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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited November 2013

    It's getting colder and wetter over here, temperature is down to 70 degrees tonight - brrrrrrr.

    DH has been alcohol free for awhile, and is cutting down on his methadone for pain - pain mgt doc won't refill it anymore because of his hx of alcohol abuse. Well - he had a rip roaring seizure when I was at work today - was out walking the dog and fell in the street, couldn't get up. Someone stopped and helped him into the house - multiple abrasions and a black eye with purple blood filled conjunctiva. I was trying to get home early so we could go to dinner for Veteran's Day.... wound up spoon feeding him his favorite lamb and rice here at home (thank goodness for Costco). I checked him out real good and a 5th trip to the ER this year would just wear him out too much and me, too. He seems ok - will just monitor tonight for concussion.

    Thought I would check in with youse - been working long hours at work and trying to juggle lots of balls in the air.

    Mary, I'm glad you had fun at the wedding. How did the rehearsal dinner go - was there any drinking?!!

    Glad to hear from Blondiee and that everyone is hanging in there. Someone was getting their PET scan results last Friday and now I forgot who.... are the results ok?

    Love to everyone - think I'll be lurking for awhile.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Morning gals.... So many of you here, bring so much to this thread! And I for one, can learn so much, just by reading what you say!

    Maybe it all doesn't pertain to us "now" but we can come back here, and read again, in case we DO want to know "what was that again?"

    So THANKS my friends... I understand things a lot better now! image

    Shells! Sorry...... That sounds kind of like what happened to my Dad one time, when he was walking THEIR dog. He wasn't taking drugs, that I know of, but he was an alcoholic... all his life.... One morning he was out walking, and he had a seizure... Fell on the sidewalk... Blood coming out from everywhere! Neighbors helped him home... Heavy smoker and drinker.

    After THAT scare, he quit smoking.... but only cut-down on drinking. His "older" life was not easy, and I'm sure that life-long habit of abusing his body just took it's toll. Wasn't easy for us either.

    So hope he is okay...

    It's always a pleasure reading how you try and help the gals Sass... AND me! I mean about my skin/hands.... those eye episodes, etc. But you don't know anything about chickens.....image

    Wren, you said something about a pace-maker.... do you have one?

    And there is Cammi! And I understood what you WROTE! Damn girl! I think my brain is adjusting to a whole new different world of typing words!!! That I can understand!!! Ha, ha!

    Littlegoats! So glad you are among our group here too! I just LOVE when other women know more than me! And that is almost EVERYone! So you know the interaction of drugs also!

    This thread is like having nurses, doctors, pharmaceutical people, and who am I missing???? All in one family!

    Spookie... See, when I read stories like yours, I think of things that happened to me.... Like when I was dropped on the back of my head taking acrobat lessons. I KNOW that is why I had amnesia for about 8 hours.... But not being able to find memories of my childhood, except only in short "clips" was probably caused by that "severe brain concussion."

    I have no memory of my school years... Or of even being the "maid-of-honor" in my best friends wedding. That was after High-school. How could I forget EVERYthing? She has pictures of me and my Brother being there! There must be a name for this.....

    I didn't start holding on to memories until I met my DH... Maybe I subconsciously didn't WANT to? So do we have a shrink on here? image

    Morning Flatsy! Sorry about all that..... I don't blame you... And Chickers too.... Beautiful picture! And Hi Mary! Take it easy gal.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013


  • flat13good
    flat13good Member Posts: 74
    edited November 2013

    Me in my younger years of stupidity well maybe not that stupid Thanks for my morning laugh it means a lot.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2013

    Shell, sorry to hear about your husband........hope he is feeling better today..........dealt with drinkers part of my life, and I know it is tough to deal step- father was a drinker, (a wonderful loving man, and only Father I ever knew,) until he lifted that first with that was awful....The one thing I made sure of when I met my husband was "he did not drink", at least not in excess.......I could never have dealt with that, regardless of how much I loved him.............I watched what it did to my Mother, and vowed it would not be my life.

    None of my children are drinkers, nor their spouses, but I have a couple grandsons who somtimes go overboard, and I don't like it.........but it is at weddings, or some special event.......but they are what I call "happy drunks when they drink" father was a nasty drunk, and it was quite often, then became "a way of life for him".....… poor Mother......she gave birth to me, my biological father left us and not sure he ever wanted us.."(she took that secret to her grave) her and I till 14, then married my step father................once he became a constant drinker after several years her life became pure hell........"she deserved better....When my father died she said to me........"I know he was a "pain in the ass"...........but he was "my pain in the ass"...........she died a year later of Colon cancer.........

    So Shell I am no stranger to it, but just wish you the best.........not PREACHING girlfriend just lived it, and I know how tough it can be........and how it affected my thinking when I was young and choosing a scared the hell out of take care of your good man, and I hope he recovers, and this seizure is nothing serious......a seizure, even 1 is bad enough...........had that too dealing with an epileptic daughter.....hugs

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013

    Don't have time to address all personally, I have been keeping up though. 3 Doctor appointments today though. Done with rads tomorrow, so I can catch up then Nerdy

    Sorry everyone has been having a rough go of it. I blame the time change! Or the alignment of the planets, or who the hell knows. Something is out of whack.

    Hi to the new girls. I am the quiet, reserved one.

    Flatsy, hope surgery is going well today!

    Be back sometime ladies, until then hope all continues onward and upward.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013

    Thought Chevy and Cami would appreciate the rooster!

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited November 2013

    Oh Shells Im so sorry about dh. Is he ok now? Wish I could say 70 was brrrr. We are getting really cold for us today, low 20s tonight and not out of the 40s tomorrow. Maybe some snow flurries tonight as well. Yuck. Rehearsal dinner went well. They had a cash bar for those who drank. No alcohol was served at the wedding, but there was quite a lot of brown bagging. Everybody behaved themselves though. We had such a mixture of people, my side of the family didn't drink at all due to lots of alcoholism in the family, her side drink like fish, minister was evangelical, so you know they don't drink. But they had it in their cars, so it was all good. Nobody knew anything and nobody got out of line. My feet still hurt from dancing ha-ha. Next time I just wont move my feet!!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013


    HI Mary, wedding sounded like fun. I love to dance too! Hope this chemo is kinder and more productive for you.

    Shells, sorry about DH. Hope he is on the mend!

    Out the door...................

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2013

    Mary...sounds like a nice time......

    Funny might remember my Chicago trip for my grandsons daughter had to do the rehearsal dinner at a Chicago restaurant.....,,very classy place........never saw so many people at a rehearsal dinner in my life....and I had 6 weddings.........not like back then.......her family not only the ones in the wedding, but their spouse, was crazy. While relatives of ours who came all the way from Phila., Pa went out to a restaurant together, except of course the ones who were in the wedding.......and they were fine with that, and knew they would not be going to the rehearsal dinner......

    Well anyway......her side of the family drank like was a disgrace......the Hostess when my daughter went to pay the bill said....." I have never in all my years at all the affairs I run, have I seen a bar bill like this"...........ready for this........the entire rehearsal dinner cost $4,000, and it was 48 people......we had tops 15 people who attended from the grooms side.

    The woman told my daughter....doing a flat rate bar bill would have been better, then per daughter said........who knew they were lushes.........I was floored when she told me......

    Sad part is, had they come to Pa, for the wedding, my other daughter could have gotten them in the "ballroom" where she works, as a wedding coordinator and saved my daughter on the rehearsal dinner 25%, send my grandson 35% off the wedding cost.

    But she was from Chicago, and he moved there for work 3 years ago, where he met her, she had the larger family (although she is an only child), so we got the expense of traveling.........worse yet, many no-shows on her side, and some gave no gift, and one gave her a repaired xmas plate from 1983 right on the front of the picture............the cost of the wedding per plate was $150.00......they paid for the wedding.....wanted nothing from my daughter, cause her parents were not paying she gave them a very generous gift which covered a huge part of the wedding cost..........90% of friends and family from our side did not go! but still gave a generous gift..........not that you judge by the gift! but "no gift, or a mended 30 year old plate..........oh well shit happens....

    Just saying......

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited November 2013

    Rehearsal dinner was not as expensive as we thought. A lot of people left due to the fact that rehearsal ended an hour early and nobody with small kids wanted to wait an hour for dinner, so we got out of it for less than a thousand, which is what we were expecting..We covered the minister and gave ds and dil a choice between a honeymoon and catching their bills up for a wedding present. They chose the bills and still got a wedding trip to St. Augustine next week, so it worked out for them too...

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2013

    Mary......sounds great.......such a wonderful gift for them......your a good Mama, marywh.........they like my grandson are very you relax and be good to .......MARY.......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    OK I have to ask Ducky. a 30 yr old mended plate--was it an heirloom of some kind? I mean who would do that for anyones gift for anything??? It's so bad it's funny. But I can imagine growing up with an alcoholic that had a bad side would be horrific for a child, my dad always drank but not during the work week just on the weekends but he was so kind anyway and sweeter and no one minded and he wouldn't drive, all he did was go to bed if he thought he drank to much so it never concerned us.

    444444 U'll be done with rads tomorrow YYAAYY--u seemed to do pretty well, at least u'r attitude was good, but glad that's over now tell us how u feel. U'r always so busy, I don't know how u've done it all.

    Shell I'm so sorry what happened to u'r husband how scary. Well if anyone can take care of him u can-that ways he's lucky. And we know u'r busy but pop in when u can and keep us updated.

    Hey Chevy next time u chickiesit bring a rooster in and see what happens---that would jazzy up the chickens and thro the neighbors for a loop. Of course get the cock out of there before they come home.

    I'm busier during the day now, so can't get on so much and my eyes are so tired at night.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2013

    Cam......I was 14 when she remarried, and for years it was fantastic...he fell on personal hard times and it turned that wonderful, sweet, loving man into someone we find not recognize. He could not handle job loss, which brought on my mother being the bread winner......he could not deal with that......sad...

    Heirloom, who the hell knows, but the Bride was not happy, but laughed like crazy when she shared the story at dinner the night after her wedding......we stayed 2 xtra days to be with them.......

    Take care dear...

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,963
    edited November 2013

    SAS, It has happened 4-5 times, always with nausea. I have learned to kneel at the toilet, not squat. If it happened at other times, I'd be into the doc's in a flash. They said it was harmless unless I hit something fainting (like the wastebasket, which gave me a black eye). Interestingly it didn't happen when I was sick after my mx.

    Chevy, No pacemaker for me. Sas asked if I had one. They've only taken things out, not put things in.

    Ducky, if I was hit with a $4,000 bar tab, there would be articles in the paper about the bride-to-be who died at her rehearsal dinner.

    Shells, hope your DH recovers without a concussion.

    Mary, The wedding sounds like a lot of fun. Hope your new chemo treats you gently.

    Hello to all those I didn't address personally. Hope you all have bright spots in your day.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited November 2013

    Shells, I was the one with the PET.  Small mass in colon, scheduling a colonoscopy.  1 cm spot in lung, follow up in 3 months.

    Brother  married Bridezilla in 1978, 2 weeks after our Mother died.  I had no access to what little money Mom had so DH and I had to front all of the Groom's expenses, Brother had champaign tastes and a beer budget.  She left him when she discovered he couldn't keep her in the manner she was accustomed (less than 6 months).  She came from a very wealthy family.

    They were married at the Episcopal Cathedral, the priest expected a significant gratuity.  DB was allowed a Best Man but the rest of the attendants were her family and friends.  At the rehearsal dinner the grooms family and friends consisted of Best Man and wife, DH and I.  She had 40 of her nearest and dearest.  Since I was coming from a distance and was still dealing with Mom's loss she insisted on "making the arrangements" for the dinner.  Naturally she chose one of the most expensive resstaurants in town and had an open bar and wine with dinner.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2013

    wren.....that was the entire cost of the rehearsal dinner...not just the bar tab....but still ridiculous......she ( the Bride) is so sweet.....expects little....I really blame my daughter for not saying the Wedding Party only when she hot the number , which would include readers, people bringing up the gifts ( catholic service).......spouse of the wedding party is not necessary, more their kids".......of course parent's of both would be there..............."they invited me....I said....I don't belong there....I will go to dinner with my other kids who came to the wedding.......grandson insisted.........not sure if the Bride ever heard what the entire affair cost, but again! my daughter did not want to say no to her son, and had no idea how much her family drank.....not the Mother, but the mother's brothers and sisters and their spouses.......ridiculous.

    Chabba....thank heavens they are so happy....she worships him, and he is an amazing guy who treats women like Goddesses, even his Mother (my daughter). He learned from the SIL, who is 1 in a the guy.....".

    Sad what happened to you, and they were dollars and cents........certainly not kindness and consideration.........

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,881
    edited November 2013

    Stopping in to say hi today at one of the neatest threads ever because in-between the fun it is so informative. I think it was Chevy who said that be between thanking you Sass for being a wealth of knowledge along with Shell, or Wren....oh well count me lost sometimes. I just think it is great here.


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013

    Heaven Help Me! I have 4 kids to marry off! At least only one is a girl.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited November 2013

    I just got up from a nap and have to catch up, BUT

    Just got off the phone with Flatsy, she's being wheeled into surgery as I write this for her deconstruction. She's very happy to be having them off. She's happy to be here with all the crazies. She will check in tomorrow or after.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited November 2013

    Today was youngest ds 22 birthday. Decided to spend it with gf. So that saved me from big family dinner...I cant believe my baby is 22.Chemo is alright so far, nothing major, just the usual steroid-rage. Its dropped about 20 degrees in the last 2 hours brrrr snow flurries in the forcast for tonight, but I wont be running to the window to look for them...I need to be in Hawaii with Shells where 70 degrees is brrr weatherWinking

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited November 2013

    Wren going to PM , so, many questions

    Spookie, so, it was a moment in time and no problems since?

    Di, yes, love all the vibrating shiatsu stuff. Probably the foot is the most used. I can use it on my back too. I like it better then the chair sometimes. The bed vibrating is a mixed bag. Sometimes it interferes with getting to sleep, so off it goes. The position change is GREAT when reading a book. Especially in the Harry Potter days b/c I'd start and not stop until each were finished. Dh would bring me all my meals in bed. He was so sweet.

    Chevy yes, the vibrating changes the tinnitus. Wish it would take it away. Ever notice how it gets worse  when you talk about it. There have been a handful of days since it started that were tinnitus free. Those quiet days were so delicious. and wonderous. I definitely need to reset the right. Oddly the left is quiet,

    Ha, I know about Bantam chickens. Brother was given some as pets when he was in a wheelchair after polio. Goodness they were noisy. No one messes with a Banti. But they used to sit on his lap in the w/c and they would just let him pet them. I remember thinking what an odd thing to give as a pet.

    Mary, after all the worry, just delightful that you had so much fun. How did the farm/cowboy/western theme come off? Are you going to be able to post pics? Wedding costs, they always seem outrageous for two days.

    Shells , so sorry about DH. Everyone said it well. Wish it were different. Wish we could make our wishes come true.

    Chickers  glad Herceptin pain subsided. I'm into a fibro TBPP. Fentanyl is even failing me.  Is yours behaving?  BTW loved the pic of Cooper. Is he still ruling over Tasha and Samantha?

    Jackie thanks Hugs, you're always so sweet, it's appreciated.ThumbsUp

    $$$4444$$$$ Miss you, know you're busy

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited November 2013

    You know me and posting pictures, but I'll try the next time dd is over. Wedding theme actually was pretty nice, although I really didn't like the bridesmaids dresses at all. They wernt very becoming with the cowboy boots. Dd and a couple of others looked good in theirs, but a lot of the girls were a little heavy, and they just didn't jive. Decorations were really cute and the s'mores were a big hit. Instead of a wedding cake she had about 12 different flavored pound cakes. As much complaining as I did it really was a nice wedding. My feet are just now recovering,ha-ha.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited November 2013

    The count down to T_DAY. If it works out. There will be 7 from USA, 1 from France, 2 from England, 1 from Australia, 2 from Canada. The ones from France and Aussie land aren't for sure. Won't know for sure till closer till the day. The one from France is cousins BF. Aghhh he's a chef. it could be a great thing or I'll fret over it LOL.

    Short, quick, easy, make ahead at beginning of Season, amount generally last for all of season, depends -- appetizer recipe: Jezebel>>1 jar 16 oz apple jelly, ......1 jar 16 oz--pick one either orange marmalade/ apricot preserves/pineapple preserves.....I jar 6-8 oz unprepared horse radish.....1 heaping tablespoon of freshly smashed peppercorns. Pour all into mixing bowl , mix with fork till blended, use paper plate as funnel and pour back into bottles. Keeps in frig for months.  To serve place half a brick of cream cheese in a bowl(little larger than a cereal bowl), pour jezebel over to cover and around the sides, serve with different crackers. The cream cheese blends well with the hotness of the jezebel. People that like hot things will love it. If they don't, don't bother. Do half a brick at a time b/c leftovers look ugly. Also, can be used as a baste on chicken, turkey, pork, fish. Oddly, as a baste the hotness of the horseradish doesn't come through like it does uncooked, but very nice.

    The toilet will be on the deck. Given up hope for the holidays. So, it will get decorated

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2013

    Me thinks we need a pic of a decorated potty.

    Sas, no more problems, just a one time thing

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Sas I have had that and it's yummy and u wouldn't think so. And a lot of people like it too.

    Mary can't wait to see the pictures, I love when u guys share u'r pics. When my DDs got married, they had to pay for it themselves so they watched all the prices and had wonderful weddings. And of course I didn't have to do anything, but I did walk both of them down the aisle and my Brother married my youngest and SIL so that was sweet. Nice memories.

    Well I had a lot of calls today most about new furnaces, people just realized their furnaces are shot and all these people use Angies list or Yelp---No one by word of mouth, what a word and one who's called a couple of times about the office she works in for different things worked for a Dr. around here that does skin grafting expecially for cancer patients, cuz I had to ask what kind of Dr. he is. It just came out of my mouth. Anyway it's tiring, I'm such a woosh. No nap.

    And thanks Shell u'r brrr cold is our summer, it's really chilly here. Oh Oh My DD got a part time job in the next town at a beauty shop and they close at 7PM which is great whenever she can get a job it's in retail and around this time she gets home like midnite, but it will only be about 4 hrs. a day and every other Sat. so it doesn't sound bad and he knew all of the people she had worked for over yrs and he knew they were good, so she was happy. She doesn't have her license but there's still things she can do and she know all that stuff well so I hope he's happy there. We'll see.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited November 2013

    11/12/13---won't happen for another century

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited November 2013

    Hello my crazy and informative friends.....

    Miss Flat......wishing you happiness with your new figure...and easy recovery!

    Miss fibro is behaving.....I think its all the gabapentin for the neuropathy that is helping keep everything at bay and YES Cooper does believe he is in charge

    Look at my cute t-shirt from a friend....


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited November 2013

    Chickie, happy for you re:fibro. Interesting re: Gaba keeping at bay, shouldn't , but it will be interesting to see what your response is down the road when you go off it. Cute shirt --nice to have thoughtful friends. :)

    Cami , the first time my sis made jezebel, she tasted it without the cream cheese. Said "This can't be right" and threw the whole batch out. Always careful to say taste with cream cheese which I forgot in above. Very often I gift a bottle or two.