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  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Checking in on our Princess.  Still having flashing lights??  *concerned*

    Thank  you for the MD story.  Just "hysterical" that she will cook special food for Cougar and not for you.  Surely it is because you are "making up" your allergies for attention, right?  Glad you had a nice dinner on the new dishes!

    I have no drunk relative stories,, cuz I was not around mine!  Friends ate merrily at Best Western grand buffet. Ate ourselves silly. Sharon had 4 desserts!! She will be on sugar buzz for the rest of the day. I restrained myself, knowing that I had to report to work and stay awake until midnight. However, still in turkey stupor. Belly bloated.  

    Will be here until midnight,, hoping for more turkey tales.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    I am also thankful for all of you here. You guys always brighten my day

    Managed to eat a few bites of dinner. Wasn't able to eat any of my birthday cake. I get to request a special dessert every year since we celebrate my birthday in thanksgiving. Asked for carrot cake this year. It looked good. Had a nice time after pain meds kicked in an helped my back a little. Uncles wife did a nice job with grandmas help.

    Sending bond to Home Depot in the morning in hopes of getting the Xmas tree that I missed out on last year. Hope I didn't jinx myself by stopping at big lots on the way home and buying all new ornaments for it.

    If you need a shot of precious, cause for paws is on Fox right now. I love hound dogs and their wrinkled feet.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    no drunken relatives, we had reservations for 3, was a VERY nice meal, as good as I would have done. Glad I didn't need to put up with DDs inlaws. I feel like a turkey, stuffed

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    No drunken relatives here either. DD cooked the turkey, 2 kinds of stuffing, 2 fake cheesecakes (much healthier and just as tasty). DH made green beans (Chinese recipe, didn't go with the other food imho), brussels sprouts, mashed cauliflower, mashed potatoes, gravy, and a pumpkin pie made with stevia. DD has diabetes and controls it with a very low carb diet, hence some of the duplicate dishes. She did eat some carbs, but was very restrained considering the occasion. I like the cauliflower instead of potatoes, so stuck to that. They're just a vehicle for the gravy anyway. I'm really proud of DD for taking charge of her diabetes. There were a couple of years when I wanted to do an intervention because she was really scaring me. I suggested she think about a food blog because she has invented some really good food while keeping carbs low. Who knew chia seeds are practically carb free?

    In case your wondering, my contribution was cleaning before, during and after. We do not have a dishwasher, but SIL helped with those.

    It was fun and I could go to bed right now, I'm so tired.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    I would be interested in DD's recipes, as I try to eat low carb too.  What did she think about the food blog idea?

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    She sounded pretty interested. I'll try to get some recipes out of her and you can try them. She tends toward exotic food. Her DH is Asian and she can also cook Arabic and Indian. American, not so much.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    sounds like a great time wren and good food.

    I finally got a new tree! Yaaaay! I was so disappointed last year because bond and I both had to work early and I couldn't get anyone else to go to Home Depot for me. They had a Martha Stewart prelit 7.5' tree, normally $200 for $78. Bond has always had a small tree. One of those entry way ones that I got him at his apartment. It is very elegant but I thought it might be time for a big one. Was excited to see that Home Depot had the same tree again this year. Bond said he would go before work. He thought he was just going to "stop by sometime today" and get one. Hahaha. I educated him this morning because I suspected that he didn't understand and he grumbled about how wrong I was. There would be no crowd at HD. And for a tree? Ppphbbt. But he grumbled out the door at 4:30 anyway. He came back telling me how right I was and the story of how he barely got a tree and about the guy trying to take it out of his hands. Lol. Amateur. Got new decorations at big lots last night so it's a good thing we actually got the tree. Hopefully feel like putting it up later. Not too good right now. Took pain pills three times today. Normally they help me sleep but I can't now.

    What is everyone doing today?

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    Bond is great. Glad you got your tree. I have a gc to farmers mkt so hoping for a live one. I love the smell. Have a cheap, short fake one.

    No drunken stories, no epi pen pecan stories. Thank goodness. How is the princess? What are the dishes like?

    Sisters got emotional over granny's stuff that we still have to go thru. Hurt feelings. Damper on the party but DH saved the day. Everyone had the opportunity to either ride or drive in the car. Nothing like a little speed to perk up ones day.

    Shopped. Got home at midnight. Still wish I had brought home the air hockey table. Have no idea where to put it. Everyone done except the boy.

    Need to hide gifts, wrap gifts, go to post office and address cards plus the usual laundry, toy pickup, sweep the dog hair. And get the kids from my sisters and he has swimming lessons. Probably sneek in a nap and do none of the above drudgery.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Exotic food is good!  My BFF loves to experiment too.

    YAY for Bond for getting the tree!!   I'm so glad that you got the one you want. Hoping the pills kick in and the pain subsides so you can decorate.

    I love air hockey!  It is so much fun.

    M: the suncatcher is sending rainbows of color all over the room. It's so pretty.

    It's 36 here, and Ava and I decided only a short walk for you. She has been fed and I'm working on breakfast. Then I think I'll go online and see if anything I want to shop for. Shoulder is really bothering me today. Maybe some heat will help. It's really annoying.  Will make my Thanksgiving food today, heat up cooked turkey, make Stove top stuffing, so that I have food for the weekend.  Working all 3 evenings.

    Bobo:  How is the Princess?

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014

    Princess is good and arguing with DLLP because she does not want her hair done. Her hair is a fright night.


    The permissive and inconsistent DLLP: I am not pulling your hair. I am simply combing it.

    I have insisted she get the full treatment: rinse hair in sink, Wen two times, then four pumps of Wen, then other hair creams -- but I am hearing now that DLLP is not doing it. This is why her hair is such a fright. OMG. It's just a terrible mess, it has always been thus.

    She went to sleep okay last night and we checked her a lot. Sweet darling. I love her so much.

    Z: Dishes are real, they are Pfaltzgraff (?). Cream colored, with nothing in the center and holly leaves and berries on the edges. Yesterday I just pretended they were cranberries. I got them at Ross dress for less -- only a set of four. And I got the S and P shakers! And little spoon rests! Oh, they are great! And THEN I had gone to this great charity shop -- I had never been before, I never have time to do those things -- and they have side dishes and they had matching mugs! The side dishes don't match exactly -- they are just in the family -- but the mugs match exactly! OH, I am in dish heaven. It bears mentioning that we don't even have a set of regular dishes -- dllp and the kids have broken so many, we have something like two plates, two bowls, some cereal bowls, etc. But we have these great Christmas dishes!

    Today, if the princess gets her hair combed, Christmas tree. We were going to get a sale one at lowe's. But I just saw in the paper that a small town is doing a 'village' -- trees, train rides, bounce house, and Santa is there. Trees are nearly three times the price! So we're going to do that one.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    Stayed home for Thanksgiving - made a pumpkin pie in the morning...ate it for breakfast/lunch (gotta love no rules!). Dinner was a chicken casserole that we love, and then daughter made brownies for a late night snack. Actually was kind of nice just the 2 of us. We played some cards and watched some TV together. As the night progressed, I decided it was time to do something about my junky I started 'jogging' around our little 800 sq. foot house. Daughter started jogging with me - we were dodging around furniture and tables and laughing so hard! One of those fun memories, and lungs were much clearer after that too .. so it was a good move. This virus has been rough cause coughing takes on a whole new meaning when you have injured chest/rib muscles and can't cough without immense pain. As God as my witness, I will never let that happen again.... I will take cough syrup at the first sign of a dry cough!

    Glad you got your tree DP. I have a beautiful 7'5" tree that is gorgeous all decked out...but I am sick of that big thing. My house is tiny and for the last few years I have really wanted a small real tree. Living room is not really conducive to a real tree since the best spot is right in front of the heating vent. Will move some furniture around and hope for the best. It might not look good, but we'll manage. The Christmas season always makes me stress so much. I really hate it. I would like to try to have a more peaceful one this year, but you know what they say.. something about only a fool believes the outcome will be different if you continue to do the same I must try and change my ways. I'm hopeful that a smaller tree will be a good start for less stress this year...because as much as I would like to...I really can't cancel Christmas. lol

    Sounds like everyone had a good Thanksgiving. I have to agree that I am thankful to have found all you nutty girls. Sometimes I wish we had a private chat room in Yahoo or Google so I could share a picture or two, or use my daughter's name without fear of being identified, but I am still grateful to have this place to hang out in. I look forward to reading your comments everyday - so thank you for being here. Oh and DP, I loved that you called Bond an 'amateur'.... you are too cute.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Bobo: glad the Princess is OK!! And your dishes sound lovely!! Have fun at the village with Santa and trees!!

    PRB: Glad you had a nice day. My Mom used to make a turkey casserole the day after Thanksgiving and I looked forward to it more than the sliced turkey. It had wild rice and sausage, in layer with the turkey, and then cream of mushroom soup poured over the top. It looked liked a gray glop but it was really tasty. Glad the jogging made you feel better!

    Can't wait to hear about everyone's trees.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    the dishes do sound pretty bobo. When I was younger, I wanted a set of holiday dishes because I had misgiven thoughts of entertaining like in the 60s. You should see the cabinets full of serving dishes and such that are still in that house. We had plenty of parties but never formal entertaining. And since I didn't have a dishwasher, I learned to use as much disposable as possible. I will live vicariously through your Holly dishes.

    No cancel in Christmas PRB! Just breathe and say screw it! Drink some hot chocolate and let what gets done get done. Make it about those simple memories with DD, like jogging around the house!

    Sorry about hurt feelings for thanksgiving z. That is usually the root of all family issues even though most won't admit it. Glad DH distracted everyone. You have a lot done already! It's not even December yet.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    Figured it out. Trying to backspace to erase sends you back to the main menu minus your post. So no more corrections.

    One Christmas, shortly after we'd moved to Seattle and were dirt poor, a woman stopped me on the street and asked if I'd heard a Buddhist phrase. She said if I chanted daily for a result, it would happen. So I figured, I'll chant for the impossible, money. My great aunt, who never even sent cards to me before, sent a card with $20.00 in it. Never sent a card after that either. We used the money to buy food for a nice Christmas dinner. We'd been living on soup for months, so this was a wonderful treat for all of us. I never chanted for anything specific again. It just seemed to involve too much power of some kind.

    My tree is a small artificial one now. We used to have big trees, then used a Norfolk Island pine for many years. A local lumber company gave out fir starts free on arbor day and DH got one. We grew it in a container and once it was about 3 ft tall, it was our tree. It froze during a unusual cold snap. DS, in Oregon, gets a permit and cuts down a tree in the forest. It's tricky because trees look so much smaller when surrounded by big ones.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Wow,, how interesting about the chant and your aunt sending money!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Good Morning, my goodness but you have all been so busy. I love the sound of the Holiday Dishes, Bobo, and I have been hoping to hear our Princess is OK. Sorry about the bad hair day! Have a great time at the Village, I love the sound of that.; Pics please if possible?

    Zills you are a dynamo, you get so much done, even if you think you don't. I understand your Sister getting emotional about going through Grandma's stuff, but it can trigger fantastic memories too. Bec and I go through the jewelery box, the pictures and such, when she comes to visit and we relive the great times and the really funny memories. My Mother was a very sophisticated lady who was the dead spitting image, of the Queen of England, but sh would do and say the funniest things, usually without even realizing how funny she was.

    Hmmm how to hide an Air Hockey table? In the barn?

    DP, all power to Bond, "What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man!" out and dragging you a tree home at 4.30 like a caveman, even if it was Martha Stewart, in a box!!!!! Yay to buying the decorations, I am so proud of you and your fabulous shopping for bargains skills! Taking the risk of not getting the tree, but having the decos, as we call them....that's priceless! Just what I would have done too LOL

    Sorry you are having so much pain, did you manage to get some rest at all?

    Glennie, so glad your Sun Catcher is working LOL I was sitting here till I was cross eyed last night, I have an order for 15 for the quirky decor shop in town, for after Christmas when her 50% off sale is over. I also have to replace another 6 that have sold from the Craft Center. I can only make them when I am in the mood for the counting of the beads, so I will get that out of the way as I feel like it over the weekend. Had to laugh at the description of that casserole. I used to make one with the mushroom soup in it too and it looked so awful, but tasted great!

    I don't do trees any more, but I do decorate the two big planters at my front door, so I may just be motivated enough to do that this weekend too, you are all getting me fired up for stuff, I usually don't bother about.

    PRB, what a great idea that sprint around the house was, for helping your cough and for some fun with your daughter! I know how stressful it can be. I was thinking about how it used to be, when I had in laws who came to sty for a couple of weeks over Christmas and I was the one doing Christmas for them and my family while working all the time, right up to the day and then back working in retail land for the sales the day after. Now it is bliss, just Colin Bec and me, we celebrate and do the big meal on Christmas Eve, which was my Mother's birthday, then on Christmas day we start on all those leftovers at lunch time. The only thing that I cook, is the potatoes for the potato salad, turn your head Bobo, we have a turkey breast and a ham with the trimmings, but I do a huge seafood platter of lobster and prawns which I buy fresh from Lakes Entrance, where the ocean meets the Lakes and the fishermen have big drums where they boil the seafood as soon as it comes off the boats. I do salad and herbs from my garden, everything is cold because it is often up near the 40c on Christmas day here. I have no memory of a white, or cold Christmas.

    I haven't got Holiday specific serving ware, but I do have lovely big white platters that I decorate before the food goes on, with Ivy from the garden and Jasmine.

    Wren, I love that story and have heard of similar experiences from others and many documented in the Angel books I love. That's very special! I just spoke to someone yesterday who had just come back from Norfolk Island! Now that's a strange place.

    I would be interested in those recipes too Wren. Last night there was a newbie on here talking about someone who cured their cancer with 2lbs of Stevia in their drinking water, or some such thing.

    Spookiesmom, you had the right idea too, so glad you had a lovely meal, just as you wanted it without the stress of the relatives.

    I have people who feel sorry for me, now that it is just the 3 of us, but they have no idea how much I enjoy it this way.

    I went to visit my friend yesterday, who just lost her son. She's at the angry stage of grief and I took a bottle of wine around instead of a tea cake and she got some of it it off her chest, ha she's a uni too, I ranted a bit about Vi too, which was a good thing for me, as well.

    I hope I haven't missed anyone, waving to you x

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    Oh Wrenn, you are sooooo right about cutting those trees yourself. Up north we, and one of his brothers who had a pick up truck would go to a Christmas tree farm. Stomp all around in the cold, decisions decisions!! We'd decide, cut them down, and tie them in bros truck. One year somebody goofed.

    As we're going home, both trees flew off, hit the road!!!!! Good for a laugh now.

    And yes, we were ALWAYS surprised how big those suckers were. They didn't look so HUGEMONGUS in the field

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    that's a great story wren.

    Spookie did you stop for the trees or abandon them?

    That Xmas day seafood sounds wonderful m. I have to say that I am not really a fan of holiday food.

    Windy yesterday. Got fever blisters again. On the other side now. Using abreva. Not going to take any more effin pills right now. Didn't do anything today. Hope I have some energy tomorrow to decorate.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    yes, we stopped and re tied them.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    You know about plans and children. Boy threw up in the car. Pizza rolls. Yuck! Cleaned that up and took a nap. Nothing else got done.

    Never cut down a live tree. DH wants artificial. I want real but where it needs to go has a vent, so I guess it's artificial. Will get a wreath to make it smell good.

    M. It's not hiding it. Have 200 acres if need be. It's my small cracker box house and too much furniture. Apparently I have a fetish for rocking chairs.

    I had 5. Now just 4. Plus a cherry dining table, buffet and 6 chairs but no dining room. Table and buffet pulling duty in living room and chairs hide in closet. All have sentimental reasons. One chair is 100+ years. Just hope they can survive my children.

    Boy going to his grandparents tomorrow. DH working. So maybe BG and I can tackle that list and get started on the closets so the decorations can come out. Will be interesting to see what I get done. Usually not just the two of us.

    Seafood sounds great M. Usually have finger food at my sisters for Christmas. Too many sweets, not enough protein. DH will cook traditional dinner for us. Sometimes have company.

    I swore when I had kids, I would never trot them around on Christmas Day. My sisters were initially upset but have come to like being at their houses with their kids and having time to play.

    I would like to have a breakfast food that's easy, kid friendly and healthy.

    PRB. I used to love pumpkin pie for breakfast and brown and serve rolls and leftover jello salad. This year the pumpkin pie sucked and I made it! My tastebuds are still in flux.

    DP. Hope you get some relief and some energy.

    Have to go referee the dog and cat and dig the rashers out of the freezer. We lay them over the turkey to keep it moist while cooking.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014

    Such excellent updates! Wren, I loved your story too. PRB, you win the prize for best Thanksgiving -- you and your DD jogging around crazily was a crack-up! That is the best! We had a really peaceful one, just the four of us and an itchy bobo, he is flea allergic and covered in welts, we have to take him for a steroid shot tomorrow. We really try not to do it. But he is miserable. I had a really clean menu -- DLLP roasted an organic free range blah blah blah, and I did -- wait. I already told you. Anyway, it was the kind of thing in which I did not feel sick after eating it. DP, I don't really like holiday food either. M's cold dinner idea sounds great to me. I like small plates and hors d'oeuvres.

    M, I am laughing because your mom looks like the Queen! Of course she does! It sounds like a good thing, your angry wine party. I know you must miss Vi during the holidays.

    Well, we just did the Christmas photo cards of the kids -- guess what? We did not make it to the village. We did not have good directions, it was the middle of nowhere. So we scrapped that plan and went to Lowe's, where we went last year. Well... they had really put on the dog at Lowe's. Santa was there! No line! The kids were stunned. They just went right up to him and they were tongue-tied. Santa asked what our princess wanted for Christmas, and she said, What ever you'd like that you can afford to give me. So sweet! So we took the picture with Santa and we uploaded it to Target photo, just like I did last year. Normally I would think a photo card that you cannot write a note on would be heresy, but I did the same thing last year, during mx time, and it's saving my bacon again. Thank you, Target photo! Plus, everyone loves to see a picture of the kids. You can't tell in the picture, but they were wearing matching outfits (their own plan -- if you had asked them to do it that would never have happened) -- white tee shirts, navy hoodies, and royal blue skinny pants. Our princess' hair looks like a matted fright night (please ref earlier post).

    Z, will be interesting to see how much you get done tomorrow with BG. All to be done for me tomorrow too -- get ornaments out, see if they have rotted out on the porch in their boxes, drag in tree, decorate house (but maybe clean it first). I am making soup. Plus some grocery shopping and, I hope, yoga. This week will start the two-week countdown to the next sx and I will not be able to move around well for a few weeks after that, I am not looking forward to it. DP, did you get any good sleep? And how is your stomach? Do french fries with ketchup sound good? I agree with M about bond -- what a man! what a man! what a man what a man what a mighty good man!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Am I bad because I want to clone Bond? 

    Bobo:  Can't wait to see the picture of the kids. Excited that you got tree. Poor Bobo dog,, I hope he feels better after shot. You would think with this cold weather it would kill the stupid fleas.

    Z: I don't make the turkey, but family tradition is to put a rack of ribs over the turkey for the same reason. (Don't read that, Bobo) I hope Boy is feeling better, and you have a nice day with BG tomorrow.

    M:  I love that your Mum looks like the Queen!  We knew you were royalty.

    DP:  How you feeling??? 

    **waving to all**     back to work.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Hi ladies, I am sitting here nervous as a cat. My closest girlfriend, who sold her house and is spitting from her partner is at an auction, bidding for a house right this minute, as I sit here. She has called twice to get me to calculate the stamp duty and costs. She has just about done my head in, over the past month. I have spent more time looking at houses on the internet, than anything else. I think she must have gotten it, because she had the final bid and they were negotiating with her. I will be really disappointed, if we have to start all over again!

    Spookiesmom, I wondered if you managed to retrieve them too!

    I managed to decorate my front door trees, well they are actually Chinese Money Trees (Jade) A Feng Shui cure, supposed to bring wealth into your home, I do them in a Beach theme, I will put up a shot of them, Bec asked me to send her a pic. I love live trees, but with the heat here, they really struggle, even with water. I remember as a kid, my parents would buy a real tree and I would end up skidding and falling on the fine cover of pine needles that would be there every morning, on the carpet as the poor thing dried out and shed its needles, talk about a fire hazzard! I have told you about what a klutz I was, too. My Mother was a clean freak and I know she didn't like the mess they made.

    Oh my Zills, two vomiting kids in the car. Yuck I have only ever had a vomiting dog, oh, I tell a lie, there was the guitarist from a band I took home once, who chucked up in my car, but that's another story! bahaha

    Bobo, 2 weeks, it feels like last week, you had the last one. On the upside, it will be all done. I want to book ahead for a Skype when you're done, we blew it last time. Wish I was there to help you out. Poor Bobo dog, what a shame he is suffering, can't you give him the flea pills, do you do those? Dex is allergic too, but he's never had a flea since the Vet put him on the Confortis, easy peasy, and no upset tummy either.

    I kid you not, my Mother was the dead spit of the Queen, always, not just when she got old, but when she was young too. The photos of her in the 1940's all the way through are remarkable, they could have been sisters. It wasn't just us who saw it, people were always commenting on it.

    I am still on edge, haven't heard if my friend got the house. I have Van Morrison in the background, Brown Eyed Girl.... be back later M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Ariom, my mum looks like Queen Elizabeth too. Maybe we're related! Lol.

    Canadian coins have the Queens face on them. When my nehew was little he asked my mom why her face was on all the coins, lol. We should exchange photos of our moms.

    I love Jade plants! I haven't seen those in years. They are a lovely green.

    Hmmm, maybe I will decorate my house tomorrow. I put out the wooden Peanuts characters in our front yard the other day, before the ground froze.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    I made these about 6 winters ago. Each year their appearance marks the start of the holiday season.image

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Those are soooo cute!!  I love them.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    She got the house, I am kissing the ground! I won't have to look for houses any more, now it will be furniture, but I can deal with that! I am so thrilled for her! I told her to go and flip the bird to the partner and leave the House brochure open for him to see it! Hahaha!!!! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014


    Here's my "Aussie Christmas",There are lights for the evening. It is stinking hot here today. I have just run to the local school to Vote in our State Election. The lizard comes every year and looks in all the windows. I just missed out on a pic of him and Dex nose to nose through the glass.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    Ariom, We're coming to your house for Christmas. A platter of shrimp and lobster is worth the plane ticket, not to mention the lovely company. SIL lives in So. Calif. and had a jade hedge in front of her house. I didn't know it bloomed until I saw hers.

    Another funny story. We are harassed by robo calls and scam callers here - despite being on the do not call list. My co-volunteer told me this story:

    Ring. Hello. Caller: This is George from the United States Department of Treasury. Friend: Sure you are...and hangs up. He calls back: Why did you hang up on me? Friend: Because this is a scam and I'm too busy to listen to you. Caller: But you didn't let me tell you why I called. I need to tell you information. Friend: I don't have time. Caller: I'm going to send the police. Friend: Great! I have good friends in the police. Who are you going to send? Caller finally hung up.

    This is up there with the people who called at 11:30 at night and wanted to fix my windows computer. They had already called once before so we were sure it was a scam. I yelled at them for calling people in the middle of the night.

    Strange weather here. High was 57 with rain. It may snow overnight and tomorrow. We had a front from Hawaii first and now an arctic blast. Probably won't snow where I live. We don't get it until the whole city is blanketed because we're close to the water.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Hi Wren, come on down!!!! You'd be so welcome!

    I have this Jade all over the place, I love it. I have one that is huge in our front garden that belonged to my Mother. You just break a bit off, stick it in the ground and it grows. The ones at my front door have a red line at the edge of each succulent part. I also have a couple of other types in pots, they are impossible to kill!

    We have those awful scammers too. Usually at about 6pm, just as the news starts on TV. I always let fly with expletives and tell them they will never get anywhere with me, so do yourself and your buddies a favor and take me off the data base. I had one tell me he was going to call me all night long and I told him "to try it sweetpea and you'll find out how far the long arm of the law in Aus reaches!" Colin was mortified, he was expecting us to have calls all night long! Never happened! The newest one we have is for a Government Rebate for installing solar power, I can honestly tell them that we already have solar and we have enough, to power the whole town we live in! You just hear a click! hahaha