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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited April 2013

    April, when I started tamoxifen my hair dresser suggested Biotin.  I've been using it and a lot of our sisters on the tamoxifen thread have too.  So far I think we all are having good results, in other words, little if any hair thining.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Thanks Chabba, I will most definitely be buying that

    Hope you all had a great weekend!

    Congrats on that A!!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    Shell, Congratulations! Two huge accomplishments and one (possibly narrow) escape.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Helllooooooo On another break, caught up on reading and as Cami said I forget who I wanted to say what too!

    Granny, one word---VALIUM----shoulda questioned first, pain in front of the ear inclusive of the jaw/tightness/ear pain or is it direct pain at the pull sites. The Valium reduces the muscle spasms of the tempromandibibular joint which is inclusive of the jaw up about say 3inches. TMJ. Which can go into spasm b/c of the mouth being open wider than usual ___Chevy will jump all over that one____or for a prolonged period. Hatefully, I could tell long stories about direct knowledge of this--4 wisdom teeth out at !9 y/o, frozen jaw, lifelong problems, but the upside was as time went on, it was only associated with THE DENTIST/TRY. Actually the 19 y/o experience probably caused me to be more attuned to patient complaints(medical usuage) of pain at a much younger age than the usual nurse. Had abdominal hyst in 1996 went back to work in 4 weeks. First day back_, a Monday, had a back molar pulled in the AM then went on to work. Three instructions--don't smoke, don't talk, don't suck on a straw. WELLL at work everyone wanted details on SX, also smoked. TMJ went into spasm. Was off for the next four days in INCREDIBLE pain. Told the docs I needed VALIUM to break the spasm. Both negated it. Then the ENT doc relented b/c I was screaming at him with explecitives. It was amazing what one dose did and the spasm was broken with the 2nd dose. I said I would have gone through Ten abdominal hysts versus that one 4 days of TMJ pain. After that I was always premedicated with Valium. 

    If it's direct pull sites---consider dry sockets. The advent of placing the dentures follows the concept of direct, evenly applied pressure to reduce swelling. And direct contact with anything taken by mouth that may lodge in a pull site the new denture effectivelly is a bandage.  But your doc ruled out this mode for you with the consultation of the other docs. Either they were prepped to follow what he said, or they were truly giving their opinion. You will never know. Bummer. Yes his and their practice sounds impressive, but they are partners --yes/no?

    Based on listening and reading anytime a doc says "If you don't want to do what I say"----RUN.

    BTW Granny, I also had a colon resection for diverticulitis in 2001, same as you. First words out of my mouth when I woke up and was cognizant were "Do I have a colostomy". Fearful moment, incomprehensible to others, just like our BC was/is. I regret not helping you to prepare better for that surgery. Forgive me Sista, Mea Culpa.

    Something as simple as saying readjust the bed position frequently, reduces body muscle fatigue which can lead to pain. Log rolling properly which is not always taught properly. AND standing straight when walking after abdominal or back surgery. Scar tissues starts to form almost as soon as tissue is cut. It tightens down, By standing fully erect, it causes essentially tears in the tissue that is tightening down, but done early reduces the problem b/c you keep interferring with the tightening. New analogy --It's like blocking a sweater when it's drying. Do it early and the form is maintained , do it late and it's different. Sorry babe, I fiquired your nurses would have it handled. STFU

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    I'm the only one up tonight apparently.

    April CONGRATULATIONS on the wieght loss YEAH WHOOP WHOOP. You look FaBulous(said in Billy Crystals tone). I lost 23 with my CA and 30 with my DH's CA. We were Dx'd three months apart. He's passed in 2010. I've maintained weight until recently. New BF and seriously getting back into life. Liking to cook again, ergo, eating. Not much of that happened in the last 3 3/4 years. So, now into watching white/calorie load.

    Does anyone realize what a bunch of old smokers we were.  We fit right into that link about grass , I posted pages ago LOL and mellowness. Hmmmmmmmmmm. I forget who translated "Grannies for Grass" to Granny's Grass. Much more fun.

    Chevy babe what no one mentioned anywhere, is sex is really fun, stoned. Try it. Honest, unless you think he'll have a heart attack.

    Edit: normally I don't annotate edits BUT Avoid stairs or uneven surfaces when stoned at any age.

    Ducky------Yeah you made it to Chicago . the wedding is over--treasured memories-sPaRKles and jOy.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    sas - good information for Granny.

    You guys, GD is not doing good. We need to help her.

    Granny, listen to sas - talk to your dentist, tell him how rotten you are feeling, ask him about TMJ post procedure. Ask him about valium for jaw pain if you had it.  This infection you had sounds really serious. Are you on antibiotics? Please tell us what he says.

    Make sure you are eating  protein, zinc  and vitamin C foods for healing. Use a blender if you have to and get good nutrients into your body. Sleep and rest.  Nutri-Bullet is my favorite - costs $100 at Target. My appetite is way down since diagnosis and the effect on academic performance - - I don't feel like eating so use the NB at least once a day to get something healthy in me. If you get the right nutrients in you - you will heal faster and feel better. I pulverize old fashioned oats, frozen berries, bananas, plain greek yogurt and walnuts every morning for a smoothie (and milk or soymilk). If it sounds yucky - make it up your own way.

    Hurry up and get well so we can start teasing you again 💛

  • Charles_Pelkey
    Charles_Pelkey Member Posts: 99
    edited April 2013

    Okay, with all of this underwear talk here, I won't feel too bad about posting this picture of what has to be (for me* at least) the most useless gift ever produced.

    *Not only am I a guy, but after those surgeries (see below) I don't even have nipples left to warm.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013
    Morning gals.... Julianna, that is interesting, about the nurse practitioner.  It makes sense..... they will SOMEday have their own patients, and getting to KNOW them and relate to them means so much to us.


    Actually I like the NP at our office better than our PC.  And I can always talk to her when I call!


    Camille, that just MIGHT be part of what little Granny is going through.  There is always so much going on with her... I'll just be glad when she can get back to dancing, and playing poker with the "boys."


    Blondie.... your feet hurt?  That's the worst when you have to stand all day...It's like when your feet hurt, or you have a tooth-ache, you hurt all over.



    Hi Chabba, Wren and April! 


    Hi Sassy.... you always come up when we need you!  Valium sounds like a great idea, Ha!  Yes, Wisdom teeth.  Must have pulled them out to soon for me...  But all the dry-sockets I had were the WORST!  I remember just laying on the couch, waiting for 2 Exedrin to kick in.  And they last for 2 weeks!  Taking an antibiotic before and after, is the only thing that helped, for ANY of my teeth...  Oh I remember those instructions! 

    Yes, denture went right in.  He had also packed the "holes" with some sort of antibiotic, then slapped those teeth in... And you are right, no swelling, and not that much pain. 

    Maybe they just do DO that type of dentistry anymore?  They get a lot more money by doing this in a hospital.


    And Sas, I was never even around anyone that smoked grass... Ha, ha!   There wasn't that much OF it, I don't think!  I thought I was being trampy just by my brother and I sneaking my Dad's cigarettes out of his drawer, and trying to make the carton look like it hadn't been tampered with. 


    And sex?  So since I was never stoned, I must have missed out.... Ha, ha!  and aNOTHER Ha!   We were married for 7 YEARS before I even HEARD about anything other than hop on pop!   And THEN I was there for the taking....!!! 


    A "heart attack"....  You know he is afraid to take Viagra, because of his pace-maker, but if you want to continue with your present way of doing things, you become more creative... And you make sure power is on, or batteries installed during this venture.  Now THAT is a good way of getting my point across.


    So you fell down the stairs once?  I'm just surmising here.


    Shell, you really like the Bullet?  I mean I have a glass-blender, isn't that about the same?  Tell me why I can't live without the bullet.


    Oh my God, Charles!!!   Yes, my boy, you ARE a man!  Why would you feel bad about posting ANYthing here.  We don't.  Obviously. 

    Nip warmers?  How fun!  (I wonder how long I'll let this post stay up before I edit the hell out of it.)


    How is your business going? 


    Okay kids....  Have a fun Monday.... xoxoxox

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning! Took today off from work (and I don't even have a doctor's appt!!!!!!!) cause I wanted a whole day to myself and it is my 58th Birthday! Hoping I celebrate at least 20-30 more of those. My dad is 88 this year so that is possible!

    Shell, I am an employment specialist in real life (when I am not telling people to STFU) and one of the fastest growing jobs is NP! With Obamacare and the doctor shortage, you will take on a much bigger role in the healthcare of Americans. And, you will all do it BETTER than many doctors because you pay attention to the details! I got my diagnosis from an APRN because she was the ONLY one who would call me back. She is my rock and I call her for everything. God bless you and congrats on your A!

    Sas, I laughed out loud at your edit! Yup, it is true, we are a bunch of old "smoke em up" folks. Sorry about the loss of your husband to the bitch called cancer. Congrats on your new relationship! I remarried in 2007 after leaving a 27 year marriage in 2002. There is life in us yet. I am blessed. He is amazing and I adore him! But, I did gain weight after we met due to the exact reasons you more etc. Then I went on WW and lost my gain PLUS another 30! I am not at goal yet. If I get brave, maybe I will post my photo of me at 300+ pounds later. was pretty bad since I am not even 5 ft tall!

    Granny, I think you got good advice about the xanax! Either way, you made it through the colon resection and this will be the same. You are strong!

    Chevy, I always laugh when I read your posts. Thanks for this gift of yours.

    Charles, that was too funny! I love that you are a man posting here. My daughter is an attorney by the way. She is tough as nails! I knew she would be a lawyer when she was like 4 because I never won an argument with that kid! She could always outlogic me!

    Well ladies (and Charles!), going to spend this beautiful day doing whatever I want to! Everyone else is at work and I am not..that makes the day perfect in my world!

    Have a great day everyone! xo

    My edit was that I realized I said "well ladies" without including our gentleman! Mea culpa!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited April 2013

    Couldn't help myself - I'm posting a picture! Love and miss chatting all.

    "Morning Sky"

    morning rise

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited April 2013

    Another beauty.  Miss you Gma but glad you think of us.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Beautiful pic. Gma a relaxing view--

    Charles u can copy any pic for us we're easy, yes easy and that is funny I have no nips either hahaha

    Sas is right on, she's a life long nurse and keeps on going with us. Ive talked to Sas and she is not only wise she's very nice too. so Granny if u let her guide u u could feel better.

    And pril u deserve u'r birthday off. so again Happy Birthday and do whatever u want.

    I can't get over all the teachers and nurses on these threads--alot.

    the 10th of this month is my SIL, his 2 nephews, my sister and was my mom/s birthday. So we'd be woopin it up on that day-not so much anymore.

    And Grass, weed, MJ. Pot whatever it' ain't all bad. No I don't want kids to do it really, but as adults it's no worse than drinking without a hangover. I think LOL I always said the government would make big money if every state legalized it and it wouldn't be such a crim thing going on because of it. OK I'll STFU I've said nuff. LOL

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    Happy Birthday April! You totally deserve a day to do just what you want.

  • Lymphgirl
    Lymphgirl Member Posts: 25
    edited April 2013

    Oh boy - Happy Birthday April!  I agree with Wren, make it your day!

    Gma, What a great view! You are soooooooo lucky.  

    Granny, hope your mouth is doing better.. I have dreams that I wake up and all my crowns fell out.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Happy Birthday April! I am 3 weeks older than you!

    Thanks for the kind words about NPs everyone. I trained as Women's Health NP many many years ago, but wound up being a Nursing Supervisor for 23 years, then decided to go back to patient care and worked as NP for 4 years, the last 2 in the Research Dept. Unfortunately, my employer got into financial trouble and started laying of (mostly) women at the top of their pay grade, so here I am 8 months later finishing up my Family NP degree. Did great  until diagnosis in Jan, and really appreciate your support as I soldier on through my last 3 exams: Neurology this Weds, final exam in 2 weeks, then a make-up test I missed when I had BMX, then Exchange Surgery, then pediatric clinical! 

    I wonder how GrannyD is doing?

    Beautiful picture GMFoley.

    OH! I have one for you guys - last Sat some parent volunteers came to our house to pick flowers for our kid's luau at their college in Oregon, and one of them snapped a picture of my pup and I in the back of a truck!

    photo Image_zps3fd17301.jpg

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited April 2013

    no discount unless we use our macys charge...

    granny and ducky where ru ?

    thanks charles not shocked and that is a good thing, sorry about the nipples tho.Cool

    Happy birthday April..yay make sure you come back and tell us how you spent your day.

    Great pix Shell!!

    Thanks for just being you!!!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Oh GOOD one April.... yours are even "clean!"  Ha, ha!  I sent it on to my Daughter's.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    hmmm, this one is clean Chevy...but can't promise they always will be Wink

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    This one is actually from a "BCO sister" on Facebook...had to share. It is too funny!

    So THAT's what they do with all our leftovers.......  <img class=:)" width="320" height="320" />

  • Lymphgirl
    Lymphgirl Member Posts: 25
    edited April 2013

    I went for my check up with the radiologist and he did the 'Pacify the patient" on me.  He made me feel like he didn't even believe I have LE and gave me some Aquafor and said rub it where it hurts.. What the hell! I've been in pain for 2 years now and I laid out everything I have tried, including the massage. I just feel so sad - like he didn't believe I was in pain.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    He's sounds like a real dick.... can you dump him?  And get another one with some sort of bed-side manner?  You need to try someone else, that will listen! 

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited April 2013

    Lymphgirl...This is what he deserves


  • Lymphgirl
    Lymphgirl Member Posts: 25
    edited April 2013

    I have other docs that I will go to My favorite is my pain management doc and the surgeon.. That is the last time I go down stairs.  Thanks Chevy - you made me laugh instead of cry.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited April 2013

    This is probably not BC related but I went to my PCP today about a purple little toe.  Doc says necrotic, he is sending me to a podiatrist who he says will probably want to amputate.  It was too late to get an appointment today but Dr's staff will call first thing in morning.  I'm not a happy camper tonight.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    OMG Chabba! I am so sorry! Do you have any idea why it became necrotic? That really stinks. You will be in my thoughts. Maybe they can save it? Either way, hoping you are ok!

    Lymphgirl, shame on that doctor. So disrespectful!

    Chevy...LOL - AGAIN!

  • Lymphgirl
    Lymphgirl Member Posts: 25
    edited April 2013

    Oh Chabba, so sorry to hear that. I will be praying for you!

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited April 2013

    Chabba, how much biotin do you take? My vitamins have some in them but I'm not sure it is enough.
