police called her back and said they waited, but didn't see her, and to just stop by Police station to fill out the accident report.

    So we are doing it on line...  DD says it's too hard to do it on her Iphone, or Tablet...


    So it's all going to work out...  It wouldn't be worth it to call in an attorney, for this fender-bender... We are still making fun of one of our friends who will sue a kid on a tricycle riding on his sidewalk if he could!    He would sue a bird if he dropped a turd on his lawn!

    He has 2 law-suits going for minor car repairs from someone bumping into him!  So therefore he can take pills for his injuries, and stay zoned-out and sleep and eat for the rest of his life.... and never work again.


    Our 56th Anniversary is tomorrow!  YAY!!!  We made it...Ha!   Dh has a cold, and I think I am following suit.  Undecided  We were going up to play and gamble today, but I don't think we feel like it...  Maybe we will just celebrate by shopping at Walmart and grabbing a snack somewhere...Ha!  Don't take much to please US kids!   He SWEARS the Dentist gave him the cold...Wink  Now you all KNOW what it is like when our DH gets a cold!  So I won't say anymore... only that I am pampering and being dutifully sorrowful.


    Good luck today Shells....  Love all you guys! xoxoxoxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Oh Chevy I knew this accident wasn't going to slip thru the cracks--u 2 are right on top of everything. OMG those many years with u oops I mean married--It is a miracle now adays, but I'm sorry about the whole cold thing. That might keep u home--Just make chicken soup that'll be good for you. CHICKEN SOUP Yes u have the resources.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited September 2013

    they did do pathology on the fluid the last time and it said no cancer in the lining, doing it again this time, does't make sense, there is cancer in the lung and should be in the lining seems to me!!!

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited September 2013

    yay Phyllie!!!

    chickie have been worried about you, not on the puter much, just know I am thinking of you...

    thanks SAS am trying, the pain in the side which is either diverticulitis or the abcess coming back is annoying, the lung filling up with fluid is way annoying....

    Shell, hang in there!!

    Yay Chevy 56 years is a way long time....sorry about the accident glad nobody was hurt!!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2013

    Morning all

    Wasn't able to speak to Chevy - my stupidity and then technical problems. Left phone number at the hotel and needed to get on line to get it. Thought I could do that at the airport but just wouldn't work and then I had to back up this wee notebook and head through security. Was really mad at myself for misplacing the number. Grrrr mad at self.

    Chevy - happy anniversary.

    Anyway Denver was beautiful. On Wednesday we went down to Colorado Springs to aplace called the Garden of the Gods which was stunningly beautiful. I exhausted myself there and so even yesterday was very tired. We are now in LA.

    Going to do a bus trip today. Was going done to San Diego but just couldn't organise that. Next time.

    Big hugs

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited September 2013


  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited September 2013

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited September 2013

    Chevy have a very happy anniversary!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited September 2013

    Spookie - I had a friend get run into on her motorcycle. Small town courthouse square. Four way stops every corner. Big SUV - didn't see her. She bought the brightest yellow car she could afford. Man-oh-man there's no hope for us people that drive darker cars if she couldn't see your greeney sparkle car.

    Yay to Phyllotheradless - Does that mean you get to come home sooner? Hope nasty infection is gone.

    Oh Shells I agree with the insurance comm. I threatened DH's insurance with it. They kept delaying paying claims inquiring 3 different ways last year - mail, phone, email - if I didn't have insurance, which I didn't. I told them one more time asking they were getting turned over since I believed they were trying to shirk paying for me. By golly I don't think I've gotten one question this year about that. I once turned an apt. complex over to the attorney general for a measly (well this was the mid 70's) $10/month. I figured it was the principal of the thing and AG made them fix it.

    Mary - sorry you're feeling like crud. Sleep, baby, sleep. Do you get GS anytime soon? Tiring I know but spirit lifting. Hoping chemo is knocking those little shits to the curb.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited September 2013

    Chevy - I knew I missed something. Ya'll have a great anniversary despite having colds. Celebrate next week.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited September 2013

    Chevy - Happy Anniversary!!! I hope you still feel ok after the accident - I hate the 2 day after syndrome.. 

    Can't wait - I started a topic back in July 2011 called the North West Ladies - We are actually getting together up north in Olympia, WA saturday.. My favorite restaurant too! Olive Garden - I looked at the online menu and figured out something I might be able to eat.. unfortunately, I've only been on the generic of prilosec for 2 days and it hasn't made food anymore edible yet - Praying by tomorrow I can have some grilled chicken and dry pasta, maybe a touch of alfredo???  I think I probably will end up with dry pasta... croutons??? and crackers  ROFL - I am just so happy, some of my BC sisters can actually meet!

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited September 2013

    See you tomorrow Gma!....

    I took a look at the Olive garden menu too....pasta is NOT my friend....but lots of other good food!

    Really this for me, is about meeting some of our online BCO girls and have a rockin' good time!

    decoration falling streamers ribbon ghirlande festa

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited September 2013

    DI - I really like their salads but not eating fresh veggies with my nausea issue.  Otherwise I would just have a salad... I miss them..

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited September 2013

    Blondie, Erghhhh wish I could twitch my nose and make things better. I did a constipation thread awhile back. The first posts are on hemorrhoids and diverticulosis/diverticulitis. Stuff you don't find in the web info. Hope it helps:)

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited September 2013

    Happy anniversary Miss Chevette!

    Thank you Miss BlondeBombshell for your concern...just been in a funky mood lately tired again...feel overwhelmed at times...I'm sure I will snap out of it soon ♥

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited September 2013

    Happy anniversay Chevy...Sorry for everybody elses problems. Im still feeling like shit, been sleeping all the time, hope this doesnt keep up for 6 weeks and no break...