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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Morning gals.... Scottiee and April...  Yes, I totally understand this Greek stuff... DH is a mix of Italian, Greek, and whatever, mostly whatever he chooses to be at the time....Wink  You know when I met him, and fell so in love with this guy, I couldn't understand those "bad moods."  I mean it was like a darkness that just fell over him!   So for about 2 days at a time, I just didn't say much.

    We went together for almost 2 years before we got married.  That gave all his family members enough time, to get over the fact that this beloved Son/Grandson/Nephew/Cousin was going to marry this stupid little white trash Irish girl...   Like we cared.  

    I survived their mean little whispered comments, and just didn't pay any attention to them.  Not only was I NOT Italian, I was NOT CATHOLIC!!!!.  I'm surprised they didn't put a hit on me!   His Cousin, who was the sweetest to me, was our "maid of honor".... And the old man, his Father, picked out some friendly drunk of his, and he was our best man.... I didn't even know him.

    See, my folks moved to California right after I met him.... And it was either go with them, or stay here, with someone I loved.  I was 18... My Brother joined the Navy at 17, because my folks were moving their life to CA... I lived with my Grandma, until we got married, about 1 1/2 years later.   But HE was all I had....  all I wanted.    This must have drove his family nuts...!  Ha! 

    So we got married at a JP, and had to wait until Monday, to go get his drivers license, because it had been suspended for loud pipes!  Wink  Then we went on our "honey-moon".... up to the mountains, and our life was just like a story-book life to me.  Had both babies by the time I was 24. 

    But going through his family dramas were the hardest part....!   I finally quit blaming myself for those "bad moods"... for the jealous rages.... because I saw they were ALL like that.   Most of them drank, which added to their self-imposed drama... 

    And the wives were just supposed to STFU and go cook, or crochet, or do laundry!

    So if you can live through the first 25 years with "the family" you will make it... Ha, ha!  Sometimes it gets better, and sometimes it don't.   It takes an iron will to put up with "stuff".... You just have to figure out if it's worth it, and if you love him more than life itself.  Like I do now. 

    We grew up together....  we didn't really have any people that we wanted to look up to, or be like!    So maybe it was better that we went at it mostly on our own.  I would just hope that you can all find your own way around all the hurt, and bad things, to make your own life meaningful.  When you know that YOUR  life means even more to your Husband, then you will always be together.   When it's like you don't want to be away from him longer than maybe 2 hours, then you both get back to normal.  Sort of sappy, right?   But we've been together since 1955...

    And even when he's an absolute D-head, and you want to hit him over the head with a cast-iron skillet, you know that it will pass...  even if he IS Italian.... Ha! 

    So okay....  didn't mean to be so SERious there, but I had a lot of experience.... Ha! 

    April!!!  Could you please post your sauce/gravy recipe here?  And your Meat-balls?  Sounded so GOOD!  Or is it a family secret?  xoxoxoxo

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Chevy....thanks for sharing your roller coaster......we have a few things in common 😱

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    My ex-husband was Polish and Czech and he drove me bonkers with his bad moods. I am a normally upbeat person and he was always pissed off at life and at me much of the time (usually after a fifth of vodka) so I left. I was 18 when we met and I left when I was 48. We married when I was only 20 (a mere child!) and I had my two kids and tried to have the Donna Reed lifestyle. I made our home, I cooked and cleaned and worked part time in the restaurant business (I made full time money waiting tables but got to work about 20-25 hours a week and it worked fo rme cause I did not have to put my kids in daycare cause I worked nights) and then when the kids were grown, I went to college and got a degree while working full time and going to school full time taking 4-5 classes a semester (had gotten a job in a social services agency and realized I wanted my degree to be in social work as I had found my calling helping others!) and I graduated in 4 years in my mid 40's. I finally got the guts to leave in 2002 (April 27th to be exact and my 11 year anniversary is coming up..wahooo! best decision I ever made) and less than two years later I met my present husband (August 2003) and we have been together and happy ever since! We married in 2007 (took our time to make sure as we both left long term bad marriages and wanted to be positive) and have been very happy!

    Never settle. EVER! Life is too short.

    Chevy, you sound like you are madly in love and have been able to handle the mood swings well. Me? I got tired of walking on egg shells and being miserable so I walked. It was the HARDEST thing I ever did and people thought I was nuts leaveing after almost 28 years of marriage, but the decision was right for me.

    Even if I never remarried, being alone was preferable to being miserable. I remember my first night in my new apartment (I left him and our house that we owned together) and just listening to the best sound ever - SILENCE! No drama. No yelling. No anything. Blissful!

    We never yell in my house now. Never. We have disagreements but we settle them like adults. I win all of them (LOL>>>just kidding!) cause that is the way it should be! HA!Wink

    Greeks are tough in that they always think they are right (of course this is a terrible generalization and not always the case but in my world it was) and you can't argue with them. I say STFU and that is the end of it! xoxo

    PS sent you a PM Scottiee

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Of course I will share my recipe for my sauce/gravy and my meatballs!

    2 cans of San Marzano whole  (must be sanmarzano!) tomatoes broken up with my hands (dont like them already crushed cause I like them chunky so I brake them up as I am putting them in the pot!)

    2 cans of tomato puree

    1 can of tomato paste

    2 large cloves of garlic

    1 medium onion

    1/2 cup of red wine

    Fresh or dried basil, oregano (I use dried) 1 tbsp of sugar (cuts the acid in the tomatoes!) two large bay leaves and garlic powder, salt and pepper to taste.

    Meatballs are two pounds of ground sirloin, two large eggs, bread crumbs (about half a cup), oregano, basil, garlic (fresh minced) and 1 small onion minced very fine. I also take two slices of whatever bread I have on hand and soak it in a little milk first and add that smushed really well and I mix the whole shebang with my hands. Then I roll them into meatballs and I bake them (spray the pan with some olive oil - I have a misto- so they won't stick) until they are done but not hard (used to fry them but found the sauce did not get into them well cause the crust prevented that so now I bake or cook them in the microwave when I am in a hurry and that works too!) Forgot to add that I also put about 1/4 cup of grated parmesean cheese in my meatballs (I grate mine fresh!)

    So, I sautee the onions and garlic in two tbsp of extra virgin olive oil then add the sausage if you are going to add that (I do sometimes, not always) and sautee that until done (about 10 mins or so) and then add all of the tomatoes and spices. Then I add half a cup of red wine and the sugar. I then add all the meatballs after they are baked and I put the lid on the pot (use a big pot!) and simmer on low for about 4 hours or longer. The bay leaves should be taken out before serving cause if someone swallows one it could hurt your throat!) and then serve with pasta or make meatball sandwiches with mozzarella on them...yummm!

    If that was not clear, let me know! My sauce/gravy has had two guys ask me to marry them and one of them was my daughter's fiance! HA! Mom still rules!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013 time try your meatballs made with.....beef, pork, and veal combo.....they are to die for........Real Italians make them that way......our "real italian restaurants" in South Philly, do it that way......Even beef and pork is good.........makes a much moister meatball....

    Confirmation went well....also the after party.......we cooked 6 lbs of sausage, and 4 lbs of Fafalle, and it all went, did all the beans with garlic, and 3 large containers of baby romaine, and 5 lbs of roast beef ......did I mention this was only 30 people........think they were hungry.......not to mention all the homemade cookies, and cakes....but we had a granddaughter was more CCD

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Hi Ducky, have made them that way many times but I don't eat veal (and haven't since the late 1970's and the expose on 60 minutes on how they treat those baby cows! Google for more information) so that is not an option for me. Adding the pork is something I do on occasion but when I add sausage to my sauce, that is too much fat for me personally (have lost over 100 lbs so trying not to do the overkill on the meat these days) Veal will never pass my lips and I used to love it! I was young and impressionable when I saw those poor babies and I could never bring myself to eat it again.

    I know better than to watch ANY like this now or I would never eat meat of any type again I suspect but that was truly horrific. I could not bring myself to ever eat veal after that. So very sad for those poor babies!

    Ducky, don't read this if you eat veal!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Sounds like a great party Ducky! My kind of food...mmmmmm!

  • raehyg
    raehyg Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2013

    Now I am hungry....may attempt next week when I am home and regain my strength after chemo.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    April, you go girl, YEAH for Dad's that raised us to be independent! STFU(yah, okay, this is the right thread, hard to keep track of where we are since we all are basically in the same places). Post here and get an answer on Bonfires or OMG. Your stories are great keep them coming.

    April, I'm am going to screw with you on this thought. YELL if you need too. This question is (ir)respective of the need to vent, venting from either end is a given need.(Chevy lead line for you deary) If the premise is that you are an independent woman, AND your future DIL is going against the mainstream by having a wedding that appears to be alternative, how do these to concepts not correlate?

    Chevy, you asked Tootz if she ever smoked, reread her post, you missed the AHEM in there LOL. Reminds me of the perhap's 1970's when we had a big meeting between representatives from two universities about developing a drop in clinic for college kids on a bad trip etc., After the meeting we all got stoned, but the schools were across an international border. The rest of the story may come sometime. A few moments in time difference and I may have spent the next 20-30 years in prison. whew! Edit: here we go had enough wine this is a major life changing story. Sitting at the international border. Guy I was with had a fro that was at least 7-10 inches out from scalp. White. Nicely dressed, cordouroy, shirt, tie, sweater, jeans. Me I look like a Jackie from the 70's show, serious, could have been her double except Irish coleen. We are stopped at the border.The border guard doesn't like my friend, makes no bones about it. Makes him get out searches the whole car except where I'm sitting.. I keep smiling as appropriate, but not anything over the top. I look up, on the dash there is an aluminum square with a cube. I freak inside. The light projecting into the car from the border lights is equivalent to those in a major league stadium. It's reflecting off the aluminum. I figured if I reached for it, it'd draw the guards attention. Guard kept looking at me when moves allowed. At that point, I intentionally did what women do, when we need to do it, I kept eye contact and smiled beguillingly(sic). The guard was finally satisfied. Friend got in car and we drove. At the crossing of the flags which meant we were back on USA territory. I said to my friend "look" and pointed at the foil. I thought he was going to drive off the bridge.  The cube was Hash. Didn't matter that I never done it before--or since--the key was crossing an international border. In 1970, this was huge enough to get a 20-30 year sentence. I disconnected myself from all these people and let them know why. Everyone involved that night was highly involved in the university culture. None were down and outers.

    Going to make some venison for the first time, calls for red wine, HAVE to open a bottle. OH well

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013

    April.....most of my family will not eat veal for the same reason......but did you know that only the "milk fed veal" is the one that is used in cutlets, and fancy veal dishes.......the veal used as a meatloaf mixture or "gravy meat", as Italians call it is the older veal, and not the poor babies.........truth is milk fed veal is WAY to expensive to use in mixed veal you are safe with some veal, so long as it is not labeled "milk fed". ..............cruel, and we don't eat any veal, just the tiny bit in our meatballs, which is cheaper version of veal........

    Also, did you know if you boil your sausage first in plain water, you remove 50% of the fat.....good way if your on a diet..then fry it lightly............and you would only do 1/3 of your meatballs you lose some fat when you fry them.......we do fry ours cook.......

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Nice stories. There may be angel husbands in the world but I certainly did not get one. Drives me nuts sometimes, but it's true love, so what's a girl to do?

    DUCKY I am so happy to see  you. I know what you mean about not having to drive to the CCD classes, what a pain in the butt that was, kindergarten to 10th grade, but I'm glad mine was confirmed, and also that he can drive when he's come from college. But Ducky -when are you going to tell us about FLYING??!! and how brave you were?

    I don't eat veal or pork, can't bear to eat the cute critters. I do cook beef a couple of times a month for DH, and my son when he's home, but usually use ground turkey and turkey sausage for my specialties. Made dirty rice last night - YUM!

    I will tell you about my chicken story when I need a study break. Nice to see ya Sassy. Happy Sunday everyone. I'm meeting a new friend for coffee later - a smart attorney who had DCIS a year before me, had BMX and reconstrcution with the same docs I have. BTW - my exchange surgery is May 3, two days after class ends. Hurray! Goodbye iron maidens!!         (I mean my cast iron tissue expanders, not use guys!!).

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Shells and everyone that had TE's. I never bothered to ask to see TE's. But it seemed like the fit was a square peg in a round hole. What was up with that? It seemed that it was the corners that caused the pain? Are the corners not rounded? Anyone actually see them? Have no friggin idea why it seemed like it was pointy ends jabbing

    Shells, okay one more guess hypotonia --infant ---older infant PKU. Hydroxfetalis--newborn, Kernicterus neonate to early infant then catostrophic if not corrected, PKU asymptomatic til older infant, then catostrophic. Am I in the ball park? Not even considering other rarer genetic garbage, but plenty of dystrophies. Make me crazy, we are playing trivial prusuit? My end trivial pursuit, your end serious. I'm glad to not be serious anymore, but love trivial pursuit.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Ducky, Sorry for the fatigue and all happening at once, but also waiting for the stories on flying and the wedding. Anyone make a total analpore of themselves at the wedding? Did the kids have a great time, inclusive of the older kids?

    Ducky you words of wisdom re:DB acouple of months ago really helped......

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Sas - it was a TRICK multiple choice question: "Which statement is true about infant hypotonia" and I chose the answer that was perfectly correct except it said HYPERtonia. They just love to trick us that way. Anyway, infant/child hypotonia is a syndrome with many causes. These little ones have decreased movement control with loss of tone, stiff movements, atrophy, spasticity, fasciculations etc. Cause by CNS disorders (birth trauma, congenital syndromes, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, intra-cranial hemorrhage, chromosomal disorders), Peripheral NS (myasthenias), botulism and myopathy

    I had the damned syndrome nailed but I got tripped up on the "HYPER" trick!! No prob - I knew my material and felt good about it.

    Doing ortho now. The trip is I don't really want to do peds for a living, just want Family NP certification so can feel more comfortable in Hospice/Palliative Care - I'm licensed as Women's Health NP now, but wanted the adult medicine, geriatrics and peds so have the basics for assessment and mgt of all ages. Hope I get a damn job - so many nurses getting layed off, but I have 35 years experience so should be ok.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Sas, I am confused? My DD is not getting married yet. She just got engaged and they have not set a date? Are you maybe talking to someone else? Oh well, not me

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Shells, Okay then all my answers were correct. BUT BUT that wasn't part of your game that sucks. I know when I use the word game it may seem wierd, but a test is a fucking game. Do we read the stems right which are the questions, do we read the responses right. Under the pressure of the test it self,  plus the clock---what is it we are really testing. Certainly NOT knowledge. Tests spur us to learn things by a given date. But where tests go wrong is to say that someone has failed b/c they haven't attained the knowledge by that date. Plus, test questions are written to confuse the responder. I had the control in my EMS program to define failure based on testing date, remedial, remedial attendance at tutoring. All were designed to give the greatest opportunity to pass. I'll site the worst response as almost a joke of a student. Test :calculation of a drug dose. Policy: must be passed with a 100%. Allowed tries three. Tutoring available on a scheduled or individual schedule as needed. This idiot student failed three times, missed  43/45 hours of scheduled tutoring, never called to schedule other hours. Everyone who had failed was given a letter stating recource i.e.policy. She sat across from me and said"What do we do now?" DUH. She was surprised. Idiot. Tried to make it a thing. Said not going to fly. You signed the policy agreement, you didn't follow it. We are done. Sounds bitchy. But what program gives free tutoring and at all hours. I used to come in on Sunday morning cuz certain folks that was all they could fit in.

    Ah hah brings to memory a student who met all 45 hours of tutoring and before he took the third test , I informally tested if he could figure out how to get it from the drug vial into the bag, and then calculate what the concentration in the bag was, then what to run the drip at--he couldn't. Had a strong feeling he could be successfull. So, instead of letting him take the third test. I kept him working  by setting up a drug kit that corresponded to each step until he had it in the IV arm. It caused his brain to use other areas than calculation. Each step made sense. Until it did he wasn't tested. He passed. Why the allowances--he made an effort, the other one didn't. Used similar modality after that, worked except for two. Regrettfully, identified a guy that had dyslexia, he was in denial, department was in denial, he was a taken as a firefighter by heritage...none of them got that there were modalities to help him.  What is very cool and lame is I was just an ordinary person that realized others had problems, may be more sensitive to finding solutions b'c of polio. Polio survivors were treated awfully. So, At this point in time 2013, my word , I always wondered what my life would have been without polio. Now I wonder the opposite.

    Back to you------------wierd  what is that I didn't type it?

    I can help if you are allowed to write on the test? Used to teach it to my students. What's cool is it's emprically based from 1930-1940's on, then evidence based 1990's.

    Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out shouting "holy crap....what a ride" SAS

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Well, all I know is that I got all A's last semester, got breast cancer, flunked the midterm this semester, and in spite of all I have a B average now, studying my $ss off and I don't even like peds.... finish classes in 2 weeks, have my exchange surgery, then do 6 weeks of pediatric clinical in a pediatrician's office (no worries there, pretty solid in clinical practice - just concerned I'll turn out to like peds - YUCK - that means having to deal with worried parents !!). Then I get my degree, find a job and sit for my Family NP board exams, then look around for a hospice on-line certification course while I work in hospice - IF I can find a job, at age 58, a cute 58, but 58 nevertheless. WHAT A YEAR IT HAS BEEN - so glad I have you guys - I would go nuts otherwise.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    I have been trying to catch up on everything since I went off on my quest for a dragon tattoo.  Holy cow!  I read the posts and now I'm really hungry and need to find someone to make some meatballs for me.  I'm still debating the veal issue in my head. Or was...until I came across Chevy's tattoo photo and the other one...with the cure guy.  Veal left my brain immediately.

    Shellshine - Thanks for the tattoo site.  I will go and look, however I think the sex kitten tat is the one for me!  I can see it sitting on my mx scar.  Perfect!

    Chevy - YES!  That is very NOT what I was thinking....until I saw it.  I think I pulled something examining the photo.  My new favorite fantasy is a frolic with tattoo guy and my sex kitten tattoo on my AWOL chester, wearing my lymphedema sleeve!  Can it get any better? 

    I did look for dragons yesterday but got sidetracked (as usual) and bought these three.  They were not what I was looking for, but I'm so easily distracted.

    veggy - I hope you're feeling better SOON

    edited for freekin spellos

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013
    Thank you April!  April to the rescue!  Mmmmm spaghetti sauce!  I have to ask... What size of tomato paste, the little ones?  And the 2 LARGE cans of Puree?  Or the med. size, like what Campbells soup comes in?


    Also the Marzano whole tomatoes are the BFC, right?    Yes, I know about doing everything with my hands.... better mixing that way.   they never used Bay leaves.... I have in beef-stew, but I will try it in the sauce. 

    What the hell is a "misto"????  Is it spray oil?  


    You will be so proud.... I just bought a real marble mortar & pestle!  I love it for mashing my dried Italian parsley.... etc.  And do you use parsley in either the sauce or the meatballs? 


    I will make all this when I get all the stuff rounded up!  Thank  you so much! 


    Yes April.... everything is fine with us now.... but about 11 years ago, I just "broke"....  The drinking, rages, threats just got to be too much.  I had a bag packed for about 2 years, because I was just afraid...  I talked to counselors.... didn't do any good. 


    So one morning, about 4 a/m.... I just got up, put my bag in the car and left.  I just ran away.  I went to a diner, sat in the car & just cried!  Called my Daughters, met my youngest at another restaurant, went back to her house, and sobbed.   I called him, and was crying so hard I couldn't breathe....  I went back home.  Nothing changed...


    I ran away 4 more times... moved to California... for about 2 weeks.  Came home because they took him to a mental hospital....  He was going to commit suicide...  I promised I would go back home. 

    The police took all his guns... which REALLY pissed him off.... but I went back home..... 


    One night I ran down the alley, called the Police, so they would come take me back home to get some clothes....  I stayed away this time for 7 weeks....  He finally got some help, we began to meet... he went to a Psychiatrist... I went to battered women's classes... and Alanon...


    It wasn't easy.... I didn't know if I loved him or hated him.    But it took about a year, until I thought he meant what he said.... And he promised he would only drink a couple beers a day.  This was about 11 years ago.....  And honestly I think if this all DIDn't happen, we wouldn't be where we are today.    I am now so sorry for hurting him, by leaving, but he hurt me too....!  So many years of being drunk!    My DAD was drunk all my life!  I just thought all men drank, and always got drunk...  My Grandpa did!  And so did my FIL! 


    Oh well.... sorry girls.... I didn't mean to bore you all with this story, but I just wanted you to know April, that  you CAN find happiness, if you can just see a way to work it out.... sounds like you did the right thing! 


    Sas, and Ducky.... I know I am so lucky to still have him....  I don't think life would be worth living for me, if I lost him....


    Hi Shells and Phyllis!  What the hell is that on that chest???  It looks like lint! 

    And is your battery low?  Is that what you mean?  Can't you just get one that plugs in? 


    Okay....  Love you gals..... xoxoxoxo

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Shell you are in the cow manure right now, your university doesn't get that a life changing event like CANCER DIAGNOSIS + SURGERY INCLUSIVE of ANESTHESIA AND BRAIN ALTERING DRUGS FOR PAIN, have an affect on learning. It's a STUPID situation dealing with STUPID people. Totally grooses me out. Bollicks them

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Chevy Oh sweetie come from a line of Irish drunks every which way. So, it sucks, Now, know where your great humor comes from, it' s survivorship, "Tis all the same and will be again". But you have changed it with your youngins."Tis all the same and  n're a'gain".

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    Shell, I got a masters in counseling at 54, found a job and worked until I was 68. Funny was when my boss, who was maybe 10yrs younger, would call me in to ask if I remembered something. He had gotten the completely blank look from the high 20's and low 30's on the team. Lots of clients will appreciate your age. Who the heck wants a 24yo hospice nurse?

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    Sas  it's a scribble!  I could do it with a sharpie but I would be looking down at it and how would I know if I drew it right, and the right size and not smeared?  (The other side of OCD).   And yes my battery is low, so if this is over my port they will just plug me in.  Okay, I didn't say it was smart.  However they had a free shipping deal!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Ah Phyliss, Okay I'm the only one that heard shit. Well, go back and assume shit, it is really funny by substituting   shit. Not wanting to alter reallity, but just bring you into my reallity, which is sometimes very fun.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    oooops Chevy! I did forget to include the parsley! I put it in the meatballs and in the sauce too...sorry. I tend to use Italian flat leaf unless I am out and then I will use some dried.

    Have to catch up on the rest of the thread! It moved really fast in the last couple of!

    Shell, in CT, nurses are in shortage mode and you would have a job in like 10 mins! No nurses laid off here in CT!

    Phyllis, love the tats and the whole idea of

    BBL! Have to read all of this and Chevy's post!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    You guys, I am sooooooooo lost!  I admire you all so much for how much experience and education you have had!  I barely know my NAME, much less how many boats it takes to cross a river, going 20 miles an hour upstream  with a load of carrots!   So all this intelligence is getting lost by the time it reaches my brain.... Ha! 

    Sas.... Thank you..... it is so easy to have fun with you guys....  AND sometimes with DH...  but I can't act crazy around too many people, ha!   My Daughter here, and I can talk and tease, and we just are alike.    The one in Orlando is very educated, and busy as a Realtor, and doesn't take any crap from anybody....  Ha!   So I have to behave when I am around her.... Wink

    I swear she walks with angels an fairies!  She is just so in-tune with animals and nature... and she finds peace in her gardens....  She has the sweetest heart and rescues bugs and those damn gecko's!  She finds tail-less ones all the time, because of her cats, but she makes sure they are out of reach for awhile.....

    Okay gals.... love you all.... xoxoxoxoxo

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    sas, I have NFI what you just said, but that's okay because I am on my way to the fridge to find myself a beer.  Oh wait, that had nothing to do what not understanding what you said.  The truth is that I think I may be one of those aliens that beamed down with the guys in 3rd Rock from the Sun.  Remember how they misinterpreted everything?  There are MANY, MANY times that I have NFI what is going on. I'm sure it's part of my charm?   OH well.  Laughing

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013

    Wow Chevy......what a story.....but you were not wrong to leave the times when you did Staying could have fueled the fire more.......never regret what you did for your step-father drank.....only father I ever knew, but he was wonderful.....except when he drank.....which he did not do till he lost his job, which was in a very exclusive nightclub (bartender, but never drank), and ended up in sleezy corner taprooms doing his job serving drunks which destroyed his pride, and he began to drink...and became a nasty drunk, in his 60's......very I can feel your was a life lost.....he eventually died at 71 of esophageal cancer....1 year later my mother died of colon cancer.....7 years later my husband from Pancreatic cancer.....never second guess have to look out for you.......I am still trying to learn how to do that at nearly 78........hugs

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    Chevy - my ex is a particularly high-functioning drunk.  I left after 23 years.  He never scared me physically but he was very emotionally abusive.  As far as I know, nobody in my family drank so this was a revelation to me.  Living with it takes a special person and I couldn't do it.  I am so glad your situation improved and you're happy now!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    sas - I now know why I had no idea what you meant about shit!  Because I'm stupid!!  I replied to you about the scribble, but it was Chevy that asked the question.  She thought it was lint. 

    Crap!  I don't even start the new chemo for another week!  Oh well, I'll blame it anyway.

    Anyway, I did warn you guys that I'm pretty remedial.  Now I really want that beer.