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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Glad you are feeling better today, M.  I too got cards posted in the mail!!  BOLO everyone!

    I had ok sleep last night. 2nd night of Prozac. Still having hot flashes but too soon for that to stop. But I don't seem to have any SE's yet.  Still have to go up to 20 mg though. Trying to decide if I should just do that tonight, or take 10 mg for a couple more days.

    Still really tired,, glad it is my night off and I can go to bed early.  going to dinner with friend shortly. I'll be back.  Hope to hear from our friends having scans and appt's.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Z is psychic about my underwear, as usual. Whipped from the past two days so I will not be on long. Hi DP! How are you? Are you going to liquify your gelee in the sauna as Dr Z suggests?

    M, I am so sorry about Bec's asshole old BF. That must hurt so much. You are obviously such a nice mommy. Just the fact that she knows she can call you and go over it and over it says so much. It sounds like you are doing all the right things -- making her laugh, and then tough reminders when needed. I can't imagine what it must be like for her. Still, as you said, she would never have taken him back... perhaps we can get her someone new? She needs to stop hanging around so many gay guys and go hang out at the fire station, perhaps? I love firemen.

    Okay, DP, L Robertson is off soon, right? Are they going to have a fabulous sendoff for her? Isaac is not on right now, I think he is having a break. You didn't overdo yesterday, did you?

    I have to grade essays. Grueling two days of appts. And work deadlines approach. Kids home any minute. I have french fries at the ready! XOXO

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    I reply to myself. Andrea, how are you feeling today? Any attacks? Dawny: Hi Betty! Not sure if my Vitamix will make jam like that. Maybe M will do some test recipes for jam.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    glad you feel better today Andrea and m. I don't feel so good today. Had tummy dr appt this morning. He didn't solve my problems or anything but I liked him a lot. He was very attentive and thorough and did research instead of guessing. Planning to look up the oncology dept at te university. My lung surgeon is also based there.

    Took a hydrocodone when I got home around 1pm and have been in bed since. Think I might feel a bit better but starving since I have not eaten all day. Of course nothing sounds good. Pretty sure I need to schedule draining for Friday. Lots of pain today. Going to research the gelee issue and see what I find. Posted on lung mets thread and no one there ha heard of it.

    Z did you get results same day or are you waiting?

    Hope everyone else ha a good day. Proud of responsible ladies who have mailed their Xmas cards. I managed to get the box of cards out of the storage box yesterday. Maybe tomorrow...

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    forgot about Lisa bobo. I think maybe they won't make a big deal about her departure. Not sure why but I feel like they are not happy with her. Maybe they will have a big party though. I wonder who will take over her shows.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    M: you are such a good Mom. Becs is lucky to have you. I cannot imagine going to my mom with my personal problems. She would just throw them in my face at a later date. It is so not worth talking to her about them.

    DP:  glad you liked the doctor, but no resolution? That stinks. No RX?   Feel bad that you have lots of pain,,, maybe the draining will help.

    Bobo:  I hope appt went ok today. Did you have clean underwear?

    Z:  how did it go?

    Andrea:  how are you feeling today?  Doing better I hope!!

    Spooks:  I got your card!  My first.  I am going to figure out a creative way to display cards to give the place a festive feel. Not sure how to do it. Must get creative.

    **waving to everyone**

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    I am happy to report no more attacks. Took 2 doses of hydrocodone, the last being at 1:30 a.m. today my face looks like a tomato it is so red. I wonder if it is a reaction to meds. I have low blood pressure, so thats bot the cause. Otherwise I feel fine. Marginal pain so far today.

    Cards sent today. ..a Christmas miracle!! Lol

    ZIlls how was your scan? Has BG made anymore trips to use the toilet?

    DP glad you liked your doctor, even though he couldn't find relief for you.I hope things go better with your next drain.

    we arenwatching a family movie now. And by that I mean I am sitting in another room and I can hear the movie (Hook). I have the attention span of a gnat. Lol.

    has anyone tried arm knitting? I knit with knitting needles but never just with arms. You use several strands and so it works up quickly. I might make an infinity scarf for my sister (who I somehow forgot to buy a Christmas gift for ). She is going to try and come down to my folks to see us around Xmas. It is a six hour drive, so we will see if weather permits.

    M, I know just how Bec feels. My douche bag of an ex got married a few years ago. I didnt want hm back, but he is living the good life nowadays, travelling all over the world and living in Australia in between. We never went anywhere when we were married. He came out to Canada two years ago for our daughters wedding and brought his wife. Neither of them would say a word to me the whole weekend. Very awkward at times.If I entered a room they would rush to get away...rather comedic.They wouldnt take a family photo with me and our daughters. OH well. It is worth noting that the two of them talked the ears off my husband. Mostly the new wife complaining about my ex.

    sorry about the long rant.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Andrea, that is hysterical that the new wife was complaining about her current hubby, your ex!   It is really ridiculous that they wouldn't take a photo with your daughters.

    I have never heard of arm knitting,, but then I can't regular knit either.

    Maybe it was a reaction to the meds. Is it better now?  Did you try Benadryl for reaction?

    Going to bed really early tonight. A true luxury.  See you all tomorrow.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    I worked with a redhead who used to get frequent calls from her ex's current wife. She would say, yes, that's why I left. She told me he didn't come home one night so she threw all his clothes out the upstairs window onto the front lawn, then watched him scurry around the yard in the early morning trying to find something to wear. I admired her for that.

    I've heard of arm knitting, but don't know how to do it. I would be afraid I would need to use the arm for something (like pulling my pants back up in the bathroom) before I was finished with the project. I can't pick up dropped stitches on a needle, nevermind an arm.

    I got talked into selling raffle tickets for a quilt at a big winter fair. It's only for a few hours on Sunday. I will probably spend more time looking for parking than volunteering.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Glennie, I am thinking it could be reaction to hydrocodone, so I wont take anymore. I only had a Claratin. Dont know if that will help. I took the last of two pills 21 hours ago. I do have an epipen if I was to have a severe reaction.

    enjoy your early night!

    Wren I now have a picture in my head of you gettjng all up in the yarn trying to use the toilet! Lol!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    I have always said I was jealous of bec for having such an awesome mom. I would never have that conversation with my mom or gma. Look at what a fabulous MIL hat dufus missed out on having.

    I don't have te patience for knitting. My mom taught me crochet when I was little. Didn't have the patiene for that either. Mom can crochet amazing things. Another prize she wins at the fair every year. Once she made afghans of different album covers of the band Rush and got them to the guys. According to Geddy Lee, one of them is framed hanging in their recording studio. I was amazed at how she mapped out the stitches to make the pictures and designs. I could never do that.

    Sorry you had a bad reaction Andrea. Laughing at your ex's wife griping to your hubby. I've never understood people who can't behave rationally for their children. My ex's ex was that way. Even 13 years in she couldn't get over it.

    Friend in hospital tonight. They took her from work today because her BP was so high. Tey are running tests. Sounds like try are thinking she had a heart attack at some point. I had just talked to her this morning and she told me she hadn't been feeling well. Upset that I'm not well enough to go see her.

    Glennie he prescribed me the suspension form of the med I was taking last week. Also a cannibus derived pill for appetite. I won't be taking that just yet.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    where you at z? Out celebrating?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    OMG Andrea, that's really something. I have 2 ex husbands and I am still friendly with both of them. The first has remarried and I had a weird time with his wife at a lunch in Hong Kong, may years ago.My Dad and I had takeb Bec over there to visit with them while they were living there. I offered to buy her lunch at my Hotel, she worked as a lawyer in HK and for the entire lunch she pushed her salad around the plate and verbally savaged my ex, it was just hysterical, she wanted me to join in, but I managed to dodge her at every slight. I was mighty pissed that I had to pick up the tab after that lunch! Fast forward to about 3 years ago and they decide to split up, I had both of them on the phone, at different times telling me what went wrong and absolutely hating the other, trying to get me to comment, which of course I didn't do. I couldn't work out why either of them thought I'd be even mildly, interested in any of it. They got divorced soon after that, but are now back together again because they are simply co dependent and can't help themselves! It's quite sad, really!

    My 2nd Husband has recently let his new lady move in with him which is a huge breakthrough. The 22 year old, at the time, that he left me for, dumped him, less than 3 years after they got together, so he has been alone for a very long time, more than 20 years. He had such a hard time telling me that the new woman was moving in! I told him I was thrilled for him and he should bring her here, for a holiday! LOL They may arrive here when Bec is here for 3 weeks at Christmas.

    The really funny part of all this was that both my ex's took my Dx very badly and both came here to visit, right after my surgery. The 2nd came ffor an overnight and was still sitting looking at the view 4 days later! LOL

    I figure life is too short for animosity and I wasn't really hurt by either of them, I have been so fortunate to have had wonderful new beginnings and also, we have a lot of history together, then of course Bec is the glue between all of us.

    Now that's, a Soap Opera! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Meant to say, before I got an a run with the ex's story, I am sorry you may be having a drug reaction Andrea, I hope it settles down soon for you. I have told Colin about your procedure, he goes in for his next week. I hope he has a good result.

    Also, should mention Colin likes and gets on well with my ex's. The 2nd ex has a real problem with Political Correctness, he was a radio announcer, interviewer and stand up comic, so he was beside himself, when he met Colin for the first time. His biggest fear was that he's say something inappropriate about Colin's disability. Little did he know that there isn't anyone who can "take the piss" better than Colin, so I actually had to word Colin up, that he'd freak the ex out, if he dropped any of the lines, that he often does, to make people relax.

    DP, that is so sweet of you to say, but you know what? That dufus was scared of me, it was funny really. I always made him welcome, for Bec's sake, even though I could see right through him, but he tried very hard, to drive a wedge between my girl and me. He was so stupid, he never saw, that if he was cool with me, it would be a pretty easy life. Fortunately, Bec came to her senses, without any input from me, but I was so relieved when she finally split with him. So I really don't understand all the angst over him getting married. I just want to see her happy.

    I can't get my head around the arm knitting??? Unless you were Hindu Shiva! I would end up, wound up, like a mummy.

    DP, I haven't heard of the cannibus pill for appetite, but I sure remember the "munchies"! Have they isolated that part for appetite? That is really interesting.

    I hope your friend is doing OK, don't give yourself a hard time for not being well enough to go to visit, she will understand. The last thing you need, is to be going into a Hospital and picking up a bug. The phone is a magic thing!

    Wren, your friend is funny, I admire the throwing the clothes out of the window too. I know a woman who cut one sleeve out of every shirt and suit her ex owned! I have no idea what the significance was, but she enjoyed it! I have never had that kind of destructive urge.

    I did, however, enter a magazine competition when my 2nd ex left me, for the 22 year old. It was for a women's magazine and the competition was to say in 25 words why you were a woman of the 90's. I wrote a little rhyming ditty about turning 40 and being dumped for a 22 year old and how I had turned it around. I won the prize for the state I live in, so there was a trip to Sydney for the final, which was the time I was seated with the journalist from 60 minutes!, that some of you like to tease about and then there was the magazine story and photos, so lets just say my ex copped it, because he was relatively well known and I just went "Na, na, nananna!" LOL (Didn't win the final)

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    DP, Agree with Ariom not to go to see your friend. They are just germ factories between the patients and the visitors. Only place germier is a day care with toddlers.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    I seriously considered smoking during chemo. I say go for it. No don't go to the hospital. I don't know that heat would work for gelee. That's an expert question that's worth asking. Do you have an appt tomorrow or just going in to get fluid drained?

    I am extremely unhappy with scan itself. Results are today. No one available to access port. Agreed to IV. Promised a baby needle. Had two tries. Second one in the crook of my arm. Idiot wouldn't let me take off shirt. Tech had to remove shirt and pants.

    Arm sore. Never again. Will talk to breast care center today about them doing my port before/after scans. It's ridiculous. Big university hospital and only one able to access ports in the imaging dept. I didn't want to wait. Have waited over an hour before.

    Bright side. Took contrast (iodine) plain in water. No too bad. Sucked it down quickly with no hurling. Will take a lemon wedge next time.

    Off to kid morning crazy. Back later.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014
    You guys are funny today. Birdie, that's hilarious. Arm knitting and pulling up your pants. That would be me. How do you yarn over? That sounds like a mess!

    Andrea, I am really allergic to hydrocodone. I have to do Dilaudid. I wonder if that's what's going on with you. Benedryl? Cortisone cream if you have a rash? You can get that cream over the counter.

    I did find clean (in fact, new) underwear for PS appt. Wiped out by appts this week. Teach tomorrow starting at 7 a.m. A punishing week, and the stressful countdown has begun to sx. After waiting at the anaesthesiology pre-op for an hour, then having an unproductive conversation that left me feeling like 'anything could happen,' I was just angry. Took a lot of it out on DLLP. She's not very productive this week. It can be crazy-making to watch her 'drop the ball.' But I am supposed to stop triple-multi-tasking and let her do more. She forgets everything and has to be reminded over and over.

    DP, don't go to the hospital. It's a germ factory. I agree. Just talk over Skype! Or ichat, or whatever they have now. Worried about your gelee. I think someone should get to the bottom of it as a priority. XXX
  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Andrea:  Hope you are feeling better and face is no long red. Strange reaction. Claritin would be OK to take, but in my opinion Benadryl works faster for an acute reaction.

    DP:  cool story about Mom and that Rush afghan!  I hope the suspension works better for you than the pill did. Pill to stimulate appetite?  Marinol, maybe.  Is MJ legal in Tx?  If so, I would say go for that when you want appetite. Don't go to hospital to visit friend,, too much risk of germs, seriously. Call.  Visit later when she is at home maybe.

    I love all these ex stories! Ex-hubby has emailed for a long time since divorce (2006) and I'm personally tired of it. Have nothing to say.  It's funny that my lesbian friend Ro is still really good friends with all but one of her ex's.  Like not just FB friend, but call/text/visit friends!  I find that amazing. Can't image that with the men of my past.  M: you are amazing to be friendly with all your ex's too.  I think it is important with there are kids involved.  I LOVE that you won that magazine competition! That is awesome!  And I like the story about cutting off one sleeve.  Wonder what she caught him doing with THAT arm???  Feeling up a friend??

    Z: that is ridiculous that no one could access your port! That is what it is there for, damn it!!  Good on you for slugging down that contrast crap.  In the bag for scan results.

    **waving to all**

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Bobo: we post at same time. SUCKS about app't.  What is with all these dicktors??  Too much stress on you.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    My coloring is back to normal now. My face was really hot too...maybe it was a hot flash.

    I am mot taking anymore meds. Just took iibuprofen last night before bed instead

    M: I am all about keeping the peace with my ex. But he wont talk to me at all. Also fine with that until it hurts my kids. He has told so many lies about me to his current wife, and I think he was too scared I would call him on them at the wedding. Dope! I couldnt care less what he has said about me. And eventually she will see through him. Best part is that his new wife is a bigger bitch than I was, lol.Karma.

    I have moved on and have had two more children with current hubby. I woudnt go back for Anything!!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    so sorry you had bad experiences yesterday z and bobo. I get so much anxiety about both port access and IVs. My port is hard to access as I'm also a hard stick for IVs. The one person who is allowed to access my port has offered if I am having a scan somewhere else, for me to stop by and let her access on my way. Maybe you could do that for scans z.

    I am calling to schedule the thorencentesis for tomorrow. I also have a brain mri in the morning. Still no liver mri.

    Bobo try to fit some rest in somewhere. You can't always do everything yourself and even if you could, you shouldn't. ;-)

    It is Marinol glennie. MJ is not legal here. I also don't care for it. The last time I smoked it (one of very few), I swear I thought I was dying. I am far too much of a control freak to ever get used to it.

    I too am loving that m won the magazine contest and all these ex stories.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    It would be interesting to see if a marinol pill made me as paranoid as the real stuff.

    Bobo, Do you think DLLP might have ADD? Forgetting and lack of focus are symptoms.

    In the bag for all those tests. DP, do they give you an eye mask for the brain mri?

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Starting to think I might be the only one on here that hasn't tried MJ.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Ask your vagina, though. Perhaps she has tried it.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Wren, DLLP definitely has that. But I still need her to follow items on a list. She doesn't like me to write her a list. She is too stubborn to follow lists. Meanwhile, at work, she is the king of the hill.

    Good news! There was a cancellation and my sx got moved up to 15th! Hooray! I can give the kids a good and cheerful Christmas! So happy and excited. Plus, that will be one fewer week of the brava.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    In states that have legal MJ, you can get the medicinal part, the THC, etc as oils and other edible products to give you the pain or nausea relief that you need w/o smoking it.   I don't believe there is much of a "high" factor when you consume it that way.  But it's not legal in TX either, so poo on that.   Drive to Colorado??  In the bag for your MRI and the thoracentsis.. I really hope that makes you feel better. And if they can only draw off one liter at a time,,, can't they go ahead and schedule you next week for more, instead of you having to make an appt?

    Went to PT and I was beat up!  I'm so sore now. My poor shoulder needs it, but wow,,, it hurt.  Then I tried to go shopping, but WTF?  It's a weekend and the parking lots are packed!  Why aren't all you people at work???  So I did not go shoe shopping cuz I hurt and stores were crowded and I knew I would not have the patience for it. I did get dog food, and some things for my family,,, hoping to wind up the family stuff so I can get that all mailed next week. 

    Dog food store is having pet pictures with Santa again.  Need to take Ava,,, her pic last time was so damn cute! I must find it.  Can't remember where I put it.

    Andrea:  it's never to late to try it. Should we plan a trip to Colorado or California?  **chortles** Wren, is it legal in your state?  We will come and visit you! 

    Going to rest a bit before work.   Back later.


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Bobo: we post at the same time again!  OMG!! You got the 15th!!  I am so happy for you.   That is great!!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Morning all! Geesh, Z and DP and Bobo all had bad experiences yesterday, WTF is going on? It sounds like the places are staffed by amateurs. I am so sorry you all had to put up with that. I am in the bag for DP for another draining and the MRI. What's up with the no MRI for your liver? Is this the insurance being tardy? These people seriously need a rocket up the whatsit, it must be so bloody frustrating for you.

    I am wondering if the Marinol pill has just the "munchie" component in them, without the THC, which is the mind altering part of MJ. I was never a heavy user of MJ, but in the circle I was in, in the 70's, it was unavoidable. I know what you mean about the paranoia Wren and that was a bad experience for you too DP!

    Andrea, how funny that your ex thought you may call him out on his lies at the wedding. Liars never prosper! How cool that this one is an Uber bitch! Instant Karma! I was ready for a showdown with my ex's wife, because she decided to give Bec her take, on why her Husband, Becs Dad and I, split up. Of course it was totally fabricated nonsense,which he had likely used to sucker her in and appear like a victim.....what a pussy! I thought about it and then just told Bec that she knows exactly what happened between us and what those 2 want to believe, is really none of my business and doesn't affect me, in the slightest.He knows the truth.

    Last night I got the best call from Bec. I had been a little concerned yesterday, that after she had time to process the phone call of the previous night, it would be one of two things. Either we wouldn't be talking for a while, or she would have had an epiphany. I am so pleased to report, it was the latter. Once again, I am so proud of her for "getting it".

    Hahaha, DP, if I may say so myself, the magazine competition, really was, gold!

    I love that story about your Mother making that afghans and giving them to the band.

    I am up early this morning, have to cook for the meeting this morning, not feeling like it and considering taking something already prepared:) Will have a shower and think about it. Be back later...M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    OMG, posting at the same time, laughing hard at Bobo's comment about Andrea's VJJ smoking pot. I have actually seen something very close to that, at a bar in Bangkok. I kid you not!

    Bobo, thank goodness something positive has come out of this! A week less Brava and a better date for surgery! woo hoo for you!!!

    Glennie, I am so sorry about your shoulder. I know what a terrible pain you can get from a shoulder in crisis, I hope it passes quickly for you.

    Stepping away from the computer....M x

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    FWIW I've never tried MJ either. My SIL offered to get me some when I was so sick from chemo, I told him no. I'm not against it, more afraid of it, I take to many meds now, was afraid of a reaction