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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Ok Chevy, just finished reading. Yes, a small can of tomato paste (6oz) and yes the large cans of tomatoes and tomato puree (28 oz)

    I left my ex a few times before leaving for good too. Didnt do any good. Vodka was his mistress! He almost died twice (51 days in the hospital the first time and 50 days the second time) and after the second time of slapping God in the face after sparing him (began drinking again within a month of coming home) I said That is it, I am outta here. I was miserable even though I loved him or thought I still did. I never thought I would get divorced. Never ever. But, one day I woke up and said "I can't do this anymore - soon I will be freeking 50 and nothing has changed and I just don't love him anymore" I knew I was done when I began daydreaming about a peaceful life all by myself!

    I am glad you worked things out. My ex shot one of his guns into the wall and my son saw the bullet hole and took them all away from him. He claimed he was thinking about killing himself but then when the gun went off it scared him so he was glad my son took the guns. When he was drunk and having a pity party about my leaving him, he was stupid and could have shot himself!

    Anyway, sounds like you two worked it all out...happy for you. My ex didn't even try. He just called me names and called me 24/7 until my boss told him to cut the shit cause he was calling me at work cause he knew I had to pick up the phone there so he called my direct line. One day I let my boss answer cause he was calling me like 10 times in a row and I kept hanging up and he told my ex he would have him arrested so that finally stopped him. What an ass!

    Sas, you are my kind of teacher. You recognize that people learn in different ways and that the effort the second student made was worth you testing him in a different manner to see if he truly got it. As an employment specialist in my job I send people to training all the time, many of them choose medical profession training and EMT-B is popular. Not an easy training though so some bomb it.

    Wren, I hear ya on those 20 somethings and their lack of knowledge EVEN with degrees up the wazoo. For some reason they often don't retain what they learned in college. Go figure!

    Ok, off for a walk. Have to work off all of the food I ate this weekend! Have a great evening everyone!

  • mainegirl
    mainegirl Member Posts: 24
    edited April 2013

    I so agree with everyone's posts. Met an acquaintance the other day (having spent 5 months hibernating during chemo). He said I looked great and proceeded to tell me a friend of his who had been in remission from brain cancer now has it back. If that wasn't enough he told me about a women who found out she had pancreatic cancer and was dead three weeks later. I mumbled "I'm so sorry" and got away from him as quickly as I could. Are you kidding me!?! Who tells someone with cancer this?? Thanks for understanding.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited April 2013

    Oh Chevy, I cant believe how similar our stories are. Dh was a drunk the first 17 years of our marriage. I stayed cause I was scared to leave. He would stalk my family when I was gone. I dont know how many times I left him but I know at least 10 times, maybe more. It was all due to drinking. He would promise to quit, Id come back and it would start all over. The last time he quit, he quit for good, hasnt had a drink in 13 years. All our kids turned out to be good kids, dont know how that happened, they lived through hell. He was a mean drunk. Not physically but emotionally and verbally. If he hadnt quit when he did I was going to take the kids and disappear. I think he sensed that and quit for good. We get along great now, he still has his moments when he is an ass-wipe, but dont we all?

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited April 2013

    I have posted this on a few pages - sorry I really prefer to be personal on every topic BUT -I think I am in a crisis and I don't care who sees this at this point.  Not sure if it is the new med or allergies or what.. The pollen count is high right now and I keep telling myself it is that.  Taking in consideration:my #s on my APAP are in the good range, but not sleeping well at night; trying to stay awake for my early work shift.  The doc put me on a new med but we started it at half the smallest dose you could find. I feel like I have a lump in the throat,  my torso feels like its going to explode but my O2 level is good, pulse is good(56-70). I have gained weight continuously wondering if that is lymph weight or water weight?  I have cut down caffiene and added more water to my diet. I just feel like I am a big balloon ready to burst, but no one else sees it. I fear if I go to my primary, it will be a useless visit, sleep doc will take me off the new med ( I just started feeling more awake during the day). I am just so freaked at the moment. Oh and at the moment DH doesn't understand what the fuss is about.. He seems to be overwhelmed with taxes and doesn't know what to say - He said today, he wanted me to say the hell with all the docs and experiment on what works and what doesn't.. how can you do that without the docs? I can't stop crying today... I know I probably make no sense but if anyone can figure out what I just said and help me look at it all objectively I would greatly appreciate it.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Don't worry phg: You FIT RIGHT IN.

    Chevygirl: I ADMIRE YOU so much, so there!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    GM=I hope Sas or shell or someone comes on to help u, but u might feel ll bloated but maybe u'r not--it's a tricky time and if u are nerveous u could feel a lump in u'r throat--it  could very well make u think u can't swallow--are u gaining weight according to the scale?--Now all our meds do a number on our bodies. Are u taking anti=depressant, or anxiety meds? I think (I'm sorry I don't know much) all these factor are important--when u started this new med did this start or was it before? I know alot of questions--I'm not trying to overwelm u but crying is so normal for any of us at any time before during and after. It's all so bumpy and confusing. Hang in there take deep breaths and drink some warm milk, people forget about that and do something u like. Don't put all this pressure on u'rself. I wish I could help u more, but again I'm just thinking about it for u.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    I've been hybernating for a while and u guys have talked about food. husbands, diseases, and everthing. Geeze.

    April u'r sauce (gravy) sounds pretty much like mine--except sometimes we put neckbones in at the beginnin for more flavor. Yummy u'll enjoy this Chevy--it's like so so good.

    Ducky u'r time sounded wonderful--I like that.

    Phyllis u don't know what remedial is until u really read my posts. So u'r in the company of me too. LOL And that tat was so funny and Chevy made it funnier. I so like the dragon idea with his mouth open right at the nipple.I don't have any but I would do that. I have silverish hair--I always died my hair til all this but I want my DD to put highlights in-purple and she won't do thst color she gotten to old for me--so I asked for pink WTF Joan Rivers is older and she did it. But no again and my GS wants purple not a lot just a few streaks.

    Whoever has their GS with the hat on for their avatar he is absolutely adorable, they're names I don't know yet. I love it.

    Booooing u guys have had quite interesting lives and troubles. Wow Chevy it's wonderful how u hung in there and now it worked out--it doesn't always but u were eventually blessed and it's great. And leaving a husbnd after o many years has to be friggin hard. I mean so much of u'r life and there u r--That's courage too. My 1st husban--well we were to young and I was unhappy so I couldn't stand looking at him anymore. No big reason . But my 2nd one OMG what was I thinking, he was ITALIAN as my first--(I am) (well my dad was such a nice husband and dad) mine was a mood changer by the minute drinking made it worse and he liked to drink so u know what I mean--What bothers me is that I did that to my Dgtrs. that lasted 6 yrs and I was gone, it's funny cuz my 1st asted 6 yrs too. And I've been single ever since and to me it's great cuz no one bothers me about anything and going thru all this I'm glad I was alone, well my dgtrs were always around but it was easier on me being alone. It just never bothered me. Now for financial reasons I live with my youngest dgtr for the last yr. And U all know my Grandson is my little man so he makes my life a joy. So as I say it is what it is.

    Shell u'r doing great I'm so happy for u doing what u want to do.

    I'm saying hi to everyone but now I can't remember, Sas I always remember u, I've been with u along time. LOL

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited April 2013

    Boy do I have a lot of catching up to do.  Haven't been on the computer since last Thursday or Friday.  I have no waay to keep my bad foot elevated enough here so have spent my time in my recliner with an extra cushion under my feet to raise the bad one high enough.  Have done a lot or reading and sleeping.  The swelling is much less and the toe actually looks a bit better, more a very dark pink than a deep purple like it did.

    The podiatrist has me doing  cool and then warm soaks three times a day.  Tuesday I see him again and we schedule a circulatory study  to evaluate the problems and compare circulation in legs and arms.  Sas, I think it sounded like the kind of work up you were describing. Time to get the foot up.

    Thanks to all who expressed concern.  I could feel it even when I wasn't checking in on BCO.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Chabba glad to hear from u, we know what's important for u to take care of that goes wee wee wee wee all the way home and u are doing better. Let us know after the Dr. to tell us what's going on.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    G'ma Foley, I am not sure what is going on with you but hopefully someone will come along that knows more. Do you have LE? The gain can be from retaining fluid? Not sure.

    Mainegirl, some people just don't know when to STFU! Sorry you had such insensitive comments!

    Mary, so glad your hubby straightened his act out. I would have been still waiting for my ex if I did that. He is still drinking! Fool that he is

    Chabba, good to hear from you. Keep that foot up! Hoping all goes well at the appt tomorrow!

    Cam, there are lots worse things than being alone (and you aren't really alone as you live with your lovely daugher and grandson!) as you have proven in your post. I would have been perfectly happy spending my life alone (and having friends with benefits if you know what I mean) but I met my husband and decided to take the plunge again after being single for 5 years. It is working well and I am blessed that we found eachother.

    Have a great day ladies. Work today!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    April I'm so happy u found u'r DH not everyone does. And it completes you. I've been completed already so that's why I'm fine. I actuallt lived alone for over 20 yrs with no problems for me. So I'm still getting used to all this and I'm luky I have such a wonderful SIL and I love to see happy marriages my SIL and DD have been together now about 17 yrs and they are so happy together they actually don't like to go places (going out) witout the other they are best friends and I see it every daythe only thing he's ever asked of Leslie is she wash clothes cuz he hates to, but on occasion when she's not feeling well he'll do it, but otherwise he does everything with her and treats us both with such respect all the time. Then there's my other Dgt (the older one) her husband is a big ASS and everyone knows it but her. She got married later in life and I think she settled just to be married and Oh there was some men in her life we all cared about but no she picked a moron beyone belief AND he spends HER money like he earned it-He brags because HE bought this and that she makes the money not him, he works but very low pay--which doesn't bother us, but to brag about things he never says we bought something. That's just a small dose of him. Sorry I'll STFU LOL 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013
    Morning all...  just want to tell you, it's just comforting to know that I'm not all alone.... I was at the time....because I couldn't bring my grown Daughter's into the mess, and they were gone and had their own lives.  And I COULDn't tell them about all the things he said, and did.


    In that sense I was protecting him, but they wouldn't have been able to help...  My boss couldn't, nor my counselor.  SHE just said I had better get all my ducks in a row, and get out before he kills me.


    All of this just sort of came to a head after he retired!  Every night I came home from work, he was drunk, and waiting for me....  I thought if I retired at 62, I could make things change.... Nope!  Can't do it.


    I had my girl-friends, and my SIL who knew how bad things were getting.. So I could stay with them...until I found something more permanent...I filed for divorce twice...


    I'm surprised I DID all that!  But I was so afraid!  I wouldn't tell my Daughter's where I was...And I stayed away ..... But you know, I felt so free!  I could come and go as I pleased....


    But I kept some of that feeling and determination, when I finally went back home....  I knew I would never take that again.  


    I was told about this Church, by our PC doctor.... I went there, and found such peace....probably because I just sat there and sobbed.  I cried for everything...They played this video, when opening services began... It was...


    So with the help of my precious girl-friends, the Church, and my faith in me, we got it together.....   It was like I learned to once again, open my heart, and let that DH in..... Geez, what a sappy story...


    Besides the girls brought us this little puppy...  So tiny one had her in her pocket... They thought this would keep us together, and we would NOT stay all night up at the Casino anymore...   It worked.  And little Lacee IS our "other daughter"..... Ha, ha!  9 years old, and one of the best things that ever happened to "us."


    Chabba, when I got up, I was going to ask Sas to call you and see how you were doing!  And then you were THERE!   Sounds like maybe something is "working?"  It sounds a little better, anyway....


    Camille, yes we were young too!  I was 18, just graduated, and he was 17.  MAN that sounds young!  I think I was a "cougar".... Ha!   Yes.... "a mood changer"..... You know, I was raised with all the screaming and fighting... and I promised myself when/if I ever got married, I would never fight in front of my kids.  And I never did...  which is wrong too, because I just kept it all in, and would never yell back...  I just remembered what it did to me.   But when the girls grew up, YES!  Damnit!  Yes, I did yell back!  Didn't do any good....  You can't shut a drunk up.  And you can't make them sober or sorry.  Or even make them SAY they are sorry.


    Yes, my Dad was a nice husband too!  He was a nice boy-friend, a nice bar-pal, and a nice drinking buddy.  He was just not a nice when he drank.....  When they moved to CA, I would just DREAD when they would come back to visit....  It was awful!  Nothing had changed, and I was living the same life my Mom was....  Finally they would come separately....  And Dad would roam the bars, and just have a great time, and make me miserable until he left.


    But when Mom died, Dad was just heart-broken.  They were married for 62 years, and it was if his world had just ended.  So he started calling me... and crying, and telling me how he would reach over in the bed and want to put his arm around her... I became just so worried about him.... HIM, who put me and my Brother through hell, who would spank us and the dog whenever he FELT like it!  Not to mention what he did to my Mom.


    But I started to care about this "man"...who I tried to shut out of my life.  He was hurting so bad, and reaching out to me... So I would fly back there, and I got to know him!  We laughed, and we talked about when he was in WW2, and he just snuck into my heart!  And every time I went back there, I could see him getting sicker and more feeble.  We talked every day... I just wanted to take care of him... I tried finding places here in Denver for him to live... but he wouldn't come... or leave "their" home.   He died just over a year after Mom did....  But I "had" my Dad back....for that year... I learned to love him... and I forgave every thing that happened...  Same as now....  It's like when you really love someone, and you know they love you, you will forgive anything.


    Yes GMI...I think Sas and Shells will help you understand what is going on!  I'm so sorry!  Those two gals know more than .... well, they know more than I ever HEARD about! 


    Yes Mary.... Did you know the average battered woman leaves 5 times?  I went to classes one time....  I don't know how your husband QUIT!!!  Wow!.... Mine didn't quit, just only has about 3 beers a day now.  So it isn't DONE, just a lot better.  I don't mind the 3... it's anything over that...  when he starts getting wiggly-faced, and that stupid look in his eyes...THEN I'm off to the bedroom and watch my OWN TV, in my OWN room, and  thank God that morning comes, and it's all forgotten....


    Maingirl!  Welcome!  Don't mind me...  after this I won't have anything else to write about, ha!  It's hard to understand how these PEOPLE can say something so stupid, while trying to make YOU feel better!   I would NOT have any more conversations with him.... and if you DO, just say quietly, "you know sweetie, you really ARE a rattle-brained know-it-all dick-head, so just please STFU!"  And turn your back on him and flounce away.   He does not deserve to have an audience for his blabbering.


    Hi April.... thanks for the answers on "our" sauce, Ha!  It's kind of amazing how all of our lives have similarities ...  We usually don't have anyone to talk to about it, and we are embarrassed and ashamed. 

    I'm just glad you gals made me feel like I wasn't alone.


    Phyllis and Sas...  WTH is NFI???  I tried to find what you were talking about, but I am lost.... Ha!   No, don't put lint on your chest...  Leave it on your clothes... 


    Thanks Ducky....  Yes, it was like me and my Brother were just growing up all over the place, and trying to not cause trouble.   And then the military guy that "lived" at our house, while Dad was gone, and how he thought this little 7 year old girl should do these "things"   while everyone else was asleep.... Good GOD!  It's a wonder I am even 1/2 way normal!  My child-hood was a cluster-f***!  I mean REALLY!  

    You know, I shut that out of my life, until I watched Marilyn Vanderbur talking about abuse when she was little, and I was walking out of my bedroom when I was about 40, and it HIT me like a brick wall!  I just started crying!  I remembered everything that happened...!  It was like I locked it up, and it came out.   So yes, it was a "little life lost."..


    I'm just so thankful I made my own life, my own family, my own home, and I'm thankful I came through it all! 


    Well, I'll bet THIS post is the longest ever....   Thanks for sitting there gals....  thanks for listening.... xoxoxoxo



  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013 are one strong woman.....I won't air my dirty laundry, but let's just say "my husband did not drink", but trust me ...someone does not have to drink to make your life a living hell at husband was a great provider, great father, but the moodiest bastard I ever encountered.......which often led to back biting, petty arguments, which eventually would lead to an all out brawl.........nothing was ever right for him......if all the wash was done, he would want the pants or shirt that did not make it into the washer, or the "gravy" was not to his liking.......or he wanted mashed potatoes for dinner, and I made roasted ones.....forget that the dinner was soup to nuts.......he always wanted what wasn't on the table....I could go on and on, but I won't because the post would never end......

    I had 6 wonderful kids, who as they grew eventually knew what was going on, and they did not deserve to live like they often talk about what they knew, and saw, and I have weeped to them and apologized for not leaving him, and allowing them to be subjected to his miserable moods......

    I think the biggest problem was me not knuckling down to him....his mother was a sub-servant to his father, with no education, and no backbone.....when he said "shit".....she would say "how much, and which corner of the room should I do it........I was a strong, woman, raised as an only child to a stronger woman whose husband left her the day I was born......she raised me to be independent.....depend on no man.......and always keep enough money available for "yourself"........I too raised my 3 girls to be the same, and they husband only appreciated my strength, and independence when it was working in his favor......when I used it to defend myself...he hated it, and of course there were repercussions when I did....

    So you don't always need a drunk living with you to make things unbearable......

    I did love that man with all my heart.....he had many marvelous qualities, many more good then bad, but we could have had it all........I believe it was the "era" and the "times" that caused our problems.......we were on the edge of becoming "I AM WOMAN HER ME ROAR", and many men could not handle our cry for equality.....we no longer wanted to be barefoot in the winter, and pregnant in the summer.........we wanted to walk alongside, and not follow behind.........

    He died at 57 after a 2year 9 month battle with pancreatic cancer.....I still miss him, but will is great not having to answer to anyone.....eating a can of soup for dinner if I want...... washing clothes when I damn we'll please........buying "whatever" without a big discussion.......but sometimes when I'm alone in the room, I wish I could look at him sitting there and say "hey, want a cup of tea" I will STFU........hugs

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    Chevy - I liked you before, but after reading your story I now have a tremendous respect for you also.

    Oh, NFI means No F'ing Idea.

    You ladies have a fabulous day. I'm off to have old chemotoenails removed before my new chemo. Fresh start!


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013

    Phil......good luck on this new venture.......

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited April 2013

    monday strikes

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Just thanks.... Ducky and WHAT?  What was it before?  How about I just call you grahamcracker?  I can 1/2 way remember that when I see your name...  Okay... got it...Nf----g idea.... Good one!   I'll write more a little later.... but not a LOT more...Wink

    Oh wait... just want to say no, I wasn't strong...just didn't have any idea that everyone didn't live like I did.  I thought all families were the same..... that Dad, Grandpa's & Uncles all drank and got drunk.   Little kids just seem to grow up any way they can. 

    But I wanted to keep my family together....  The girls "knew" what was going on I think, but we never fought...  I just took it...  But after they were gone, and he retired, is when I thought I don't want this any more.  I wouldn't even let my folks know, when they were living....  I was just living my Mom's same life....  SHE wouldn't ever leave him....  She told me I would rather have him part of the time, than not at all....

    And I know, you can be miserable without anyone drinking!  Some people ARE just who they are....  It's like I am astounded when some woman tells me what a bastard her husband is, and he doesn't drink!  I just thought THAT'S what made men change.  Shows you how much I DON'T know..

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited April 2013

    Took a while to read up bt surely was worth it...

    Wow, you guys are truly amazing and you know what you probably don't think so, you just did what you did for your family...what I have in common is my adopted father was an alcoholic ( didn't abuse me but did my mother) and of course the men i picked all drank and were abusive)...some more than others....have been alone since 1996 without a man in my life which honestly I miss the companionship but not the bullshit....raising my kids alone....the only 1 was the 1 I let get away, but he had an affair when my adoptive mother was dying of cancer and I was having surgery on my throid....I never quite got over it, we are still friends, and have been for over 35 years, but the trust was gone....

    luv u guys!!!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited April 2013

    Unfortunately, I can't share what I want to say, but I understand completely.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013

    My mother never knew the "real"truth about how my marriage was, but I know she had an idea....asked many times, but never knew the real truth......once she said to me...."if I thought for one minute "he" was mistreating you, I ill run a knife right into his gut"........another time she said "what happened to that happy little girl I used to know".........I would answer " she got married"....,,...

    When he died, and he fought like hell, and this all happened when things had gotten great..children all raised....grandchildren ( 9 at the time), who completed our lives, a home at the shore, and a Caillac for my 50th birthday, life was better then ever, he was a changed man, and cancer of the worst kind turned our world upside down.....when I grieved, I was grieving for all those wasted years, arguing, back biting, going to bed angry, not talking for days, ...............why.......because you believe each day will get think it's gonna change, and it does, until the next day to day, forgetting how short life is.......The sad thing is one day before he died he said to me............this cancer is my punishment for not always being good to you..........I assured him differently, and cried in his arms for "what might have been, for lost years, for losing the man I loved so much, and wishing we could undo mistakes, by stealing more time.......but it was not to be.....he was dying, and nothing was gonna change miracle for us.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited April 2013

    Cam, just looking forward to when that little toe goes wee,wee,wee instead of ow,ow,ow!  Getting there slowly.

    I have been lucky in my marriage.  Almost 47 years.  I was raised in a happy home by parents who loved and respected each other.  My Mother was a strong and independent woman and that was one of the things Dad most loved about her.  They both did their best to see that I grew up to be the same.  DH grew up in a highly dysfunctional home, constant bickering and fighting.  When DH met my family he vowed to be the kind of husband my Father was and except for a short time he has been.  There were about 5 years after we both retired that he drank too much, Get up, go to the bars and drink all day, come home, eat and pass out.  It was during that time I got really involved at the Senior Center.  One day while drunk he had an accident, property damage (he drove into a building) but no injuries.  He has not had a drink since and it has been over 10 years.  Life is good.  He has been my angel during this BC battle.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Need to answer stuff on pg 76, cuz if I wait to pg 77 I'll forget

    Phyllis, It was the hyperlink about Walmart shipping and giving credit to Veggy. The commercial referred to shipping, I heard shitting except in the last line. If you substitite shitting for shipping it is incredibly funny. Does that make sense now? When I listened to it with the correct word, it's very boring.

    Also, Phil, re: memory. Anesthesia is well documented to cause changes in thinking. Your problem list says your last anesthesia was 3/19/2013. You are NOT even a month out from surgery. Chemo, pain meds, and anesthesia is a triple hit on the brain. Then add the psychological impact of dealing with a life changing disease that is a chamelion(sic) and a thief. The poor brain is seriously under attack with all that we go through. It's a wonder we do as well as we do. That's why I object so STRENUOUSLY to what Shells is being subjected too. She's in a program that the basis of the education is to train not just the technical aspects, but to treat the WHOLE person. Yet, they have made no allowances for her situation. So much for compassion, in a program that teaches compassion. Screw them.

    Ducky your wisdom is a gift.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    I feel so close to all of you....  And I read your posts, word for word.  My DH's family was almost exactly like mine!  The Dad who was always drunk, chasing around, fights, making up.   We didn't know our lives would be different... I just promised myself that I could MAKE it different, just thinking that all men drank....

    It's not until you get much older, that you realize, "well, this isn't right."  Chabba, yes.... the bars every night after work for my Dad.... And HIS Dad!  I swear they MUST have known each other!    He had an accident?  Must have scared the living day-lights out of him....  I'm so happy you know him now, without his drinking. 

    My DH also cares about me sooo much!  When I got diagnosed, I was just worried about how HE would take it...  I didn't want HIM to worry about me.  Always the care-taker..... he was always there for me too, like I am, for the check-ups with his Pace-maker. 

    My friends husband died about 4 years ago....  Didn't know too much about her DH, who "everybody loved."....  But  the closer we became, the more she would talk about how drunk he used to get!  And how mean.  She finally said, I miss his closeness, but I don't miss his drinking.   So maybe THAT helped her get through that loss.

    Ducky, yes, "tomorrow will be better".....   And every morning is for me!   Sorry about your Mom.... but I understand why she would say that.  I would say the same thing to my Daughter's.... We always want to protect them...  I don't care HOW old they are. 

    I know how close you felt to him when he got so bad..... I know your heart was breaking.... It must have been so hard.  I mean even with your kids, he was YOURS, and you only wanted to help him.... You gave him all you could.... and he knew that!   I understand.

    And GMA..... I know (I think) what you would like to say.... if it's anything like what some of us go through.  But just know that you don't have to say anything.....  I was thinking about deleting some of what I said, but maybe, somewhere, talking like this might help some other young gal get through stuff.... or make her think about HER life a little better. 

    Blondie..... maybe the day will come, when he will need you in his life.....somehow.  My Mom forgave soooooo many affairs.... One of them even committed suicide.  Didn't bother my Mom at all....Wink  Surprised she didn't help her DO it...  But like I said before.... the love those two mis-fits had together, KEPT them together.   She MUST have forgiven him.... 62 years!  

    Maybe trust is good.... but I only trust that we will always be together, no matter what now.   And I trust that he WON'T get so drunk he will fall over....He knows I won't take it anymore.  I can't ever believe that he would quit.... 

    I don't think he could!  Unless he was locked up somewhere, or in a Hospital..... and knowing me, I would probably pack a beer or two for him....  So what is THAT sort of enabling called?  I know it doesn't make sense.....but I love him.....  Love YOU guys....xoxoxoxo

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Wow, I guess I'm not alone with a drinking husband. Hard as shit to live with when he goes off the wagon. I don't put up with any crap and make him pay dearly the next day, but it sure sucks when it happens. That was part of my deep depression a couple months back - his way of "dealing" is by drinking, and it made everything I was going through so much worse. I sat him down and told him I was leaving his ass if he didn't step up to the plate, scared him, too, because I cried day and night - and I'm usually very upbeat.

    He's got his good points, kind, loving, smart, I keep him...and I love him very much....and  our son adores his dad.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    For us....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Hi Shells.....  hang in there kid! xoxoxo

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    I have you guys - makes a big difference having your support and understanding. 

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    sas - OMG I understood everything you just said!  Thank you for dumbing it down for me!  whew!

    On the subject of husbands,  my ex who still drinks and used to consume between 1 and 2 quarts of vodka per day (and probably still does) is very upset about my cancer.  Unfortunately the way he deals with it is to call me, at least half-sloshed, and try to bully me into saying everthing is okay or everything will be fine.  I gave in the first few times but I don't now.  Really, shouldn't he be calling to comfort me, not vice versa?  Next time I may just to tell him STFU!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Nothing worse than someone "sloshed" trying to comfort someone.   So many times I have seen this....  You just want to turn around,  and put a wall in-between you and them.   That's when they have feelings!  Drinking "casually" can be handled....  But not when they cross over the line.

    I just don't have any patience to be around anyone like that anymore.....Phyllis.... my Dad used to think he fooled Mom when he would pour his vodka into a glass.... she was supposed to think it was water.   He always had bottles of whiskey hidden in his little garden shed.  .. One time she went storming out there, found that stash, and crawled under the house in the crawl-space, and hid them all.   I would have taken them all in the house, poured them all out in the sink, and left them for HIM to throw out!   I guess she gave them back to him....Frown

    Isn't it awful about the explosions at the end of the Boston Marathon!!!  WTF!!!!   It's so AWful!!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Wow, Pgg 76 and pg 77 Bless us all.

    Boston Marathon explosion on TV now.