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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Dear Stacey, so sorry you have to go thru all this at such a young age, and with a baby, God Bless you and welcome to this thread.

    Just warning you, though, there are a few crazies here who post a lot, forget what they say, ramble off on tangents at the least provocation, smoke cigarettes (and pot and cinnamon sticks),  probably take benzedrine, troll the internet for wierd pictures to post, bark when they are grumpy, and otherwise keep us wholly entertained. If you need a good laugh and don't mind getting teased when you are feeling better, you have come to the right place.

    Take good care of yourself and hang with us anytime. How old is your baby? 

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Well,I know Shellshine is NOT talking about ME....😇

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited April 2013

    Me either.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013 funny.....which was is

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    She ain't talkin' bout me neither!  Is she?  It's NOT Benzedrine, it's Benadryl.... or maybe Bentanopolis, or most likely Ben&Jerry's. 

    And little Stacey!  That is the worst!  Here we whine around here with a hang-nail, and then YOU are going through a lot.... A lot more than I did, and you are about 75 years younger than I am....!  Glad you found us.... You know I know NOThing about your new perky little boobs... but it's best to wait until you heal, and everything settles down after your surgery, before you get bright shiny new ones.  With diamonds, probably!

    How old is your baby?  I'm glad you found your lump while it was small.... I just wish you all kinds of good things....

    Don't pay any attention to these wild women that post pictures and jokes.... Oh well, okay DO, but you will get as crazy as we are.... Ha, ha!  We just want to make you feel better.

    Then there is Grannydukes/Princess/Kantalope....  She doesn't know WHO she is.  She has been rather sickly and out of sorts for the longest time!  We have to console and baby her till our wits end!  You will also love her, after she recuperates from her having her upper teeth pulled.  DAMN that must have hurt!!!

    Then of course Ducky.... another sickly with pneumonia-going-to-Chicago-and-a-confirmation.... or something.  She is a lot of fun, unless she is sick. 

    And Veggy.... going through a lot right now.... 

    Scottiee and Shells are in cahoots together.... we watch those two.... 

    And then Camille, and Sassy... No kidding, we will take care of you new one....!  Let us know how you are doing!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    So pretend you didn't notice that I posted the last one TWICE, damnit!   That's why I couldn't just delete this, I had to explain myself.... like anybody is even paying attention!    I sometimes, almost never, maybe once-in-awhile make stupid mistakes....Wink

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    WTH, couldn't be me either. Damn lost my baggie somewhere....Veggy did you see where I put it?

    Hellooo Stacey YOO-hOO waving. What Shellsine said is good and true...sassy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Sas, Remember?  When I found it, I flushed those seeds down the toilet!  And you just stood there dumb-founded....!!!  Oh wait!  That was my Daughter.... and HER baggie...... sorry there.....

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited April 2013

    This baggie?

    I haven't seen it.

    BUT I have seen this one...

    A crocheted one!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Chevy....who are you kidding.....I would think you're name's right up there. 😈

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Stacey, welcome to a wonderful bunch! My daughter's name is Stacey by the way so you know I love that name cause my daughter means the world to me (and my son too) as I am sure your little baby does. So sorry that you have to go through this when you are so young! That really pisses me off. Not that anyone at any age deserves this crappy cancer stuff, but it really upsets me when I see someone your age going through this.

    As for the rest of you, my goodness! Catching up with this thread is like reading a book! A good book though Wink Such a fast moving

    As for the weed, I haven't smoked any in YEARS! I grew up in the late 60's and early 70's so I might have rolled a joint or ten in my day. Hmmm, now that they are legalizing it all over the place, who knows! LOL

    Have a great Friday everyone! I am glad this week is over. Work was insane and had some really sad clients (I work with the unemployed population) and one guy told me he was going to buy a gun and shoot himself but our Governor won't let him get one now cause of the new law. I finally talked him into letting me call 911 cause he was suicidal big time. He scared the shit out of me. He kept saying "I have to stop my brain from thinking" He lost his house, his car and his wife because he couldn't find work. He used to make 150K a year and now he is living in a shelter. So sad...and I see a lot of this (not the suicide but the homeless after making big bucks) and sometimes it really gets to me!Cry

    Ok, gonna run and make dinner. See you on the other side my friends.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    Welcome Stacy, so sorry you need to be here. I am new to this group also. So far, I am the sweet one.

    That may change though as I take lessons on getting away with crap from Chevy.

    In response to the overwhelming pressure to have even, matching chesters, I am considering no stupid mastectomy bra, no prosthesis and no fluffy filler. My new name could be OCD - One Chestered Diva.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Sassy..... THIS was your bag.... that I so appropriately took care of.

    Along with the rolling papers and that glass thing....Wink

    Phyllis!  I love your new name!  Great sense of humor kiddo....  "One Chestered Diva".... Priceless.  SURE you're "sweet" right now, that's because we haven't gotten to KNOW you.... Ha, ha!   I am sweet too.... sometimes.... hardly never....MY Daughter's think I'm sweet.... so do my grown Grand-sons! 

    But I have gotten to the point, at MY age, when someone is being just down-right STUPID, and like screaming at their poor dog that won't SIT, I will maybe trounce across the street and knock some sense into that jerk!  I mean seriously!  I just stopped in my tracks and STARED at that moron!   He came THIS close!  I can't stand to see or hear someone mis-treating their dog... or kids especially!    I SHOULD have screamed at HIM to STFU!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Just listen to them. ALL of them. I rest my case.

  • tootz1
    tootz1 Member Posts: 18
    edited April 2013

    In my former life, I was an addictions nurse and used to work with Dr Drew. Never thought I would laugh so hard in my life. Checking the thread daily to keep my sanity at work....and agree, checking BCO is an addiction. Whonu addiction could be so much fun and good for you.

    I was a good girl, never did the stuff but sure can tell when someone is high. Told my RO about someone (who shall remain nameless to protect the not so innocent) on BCO ssssmokin a cinnamon stick. He thought I did the smokin. Who, me??

    Feel as though each one of you and love you to pieces. Innocent

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    LOL Shell....

    GD, thinking of you and hope you aren't in too much pain.

    Chevy, I agree with you. The older I get, the less I put up with. I have a client who is looking for a job and he hasn't showered in oh..maybe months! I finally told him. I said "How can you expect an employer to take you seriously when your hygeine is so poor?" I first made sure that I knew he had hot water etc by asking him if he needed to talk to anyone about energy assistance and were all of his utilities turned on cause we have people to help with that. He said, no, all good, lights are on, have heat and hot water etc. Then I told him! He looked at me and said "I showered yesterday" and I shot him a look like "Do you think I was born yesterday?" OMG, he stunk so bad we had to spray lysol in my office and the front lobby after he left! I know he drinks cause you can smell it on him.

    I also tell people to MYOB when they are butting into others stuff now. I told a meat cutter he was rude and insensitive cause he yelled at a poor little old man who asked him if he could grind up a piece of meat that he had chosen that did not have a lot of fat and the jerk told him to go get hamburger out of the case already ground up. I told that ass he was out of line!

    So Chevy, go get em! Wink

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh I was on earlier and never read Stacey post.-Welcome but so not happy that u'r here. And with a baby yet, Bless u'r heart and I think u said u'r almost done with chemo right--I hope that's what u said. and Shell said it all, she's one of the very smart ones, not me tho--

    I know about hair, nails and makeup--so I'm of really no use--But there are people here that know so much and can really give u help if u need it.

    There is a lot of fun on here too to perk u up to match u'r boobs when it's time. So join the gang.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Cami honey, HAIR, NAILS and MAKEUP are some of the most important things on this planet so don't you be tellin the new girl you're not smart as a whip, funny, pithy, and quick witted, too.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    CaMIIIIIIIIII, girl please, stop dissing yourself. Breaks my heart each time you do it. Your kindness and heart are so BIG !! Your are treasured. Hair, nails and makeup. pretty important stuff to us who've not known what to do with our bald heads that then get down feathers, with skin that is messed up and we look like zombies, with these hairs growing out of our faces that no one bothers to tell us they are like 4 inches long. Cami, you would never of let me look like I did had you been around. HUGS SWEETIE

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Chevy, thanks for finding my baggie, I'll share......I wonder who at the  AGENCY has the responsibilty of tracking us.

    Tootz thanks anonimity is prized.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Hahahahahaha u girls crack me up.

    BTW that was quite a bagful--hmmm good idea tho to put it in a little crocheted purse and I still think brownies are the best way, just sayin....

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    Chevy, Cami, hmmm I know Granny's lurking....but it's no secret.  When we meet in NYC in 2 weeks, she will be wearing a mask...or so she says...there are so many cool ones to choose from.
    I'm just worried that she won't be able to eat with that mask on....I wonder if there will be a little space for a cigarette...
    Well, I don't understand why they can't just give Granny some soft rubber teeth for the day...WTF?
    OK, maybe I should STFU and let Granny tell you herself.
    meanwhile, Granny, can't you have an electronic cigarette to hold you over?
    Gotta get some staying with my grand daughters and they will be up soon!

    PS - Granny, I usually don't give you a bad time...not at your expense...but Chevy and Cami made me do it...Undecided  

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013
    Morning all!  Oh it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood... !!!  I mean I guess it is....  It's still dark out, and only 4:45...  I went out with LaceeJ and brought the paper in.  I was aaaaalll alone out there, ruler of the universe...  No-body around!  Just me and the .... whatever.


    Now Shells, are you inferring that some of us, maybe most, likely ALL are somewhat "loose"???  I never get to be "this" way anywhere else!  And YOU guys make me do it!  You say things that need a little add-on, or something, or are begging for some sort of mundane comment!


    Tootz!  Are you NEW?  Oh Good Lord we will have fun with you!  Did you REALLY work with Dr. Drew?  I saw him online...( Go to Google Images) and he is there in all his glory.. well I mean at the beach, and he looks just fff----iiiiine!  I mean with a wife? and all, but you would never know he could be that, er, um ..... nice looking!   I used to watch Celebrity Rehab...  so that's where I "got to know him."


    I'M a good girl too!  I am!  Well I am now anyway...  You never smoked "it" either?  So Ha,ha girls!  I have company. 


    April.... WHAT?  Shell is in pain?  With what?   I know what you mean about that old body odor thing.... Yuck!  A gal we worked with, must have never met a bar of soap, nor the concept of using it with water on herself!  Our Supervisor finally mentioned this to her, and it didn't go well.  She smelled better for the first week or so, but then old habits just took her over.  I don't think her nose worked!  I WANted to carry around a small spritz of cologne of some kind, and aim THAT thing at her! 


    Okay, yes Camille...  Gotcha babe!  WE know about hair, nails and makeup!  Yay!!  So we ARE smart!  Afterall!  I mean generally speaking.  

    You can reach a nice older age and STILL color your hair, even after your Grandma tells you like 60 years ago, that if you "tease" and color your hair, you won't have any by the time you are 40"!!!!  Now THAT'S a crock.  I'm living PROOF of that, falicle, or WHAT???

    And I do my own!  No sittin' in a chair for me, waiting endlessly for a "hair-dresser"....

    Nails?  I don't do nails anymore...  THAT folly of mine had to end.  Man, I used to wear those Looooooooong nails!  With stones, and stripes, and everything nice...Ha! 


    Now, they are short, and suffering from "oldness".... I mean I am treating one little nail with white vinegar!  Don't go buying that expensive stuff for that yellowing of your nails...  White vinegar will work.  And my hands have Eczema... sniff..  But they wear little gloves... to keep them moisturized...


    Sassy, you DON'T look like zombies without hair....  just look "cooler"!

    And "free"..... Seriously, I feel so bad for what some gals have to go through....  Okay, I'm done being serious. 


    Sassy, I thinks it's anonaniminity or maybe animinity  or ..... what she MEANS is when we don't want to be  recognized or like we want to remain anonimus....  (my spell checker is going NUTS and I won't let it have it's way, Ha)


    Yes Cammi.... DD had it in a crochet purse...  Like a cute little ecru colored flouncy girlie bag....  She STILL brings up that traumatizing experience of watching her prized "seeds" whirl away down the toilet!


    Joan!  Seriously a mask for our Princess?   When are you going?  Halloween?   Or maybe like a Doctor's mask?  You CAN cut a hole in it, but if she SMOKES I will have to come out there and lock her in her room..... again.... and no dirty movies this time, tell her!  Oh man, smoking will really not be good...  that's a big no... tell her.


    Stick a stalk of asparagus in there!  Oh wait, wrong thread...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Maybe THIS for Kantalope?

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    You guys are just too

    Cami....I agree with everyone.....stop putting yourself are an amazing lady

    with a beautiful heart....If I hear you do this again....Shellshine and I will come after you with those sticks...

    Tootz, yes, are you new??? Welcome....good luck with this lot.....however, if you are having a bad day, just tune in here.....these gals have the best sense of humour I've ever

    Come across.

    Granny....hope today brings less pain and discomfort...❤

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Here are som fun masks for GD!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Camillegal, you are kind on every single thread I share with you. I agree with the others. You are a great person so no put downs! And you seem plenty smart to me!Kiss

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    OK, I need to know why GD's calls herself (or why you do) Kantaloupe!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning........very nice here in the Philly suburbs. .........up since 6am.....had to make a pound cake for my grandaughter's conformation today....was very pissed when I opened the sour cream and found fuzzies..........ok, now a 6am run to Swiss Farms for more.......thank heavens it's a drive through considering I was in my nightgown and robe.......cake is on the oven.........still tired, but it's the shittin medicine they gave me for whatever the hell put me in the hospital 1 week ago.....all I know is it was something with the colon, but not cancer....will find out more next visit.......

    Made 6lb of sausage and Fafalle last night, and 8 lb of green beans with garlic and tomato sauce. That was after going to Bj's earlier in the day to shop................

    Will go to the conformation at 10am today, then back to my daughter's to help her get ready for the gathering....bought my GD a wood vanity for a gift, and she is thrilled.

    Welcome to all the Newbies...your gonna love it here...hugs....