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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited December 2013

    Well I will catch up later. Need to make quick hardware store run. We have no de-icer. Cripes. 32 degrees and dropping. West Texas radar lit up with freezing rain. Have PT at 11. DH left for work early and will leave work if icing starts. Heck Quatre I will trade your balmy weather. Like I said we had no fall here. 100+ and then maybe 3-4 weeks of reasonable but it was nearly 80 here yesterday. Of course ice/snow not our forte here in NT. Snow plow? They only put down de-icer maybe. I have to cross only local bridges - you know creek type to PT.

    BBL and what the heck with the deletions (yes Cami that is a real word)?

    Gma - hope the creepies/crawlies are improving. Love your pictures. Showed your last one above the clouds to DH.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Luv is right Foley how beautiful u'r view is--it looks like a Christmas type of picture all the time.

    And Teka is right this is peace time ladies let's all have our hearts open.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh! Eeeee gads! Teka..... I think we ALL know what is going on..... but I try and not pay any attention .... La la La... La.... can't hear a word.... I mean literally.

    Littlegoats! It's warming up here.... Now it's up to 5 above 0...Ha! But the sun is shining.... Amazing how cold it can be, WITH the sun out.... Like it pays no attention to how cold it is!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited December 2013

    Sunroom is now my Icebox - 20 degrees this morning. The poor hummingbird food was frozen solid - I started rotating the 2 bottles bring one in to thaw and put the warm one out. It is going to snow tonight - 3 to 6 inches which is pretty big if I need to get down the hill to go to JoAnns to work on saturday morning at 6:30. Dirt road and our road association snow plow doesn't get up that early on saturday.

    This is what it looks like this morning, except everything is frosted over too. No way I'm going out to take a picture. Sorry - but this is what it looks like atm:


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418
    edited December 2013

    Foley,great photo, hate the bitter cold but love the look of snow & winter...

    I think dodge ball is still played in some colleges, and definitely in Jr. High..

    So, I was online last night with all the action, but being the newbie some of it went right over this thick head.., someone actually reads everything that is posted, that quickly? Off to the Dr.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited December 2013

    It looked that way in Atlanta this am too! It is currently 66 and headed into the 70s. Still gloomy though

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited December 2013

    Holeinone ,

    Good luck at docs

    My kids still get beat up playing dodge ball in elementary! Think they have a cutesy name for it, but still!

    Had the house to myself first time in over 2 weeks. Fell asleep and now WAY behind. Some Hooligans kept me up last night!

    Out the door too......good day to everyone no matter your weather.

    Sas, please let us know how your scan turned out. Sending prayers for results better than you are anticipating.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2013

    4 if this is the night garment your LEist is talking about, PM your addy, I'll send you this. I can't sleep in this thing. IT DOES NOT BEND. it was over $1,000, and is collecting dust. Ins pd for it, it's yours if you want it.


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited December 2013

    Thanks Spookie! I really appreciate the offer :0) Miss Frizzle, (my LEPT lady looks and acts just like Miss Frizzle from the Magic School Bus!) showed me one like that. I do not have LE, but obviously don't want to get it either! I am in and out of food and water all day and the sleeve drives me crazy and forget about the glove! I am constantly doing something or driving so my arm is bent a lot too and it hurts where it cuts in at the elbow. I know they have a different weave there, but they need to leave a hole!

    The one she ordered looks like a giant oven mit with no fingers. tried it on and it wasn't bad but I think it will be hot. Easy on easy off though! the way the channels are sewn they make Vs with the point of the v being towards your wrist. I guess it is supposed to gently influence fluid to move up your arm.

    I am also taking some supps for the LE. Another LE Massage therapist at the Health store I shop at told me about them. I will look at them and post the names when I get back from Sams. Busy but need the $$. Lunch for 42, pancakes for 200+, and lunch for 35 in the next 48 hours. Catch is my kids will be eating tombstone pizza!!!

    My insurance is going to cover mine at 100 percent, but maybe GmaFoley or someone could use it? It is the right arm for me too, so I don't know if it would make a difference on that particular brace or not??

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited December 2013

    If I had coffee this morning, maybe I would not be running so late! Got one of those single brew machines, cheap, maybe that explains. But I put the pod thing in and it just gave me a cup of hot water and creamer ;0( Tomorrow I will try this...


  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited December 2013

    Ok, I'm not having fun on this topic anymore. You all have a good time without me... Didn't say that to hurt feelings either, just not happening anymore and I didn't want you all to worry.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited December 2013

    ok I made it to SAMs and chit Gma. I hope I didn't offend commenting the weather here is crap too? I love your pics and appreciate them considering I will probably never make it out there to see it for myself. I can't imagine there still being hummingbirds out though!

    I didn't mean anything about the LE sleeve either. I just know you and a couple others have trouble with it and thought it could help you out.

    Chit, it wasn't the man bringing coffee was it?

    Anyhow, I hope I did nothing to offend. If I did I apologize. I usually trip over my words and write things 3 times before I hit submit to make sure and try not to put anything out there that is going to upset. If I do it, I usually do it intentionally and not often mind you, and usually not first.

    Typing on this phone sux!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Foley are u all right? U'r picture is from a scary movie, It's getting colder by the hr. here-well what are we going to do? BTW to much snow in my book--u know the name--it's called "the book of Snow" we're all in wait to see what happens???

    Teka smelling salts doesn't work on Chevy. She needs smelling Rock Salts. 

    44444 How are u going to do all that in such a small amount of time 48 hrs, U overdo some u know that. But if u can good for u.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited December 2013

    Ok I apologize. It has been brought to my attention, that I will just bring more controversy by saying what I said so I deleted it - of course what I am going to say is probably not much better.Sad I am going through some heavy duty withdrawal today (under doc supervision) and everything seems to bug me. I just really don't need heated disagreements between my friends, I don't need deletions because they what was said was inappropriate and pictures as above just don't do it for me. Until today, they never bothered me. There I said what I was hiding. I love you girls, but I am having trouble dealing with things right now.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited December 2013


    I'm praying for you. Hope the symptoms of withdrawal ease up quickly. Arms around you, holding you close with love.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,962
    edited December 2013

    Gma, withdrawal can really make you hypersensitive, for sure. My sympathies. It's a lot like being flogged after someone has removed your skin. I do like your picture although it makes me want to put on my coat. It's cold here, but cloudy with the possibility of sun breaks.

    4, if I had to do that much cooking in such a short time, I would go insane. Just cooking dinner almost puts me over the edge.

    Our senior center had a great fund raiser yesterday. People brought in old costume jewelry they were tired of. A committee priced it and put it out on tables by price. I got earrings for DIL, a necklace for DD, and 2 necklaces for me. All for $12. The sale made a lot of money for the center.

    I was a receptionist at the center yesterday and spent most of the time labeling fruitcake for the Christmas fair this weekend. We're part of a large neighborhood organization that has the fair every year on the first weekend in Dec. I'm selling fruitcake Sunday afternoon. Hopefully, it will all be gone and I can just enjoy the fair.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    GMA I'm glad u came back--this is  difficult time for u and it's a terrible feeling that u are having, I'm so sorry--we'll just do happy stuff, well try, that's what we want anyway we're here for support and caring and that's how it should be and right now u need all the support we cn give and I'm glad u came back and explained then we can make it better Can the Dr. give u something to help? Does he/she know how bad this has been for u--for some it's not as bad, but u'r dealing with more than 1 thing now. (((GMA)))

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Wren I have to ask cuz this is stupid I know---do a lot of people like fruitcake? Really I don't know 1 person that does, is it popular in other areas of the country? I remember when I ws little there was always a fruitcake at everyone's house and never eaten, for years I thought it was a decoration.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited December 2013

    4...Not sure what your apologizing for....................however

    I am a LE patient........went today to start over..........the therapist, very sweet and caring, pl;us good, told me I need to keep this under control........I too, got fed up, disgusted, depressed, and all that goes along with sleeves, bandages, and the I stopped caring, and said "screw it"...........well she said that is not a good thing, cause this can come back "big time to bit me in the ass", I met an excellent LT today, that is truely interested and caring about my here I go again...........somehow I feel more confident now then I did 6 months ago........hope I am right...........will let everyone know how it goes.

    I have been on this thread for a long a lot of help, laughs, tears, wonderful stories, and made a lot of amazing friends................if the people who know me well, know I am all for the "fun".........I am old, I do not drink, (not even Vodka)..............I am 'not that pretty, certainly not the prettiest, and by far not the smartest, although I can run with the best........I am also not the funniest, ;there are many much funnier then are one of them.......................I feel I have done nothing wrong, but if there are any of you ladies out there who would rather I leave STFU..........just say the word................I for one do not stay where I am not wanted..........for the record............I AM NOT A BULLY...................hopefully this post is not deleted by the is a heartfelt message for the friends I have made.............hugs.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,962
    edited December 2013

    We sell out every year, so someone must like it - or perhaps they buy it for the office person they don't like. The cook uses dried fruit instead of candied. I still don't like it. MIL sent us a fruitcake one year. We dutifully ate 1 slice each, wrapped it up and put it in a lower kitchen cabinet, and forgot about it. We lived next to a farm and got mice in the house. DH said "Oh, they've gotten into the fruitcake!" Then he picked it up and discovered they had eaten the entire inside of the fruitcake leaving only a thin shell. It looked like an airplane hanger. There was a pile of raisins left. Mice evidently don't like raisins.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,850
    edited December 2013

    Not even going to try to catch up.  I was four and a half pages behind.....zowie !!!!! I don't know how I manage, but I do a bang up job of it.  So saying hi and giving out hugs to anyone who might be short right now.  Cold as a witch's tit here and sleeting that will turn into some snow later.  Winter is here.....not breaking out the pom-pom's over it though.  


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418
    edited December 2013

    Wren, how rewarding to be part of something that has value...being part of the local community is important for our self...

    Gma, I wish I could take your misery away, I always feel when the physical symptoms are horrific, I could handle it if I just could take a break, an hour of relief...hoping for the best, I always tell myself that this too shall that from the bible? But when you are in it no words's all crap...

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited December 2013

    Wren.............waiting for my yearly far he has not shown up.......I use Peppermint Oil on cotton balls........last year it helped.

    Lilli..............oh boy grandsons live in Chicago........not sure how close that is to you, but I guess they might be in for nasty weather too.................just stay in, if that's possible, and stay warm, if that's possible.....................................Oh how I hate the winter......................

  • flat13good
    flat13good Member Posts: 74
    edited December 2013

    I have missed the group and will try to get back on track with posting.

    Sassy  Thanks for the call yesterday it was very thoughtful and it is nice to know someone will be checking on me when I need it the most. I also hope your recent test scan. comes out good.   I have not been posting because I'm just to tired after work and then dinner and I'm done for the day.  This surgery was very good but it has taken more out of me than I expected.  I have a very busy friend that I don't get to see much so we took a trip this fall and she said that she was very worried about me. I told her the new me does not have the same stamina that I used to so not to worry. She said we will see next year when we do it agian.  I think 3 surgery's in one year was just a lot for me.  Next year will be better!   

    Now that they are gone  yes yes yes Happyhappy happy happy   I was going to ask if any of the flatsies out there have taken the route I did by having reconstruction and then removal.  If so I have questions on the recovery time and healing. I now have concave and then this lump ? muscle I think under the area that the breats was removed. It is much bigger on the radiated side  Does this ever go away or will they always be lumps.  I have one doctor telling me it will get smaller and then the PS says they won't and he can do things later to fix it. Not sure I want any more work done and why did he not do anything while he had me under the knife then.    Any information is welcome.  Just trying to adjust to the new lumpy look.  I guess that is what I get for never wearing a bra and developing muscles to keep them perky even at 53.


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418
    edited December 2013

    4444see & Ducky, I hate to distract you, cause you are one busy you do not need to reply or explain anything right now...regarding LE, I had only 7 nodes removed,( which were bulging out the seams with bc, yikes! ) but have not had any Dr. check my arm, no appts With a pt, really do not even know what I should be looking for...I do know that you avoid blood draws, do not get sun burnt...I do stretching exercises for the incision...should I be more pro-active?

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited December 2013

    Just called the doc AGAIN. He told me to ride it out...

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited December 2013

    ĞMA.....sending you gentle hugs!

    Have you. used a Scoplamine patch?

    i have used them for most of my cruises to prevent seasickness/nausea and "Being off balanced"

    After my surgery on Monday I was so nauseated, and my anti nausea pill were NOT working

    and my PS surgical nurse called day of surgery & 2nd day followup, I

    and was still sick, so PS gave me an RX for scoplamine patch...

    they are small patch that is placed behind the ear and stays on for 72 hours

    MY PS yesterday DID NOT TAKE MY SUTURES OUT THAT are holding my lower lids up so,

    I have these 2 strings/sutures on each eye, they go across my field of vision......taped vertically,above and below each eye, and II have quite the shiners too.

    My PS is not pleased so far with my brow lift....see him again tomorrow, he said

    "Ill take care of it if it does not self correct"


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    OK Ducky stay where u are, well I mean u can move around but don't leave.

    Holeinone Le can come at any time and usually u'r Dr. see;s it cus they look at u symmetrically, it can be a PITA for the most part, there's trunkal Le, legs, arm, hands that are somehow connected to it. I have it a few places and u should wear compression garments on  the area or limbs that have it--compression ideally should be about 20-30 comp. but on my legs I go 15-20 comp.I'm guilty I don't always wear my arm, hand or legs but I know I should--it's one of thos things that can just happen slowly or quickly. I don't sleep in any garments tho, but normally u an see  it u'rself. I saw a TV commercial for Tommy Copper for legs, trunks, arms and it's some new thing going to wear to alleviate pain from different things and they are compression, but I didn't look it up.

    Flats I filled with little bumps more on one side than the other???? But I do remember the BS saying something about my chest wall so it might be that.

    Ducky, Lilli's in Southern IL pretty far down, I'm not far from Chicago and it's just getting super cold right now (to me) and going to get colder with snow in sight, But they haven't said to much about big time stuff yet, but u never know--but the streets are fine.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,850
    edited December 2013

    Yes...I'm four and a half hours away ( heading south from Cam ) from Chicago.  I live about 73 miles east of St. Louis, Mo.  Our part of southern Illinois is referred to as Little Egypt.  For some reason I lot of the truly nasty weather goes on all around us --  and that really works out good when you are talking tornado's.  We do get a good share though of cold and snow.  We could ( so they say ) get up to 7  inches, but I'm certainly hoping we don't.  It would be a couple days worth. 

    I usually look a little forward to winter....but just hate to go from a summer-like day to winter the next.  I would rather gentle into it.   Some of my dogs are ok though......the big Black Lab Retriever is all over and Baby Boss the Pomeranian are in their element.  They like the cold I think. 

    Di, glad your done with your surgery.  I hope the Dr. is right and a little time will get your eyebrows where they need to be.  Glad you got something that will get rid of the nausea. 


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2013

    4 it's for the left arm.

    If ANY body wants the thing, PM me

    Ducky, you stay right here

    And I am weird. I will admit to liking fruitcake. Does that make me one? I like more fruit than cake in them, wrap them in bourbon for a few weeks before cutting. Ummmmmm