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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Sas- you're on it. Did Chabba have vascular surgery consult? Arterial/Venous doppler studies? Don't know her sx and what studies she has had, but it doesn't make sense to go straight to podiatry with out a Vasc w/u. So glad to you stepped in to help her. You can PM me if you need any help - I worked on a lot of Vasc trials as research NP.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited April 2013

    Thanks sas.....I take 10 nite helps me sleep without the jaw pain.I just hope after all this crap on Thursday they fix this along with the rest of my mouth.

    yeah im in a funk....just want this friggin thing over with.

    Still cannot figure out what i had the reaction from.Im allergic to a few things but havnt had a reaction like that since i had my first child.They never found out what that was from either.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Shells, We will know more latter, since Chabba hasn't posted, I'm hopeful they got her a today appointment. I talked to her at 9:30 her time. Her doc's office opened @ 9 and they were going to work on it then. We went through the circulation discussion. Chabba has great faith in her PCP's quality of referrals. We discussed what you have posted. I feel betwixt and between, I didn't get Chabba's permission to post what we discussed so hesitate to share whole discussion. But based on the description she gave of her PCP's referrals, her podiatry consulting doc will do right by her in getting through the right studies and to a higher level of care as the studies indicate. I did discribe that the studies would evaluate all the way up to the groin. Also, the difference between arterial and venous symptoms. A big culprit here is the damnable neuropathy. WE also talked about infection and it's potential

    For others reading, while neuropathy can cause many types of pain. It can also interfere with pain signals. Pain can be a first indicator that something is wrong. When that signal is gone, a situation can start and rapidly progress without us knowing it. That's why I posted the above about neuropathy. To complete the thought anyone with neuropathy should as a minimum do a once daily inspection of the neuropathy area. Looking for skin changes--color, broken skin, swelling, temperature changes. For the back or areas like the bottom of the feet that can't be easily seen, using a mirror setup on a wall to allow viewing of the area. I did suggest she do a evaluation multiple times a day until seen and report to her PCP if she sees anything worsening. Chabba's a smart women and she is staying right on top of this. So, now we wait.

    Shells we also talked about elevation (her PCP told her to), not sitting too much b/c of changing circulation at hip. So, she may be doing that and not posting. Also constricting soacks and shoes. So, again we need to be patient.

    Edit 18:15 Rang Chabba , no answer. I'm betting she's on the testing--go--round as we wait. Don't be surprised if we don't hear from her. It wouldn't surprise me if they admit her after the studies. A likely scenario could be use of heparin that is easily reversible. Sometimes these circulation things can be small to big. Micro clots to major clots. The use of heparin in the acute situation is the best choice b/c it reversible should they decide to do surgery or stop more from occurring. Probably WTMI. The key is the ball is rolling.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Granny what new drugs are you on and what old drugs. New drugs are always the most suspect, but drug interactions need to be ruled out too. New antibiotics are the most suspicious. BTW one 10 mg dose of Valium a day will not lead to addiction

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited April 2013

    the thing is i was not on any new drug.when i first got the infection in my mouth the dentist gave me the Zpak.i took it before and never had a problem.the reaction happened 1 week after i finished the zpak.

    10 mg of valium will not lead to addiction?????do you think that after the surgery IF they can fix the tmj i will be able to come off the valium....i thought i would have to be on it for life!!!!!!

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited April 2013

    Sas, glad you are posting again.  You share your knowledge which is vast.  I've learned so much from you.

    Granny, in your pocket.  Try and stay calm.  I know easier said than done.  Deep slow breathing always helps me.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited April 2013

    Thank you all for your concern.  And thank you sas for reporting on our conversation today.  I have coppied those posts and added them to the notes I made of our conversation to keep for refrence.

    My appointment isn't until tomorrow afternoon.  I'll report in when I get home.  Mean time I need to go get my foot uo higher than I can do it here.  Trying for 20 min every hour above heart for now.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Tx sas - if he's recommending elevation it would be more venous than arterial if it's circulation. Anyway - good work! Sounds like she is in good hands with her docs.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited April 2013

    Chevyboy,  Thanks for the welcome.  I've been lurking with an occasional post.  Sometimes it is hard to participate in the conversations cuz you are finishing your day and I'm just getting home from work. I was born and raised in SE Denver, near Cherry Creek Dam. Reading about Elitches brought back memories-the old one.  Never have been to the new one.  It was always important to get good grades on that last report card so you could get more tickets for the rides.

    Shell, my youngest daughter attended Linfield College.  They have a very active Hawaiian club-there is a luau every year.  She joined the club and did a mean hula for a hoale.  There seems to be a very special bond between the Pacific NW and Hawaii.  I live in Corvallis, so a bit of a trip to Forest Grove.

    To everyone, Best wishes for a good night!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Chabba and Granny, thinking of you both and hoping you feel better soon. Hugs. Sounds like between Sas and Shell, you are in excellent hands.

    Hi juliaana, I am new too. Great bunch here on this thread! Welcome!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

     Relief Chabba,glad it was okay to report. Glad you're weathering things. Couldn't run drug program, but Tamox has a HX of causing blood clots, but first thought is calf versus small vessels of the foot. I'll try to call the company tomorrow and see what they have too offer. Sometimes they have info that is beyond what is available in general searching. The fact that you are still home says reams about slowing of progression. Great job on elevating.

    Shell there is edema too which is more consistent with venous than arterial. The progression of coloring though is consistent with microclotting(small blood vessel blocking).Whatever the origin the bugger is misbehaving.  Shell good Luck tomorrow with that exam. ACE IT SISTA!.

    Granny the Zpak has a bit of a unique characteristic in that it maintains blood level for two weeks after last dose. Is rash gone? For substances that can be a causative factor in an allergic response, the allergic reaction can occur anytime after initial sensitization. Can be years, then for some unknown reason the chain reaction of the allergic response happens. What is known is there is a certain set of body reactions that are definitive for an allergy and rash is one. The key is whether there is no other explanation and a causative factor was inhaled/ingested(pill or food/liquid)/applied as in a topical. So, your doc will guide you in deciding whether to put it down as an allergy. Sometimes things are defined as the cause when they aren't, they just were in the wrong time proximity and get the blame. You are definitely due a break from the shitstorm as Fuzzy would say.

    Kathindic :) Thanks

    Welcome Julianna

    Chevy did you get that 50 degree drop in temperature????? You'll need a nose mitten


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Granny, seriously  you should be able to get off Valium when the time comes. If it never comes okay to that too. Until then let it do it's magic in "unwinding the propellor".

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Yes GD - don't worry about being dependent on valium- take it if it helps you. When you don't need it you can taper off of it slowly. doesn't sound like you take very much anyway. Well, I just finsihed Jazzercise and I'm sitting in Starbucks - supposed to be studying but had to check in, first. Goodnight all you sleeping beauties 💤

    Good Job Sas

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084
    edited April 2013

    Shellshine... Big exam tomorrow? You've done the studying, get a good night's sleep, you'll "shine" on the exam (sorry, couldn't resist, bet you've heard that lots before). When do you results? Oh, that's right, big time difference.

    You still have lots of hours still left.

    Edited to add info

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013
    Good morning gals.... WTH?  I had to go back to the top, to check and see if I was on the right thread!  Damn girls!  If this ain't the best thread, then I don't know what is!


    I mean we can rant, and holler, and just let it all out, and then we turn around, and there is always someone here that really helps us!  Just want to say, I love you guys....  and thanks for posting here and making a difference....


    I sound like a commercial....


    Sassy....  You always take the time to help EVERYone.  Between you and Shell, with your knowledge, it is invaluable. 


    I DID read about the Z-pak...  Man, THAT one can be a problem.   Thanks Sas, for explaining how some meds work.... especially antibiotics.  That information can help all of us..


    Morning Juliaanna...  I know!  Elitch's was the best!  My Brother and I used to walk up there...(2 blocks) and sneak in before they opened, and crawl down the ditch, and under the fence.  And we would go to the Merry-go-round, and if you lay on your stomach, you could find MONEY under the platform.... Ha, ha!  WE did anyway!   We would just walk around.... 2 little kids thinking they were in "heaven.".... 


    So little Princess!  Okay, what is the difference between valium and grass?  Is it grass or weed?  I'm so confused.  Do both....  that should help even more.  Tomorrow is the day?  Damn girl!  Once you get all this stuff behind you, then we can get back to bouncing off each other.   I miss teasing you.... but I'll behave...  promise.


    Shell!  Starbucks?  I'm right there WITH you babe!  Ha, ha!  Order me a sweetened iced coffee grande'.... NOW.  I didn't get one yesterday..

    And the exam?  Today is it?  2nd time.... that was funny!  Yes, she will SHINE~!!!! 
  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited April 2013

    Good morning - Just wanted you to know I'm listening, just not talking.

    "Above and Below the Clouds"

    tree shadows

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited April 2013

    Oh Gma, you know how to calm us.  Sigh

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084
    edited April 2013

    Gma... So beautiful! Needed something calming (or funny) this morning

  • Lymphgirl
    Lymphgirl Member Posts: 25
    edited April 2013

    Gma - did the calming picture for you now this is for 2nd time around - the funny!  Hopefully, its funny and no one has a dog that does this.  We used to though Laughing


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    Lymphgirl, I got a good laugh. Reminded me of our dog who ate her way out of the garage door.

  • Lymphgirl
    Lymphgirl Member Posts: 25
    edited April 2013

    I must admit between my funny and Gma's beauty, The beauty takes the award.. That view is so calming.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Wren LOL we had a dog that ate his way through a wall twice. relented and let him just be in the house and he was perfect.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    That was our solution as well. In the house she only sneaked onto the couch. She would hop down when she heard the car, but we caught her by walking up. Great dog for hiking. She would carry her food, extra water, and our tennis shoes. Never, ever tired.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Talked with Chabba 9:40 her time /12:40 mine. Swelling is down Yeah. Hurts less to walk. Plan to go this afternoon to docs. I'm still going to call the manufacture, but they really won't add much to what is known. Tamoxifen can lead to bloodclots that can cause thrombophelbitis (stationary clot) of the calf, stroke most commonly from a moving clot,  and pulmonary emboli a moving clot that broke off from the leg clot. If a drug can predispose to large clots, smaller clots are within reason of probability. Found a FABULOUS article that discribes the differences between an arterial and venous clot signs and symptoms. I'm excited b/c it's written simply and the focus is to describe both. I think they have done it well. This article will be enjoyed by all (yeah right sheila , I get excited about very strange things indeed).

    In general for all: certain things affect us more then the average for predisposing us to lower extremity circulation impairment.

    1. Taking tamoxifen carries the risk for blood clots as compared to the AI's

    2. Sedentary life style. Where we are at risk is how much we sit a day. Being at the computer to much is a risk, I know STFU.  Postop recovery puts us at risk. The average MX and BMX with recon is 4 surgeries.

    While sitting look at your bare feet, if your toes turn deep red or purpulish, then the circulation is being affected. Take frequent breaks and walk around. Use lap top while laying down with legs elevated.

    Foot pump prevention--not to be done while clots are present---foot pumps have been used for decades to help mimic the massaging action that walking does to the vessels of the lower legs. Most effective while laying but can be done in a chair. Point the foot as if in a ballet point, really stretching it. Should feel stretch to the groin, then point toes/foot toward nose, feel it stretch strongly all the way to the butt. Repeat frequently. Done well, also, improves muscle strenghth, a two for one activity.

    3. Smoking--not judging ro pontificating, I'm a smoker. Smoking can predispose to blood clots and impaired circulation. The technical reasons Nicotine consricts the blood vessels. Secondly, we have more carbon monoxide in our blood ,so, the body produces more red blood cells to be available to carry oxygen. This makes our blood thicker(viscous). Thick blood can lead to clots, not quite maple syrup, but.......STFU !

    Shell, you should be about to take or are taking the test----again GOOD LUCK!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Shells!  For you, from my garden last year... 

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Awwwww Chevy 💓 

    Just took my pediatric neurology test, talk about sweaty armpits. Got 9/10 correct so it's a B and I'm relieved - it was HARD. I studied my eyeballs off.

    Example: Patient presents with ten Cafe-au-lait spots > 15 mm, axillary freckling, and bilateral lisch nodules.  What diagnostic tests do you order?

    Now I just have the final in 2 weeks and a make-up test on Developmental Milestones.

    But for today - I'm Farrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

    Positively euphoric - driver's license expired so gotta go down and get it before school lets out and the lines grow loooooonger. Check on y'all later,

    ~ Happy Shells    💃

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Okay, I knew that answer.... piece of cake....Wink  About the Axillary  frecking and bilateral lisch nodules....  you should have asked "Do chips come with that?" 

    Congratulations again!  Smart gal, you are!  xoxoxoxoox

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited April 2013

    checking in not reading all of it will later.....hugs to all of you...

    am ok just sitting here, not only are the steroids ruining my sleeping but they are making me gaine the weight...whatever, made a slice of pizza hated it, am going to make is hot here was 88 and tomorrow will be 60 and rainy....told the dr. we need to go back on zometa for the bones, lots of pain and he agreed so next week zometa back again...the port clogged so had to get cathflo and then it worked, got home 5pm and drs. appt was @ 1030, was there all day.....asked him if the chemo cumulative and he said it was, which makes sense about why the last time was rad....getting a PET scan next month i think and he did a tumor marker test with the blood today to check and see what is going on.....I am fine tho, just hungry and tired was up from 130 to 430, WTH....sorry...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    OMG I miss some hours and wham this place goes crazy--

    Granny what a week for u and sending prayers for tomorrow too. U'll see u'll be better then Chevy won't explode cuz it's hard for her when u'r down. She loves when she can spar with u so u'd better get better quickly.

    Chabba u know we're all waiting to hear exactly what's going on.

    Welcome all the newbies I think u'll really enjoy this thread plus the knowledge on here is impeccable--I told u Sas would be wonderful

    And shell another brain here--and Great on u'r test. But that question was simple, I mean when a train comes from the east t 20 miles an hr and another train comes from the North at 72 MPH etc, etc that what it sounds like to me anyway. U'r doing great--and I know u'll finish great too.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Granny.....will be thinking about you tomorrow. ❤