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Anyone else out there choosing 100% Alternative?



  • Eileen73
    Eileen73 Posts: 6
    edited August 2013

    Jmedbklyn; I would recommend reading "defeat cancer now" by St john Tamara - she had no money and cured herself.

    Also dr Lorraine Day- dvd " you cant improve on god" she is a dr cured herself with nature.

    I had double mastc. Triple possitive - But I refused chemo, tamaxifen . Still trying to fugure out if I would be okey without drug herceptin and seeking alternative .

    To healthy days

  • CindyD
    CindyD Posts: 15
    edited August 2013


    I have been continuing my BC protocol of healthy diet, supplements, exercise, weekly acupuncture, continuing work on clearing emotional issues, etc.  I have posted my protocol in other topics but could post it again here if you are interested. Recently completed a parasite cleanse that involved some intense die off reactions, physical and emotional. Rebuilding the good bacteria now with Bio-Kult and homemade kombucha. I will be seeing my Doc on Friday to follow up on some recent testing. Other than the BC, the biggest acute issue I have now is that we have been unable to bring my thyroid into normal range. The hypo-thyroid issue is driving elevations in my fasting blood sugar and cholesterol. I've been reading the "Stop the Thyroid Madness" book trying to understand better so that I can prepare some intelligent questions for the doc. Have also been reading more about the modified ketogenic diet for cancer and following some groups to monitor others experience. I will post my test results and my doc's feedback when I have it.

  • Momine
    Momine Posts: 2,845
    edited August 2013

    Chef, wow! Yes, the Syrians have some of the best food. It is very similar to Greek food, only better. Poor Aleppo, she is in ruins now.

    The med diet is probably about as good as it gets, diet-wise, and it is delicious, so not really a hardship to follow. I do not go crazy about what I eat, but I do try to eat veggies, fish, fruit and olive oil as the mainstays of my diet. Then again, I always did pretty much and got stupid cancer anyway :/ but I have been more careful after DX, so let's hope it helps a little.

    The way both Syrians and Greeks cook veggies in tomato and spices is really good, and I often make green beans this way. You can add a bit of cubed sweet potato for bulk.

  • chef127
    chef127 Posts: 226
    edited August 2013


    It's always so good to hear from you and read your posts since you are the only true 100% alt girl. I did the surgery and was scared into rads but I have no regret for that. I felt they were the only real necessary tx, for me. Surgery got rid of the tumor burden and rads got rid of the cells found on my skin????even tho my BS assured me he cleaned and lased the skin AFTER SURGERY.

    I'm interested in the parasite cleanse you did. Do coffee enemas qualify? I don't know if it cleanses more than the liver. Mine is fatty proberbly due to rx drugs? Drs never check for parasites when that can be a serious issue in your health. If you can, will, don't mind, telling us what you did. Keep up the effective protocal your using and thanx for sharing.....maureen..xox

  • chef127
    chef127 Posts: 226
    edited August 2013


    The mediter. diet is surely a great way to go. I love it but I don't cook much anymore. I need to change my avitar name to xchef out of the Kitchen. I spent the past 30 years baking and cooking, professionally for everyone else and now I resent it. what a waste! In 1995 I opened a restaurant called Mediterannian Grill, mostly mideast, some greek, and a bit of american crap food for the less adventurous. My clientel was vast, mediterranians, vegetarians, jewish, young and old. They loved the strong flavors of raw garlic, lemon, and herbs and spices. It is well recieved 'health food". I frequent greek and mideast restaurants and I'm always disappointed because they try to appeal to bland tastes. IF they wanted bland, go to Mcdonalds. I want to praise LENTILS for breast health. When I was nursing my aunt told me to eat lots of lentils to increase milk production.....It worked. She nursed 9 children. the age of 80 she got BC. Not enough lentils, lol. There are studies on lentils and breast health.

    Syria and Alleppo are soooo sad. There is a thread on BCO where a women is asking for prayers for her family member in Syria who CANNOT get treatment for breast cancer. It's so hard to imagine such hardship and devistation. My heart is with her......xox

  • violet_1
    violet_1 Posts: 335
    edited August 2013


    I LOVE Med. cuisine! Love hummus and lentil SOUP...soup is easy to make...:)

    Incredulous about women UNABLE to get treatment for BC!!!!...:(


  • Momine
    Momine Posts: 2,845
    edited August 2013

    Chef, I didn't realize your handle was a true description. Too bad you don't cook in the restaurant anymore. I would come ;) 

    It is horrible what is happening in Syria, and I can imagine that it is having a real impact on health care as well. That woman should try to get to Greece or Lebanon.

  • singout
    singout Posts: 2
    edited August 2013

    I just joined this site today for another subject and I feel like I hit the jackpot!Thank you!!! I don't have too much support here either. While my partner is supportive of all alternative, she thought I was also going to do the radiation and tamox. (NO!) No thank you, no poison. Just had 3 invasive/ stage 2 tumors out this month and diagnosed only July 1st. Got 'em out! Unfortunately, I do not live in a legal medical cannaibis state b/c I NEED the oil. I am still working on connections.

    But now DIET: Juicing, juicing (not many beets and carrots due to high sugar content) in a Vitamix to preserve fiber which keeps you regular

    Pretty much a paleo diet but very low on the red meat. Mostly fish and a little fowl. Grass fed ONLY! NO: SUGAR, gluten, dairy, grains, starches

    Vegetables, cucciferous vegetables as many as you can eat!!! Some meats; lean only fowl and grass fed /no pork

    Very light on fruit. Berries, green apples, green tea (3+cups a day), raw cacao, coconut oil and butter (lots in everything and on you), hemp oil, hemp seeds, flax meal

    ESSIAC Tea, Laetril or B17 or apricot pits, also containing cyanyid, High does of Vitamin C > 4000-15,000+ Until you have diarrhea then backup, broccoli sprouts 3000mg, multivitamin for women over 40 by New Chapter (whole food), queritin, CoQ10, probiotic, B15, B complex, garlic, zinc30mg+, Vit. D 300mg. (in addition to supp.), Tumeric, cannabis oil, ARTH Relif Plus (which has more tumeric and MSM+ other good stuff)

    I am using a small trampoline that we saw on Chris Beat Cancer website. Which moves the lymph system. I still hurt from surgery but walking right now is the best most nurturing thing for me besides playing and writing music, meditating, and sex.

    I know I forgot things to say but I suppose I can come back. I hope this was helpful.

    Right now, is my favorite website. He stage 4 colon and had a very large tumor removed but then refused ALL treatment. He is fully recoved and cancer free. He helps people and tells all.

    Blessings, love, namaste

  • GlobalGirlyGirl
    GlobalGirlyGirl Posts: 77
    edited August 2013

    singout - Welcome! FWIW, I've read that Curcumin and the cannabinoids compete against each other for the CB-1 receptor so it's better to take one or the other. I tried the cannabis oil, but I had a bad trip. I take 8000 mg. of Curcumin a day instead. Smile

  • chef127
    chef127 Posts: 226
    edited August 2013


    welcome!! you've really got a great start on your protocal. It took me a year after dx to get to my diet and supp plan, and it's still a work in progress. Thanx for sharing. Sugar is the big enemy, I know, but I cannot give it all up. Since there is NO sex, chocolate takes me there. (a poor subsitute but hey).


    I don't know how easy it is to 'escape' the grips of the gov in Syria. I have a friend who's sister managed to leave and went to Kulwait. Imigration to the US is nearly impossible. It must be so hard to leave your home. I cry for the entire Mideast. NO bread, NO medicine......................................

  • Momine
    Momine Posts: 2,845
    edited August 2013

    Chef, unfortunately it is one of those things where if you have money, it can be done, if you don't it is hard. It is true that getting to the US is virtually impossible. Here in Greece, where we are drowning in Afghan and Iraqi illegals (among many others), it is quite ironic that the US goes and makes a mess in our "hood, then leaves the mess to us.

    But many Syrians are getting out to Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan, by foot if they have to.

  • Eileen73
    Eileen73 Posts: 6
    edited August 2013


    Thank you for posting. Yes I would love to hear your alternative protocol. When were you diagnosed? What type of cancer do you have? You can pm me if you like.

    I am also doing detox cleansing ,I just finished colon cleansing , and following this:

    I am doing green juicing 2-3 times a day and, carrot apple juicing 3-4 times.

    I am exercising and eating %90 raw. For protein & healthy carb I am eating quinoa.

    I believe I have thyroid issue as well , my hair is fallig off a lot and I feel sleepy . I am planning to get Armor for that, but first I need a good Holistic physcian.

    I am er+ pr + for that I am drinking herbal tea - dr wong is working with me.

    For her2+ herceptin I don't know what to do yet.

    I will also take care of my amalgams, and root canals. I live in ny , went PA for biological dentist it is extermely expensive talk about 10K. Now I am looking into mexico- there are some recommended bio dentist in mexico.

    Also looking at emotional issues, have to read " emotional code"

    I was diagnosed in april 2013-

    Double mastc may 2013

    2.9 cm tumor left breast- triple possitive

    5 nodes removed all clean

  • Annie54
    Annie54 Posts: 39
    edited August 2013

    Hi Eileen73,

    If you want some background on Herceptin that I found very helpful - Hollywood style - try to download the 2008 TV movie called "Living Proof" with Harry Connick Jr. It is not on Nertflix but my son downloaded it for me on a website called uTorrent. It is the story of Dr. Dennis Slamon who developed Herceptin in the 1990's and the trouble he had bringing it through the approval process. It is a bit chessy at points as TV movies can be but it did give me a better understanding of it's beginning and ultimate impact. I personally chose to take the standard treatment including Hercetin as it seems options diminish as you go down this road. I just finished chemo yesterday and have had minimal SE's. Not a walk in the park but doable. I've had no SE's from Herceptin - consider it my golden elixar. However, I'm also following a natural approach with diet, juicing, running, supplements etc. Figure I need to throw everything I can at this to live a longer life - but it is a personal choice that everyone has to make. Good luck!


  • GlobalGirlyGirl
    GlobalGirlyGirl Posts: 77
    edited August 2013

    chef127 - I can't give up the sugar either.  Embarassed  It feeds all cells, including cancer. I was told that if I were to indulge, exercise right after eating it. That way, the I could burn some of the glucose off.

    But whatever. I'm fully convinced stress caused my cancer, and I am working diligently on controlling it. Smile

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Posts: 1,748
    edited August 2013

    Sugar is a challenge especially as i love fruit, but i do put cinnamon on melon as it slows sugar absorption..... And we need some sugar as our body will convert it if not which is same impact cancer wise.......

  • chef127
    chef127 Posts: 226
    edited August 2013

    I cannot seem to part ways with sugar. Breads, pasta, fruit..............cake. cookies, candy. I am diabetic so unless I can control my blood glucose level I'm f@@ked. I take alot of metformin and insulin and its still too high. 2 years pre DX for BC I went out of control with my diet eating mostly carbs and desserts. I believe it feed my cancer and made it worse, or even caused it. There is a link to BC and diabetes. I think the clinical trial for metformin and BC will prove to be helpful. Not for me since the metformin only decreases the BG, but if your not diabetic and take it it will keep BG low to normal and less sugar available to feed the CA. Makes sense to me.

    CHROMIUM POLYNICOTINATE. A suppliment that lowers BG and aids in weight lose, with excersize. Eat cake and get on the treadmill.........OK!

    STRESS KILLS. I have gotton rid of the negative energy, mental stressors, in my life (people, my house, and unfortunatly my job) My PCP said physical stress is destructive as well but I don't agree. Excersize is physical stress. IDK.

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Posts: 677
    edited August 2013

    I have heard that about physical stress. Supposedly because it weakens your immune system. my Mom was convinced my cancer was caused by all those hours of training for my marathon. I discovered the lump 3 months after running my first one.

    But the surgeon said the cancer had been in my breast for at least 8 years and since I had only started running two years before that, the marathon running could not have been the culprit.

  • chef127
    chef127 Posts: 226
    edited August 2013

    IDK Excersize weakening the immune system? Physical illness, surgery, getting beat up, yes thats bad phys stress. I'm just assuming that working out is a good thing?????? I had a very physical, rough job but I loved it. I felt good. Til I stopped 4 years ago due to a disability. Then 2 years later.......BC

  • chef127
    chef127 Posts: 226
    edited August 2013


    Do you still run or jog? I hope so. About 25 years ago I was walking home from work and I decided to jog the rest of the way, and I could not do it. My left foot would not go before my right foot with any sort of speed. Scarey feeling. Later I was preparing to dive off a board with a running start, couldn't do it. Years later got a dx of MS. BC sux, MS sux more, for me. But I was able to lift 100# bag of flour for a short distance. I was a baker at the time. That was my exercise.

  • Momine
    Momine Posts: 2,845
    edited August 2013

    About stress, I saw some doctor explaining that stress can be the little things, like not eating regular meals, for example. So I think it is important to do as grandma always said, i.e. develop some regular habits with food, sleep etc.

    As for sugar, I have given it up almost completely. I do eat some fruit, but in moderation, and I do sometimes eat a small amount white rice or white bread, but it is not a daily thing. I limit carbs some, but I do eat wholegrain carbs daily, things like very coarse wholegrain bread, muesli made from nuts and rolled oats (no sugar, but some dried berries and raisins).

  • chef127
    chef127 Posts: 226
    edited August 2013

    I have found that stress was always followed by an increase in symptoms in diabetes and especially MS but does cancer have any sutle symptoms? If it does spread due to stress the signs may not be as obvious til its too late.Surprised

    Lily, Thanx for the article that confirms STRESS is POISON. They should be recomending meditation instead of develping yet another drug to put us on.

    Growing up we rarely saw a dr and most of our ailments were treated with natural herbs and 'wives tales' and many worked. When I was 7 my tonsils were removed and years later I got tonsilitis..they grew back. Did I need that surgery? proberbly not.

  • GlobalGirlyGirl
    GlobalGirlyGirl Posts: 77
    edited August 2013

    chef127 - My best friend from high school has MS. Horrible, horrible disease.

    Lily55 - Thanks for that article. It further confirms my belief.

  • chef127
    chef127 Posts: 226
    edited August 2013


    It can be horrific, but it rarely kills. I walk like a drunk and see like the 3 blind mice. But "I Look So Good"..I hate that line.


  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Posts: 677
    edited August 2013

    I met a woman who has it about 15 years ago. She adopted a dog I was fostering. For years we kept in touch; met for coffee, a movie, etc. Then the dog passed away and we lost touch. Seeing your posts reminded me. I should call her and see how she's doing.

    Twice I've lost touch with people and when I finally re-connected it was too late---

  • Lexie1994
    Lexie1994 Posts: 1
    edited August 2013

    I am having a pet scan and lymph test done on September 3.  I will not do chemo or radiation treatments.  I am looking into any other treatment available?  Anyone tried alternative treatments that have worked?  I have to work so there is no way I can do that with chemo, besides the side effects are long term.  The same with radiation.  Doctors only know the medical treatments to offer, of course that is all they are taught.  Anyone found a better way to deal with breast cancer than what the medical field has to offer?

  • Eileen73
    Eileen73 Posts: 6
    edited September 2013

    Has anyone heard from CindyD?

    I hope she is okey, and doing well, I have sent her private msg and msg on this group but havent heard back from her since Aug 23rd. I am sure she is just busy ....

    Healthy days everyone

  • Mardibra
    Mardibra Posts: 194
    edited September 2013

    fyi....I worked all through chemo so it is doable.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,368
    edited September 2013


    But not for everyone . People vary in their reactions to chemo. Additionally some mo's may not allow you to work during chemo. Although I ended up not having chemo, when it was part of the plan, my mo clearly said I could not work due to the nature of my job.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,959
    edited September 2013

    I am just scrolling around this morning, and Lexie, I worked full time through chemo AND rads. I did fine during both & 6 plus years later, I am in better shape than I was going in. At least see what they have to say before you rule anything out. Best of luck with whatever you decide.