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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    UGH!!  When is procedure?? Tomorrow?? in the bag.  Drink LOTS the night before.  That is insanely long time to go with no water.   You poor vagina,,, getting a stent,,,,, I hope it is a cute one.

    So are we counting everything from time of DX?  Cuz I forgot my punch biopsy.  That was fun.

    But I had it easy compared to many of you.  You have had so many procedures!!  You are all bad ass ninja women!!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014
    I don't think I can drink anymore tonight....too sleepy. But no matter how much I drink I know I will be thirsty all day tomorrow, just because I can't drink. Eating is no big deal because I often don't eat before 2:00 anyway. Now in a perfect world I could sleep in tomorrow and just go to hospital at noon.....HA! I will be up from 6:30 to begin the daily struggle of dragging kids out of bed and to school.
    Better go to sleep now then.
    DP, I hope you have a restful sleep after your busy day. I hope you feel up to decorating your new tree soon. The kids don't want to decorate a tree because we won't be here for Xmas..Ba Humbug.
    Goodnight ladies!
  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    in the bag Andrea. You should call and ask about the fluids. Don't know if it's different because it's your kidneys but I was told the real rule is really just no fluids for 4 hours beforehand They just say midnight because it's easier. They tell everyone te same thing and some people have early appointments....

    I hope they are careful with your perfect little Kuka. As perfect as it is everything should go great! ;-)

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Oh my goodness, I am in awe of all of you and the amount of procedures you have had to endure. I got off very easy.

    DP, the fluid becomes Gelee? Really and she didn't feel the need to elaborate on that? I feel the need to Bitch Slap this one!

    Take more hydracodone, sure that'll do it! I am sorry, they have to do better than this. I hope you can get all your questions down on paper and I'll come over and tie her up till you have all the answers, to all your questions.....geesh!

    I am in the bag for you Andrea, I know this is just so wrong, but....will be thinking of your poor VJJ tomorrow. You'll do fine!

    M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Hahaha Spookiesmom!

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited December 2014

    Waving to everyone xx. Have been reading everyday, I reply to you all as I am reading, sometimes I forget that I haven't actually typed out a response!

    In the bag, Andrea, hope it goes well. Do you stay in hospital? I am surprised at how many of you girls are in and out after a procedure. I usually stay in as long as I can, because I know I will need/want to do a million things at home, and not rest.

    DP, what is the trial you are doing? I think I missed the details. I hope Abraxane is good to you, it got me to NED the first time, so I wish the same for you. Xx

    My "stuff" since diagnosis goes something like:

    2 mammos

    11 ultrasound guided core biopsies

    1 lumpectomy

    Single mastectomy

    5 fine needle aspirations

    3 PET scans

    10 CT scans

    10 bone scans

    2 MRI's

    7 echocardiograms

    4 MUGA scans

    15 rad sessions

    22 chemo infusions

    46 Herceptin infusions (and counting)

    It just keeps on giving, doesn't it?

    Just off to make some jam in my Thermomix before bed. I am absolutely loving it!

    Take care, won't be away so long next time. :) xxxxxxxx. Love you girls xxxxxxxx

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    We are at 100 pages long, and M is at 5000 posts!!   We are a chatty bunch!!

    Survived first night of Prozac, no weird side effects, so that's good.  It's a start, anyway. Still hot flashing of course, cuz it will take a while to start working.

    Damn, Dawny,, that's a lot of shit you've done!  Completely sucks.

    And I want to know about this gelee stuff too. What is up with that?  Would heat help to break it back to liquid and then it could be sucked out?   Agree with M..  take the hydrocodone!

    In the bag for Andrea and her perfect Kuka.  still think not drinking water for that long is ridiculous.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014


    LOL I knew you would "get it"

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    That was funny, Spooks.  I wonder if kilts are an everyday thing for some men in Scotland. Seems like it would be too cold for that.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    Not 100% sure, but I think so. DD has been there 3 times, says she has seen men in kilts. Only cold if they go "regimental". They are wool

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    100 pages and 5000 posts. Wow! Break out the chocolate!

    In the bag Andrea. They tell me the same thing for scan but the tech said 4 hours. So it's four hours for me tomorrow. Also heard you can chew pine needles if you're thirsty.

    Don't like the sound of gelee either. Why didn't they remove it sooner? Would a pain patch give you more relief than pills? Be sure and take those softeners. When do you get to see the head trial doc?

    I am very impatient. Don't know I would have be polite at Joann's. But yes half the battle is getting ready and out the door. Our tree isn't decorated yet either. Nor cards mailed.

    BG went to the potty all by herself last night and in the middle of the night! Didn't even know until I heard her flush. Boy brought home an empty pez dispenser as a prize. Don't ask, I don't know. It's strange. So she will get her own dispenser and some candy!

    I'll have to work on my stats. That was just 2014.

    In the bag tomorrow for Bobo's preop? Glennie's on Thursday. My scan tomorrow. MO on Thursday. Busy week! Anyone else? When do go back DP?

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    'Oh, I am Andrea, my vagina is so petite, my urethra likes to play peek a boo! peek a boo! I just hope those behemoths who handle my perfect hairless kuka know what they are doing, because I am like a hand model, except with my vagina.'

    In the bag, Andrea! I can't believe the 2:15 start time. That's completely brutal. What do they expect you to do? I'd have to go into the hospital early for caffeine withdrawal. I don't even have sx unless I am the first one up!

    Hi DP! **waving** There would be no JoAnn fabric in New York, where I lived for years with DLLP. Because New Yorkers would shoot all the JoAnn fabric workers, and then there would be looting of the store, and then the store would have to be closed down.

    Pre-op tomorrow! DLLP is going to play bad cop, I am going to be good cop.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Zills: Hurray for BG!!! This is the start of something good!Pine needles eh? Guess I will go forage in our yard...yes I am that desperate!! Lol

    Bobo: you nut! Sounds a bit like V envy to me. Just saying!

    Spookie: Hilarious cartoon! Reminds me of the time I was at a petting farm and the restrooms were marked "Boar" and "Sow" and for the life of me I couldnt remember which was female. Lol. I waited until someone finally came out to tell.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    'Oh, I'm Andrea's vagina, and I am insulted by these restroom signs! I do not resemble in the least either the vagina of a boar or a sow! I demand to speak with someone about this!'

    Hi Dawny! **waving** I was just thinking of you. My, that's a mighty list! We are all badasses.

    I maintain that I will not be able to assemble mine. For example, I have had countless mammos. Countless. When they first 'found' the (giant) lump (my PCP would not give me mammo prescription, said it was fine, until it grew so much I could see it, then she gave prescription, but for the wrong breast, and then she went out of town, and I couldn't get the prescription fixed for some time, took eight months to get all of this straightened out) I had about one million mammos. One at the local, and then three or four at the big hospital, if you count the placement of the wire. Wait. That also came with a u/s.

    And then my 'close watch' had alternating mammos and MRIs -- but they would always see something on the mammo, which would lead to a u/s, and more appts, and then the MRI time would be upon me already, and then the right breast didn't get done so there would be a right breast mammo.

    There is no way I could count. And that is just mammos. I believe I have had seven punch biopsies, a partial mx, an 11 cm lumpectomy (does that count as a biopsy?). And then, more surgeries even than that.

    In the bag for Glennie and Z!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    I reply to myself. Forgot to say that yes, Andrea, I am totally jealous of your tiny hairless petite vagina! I believe several of us are! I thought this went without saying :)

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    I'm totally jealous of Andreas petite hairless vagina. And they better treat it right today. Bobo as the voice of Andreas tiny vagina cracks me up.

    I wondered the same about heat glennie and also in my mind we should get it out before it becomes gelee. Is that too common sense? I guess I can go whenever I want but I was trying to wait a bit longer. It's not really a pleasant process. NP did say that my breath sounds on left were not good. Maybe at the end of the week.

    Hi dawny! My trial is abraxane with a drug called anakinra. It is a current treatment for RA. It's an anti inflammatory. Theory is that it will decrease fatigue and possibly boost effectiveness of chemo. I have to give myself injections of it every day for six months. What flavor jam are you making?

    Bobo just wait until eveyone else is done with their lists and use it as a checklist. I keep remembering things after I see them on someone else's list. Totally forgot about the fine needle aspiration after my bmx. That is an awful story. 8 months to get things figured out. Ridiculous!

    Yay BG! She's probably had the whole process down all along. Just enjoys the cojoling (sp?). Which scan is this? Are they spreading them out for max anxiety effect or what?

    Andrea I am laughing out loud at stating at the sow and boar signs. I have totally had that moment of hesitation with those stupid signs. And it really sucks when you really gotta go! They totally should not use those where people are drinking.

    I have GI dr tomorrow and I think that is it for the week. Back to NP next weds. Last night was looong. Between mylittle naps IWatched two whole movies and two partial. Never saw Frozen before. It was cute. Going to try to accomplish something today. Still laying in bed though. 1-2-3.....

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    can anyone tell me who the hell these Chrisley people are and why they are all over my tv? Should I know this? Where did they come from and why do we care? I so don't want to google it. Anyone?

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    I think he is some kind of preacher, DP, but I don't know much about it. Is he gay? Why is he married? Is he tan? Why is he that color?

    I cannot wait for 'Girlfriend's Guide to Divorce' tonight. I hope it is good!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    I reply to myself. I just hate your NP! I am going to get M to go over there and give her the dance of the humpy back spider until the NP pees her pants!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    YAY for BG!!  Going potty in the middle of the night by herself. That's a Big Girl!!

    I have only PT on Thurs!  this is good month for me.  A few PT appt's, one more check up with GYN and that's it. I'm rather excited by the lack of dicktor appt's.  My GYN is not a dicktor,, she is good and listens to me, so that doesn't count. Started the Prozac last night, so I can report to her about it when I had appt. Really hoping it helps with the HF,,, or maybe it will calm my grumpy mood,,, or both!  It could be a win-win! 

    Andrea today, Bobo preop tomorrow.  DLLP playing bad cop!  Excellent!  Z:  scan tomorrow, MO Thurs. DP: GI dicktor tomorrow.   Check. We have a busy week, hopping from bag to bag, but we can do it cuz we are bad ass ninjas.

    Bobo: you crack me up as Andrea's kuka's voice.  

    I've seen Setters and Pointers on bathroom doors with dog pictures. Agree that there should not be confusing signs like that in bars with drunk people.

    DP:  Will you get drained this week?  do not like the comment about your breath sounds on the left. **if NP doesn't like it, DO something about it**

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    z have I ever told you how Toby sits back on his butt and I say he looks just like a bear? I showed that picture to bond and it looks just like bear Toby. Thank you for my card.

    I made it out of bed. Aren't you proud of me!?

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    I am super-proud! Bobo and I are in bed while I am grading essays. I am so lucky to do this. Have am pre-op, work all day tomorrow with no break, then pm anaesthesia pre-op. So lucky to lay low today.

    Don't clean too much, DP!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    DP:  I am proud of you for being out of bed.  

    Bobo:  I am proud of you for being IN bed, even tho grading papers,, it is probably still somewhat restful. Busy day tomorrow.  Boo.

    2:22,,, wonder what Andrea and her kuka are doing now?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Hello ladies! I couldn't resist it, I had to see who the Chrisleys are, OMG, he's a self made millionaire who rules his family with and iron fist and micromanages their lives! Mmmm, mmmm, I don't think so, who the heck watches that shit? He is a weird color, sort of like pancake makeup for dancing in the 60's!

    Gosh, I am going to be doing some bag hopping, I have bought a couple of dozen bottles of that half strength alcohol, wine I like, so that's what we are going to be drinking for the next couple of days girls.

    BG, got up and peed during the night! Clapping and Woo Hooing over here, Good Girl!

    Bobo, your talking for Andrea's VJJ is fabulous we should pitch it as an idea for a reality show, animated of course, I doubt we could talk Andrea into starring in person, you could become hugely famous as the voice of a tiny VJJ, what do you think, too much?

    I am happy to come to do the Humpyy Back, I am just constantly amazed at the fucking inaction by these Dicktors.

    Yes, some Scots do wear a kilt, most of the time. I believe they're actually very warm. My Mother used to send me to school in a kilt, with a Grouse Claw pin, which is the dismembered claw of a big bird. Is it any wonder that the Aussie kids wouldn't have anything to do with me? I had to have lunch with the Greek kid who was also ostracized, for some reason. We used to arrive at school with a Deli in our lunchboxs and the other kids had a peanut butter sandwich. We used to swap great food together and my Dad eventually told my Mother to ease off with the kilt and the claw!

    I am working in the Craft center today, for 3 hours, that will be interesting!

    Whew Dawny, that's a huge list! How did the jam go in the Thermomix? Just trying to work out how I can get my Figs to you! I have people who come for buckets full, to make jam, when they are ripe.

    Well I am waving to everyone and just about to get ready for my shift at the center...catch you later...M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Laughing at M's description of herself as a child in a kilt! Dawny, how do you make that jam? Are you using chia? I am extremely curious.

    I don't want wine, thank you, I will stick with GF beer and green tea. Actually I am not having much beer -- I haven't felt well this week, I think I am overdoing it and fighting one of the million viruses my students have. In a few days I will be on two-week lockdown and unable to have any green tea or vitamins (or protein shake!) so I am trying to get it all in while I can. I must say I am tired of being controlled.

    M, I would be glad to provide the voice of Andrea's kuka in your new show. I think it will be a big hit in AUS. Just a few hours ago I was in the shower, thoroughly washing my own AUS fanny in preparation for my appt with the PS (Why? you ask. He does not see your vagina, does he? But he can sort of strip you down when you least expect it to check fat stores), and I was thinking about our Andrea, wondering how she is doing. I hate having things done to my urethra, I had what seems like hundreds of catheters in the hospital. Hard to believe it was a year ago. It seems like twenty minutes.

    M! How are you doing craft duty? Aren't you in the middle of a flare up? How are you feeling?

    And DP, what did you get done? Did you start a fight over at JoAnn Fabric today? I made pumpkin soup with apples and 'kindergarten rice' (which is basmati rice with indian spices, colored yellow with turmeric) for when the kids come home. XXX

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    what an entertaining group you all are!

    No I will not star in my own reality show...but my "Kuka" is already practising signing autographs.Hmmm, who could play me in the film version?? Maybe Sandra Bullock or Melissa Mc Carthy...they are so funny.

    Procedure was a piece of cake.Only complaint was for the sadistic bastard who squeezed a quart of ice cold Ultra sound gel on my back without warning!!! Made me nearly leap off the table.

    I Am home in bed now. ANd have my doting children even come in once to check on me? Not a chance. I think I might break down and take a pain killer though.

    good for you DP getting out bed and Bobo going to bed.

    Dawny, I am so jealous of your Thermamix!!

    I also hate when they put the signs for male and female on the doors. I dont want to think when I have to go.

    Ariom, my friends mother makes these delicious Arabic cookies with figs in the center. Yum.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Sadistic bastard! What shall we plan for him?

    Consider yourself lucky, Andrea, that your children have not come to check on you! Enjoy the peace and quiet! Mine come home in twenty minutes.

    I hope you are feeling better! XOXO

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Oh, Bobo, don't be getting sick now, not when it's so close to being over. Haha I love that you prepare your Aussie fanny for any surprise exposure.

    I hear you about stuff being done to your urethra, did I really just say that? We talk about the strangest things. I used to have almost permanent Cystitis, just stepping onto a cold floor could wring out m sensitive bladder. I found a fantastic Urologist that someone had recommended and he did a procedure called something like a cystotomy (s) where they scraped out the bladder, which was one thing but when I woke up there was obviously something, not feeling right. I reached down and found that there was something that felt like a pillow stuffed up the next available orifice. Yep, the Aussie fanny! I called the nurse and she told me they do that to lift the bladder and hold it in place for the surgery. Well, the real kicker was when they came to take it out. It was like one of those bad magic shows where the Magician just keeps pulling scarves from up his sleeve, except it was my Aussie fanny! It was terribly embarrassing at the time, but hysterical now!

    Well, I am off to do duty at the Craft Center, yep I do have a flare, but I promised I would help out. I can't see it being a busy morning and I can sit at the desk in there. I am going to take my cards to write, because the ladies do their craft whhile on shift, but I can't be bothered packing up beads and balls to make Sun Catchers while I am there. Catch you later...M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    YAY!  Andrea and her kuka are home!!  And procedure was piece of cake.  Vanilla cake?  How exciting that she is practicing signing autographs, getting ready for the red carpet.  Rest and enjoy the pain killers.

    Back to work,, they just upped our quota,,,,, Goddess & Buddha help me. This will separate the adults from the children,,,,, I expect terminations after the first of the year.


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Andrea, you're home, and OK, so glad to hear that before I have to go out!

    Geesh Glennie, upping your quota? I don't think I understand just what you do. Terminations, that's scary, seems you hear of people being laid off all the time. Where Bec works, which is a Government office, has almost ground to a halt, because there have been so many leaving, taking redundancy packages and natural ebb and flow. Gotta run...M x