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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Oh Hey April.... I called her Kantalope.... (You have to spell it wrong...Wink) because she was having such a miserable time with her breast after they did surgery, it was all swollen and painful...

    So I tried to make her laugh, and asked if it was as big as a Kantalope?  And she said that it WAS!!  So it stuck!  And I said one time she must think she is a princess or something...  And she said they used to call her that when she was little... and I thought that was sweet, and the earth turned....and the mountains moved....Wink 

    And Ducky!  Good Lord girl, WHAT is going on?   Well, I hope you made enough of those Bow-ties for the rest of us!  Green beans, garlic, sausage and tomato sauce?  That really sounds Italian!  

    Reminds me of cooking for both of our DD weddings...!  Soooooooooo much food, but it was great...  SIL helped me put it together...  Yes, sausage, and peppers, with onions and garlic, was one of the dishes...

    So when are you going back to the Doctor's?  Take it easy little one, but have a wonderful time today! xoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Oh wait.... and the rivers flowed.....  There!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013

    Back on April 25th to find out what it was.....however the med is for Ulcerative colitis, and a couple other lower's called Asacol.....appropriate name right...assa something...ha ha......welcome to Granny's world......

    Always tired....never was like that, and it husband's family were dyed in the wool Italian.......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Ducky u'r working so hard, when this is thru please take time for u'rself for sure. Oh that food sounds delicious. My dad always made homemade susage so we never bout it and sausage and eppers were always on the list when we had somehing going on and Italian pottoe salad--oh ymmy--but it's work for real.That probably why I hate cooking, cleaning and baking, I was the youngest so I helped with everything. I have to ask where in Italy did u'r DH's family come from , cuz the cooking was different in every region. OK have a great ime and relax while u are there.

    Chevy I have to tell u, before all this nonsense happened I always got my nails done (fake) cuz I couldn't grow nail ever, they were so thin and flimsy--the last couple of years they are as hard as real nails and I have a hard time cutting them???? So they are kind of long, but they have tiny ridges in them like arsenic poisoning so I always have polish on them--but my toenail are the ones that came back sideways, remember hahaha- Never can wear sandels, unles I'm going to give directions to go left, just point my foot.

    OK now who did I miss that's new? I thought I read every post, but that doesn't mean it stays in this brain. So I would like to WELCOME all that's is new and I hope u stick around cuz not only is this so so informative, everyone is nice and we try to have some fun, after all we deserve it--So if it's something u want to ask seriously we have nurses on board for all questions and when u go to u'r Dr. boy will u be prepared. My Dr. sarcastically asked me one time where I went to med school (cuz I always have theories) and I proudly told him the University of Readers Digenst--Large Print. After that we got along just fine. He was my BS and we ended up me inlove and him just higging me--Hey he had no bedside manner and I told him and he got lots better with all his patients--OK I have a big mouth but at my age I have no filter anymore. Got off track sorry.

    My DD just cut my hair--so I never have to leave my house for cuts or coloring, Chevy I can't get my arms to all my head anymore so it's kind of hard for me and I did all the excercises at first, but I don't have good use of them--it might be my LE--so I'm used to it and have changed things that were different befor so I adjusted to it.And I still do those arms excercises but to no avail and I did go to PT for quite a while. So that's not anything really but it helps for my hair with my DD.

    OK u'r all tired of my jammering so I'll STFU for now--but I really hope everyone has a good day AND

    Granny I hope u'r healing without a lot of pain--did u get all bruised, cuz that's another good look. Oy--well whatever meds u have just take them pain and all remember no straws and use moist tea bags too--I think that's for teeth? it does help tho.U know we're here and Chevy will be nice until u'r ready.

    U gals are so nice. and April, Sas and everyone else Feel good and relax.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Cami, I know you are stage IV and yet you have boundless energy as do some of the other gals/guys on BCO. That makes me happy that you are doing so well (or seemingly so) and although I don't know where your mets are, I hope that you don't have too much pain sweetie. I do know that many stage IV people answer questions for newbies like me who are so afraid of mets and that means the world to me and to others.

    We all fear mets so much! I just want you to know that it is amazing how much you share the love. I would be curled up in my bed in the fetal position if I had mets, so frightened and worried about everything! Just wanted you to know that. I know it can't be easy for you and others with stage IV and with all of the trmts you have to endure. Just sending you my love and positive thoughts!Kiss

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    April u so sweet--My sister has stage IV  and actually we laugh about alot of things and she;s still working full time and we got this within a few months of each other--she alway has to compete with me. LOL But she is by far my rock she's wonderful so it' makes everything easier for me. And I don't post there, cuz It makes me to sad and I don't want to be sad. I'm just sorry that I know so little to really help anyone, cuz honestly I never listend to my Drs. unless it was certain things but otherwise when they explained things I'd hum and sing in my head---so for me this worked and I didn't worry, I let them worry and I have no enery hahaha I'm as lazy as a sloth and I don't care. so don't admire me cuz i just go long without thinking about alot.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    Ladies, I know you're the smart ones here plus the ones with LOTS!! of experience.  Where the hell are the posts and links about fake tattoos?  I am looking for some to go over/around my port incision.  Something like a bullseye target, flames like on a car's paint if nothing else.  Really though I want a fire-breathing dragon with his mouth open and shooting flames.  AND I want to be the only one in the chemo room.....or SW Nebraska that has it.  Fun is hard to come by in the chemo suite and I want the nurses to love me...sorta.

    I just know you guys already have these and will be willing to direct me.  Any help you can give is humbly appreciated.


    Newbie OCD (One Chestered Diva).

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    Oh, sorry that I didn't comment back on everyone's posts.  Today it's all about me!  I've been studying for my Interweb medical degree this morning and got off on the dragon tattoo topic.  I think it's in chapter 20, in case you want to check it out.  Will the local tattoo shop have temp tattoos?  I may visit them today if you ladies refuse to help me.


  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Granny, we missed you, so happy to have you back.   

    Chevy was not good when you were away, she was naughtier than usual, I think she really missed you. Everyone missed you, it's not the same when you are gone. I tried to provide some balance, but you know when they start acting like hooligans it's hard to influence them.... I think when you start feeling better they are going to really start acting up again. 

    Did the infected area start settling down, yet? Are you still in pain? Take care of yourself.

    Scottie and Veggie were good, well, pretty good anyway. Sas got a little wild there, she actually smoked a cinnamon stick one night, but she helped Chabba a lot. Well, I guess that's it, take good care of  yourself.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    phgraham, Look in stores that have toys. Temp tatoos are very popular with the 3-8 set. Cute girlie ones are hard to come by, but what you want might be in the boys section.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    OMG Shell, you are hysterical!

    Granny Dukes, we really do miss you! Hope you are feeling well.

    Phyllis, Wren beat me to the punch. I would look in the children's section of a store for temp tats.

    Chabba, thinking of you and your poor toe! Sas is amazing and did so much research for you! I know if I have any stuff going on to come here first! To hell with Dr. Google. Why go there when you have Sas? HA!

    Ducky, hope you are feeling better! I am making a big pot of sauce (gravy) today with meatballs and sausage cause we are having a housefull of people tonight. My husband bought a display case at a second hand store for 100 bucks and he needs three people to help him bring it upstairs to his hobby room. I should have taken the easy way out and ordered pizza, but I decided to cook for the 8 of us (spouses/girlfriends) instead so now I am working my behind off to get the house clean and dinner cooked for everyone.

    Don't know where our resident trouble-maker is right now, but Chevy, if you are reading this, I really love the way your brain works! xo

    Love you all...and Cami, I love the river you are in...De NILE is a good place. If I were stage IV, I would live there and look at all of the positives like you do. I am betting that is better than any medicine. Love and hugs!

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited April 2013

    Sometimes you can find the temp tattoos in the gumball machines in the stores.

    Who said I was good? Its a lie!

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited April 2013

    Hi, Phgraham: the fake tattoos are sold on amazon...I have looked at them. There may be some links on there also. Have some fun. Brenda

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Okay gals!  Who was it that wanted a temporary tattoo??  Okay, it was YOU, one-chestered-diva.... should have known!  Wink

    So is this what you mean?  I mean I was entranced there for a minute...

    Cammi.... I always admire you.... you are just a breath of fresh air.... honest..... I just love you.  I want to be just like you when I grow up...Wink That's not taking into consideration I'm already probably twice your age...Ha, ha! 

    Shells!  I was SO good... wasn't I?  I thought I almost was!   Princess K knows I love her, and am just holding my breath until she is able to spar with me a little!    It's lonesome without her, right?  I just have you guys now....  so don't go anywhere....

    You are the sunshine in my life!!!  I wish I had little music notes to show you I'm singing...

    Okay.... I found some!  Now sing along..... "You are the ...... blah, blah! 

    April!  Mmmmmm your dinner sounds so good.... Another Italian, eh?  Actually I'm not, but married to one for over 55 years.... Known him for 57... So I cook a lot of Italian....  But yes, when a lot of people come over, which is hardly NEVER, I will order something already done!    When DD came in from Orlando with the boys, we had all DH's side over for dinner.... 18 !!! We cooked for 2 days, getting ready for this on-slaught!    And 4 little wild Indians that were going NUTS!  I mean into EVERYthing!   

    I calmly told my DD from Orlando, that we will not do that again... not in this lifetime.... Because DH got so drunk, he could hardly walk, much less fall into bed!   I almost shoved him there!  Oh wait, no that was onto the floor.....  He wouldn't have known any different....  And he somehow fell into the wall, because he went into the bathroom, and came out with blood running down his face.  Now honest, I didn't do it.    I WANTED to, but he managed   that all by himself.  I was not happy.... with ANYbody that night.  frown, frown.   

    Hi Veggy.... you feeling alright?  Love you all! xoxoxoxoxo

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited April 2013

    wow you guys have been busy....with my watery eyes can't really read the boards but saw the pages and pages I have missed since chemo on wednesday....I will read it.....but love the baggie which of course I saw and ya know that goodness for that baggie....I was so nauseous at the conference....oh Sandy STFU....,,,

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Phgraham ---I LOVE IT--that's why we have imaginations--and good for u--Of course u'll have to do a lot of maybe PM's to show everyone, cuz it would be fun to see.

    April OMG that's alot of work, but that's so nice of u to go to all that trouble. Everyone will so enjoy it. Here's my question? How many pounds of pasta are u going to make? LOL.

    It's ok Veggie--good or bad-is always good.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Blondie don't you evere STFU - you are a precious ray of sunshine.

    Chevygirl, just love your happy singing notes. Your other picture didn't take, is it a tatoo? Pls edit so we can see it,ooops, looks like you just did...cute! Now I'm not a tattoo kind of girl, never was, NEVER thought I would get one, but it turns out I have decided to get 3D nipple tattoos if I ever get these iron maidens out, and when I'm getting those done I might get some very light, barely noticeable eyeliner tattoo: CAMI ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION I'M GONNA NEED YOU WHEN I DO THIS (the eyes, not the nipples).

    And Cammi while we're talking about you I want you to know I admire you so much. You're me sHERO.

    April, you're working so hard today, hope you take the day off tomorrow and REST.

    And Veggie, you are just so good to the core, even though you are a rascal.

    And where's sas today?.... makes me nervous when I don't hear from her she's probably up to no good.

    ...and DUCKY thank goodness you're back. Please rest up and tell us all about everything, especially flying and how brave you are!

    GD, thinking of you.

    phg found a temporary tattoo site for you: tattos.htm

    Here's a sample for you:

    photo ScreenShot2013-04-13at125337PM_zps70e62b51.png

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited April 2013

    Slept in this morning until noon. Still weak from chemo.

  • raehyg
    raehyg Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2013

    You girls just crack me up!!! Since I am trying to work and then crashing from the chemo I am very delayed reading. So many posts!

    Welcome Stacey!

    Hope your feeling better Granny!

    I am sure I missed some posts but I am still laughing! Thanks for making my day!


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited April 2013

    Ok, so here is the plan, GD lives down the road from me and I have threaten to get her out into the sunshine tomorrow! Oh lordie! But sure that some good old Vit D and maybe some just plain looking at the trees, flowers and bunnies fonicating  in the sunshine will cheer her up!

    think also some good old shopping therapy will help~~~~ open to any and all suggestions but AIR and new sights seem to be good to me!  Course, I did drag her to the gym once and that was not pretty~~

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited April 2013

    Phgrahm, I hope I got the name right but Im not going back to look. I dont usually post on this thread but Im on omg...Just wanted to let you know spiderman tatoos rock. gs decorated my bald head with them on christmas and they stayed on for about 2 weeks. He loved every minute of it, and I got lots of complments,ha-ha. Now he has to put 1 on me everytime the other wears off.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Chevy, I am Greek, not Italian but same thing in a

    Dinner was a success! Everyone just left and now I am in the garage with my little heater and my laptop smoking one of the last few cigs I will smoke in my life. Enjoying every puff too...sigh.

    I am quitting and have cut down a lot but my quit date is set for next Sunday officially. I am starting wellbutrin tomorrow and putting on the patch. Gonna see if I can make it from tomorrow on and surprise my smoking cessation counselor when I see her on Thursday (free service to all cancer lovely (said sarcastically) of them to help me.

    They had me blow into a carbon monoxide thing a majig and my CM was 20! It should be 1-2ppm! YIKES!!

    So, gonna be a good girl and quit the evil things. I bought an e-cig tank and it was working for  a while but lately the stress has me smoking again.

    Gotta Quit! I have cancer for pete's sake. You would think that would motivate me? Ummm, not enough so far.

    Hugs to all...

    Oh and Cami, I made two pounds of pasta and I have some left over. But, I made two dozen meatballs and 2.5 lbs of sausage and most of the meat is gone! They guys ate like 6 meatballs (I make a rocking sauce and meatballs if I say so myself) so there you have it!

    Have a great evening everyone. I am tired! But, company always motivates me to clean the house really well so I feel as though I have accomplished something today and my house looks great!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    April.....I'm married to a Greek.....can we talk sometime...😱

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    God bless you Scottiee....LOL! I am full blooded Greek going back generations. I was the first in my family to marry out of faith and out of the Greek blood line. Went over like a lead balloon at first but they got used to it. Greeks are funny like that. Guess your hubby didn't worry about it too much Wink

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    No, but his family sure did.....oh God Greeks are special people, especially the men!!!!!!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Greek men can be charming as hell and also very difficult at times. It takes a strong woman to put up with some of them! I am betting you have it down to a

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Perhaps I can PM you tomorrow....rather than boring everyone here about my life married to a

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    OH! We want to hear ALL about them!!!!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Shellshine, I met my Greek husband in 1970 and it's been a roller coaster ride , for sure.

    As April said, they can be very charming but they can turn on a dime......Many of my friends have told me how strong I am to put up with he was good preparation for my BC roller's just say, they are a special breed....

    Much prefer dealing with Greek

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Scottiee, you can PM me anytime. I KNOW how hard being married to a Greek can be since all of my relatives are Greek and I worked for them for years when I was in the restaurant business. Being an American born Greek woman, they did not like my "way" much of the time since I am an independent woman with ideas of my own. One of my employers years ago fired me cause I took his Greek born wife under my wing and taught her how to drive and then took her for her driving test and she got her license. Her husband was pissed off at me for that but hey, she was like 15 years younger than him and stuck home all the time which is where he wanted her to be! BTW, she divorced him and got one of his three restaurants in the settlement and his closed and hers are still going strong...LOL Payback as they say!

    Not to say that your hubby is like him but some of them are very chauvanistic (my dad was NOT like that but he was born in the US) and can be extremely demanding of their women and what they can/can't do. I can answer any questions you want, here or in PM!

    Since you have been dealing with a Greek family since 1970, you already know most of what I can tell you though. Their moodiness and entitlement attitude can really wear you down. I have told one or two off in my day (including our Greek Orthodox priest believe it or not as I walked OUT of our pre-marriage meeting with my ex husband years ago since he was saying things that were so outrageous about me OBEYING my husband etc that I couldn't help myself so I let him have it!) By now, you have probably dealt with it all (and I know that can be an entire book!!) but ask away my friend!