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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2013

    I need you ladies in my pocket tomorrow.....I am having a 6 hour is my honor of "Turkey Day" I am giving up my gobbler neck and my jowls.....PS promises I won't look like Joan Rivers!

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited November 2013

    I'm in your pocket, Di

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013

    In your pocket Di!! I am trying to talk my PS into doing my eyelids. Not bad enough for ins to cover them yet and he doesn't do that for ins money anyhow because they pay so little for it. I even told him about an article where they were using eyelid skin to make new nipples!!! He didn't go for that either :0)

    Good for you doing something for yourself!! And Joan isn't so bad just stay away from Phyllis Diller! Lol

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited November 2013

    Good luck, in your pocket...

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013

    Keep a good thought for Cami ladies, she is in the middle of those storms.

    Cami--let us know you are OK when the lights come back on, if they went out that is.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013

    Think I figured out what the problem may be!!!


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2013

    my Grandsons are in Chicago too....said it was bad.....

    Had my eyelids PS sent me to an opthomologist who did what is called a field study test.....I failed, PS contacted my insurance, and told them it was medically necessary according to the test result, from the eye Dr and insurance paid for the test...........what a difference......that was 1988...,,,,,,

    So mention this test to your PS, and see what he says....It was the suggestion of my PS, not me.......he said...."I am sending you for a test to see if this is medically necessary".........never said it would be covered if I failed.......told me after the result came's worth a shot....

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013

    Ducky, My dad had that done too. He failed the test also. Mine droop but don't hit the 50% criteria they need to for the insurance to cover yet. It has something to do with peripheral vision and how "saggy" your lids are. Right now it is still considered cosmetic for me, not medically necessary yet. Plus my PS does a lot of stuff to pay the bills but mostly does BC patients. He said he doesn't do the eye lid stuff for insurance coverage because they cover so little on it. I understand he needs to get compensated for his time and he can better do that helping out a BC patient instead of doing a bunch of droopy eyelids for a few hundred bucks each!! I trust him though. Maybe when I do "fail" the test I can get him to do it and pay him the difference from what the ins will cover.

    Hope your grandsons are weathering the storm.. Don't know where my head was at either, Hope all is well for you too Lilli!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,880
    edited November 2013

    Checking in here.....we didn't do at all bad here. There was at times a whole lot of wind, but the often predicted rain storms did not come. We did have to go out about four different times and sweep mounds of leaves off the deck and stairs. Should have known ( a bit later I the day ) that we would be fine as the outdoor cat just got up in the lawn chair and stayed there napping for the longest time.

    I do know ( I haven't checked the news yet ) that there was plenty of tornado activity cropping up but Dh had the remote control this afternoon and I was too lazy to go to my room to have a look-see. I do hope Cammi make out all right. She is much, much closer to Chicago. I am four hours or so south of her. As we had a thunderstorm last night and a good portion of rain......I just felt we would get the whole nine yards and we didn't. Sort of feel like Chicken Little now. Hmmmm, sorry Chevy.

    Hugs to all


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2013 guy was an need someone really good, cause crap can happen......get someone who does eyes on a regular basis......big thing is if they take too much off......your eyes will not close all the way, not enough and it is not good either......just be choosy......

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited November 2013

    SIL lives just across the river where the tornado hit in Brookport IL about a mile. She says it was scary but she weathered it OK. Very old building with a huge basement.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2013

    I had two different eye doctors told me I failed the eye lid test and I was eligible for my private insurance pay and (was pre appproved), delayed...delayed..... saw another eye doctor....I got older.....I failed again and said I was eligible for medicare to pay ( but I didn't trust this doc at all) so I went to a 3rd eye doctor and he said I did NOT need it.....he did my cataract surgery last year on both eyes....ask my PS and he said I did not need it.....but my brows need in 2 weeks-Dec 2 I am having another surgery mini brow lift, fixing my lower eye bags & trough (thanks to cancer)(MY $$$$) and the part that insurance covers: Nips and revision/fat grafting of divots in one foob.<-------hopefully this will fix the dents in the form of a "Z" in the mirror (mark of ZORRO/breast cancer)....hopefully I will be DONE with surgeries....just need to go see Vinnie for my ta-ta tattoos

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2013

    Di would love a brow lift, but sure the insurance won't pay......

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2013

    Ducky....exactly what my PS and eye doc said....can't fix it if too much is removed from lids. So happy to hear Grayson is upright....keep it up can do it!

    Hope all is okay for everyone in the storm areas.....saw all the damage on the news just a few minutes ago.

    My nurse anesthetist called me this afternoon to ask I was ready for surgery and said he would see me in at 6:45AM excited...waited so long for this...these surgeries has been scheduled since Sept.......the watermelon head avatar is how my eyes droop and that avatar is not ME...just snapped that photo on one of my cruises....a lot of food artist work on cruise ships

    4444444444.....I have that cleaning disease too....ADCD IT!!!

    Chevy........what is going to happen to your chickie friends....when the snow begins to the hen house heated?

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited November 2013


    In your pocket.

    I think Dwilli is scheduled for exchange surgery the week of Thanksgiving.

    Hope everyone is staying safe, warm and dry.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited November 2013

    GO DI!!! I'm so happy for you. You all know I had my eyelids done when I had my reconstruction 4 moths ago - sooooo happy, money well spent.

    I agree about long term care insurance - so many barriers about what they do and do not cover. Better to put the money aside and invest it. My pension, widows vet benefit and SS should be able to pay for a nice room in a nursing home so I won't be a burden to my boy..... Lord knows I've seen enough sorrow at the end of life...don't want to add to it......and NO IV fluids or feeding tubes when I can't eat swallow anymore, I'm going to heaven without artificially prolonging life! Don't want it shortened or lengthened beyond when it's my time.

    I already have my NP State license with prescriptive authority - but it's in Women's Health. I went back to school to study Family Medicine, so my Board Exams will certify me as a Family NP.

    GO Di - we want a picture of your new face!!!!! Here's my eyes without makeup!!


  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2013 look amazing....saw your pic shortly after your eye surgery and I thought you looked good then....but healing has really made a difference....AMAZING!!!!.....have to wait until Dec 2 for the eye/brow part of my surgery.....neck and jowls/fact lift Dec 18....TOMORROW. (I have permanent eye make up...tattooed from about 15 years ago)

    I also feel when I am done with life.....I AM DONE....DNR....or feed with an IV....all in our wills.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2013

    Thank you.....thank you....thank you ladies for being in my pocket......don't wake me up during your "pocket party"

    I briefly awoke during my last surgery in July....anesthetist ask what was wrong....told his I felt a stick in my side turning my head to the left...(since my hands were strapped down) and he said I will put you down a little deeper...."thats all he wrote".....when I awoke again, I was done.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013

    Really excited for you Di! And jealous of you that have gotten or are getting your eyes done. I never thought I looked my age. Until now that is. Feel and look like I have aged 10 years in 6 months!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2013 too....shocked at how much older I look.......I am on Letrozole....all I can say is kill your estrogen, (and that is what it does)........and you age quickly........and nothing helps

    I could grease a bus motor with all the lotions and shit I have in my cabinets......actually my next purchase will be "spakel"........told my friend today....If I get anymore wrinkles I will be able to screw my hat on...oh well shit happens...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    OMG I had so much to catch up on and some so sad, I felt so sad readying it all, espe ially all the baby stories--it's so heartbreaking to to hear about children hurting in any way. Sorry.

    4--Cleaning house is like the last thing ever on my mind, I'd always say we actually live here, cuz I could only do it if I felt like it not because it was Friday or Saturday like growing up. I only had 2 kids but I usually worked 2 jobs so cleaning was not on my list of importance, I'd rather lay down with my kids and watch TV. LOL And u are sooooooooo busy u don't have time for that anyway.

    Shell I know u'r having a difficult time now, but I always think of all u accomplished while I have known u it amazes me and I can't picture anyone doing this very difficult job as good as u.

    Di u'd better have big pockets, lots of us will be there.

    Lilly I'm glad u missed all this mess, it got kind of scary for a while and a short way away electricity went out, it hailed so badly and just sheets of rain and crazy windy for a while everyone was in the hallway away from the windows, well I was in the bathroom with my D, so I was right next to them and Joey got so scared, but the dog didn't at all, we never saw my cat and when I did even tho there was still rain and some thunder I knew it was basically over, but those tornados where bad, Awful day for so many. And now it's just cold here.

    Ducky I hope u had a better day today---I know u haven't been doing so well.

    I'm so tired but now I can say Oh I have to work tomorrow hahaha- but I'l take a shower and put some clean flannels on.

    I hope everyone has a good night.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2013

    Cam......glad your grandsons as you know live in Chicago grandson's MIL lives in Champaign, Il, and it got close to her......the Boyd said it was bad....

    I was better today......just have to put my big girl panties on, and face the fact that it won't be like it was......I tried drinking a lot more water today, do the pain today was a little better....

    Well I am off to bed, so Cam, you have a good night also, and again.....glad your ok.....

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013

    flatsy, just spotted this, it is one of the photos my nice SIL had sent me!

    Photo: Hello Everyone, This Tattoo was done for a woman who had breast cancer ! Facebook keeps removing the post in 24hour as an offensive photo do to nudity. However we feel this woman is both brave and strong so were going to post it anyways and ask for your awareness and support ; Please like and share this photo quickly to show your support for this and many other women who have lost so much. ( Kind Comments are welcome ) thanks !

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013

    Have lots more to say ladies, but too wiped out now. Hitting the rack. I will catch up tomorrow. I also have a medical question I need input on to make a final decision about my upcoming surgery. Something tells me you all will have a lot to say :-)

    Nighty nite!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,963
    edited November 2013

    Di, In your pocket tomorrow.

    It seems really odd to have those storms in Nov. Hope everyone and their loved ones are safe.

    4, I had to laugh. That is exactly how I used to clean house. I have photos of what a mess it was. OK, parts of it still are. I do keep the living room and kitchen pretty clean now. It helps me to pick one thing and make myself finish that before going on to something else. My aunt had 4 children in 4 years and there was an entire bed devoted to clean laundry and folding clothes and diapers. I only had 2 kids and I was completely overwhelmed.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    444444---I remember seeing that tattoo thinking if I was young I would consider something like that, I thought it was beautiful, even thos my whole life I never would. But I was wondering can u just wear that out without a top, I mean it's like a perm top--Flatsy don't u think that really cute, but it must cost a fortune and loads of time doing.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Sas thanks for the info----my GF is a gemologist---she's the one that got Joey interested in gems and diamonds and clarity, cut etc. She's written a beautiful book and it's about the meaning of gemstones and they're healing powers of what is good for what and Joey read it and with her help has started his own collection and really understands these things and along the way I've learned a lot from her, but I have to say my "fake" diamonds cuz she has told me what to get, looks more and sparkles more than real ones. LOL

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Thinking of you today Di! And yes..... our Miss Fourrrrrrrrrr has her own stash of scantily clad men in various stages of neckedness that she will readily share with us....Ha!

    And I LOVE that tattoo! It really is beautiful! Even a smaller one.... like a pretty bra? Would look good too! Are these for you Flatsy?

    Cammi and Jackie, sooooooo glad you gals are alright! Been watching the news this morning.... Man, it just makes you wonder what is going on? So scary!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    And Di, I don't know if the coop is heated! Those damn people probably couldn't figure out what went wrong ANYway if one of the chickens was laying there with her toes pointed up!

    I think they know I am not to happy with how they treat their cat.... and their new little barker with the chickens! I mean she chased one, and hurt her! They SAID they were going to put "tarp" around their coop? Maybe beFORE the snow flies??? I give up.

    Those people do NOT deserve pets! They don't know how to take care of them.

    Thinking of you Di! Won't be long now! ((((hugs))))

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2013

    up early, watching the news....thank God my grandsons are is in a high-rise apt. In. Chicago, and said it was bad........

    The other owns his own Condo, in downtown Chicago, not far from Soldier Field......said it was horrific, especially considering he lived in Pa. a ll his life, and we just don't get that kind of weather..........we panic when we hear 60 mph wind.......Sandy hurricane was probably our worst in years, and that was New Jersey........

    Yet it was nothing like the part of Chicago that was grandson's MIL lived very close to the area that got the worst.......