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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Gramwe, please take it easy, you're a dynamo! You make me tired, just thinking about what you're doing.

    Hundreds of daylilies, that's a heck of a lot of holes to dig.

    Ahh strawberries, I love them too. I love to juice them with apple and fresh mint from the garden! Or with warm melted dark chocolate to dip them in.

    Well. you're off out, just as I am about to crawl into my bed. I am really tired tonight, don't have anyone coming till 9am tomorrow, my only chance for a sleep in.

    Catch you later....have a great day!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited May 2013

    The snake is back in stock!!  The snake is back in stock!!

    Boy, you would think I would get stock in this company or something.  I have already ordered mine! Ariom, you should not have a problem.  This is not even real jewelry.  And alex and ani ships internationally -- they have it on the website.  XXX

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    OMG, I was about to shut down and go to bed, but I got caught again, and started answering posts.

    I want the Snake!

    Bobo go onto Dr Oz's site and check out 5 Tibetan Rites, take a look and see what you think. I won't go back and answer you on the other post. I am going to look at bracelets, and bed!

    Take care everyone!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited May 2013

    OMG I have so much to catch up on!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I can't leave you girls alone for even a DAY!

    Bobogirl... you got the snake!?!?  I'm so happy, I know you wanted it for your birthday!!!  

    Ok I still haven't read all the back but I will later.. have to clean.. I can't relax until things are in order and house is like disaster zone!

    Glad you all seem to be doing so good!!  

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013


    Just realised that I hadn't posted today, and wondered how everyone is doing?

    I had a quiet day after doing my exercises and a big walk with Dex. Had the new neighbors over for morning tea, and a chat.

    Dex and I snuggled on the couch with a book, even had a "Nanna Nap", so a really easy day.

    Early night for us tonight...early start tomorrow.....Take care all, hope you're having a good Memorial Day Weekend!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited May 2013

    Okay, Ariom, I have watched HALF of Dr. Oz 5 rites before being interrupted!  I feel this is real progress.  The exercises look totally doable -- I have done much yoga in my day! 


  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited May 2013

    "Bobogirl... you got the snake!?!?  I'm so happy,"

    Ok, that could SO be misunderstood ;)

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited May 2013

    Moira, the feng shui suncatchers sound beautiful, what a nice gift idea... which reminds me I

    have to think of something for the MO who it turns out I will be seeing again one last time.

    Last Thursday, I had my last patient visit with her, but she has asked me to have her paged when

    I am in for my next Herceptin treatment in 3 weeks as she'll still be at the hospital, but she is

    unable to see patients after the end of May. I got a card, but I wanted to get her a little

    something as well.. I thought about one of the bracelets, but she wears no jewelry besides her

    wedding rings. mayhbe I'll research what is around her new hospital and get a gift card, but I

    kind of wanted to get something a little more permanent that might brighten her day a bit at work

    or something.

    I love the story about the Manx, do you blame the poor thing for being pissed off at having to

    play the role of dolly? I'm surpirsed it didn't scratch or bite the crap out of you.. I'd say it

    was a pretty good tempered kitty!

    Aussie accents are one of my all time favorites! Scottish accents, I can't understand


    Pudding pie is just pudding in a crust with whipped cream on top. It's about all Joe can handle

    for baking haha, which is just fine by me. The latest one was a graham crust, but my favorite is

    a dark chocolate pudding in a choco graham crust... love my chocolate!! I didn't think decadent

    desserts was an American thing, that's pretty interesting.. that's probably why a good percentage

    of us are overweight! I do love my desserts. What do Aussies prefer for desserts?

    Sourdough French Toast sounds amazing! I've never had it and of course bacon (sorry Bogogirl)

    goes with anything at anytime! Love bacon.

    I at times forget that Colin is disabled by everything you describe about him.. when you say you

    have caregivers, I get a mental image of them chasing him around trying to get him to stop for 2

    seconds :) I didn't realize he was injured so long ago.. I had assumed it was a more recent

    accident. Hang gliding is something I would never do.. its right up there with bungi (sp?)

    jumping, or jumping out of a plane. No way ever!!!

    Granwe, you poor baby, I am laughing over the elliptical catastrophe, mainly because I can see

    myself doing the exact same thing.. damn machine is NOT going to get the best of me! But OMG it's

    a miracle you didn't injure yourself with it being on the highest settings!! At least your house

    got nice and clean. I remember a few weeks after my surgery, wanted to wash the kitchen floor

    and it was such a struggle at that time, but I would be damned I was going to do it and I was NOT

    going to get help from hubby. Just to prove to myself I could do this, I decided to move

    everything moveable in the room and wash under it as well... I was not going to be defeated..

    holy crap did I pay for that one... but I felt so damn good to have done it. There is nothing

    like anger to get the house nice and clean haha.

    Has OG found out about his surgery yet?

    Granwe, I love bumpkins haha... and nothing wrong with y'all. Seriously, hubby and I have talked

    and talked about moving out of Mass.. I really would love the simple life.. even more so now. I

    want to live in a place like that portrayed in Steel Magnolias.. have you all seen that movie? I

    swear its one of my all time favorite movies. I love the idea of a small town where everybody

    knows you.. and I know that could be a drag at times because everybody can be in your business,

    but there's a lovely side to that too that I've always craved.

    Today was our first day of semi sun in over a week and yes I do blame you Granwe! Tomorrow we are

    finally supposed to have a nice day, which I can't wait for.

    I feel inadequate of my postings as well, I just can't compete with her.. they are so fascinating

    and chock full of interesting tidbits.. I have post envy... and she probably does it in a matter

    of minutes while I can slave here forever!! It's just not fair.

    Bobogirl, I think I'm going to try your rice tonight, that has just stuck in my head and i need

    to try it.. it will probably turn out horrible, but what the hell. I just love coconut and

    lemon.. I think I'll toast the cocunut stovetop.. I have a horrible habit of putting things in

    the stove and walking away to do something else.. this will ensure I don't screw it up hahah.
    I have no idea ratios, but I'm gonna live dangerously.

    I'm disappointed in the beaded bracelets... I got two gold types and a silver type and I just

    don't like them.. they are so pretty, but the wire is really thin and flimsy, not at all like the

    bangles and they just sit there on the wrist, they don't move.. so they are going back. I love

    my silver living water one. I think perhaps I'll go with the trio of silver bangles.. as I like

    the look of the textured ones.. and I want my father's birthstone or maybe his initial. I'm

    liking the silver more than the gold.. but they do look good togethe too.. So disappointed over

    the beaded ones!!! Don't you just love the tinkly sound they make??? That's what I love the most

    about them I think!!!!

    Moira, I swear I'm going to come move in with you.. I love yard sales.. but nobody ever wants to go and I hate doing things alone! Again, same for walking.. I would just be bored doing it by myself.. but imagine if that was true and such a simple thing to do.

    I tnink Granwe's DD can most certainly join our gang!! What did you end up watching for a movie? I didn't realize you were vegan... I thought vegetarian.. and your DLLP is not? That must get rather difficult. Ice cream made of of coconut milk sounds delish.. yogurt made out of it, even more so.. however, the nuts is not my thing lol. I don't like crunchy things in my ice cream, chips or nuts!!

    I totally am goign to try this Dr. Oz thing, maybe it will help me with better posts lol. Seriously I so need more energy.. i used to be such a dynamo and I have slowed down so much. I generally function fine on an average of 6 hours of sleep and last night I slept 10+ hours!! So, of course now I feel crappy. I think Dr. Oz can help me out.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited May 2013

    Yay I am caught up.. but what the hell happened up there?  Hahah my post is deranged.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited May 2013

    hahah Momine!!!!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited May 2013

    Ok, so now that I am caught up I need to vent a little.. this might be a bit of a downer, so feel free to skp it.

    When I went to see my MO's on Thursday, I got the distinct impression that they think I am going to have a recurrence, or perhaps I should say they are very fearful of this.  Now, I could not bring myself to ask if this was always the case or if my pathology results caused this line of thinking. I really couldn't absorb it at the time, so I didn't say too much and who knows maybe I am blowing it out of proportion, but I'm pretty in tune to people.  I see her again in 3 weeks, so I have to get a list going of things I want to probe her with.  It appears that they may keep me on Herceptin for longer than the year, which leads me to wonder, well what happens when the Herceptin is over?  What keeps recurrence down after that? I was a bit upset by the feeling I got and of course I've stupidly read the Stage IV boards in the past and have learned that a lot of them are there from recurrences and as they've rammed down my throat.. my cancer was very agressive.. so it's friggin scary.  What's worse.. where the cancer was, it's totally foreign territory now.. if I can't feel the chest wall or the armpit, how will I know something is off.

    I'm not looking for answers, just had to get that out!!!! 

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited May 2013

    Ok.. so venting done.. I feel much better getting that off my chest!  

    I feel this weekend is going by way to damn fast (sleeping 10 hours doesn't help), but I am glad that I have given myself plenty of rest.  Joe has been so good about taking over a lot of the daily chores that I made him a nice dinner last night with his favorite mocha brownies.  Tonight I think I'll make a devil's food cake, which is another of his favorites and use up the last of the whipped cream instead of frosting, which he's not crazy about anyways.  House is clean and laundry is almost done, what a difference a 3 day weekend makes.  You get your day of errands, day of chores and can still get in a day of leisure :)  I wish I could do 10-12 hour days and only have a 4 day work week.

    Tomorrow is my GF's bday and since the weather is supposed to be nice (finally!) we are going to grab some subs and go sit on her bench by the ocean.  She lost her hubby 3 years ago to lympoma and since he was cremated, she wanted something to visit and the next town over just recently renovated this huge area by the ocean, where you can go jogging or go fishing  and you can also buy benches that have "in memory of" inscriptions.  I think it was a great idea and we go to the bench quite often during the summer, especially at night and we watch all the boats and it's just beautiful and very comforting for her. This will be our maiden voyage this year :)  I just have to make sure I cover myself as much as possible :(

    Tuesday will be #9 for the ol radiation and after that... double digits!!!!!!!

    Bobogirl, do you have a date for your biopsy yet? 

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited May 2013

    Idesim, you didn't bring anything down, we all have cancer ya know! You voiced a fear, that lives in most all of us, and asked questions that we have thought. For me you hit home. Tuesday is my appointment with the MO official end of cancer vacation, and like you I don't have a good feeling, don't know why just a gut thing. I cried myself to sleep last night, and couldn't work in the yard today for tears, add to that I just sent OG out for high calories comfort food after working so hard at trying to lose a tiny amount of weight. So for you my dear a BIG HUG! We are in this together, we fight our own battles, but we have each others back.

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited May 2013

    You are a posting machine today!

  • wirdgirl118
    wirdgirl118 Member Posts: 139
    edited May 2013

    Hi Ariom, what is the strange drinking sensation you mentioned. I have had an interesting sensation and wonder if it is the same as what you mentioned. Your new home sounds lovely.......Hugs to you, have a great day.

  • wirdgirl118
    wirdgirl118 Member Posts: 139
    edited May 2013

    Hi Idesim, I know what you mean. When I went for my annual mammograms after my 2005 BC, I was asked did I have any complaints like pain. I said, my only complaint is being asked if I have pain in an irradiated area that has no feeling! Seriously, I knew I had a recurrence because when feeling in the back of the left arm came back, I had the same tingling there that I had before I was diagnosed with DCIS. And, I had the same tingling on the back of the right arm too. Mammogram and ultrasound did not pick up the DCIS in the right breast, an MRI did. I believe the mammary ducts are connected to nerves at the back of the arm based on my experience. Plus, the left nipple was acting and looking strange. If not for these signs, and the biopsy and MRI of course, I would not have known the cancer was back.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited May 2013

    Hi Wirdgirl!  Becareful of Bobogirl, she will make you  buy bracelets.. just a friendly warning.

    I'm sorry to hear you had recurrence, big hugs... that is interesting about the mammary duct connection.. I bet you're on to something. We know when something is wrong, I knew right away and was just hoping I was overreacting.. but deep down I knew I wasn't. As I stated, my fear is I don't know my body as well anymore.

    Granwe, aww big hugs and cuddles.. my heart goes out to you.. hate that you are crying, that makes me sad.. this all just sucks!  Good call on the comfort food.. screw the weight.. whatcha getting?  Make a nice long list of concerns and questions for your appt on Tuesday, we're here for you and yes.. we've got each other's backs.  xxxxxx

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Oh my goodness, what a wonderful read I have had this morning!

    Bobo, you must try to find the time to watch the whole thing. It is the most amazing, superfast, energising workout I have ever found. Colin has already commented on the definition on my shoulders and waist. I used to be a gym junkie, Tai Chi, Water Aerobics, Yoga, Pump. I loved it all, but Rheumatoid ended it all for me. I went from a US sz 6, for my whole life, till I turned about 50 ish, and then "bang" steroids and methatrexate ballooned me to almost a 14, and I hate it. Fortunately, my rheumatologist tells me my RA is in remission. That is why I can do this exercise.

    No more preaching, I sound like a reformed smoker, which I am, but that is another loooooong story! LOL

    I went bracelet hunting, but could only find one that was available, and the postage was $20.00 us. I will wait till I find a few that I want, or maybe even just go with the 7 swords key ring which I really love. It represents the Archangels. I am a huge Angel lover, but that too, is a looooong story! LOL 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Wirdgirl! Hello, and welcome to our little chat group! Thank you!  I have never loved living in a place as much as I love this one!

    Ahh, the drinking sensation is something that many of us experience after a BMX or a UMX. It is the feeling of the Hot or Cold liquid filling the inside of the chest where the boob/boobs used to be. It is kind of a brain freeze in the chest. I also had it with hot liquids,  I am a black tea drinker, and Colin calls me "iron mouth" because I can drink it straight from the cup as soon as it is made. It lessens with time, but I can still feel it if I concentrate on it. I felt it again recently when I allowed myself a big treat of a frozen Coke, ouch!

    I am so sorry too, that you had a recurrence. How amazing though, that you are so switched on to your body that you knew something wasn't right.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Momine, you have a great sense of humour!

    I look out for your posts.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    ldesim, I pass you the staff, you are the Queen of the posters!

    What a great read that was.

    Believe me that kitty was mean, it hated being dressed up as dolly, but my BFF used to stand back and let it maul me! LOL

    Your comment about the Scottish accent makes me smile. I used to have to translate for my friends when they came to my house. Aussies don't have the ear for a Scots accent. They all used to laugh when I spoke to my Mum and Dad with a Scots accent, and then turned to them with and Aussie one, same if I phoned home, I would speak with a broad Scots brogue.

    Aussies like chocolate too, we have our share of decadent stuff, but my circle are more food aware these days, and a chocolate mousse is about the worst they'll go for. I love lemon merigue pie, annd will occasionally treat myself, but dessert here is usually fruit and nuts these days.

    You have the perfect picture of Colin. He is very disabled, in as much as, if he drops a pen, he can spend ages trying to retrieve it. He has virtually no hand strength, and is totally paralysed from the nipples down, but if you were to watch him reverse a large boat trailer into a small gate, you'd be amazed, or if you saw him sailing his small dinghy before he got the electric assist, and pulling the ropes with his teeth, you'd be blown away. He seems to master things that I could never do, but has trouble with the most menial of tasks. It is very strange.

    We have the girls come in the mornings to get him up. He likes me to have my own time in the mornings, but I mostly put him to bed. He has a couple of medical nights a week that the girls usually do. The girls do have a laugh with him because he is always one step ahead of them, and they have to chase after him. He is just so easy going that they all love him, and really enjoy coming here because they are like part of the family. We were so lucky to find such a great group here when we moved.

    I'd love it if I had you for company going to yard sales! I mostly go alone, cause no one else is into it. My favourite is Pawn Shops, not porn, Pawn!

    My Mother had the most amazing eye for diamonds, and she taught me how to shop for them in Pawn Shops. Unfortunately it isn't the bargain it used to be, but still, it can be fun. Colin bought me a thermal probe, (small machine for testing for gemstones) for my birthday last year.

    Now for the serious stuff!

    Don't ever hold back if you have anything that is worrying you we here for you. It's never a downer, and althought there may not be answers I know we are all interested to hear what is going on.

    We all have similar fears. I call mine the "Jaws" music. You know the menacing "Jaws" movie music, da dum, da dum. It creeps in at the most unusual times. Scares the crap out of me, and reminds me of what "could" be.

    I love the Bench by The Ocean. I have seen similar around here. We have a little bar-b-que hut at Sunset Cove, the little beach just down from us. It is dedicated to a man who loved to bring his family for Bar-B-Que here. It has a little gas grill buit in and a stainless bench with a Tiki Hut type roof. Such a lovely idea.

    Almost into double digits for the Rads, soon to be a third of the way through! I wish we could have a get together to celebrate the end of them with you!    Look after you! I loved all the reading!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Gramwe, you know what, I am so not, one to cry. I did do my fair share in the lead up to my Dx, but that was different.

    Today, reading that you'd been crying, set me off. I feel your words, they are so true. Hugs from me to you!

    Don't even think that the small "blowout" of comfort food will make any difference to your weight loss. Anything that makes you feel better is ok! There is plenty of time for dieting!

    Take care!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited May 2013

    As you were talking about chocolate.. I had the most pleasant recollection... TIM TAMS!!!! Do they still make those?? They were the best cookie I've ever had!!!!  I don't even remember how many packages I ate and I smuggled some home too.. but they didn't last long :)  I do recall the worst part of being in Australia.... no drip coffee, none in the supermarket.. just instant.  I think we finally found a small place near our hotel that had drip coffee.  If I ever go to Aussie again, I will remember to bring coffee and a percolator or something lol.. but those Tim Tams I still remember how good they were.  I won't get into the Vegemite which is just ghastly.

    The bench at the beach is the most wonderful idea ever... and today is turning out to be a beautiful day, so I know we are going to enjoy it. My favorite part is everybody will bound to be out mowing their lawn and that is one of my favorite smells, fresh cut grass.. which Yankee Candle makes a great rendition of.  I am a candle addict.. or I should say a home fragrance addict as I also love the plug ins from Bath & Bodyworks and Yankee Candle.

    My name is Laurie and I am a fragrance addict haha.

    I love Lemon Meringue Pie.. I love anything with lemon really, but I have yet to find a good recipe for it, have tried several, but they all come up short... too sweet.  It's one of Joe's favorites too.  Unfortunately baking is not one of my greatest skills. Actually, considering my sweet tooth, that is probably a good thing.  I have a pint of blueberries that I have to use and I'm going to try a blueberry muffin recipe.  Fingers crossed.

    I didn't realize Colin's paralysis was that extensive, I am now even more amazed at what he accomplishes... car & boat.. c'mon that's unbelievable! And without hand strength?? I just don't see how he does it, it's just remarkable.  And he must have a hell of a set of teeth!! lol!  I don't see how you do it.. what happens if he falls?  

    I have never been to a pawn shop, we have them here, but I've just never gone in one. I do love diamonds, both my parents have it as their birthstones.. mine is the worst.. peridot.. that is the worst birthstone in the world lol. I've never heard of a thermal probe, how does it work and does it work for all types of gemstones?   I love flea markets, but agian, nobody I know does.. My dad used to.  One of my GF only loves the ones that comes like once a year and is all bags, clothes and shoes, which I just am not that into.  Give me a sweatshirt and jeans & sneakers and I am a happy girl.

    It's good to have this place to vent, it really does make the difference in chatting with people that have had the same or similar experiences.  Any of my friends and family are quick to just reassure me that everything is ok, blah blah blah... when that is not what we are looking for at all.

    Since I'm returning 3 of the bracelets, I bought another one last night on Ebay and it's a silver bangle with my zodiac sign, Leo, but instead of it being the circiular disc, it's more like a dog tag, which I liked.

    Loving the sun outside, but sad that I have to be so careful in it.. even the simplest pleasure these days is overshadowed by the big C.  

    Have a great night Moira... and Happy Memorial Day to everyone! :)

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited May 2013

    Just a thought.. other Aussie things I love... tv wise, besides Big Brother... My Kitchen Rules, Masterchef AU and  The Block (love, love, love this one).

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited May 2013

    Momine, you are so naughty!  You made me laugh out loud.  I did order the snake, but I will let you know when I actually get it :)

    Idesim, THANK YOU for the report on the beaded bracelets -- I will not get any of those.  Yes I love the tinkling sound!  My bracelet choices are more punk-oriented.  Yours are prettier, I think.  By the way, if you want to move to the Steel Magnolia town, consider where I live!  Just rated #1 place to live in the country.  It's really totally nice here.  We've been here two years now -- moved from Philly -- and we've met the nicest people.  Really low unemployment.  Low cost of living.  Lots of culture and fun things to do.  It's sort of like Asheville NC.  Don't know if you've ever been there.

    Totally agree with you about your picture of Colin.  Moira, DON'T TELL Colin that I ordered so many bracelets.  Right now I have:

    the 3-bangles

    the lotus flower

    a 'V' initial

    a 'P' initial

    the elephant :)

    and the feather.

    One night, DLLP and I were watching the news with our dinner (not at the table), and there was a sound in the other room.  'What's that?' she said.  I said, 'I think that might be bracelets knocking on the door.'    

    Yep, she eats everything -- it is gross -- and I am vegan.  You should try this ice cream, it is amazing.  It's called 'larry and luna's moca maca chip,' or something like that. It does not have nuts in it, I don't think -- it has maca in it.  It's kind of not-sweet.  It is amazing.  I drizzle a little soy cream over the top, then moosh it up.

    Took bobo on a walk on nature trails today -- I have really got to crawl back to the gym.  This week or next.  And I'm working tonight!  Not looking forward to that.


  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited May 2013

    Wirdgirl, welcome!  I just thought you should know... it is Idesim that made ME buy bracelets!  NOT the other way around.. and if she will not own up to that then she is just fibbing!  Own up, idesim! :)

    Gramwe, what is wrong?  Did I miss your post?  Are you crying?  Sending you hugs. {{{{gramwe}}}}

    Idesim, I so understand your fears.  You are so brave to make a list for your doctor of questions to ask her.  I support that idea.  Sometimes I feel like I don't want to know... but I always want to be doing everything I can.  Thanks so much for asking about biopsy date... It's June 20th.  As I said, I will need a big bracelet for that one!  I fear the spikes will not be back in stock by then!  That is my only really big problem, right? :)

    Welcome wirdgirl!  We are all pretty naughty.  Welcome!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Good Morning ladies, another great read first thing. I can't make it past the computer when I get up. I just have to take a peek to see if any of you have been here!

    TimTams rule! ldesim. I just can't buy them because I will eat the whole pack. They come in all different flavours these days,but the original are the best. If you want some sent, just let me know. I am sorry to say, I love Vegemite, and I'll make you feel ill, but Colin eats it spread thickly on Coffee Scrolls, which are cinnamon buns with icing sugar. He also eats it on Hot Cross buns......yuck

    You need to checkout the new Block, it has just started a few weeks ago. They are doing a six story apartment block with a couple from each state. It isn't quite as good as some of the others, but they are just starting to get nasty with each other.

    I meant to ask, were you here for the Olympics? Did you travel around?

    I know it is hard to believe how disabled Colin is, but he is a quad, not a para, his break is further down than say, a Christopher Reeves, but higher than the paras you see in the racing chairs. He is quite amazing. He  has had surgery that blows me away. He had the tendons taken from the front of his shins and attached into his shouders to give him a tricep lift that was lost with his injury. He had to go through two really bad surgeries for that, but it was so worth it. 

    I meant to mention the other day when someone was talking about the Seventh Day Adventists being Vegan. All of Colin's Father's side of the family are Adventists. His Grandfather was in the heirachy of the Church, and many of his relatives are ministers. His Grandparents were Missionaries in Asia, and Colin's Dad was born in Singapore. His Mother didn't embrace the Church, so Colin and his Sister were not raised Adventist. Colin has fond memories of the times he spent with those relatives, and the amazing food cooked by his Grandmother.

    A thermal probe is an oblong thing that you hold like a pencil. It has a point on the end that you hold against the stone, and it emits a beeb, and lights up to tell you if the stone is real. Real gemstones have a unique heat conductivity that can be measured. Especially good these days with so many goood cubic zirconias around. I also always carry a little jewelers loupe, eye glass, with me, and have found many real gold pieces in thrift shops over the years.  

    I hope you had a wonderful day by the ocean, with your friend, on her bench. I feel for you, having to cover up, I love the sun too.

    Take care now, Laurie! 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Bobo, my lovely!

    You sent me on a mission the other day. i have contacted the company that makes the Coconut Icecream and Yogurt. They are in Queensland which s a million miles from here. They don't appear to distribute their food here, but I am on a quest to get the Health Food Stores in town to order it in. I had forgotten about it since we moved but you got me fired up for it again.

    These bangles are becoming an addiction, step away from the bangle website Bobo! LOL

    I am sorry you still have this other biopsy to do, Bobo. Just take us all in your pocket when you go!

    Today is absolutely beautiful, cold as a Witches whatnot!, but looks great out the window!

    There are Pelicans drifting on the glassy water, and there is some mist around the island. Did I tell you we look at an island? It is off to the left of us, and you have to catch a ferry across to it. The people who live over there are very protective and have fought aginst having a bridge put in for decades. There are koalas in the trees, many people I know who live there have Koalas in their yard.

    Well, ladie, that's enough of the nature talk for today! LOL

    Look after yourselves and have a great Memorial Day Holiday!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited May 2013

    You are the lovely one!! :)

    How happy am I that you are getting the coconut milk ice cream?  So happy!  I hope you can get the exact same kind I have.  Ooh.  I'm going to have some of that tonight.

    And, believe it or not, DLLP has made some... homemade, and vegan,  choccy chip cookies!  Yikes.  And the Bachelor is on!  Love the Batchelor.  Do not judge me because I love the Batchelor.  :)

    Hmm.  My bracelets are NOT becoming an addiction!  Off to order one now.  But, not for me!  :)

    p.s.  My owl is back!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited May 2013

    In the middle of a boring movie, but Joe is enjoying it.. sneaking in a quick a read.. will reply later lol.