STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • camillegal
    camillegal Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013


  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Posts: 122
    edited January 2013

    Granny- rotflmao you are so funny. In my 46 years before my mom died this past October, even with Alzheimer's, the worst curse my mom EVER said (that I heard) was dammit. She's probably shitting kittens now that she 'hears' what comes out of my mouth especially under my breath when dealing with my shittin asshat out-laws. FTMFs!

    My poor mom

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Wow Cam.....your sister is an inspiration to us all here .....73 and still working with stage wonder she is your rock, but I'm sure she would say the same about you.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2013

    Hi Everyone - Granny wanted me to stop by and check out this thread.  She sure has all you fooled. If given the chance, she would kiss ass in a heartbeat and not take names.  LOL!  Seriously, Granny is so lovable - but hey, don't tell her I said that.  

    I have been following the conversation about the F word.  I was in the Air Force for 20 years and believe it or not, I heard that word a lot.  I try not to use it much and when I feel the need but am around people I know would cringe I say "Shut the front door".  I do remember saying that to my BS when he told me I had cancer.  Good thing he had no idea what I was really saying.  My poor mom would raise out of her grave and wash my mouth out with soap if she heard what comes out of my mouth these days.  I think the worst curse word I heard her use was dammit.

  • Kassylou
    Kassylou Posts: 53
    edited January 2013

    I have a dirty mouth but one of my co-workers doesn't. One day she said I am so blankety blank mad. I really tried not to laugh. I told her later that she is absolutely adorable. The day she did curse, I knew she was fed up!!!

  • sandcastle
    sandcastle Posts: 289
    edited January 2013

    I...TRY..not to use that word....there are so many nicer words to use....Liz

  • leggo
    leggo Posts: 379
    edited January 2013

    My first time reading this it. Grannydukes, you crack me up!

  • Hopex3
    Hopex3 Posts: 142
    edited January 2013

    Here's one for ya...I work in a middle school office and have been working the whole time through chemo. Our school nurse came up to me yesterday and said with a big smile, Gee Erin, you look like you have lost weight? I said, well, yes, 10 pounds. She says, are you doing it on purpose or are you following a special diet. I looked around at my fellow coworkers who were stunned as I was. So I said, no special diet! That would be my CANCER! STFU! Then she proceeds to tell me I look tired! Are you F N kidding me. I just finished chemo last week lady, you know that! Here, let me get a boot for you, so you can kick me when I'm down!

    Granny: Bless me Father for I have! You are a crack up!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Hopex3......I'm speechless.....a nurse!!!!!! Where did she get her license????? The boot????? ....someone needs to give her the boot .....sorry you have to deal with such a moron...yeah, she sure deserves a STFU X 2

  • CherylinOhio
    CherylinOhio Posts: 149
    edited January 2013

    Great post Shane!!  I had a friend that kept saying "Im so jealous you dont have to wear a bra and your boobs will be up here".  Yeah well I will gladly trade you but you have to take it ALL not just the perky boobs. Which I do not care for BTW, they are not very body friendly, they are a constant reminder of bc.  Also the STFU tshirts, great idea, I would buy one!! I see pink ribbons on stuff and do a mental eye roll.  Yea someones making money off that sh*t, but still not cure.  Rant away, I do, a lot. 

    @Granny, that's awesome!!    Yay my hard working money goes to research? No it doesnt because I don't give money for research.  All these years, all the money, and still we are no closer to a cure. WTF?!  There are plently of poor animals that are being induced with cancer and still NO CURE?!  GRRRRRR.....    I never liked pink. 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,858
    edited January 2013

    Hello from freezin PA.This smorning it was friggin 7 deg.But im heare to wait to see whats goona happen with my sons post op..sure im scared but im ready,willing and able to take on the entire hospital if they dare make me say GFY.This is the 4th opinion and i think/hope all will go well.

    I say STFU,GFY, and just plain FU to anyone that needs it...I have been called potty mouth for a long time...I really dont give a good flyin F....My brother doesnt even say shit.He tells me when did you come from with that mouth!!!!And I tell him those are words that are like comfort food!!!!

    To all my sistas that have been prayin for my son I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    This is the only thread im goin on today cause im exhausted....playin with a 1&3 yr.old knocked me out...So ladies play nice while ill be on and off the puter.kk?????

    love all of you....And i just love love love this thread.If anyone getts offended by my language just think of the  poor lady that lives right next door to me.hahahah

    nite all


  • camillegal
    camillegal Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Granny how could anyone be offended--u make these words sparkle and I'm all for sparkle in my clothes, jewelry, and of course my mouth.

    Prayers for u'r son.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Yes, Camille...she does!  That little shit!  She says it so much, it's like I don't even pay attention to it anymore, ha! 

    Your Son Kantalope..... We all have him in our prayers.... You just stay right with him.   I just wish it was all over for you, and him.   We'll all be waiting her to see what's going on.    Are you waiting there with his wife?  And how is that little red-head????  I hope things are really going smooth for you guys....

    It's so cold here too.... but already 12 degrees, Ha!  Maybe up in the 30's today.

    Cherylin..... My boobs are even, just sort of off to one side...Wink  But considering what one went through, I'm really lucky.

    Hope, you're co-worker deserves a slap-down!  What a B!  She's just all into herself....don't pay any attention.

    And HI Jo!  So fun to see you here... are you doing better?  I know this New Year has GOT to be better for you.  Isn't that the WORST when you hear those words for the first time?  I remember asking the Radiologist "well what does it look like?"  (Because he was doing that ultra-sound, right around one certain spot that I could see) and he said "Well it looks like breast cancer, but what we'll do is go in, take it out, and you'll have radiation right after"   I just went numb.... I even "knew" it, but those words just take your breath away.  Wow!  How far we've come!

    And I LOVE SHUT the FRONT DOOR!  Ha!   Granny would think I'm such a whiney baby.  We can call her Princess Sparkle!  Wink

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Granny .....with so many potty mouthed sistas praying for your can things go wrong??? They CAN'T..... Like chevyboy says, wish it was all we all know, the waiting is the worst. Granny, but please, go easy on those nurses and

  • CherylinOhio
    CherylinOhio Posts: 149
    edited January 2013

    Best wishes to your son granny!!  I love to swear too so I will never be offended!! I love this thread!! F**K YEAH!!!!!   Cold here in Ohio too!!  have to go out and tend to the horses....cold day today!!!

  • scooter-12
    scooter-12 Posts: 26,606
    edited January 2013

    I quit smokin' and drinkin'...cussin' is all I have left.  Doc said a least that won't kill me.  Ha!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Scooter made me laugh so much with that one.....I practically never drink....never

    did, but I was a smoker, now smoking one a's my I nuts or what....

    So cussin for me also is on the increase....nothing to do with BC of course.....ok Scottie....STFU now and get on with your

  • camillegal
    camillegal Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Lotsa of lades I don't know on here so t's nice to vrtual meet u--( doubt I said that rght) and even thos I took typing and typed most of my life I can't type. so  hope u can figure out what 'm sayng--it's usually nothng much anyway.

    It's warmish here for Jan. that is wth no snow in sight. Not that  go all over but at least it's nice out.

    Gotta take a nap....

  • CherylinOhio
    CherylinOhio Posts: 149
    edited January 2013

    @Scottiee,  I too gave up smoking and drinking.  Drinking was getting old anyway, I was hungover anytime I drank.  I do still have a smoke now and again. Onc doesn't seem to mind. of course every doc says stop smoking. 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,858
    edited January 2013

    Im back...

    thanks once again for all the 2GDs are really helpin me with the stress...not to mention the babies...

    Chevy that red head is now a is his brother...and they really keep me busy...and i sleep for hrs without even movin...didnt even curse once today.And yes i smoke too.just 1 or 2 a drinkin tho.not with this stomach.

    My son has no wife..that the other son...but he has all of us there for suport.

    SHUT THE FRONT DOOR...are you kidding...that is not a stress reliever...come on give it a try....start with go F yourself...just 1 word and let me know how it makes you feel.

    hey JoJo glad u found this crazy thread...can you try to teach chevy how to curse????


    luv you gals with most

    of my bestest sistas on here...hugggs kantalope

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Granny, just knew shut the front door wouldn't cut it for

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2013

    Now let me clarify the "SHUT THE FRONT DOOR" thing.  When I am around certain people I use that phrase - I have to keep my job for now, thank you very much.  Otherwise, I can sound like a drunken sailor any day - LOL!

    Chevyboy - I am doing great these days. Recon is done and this girl in moving on down the road.  2013 is going to be good for me - about time wouldn't you say????  Work is very busy so my computer time is less which can be a good thing.  How are you doing girlfriend?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Oh Shut the Front DOOR!!!!!  Ha, ha!  This will drive her nuts. Laughing  No, not a stress reliever, but it's just too funny, to me!  I saw it once on TV, and just cracked up!   I said it to my oldest Daughter, like I was in shock, and she just howled!   I don't really have to say that word around here.... My dog would look at me like "What did you just say?  Are you out of your MIND?"  

    And no, I couldn't just SAY it.... I don't even like when those wild gals on TV use it every other word... like the housewives of wherever!  I think if you say it in fun, like here, it's different..... It's kind of like saying it in fun....  I know we MEAN it at the time, and the recipients deserve it, but when it has a purpose, that's different..... or whatever I just said.  Besides abbreviating it, makes it sound not so bad.   And I think the mods would appreciate it more.....  Ssssshhhhhhh!!!

     But I COULD say FU and the horse you rode in on, when my DH comes home after a few beers with his buddies!  And then I would turn around, and flounce back into the house....  impervious as to the look on his face. 

    And so how is your Son little Kantalope? 

    Okay, so smoking?  Do you cough?  Is it hurting you?  I quit in 1964, only because my chest hurt when I inhaled... I HAD to quit, I think.  I had so much trouble with Asthma, and Bronchitis all the time.... then allergy shots, and it would kill me if I smoked.   But I will drink sometimes, like a White Russian, or maybe a Screw-driver.....  That's my only vice...  I must be damned near perfect...Wink  I know, I know..... STFU!

    Hi Jo!  So fun to see you!  That Kantalope gets us all together, doesn't she?  Trying to corrupt us all here.  She has no sense of decorum....

    Scottiee, THAT was funny..... !  I KNEW she would grab onto that one.... 

    This thread reminds me of when a bunch of us girls would have a slumber party, and smoke, and see who had the nerve to say bad words, Ha!  And we would listen to Johnny Ray sing "Cry"  and sing along with him at the top of our lungs!   So much fun!!!!!!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013 and Granny just brighten up my both crack me up!!!!

    It's fun to use these words here, sometimes JUST for fun, but even when we mean it, that's OK also. I always say now....I am 65, have earned the right to say and do what I want (within reason, of course) and now throwing BC into the mix.....the sky is the limit 💃💃💃 we should start a bucket list here of the people we REALLY want to say STFU to, but haven't the nerve to do it

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Oh man Scottiee, if you ask Granny who she would LIKE to say this to, there is no-one left!  I assume she has already said it, Ha!   And WILL a few more times! 

    I would like to say it to one of my SIL's.  She is a beotch!  She is the most self-centered, uncaring, prissy little twit I have ever known.  She over-dramatizes every thing in life.  But she doesn't have a CLUE about breast cancer, nor what to say... so why bother.    THEN there is our new neighbor!  He thought he could build onto his garage, which is ON our property line, and make a HOUSE out of IT!!! 

    I emailed the city code enforcement, (politely) and asked THEM about his wild hair idea.  Nope!  Can't DO it, but he made a point of ranting to my DH once, and when I heard this, I calmly went outdoors, with my hands on my hips, and said, "Yes Chris!  I DID contact the city, because you cannot build onto your garage!"  He was waving his big old hairy arms, and said, "Well yeah, but I was thinking about it"...  I just said, "You CAN'T do it, because your house was built too close to ours in the first place, and you are not ZONED for any addition."  Damn him!  STFU!  A$$****!

    Okay, who else?   

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    I have a friend (former friend of 25 yrs) when I got my dx, she was, all of a sudden, MIA.

    I would get the occasional phone call but she was so out of it.....thought my rad treatment consisted of a "little zap here and there when needed" WTF!!!!

    She has a sister that she does not get along with. This sister has had BC and now had had a recurrence. She lives alone and does her work from no real human contact....I told my now ex friend she should contact her sister more now re her recurrence as now having BC myself, I could imagine what she was going through, especially on her own. She told ME to STFU .....leave HER family alone and that her

    Sister was just fine and was probably coping quite well !!!!!!

    Can't believe she was my friend for 25 years and didn't realize what a cold and unfeeling.

    not to mention self- centered person she is. So she is on my list of people I would like to say STFU and much more, but I took her out of my life and I think that's just as good.

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Posts: 122
    edited January 2013

    Scottie- I WAY vote for the FU bucket list. I'll start ;) my soon to be never spoken again sister, 1) nurse ratshit.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Please gals don't ever tell my now Buddhist brother about this....I love him dearly but he is all about "living in the moment, forgiving all others and only seeing the good in everyone". Oh, I so wish I could be like him and in many ways, since BC, I am much more compassionate, thoughtful and caring, BUT I do have my