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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Thank you Glennie!

    Ariom: Yay! For your friend getting that house!

    DP I hope you are having a good day.

    Waving to everyone!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    You are one talented lady Andrea. Amazing!

    Poor bobo. I feel your stress. Wish we were closer.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    M:  I can tell you for a fact that  have killed jade plants.  Yours are HUGE!!  Right now, I had 3 that have managed to live, but they are not very big.  Wondering what is your secret.  The neighbor I got the cuttings from, told me to keep them under cover, but outside,, so they are by my front door.   Glad that your friend got the house.  How big was that lizard?  Ava loves to chase the little ones here.

    Going to Craft Show,, then hopefully I can stop at the gym. Did not go yesterday, must make myself go today. Then work. 

    **waving at everyone***   Hoping to hear more reports about decorating.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Do any of you give coconut oil to your dogs?  I just saw a posting on FB that it is supposed to be good for their skin problems and arthritis.  And reduces bad breath!  1/4 tsp per 10 lb of dog's weight.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    bobo what a precious answer princess have Santa.

    Andrea those characters are wonderful. You are very talented. Do you sell those too? You could.

    Jealous of you m that you don't have to look at houses any more. Pics of your home always look straight from the pages of House Beautiful.

    Oh those telemarketers. Do y'all get the one that is a cruise ship horn when you answer?

    Ddnt sleep well, even by my standards. Took pills and laid back down at 8:30. Slept til gma called and woke me at 10:45. Panicked because I have meeting with research at 11 to get my study drugs. Call and leave her message. Realize afterward that today is Saturday not Monday. Didn't call her back yet. Then rushed to get ready because I had a michaels coupon only good until noon and I want a pretty tree skirt. They were all ugly. Got a couple things. Completely wore me out. Went across street to Joann's to get fabric for a skirt. Refused to stand in line at fabric counter behind 50 ladies with fleece. Will go back sometime. Wasn't out of the house an hour and I am totally exhausted. Laying down for a few minutes before I get started.

    Stomach the same to worse. Funny though French fries did sound good a day or two ago. Didn't have any though because I hate most fast food fries now that they all changed them.

    Back later

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Good morning all, boy did we have storms last night! I woke up from the thunder, unusual for me to wake for anything, but it madeit feel like the house was vibrating. Then the bucketing down rain, we need that, but I got up and my watering system was merrily popping up and swishing about this morning. Make note to self to change the time and the frequency today on the system.

    I was on the phone for ages with my friend, now she has the house, the decorating and some renos have to be planned. This could go on for a while! LOL

    Glennie, I think the secret to keeping good Jade is to be cruel.!It is a succulent and really rarely has to be watered, I only water them once every few weeks. The ones in the garden are really huge, much bigger than the 2 at the front door, they are in the toughest part of the garden which gets the really strong winds and the salt spray, but they are thriving. The watering system on that side of the house is seepage hoses, because a lot of the plants out there are native plants that don't require much water. I have lots of succulents and Bromeliads out there as welland they do really well too, which is surprising considering the conditions on that side.

    I haven't given Dex coconut oil, but he has one squirt of Fish Oil Omegas in his food for his skin. I wonder if the coconut is better. That lizard was missing its tail, but it is still about a foot long. We have a few that must live in the garden year round that come out when it gets hot.

    Bobo, I love the Princess, what a great response to Santa! Tell MD where to stick her opinion of your parenting, where the sun don't shine!

    Thanks Andrea, I am so glad too!

    DP, Thank you! I love to do stuff with the house, as I know, you enjoy too! I take a lot of pics for Bec, because she enjoys seeing any changes I make, which is why I put them up here, to to show you girls.

    I haven't had the pleasure of the Ships Horn, but I guess it will come because we follow the US in everything! Might have to get a screamer to play down the phone at them if they do that! I find them so obnoxious. I know they have t work, but really, come on, how many people really get suckered in by their crap. I have read of people handing the phone to their 2 year old when they get these calls, or just putting the phone down and going on with whatever they were doing.

    Geesh, I am sorry you aren't getting to sleep DP, I have no idea what you can do, but I think of you often during my day, hoping you are getting some rest or have found something tasty that agrees with your tummy. Hasn't the house thing been resolved yet? I thought there was a house for them. I guess the Motel must be getting old for them now.

    I get what you mean about standing in line, I went to get some more beads, at a big store the other day and there were so many women there all buying Christmas fabrics. I had to leave, I become too agitated standing in line for ages. I am on the hunt for old necklaces which have interesting beads in them. I have had so many orders for Sun Catchers that I am running low on statement beads, so I am trolling ebay now and picking up some interesting bits and pieces.

    Tomorrow I have Simon, the sensational window man coming and the couple who help with the garden, so everything will be done and dusted for Christmas, well maybe I will have to run the mower over in a couple of weeks, but that will be about all.

    Waving to everyone...see you a bit later...M x

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    We were going to a nearby park for refreshments, craft booths, and a tree lighting with music. It's 32 here with a wind chill making it 22. We chickened out. Even DH, who grew up in Alaska, thought it was too cold. I have a ski jacket, but no warm pants. I had lined jeans but they're too large now and won't stay up. There's a little snow on the ground and nothing has melted all day.

    DP, I wish you could sleep and your tummy was happier. If you can drink herb tea, there's one called Sleepytime which makes me a little drowsy.

    I knew a woman who grew beautiful cacti. Her secret was to watch the weather in West Texas and only water when it rained there.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Hi Wren, boy, it couldn't be more different here. It has been about 30c since early, but we just got a cold change come through and the thunder is rolling again. We had guests for lunch, who walked here, but insisted on walking back. I doubt they will make it. I offered to drive them!

    I was going to potter in the garden, but I will be staying in now.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    awake for the night now. This is my typical pattern of pain pill at 9ish, asleep by 9:30-10, awake at 11:30. Watch a movie, sometimes bond wakes up and watches too. Back to sleep from 1:30ish to 3:00. And so on... Don't like that I am taking the hydrocodone so often. It takes the edge off my side pain and/or knocks me out so I don't care. So I have been taking it 3 or 4 times a day. I don't like feeling so dependent.

    Got tree up and mostly done. Need one more tub out of garage for the star. For some reason this one tub got put on the other side of garage and we will have to move all of the yard sale stuff and grandparents stuff to get to it. I could buy a new star instead but the stockings are also in this tub. Very pleased with the tree itself. The lights can be either clear or multi which I didn't know. I thought they were just white. Had I known that I would have gone with different decorations but it's all good. It also has a remote control, which is just too cool.

    Tummy is beyond me. Been taking this rx hat would have been for ulcers but it has made no difference. Wondering still if I have some kind of blockage. Who knows.

    I love vintage beads m. Like to take apart broken pieces and make something else from them. For new beads have you used Fire Mountain Gems? It's like a candy store.

    Sorry you missed the fun in the park wren. I'm not a fan of the cold this year like I usually am.

    GPs still have no house. I sent a dozen addresses to realtor yesterday. She is supposed to take them out on Tuesday. They are ataying at my great aunts house still. She is currently in the hospital, so they have had the house to themselves for the last few days now. Not getting my hopes up just yet.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Just went to have a look at that bead place DP, boy could I do some credit card damage there! They have a flat rate postage to Australia too! I am going to go back to the store I went to the other day and will try again to buy some beads, they have everything 30% off so it may just be worth my while to buy from there with no postage and at least I will have them without waiting.

    I have a huge collection of vintage beads, I absolutely love them, especially the Art Deco or Art Nouveau. i have tried to think of a creative way to display them. I was going to get a table top made that had a glass top and a frame beneath so I could display them in that, but I don't really have anywhere to put it. The ones that came to me broken have been incorporated into sun catchers.

    It sounds like your body has made a habit of this sleeping pattern, sort of like shift work, it is hard to retrain it. I wish you could get some relief from that stomach issue.

    Glad you have the tree you wanted and you nearly have it all assembled. Isn't it always the way, when stuff is put away it is at the hardest place to get to!

    You must be worried that your GP's haven't found anything yet. I hope something comes up soon.

    I am watching the storm over the lake. It is pretty good, the temp has dropped and the humidity is up, lots of thunder and lightning, better than TV! Dex doesn't take any notice of the booming thunder, but if someone dares to walk past the house he's on high alert.

    I am looking forward to having Bec here at Christmas for about 3 weeks. She will spend her Birthday with us and she loves New Years here. For a small town we really have the best fireworks display and it all happens from a barge in front of our house. I can sit in my living room and watch it! There are lots of boats that congregate out here, all with lights on their masts, It just looks so pretty.

    I have the Christmas party for my BC group on Friday, we are taking a plate and a small gift Kris Kringle, we won't meet again till February. The lady who started the group just lost her son a couple of weeks ago, so she won't be attending.

    Have you got Christmas events to go to?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    that is so nice that bec gets to have such a long visit with you. I've always wanted a table like that too. But same problem here.

    Woke up to open doors and windows this morning. But it will be freezing tomorrow. Side hurts terribly but breathing isn't too bad. No pills so far today.

    No Christmas festivities for me. Clueless told me I was invited to work party. I'll get right on that.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    OOO,, DP, the tree sounds wonderful!! Remote control lights!  WOW!!  Sorry your tummy is still being awful.  Have you tried Pepcid or Prilosec or Protonix?  Maybe suggest to dicktors,, see if one of those would help.  Hang in there with the pain meds,, they are helping you out right now.   Gosh, I hope the GP's find a place!!  Hope Tuesday will be a lucky charm.

    I wish for a teleporter, Star Trek style,, so that I could pop around and visit all of you on Christmas! That would be so fun.

    My shoulder is really really cranky.  Not sure what I'm going to do about it. It seems to get better, and then gets bad again. It's not the shoulder joint, it's closer to the neck, where the brachial plexus (sp?) is.  Stump of extra rib, tangled nerves,, who knows what is going on,, and none of my dicktors want to deal with it. Not really sure what kind of doctor I need for it. It's not really ortho,,,  constantly waking up during the night,, either a hot flash, or I'm laying wrong and my hand has gone numb.   Good times. Going to start the Prozac Monday night,, see if it helps the hot flashes.

    And speaking of good times,,, tomorrow is the deposition.  I'm really nervous.  Will be really happy to have it over with. Hoping to leave work early tonight so I can get to bed early.  I did switch my shift to 130 - 10 at least, but maybe I can leave at 930.  Must be downtown at 830AM.   Let the freakout begin.

    It's a lovely day out.  3 hours until starting work,, so I think I'll take a walk and enjoy the weather for a bit.

    back later.   **waving to all**

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    what about a chiro glennie? Sorry your dealing with that pain.

    I have protonix but stopped taking it a while back just because I kept forgetting it. They have it to me last year when I started chemo as a preventative. I've only had heartburn a handful of times in my life. Stopped taking the ulcer med because it wasn't doing any good and the schedule was driving me nuts. Will take te protonix. Even though I read prolonged use gives nice stomach cancer. Ha.

    It is lovely out! Wish I was out there. Bond is out painting the house before the cold comes in. I hope you have a nice walk.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    I had a nice walk, thank you!    I should go back to the chiro,, sometimes it helps.

    I would take the Protonix,,, if prolonged use gives stomach cancer,, we will see an epidemic of that soon, considering it is a hugely popular prescription.

    Bond is so handy!! What a sweetie.  All my neighbors are putting up their outside Christmas lights this year.  I want to find an outside light up menorah.  Wonder if they make such a thing. That would be fun to light one for each of the nights.  Am thinking of hanging lights on the fence of my patio.  Everyone else in the circle is.  Well. almost everyone,, except the resident Scrooges. 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    Glennie, I've seen a large menorah meant for the front window. Very attractive. It worries me that your hand is going numb. Acupuncture might help with the pain.

    DP, wish your tummy would clear up. Your tree sounds very pretty. I'm still in the thinking about getting it out stage.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    My Grandma had an electric one that she would put in the window.  Maybe they have it at Bed Bath,, will have to look. I'm feeling like maybe a little decorating would be cheery.

    I've had this numb hand problem for years. It is Multiple Crush Syndrome, ( self-diagnosis).  Herniated cervical discs, compression in brachial plexus from thoracic outlet syndrome.  I was born with an extra rib!  I am special!!  (soooo not special).  Had surgery to remove extra rib,, supposed to take care of problem.  Did not.  Most of the time it is managable.  This kicked up again when I was trying to find compression stuff to take care of LE.  A compression bra put too much pressure on the bad shoulder area,, and it has been acting up since then. Can't seem to beat it back into submission.  I'm used to it acting up during certain activities, like driving,, but now it is doing it in my sleep. And I can't figure out what to do about that.   I am considering acupuncture. Googling new exercises and stretches.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    DP, Perhaps it's time to give the GP a time limit. You'll help them look x amount of time longer and then they're on their own. Right now they don't have a motive. They have a comfortable place to live and someone helping them 24/7. You are awesome to help, but it's really their problem, not yours.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    Glennie...what about going to a DO? My doctor does manipulations and I trust her. Never been to a chiro. Any possibility this is carpal tunnel? My sister found a surgeon who did the surgery right in his office. She was thrilled.

    DP, I like that idea of being able to have clear lights or multi-colored at the flick of a switch. I prefer multi-colored, but it would be nice to have clear occasionally. Hope your stomach settles down soon...and please be sure to take the stool softeners with those pain meds.

    I went looking for a tree stand for the real tree I am determined to get. Home Depot only had a couple of ugly stands. There are other places to go of course....thinking I might just lug the huge ass tree up the stairs one more year and call it a day.

    Been thinking a lot about retirement. I wish I had a crystal ball. Really miserable at work. Makes me sad that my life has come to this point where I hate my job but stay for the money. Never have been a money person, but things look really different now that I'm older and might not be as employable as I once was. Add all the unknowns of this disease ... I am confused on a daily basis. Oh well.. used to that I guess.

    It's fairly warm here today... 50's I think. Last non-cold day I suppose. I need to get outside and put some lights up. Really 1 2 3 GOOOO. Shit. I'm still here ;)

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    LOL!  PRB: you are so funny.  Ready, set go,, still here,,, LOL!!

    I might have some carpal tunnel from all these years of computer/typewriter use, but that's not the primary problem. Shoulder (brachial plexus) and neck are the primaries.  wrist is minor player, if at all. As Chiropractor described to me once,, imagine a garden hose with crimps in several places,, no wonder the water doesn't flow,, have to uncrimp them all,, or at least most of them.  Hence, Multiple Crush syndrome.  Have not found a good DO around here or I would go to one.

    What if you got ugly tree stand, but pretty tree skirt to hide the ugly tree stand?  I'm thinking you really want a REAL tree,,, go for it.

    I'd like to retire, but I worry about health insurance,,, it's a long way to Medicare.  Not sure what will happen to the Affordable Care Act when we have a new president,, and wow,, I have pre-existing conditions,, like cancer now!!  I'm not a money person either,, but dang it,, we need some to live on.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014

    Hi DP! How are you feeling today? **waving**

    What was it they gave me for extreme nausea? Glennie, what is the name of that drug they give for nausea? I wanted to suggest it to DP. Glennie, in the bag for tomorrow.

    Impeccable advice as usual from Birdie, DP, regarding your GPs. BTW, I followed your advice to the letter regarding Thanksgiving. I'm sorry, it's just not possible.

    DP, I just found my tree skirt -- my first one! -- at an opp shop. You can tell a grandma made it. I love it. And I got a 'runner' for the table. And they have wrapping paper there for like 1.29 per roll! I love my new op shop. It's the only one I've been to in town. There are others, but I've only just broken in to this one. As many of you know, I usually don't have a minute to go anywhere frivolous, but DLLP and I went there as part of a date once! Our princess goes to a special playdate for special kids and their siblings once per month.

    Andrea, those lawn ornaments are just beautiful and professional looking! My kids would go nuts for those, and then they would tackle and destroy them! M, I am knocked out that you can see the fireworks through your window! And your Christmas party sounds so fun! It seems like yesterday when Bec came for Christmas and her birthday. I'm so glad she is coming for a good long time. How is Colin #1 feeling? Is he coming along?

    Z, it makes me feel better that you can feel my stress. I was really feeling your pain during the throw up in the car story. It happens that before every sx I get tight achy arms and shoulders. I clench my hands into fists while I am sleeping. And G, I have a crick in my neck similar to yours -- but I'm sure it's not the same exactly, it's not crush syndrome. I got the same crick for the last sx. My PT says it is stress that moves from the shoulder into the arm.

    One million appts this week. PT, driver's place, anaesthesiologist, pre-op. OMG. Trying to stay cool. DP, I wish I could say the magic bit of advice that would let you sleep through the night.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Bobo:  are you thinking Zofran for nausea?  They use Phenergan too, can make you pretty drowsy.  Have you been to the Repurpose Project?  They moved right next to Satchel's.  I haven't been to new location yet, but they have soooo much interesting stuff!  If you need more Christmas decorations or wrapping paper, etc,, I bet you can find it there. Glad you had time for opp shop!

    and considering this is your 6th surgery this year,, it is no wonder that you are stressed. 

    I have talismans for deposition.  Pictures of Ava and Rocco (tomorrow would have been his birthday,, that is significant!) and the lovely necklace that DP made for me. Extra shoes.  I am as ready as I can be. Going to bed early tonight. Knocking off work at 10,, and if it is slow,, I'm leaving earlier.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    In the bag for glennie's depo and DPs trial.

    So tired. BG didn't nap today. Was Miss Poopy Pants yesterday. Wanted to wear panties tonight while we walked the dog. Peed before we got home!

    Kitchen clean (still need to mop), laundry almost done (need to fold. 1 2 3 go...). Doesn't work for me either. Tree and lights, no ornaments. Promised boy we would do it together.

    Maybe tomorrow. Promised boy we would do it together. Need to clean his closet out while he's at school.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    Wow- 6 surgeries in one year. One more and it will be can do it Bobo! How many surgeries and procedures did we have as a group this year? Scary to think about actually.

    Good luck tomorrow Glennie. Will be thinking about you sitting in that dark room with the spotlight shining on you! LOL Sorry, couldn't resist. We'll all be there in your pocket and M will be wearing her knee-high white boots to try and distract the judge.

    As for retirement, I am lucky that I am vested and have my health insurance no matter what from this point on. I could go down to part-time and not have to pay any pro-rated costs, however.. and it's a big however, if I go part-time, my daughter loses her 1/2 off tuition benefit. Kind of ironic that most benefits 'stay', while the one benefit that they can provide for nearly nothing (not to mention that we supposedly value education) gets taken away.

    Andrea, those lawn signs are great! You should sell those at an art fair. Hmmm... what could I sell at an art fair so I can retire?

    I've been off work for 10 days... I could so get used to this.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Seems it would be worth staying while daughter needs the half off tuition,, then all bets are off!!  Lucky about the health insurance!  I work for major hospital corporation and I don't get that.

    I will be thinking of M in her knee high white boots!!  That is a good image!  Power suit with boots.

    That 1, 2 ,3 go is not working for any of us.  Z:  I hope you can rest after kids are asleep.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014
    I have done all laundry except my own. I do not have any clean underpants or compression garments. 1 2 3 go! It is not working.

    In the bag for Glennie and DP! I will try to check out repurpose project if I have two seconds -- it sounds great.

    Tree up, lights, ornaments. Looks great. Large piles of items on floor of W boy's room, however, did not get shifted. I need to make keep/throw away/donate pile -- have wanted to do it for two weeks now. There is literally stuff on floor.

    Yes, G -- Zofran and Phenergan! I have done both of those. DP, could you do those?
  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    In the bag for Glennie and DP. I'm trying to use psychic energy to lose 5 lbs by Tuesday when I see my PCP and they write down my weight for all of eternity. If it works, I'll patent it.

    Tree in basement along with ornaments. We have 2 cats who have not seen our tree before. Who knows what they'll do to it. We've had climbers and ornament breakers in the past. We think Goldie and Squeakers may gang up on us soon. They seem to be getting along better. DH put food in Goldie's dish and they both came. Goldie pawed the air twice to indicate her displeasure. He limp pawed back as if to say whatever and left.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    I retired at 61. My health insurance ate just about all my pension check. The check I hung in as long as I could to get. 23 years. It was a very, very tough 9 months to SS. DH was not happy with me, and wouldn't help. It was hard.

    I hated my job too, the $$ was lousy, hours insane. I don't miss any of it, except my co workers.

    Check the cost of insurance before you retire

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    it's not nausea bobo. It's hard to describe. Just a not right feeling and I want nothing to do with food. Feel super full as soon as I take a bite. It crossed my mins that perhaps it is the lymph nodes pressing on my esophagus. That is where a lot of them are located, around my esophagus.

    Good luck tomorrow glennie. Hope you get some sleep tonight. I know you'll do fine.

    I feel like bobo and z are competing in a Christmas marathon. Y'all are erring more done than all of is combined I think. I did NOT get tree set up finished. Perhaps tomorrow afternoon...

    PRB what a great idea. But I think we should make a song, like the 12 days of Christmas. You know like, 4 mastectomies, 3 fat transfers, 2 oophorectomies and a partridge in a pear tree. I have only had three sx this year myself. Amateur.

    Pills kicking in. Back in a couple hours I suppose.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    forgot to add that I nominate Andrea to talley our surgeries. She's so on top of everything. I wonder of that's because she is the only one getting any. Or is tjat WHY she's getting it. Hmmmm oh crap I forgot. It's her perfect Kuka.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    LMAO .. oh DP that would be a great song...and instead of "a partridge in a pear tree" would be "and a perfect little Kuka". (because there can only be one perfect little Kuka).