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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    What does it mean to up the quota? M, that story about the pillow and your AUS fanny was hilarious and disgusting! You don't fool us. You can talk about urethras with the best of them. In fact, I'll bet you and Bill spent many a pleasant hour trying to 'one-up' one another with your filthy scatological references. While eating paper-thin slices of charcuterie off of one another's glistening bodies. Thank the goddess our Hillary did not catch the two of you. How is your flare?

    Andrea, what are you having for dinner? And what is your vagina having? Can't wait to hear what your husband made for dinner!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    We have a quota of 60 orders/hr.  After the first of the year, they are increasing it to 74 orders/hr.  That is huge increase.  Some people will just not make it,, like my completely clueless weekend partner, who is not making the current quota. The supervisor has been nice enough to string her along,,, for almost 2 years!!,,, but now we have new director and he is cracking the whip.  Unless she really picks it up,,, it's a matter of when she goes,, not if.

    The bad thing about quotas is:  sometimes there is just no work!!  Especially the weekends,,, they can be really slow. And you are sitting, staring at screen, waiting for work to pop up,, or me,, commenting over here !!  But they do not care if there is no work.  You have quota to meet.  So on busy days, you really have to pump it up to compensate for the slower days.

    M: I'm a pharmacist who works from home. I have a computer supplied by my company. I log into a secure network and access the orders remotely, and then process them.  The theory behind this, is that you are home and it's quieter and you have less distractions for your work,,, and make less mistakes!  You can also service more than one hospital at a time too. I am trained (almost) to do 4 of them. Still picking up speed on the 4th. My primary hospital is the one here in Gainesville, where I used to work on-site.   So we have a quota,, cuz how else could they tell you are working? You could be sitting here talking about pretty  kukas and not process ing orders. So we have a quota.

    It's been a great job for me.  Home with my dog, dressed in shorts and flip-flops.  Do not have to put up with the drama of those co-workers anymore.  (did that for 8 years)  I have a great supervisor!  Very supportive of my health and other issues that have popped up.

    Bobo:   to read your posts is just like reading a good novel. I am envious of your language skills and vocabulary.

    M: how is your flare?

    Andrea:  what are you and your vagina having for dinner??   (OMG, that cracked me up!!)


  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    OMG. Sixty orders an hour is a order a minute! How could someone do 74? It's madness! Plus you have to actually do more, since you have to make up for slower times. I am sure your supervisor will be able to track the slower times, won't she? **worried**

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    She can track them,, and I always email her.  **the weekend was SOOOO SLOW***   But it doesn't matter. You must make quota.  I am actually amazed that they have kept my weekend partner for so long. Cuz she is really bad. She is slow and makes errors.  You must be fast and minimal errors.  We are graded on that too.  

    I am ok on quota.  This is my old hospital and I know it really really well.  It's been harder learning the other places, but I'm getting there. Fortunately, since no one wants my lovely 330 - midnight shift,,, I get my old place most of the time! But I have to start covering the other places on weekends now. Good times.

    I tell ya,, the best thing I ever did, was take typing in high school. At the time, I never dreamed I'd be a pharmacist,, but damn, these typing skills have come in VERY handy. 

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014
    I spoke too soon. yowzers! Had an attack. The nurse in recovery told me to take Tylenol and Ibuprofen for pain. Dr prescribed Hydrocodone (hey DP we can take it drug buddies). I have to wait for Tyelenol to wear off before I can take it. Sitting in bed with a heating pad. I think it is helping. Terrified of having another attack.
    My motto is This Too Shall Pass...kind of fitting this time. Lol.

    My friend brought us dinner tonight. She made a pork loin, mashed potatoes and peas (found the peas after dinner, oops). I was really hungry and it hit the spot. She spoils me!

    My husband does cook...but everything is saturated in I usually pass.
  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014
    Hey Glennie, can you just work weekdays instead? Then no worry about slow weekend quotas?
    I used to work 4:30-midnight. I loved that shift! It gave me all day with my kids,(hubby watched them after work) and I could get a lot done during the day and I was always awake late anyway. I worked for Comcast in their billing dept. It was fun! Made lots of friends and got to knit or crochet between calls. Sweet!
  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014


    You had attack,, what kind of attack??  Spasm??  Is your kuka ok??  I have hydrocodone too,, we can all be drug buddies!!  Nice of your friend to bring dinner.


    Everyone has to work every other weekend.   Hospitals are 24/7/365.  But it was a nice thought!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Yes Glenniey robably was a spasm. Better now. Good thing since hubby cant find a pharmacy that has Hydrocodone in stock.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Is he calling on the phone?  They will never tell you on the phone for fear of robbery.  All the people abusing it make it so much harder for those of us who need it for pain.  Is there a pharmacy next to your local hospital?  Like we have a CVS right next to my hospital,, and they are used to getting ER type of RX's.   I would suggest trying one of those,, if you have one nearby.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    He found some at Walgreens. He drove around. Luckily we have four pharmacies under a mile away. He is a good egg when I am sick.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    YAY!!  Glad you will get some pain relief.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    glad your getting drugs Andrea. Hopefully you don't have another attack. You should take one anyway and not wait for the pain to hit. They are probably low dose.

    Crap I just remembered I have to give myself a stupid shot. Grrrrr. Better set an alarm on my phone.

    Glennie if you had less coworkers, would that give you less slow times?

    Want to sleep now. Have after a cry tired eyes feeling. Had a blow out with grandpa. Well not really. When I get mad I cry. Then I get mad that I'm crying and so the cycle goes. Anyhow. He made me so mad with his being ridiculously unreasonable and about to lose yet another house over stupidity. It's all fine now but it's made me tired. And if I start thinking about it I get mad all over again.

    I forgot to take a picture of the tree when there was light so you could actually see the ornaments but here it is with white lights. Still no star. Bond swears he will climb the junk mountain this week for it.


  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    and this is what it looks like from the breakfast room. Dogs are pretty mad that I blocked the doorway.


  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    The tree is beautiful! DP, are you okay? Mad at your GPs for Fing up the houses. And Andrea! Are you okay? I know how that feels to worry about more pain. I so hope you are pain-free now! Report in in the morning. X

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    DP: the tree is beautiful!!! Great job!!  Sorry Grandparents are upsetting you.  They need to find a stinking house, already.   

    Your theory about less coworkers, less slow time has validity. Not sure what management will do. I try to suggest things,,,, sometimes it works.

    Andrea:  you got pain med on board?  If not, take one. Get a good night's sleep pain-free.   That is free advice from Dr Glennie.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    No pain meds here. Just Xanax. Took a whole one tonight so I can sleep. Maybe for six hours? No kids? No cat?

    Hope Andrea and bobo and glennie and DP sleep well too. Pain and anxiety are not good bed partners.

    BG. Every time she was sent to bed. "I don't feel gooooood". Wonder where that comes from. Boy does better at staying in bed and falls asleep first. Currently he is sound asleep under the bed. Doesn't believe in pjs, blanket about 1/2. Waiting on DH to drag him out.

    Sorted toys and cleaned their closets. Mine a wreck but presents hiding in there. Dug out kid ornaments but haven't had time.

    Tonight was Zumba and kids went with me. Had a picnic in the car with chicken nuggets. Shower, homework, bed.

    Tomorrow night going to go see the lights and trains at the horse park. Annual tradition.

    Let the craziness begin. Something almost every night. Glad appts this week.

    DP. Can you go to a suana or hot tub or hot yoga class to get gelee more fluid before it's aspirated? Please don't wait. Our local y allows drop ins.

    One of my meds is hurting my tummy. Guess I should have had more dinner.

    DP. I had that lovely GI test. Piece of cake compared to rest of your list. In the bag. M

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    forgot to ask. Bobo did you go commando? Didn't have clean laundry last I heard. image

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014


    Reappropriated from fuzzy thread.

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited December 2014

    arggh, losing posts, weird things happening, including not being able to paragraph, like bobo! Zills, why are you having scans? I thought you had moved out, to longer spaces between scans? Glad you went ok Andrea, but listen to Dr Glennie and take something.. Posting...

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited December 2014

    DP, my jam was strawberry, only flavour I have tried so far, bobo, no thickeners or additives, only fresh strawberries, raw sugar ( amount as you like it) and vanilla extract, whizzed, done in 18 mins, easy. M, I had to laugh about the figs, have you heard of FIGJAM?, stands for F*ck I'm Good Just Ask Me! Lol. Saw a roofing company with this name, wouldn't go with them. Stupid typing, posting....

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    oh my gosh z. I lived by that diagram for the last 18 years. True story.

    Was told to never do sauna or hot tub because of LE. But I guess is rather have LE than lung jello. Nothing wrong with sleeping under the bed. Lol

    Gonna try sleeping. Back in an hour or so I'm sure.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    strawberry jam I my favorite. Gma made blackberry too this year which was really good.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Haha Dawny, I hadn't heard that one, but I will be using it now!

    Just got back from y Craft Store shift, it wasn't bad. The lady I was with was very nice and friendly and we just chatted away, as the hours flew past. I was pretty stiff and sore when I got up to leave, The flare isn't too bad, but I am still stiff from sitting too long.

    DP, that tree is just beautiful, star or no star! Oh Shit I am sorry the Grands are still upsetting you. I hate to think of you angry and crying, I get it, but I wish they would get sorted out it's getting a bit silly now isn't it?

    Glennie, it sounds like you could do it all yourself without the co worker. I used to prefer the 4pm- close down shift, at the TV station, but it depended on the length of the late movie, sometimes wouldn't get off till after 2am I loved having the days free, and the penalties after midnight were pretty good!

    Andrea, I hope you get the pain under control, is that the blasted stone dust being excreted? Have a good sleep!

    Zills, you never stop! I love the boy under the bed!

    Did I tell you that Bec's ex got married last weekend? I have been in damage control, she wouldn't have him back if you paid her, but it was still a bit of a shock. I hate to see any of you, or Bec upset. I have tried to make as many disparaging comments about him as I can, to get her laughing. It's working some of the time! M x

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    DP, Your tree is gorgeous! What a lot of work - I'm so impressed.

    Poor Bec. Even if you don't want them it's hard to see them go elsewhere. It's like all those things that seem nicer in retrospect than they did while they were happening.

    Hoping everyone gets a good night's sleep. I woke up at 5am to go to the bathroom and never got back to sleep. Right now I'm not sleepy at all.

    Zills, DS was hyperactive and would never go to bed. All of a sudden it would be quiet and we would find him laying in the hall sound asleep with a car in his hand. He gave up naps at 3 months. Good thing for him he was very sweet and hard to be mad at.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    slept three hours. Alright! Super sleepy trying to keep my eyes closed but it's hard. Glad work was pleasant m.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    Beautiful tree DP, just love it! hope you are still in a sweet slumber. I have not slept well in years, wish I was young again and could sleep the full 12 hours like when I was a teenager.. wait really dont want to be a teen again but would love the sleep. I have said that a woman is not meant to have a good sleep after being a mother and or married.. first tending to babies, then sick toddlers, teenagers staying out beyong curfew, then comes the hot flashes, hubby snoring or up all night peeing!! Well there is my life! Wishing you a peaceful day DP and sure hoping the grands get things together!

    Ariom, give Bec a big hug from me!

    Wren, I can relate to your ds as our 2nd was about the same.

    I am so far behind reading everything but hello to everyone.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    Meant to say good luck with scans Zills. Andrea, hope the pain is gone for you too. Hugs to all.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    No pain today thankfully. But I feel loopy today. I'm not supposed to drive for 24 hours. Lazy day.

    How is everyone doing today? Thinking of those having appts today! !

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    YAY for no pain, Andrea.   Checking in too. How is everyone??

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Morning all! Glad you're not having pain today,, Andrea. Take it easy and have some rest, you'll be back into full swing again soon.

    I am feeling much better today, the good thing about my RA flare, is that it doesn't hang around as long as it did when I was young. I always thought it would get worse, but thankfully no!

    You're right Wren, I had another loooong phone call with Bec last night, with her going over and over all the what if's and why's. He was such a jerk and she just enabled him. I had to bring out the big guns and remind her of all the shitty stuff he did, not what I wanted to do, but had to get her to stop being in LaLa land. It's so tough, when it's your daughter and she's hurting.

    Got all my cards done and posted last night and have finished most of the clear out stuff here. I have the Pink Ladies Christmas meeting on Friday, so I have to cook some finger food for that and possibly go to to the big market on Sunday, depending on how hot it is, to sell more raffle tickets. I just can't get my head around having to lug those huge baskets of makeup down there, in case all the lipsticks and pencils melt in the heat, so undecided about that. No more meetings till Feb, so time is my own. Will order all the seafood this week. Don't know how Colin will be after his surgery, so it's good to not have too much on, so I can focus on him if I have to.

    So sorry for those of you, who have trouble sleeping. I used to be out like a light and sleep heavily all night. Have gotten used to Colin having to turn in the night, and can get back to sleep after that now.

    I am going to the Opp Shop, hopefully my friend will be there today, she has just spent a few days in Hospital having the fluid drained from her stomach, like DP. I think she said it was 4 liters over 3 days. I doubt she will be there, but hopefully she is feeling better this week.

    So I am off to the shower, looks like it will rain again today, I will check back later...M x