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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Also in the bag for DP and Glennie!!


  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    that's it PRB! Ok. I think we should really figure this up. Should we do just surgeries or all procedure type things. I'm thinking all procedures. Oh lord what if we counted our scans?

    Made it an hour and a half sleeping tonight. Feel pretty good right now. I should do something. 1 2 3... Damn.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Hi girls, so sorry I haven't posted today, but I am knackered. We started the big garden clean up at 9am with the 3 of us tackling different areas. I did the bloody leaves under the plants at the front and cut back all the spent flowers. I ran up to the Nursery and bought some beautiful Triple Treat Kangaroo Paw plants. The garden bed that is up the side of the driveway had to be cleared out and then these were planted. Then the 3 of us tackled the Ivy from next door which has woven its way into my Veg Garden, it was everywhere, even with roots in between the brick paving. We managed too get that all out and I started sweeping the paving while the other 2 got it all into the bins.

    I went and bought cake and tarts for morning tea and then we had the final push to get the rest done. We all looked terrible. The humidity must be 100% and the temp int the low 30's so we're all exhausted. They will be back for another mow before Christmas, but the tough stuff is all done.

    I am in the bag, but may need a nudge because I will be snoring. M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    DP and PRB: You guys crack me up!!! You make it sound much more prolific than it actually is. Really it is more like :

    DH complaining: "Again? We just did it."

    Me:"That was over a month ago!"

    DH:"I dont think it has been that long."

    Me: glares

    DH:"Fine, but I think we just did it."

    Me: still glaring. "Never mind!!!!!"

    DH:"Ok, fine! but dont say I never offered." Yep! Downright romantic!!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    quickly! I averted another shoe disaster! Put on my Clark's clogs that I wear all the time. Just wore last Thursday for lawyer meeting. Put on today and walked to car. Right heel felt smushy. Oh oh. Back in house. There is a crack in the heel!!! I can't believe it. Oh Clark, how could you betray me!! Changed shoes. Only flats left. Out of clogs. Now I'm really short. Oh well. Must dash. Back later.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014
    OMG. I am peeing myself over that perfect snippet of dialogue. I have similar dialogue going on here, but it's more like, 'How long has it been?' 'I don't know. **snore**' etc. etc.

    DP, how is your swallowing today? And are we tallying all surgeries, or just the ones from this year? This will be my SIXTH surgery of the year. And I must say the second one was a lulu. The first one of the year was the BMX. Wait -- I am doing a chrono year, not a calendar year. BMX was December 6. Does that still count?

    M sounds like she's in the running for extreme work ethic. OH -- and I must say if we were just counting scans, I would have been an excellent contributor the year before the mx. I was scanned in some way every 6 - 8 weeks or so.

    'Goldie pawed the air three times to indicate her extreme displeasure...' Ooh. A Goldie and Squeakers story is heaven. I can't wait to hear what they think of the tree. Our Edward likes to sit under ours. Right above him is an ornament that features a picture of him sitting under the tree.
  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    that is fabulous dialogue. Lol.

    Slow down m! Now your jumping in on the Xmas marathon.

    Good luck glennie. Are you keeping your shoes somewhere that is not climate controlled?

    I don't know of we should count total all time or just this year bobo. If we count last year, I can add 2 more surgeries and a dozen scans. And a couple of random procedures like port studies and doppler ultrasounds.

    Can't tell how tummy is yet today. Just getting up. Have to go get my study meds this morning. Driving myself downtown. Shhh

  • OvercomingOne
    OvercomingOne Member Posts: 160
    edited December 2014

    hey y'all

    Love reading all your posts! Glennie in the bag with. You at the lawyers! Stand strong! My Clark shoes did the same thing so I don't buy them anymore and i do love them so much!!

    Bobo. You need to do stand up comedy for a living!! You are so dang funny!

    M. Don't work so hard. But wait a minute so let me figure this out..... Christmas is in the SUMMER for y'all down under? Do you have santas and sleighs? Chestnuts roasting on an open fire? Hot chocolate? Pine cones? Poinsettias ?

    My thanksgiving was very nice. For the first time I baked a sweet tater pecan pie. It was sooooo delicious. Whipped up my own whipping cream. So so good. See I cannot cook worth a flip so I was proud!!! beautiful day today sunny and warm. going to go shopping. Got a 10'year service award Visa card so got to go spend it! NOT going to buy foobs or anything BC...... Something fun.

    Holiday card list sound fun! Only cards I will be sending this year! Can't wait!!!

    Waving to everybody!


  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    Oh I am loving all these posts!! The best suggestion yet is the 12 days of Christmas song! You gals crack me up!! In the bag for Glennie and DP too.

    Glennie has another shoe story!! That is funny but the numb arm is not.

    DP, your tree sounds wonderful, I would love to have the option of color changing lights, your Bond is a jewel. Hoping your tummy is better today. Big hugs to you and sure hoping the gparents get settled soon, you do not need any extra stress.

    PRB, you are lucky to have full insurance after retiring but the tution sounds pretty darn good too. My DH is offically retired today!! We will see how it goes. Maybe we should head south, Wind chill factor is about 30 below, good for making ice for fishing I guess.

    Come on up Zills, ice is getting thick!

    Ariom, how are the Colins doing? So weird to think of you gardening and we are froze up, i am jealous! About your leaves, they are saying on all the gardening/lawn sites to not rake or remove, leave them there for good fertilizers... but thinking if you have fig trees they are some huge leaves. Of course ours decompose over winter here and you dont have these temps. I loved your pictures except for that lizard... I would freak out seeing one of those so close! Only thing keeping your place from being pure paradise in my opinion only!!

    Andrea, cute lawn ornaments, you are a talented gal!

    Waving a big hello to everyone, catch up later!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    oops. Allegedly I has an appt for labs and to see NP at 10:30 this morning. Was coming at 11 to get trial drugs but she called me as I was backing out of driveway to tell me to wait cuz she didn't have all approval yet. I went on to shop at dollar store and more ornaments from big lots. She called and said 11:30. Get here and have a stack of appt folders. They areseeing me anyway. It's quiet in here. Lunch time. Poor research lady has to wait on me. Dreading those needles more and more the closer it gets to go time.

    O2 you can't beat real whipped cream. It makes everything wonderful.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    Well, I can't contribute to the 12 days of Christmas at all. I had an MRI before mx in 2012. No scans of any kind since then and no surgeries (don't look, don't find). So Bobo and DP are using up mine in addition to theirs. I found an article from NIH saying Arimidex does cause tendonitis. So that explains the 3 years of tendonitis. My PCP is going to be upset at my lack of exercise. I'm going to ask her what she recommends given a bad shoulder and a bad ankle. Chair exercises are not my cup of tea.

    We still have freezing temps here. The snow that fell on Sat hasn't melted except off the roads. Wasn't enough to be pretty unfortunately.

    I don't mind lizards unless they're poisonous. We had chameleons in Texas. Sometimes they would come in the living room window screen which was a little loose. And Okla had horned toads which look absolutely fierce and close their eyes when petted. Every time the Air Force would bring a new wing we would catch some to scare the newbies with.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Thanks everyone for the compliments . one year I'd like to make ornaments of candy and make our house a gingerbread house for Christmas.

    How did the deposition go Glennie? So weird about your shoes. I love Clarks too!

    DP how did your day go?

    I don't mean to brag (well actually I do) but it was so hot here today that men were wearing shorts. One man was even walking along the road without a shirt on...he should serious rethink that look, lol.

    I will join the Twelve Days of Christmas. I had three surgeries last year (2 of them were in 2014 ) and 33 radiation treatments.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    Four CT scans

    Three episodes passing out

    Two spoiled children

    One brain MRI

    Love Clark's too. Waiting on DP results.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Hello ladies, We are on page 99, that's a lot of chatting isn't it!

    I am as stiff as a board this morning and my feet are so sore I look like a 90year old, trying to walk properly, damn you RA! Shaking stupid attempt at making a fist too, hands are stuffed! But my garden is perfection, till the next big wind blows everyone's leaves in here again. We are in full Summer here ndgirl, the trees are all in full bloom, my apple and pear trees have tiny fruit as does the big Fig, the leaves I am chasing are from next door's huge Oak and Maples from Autumn, that were left on the ground and not raked. They don't stay in there, there are so many, but as soon as we have a big wind, for some reason, they come right in my place. I do leave some of my own leaves as mulch, but I remove most of them so they don't bother anyone else, when they get blown about.

    I haven't had much done this year, other than Dog Ear removal and the U/S and Biopsy for the lump that was a cyst, normal follow up and Mammo.

    ndgirl, Colin 1 goes back to Hospital a week tomorrow for the procedure to get the stent out and the stones retrieved. He still isn't well and is now on strong antibiotics till the surgery is done. He just hasn't kicked the infection. Colin 2 is a worry, he seems to have shut down, to a certain extent, he wants to be left alone, doesn't want visitors and doesn't want anyone to know the extent of his illness. I am still in touch every day, by ohine, but he doesn't want a visit and there is no way he will come here. He still hasn't had the full Dx of all his ca as everything has had to be stopped because of the blood clot in his calf and the Warfarin. He should be having his thyroid removed and the liver specialist is standing in the wings waiting to give him another liver Dx as soon as they can get the other surgery out of the way. It is a horrible situation for him to be in and he is becoming more cantankerous each time I speak to him and he's also convinced that he doesn't have long. Being alone is a huge part of the problem, I believe, because he has too much time to think and focus on nothing else. I really don't now what else I can do for him.

    nd, I don't mind the lizards, I couldn't pick one up, but they don't scare me. We have tiny little Skinks that live in the garden and some of them come into the guest room, under the door, to sleep in the sun on the window ledge, away from the Kookaburras.

    DP, I hope you have seen everyone by now. Fingers crossed it wasn't too bad a day for you and there is something in this lot that helps you. Just maybe, with all these appointments they may put it all together and find out what's causing the sleep and eating issues. I sure hope so!

    02, yep, Christmas can be a scorcher down here. We do have the traditional stuff, for those who want that, but we do a very casual Christmas. There is a fair amount of focus on Christmas in July, down here, if you want to do all the cold weather Christmas stuff. It is really quite cold where I am, not far from the snow fields and skiing etc. Not really my cup of tea, but I have celebrated it a few times.

    Andrea, your dialogue makes me laugh!

    Wren, I love the Chameleons! Do you have a heated pool near you? I must say, water exercise was so good for me and the RA, but only if the pool was hot enough. A few degrees could make all the difference to whether there was more or less pain and stiffness.

    So the tendonitis is from the damn meds. Can you believe they gave me meds for the RA that the SE was joint pain!!!!! Fuckwits!!! I don't get that at all, but I did get more pain! Ugggh

    Bobo, you win, hands down, for the number of surgeries! I am hoping this next one is the last you'll ever have to do. How did the appointment go with the surgeon? Did you make sure he knows exactly what he's expected to do this time, to make it the way you want it?

    i need a picture of Bobo sitting under his picture, of him under the tree, that's too good!

    0h Glennie, almost another shoe malfunction, what's going on in your closet? I swear, the shoe fairy is upset for some reason. I used to go past the Clark shoe factory on my way to school when I was a kid. They were big into school shoes over here, that's all we wore.

    Going to have a hot shower, to try to straighten up, just call me Quasimodo, as I drag myself to the bathroom! I'll be back later..M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    I just got a new cell phone. It is a Samsung Galaxy 5S. It is taking me a while to figure things out on it. My last phone was an iPhone 4S.

    Do any of you have the same phone? What do you think of it?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    2 mammo's, 1 MRI, 1 surgery this year (and one last year and 1 mammo and 1 MRI last year too.)  How far are we going back?

    My flats survived the deposition. My shoes live in the walk-in closet. It has AC,,, so I can't imagine what the problem is that causes them to break down.  The deposition sucked. I do not ever want to do this again. There were 5 lawyers in the room.  I was there at 830AM and by 1220, my lawyer asked the other lawyer how much more time he needed, or should we break for lunch?  He would not commit to how much longer he needed. So we broke for lunch.  :(    Called neighbor and asked her to walk Ava. Came back from lunch, more questions, finished at 2:15.    So not fun.  Need to find some happy thing to do this week, cuz this really bummed me out.   I've always felt good about my professional life (more so than my personal), so this was like a sucker punch to the gut.

    And speaking of work,,, guess what I get to do now???


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    I reply to myself.   Now that I whined about my day,,, how is everyone??  DP, what happened today?? Bobo: did you have appt for preop?  What did PS say?     M: sucks about arthritis.  Hot showers help a lot.  I wish I could live in mine. It is the best time of day. Z:  how are kids?  Did BG use potty today? Did you get any rest?  Andrea:  LOVE that convo!  ND:  come on down to FL weather. We can go shoe shopping together.


    **waving to everyone** 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014
    In the bag for DP. Hope she is home from the hospital by now. How was the needle? Hope it did not hurt too much.

    M! You are Quasimodo!? I feel terrible. Ooh. My hands and feet hurt and are cold just thinking about it. Did the warm shower help? Did you rub in special unguents? Worried. And worried about both Colins. Poor Colin #1 -- he cannot kick that infection. Will it go away after sx? It bears mentioning that I have lost the ability to make paragraphs, and I don't know why that is. O2, perhaps instead of launching a new career in standup I should figure out why I can't make paragraphs. Comedians are supposed to be smart! I am getting less and less so.

    Birdie, chair exercises suck. You cannot make me do them. Have you done any yoga? There is so much good yoga where you are. At least there was when I was there. Much better yoga than here. I know you could find a great teacher who could work with your sore shoulder and ankle. And then we could get you some cute (non-pink) yoga outfits! 'Don't search, don't find' is yet one more wise piece of advice from you. I have certainly not followed that advice this year.

    I believe our Special K is the winner of most surgeries. She puts me to shame! Although I don't know how many were actually this year. She refers to my situation as an 'under the table Brava fat-grafting experiment.' I just think that is the most hilarious phrase I have ever heard.

    Poor Glennie. What is the result? Did it turn out okay? I am hoping you just feel bruised from the process, but that it all sorted out well in the end. Poor thing. You are working right now! No rest for the weary!
  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Bobo: there seems to be some kind of Safari issue with BCO forum.  Some of the ladies on another thread have been complaining about slowness with typing and so forth. And they all seem to be on Ipads.  So there must be something going on . Maybe that is why you cannot make paragraphs too.

    My situation is not over. This is just the first big step. It is a very long process.  And yes, I feel bruised. Would like to curl up in a corner right now. Or kick the shit out of something.

    Special K is amazing,, she has made it thru so many surgeries. That is one bad ass woman.

    M: you feel better after shower?  Give Colin a hug for me. It's just shitful that he is still suffering. I hope a week from now, it will be better when the stent has done it's job and they get the stone out.  Concerned about Colin #2, but you are doing everything you can. It's a lot for him to deal with. 

    I miss NYC yoga.  It was awesome.

    DP:   what's happening??   

    OK, boss is emailing,, better go see what's up. 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014
    Oh, M -- forgot to tell you -- pre-op appt with PS is Wednesday. Have separate one for anaesthesia. Will give you update.

    And that is Edward sitting under the tree beneath his picture, not Bobo! Edward, our mentally challenged kitty! XXX
  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    we get all sorts of different lizards here in the summer. At this house in particular. Not sure why. Bond loves them. Calls them monsters. Some are smaller than an inch. Most are about 10 inches. We also get overrun with frogs.

    You are are about Colin 2 being alone m. It gives you time to think really bad thoughts and no one to tell you otherwise. At the same time though, I don't like talking to or seeing people now and especially in the beginning. (You guys don't count lol). I just wanted everyone to leave me alone. It's good that you are talking to him every day. Hope he comes around soon and that there is better news after the next step.

    Today was one of those simple little appointments turned into a long day. NP says xray showed that some of the fluid is turning to gelee. Therefore can't be drained. Says that happens sometimes. What the hell does that mean? For me I mean. Will ask next week. Sometimes she catches me off guard and my mind goes blank. Said hydrocodone is the right med for the lung pain. Told her it doesn't work. She said take more. Start abraxane on 17th. 3 weeks on, 1 off. Had to give myself a shot in front of the lady. These are not so simple like my lovenox was. Have to make sure no air bubbles and have to pull back once inserted to make sure it's not in a blood vessel. Scary stuff. NOT A FAN of doing this daily for the next six months.

    For our song, I vote that we count sx and procedures since dx. Since some of us are a lot further out than others and no one should be left out. No boob left behind! (Literally for some of us, teehee) For me:

    10 CTs

    5 MRIs

    3 bone scans

    3 Doppler ultrasounds

    2 mammograms

    2 port placements

    1 us guided biopsy

    1 ct guided biopsy

    1 bilateral mastectomy

    1 thoracotomy

    1 thorencentesis ( will be 2 before Xmas)

    1 port removal

    1 port study

    Woooo that's a lot and I'm sure I missed something. I nominate bobo to write the intro part of the song, with her gift for words. And still think Andrea should be writing these numbers down. Lol.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    wow I guess I was writing that last post for almost an hour and overlapped like four posts.

    Glennie have a drink!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    I forgot the wretched Joann's story. On way home from dr was pondering if I wanted to stop at Joann's for tree skirt fabric. Was really tired but figured being dressed and presentable and out of the house already is half the battle.. So I stopped. Holy crap does no one have a job anymore?! It was packed. Took a number for cutting counter. 8 people ahead of me. Determinedly I wait while my side is hurting like crazy. The one lady is moving at a snails pace cutting fabric, folding it back up, walking to place it in the out away bin one at a time. A younger girl comes to help. Next thing you know she is gone. This freaks out molasses lady. Customer explains to molasses lady that she went in the back to look for her plate on which she brought them cookies on Friday. Seriously? She finally returns with the lady's plate and thirty minutes later I have my three yards of fabric. Head straight to check out. Line is super long. One register open. Poor lady keeps looking at growing line with big eyes and calling for help. No one comes. Ten or fifteen minutes and two more pleas for help later, the cookie plate girl came to open another register. So an hour after I entered the store, I came to the conclusion that there were only three employees in the entire giant place. After all that I'm too tired to put up the decos. Lol. Ok the end.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014
    OMG, are all JoAnn's fabric stores the same?!

    DP, you have a long and impressive list there. Here is my problem: I don't think I can remember all my procedures and tests! Will have to rely on research.

    Oy, I am extremely tired. Thinking of you DP! **waving**
  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014


  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Andrea should write the numbers down???? I so have you all fooled! !! I am probably the most unorganized person I know. But I will attempt Anything for you ladies!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    long list yes, don't find it too impressive though. I can't remember it all either. I just remembered one PET scan, 33 chest rads and 15 brain rads. How could I forget rads? Maybe trying to suppress bad memories. Ha.

    Glennie did you get a drink? Some sweets? Punch someone in the nose? Hope your feeling less stressed.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Can't drink,, I am working.  Made a banana & peanut butter protein shake.  Not too bad, but chocolate or ice cream would have been better.

    That is a wretched Joann's Fabric story.  I can't believe you had the patience.  Good for you.

    I'm starting the Prozac tonight for the hot flashes.  This should be interesting. Or maybe not.

    Oh, and being at the depo counts as work time,,  but I can't get over 40 hours in a week. So I have to shave off hours.  So Thurs,, we have extra people,,, I'm shaving off time then,, not starting until 6 on Thurs,,, and going shopping after PT!! I will be near the mall. **shoes***

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Gosh, here we go:

    8 mammos (3 to check placement of marker after biopsies, 2 for wire placement prior to lumpectomies, 3 regular)

    2 U/S

    1 doppler ultrasound

    1 MRI

    3 lumpectomies (or 1 Lumpectomy and 2 re-incisions)

    1 U/S guided biopsy

    1 MRI guided biopsy

    1 fine needle aspiration

    1 excisional biopsy

    2 CT scans

    33 Radiation treatments

    I think that is all.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    And because we havent talked about my vagina today I want to tell you that I am worried they wont be able to even find my urethra tomorrow if they decide to put in a stent after the Blasting of the kidney stone (thanks again Tamoxifen). Otherwise my only concern is no liquids after midnight (procedure isn't until 2:15 p.m.).