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Anyone else out there choosing 100% Alternative?



  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370
    edited September 2013

    Does anyone use the supplement selenium ?

  • HLB
    HLB Member Posts: 740
    edited September 2013

    I think chemo affects everyone so differently and there's no way to know how you will feel until you do it. I worked every other week but there's no way I could have worked the whole time.

  • jojo68
    jojo68 Member Posts: 336
    edited September 2013

    Sherry....I take 800 mg of selenium every day as I am also on the Iodine protocol...make sure it's methyl selenium...I take Jarrow.  Selenium has been researched as a great cancer preventer as well. 

    I am still doing EXCELLENT on the combo of Wong's herbal protocol and Taheebo Pau Darco....My rosacea is still gone, hormones balanced, menstrual cycle regular and light instead of heavy...I feel so great.

  • Mardibra
    Mardibra Member Posts: 194
    edited September 2013

    True, everyone is different. But for me it was fine (office work) just couldn't travel. If I had a physical job or a job that exposed me to germs/infections I would not have chosen to work or may not have been allowed.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903
    edited September 2013

    Mardibra, I like your avatar.  That beautiful eye is my favorite shade of blue!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited September 2013

    Maybe my onc is crazy, but he let me fly during chemo. Dh and I went to Paris for a long weekend between chemos 5 and 6 (of 8). All the onc asked was that I time it so it wasn't right after chemo, but more towards the next dose. I also got neulasta after each chemo, so I was never dangerously low on blood cells. We had a great time, and I think I walked about 10 miles each of the days we were there.

  • Mardibra
    Mardibra Member Posts: 194
    edited September 2013

    I travel a lot for business. My onc said "no way" during AC. As it turns out i felt like crap anyway so travelling would have been really hard. Seems like some onc's are ok with it and some are not. I was happy to stay home!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited September 2013

    Mardi, it would make sense to nix flying, but, as you say, docs do seem to differ on this. It may also have been because I was generally doing so well. I really have no idea.

  • janamarlowe
    janamarlowe Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2013

    well, I had a lumpectomy on July 22 and they said all I would need is radiation- however my bronch type was high at 34 and they are pushing me to takke chemo.  After reading about side effects all day - I have decided to go all natural - if you know of any natural remedies - that would be great!  I pumped up my Vitamin D (3) to 10,000 Ius a day, 3000 Vitamin C and looking into oxygen therapy! There has to be something out there!

  • jojo68
    jojo68 Member Posts: 336
    edited September 2013

    I highly recommend Dr. George Wong, Herbalist in NYC...I am on his herbal Tamoxifen etc and feel great.

  • Eileen73
    Eileen73 Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2013

    Janamarlowe, Join " Rid Yourself of Cancer " on facebook.

    Also if you haven't read --Rethinking Cancer by Ruth Sachman

    And " cancer free" by bill henderson Read these 2 books ,

    Lots of good valuable information on what you can do ..

    I also get herbal tea from dr wong for hormonal balance , but I think its not enough to cure cancer.

  • jojo68
    jojo68 Member Posts: 336
    edited September 2013

    Eileen...why do you think Wong's herbs are not enough?

  • fredntan
    fredntan Member Posts: 237
    edited September 2013

    Has anyone become a distributor of vitamins? A friend at work has started doing this. Only selling to herself. The discount is only 20%. Cant remember which company she is with. I heard you can get green tea in bulk on amazon. Much cheaper than teavana.need to check that out

  • chef127
    chef127 Member Posts: 226
    edited September 2013

    There is no CURE for cancer. Once we have it and it becomes active the best we can do is try and avoid the lifestyle that caused our cells to go haywire. Hormones in many of us are the culprit. Dr Wongs TEA is balancing the hormones so our bodies are able fight the ca cells. Living without hormones does not seem like a healthy choice, for me.

    Unfortunatly living in a 'bubble' and avoiding our food and enviornment is not an option. We do the best we can. No, Dr Wongs TEA is not enough but its balancing hormones. Just one good thing.

    Eat well, and be merry!

  • jojo68
    jojo68 Member Posts: 336
    edited September 2013

    First of all, we all know that everyone has cancer cells in their's just whether or not one's immune system is strong enough to fight them off or not...and ours were not, obviously.  I do think hormone imbalance is the main culprit, along w/ stress and environmental issues etc...I also think my very bad infected/abscessed tooth had impaired my immune function as well...had the infection for 3-4 years!

    Eventhough, Wong would attest that his tea IS enough...I still do other things/supplements just in case.  He told me he cured many women with just his tea alone...but, who knows.  I would like to believe the herbs are enough, but I still do other things as I have stated.  I will admit I am not always great with diet ...but, am trying to do better.  I feel GREAT on his herbs, my heavy menstrual cycle is now very light and my skin has totally cleared up.  So, I am assuming my liver is clearing up and my hormones are being balanced.  His herbs are meant to strengthen our immune systems so it can fight off the cancer is not meant to just solely cure cancer.  I also drink lots of authentic Pau darco from which is where Wong recommended getting it.  Pau Darco from authentic sources has been known to really build the immune system as well..

  • jojo68
    jojo68 Member Posts: 336
    edited September 2013

    I REALLY want to look into LDN and Digitoxins as many women on some of my other forums take them and their naturopaths say they have never seen cancer come back while on them...

  • chef127
    chef127 Member Posts: 226
    edited September 2013


    I found a neuro who rx's LDN for MS. I have an appt on Oct 8. can't wait to try.

    What are digitoxins?

  • SelenaWolf
    SelenaWolf Member Posts: 231
    edited September 2013

    Digitoxin is a cardiac glycoside derived from foxglove (i.e., digitalis) and used to be used quite often for congestive heart failure and supraventricular tachyarrhythmia such as atrial fibrillation.  It is quite toxic with several nasty side effects including death.

  • chef127
    chef127 Member Posts: 226
    edited September 2013


    Thanx for that detailed explanation for Digitoxin. My heart and cardio sys is in good shape. Don't think I'll go there....Death, the only CURE for MS and BC


  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748
    edited September 2013

    Joellelee can you take Dr Wong as well as Aromasin or something?  I imagine not......

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited September 2013

    Yikes on the digitoxin! I wonder how it is thought to help against cancer.

    ETA: Here is a recent study that investigated the possible use of digitoxin in certain cancers. Maybe it will prove useful, but it sounds like there is still much work to be done:

  • SelenaWolf
    SelenaWolf Member Posts: 231
    edited September 2013

    Momine... I hope so too, but - right now - although there is some evidence that digitoxins seem to block apoptosis in certain cell lines (i.e., uro-kidney, prostate), there doesn't seem to be much information on their ability to affect breast cell lines.  There is some evidence that women taking digitoxins for heart issues seem to develop lower grade breast cancers than women not taking digitoxins, there are too many variables in the population observed to determine if there is a direct causal effect.  More studies need to be done, given the dangerous toxic potential of digitoxins if taken improperly and without medical supervision.

  • jojo68
    jojo68 Member Posts: 336
    edited September 2013

    Lily, I think you would be able to combine that w/ Wong's him!  He is awesome!  He just offered to bring me back some authentic Pau Darco fom Japan next month!

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited September 2013

    Oh my gosh! I am so excited to find this post!  I have been on this site for awhile and was starting to feel alone in my questioning of treatment recomendations.  It seems from all the other posts I have read nearly everyone has just done what the doctors told them to do (maybe I have been in the wrong posts though).  Anyway I am all about getting recommendations then researching all the alterntives and making an informed decision about what is best for me.  I think sometimes cancer survivors forget they have a choice - it is their body. 

    I will try to be breif about my story - at age 29 I found a lump  - my mother passed passed away from BC at age 46 so I was pretty into checking myself (I did insist on early mammograms but they did not find it).  My tumor was 1.5 cm - estrogen and progesteron positive - all lymph nodes were clear (they took 10-12).   I researched and decided that a lumpectomy and hormone treatment was best for me.  The surgeon called me a few times and begged me to get a double masectomy and do chemo but I stood firm (I did cry - I won't lie).  I had this cancer 12 years ago with no recurrance and it is considered 100% cured. 

    Here is what I learned from that experience - doctors are human and can not know everything (I heard so many wrong things back then from doctors) AND you are your own best health adovocate.   It baffles my mind that people would just accept a doctors word and not check into it at least.    I am 12 years out am now have a new cancer in the opposite breast.   I mistakenly got genetic testing done in 2004 because my sisters mentioned possibly wanting the test and they need my profile to compare to BUT they have never gotten tested.  All of a sudden I am a genetic freak per the doctors and they want me to get my ovaries and breasts removed and of course do chemo.   From the MRI and other tests I have 2 tumors - both under 2 cm and no lymph nodes affected.   I am prepared at this time to have the masectomy surgery because to be honest the mammo is not helping me (ALSO my breast cancer marker a month ago was NORMAL! so that isn't working).   I am open to preventative measures for the ovarian cancer but my gene mutation is much lower in the ovarian cancer risk than the other mutation (I have BRCA2 NOT BRAC1) all the stats are different everywhere but it ranges from under 10% to around 25% (I have no family history of OC either).   I am skipping chemo again as well because I saw the horrors it does to your body with my mother and for now they can't prove it has spread outside the breast. 

    I am so excited to read all these posts here and get some other ideas.  I was seriously starting to feel like aall alone for not just following doctors orders but my mother did and she still passed away so I think that stuck with me. 

  • HLB
    HLB Member Posts: 740
    edited September 2013

    Welcome hjpz! Yes, if you are looking for alternative then you must have been in the wrong section. I like to check the alt as well as the holistic/complimentary so I don't miss anything. There are so many alternatives out there that its hard to know what to do or what to believe will work and what I'd just BS. It seems to me even the BS usually has a SOME truth in it, but you do have to do SO MUCH research and it helps to have this place where others are doing some of it as well. I had bc 9 years ago, BMX, chemo, but did not do tamox. About one year ago I was dx'd with spinal mets, still doing well though, and doing DR tx as well as some alt tx. Its sad about you mom passing so younf from this awful dz. I was 41 and now 50 planning on at least 30 more years :-). Your sisters really should get their genetic testing. Its good you got it...the more info we have the better!

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited September 2013

    Glad you found us hipz.  You'll find a lot of information on this thread.  HLB is right though.  You'll have to weed through a ton of info here and on the internet before landing on just the right alternative for you.  We're all so different and respond so differently to the exact same methods and diets.  However, you found a nice safe place to ask questions and you'll likely find someone who has tried a variety of things that you might want to try yourself.  Welcome.


  • HLB
    HLB Member Posts: 740
    edited September 2013

    There is a thread called "how to decide" where someone just posted a link to an article about DIM. Its really helpful and the best explanation about how er+ and its treatment works that I have read! Check it out, very worth reading.

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited September 2013

    Thanks for the welcome ladies!  I see my oncologist Monday and will bring him of my research (medical journals only so he listens) this is what I had to do the last time and he was fairly open about it.  My treatment plan I am ok with so far is to go forward with the mastectomy and possibly birth controlpill/tubal ligation for the ovaries until I am at least no longer premen.   If my lymph nodes remain clear as they appear to be on the MRI I am skipping chemo again.   Has anyone had the oncotype test?  Is it valid?  They didn't have that my first time around so I just went with my gut/research that if your tumor is small and the lymph nodes clear (they took 10-12 last time!)- it is less likely your tumor spread.  I was wondering if that would evem be worth the time and money (it appears to cost thousands of dollars!) 

    I read through a lot of posts here last night and am fasinated by all of the different treatment approaches! Even though I have cancer again I will never regret changing my diet/lifestyle after my first diagnosis.  I am now a vegetarian that is very picky about what I put in my body.  Where I obviously can't control that my genes don't like my breast tissue I still feel my lifestyle choices can impact the rest of my body! 

  • HLB
    HLB Member Posts: 740
    edited September 2013

    Many people do get the oncotype test and I think it is covered by insurance now. It was brand new the first time I had cancer, and I had two +ln so onc said it wasn't for me and I needed chemo. I would think this would be a good test for you to have and get even more info about your cancer.