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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited September 2013

    Mary - I've been very tired too and my legs feel weak. Must be the chemo. I wish I could sleep it off. You're in my thoughts.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Veggy and Mary I;'m sure that chemo is knocking you out and I'm sorry u have to feel like this but u know u have to have it. So just rest and drink lots. (((HUGS)))

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Veggy and Mary, hope you feel better this weekend.

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited September 2013

    Di, Ducky, Chevy, Sass, Wren, Shells, and Juilaanna thank you for your ideas. The mystery is the spots look just like a zit, but no pain or itching... Doesn't follow the nerve pathways... Dr said no shingles but perhaps from chemo Perjeta?? He is looking in to it. My oncologist was awesome called the dermatologist and demanded the results and dx: Humm see him on monday... All he said was hypersensitivity. Found one medical journal on a acne form rash...that maybe I could buy into.

    Phgraham happy dance ;) no radiation!!!

    Mary sorry you feel bad. :( wish I could make u feel better... Call them if you do not feel better check labs get fluids whatever u need to do....

    Chevy OMG sorry about the accident. You both are so lucky you aren't injured!! File police report. What a dumb B***h!!! She could have really hurt you. Some people just blow my mind. Self centered with no idea of any kind of reality... Being in a SUV could have really hurt you and your daughter. Sorry about her car :(

    Veggy sorry your feeling so fatigued... Drink rest watch funny movies and rest some more...

    Sweet dreams xoxo

    Sweet Pea

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Shades.... of...... YUM!!!!

    Good night or good morning

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    Morning gals!  Am I the only one up? 

    4!!!!  Now THAT was a good way to make me smile...Ha!  Cammi will be jealous...  Is he yours?  Or something you just randomly found, while searching for Mr. Gray?  I read the first and last book in that series, but CAN'T remember how the last one ended...Ha!  But I won't go see the movie....I'd be to embarrassed!  I'd probably be the oldest one there... 

    Funny, how all the younger gals can't even imagine being "older"..... But then it's like you are THERE, and you think DAMN I'm old!  Ha!  Even if you don't FEEL much older, the numbers are there!

    Guess we're just lucky, to make it THIS far!  Wink  I have to tell DH HAPPY ANNIVERSARY when he wakes up...Smile  I don't think we are "going" anywhere special....  He is getting over his cold, and now I have one....

    Maybe I'll make some bisquits and gravy for breakfast!  I always loved that when my Mom would make it for Sunday morning! 

    Sweet Pea, we are TRYing to fill out a Police report, but DD has to get the gal's vin. #..... also her address, phone number, city, etc. from the gals insurance co!   Her Insurance is going to take care of it, but we will fill out the accident report anyway.

    I wonder if the Police will contact or ticket her.... for causing the rearender in the first place.  She would NOT stay for them to come!  She was in a big-ass hurry, and seemed to think that all the information she gave us, would be enough! 

    We don't MEAN to get her in a lot of trouble, but she DID cause it, and  didn't think hanging around was important, thinking her Insurance would cover it!   DD was ready to tie her to the bumper, to make her stay... 

    Take good care, everyone!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited September 2013

    Chevy, The twit's and idiot. A true lesson in not being a nice gal. Glad you and your DD are doing it right.


    Enjoy the biscuits and gravy. They are my downfall when they are on a menu. Why is that?

    Alyson, todays is ChrissyB's DD wedding. She finished her outfit the night before. Can't wait for the pics. Did you do a travelogue like Chrissy?

    4 love the pics. Your description of your kids is priceless :)

    Mary hope you feel better, sorry about all the S.E's

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited September 2013

    Stacey, good article. Does explain from the pic why your dermatologist didn't jump at a dx.  I was a bit put off by your MO demanding a dx from the derm. If the derm had a solid dx, they would have made it. Derm is following the science. Did they interrupt treatment? I did think it a hoot that whiteheads and blackheads have such fancy dancy names. Good dectective work finding the article. I know it wasn't easy:)

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Chevy. You are NEVER too old! And it will be out on DVD! I was hopin for different actors than the ones they cast sut still will watch eventually. You should not be embarrassed and I doubt you would be the oldest pluses I know you don't look your young age!

    Biscuits and gravy?!? Thought that was a down south thing. You making it with gravy? I'm not a huge fan cuz as a Yankee transplant I grew up on dad's SOS instead. You know what on a Shingle! Haven't had that in years. Maybe I will introduce the kids to it.

    When the snow blows I gotsa couple of other books I could recommend I you really want to blush and keep warm!

    Sorry bout the spelling today. Cami took me drinking on that other thread last night. She gets wild over there. Like dr. Jekyll here and Mr. Hyde drinking over dare!

    Have a super awesome anniversary today. Stayin ins probably more fun anyhow. That way if you want to Twerk nobody with a camera around? Had to ask my kids about what twerkin was. Got a very vivid description!

    Sass. Good mornin. Glad your hand seem better. You in the top of Flo or the bottom. I'm not to far from the top!

    Mary hope you woke up feelin fine today.

    Alyson. Travel safe this weekend. The museum is waiting with a big display set up for those panties. Gotta get them home safe. They are priceless!

    Ok for real now I'm off to work. People want to eat on weekends. What's up with that?

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2013

    Chevy........never trust anyone with an accident....once they leave and talk to other people the whole story changes..........also by law once you say your calling a cop they cannot leave.....if they do it is considered a hit and run.........know that for a fact...someone did it to me, and the police went right to his front door.........

    I have no pity on people who text and drive.......cell phone talking is bad pusses me off so bad.........too many close calls.......on the way home from the shore a guy was texting and weaving in and out of traffic, and constantly crossing the white daughter had the "Report a Dangerous Drive" number...(we have that in Nj).......within 5 minutes a State Trooper came down the highway....lights flashing, and pulled the guy over.......

    Always call a cop after an accident........

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Oh and Chevy. The book ended with her being pretty much in charge but letting him think he was. So, pretty much true to life!

    Age is just a dumb number too. Just as old as you feel. Some days I'm 25 some 95. Today is starting out somewhere in between!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited September 2013

    Ducky Nice rant and oh so true. BUT you have added a new fun word to our vocabulary. I hope it catches on like Cami's CHIT. I'm speaking of being PUSSED.

    4 doing great thank you very much :) Whats on the menu today? So wish I had you to cook for me too.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Ducky of course I didn;t notice but then that's me.

    4--Yes Chevy is old, older than me even and I'm old--we admit it, bt she's got alot more spark in her than I do. So does Ducky.

    I hope u guys are feeling better today and can enjoy the beautiful day we're having---well at least here.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited September 2013

    OK my Hoolies..... I'll be gone for the next week sailing on Norwegian Breakaway out of NY.... I will try and post pics if I get decent internet connection!

    Talk to you when I get home  xoxoxoxo

    ps..... EVERYONE try and stay well while I am gone or Phyllo will shoot you with her paint ball gun!

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited September 2013

    Chickie, have a wonderful time and bring a cute sailor home for me, please.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited September 2013

    Throw my problems overboard, please.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    Yes!  All of the above!  And just have a great trip!  I'm not scared  of little Phyllo...Ha!  xoxoxoxo

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited September 2013

    Have a great time Chick, my problems overboard with Veggys. Dd stayed with me this weekend. It was fun to have another girl around. Today was oldest ds birthday. Hes 28. Had pizza and cake. Youngest ds thinks hes a rock star in his new (old) Camaro. Ive never seen him keep anything so clean. Took it to the Cruise-in last night to show it off. He is 1 proud kid.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited September 2013

    Chickie have a great sail. 

    Mary-Nice, a guy and his camaro. DH and his new van. All the guys happy with their new toys. While you sit and enjoy your new porch, bug free :) hmmm.  Our boys(men) are the same age 28. Which son is getting married? Oldest or youngest.

    All the pics of the guys with great bods. Must admit never had sex with a guy like that. It's almost intimidating. Sorry if I weirded anyone out with that statement. It's just true.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    Morning gals!

    Happy Birthday to your Son, Mary!  Did he know about this auction going on in Nebraska this week-end?   And tell him Congratulations on owning a Cammaro!

    He would have loved it! 

    We used to have a Black 57' Chevy Bel-air...  DH changed it to a stick-shift, and used to race it at Bandimere Raceway in Castle Rock years ago.

    He finally sold it to his Nephew, because he just lost interest in it, and didn't want to work on it anymore.  He had everything imaginable chromed in that engine!  Black leather interior, with of course the red. 

    Our little dog was also named Chevy.... and just had to keep the name going here...Ha!   That car was just a big part of our lives...  I remember riding in it down the high-way, fish-tailing,  and yelling and wanting to smack him over the head with that steering wheel!   Sometimes I wanted to just get out and walk, I was so mad!   But we all lived through it....Wink  

    Just tell him to be very careful.... The cops will be watching that cute little Camarro!

    And now I do all the driving!  He has an old little 89' Mercury Topaz, and he drives HIS when he wants to go somewhere, and I drive mine, when we are both together.  ONE of us has to have some sense in this family....Ha! 

    Sassy!  I don't think ANY of us had sex with a guy that looked like that!  We were all MARRIED and didn't know that any other man exISTED!  We didn't even know WE were good looking, because we were MARRIED by the time we started looking around....HA!  And we COULD look around, just not touch....Wink  So that's why we're HERE....!   We can look all we want.... just don't tell.

    So looks like you guys are all asleep?  What time do you all wake up???  NOON?????

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    NOON--my A$$---care are such a big part of men's lives shiney and clean.

    Chickie u'r going to have a great time and deserve every minute of it.

    And BTW I wasn't married all the time and it was a little bit intimidating,and I did break up with one (a Dr.) because he was to good looking, and I knew he's cheat on me, he thought that was stupid, but too many where thowing nthemselves at him-- Oh well.

    OK last nite was wonderful it was a small group about 30, wonderful food, wonderful fun family and after desset and sining HB to my brother we did the usual lady thing to go the the bathroom, I stood up and chit all over, I did not wear my depends, my sister saw my face and quickly got behind me and we walked out and my one brothers girfriend came with us and I;m telling my stister oh I'm going and Sara said oh we'll be tthere shortky and I said sara I mean I;m chitting now--so we finally get to the bathroom and I get in and my sister immediately gets a lot of wet paper towels and thros them over the door and whops me right on the head--Of course we were laughing like crazy--it was awful and Sara says OMG how can u girls laufg at this? My sister says welcome to the famiky-this is our thing. Well my color must have been horrible cuz my nephew who's (54) said come on we're taking u home. So he said the goodnites nd I could barely walk they wanted me to stay at their house last nite, cuz I'm alone here for the night, but there's no way I was going anywhere A BD Party that won;t be forgotten.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited September 2013

    Oh Cami, Im so sorry that happened to you. That happened to my mom in a resteraunt on the way to the beach. She was mortified, but we got to laughing about it so hard. Making jokes about nobody wanting to use That bathroom the rest of the night. She was really embarrassed cause dh was with us and she was such a private person...

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Morning ladies!

    I would get up at noon if I could! I am I night owl.

    Mary and Veggy hope you are feeling better.

    Cami. It does sound like an unforgettable party!

    Chevy. Hope you had a nice anniversary! I used to have a 64 Chevy Corvair. Drive to HS and college I in it. Back when Ralph Nadar was bitching bout all that stuff!

    Have a nice time Chickie! I already have a sailor :0)

    Have a nice day ladies!

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited September 2013

    My sister used to have a Corvair. It didnt have heat, much less air conditioning. We had to wrap up in a blanket to stay warm. My first car was a Pinto. Remember those? Then came a Maverick. My dad was an ugly style Ford man. He bought all us girls ugly cars. Harder to meet guys in I guess.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited September 2013

    Saying hi this a.m. and putting this in....just cause I like it:


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    Oh Mary, I KNOW!  I met DH one night, when my girl-friends and I drove my Dad's 51' Buick into the Frosted Scotehman Drive-in parking lot.  We were sitting "low"....because that meant you were "cool!"  I pulled into this parking place next to a damn CUTE guy driving a 51' Olds....  We looked over at each other...because we had to flirt.... and he said "Big car you got there!"  I just said "Yes, I'm a big girl!"  

    So that was in 1955...  We started going steady in November..... then a year later, in front of a cleaners, he took this ring out of his pocket, and asked me to marry him... It was another year before we could save enough money to get married...Ha! 

    My Brother brought his wife and 4 little kids here to visit one time, ALL piled into their little Corvair!  They drove here from Nashville! 

    I remember our oldest Daughter driving back and forth to Greeley in one of those little Volkswagon bugs, all bundled up in a blanket! 

    Yes I remember Pinto's.... AND we also had a little yellow Maverick!  I forgot about it until you mentioned it.   I remember sewing a head-liner into our little 51' Chevy!  It was all tattered, so I sat in there and sewed material in, making tufts out of yarn. like when you quilt,  around the cross-bars, and after I was finished, honest to God, it looked like the inside of a coffin!  But I thought it looked a LOT better than it did.  DH thought it looked "nice!"  Ha, ha!

     Cammi!  Oh I'm so sorry little honey!   At least your Sister made something fun about it.... I mean what can you DO?    Next time take about 4-5 Immodium AD before you leave the house.....  When I was taking Tamoxifen, then Melatonin, to help me sleep, it caused the WORST episode of the runs I had ever heard of!   For 2 weeks!  Finally I surmised that SOMEthing was causing this!  I mean I was taking 4 Immodium a DAY! 

    Then I quit taking the Melatonin, thinking that was it, and it WAS!  I am a good sleuth!   But then after losing my hearing, I quit the Tamoxifen!   Another gal on here, was told that a "small stoke" in the brain stem will cause the hearing loss.   It happened to her also....  So there IS a warning on the Tamoxifen about not only strokes, but cataracts....

    But man, I'm afraid to take almost ANYthing.  I'll just drink chocolate cokes....  Seems to fix almost everything....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    Oh Jackie!  It's you, Lilli!  I love that .... "marrying my dreams!"  Makes so much sense! xoxoxo

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited September 2013

    Cami-one of those OH WELL moments in life. One time on duty , I was walking towards the door to go give meds and just peed myself. Little warning and crossed legs didn't stop it. Shift supervisor had to go get me scrubs. The positive was I got a break LOL. A stellar day in nursing is 1. you get a break, 2. you get to go pee(usually in the bathroom) 3. you get lunch  4. you get out on time. 5. able to walk at the end of a shift. No joke there. There were times I had to be taken to my car in a wheelchair. Can you imagine what my patients thought, seeing me roll by in a w/c. Sometimes It'd take two people to pull me up out of a chair to answer a page.(post polio freeze up).

    Message from Phylo:feeling better each day. Visiting today with family of dear friend she's staying with. This friend has been close to her since childhood. Her computer keeps throwing her off when she tries to send a message. (I'll let you in on a secret, she doesn't really wear an ankle bracelet). Phyllo likes to pretend allot. Keeps her brain active with the dementia.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited September 2013

    here is one pic (FOR SHELL) of us at the BCO-NW meetup in Olympia, but the horrible rains were not fun to drive in!  And the most rain in the state was OLYMPIA close to 4 ".

    photo BCO-6_zps15d22af9.jpg