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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Chevy I like what u'r DD sent==it's think worthy

    Granny u'r getting 5 teeth pulled at one time ? Up , down in arow--I have to know. I'm so incredibly nosy and had big boobs that's why i'm pushy, I still think I have big boobs.

    April I know I talk to u more and more--that;s why. hahaha

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013

    Hey tomorrow 2of my grandchildren 12and14 will be flying for the first time. They are gonna love it....

    We came in on Southwest Airlines, landing in Midway. Staying at the Doubletree Hotel in downtown Chicago...everything is here, and the wedding is at Old St. Patrick's Church.

    Just wish I didn't have knee trouble or I would really tour Chicago. Thanks for all the support. Love you gals. So good to get good news....hugs

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Gdukes, so sorry you have to go thru this. You really should have someone to look after you, at least for a few days.

  • sandcastle
    sandcastle Member Posts: 289
    edited April 2013

    Granny and CLOGS!??....What is this world comming too....Liz

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Oh Please!  Okay little miss Kantalope...  I remember so WELL having all 8 of my top teeth pulled at once.  He had told me to eat something, so the numbing stuff wouldn't make me sick.  I was also on an anti-biotic for about 3 days before, and finished the rest after.

    So he got on top of me, and started pulling... Ha, ha!  I THOUGHT he was going to anyway.... But it didn't take long at all... just a lot of pressure, and me trying to hold my head back so I wouldn't land on top of him! 

    And right away he put my new plate right in there.....  Yes, they bled, but I think by him putting the plate in, it helped a little.... just swallow it.  I mean you are full of blood anyway, and that is just going right back down....   Maybe drink lots of Pepsi or something the whole time.  You CAN spit it out, but my plate probably would have gone out the door!  It kind of "floats" sometimes because of the bleeding, but you  can do it.

    I mashed up some spaghetti with sauce that night...  and it did hurt a little.....  But I don't remember it aching...... maybe I took something.  

    My SIL stayed all night with me, because our husbands were hunting... so that's when I wanted my teeth done, when he was gone!  The next day we went over to her house, and waited for them to come home...  I just remember I WAS SO TIRED I DIDN'T THINK I COULD STAND UP!  Maybe losing all that blood, etc, just drains you...  So just know you will be tired!  But I felt really good!

    So then they come home, and I smile, and he jumped back!  I mean like 20 feet!  I must have been a shocker, with those pretty new teeth.  Actually I probably scared him to death....

    I went back to the dentist a few days after....  I don't remember...  and I have never had to have my teeth re-lined...  My first plate cracked, because it was so thin on the roof part, but my new plate was perfect!   Still is!   I had this done beginning probably in 1975!

    But don't worry!  You won't need the Navy Seals come take care of you.... unless you want them to mash your spaghetti or something.

    So NOW what would you like to know?   Oh!  I only take them out to brush them!   Don't go running around the neighborhood without your teeth...  You will have the neighbors calling the riot-squad....   A REAL girl doesn't soak them like you heard from your Grandma.  Just clean the damn things.  I remember I used to clean my Grandma's teeth...  I used a wire-brush with Comet cleanser...  Ha, ha!  Well not a wire-brush, but yes, the cleanser really helped.   My Aunt used to soak hers in Clorox and water! 

    Ducky!  How much fun you must be having!!!!  I remember my Grandsons coming to my Dad's house in San Francisco!   They came on separate trips, but it was just magical!  I got to show them around.... one even made a scrap-book of his "memories".... he is 24 now.  And the oldest one kept a picece of "rock" from the Wardens house on Alcatraz!   They were about 11 when they came.... all full of wonder and happiness  and so much excitement!  Have a good time Ducky.......Smile

    Hi Shell and Camille!  And I forget who else.... You are on the last page, and I can't scroll up to see you...Wink

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Wow Granny u got the scoop. I know I've had several teeth out at one time and it was nothing it took longer for the novacaine then it did to pull it. and I remember the Dr. said this won't hurt and I said I know cuz my hand is right by u'r boys and that'll be the first thing I grab.It was fine now mine got stitched but that just disappears anway. And I've always had dentistphobia so when I say it fine, it really is. I remember a while ago when I had an abcessed tooth and I was so scared to go to the Dentis and my ad said I'll pull it for u and i said fine get it out of my mouth, well my mom woudn't let him and when I told thos stupid story to the hygentist she said oh was u'r father a dentist and I said no he was an electrician, but it didn't bother me--I was probably in my late 40's when this happened. That how afraid I was with dentu=ist but no so much anymore???? so u'll be fine Granny.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Get lots of Great Posts at : Shut Up I'm Still Talking

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    My Mom had her teeth pulled like Chevy, with the plate put in immediately. I never saw her without teeth. She could pull it out after eating, wash it off and slip it back in and no one ever saw anything. She just looked like she was washing her hands.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013

    Hi all.......walked from the hotel to Navy Pier today....shocked, it was so far, but I did it.....was gonna stay back, but I'll try, it hurt, (right knee) then it was ok....sat for a while, and stiffened hurt again for a while.....held onto my daughter's arm, and I made it.......Sunday it's the Sears Tower......gonna walk out on the sky deck. Chicago ladies know what that is....other ladies...check google.......I am having a ball.....God is good, tonight the rehearsal dinner, and tomorrow at 3 the Wedding......

    My Nikki is coming tonight.....I hate when my kids fly. She is the last one in...along with my 2Grands...Sean, and Makayla..2 sons and another daughter came today along with 5more grandchildren.....and I still have some at home. Wish they were here, but the expense and college exams kept them away.....

    After this last scare I have a new nice, love always, and realize life is to precious to spend it sweating the small stuff.......hugs dear friends........

    Granny......big girl panties sweetie....your gonna be fine........hey......our other Amigo...Chevy says

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Cami - "hand is right by u'r boys" - LOL - you are soooo naughty!!

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited April 2013

    CAM don't think she ever called the dr. she said she did...she has to have a procedure done, think she told me today about what happened or sort of but the procedure is the 19th of April...OMG don't you remember the meltdown she was having cause she was flying (sorry duck)

    Ducky, omg so sorry, did they figure out what it is?  scarey....hope you let us know how things are in chicago. Yay you made it.....

    welcome April did I say that already, sorry chemo brain...

    Yay Granny you went shopping, don't you love to get out of the house.....

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited April 2013

    Here Grannydukes to you with love

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    LOL Veggy!  Nice with the clogs...
    Chevy, You were probably tired because they gave you pain killers?  Anyway, I never see a dentist because when he comes in I must go to sleep.  I could NEVER sit through what you described.  I go right for the IV sauce.
    GrannyK, love that you are walking around but sad about your teeth.  Don't let anything keep you down...we need you at GCS
    Ducky -- impressive!!! If you can walk the Navy Pier and do the skywalk (I know what that is 'cause my DS lives in Chicago now and he sent me pix which made me dizzy)  ... if you can do all should come to GCS.  My DS lives in the corn cob apartments.

    Internet is now I'll have to stfu

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited April 2013

    Ducky, loved going up in the Sears Tower.  Skydeck wasn't built at that time.  Lake Michigan blew me away.  I'm used to lakes where I can see the opposite shore. lol  Loved the art museum and the Field Museum.  Hmm, I think it's time for another trip to Chicago for me.

    Veggy, you are in trouble girl.  I can't wait until Granny sees that picture.

  • iatigger
    iatigger Member Posts: 269
    edited April 2013

    Just catching up on you gals.

    Ducky, sounds like you are having a great time. We went to the Sears tower last year but it was fogged in so we couldn't see a thing. Made it easy to stand on the overhangs though. Can't remember the name but it isn't called the Sears tower anymore either.

    Veggy, LOL on the pic.

    Granny, all I can say is ouch. might want to get some of that Granny Grass growing to have on hand for when you get home.

    Well off to get some housework done so I will STFU for now.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Sorry you lot, have not posted or been there to support. Having a small pity party this week so not really good for anybody. I have been reading and you lot are the best....

    Chevy crack me up all the time and Granny, I just want to give you a big squeeze. happy you are enjoying deserve the break, that's for sure. Everyone else.....I hope all is well.....I think I need a good dose of sunshine

    and heat....It's supposed to be spring, but here in Toronto it's more like winter still.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Oh GOOD one tigger!  Granny-grass....  Now THAT'S a hoot!  I think she is growing it upstairs.... in a big pot, under a gro-light.  At least that's what my Daughter tried one time.

    Now I DO know the difference between an actual house  plant and some sort of 3" tall little leaf thing, growing in this 24" wide 12" deep pot.   AND she was 16.  Dense as I may be, this MOther caught on real quick.  THAT and the time I ran upstairs to grab her little hippie hand-bag to wash it...(I had been threatening her about this much needed task) and since she was still asleep, I grabbed it, ran downstairs, emptied it's contents, and out fell a glass thing, this baggie with seeds in it, and some rolling papers. 

    So I KNEW about the rolling papers...  Grandpa used them all the time, because Grandma would NOT buy him ready-made cigarettes.  HE had to roll his own...   I surmized what the other stuff was.

    When she got up, I said, "Okay honey, come watch this".....  We marched in the bathroom, and she watched while I poured the seeds right down the toilet.... took 5 flushings to get all the little buggers.  She stomped out of the bathroom....  probably crying profusely.  Like I gave a damn.

    Said that glass pipe thing was not hers...  I don't even remember what I did with it... I think I gave it back, sort of believing this sobbing child.

    And the big POT of POT?  DH marched upstairs, lugged it down, and calmly threw the whole thing over in the ditch. 

    Joan, maybe it WAS the pills.... I just thought it was the "shock" or the blood I lost...  makes sense.  So THAT'S why they say don't do drugs and DRIVE!  Ha! 

    Veggy, Granny will NOT like those panties....  I mean all hell will break loose when she wakes up.... maybe more like this...

    She LOVES pink, you know.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    LOL on the pot. I grew up in the 1970's and so my kids couldn't pull anything on me cause been there, done that! The first time my DD came home from a party at 17 and I smelled weed on her and saw her eyes, I told her I KNOW you smoked pot tonight at that party. She admitted it immediately cause she was afraid not to. I explained that it was ILLEGAL and that if she got arrested, I would not bail her ass out of jail and she would have to find another way to get out. Not sure that did the trick, but she is an attorney now so guess she did ok! LOL

    My son on the other hand may still indulge in the evil weed. He is 33 and he doesn't drink but I think he does smoke pot. Sigh...he is an adult and I can't ground his butt anymore so I will have to trust that he is not stupid.

    Granny is gonna LOVE those pink panties!

    Happy Saturday everyone. The weather is finally cooperating and gonna get outside and enjoy it! After I do two loads of laundry of course Tongue Out

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited April 2013

    I noticed that I had been scheduled to see the PA at my pain drs. Office. I called the office and told them I saw on the computer program that our hospital has that I had an appt.with the PA rather than the dr. The office person stated that the PA worked in the office closely with the doc, blah blah blah. I said that is not the point. The point is that they scheduled me without telling me I wouldn't see the doc. I have nothing against PAs, my primary is a PA.......but don't schedule me without telling me. Who amongst our group wants to have to tell another person our history.........sure it is in the computer but you still have to start at ground zero! STFU

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited April 2013

    Veggy love them....

    Scottie is so fine, we all have the good ones and the bad days

    Granny will like the pink ones better than the white ones I have, lol

    Definately Granny Grass and oh btw did I tell you my granddaughter stole my Granny Grass out of my house Wednesday night....she is 17, little bitch...ripped her apart, how do you steal things your sick grandmother needs to help with her SE's of chemo....she denied it and then guess what she had put it in a baggie and left it in my sons room....and went home so I got it dd that is 31 does but my other 4 doesn't..and my granddaughter does and of course me...wish it was legal here in PA it really helps.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    You TELL em' Beatmon!  Ha, ha!  Okay, what is a PA?  I'm missing something here...  Is it a "Pain Astrozole"?  A "Primary A$$h***?  What?

    Blondie.... I'm pretty sure it is legal here, whatever THAT means....  They are currently trying to figure out how much is too much while driving....Wink  I've just never smoked grass, or what IS it?  Weed?  Joint?  I was always too scared.... Ha, ha!   THAT is funny!  Your GRANDDAUGHTER?  I'll bet my Grand-sons have.... but I won't ask....  I prefer to wear blinders, and my hearing aids, (or not) and not KNOW some things.... Undecided  They probably even SLEEP with their girl-friends..... or not.  (I mean "sleep"....)

    April.... you done GOOD kid!  And yes the pink panties.... I probably would have looked good in them at about 16.... Ha, ha!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited April 2013

    one entire page to catch up with this friggin teeth....i cannot go to sleep cause no one would put me to sleep cause i just had major surgery,my age,i smoke and have a circulation its gas and needles.i would rather cut off my head.

    Veggy-----i will get you for that....its a promise...not sure how but dont be too comin up there soon and i have a feeling blonde wants to come too.....WATCH OUT!!!! are so mean to me....yeah 5 teeth at once with nuthin to be in my mouth for 8 weeks...well that really pisses me off big barkin like a hound dog.

    Dont even get me started about the MMJ...thats what its called chevys language its,grass,pot,joint,doobie(I think thats from brooklyn)

    Ducky---i hope you are havin a ball.

    I will be by myself but i live in a building and my aide will come the first few days.If I need help believe me ill holler.Tryin to keep my DD away.last time she made me so crazy i threw her out after 2 days....and she snores.

    ill be back.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Hello Princess Kantalope!  So you woke up, eh?  So what time IS it there...4:30 PM?????   Are you SICK???  Don't be afraid of her Veggy....  She's all talk. 

    What do you mean, you have a "circulation disease"???  What the hell is THAT???   So does that mean you can't wake up?  Or move?  You can't "circulate?"  What? 

    And why don't you like those pink Panties?  A lot cuter than those OTHER ones, Ha!  Who is this "aide"???  Someone cute?  Like this?  He said he doesn't snore, either.

    Okay, to get back on track, what do you mean 5 days with nothing in your mouth?  Where did you find this dentist?  On Ebay?  You would think you were in the dark ages....  Where does he work out of?  The Subway?

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited April 2013

    first of all i said 8 weeks without circulation is called raynauds circulation in the extremities.hard and slow to heal...this dentist told me this is what he wants to do.he called in 3 other partners of his and they all agreed....he told me if i was unhappy with what he was gonna do find another dentist...i like him.he gave it to me straight.his office is packed...everyone loves and honest dentist...he has 4 he was not from wallmart...not even a payment plan....$$$$ up front.

    Veggy knows how rotten i can be....ask her...Oh Veggy where are you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    really what is with all the pink shit????????????please im in pain and the pink makes me nuts.humor me for a little bit....Ducky----i need you...she hates the pink shit tellin her when she gets home what you guys did.....


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Oh we didn't do 'nuthin....  Ducky will just be cool! 

    Okay.... your dentist sounds alright.... even though he won't give you teeth until a week from next year.  We can always chew your food for you, I guess. 

    You say he's from Walmart?  Must be something new....  Ask him if you can trade him "something" for those teeth...  Ask him if he likes Polenta or something.... or Milk Toast.... 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited April 2013

    No more...enuf......with the friggin teeth....

    BTw the surgery is healing beautiful Thank you God.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited April 2013

    Grannydkes - you better be nice to me. I can send you a pair of those big girl panties right to your door. I have connections. I may look sweet but looks are deceiving.

    This is my evil self.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Ok GrannyD , enough is enough. Even sweet me gave you a pink shirt with a  tooth joke on it. I should be ashamed of myself,  I'm usually not like this, it's probably the company I've been keeping. So this is what I'm going to do, here's a peaceful picture the  Valley of the Temples, one valley over from where I live (about 2 miles away):

      photo ScreenShot2013-04-06at31457PM_zps4349a39f.png

                       Hope you fell better, Shell