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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited December 2013



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited December 2013

    HaHa Cami,

    There is a popular song on the radio these days. I really like it, but now everytime I hear it I will think of you...

    "I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed. Get along with the Voices inside of my Head."

    Oh, and I am eating scrambled eggs right now! Seemed appropriate for dinner and went with the 300 sausage patties I just finished cooking :0)

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,962
    edited December 2013

    I think brown eggs taste better too. DS & DIL had ducks for a couple of years and their eggs were really good. They're larger than hen eggs and of course were right out of the nest.

    Our choice of place to eat tonight is based on how close we can park to the door. It's within walking distance, but not when it's below freezing. Seafood, here we come.

    Martha Stewart has Aracuna chickens and uses their egg colors in her decorating.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited December 2013

    cam...not was a happy time, even though it was sad he was leaving us........we had a wonderful 2years 9 months......I feel fortunate we had that time together to say our final goodbyes........some never get that.........he was so handsome.......beautiful smile, ever one of the girls in HS were after him..".I got him, and the mixture of full blooded italian and Irish, made for some gorgeous was a good life......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Oh I'm glad u have those memories--Italian  and Irish Like my SIL and now my GS is Italian and 1/4 Irish, but he didn't get his fathers Blue eyes my DD and I were hoping for those blue eyes. And Ducky of course he picked u, why wouldn't he???

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited December 2013

    Quatre - how does one cook 300 sausage patties? One whopper of a skillet?


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited December 2013

    very carefully.....LOL

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Morning Glories! The temp has wamed up to 1.0... So we must be in for "hot" weather today...image

    Actually they said it won't be warmer until Wednesday at least....

    My Dad used to crink 1/2 and 1/2 in his cereal! But he loved it, so I wouldn't say anything about it... And I started drinking whole milk also, in my cereal.... I just like the taste.

    Hello to you Blondie girl! Good to see you feeling better! I know "they" say chemo doesn't affect your lungs, but they say a lot of things, and those "things" might affect US in different ways.... Just stay feeling better!

    44444444! It is Ed Dahling.... If you have to say Ed, add Dahling to it too... I almost forgot that was me... That cartoon was funny! That was a sex joke??? imageimageimage

    Jackie you had mentioned before somewhere about you like the brown eggs better! I have a whole dozen of "my" eggs... Just saving them for something! Those chickens lay all different colors too! Because each of them are different colors! They really are pretty in their own chickeny way!

    My blood work was good.... cholesterol is even low... Who knew? I'm still taking Cipro for that UTI that I didn't know I had, and it was probably a fluke somewhere!

    Do you guys remember "He Stopped Loving Her Today".... by George Jones? It's like you can listen to some songs, and each one has a beautiful memory for you... And Celine Dion singing the Power of Love.

    And this one..... My youngest gave me this song ..... It is by Martina McBride...

    Okay now.... Do any of you remember dancing to this?

    Ducky, I know you remember this one...

    And Jerry Lee Lewis...

    Holeinone! Yes... you can officially be a Hoolie...Ha! You are a Shirley? Okay.... can't do much with that one... But just hang here with us...

    Cammi, I am NOT asleep.... You little dickens! No I don't think that "prophocize" is a word.... But we all knew exactly what you meant!

    You said cranberry somewhere along the line! I made the BEST Cranberry Salad! They sold it at King Soopers, and I found the recipe, and made it!

    One bag of fresh Cranberries.... (we'll be SOL if we don't hurry and by them soon....

    One small pack of sugar free cherry gelatin dissolved in one C. boiling water...

    One-half cup of diced celery

    Same with chopped Walnuts

    One small can of crushed pineapple

    One C. of sugar or Equal ( I only used 1/2 C of sugar)

    Cook the cranberries with 1 C water until they pop open... about 10 min.

    Then just mix it all together, let cool or "set" and it is really good...

    "Liquor might help rather than hinder." Cammi, you just crack me up! But that's a thought....

    Chabba.... Yes... I have someone that raises them...Ha! And the eggs ARE beautiful... I mean as pretty as an egg can be....

    444444444444... Okay, scrambled eggs for breakfast.... with milk and cheddar cheese!

    Ducky, I met DH right after graduation.... He looked just like Elvis Presley... I can still see it... 58 years we have known each other.

    300 sausage patties? Must be a misprint! Cammi, did you write that?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    September 28th... 1957... I was 20 and he was 19. Wow! How lucky can you get?

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324
    edited December 2013

    Sassy. I am only an occasional poster but do read everyday. I would like to be added to the list..


    Cindy AKA Squishy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Morning Squishy! Welcome! I see you sometimes.... somewhere...Loopy How are you a "crog?" Are YOU getting this freezing weather?

    If you want to get on the list, you have to stay here, and never leave again.... Not never...Ha!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning Hoolies---everyone be super nice to Chevy--Oh  I guess everyone is--so that means me. I love that pic--so beautiful and handsome--Oh how sweet. And Chevy I'll wait til later to check those songs out, once I get on I'm on for a long time.

    It's nice and cold outside I have my electric throw right next to me, in case I really get cold, but I have to take a shower today and I found some really warm stuff, I'm still finding things from moving and I forgot about my Christmas purse, so I will change that today, it's red with little snowmen and trees on it. And I have one that's wrapped like a present--I take this time of year seriously. I hve a bunch of holiday tops but have no idea where they are (sob) such cute ones too.Oh well see the problems I face, it's horrendous. Now u know how miserable my life is--I can't find my tops.!!!!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited December 2013

    Hey Hoolies!

    I figured I would stop by this morning before I head out to run some errands because it is IMPOSSIBLE to catch up if you take a few weeks or even days away from this board since none of you ever STFU...HA! xo

    So, the aromasin is killing me physically and my brain fog is totally unacceptable and all that MO had to say was "it is the best defense we have against recurrence and so basically I am here to be your cheerleader to ask that you keep trying until at least one year" which translates into "Suck it up beyotch, this is your new reality Bawling"

    And I do get that. I really do. But, my quality of life is seriously hampered. My eyes are so dry, (as are other more important parts..ha!) and my joints are killing me most of the time. My brain used to be really good. I am a pretty smart chick usually but now...well, not so much.

    Ok, rant over. I know that many of you are dealing with MUCH worse than me with my DCIS. I know I am blessed but damn, the cure is way worse than the disease. The rads were rough enough since I did the dose dense clinical trial of 4x the normal dose, 2x a day for a week, but sheesh, this little white pill is the pits!

    I am still reeling over Veggy. The last time I was on the boards, she was still using the pink panther avatar and I can't get that out of my mind. That cartoon character will always be Veggy to me...always.

    I cry at the drop of a hat these days. My poor hubby has not a clue what to do for me when I get like that. Anyone else cry easily when taking an AI? Is this NORMAL?

    Ok, gotta run. Maybe I will find enough energy to get my haircut today since I look like a witch these days as I tend to hibernate on the weekend and not leave the house but today, I have no choice! I have to buy some pants cause after losing 85 lbs, I gave away all of the bigger sizes and since January, I have gained back 40 of them...ugh!

    See you all later. Stay out of trouble!Winking

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324
    edited December 2013

    Chevy. Ha ha ha. I am always here just don't post much. Crog is from my first and last name.. We got a little snow overnight. None showing on the street but a little on the grass. The temp right now is 34 and partly cloudy. They say we are in for a mess on Monday. Course I have to have an appointment that day. My husband will drive me as I do not drive in bad weather anymore if I can help it. Not sure if I told it on here or not but I had to go take another driving test (nothing like feeling 16 all over again with the jitters of taking that test) because of my right leg amputation and I passed and can drive with my prosthetic, says so right on my license... Ha ha. No I do ok and think better than some of the people out there that have two good legs.. Ha ha ha

    Hope everyone can have a good day today..

    Cindy AKA Crog or Squishy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited December 2013

    Golfgirl, Short note off to luncheon, I asked for Kira & Binney's input after Chickie developed edema after her trip... The flying thread had started  previously but was a bit lost in time. . They gave their considered opinions on page two. Put in your favorite places. Too many on the boards developed LE after flying. But way over my head. That's why K& B's response are so important.... Off ride waiting XOXO

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited December 2013

    golf girl.....there is a great book out called...Lymphedema.....A Breast Cancer Patient's Guide to Prevention, and Jeannie Burt and Gwen White, PT.....check your library...if not Amazon, or Walmart.....great read........right there, hands on....Would suggest library first, to see if you like it, then purchase....

    Had my LE for over 2 years.....happened atound the 4th week of Rads......gave back to the beginning.....hopefully this time we get it right.........

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited December 2013

    April, Aromasin kicked my butt. I lasted 4 months. I am now on Femara 6 weeks and it is a lot better so far. I did a couple of things differently this time - I split my pill and take half in the morning and half in the evening. (Have not told the MO that Happy). I am also taking Claritin. I read on other threads some people find that helps since it is an antihistamine. I may add glucosamine/chondroitin. Some people find it helps to take the AI at bedtime.

    My MO was very willing to try different ones to find one that is tolerable. Don't just suffer. Yell, scream, kick butt until your MO listens and helps you!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited December 2013

    Sav.....Letrozole...(aka Femara) is kicking my ass big time......thinking of quitting.....MO, got annoyed with me last visit.....great lady, but leaving the room she said what I thought was a little abrupt....WELL IF YOU DECIDE TO STOP, PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have other issues too before Femara, and I do not deny that, but the Femara, has taken my joint pain to a much higher level....back, knees, feet, hands...some days worse then others.....a good day is when the pain level is a 7.........oh well decisions to be made.........

    Now I heard you should not 1/2 the pill.....and you should not do every other day.......Web, MD.......probably has to do with the mechanism of action, and the 1/2 life......would think that any way would be better then not at all, but guess not....

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited December 2013

    April..........Letrozole.........cry for no reason .....give me one and I will cry all day......horrible Med, no matter which one.....some get nothing...I get every SE except hot flashes....should I say yippee to that.......

    Add to that LE......and was told last night by someone......I should consider myself lucky that my tumor was not big.......effen......ahole........

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    I start reading and get interrupted with work things---GRRRR

    BTW I think I read or heard about not cutting it in half too, cll u'r pharmacist that's what I do, they know more about meds than most Drs.I only learned that cuz I worked in a pharmacy for a couple of yrs PT. And when I told my first Onc she said she could change this med, I did say what her opinion for me was and she did say this one is the best for me??? but she didn't want me to suffer, I should have listened and changes cuz it's much worse than suffering it's permanent oh and suffering and Ducky I bet ur's is permanent too. And now we have to live with it, but I didn't know it would be this extreme rwally or I would have changed then, why bother now.I'm in remission now,  everything is quiet so I don't want to take the chance of not taking it, that's my thinking and I pray I stay in remission lot longer, but I still feel like chit like all or most of us do. Oh my sister is also in remission so we're both doing good tht way, she's on Femara and does not have all the SE's I do, but that's an individual thing.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    I just read this nw Ducky they said u were lucky--were they trying to rhyme or did they really think that.

    That's a STFU moment---oh wht a thing to say, if they only knew How "lucky" u are.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013!watch/568442?partner=flipboard

    Is this nuts or what? I mean am I too old to even think this is a good idea? '

    I mean using weed for medicinal purposes is ONE thing.... but just for the hell of it, is just amazing to me....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    I can't get it Chevy---but it is COMEDY CENTRAL u know.

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited December 2013

    Hi, Ducky. I checked with Dr Google about splitting the letrozole pills but found nothing conclusive about this particular med. It's a good suggestion to check with the pharmacist and I will definitely do that. The only things I found consistently were to use a pill splitter and to not split pills in advance.

    I'll let you know what the pharmacist says.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited December 2013 pharmacist told me no splitting....never asked about every other day......however I heard the drug stays active in your system for 2 days after you take the last one for that maybe every other is better......but....the question much active ingredient is left in you system on the day you skip........bullshit isn't it.....

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418
    edited December 2013

    luv my the fry pan photo, I need to learn how to do that, cut & paste, my computer skills are weak...

    Chevy..aka..Ed Dahling, what a beautiful wedding photo! You must of deleted it, I saw it briefly, had to get stuff done, came back and it was gone....When you have time tell me about your Coors job, my DH is a dedicated consumer. I do enjoy a Coors light when its really hot..& you wrote a book...?

    Cami, hang in there girl, happy to read this morning that you are in remission, I love reading all your posts

    Ducky...thx for the info on LE, I will reserve that book from my library, if they have it...

    Sas, golf girl is perfect, Holeinone....just one of my many fantasies...

    Ok, my project for today, do not laugh, go ahead u can laugh, I am ordering bowling shoes online...I have big feet, need to get men's but my friend here signed me up to sub in the bowling league...nerdy, but get me out of the house since I took the school year off,( I work with sp. Ed kids 4-6 grade ) medical leave...I hope I can get my average over 100...

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418
    edited December 2013

    Teka, I am RSVP ing to the Anniversary Party...crab stuffed mushrooms

    Crog/Squishy...congrats on passing your test...I am sure it was back to being sweet 16..

    April, Al s have me a little worried, among other things, I will start the end of Feb.,after rads, my SIL went off them..could not do it...I am more concerned over the emotional part, what you are going thru than the physical SE...good luck, I hope it gets easier for you

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418
    edited December 2013

    Chevy Dahling...did you see the CNN special on medical use & the 5 year old with horrific seizures ? That was just amazing how it helped that little girl...I cannot help but wonder if years down the road it they find some value with bc...The chemo drug Taxol has the bark of a Yew tree? Not 100% I have that fact correct, but it is somewhat close, read it twice so hopefully I am not just making up crap..

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,850
    edited December 2013

    Saying hi this afternoon.  Chevy.....that song by Martina McBride.....I was crying by the time she got to the chorus.  Beautiful song.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Try this link Cammi! DD in Orlando sent it to me, and said "What are you girls UP to?" Ha, ha! And yes Holeinone.... It is a miracle that it helps people and children with seizures! Not to mention pain management.... Hell, I might even try it.... but it amazes me that anyone can buy it off the streets.... ever since I was in High School.... And now they are going to legalize it? I mean from what the report says, up to 1/2 oz? Oh yeah, THAT should work! Ha, ha! I love "Elizabeth Dahling..." Loopy I made that up for me, because I knew a salesgal named Elizabeth Darling....

    A bunch of Stoners here! I remember when I picked up DD #1, from her friends house, to take them somewhere.... When they got in the car, I said "SOMETHING SMELLS LIKE CATNIP IN HERE!" I heard snickers from the back seat. Damn kids!

    Thanks Lilli.... I mean I cried too, when Janie gave me that CD..... She took it harder than I did, when I told her I had Breast Cancer.... 4 years ago, Dec. 4th, they took it out!