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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited May 2013

    Spookie is a 7# Maltese, on the long drive home from her breeder, I was thinking up names. Her birthday is Halloween. So I thought a Maltese in full coat, which she has, would look a bit like Cousin It. Sort of spooky.

    During chemo, I wasn't up to giving her a bath, so sent her to the groomer. Who is involved in rescue and fosters some. She asked if I had seen her current foster. I wanted him that minute. Their vet thought he was 18 months at that time, which would put his bday around Christmas. White min poodle, Christmas, so to keep the holiday theme, he became KrisKringle.

    I don't know what I'd name a valentine time pooch!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Hi ldesim!

    I love how you are counting down the Rads by how long till the weekends! I too, hope it is uneventful for you.

    You just described how we eat dinner too! I love to eat in front of the TV, Colin is a little more civilised, he eats at the table, but it's still in fromt of the TV. LOL

    I can't believe you get Big Brother in the US! We love Deadliest Catch, and never miss it. Dexter is one of my favourites (that's wher Dex got his name), and I have watched a few seasons of Housewives of New York, and Housewives of Beverly Hills, rediculous I know. I love the CI channel, Colin loves Sci Fi. I love re-runs of Sex and the City I made sure I was home for every episode whn that show came out. I just loved how different it was, and in your face.

    We are more into movies than actual Tv. Faves, The Green Mile and Shawshank Redemption, but I love old black and white movies with the old stars that my parents used to love.

    I am off to have my hair cut. I can get out now because my parcel just arrived! Yay

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Spookiesmom, I just saw your post. Ilove the names of your dogs too.

    Dexter is a rescue dog, hence his issues. They said he had been so badly treated they had to shave all his fur off because he was covered in car oil, add to that, he was fly blown. He is still very wary of guys in Hoodies, so I guess some young guys may have given him a hard time.

    He is a terrier X, most likely maltese and west highland with some others thrown in.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited May 2013

    Maggi, welcome to the boob-free existence. Thankfully I do not have the nerve pain you describe, but I have some mild lymphedema issues in my upper arm, armpit and trunk on the cancer side. This means that a regular bra is horribly uncomfortable, and if I do wear one, I get swelling.

    I have found a couple of yoga tops that look sort of like a genie bra and have double fabric in front. Those are OK for me to wear. I simply sew a seam down the front (so there are 2 separate pockets) and then cut a small slit on the inside near the armhole to stick in some foobs.

    I also have tanktops where I have sewed in the front part of a MX bra. They are not perfect, but work OK for me.

    The problem is that silicone generally doesn't work that well in those kinds of "holders" because it is too heavy. So, your best bet is probably to look for light foobs of some kind. If you want silicone, maybe swim forms would do the trick. 

    Go slow and try several things before you invest in something.

    I wish you relief from the pain.

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited May 2013

    What is that bright orange orb to the east..could it be? ...YES its the SUN! least its here until this afternoons pop up thunderstorms ..

    Now what have you ladies been chatting about? Dinner in front of the TV...yep that's how its done in this house too. OG is a TV addict, he thinks there should be one in every room, and over the fireplace on the deck. Oh the remotes, and the time wasted looking for them. He adores movies, I want something that only last half an hour. Short attention span, and other things I would rather be doing...

    Fur babies..yep got those too. Miss Molly, my hero and protector, a shelter rescue, part sheltie, mostly angel. Diesel, 9 year old English bulldog, thinks he's in charge and wants his big butt planted in your lap. Fert, the white cat formally known as Squirt, my DGS couldn't say Squirt hence the name change. Heavy, the black cat formally known as Everett, DGS strikes again. Heavy has embraced, and lived up to his new name. Then there's my 2 chickens, Black, and White, didn't get very creative with their names. One is a silky, she resembles a punk rocker, and adores being bathed and blow dried. Yes I do bathe the chickens.

    Bracelets ...found a shop not far from me that has them. The snake one you say...I'll be sure to buy it first..

    Rads count down...counting down with you..hope its uneventful ..

    Kidney infection ....feeling better ..would a bit of vodka with the cranberry juice speed up the process?

    Foobs day I might have to purchase some..not yet..keeping all the good info on file for future reference.

    Off for the morning walk. City park and back =3.5 one to keep me company. Miss Molly is terrified of cars, Diesel is terrified of movement...

    Hugs to everyone! Be well

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited May 2013

    Gramwe!  You are shaming me with your excellent walk!  I need to ramp up.

    So much to respond to.  Ariom, you lost your beautiful boy?  I cannot get past it.  My heart is hurting for you.  In fact I am getting a 'P' bracelet for our daughter who did not end up living.  It was a miscarriage.  I love her.  I am sending you such a big kiss.  And how is our Colin today?  Worried.

    You guys, I cannot even tell you about cruel adoption remarks -- I could spend all day telling you terrible. things.  Spookie's mom, you are not at all a bother.  And A you are totally right about that beautiful long neck!  People are total idiots.  There is malice in a lot of what is said.  Hate it when people excuse it as ignorance.  Sadly, people want to make themselves feel better by cutting down others..

    I love Sex and the City so much.  I have seen every episode numerous times over the years!  Love that show.  I love to eat dinner in bed and watch a movie.  I rarely eat at night at the table.  We sit with the kids at their dinner -- I don't eat anything, but, of course, DLLP eats a full child slop dinner, then eats with me later!  She has a giant spare tire.

    Okay, bracelet talk.  I have just heard from bedo and I have filled her in about the bracelets.  I agree -- I don't like Russian gold -- and I have never worn this costume type of jewelry!  Or any jewelry.  But I feel I have to 'mix' silvers with a little gold since my wedding ring is gold.

    The snake!  There is one snake I do not like.  I like the delicate one.  I think the silver one.  They are out of it on the A and A website.  Idesim, excellent zooberry (?) recommendation.  Free shipping, 10% off if you sign up for mailing list (yes please), plus they just sent me a 15% off code for next purchase.  

    Your Boston A and A store only has the saying ones?  Or at the hospital?  I think you have a big Boston store there.  I saw it on the store locator.  What one are you getting this week for finishing this week's rads?  :)

    Welcome Maggi!  You see we are silly and chatty.  Hey Momine!  Are you sick of bracelet talk?  :)

    Spoiled dogs!  Could not be better.  The fact that Dex has Rod Stewart hair makes me want him passionately, I am going to fly over and steal him :)


  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited May 2013

    Aww, there's tons of names for a valentine's pooch.. Romeo to start! 

    omg Moira.. I am addicted to the Housewives.. all of them.. it's awful!  My co-worker got me hooked.. my favorite used to be New York... now I'm not so sure.   We don't get BB in the US, I d/l them.. we have it in the US, but ours is a different format and it's horrible.  So I d/l the Aus & UK.. its been my summer tradition for years.   Sex & the City was a fav of mine as well when it was running.  LOVED Green Mile.. both the movie and the book.. and Shawshank.

    I guess we aren't so bad about the dinner in front of the TV issue.. seems everybody does it lol.  And Granwe, I am laughing as I was struggling over what OG was and remember a previous post from you that you called in Old Goat.. LOLOL!!

    I'm so glad you got sun, however.. you stuck me with your shitty weather! Oh well, I'll take it off your hands for a little bit.

    I'll  respond further later if I am not too tired.. dinner has arrived on the coffee table LOL.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Hi there girls, mid week here in Aus!

    I can't believe how time flies. I came to the country for the peace and quiet, which I have an abundance of, but the days just fly by. Just like the old movies that have the wind blowing the pages of the wall calender.

    Momine, I like your idea of sewing a seam down the centre of a double thik yoga top, although challenged in the sewing area, I could manage that, and I will try it.

    Gramwe, that is quite a walk. I can do about 1 to 1.5 hours with Dex, but he will veer off if he wants to go home. He knows the way, so if he's had enough, (what dog has ever had enough walkies?) you know about it. LOL

    I love the descriptions of your fur babies. Yours have their issues too, like my Dex. I have a friend with a bull dog that wants to sit on your lap too. He thinks he's a dainty thing, but he's quite the opposite. The blow dried chook, as we call them here, is just gorgeous. I have never heard of that, unless they were show chooks, I guess.

    The Cranberry Vodka might make you forget you've got a UTI, but I cant see it helping! LOL

    I have the orange orb this morning. It is burning offf the mist on the lake. If I didn't know better I would think it was balmy outside. There is a lone fishing boat leaving a trail across the water, there's not a breath of wind.

    Colin is up and feeling better, but still has his dry cough. I'll keep an eye on him today.

    Yes, Bobo, I lost my boy in October 2010. My bag was half packed on the bed, going to visit him in SFO in less than a week. He had even asked me to bring him an Aussie rules football, and had organised parties and outings for every day of my visit. He was so excited. I will never know why he drove to a park in Fresno and committed suicide. There was no note. For weeks after, I was afraid to open my letterbox, just in case he had, sent a note. There was no hint of depression, and his business was doing well. I just have to come to terms with the fact that I will never know why.

    I know what you mean about the cruelty of people and adoption remarks. Fortunately, Vi (pronounced Vee) never took any of the slurs to heart. He adored being part of our family, and he loved it when I introduced him as my son, people would do a double take, and I would say "He looks more like his Dad!". LOL I remember one Christmas he bought black and white film for the camera, saying that maybe in b/w we would look more like Mother and Son. LOL 

    I am off to do my 5 Rites, and then breakfst, and shower. I keep telling myself to get up and do all that stuff first, before I sit at the computer, but the curiosity gets the better of me, and I sit here reading and answering everyone. It is nearly 9.30 am, and I am still in my dressing gown.

    I will check back later to see if there is anyone around.....Have  great day/night ladies! 

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited May 2013

    I'm loving Dex more and more each day.. I'm gonna have to fight you for him Bobogirl.  

    Ok I have to locate the snake one and see what it looks like... yes, there is a location in Boston, but not near me at all.. the only ones I've seen is at the Hospital because it seems that's the only place I am nowadays at least it feels that way :)

    Ahh..the snake coiled?  I'm wondering if some styles are limited edition.. there are an awful lot of out of stock items.  

    I can't wait to be able to have my hair cut and it used to be one of those things I dreaded!  That and coloring... which may be more of an issue now.. it's all gray now.. I am just not the type to get my hair done on a regular basis and somehow I don't think my color is going to come back... I feel as if I've aged 10 years since this has all come about... and I look it too lol.

    I only have furbabies.. 2 stray cats we took in.. Harley who is my 24 lb. double coated , double pawed, blindinglly white buddy who sports a caramel colored racoonlike tail, he is 8.. and Simon who never sits still, is a tan tabby who is 6 and we feed a stray that came with the house and appears to be a distant relative of Harley... so his name is kin.  Hubby built him a house out back that we filled with straw and he lives there.. I don't know who is a worse sucker for animals, him or I.   No children for me, had bad luck in that dept w/miscarriages... but I am content.  Joe has a son from a teenage pregnancy, so I feel good that at least he had a child.. haha.. child who is now 30.. boy the time flies.

    I too think Momine's idea of the yoga top w/the double fabric is a good idea.. I bought a sewing machine a few years back, but I've never taken it out haha.

    I'm glad to hear Colin is feeling a bit better and what's wrong with being in your dressing gown? Heck there are entire days i am in my pj's all day.

    I'm a bit tired and early day tomorrow, so I think I am going to call it a night.

    Wishing all the best to you wonderful ladies.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Just about to get dressed and I noticed I had crossed posts with you ldesim.

    Isn't it amazing how we discover the similarities in our daily lives, even though we are time zones apart. I love it! 

    I was on a Forum started by our Home Shopping Network, yes, I know, shopping again!LOL  Anyway, the network shut it down because it couldn't take the criticism of some of its products. Several of us had PM'd each other, so we started another Forum with just 8 of us. Over the years, people went their own way, but the 3 remaining, including me, have remained firm friends. We have met up, and keep in touch regularly by email. The similarities in our lives are uncanny.

    I have girlfriends that are so like some of those Housewives! LOL I just loved it when Bethany "Made It" I have watched her other shows too.

    I have to get dressed, this is gettting silly! LOL

    Enjoy that coffeee table dinner!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited May 2013

    Idesim, what did you have for dinner on your coffee table?  :)  BTW, fur babies are still actual babies... as many of our fur babies would attest.  So sorry about your miscarriages.  Don't want to bring the thread down, but I had eight. 

    Twenty-four pounds!  That is one healthy kitty.  In truth, I have one rescue dog -- a potcake -- and three rescue kitties.  One, Edward, must be at least 24 pounds.  He was rescued from a puddle by our vet.  He was not smart enough to get out of a puddle in the rain!  He has special needs; he only knows his name :)  I love him.

    Ariom, I love your description of the red orb!  It is so gorgeous there.  I hurt for you about Vi.  I hurt for Vi.  How is Colin feeling?

    Yes, idesim, it's the coil snake!  They are out of it on the website.  There are a million boston stores, I think!  MA stores.  Start beating the bushes!  We all need snakes.  Zeeberry is out of it too.  Finally, something useful for me to do!

    Please note: I am in a lounging outfit, and it is 10:59 a.m.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,967
    edited May 2013

    A 24lb kitty with double coat and multi toes sounds like a Maine Coon. If so, that would be a pretty normal weight. The other cat with a huge coat is the Norwegian Forest Cat, but they are more rare.

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited May 2013

    After reading about Harley, I'm thinking Heavy may suffer from anorexia, that's a lot of cat, Idesim, your fur babies sound like they are beautiful. One day soon I'm going to make it to the gift shop to look at bracelets, if my brain will remember while I'm out and about. Sometimes it seems like the car is programmed to only go to doctor's or hospitals. Popping into a salon for a haircut would be heavenly, or to have a manicure, playing in the dirt is great for the spirit, but hell on the nails.

    Ariom, so saddened to hear about your son. Losing a child is the hardest loss of all. We lost a young man who was like a son to us 3 years ago. He did 3 tours of duty in Iraq with the marines, 8 months after he was discharged he lost his life in a motorcycle accident. A very dark time of life for us.

    It is amazing how similar life is lived all over the world. I have an online friend whom I've never met in person, but I believe we are married to twins that were separated at birth. Lol. They are so alike its uncanny. We didn't meet on a shopping network, we were on a gardening site.

    So glad Colin is feeling better. Hope he can get rid of the cough soon.

    Bobogirl, beat those bushes and find us matching bracelets. Have debit card will shop, just don't tell the OG.

    So sorry that you too suffered the loss of children, too. Sending you a hug.

    Well ladies the OG will be the next one in this house in the hospital. 6 months ago he almost lost his hand in a work accident, today the surgeon decided to try to get him more mobility by doing another surgery. If this doesn't work then he will lose at least one finger. It's so hard on him, he is a very talented woodworker, so not being able to use his hand is unbearable.

    By the way, Old Goat is used as a term of endearment. We've been together almost 30 years, I'd be lost without him.

    Hope you all have a good day/evening/night. Hugs for everyone.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited May 2013

    I looked on Ebay and they have some types of the bracelets that they state are "retired", so I'm wondering if certain ones just come out for a bit and then are "retired", which would be really annoying.

    We had pasta last night on our coffee table and he made a pudding pie.. he's so good to me, I am so very lucky... he's my best friend.  I just wish he'd stop with the desserts because I am getting heavy and I'm just too tired and lazy now to do anything about it and I have no willpower.

    Poor Edward, that is pretty bad for a kitty to not get out of a puddle, considering most cats hate water. I've always wanted a Maine Coone, but I think Harley is part Turkish Van, there is a group of ferals cats in my neighborhood and they are all massive cats... an elderly neighbor puts tons of food out for them and Harley was grabbed by a neighbor as a tiny kitten when he strayed off. 

    I don't feel we are bringing the thread down by discussing our losses, (hugs to you all) I hope nobody feels that way... I'd hate for anybody to be uncomfortable.  I'm a pretty matter of fact person and don't dwell on things too much.  

    Tomorrow I get to spend a good portion of the day between two hospitals, I have my radiation in the AM (no. 7!) and then I meet with my  MO's.. and sadly, I lose one of my MO's whose fellowship is up.  She's moving to Maine to head the breast center there.  I am going to miss her dearly, she's really made this process so much easier for me and I always look forward to seeing her.  Not only has she been a great doctor, but we've become friends. Then after that Herceptin treatment.. blah.  

    Anybody have any fun plans for Memorial Day weekend?  My fun plans are going to be doing nothing but relaxing and I am really looking forward to it!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Morning all! Brrrrrr, it is so cold here this morning, I have the heating on overdrive.

    I stayed up last night to make some Feng Shui suncatchers for a couple of ladies at the Op Shop, who have cancer, and are doing treatment. I used to make dozens of them when I worked for the airline, because the girls I worked with  bought them to give as gifts. I buy interesting glass beads whenever I see them, and all my orbs are lead crystal.

    Gosh Bobo, I am so terribly sorry to hear of those miscarriages, how awful for you. I had an Ectopic pregnancy in my early 30's, and lost both my fallopian tubes.

    We've all encountered terrible losses, ldesim, and Bobo with miscarriage, and Gramwe and me with our much loved boys. I don't know why I wrote Fresno in my post about Vi, it was Fremont.

    I am in awe of these huge kitties. I have never had a cat, but my childhood BFF had a BIG Manx cat. It was a nasty piece of work though. It didn't take to well to being dressed in a christening robe and a bonnet and wheeled in a pram . It was so easy to dress, not having a tail, and all! But I was usually on the receiving end of its final break for freedom, when it would take off up the street, fully clothed. Trying to undress it, after we caught it, was actually the worst part. It held a grudge too, it lived to be about 18 years old, and it never forgot me! LOL Many a new pair of pantyhose were destroyed by that kitty, as I tried to get past their house! LOL 

    Wren, you are very knowledgable about the felines, I have never heard of either of those types.

    I hope you are still feeling on top of the Rads, ldesim, get plenty of rest,  it will be over sooner than you think.

    I wonder how many brand new sewing machines are sitting in cupboards all over the world. I have a machine and an overlocker, a couple of small hand held machines for sewing a straight line. I thought they would be great for making my own drapes. Trouble is I haven't had drapes since the 70's. My house has Romans right through, no carpet, no drapes.

    My name is Moira and I am a shopaholic!

    Gramwe, I never had a doubt that OG was a term of endearment. Thirty years, that is amazing! I have been with Colin for 14, but I have two previous Husbands, but that's another story.LOL We are all friends, and both have been here to visit. They both took my Dx very badly, till I sorted them out.

    Colin is much better today, and has gone off to have his car serviced. He has always driven, since his accident, but only got the new car a couple of years ago with the newest up to date computerised hand controls and an electric seat that turns and moves back and forward. He has an electric lift on the roof that holds his chair. So many innovations since he became a quad.

    Well, today is just beautiful. The sun is shining, but we had some heavy rain this morning, so everything is looking lush and green. I have been waiting for the Fig tree to drop the rest of its leaves, so I could rake them all at once, but I am going to do it now so I can take advantage of the sunshine.

    Take care soon.   

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    ldesim, I don't know how I missed your post. I must have procrastinated over mine and yours slipped in a head of mine.

    I hope i didn't bring anyone down either. I am pretty matter of fact too, and I'd hate to think I have made anyone uncomfortable.

    So sorry to hear your Doctor is moving on. It's especially hard when you have a personal connection. I hope the replacement is just as good.

    I hope the long Hospital day is a breeze for you, and then home to rest, and dinner on the coffee table!

    I just looked at my previous post and realised that I'd reported how cold, and rainy it was. Well I am now in a tank top and capris because the sun is so warm. I have never lived anywhere that had such drastic weather changes in the one day. I'll enjoy it while I can because by 3.30pm it will be back to freezing again.

    Love to all....

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited May 2013

    Pudding pie!  Who can resist it?  Was it chocolate?  I am living vicariously.

    Do not even tell me, idesim, that the coil snake is retired!  In fact I am calling shops and have not heard that yet... and it simply says 'out of stock' on the A and A website... so I still hope.  Granwe needs a snake bracelet, and so do I -- I think we all need that one, so... we must stay the course!  Ariom, I need to get you on this.  Soon it is my birthday.  I feel I need to have it!  Again, so glad I have something useful to do, really useful, like looking for snake bracelets :)

    I think Colin's car must be the coolest thing.  Granwe, how is the OG?  How is his hand?  As soon as he is better, we must set him to the task of making you a cabinet for all your new bracelets..

    Hugs to all!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited May 2013

    lol you've been calling shops? I think the OG is going to have to make us all bracelet cabinets.. so hopefully he gets better real soon lol.    I got my 4  that i ordered from Zeeberry.. I haven't looked at them all that closely... I got the living water one because I loved the teardrop and it's for healing. I got each of the finishes and the russian silver looks just like the shiny silver.. and the russian gold looks just like the yellow gold... it's weird. I thought the Russian finishes would be antiquey looking or vintage like. The other 3 are beaded ones, because I needed a gold to offset the 2 gold bangles I have, so I got 2 gold beaded and I already have a bracelet I got at the beginning of chemo which is silver (not alex and ani), so the I got 1 beaded silver one, because the remaining charm ones I buy will probably be silver.

    Hopefully that makes sense I am brain dead today.. too much hospital time.

    Yes the pudding pie was chocolate.. and there was whipped cream and a graham crust.. all my favorite things in life.  

    Moira, the weather is like that here as well.. it can be hot one minute and freezing the next.  We still have overcast skies and it is humid today.  We just watched the weather forecast and it is going to be crappy until at least Monday... thanks a bunch Granwe!!!  Not happy about that.. but what can you do.

    I will come back later after I've had a more leisurely read :)  Looks like Moira wrote a book up there.. so I need to take a good look at it :)

    Bobogirl, are you really calling around to the stores.. I think we've created a monster hahaha..

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Hi ldesim, I caught your post just as I was walking out the door today. I have been out, so this is my first opportunity to sit down and read everything.

    It is interesting that you have the same weather in Boston. You know, I have had people ask me if I am from Boston. I don't have a really strong Aussie accent, had to lose my Scottish one at school, so have a slightly different accent to most Aussies.

    I have decided, after reading your post, that I will get the silver bracelets. I will wear them with silver jewelery that I already have. I'll be hunting for them and sending to MyUs.

    Pudding Pie, isn't something I have ever heard of. It sounds like you'd put say, a self saucing pudding into a pie crust? Is that what it is? That's one thing I learned very early on about Americans, you go in for the most decadent desserts. I had never seen a double choc, choc chip caramel mint slice, double dip, whatever with sprinkles!!!!!! till I went to the US! Sorry girls, just joking!!! LOL 

    I also learned to eat Sourdough French Toast with Crispy Bacon and Canadian Maple Syrup! Oh my gosh, that is just my all time favourite. No one here ever eats bacon with syrup, they think I am nuts. I learned that from the sweetest lady in the cafe next to the Hotel I stayed in once in SFO, her name was "Sunny Kindheart", that must have been 40 years ago, and I have never forgotten her, or that name. 

    You are right Bobo, Colin's car is so cool! I just love it! It is a silver 2 door Audi, just a hatch, but I think it's way cool too. He is a sensational driver. When he used to compete in single dinghy sailing, he would drive, towing the boat, sometimes 10 hours driving, and I would fly. I have real problems sitting for long periods because I have Rhumatoid Arthritis. I need to be on top of it to be the sole carer for Colin when we are away. At home we have three other carers that come in to help.

    Well, I am almost writing another novel here ladies.

    I hope you are all well and have enjoyed your day/evening! Take care!

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited May 2013

    Please, someone come roll me out of bed. I must of had some kind of mental breakdown yesterday and believed I was Wonder Woman, or maybe it was brought on by magic bracelets. Since the rain hadn't moved to Idesim's yet, the mornings walk didn't happen, then I spied the elliptical trainer taking up space in a spare bedroom. That's when common sense flew out the window. Dust off the cobwebs, hop on there, move these old bones, gee that's harder than it use to be..5 minutes and the thighs are burning, or maybe the friction of them rubbing together has started a small flame..get off that thing and start cleaning..something ordinary, easy...that blasted machine is taunting me...hahaha 5 minutes defeated you, you whimp...not willing to be done in by a machine! So Miss Genius tries again..gee it seems talller..maybe I'm shorter...5 more minutes...bat wings are hurting ...hummm that was never the case before...defeated again...back to cleaning with vim and vigor, actually anger and frustration that the old body is so out of shape...not to admit that that blasted machine was going to win, a plan is hatched...5 minutes every hour on the hour...7 hours into the quest genius actually turns ON the elliptical and finds that the last User, DGS has played with the buttons and left it set on the highest resistance and highest incline...everything I own is sore..even the Fanny...Aussie or US take your pick...Lol ...having pudding pie or French toast would have been much more enjoyable!

    Thanks for asking about the OG..he's still waiting on a surgery date...a bit nervous and excited too....I'll get him right on building bracelet cupboards..

    Ariom, I can't scroll back on my little kindle without this post disappearing, so remind me was Colin injured in a hang gliding accident? OG use to do that many years ago...until he crashed his kite on a training hill...Colin's car does sound amazing...

    Bobo my DD works close to the gift shop here that sells our bracelets ...I'm sending her on a mission there in search of the snake...let's hope she doesn't see the elephant one or she will have to have it, that child adores elephants...

    Oh my goodness, just let the dogs out and it's glorious blue humidity ...that's called heaven in the south...crawling into my clothes and going for a walk....something I know I can accomplish ....downhill...

    Hugs everyone...hope you have a wonderful day/evening

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Gramwe, I was just checking my emails before bed, and saw your post.

    I loved the story of the eliptical trainer, I am still laughing, not at you! With you! I can only imagine how hard that was, dialled up to the highest resistance.  I hope you're OK tomorrow.

    Yes, Colin was the first hang gliding, spinal injury to survive, in Australia. His accident was in 1977. It was the Queens Birthday Weekend in a place called Porpunka. There was no insurance as he was just a University Student at the time. It was tough for him and his family. He has achieved an enormous amount through sheer determination. I always say that if he were on two legs, I would never keep up with him.

    I have a daughter who is an elephant collector too! It has made it eay to buy presents over the years. LOL

    It turned out to be a glorious day here too. I gave Dex a bath, and dried him out in the sun. Did some more leaf raking, and read a book out in the sun. I met my new neighbours, who are just as excited about moving here as we are. Nice couple!

    You be careful now, Gramwe, if you are only walking downhill, how will you get back home? LOL

    Take care now........I'll check in to see how you are tomorrow...... can't believe it is the weekend already!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited May 2013

    Okay, quick bracelet alert!  I am supposed to be doing something else.  I am so excited.  First off, they come in these great clever boxes, Ariom you are going to love the boxes.  Idesim, agree about finishes.. but so what?  :)  Love my new bracelet gang.

    I got a V initial bracelet, and I got ... the elephant!  I think of it as ganesh, the elephant-headed god of obstacles.  But I like the other explanation too.  Ideasim, how much did I love your list of your bracelets!?  Really.  A lot.  :)

    Okay.  My Zeeberry shipment is still coming.  I am getting the 3-bangles (in shiny silver), and a P initial (in R silver), and a Lotus Blossom (in gold).  Hmm.  I am forgetting one.

    Yes, I am calling shops!!  I've got to have the snake.  And the funny thing is, I barely have one minute to do so!  The snake is not in stock.  I am on a wait list.  But the way I see it, if stores have it in, then it's not out of stock there!  

    Oh -- and I'm going to get the spike one to cheer me up after my endometrial biopsy.  I think that's fitting.  It's like, 'F you, endometrial biopsy!' :)


  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited May 2013

    Gramwe, laughing so much at your elliptical story!  The bracelets are working!  Which kinds are you going to get?  Wish I could have been there to see you :)  

    Let's see: I would like to place my order to the OG for a bracelet cabinet for when he is well.  So that's 3 bracelet cabinets, including yours.. :)

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited May 2013

    I'm supposed to be working but having one of those days when I just can't concentrate.  Skimmed through your posts... I'll reply later (yeah I know that's what I said yesterday), or at the very least some time this weekend.. haha.

    Granwe.. you SO did send your crappy weather here.... it's been crappy all week and won't let up until Monday.

    Bobogirl, you crack me up and now Granwe is on a mission!

    I have to sit down this weekend and decide what my further selections are going to be.. and I have a zeeberry coupon lol. 

    No boxes from Zeeberry.. now i feel ripped off.. i want a cute box.. so that now means I have to order from the source so I am not excluded from the BOXES!

    Is it just me or is Moira's posts like journal entries? I feel like I'm reading somebody's journal.  I'm teasing on this.. I love them.... honest :) But I feel guilty if I can't give them the attention they merit lol.

    Talk to you ladies later :) TGIF!!!!!!!!!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited May 2013

    Idesim -- no box from Zeeberry.  Just got my first Zeeberry today -- lotus blossom.  Boxes came from amazon.  :)

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited May 2013

    I love ya Idesim, I'd never send you crappy weather, unless of course it got it outta here. Just kidding, Lol....Remember we just went through 3 weekends of monsoons! Normally by this time of spring it's hotter than the gates of hell and so humid your clothes stick to you...for it to be so pleasant is a treat..right now I'm sitting on the deck, enjoying a refreshing beverage and with the wind its almost chilly.....wish you all were would be great fun ...our bracelets would jingle in the wind....

    Yes Ariom post are like a journal ....I love it..and feel so inadequate ...I'm the country bumpkin who sits here forever trying to find the correct word to use in place of Y'ALL ...Lol..

    Bobo, DD has to have the elephant ...I told her NO, this was an exclusive club that she can never join!!!! I'm going tomorrow and they better have a snake...

    Opppppssssss OG is rolling in, I best fire up the grill...Hugs....and Good Morning Down Under....

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Hey there! from Downunder!

    Just got up and saw you've all been posting.

    I guess I do write like a journal. I just feel like we are all sitting around chatting, I love to hear what you're all up to.

    Glorious sunny day again, but chilly. We slept with the heating on last night, a sign of what's to come.

    No plans for today, Colin is going model yacht racing for the final time this season. Our Mystique went into the water yesterday and Colin got to try the bespoke seat that he designed, and her new electric motor. He's loving it!

    Dex and I will take a big walk today. I had a call from my frend who is a Chief Radiographer, and she was telling me that some of the new research coming out says that a 30 minute walk, five times a week, can prevent recurrence of BC by 50%, I find that so hard to believe, but she insists that it is so. I guess, we are talking about sedentary lifestyle versus, not sedentary lifestyle!

    Well, I am off to do my 5 Rites, can't believe I have not missed any. I love it!

    Forgot to get the paper yesterday for Yard Sales, so might just have to go get one.

    Take care everyone, hugs......Moira

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited May 2013

    Dear Ariom -- you have a beautiful life!!  I wish I were on a walk with you and Dex right this minute.

    Granwe -- our bracelets are going to jingle in the wind!  I have the elephant!  You have still not listed yours yet.  Hmm.  Can your daughter join our bracelet gang?  I am leaning toward 'yes.'  It is not necessarily a BC gang.  It is a bad girl gang.  Idesim?

    I am going to watch a movie tonight -- if I can stay up -- and have my very favorite vegan ice cream -- mocha maca chip.  The brand is larry and luna's.  It is made from coconut milk.

    NOW.  Let's get this bracelet gang rolling.  Ariom, I just noticed on the Alex and Ani website that they have a special page for international shoppers!  Although Zeeberry has 15% off and free shipping to your US address.  How do you ship things there?  That is such a clever idea. 



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Hi Bobo, I haven't made it out yet. One of Colin's attendant carers has bcome a friend, and her husband just dropped in with their two kids, so Dex and I have been playing tag and running aound the yard with them. I love when they visit!

    I love the coconut icecream too! The company that makes it here, also make a yummy coconut yogurt too. I haven't eaten any dairy for about 30 years. I am always looking for great dairy free stuff.

    I am going to check out the international post option on the bracelet website because I discovered that MyUs doesn't ship jewelery. I am thinking it may just be high end stuff, but not sure.

    I hope you make it till the end of the movie with out falling asleep Bobo!

    Take care all!

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited May 2013

    Dropped by to say Hi before I limp out the door. Between that wicked elliptical, then cleaning out a large flower bed yesterday I couldn't beat a turtle in a foot race. Hundreds of Day lilies were dug up yesterday, so today they need a new bed, but first its off to the Farmers market, strawberries are in season, and I'm going to see just how many types of lettuce I can find.

    Y'all have a good day/evening. Hugs