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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    We could call herTrixie...or stop talking about her altogether, lol.

    She thinks she's a celebrity now! You are right Glennie; not wise to leave her home alone.So she will be in the bag for DP, but promises to be on her best behavior.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    I was never really a fan of Bill Cosby. One time when he was on Phil Donahue a lady from the audience asked him a question. He didnt like it for some reason and was so nasty to her. It was very uncalled for and I felt so bad for the poor woman.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Our Santa pics were a fund raiser too for one of the local dog rescues. 

    Good to know it's legal where you live Wren,,, I'm allergic to cats,, will have to take antihistamines.  Then I'll be really stoned.  SillyHeart


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Glad you got some sleep, DP.   We are all in the bag,, and Trixie promised to be on her best behavior!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    You girls have been busy. Yakking up a storm. What will our new member think? She'll think.. OMG here are a bunch of badass warriors who talk about VJJ's and pot. Sex and drugs...well if she's 62 then she is all about that era and will fit right in....even if Bobo is telling her we are disgusting! I am tempted to give her a run down on the various characters of this group, like our rock star who has magical fairy dust, our pharmacist who gives out free medical advice, and our "I use big words to show off" professor who has the worst luck with doctors and mothers....but if she sticks around, she'll figure all that out on her own :) Oh and me.. I'm the nice one.

    Damn you lightweights and your "I never tried MJ". Bill didn't inhale either! I think M and I smoked enough for all of you. I smoked it, I consumed it, I had friends who grew it. It's legal here in Michigan, but they found a loophole of sorts and made it illegal to dispense it or something like that. It's been many many years, but I remember 'those days' fondly (or what my long term memory that is left remembers! lol)

    For those of you wanting to buy a new smart phone, I can suggest a no contract TracPhone that just hit the market. It's an LG Fuel that you can get on Amazon for $30...then you buy a 1 year card for $90. That gives you 1200 minutes of talk , 1200 texts and 1200 data units. If you have wi-fi available, you just turn off your data component and use your wi-fi, and I've read there are free texting app's that you can also use. I bought the phone for my daughter and it works great so far. It's an android phone with the latest kit-kat 4.4 operating system.

    In the bag for DP today. I would like to not sit with Trixie if that's an option! She is so talented and probably dresses good too.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    on way to hospital. Hope this doesn't take to long and goes well. I insist in getting a new sofa today. Glad trixie is goig to behave. The cattiness is getting out of control. (Hehe cattiness, pu$$y, hehe). Gotta go. Love you all.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    LOL!! We are a bunch of funny bad ass ninja women. DP: hoping this doesnt take long!!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    M, you are probably in bed... but has Marika on sale w/a 20% discount in cart!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Well I see our idesim is up to no good as usual. M has not had anyone pushing her to shop in some time! I'd say this is perfect timing. M has been thinking only of others.

    I don't mind Andrea's vagina as a friend, but I don't want to sit next to her vagina because hers will make mine feel dumpy and hairy. And I do NOT want my vagina's picture taken with Andrea's vagina. How are you, DP?

    Andrea, the wedding is mine and DLLP's. Except today I definitely can't stand her. She always does not multitask efficiently, and before sx it is even more so. Came home to a million things left undone (she was last to leave the house) and I take it all so personally. I don't care what's going on with you, DLLP. HANDLE your business and keep my stress level down to a reasonable level! I don't even want to talk to her right now. I am sick of everyone who lives here, even bobo.

    DP, check in when you can! We are all with you. XXX

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    I am a bit concerned about the paparazzi showing up. I had to take Trixie's cell phone away before she got any ideas. And I am sure yours isn't dumpy at all. Although not quite sure what dumpy looks like. LOL.

    Dear DP, how are you doing? Did you get relief from your pressure/pain? I hope so.

    Bobo, you definitely sound married already, lol.but seriously, I am happy for you. Marriage probably gives a person more legal say in the medical care etc of their spouse.

    I have committment issues personally. My husband dragged me kicking and screaming to the altar, lol. But at least we were legally allowed to wed.

    Got my first card today too- thank you Spookiesmom.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Oh Bobo, sick of everyone? Even Bobo, oh that's terrible, wish I could come over and get the stuff done so you could relax.

    I have to tell you I just laughed out loud! ldesim, thank you for giving me the heads up about Marika discounts, I actually took a little wander through Marika's black Friday sale, didn't mention it here, because I get such a teasing, but they had 50% off the clearance page, just the way I like it, so I bought like, another dozen pieces, all reduced from about $60 down to $6 & $8, they are already on their way! bahahaha

    Hey PRB, I knew there had to be another one of us here...don't bogart that joint, my friend, pass it over to me, ahhhh Little Feat! My first visit to the US, when I was in my early 20's was the biggest eye opener. I was in San Fransisco, sitting in Union Square, with a girlfriend taking it all in and a guy sitting next to me passed me a joint. I was terrified off being arrested in a foreign country, but I did it anyway! haha It has never been legal here.

    DP, are you home yet? How did it go today?

    Andrea, I never really liked Bill Cosby that much. I remember my parents watched the TV shows but it didn't ever really get into it. It seems there are so many of these men being brought up on charges of sex abuse etc these days. The other creepy one is Rolf Harris, who has been jailed for it and more and more women, are coming out of the woodwork now that these creeps are exposed.

    It is pouring rain and freezing here this morning, so I won't be walking Dexter, he wouldn't even go out to pee this morning, so here am I in my dressing gown, out in the cold trying to get him outside.

    I have a few yard sales today, but don't know if they will be on in the garages today because of the bad weather. Catch you later...M x

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Isn't another word for VJ a twat? Trixie the twat? hahaha

    Bobo, I'm trying to get our M to hit the 100 mark for Marika outfits.

    PRB, thanks for phone advice, I am going to check that out.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    That's what they are called over here ldesim, when they aren't being called and Aussie fanny, but some of us also call our Prime Minister a twat, but that's because some people are too refined, to call him the see you next Tues word, which is reeeealy what he should be called! Gross, I know, but he's all kinds of awful, I can't even begin to tell you. He literally makes me throw up in my own mouth, when he speaks, or attempts to speak, he can barely string a sentence together, dreadful man! Just sayin' my humble opinion..sorry any Aussies here who voted for him. Colin just laughs and says, "Go on M, tell us what you really think!" don't get me started!

    ldesim, 100 Marika outfits? I would easily have 100 items, 10 sports crop bras, 10 T shirts, 10 jackets etc, would need another wardrobe! LOL

    Shower time... M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Trixie that Twat! I like that, it sounds like the name for a porn star or stripper!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    You took Trixie's cell phone away?? Was she taking selfies and posting on Twitter or something? 

    OH, Bobo,,, I'm so sorry you are stressed.  I wish I could help. Walk Bobo? Does he need time out?

    M:  good job on sales!   You are truly the Queen of the foob-moire!! YUCK on freezing rain.  Rather have snow than that.

    *waving to all**

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Andrea! You're my #2 card!! And I love the snowflake.. did you do that yourself? I am so jealous because I am so not crafty at ALL. It's on my tree and looks so very pretty.. thank you thank you thank you :)

    Bobo! You need some Vitamix therapy... g'head whip some things up, you'll feel better.

    M, I know you EASILY have 100 items, the goal for you is 100 outfits!

    I miss GrammaB :( She was my Zulilly buddy :(

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    M, you would be proud of me, I bought like 3 marika yoga pants and 1 capri and oh boy was I so excited.. they had sizes for short people!!!! I love the pants that I currently have, but they are way too long. I'm very excited lol.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Oh and I meant to say... umm Andrea.. your twat has a cell phone????? Damn girl.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    M you sound like how we in Florida feel about our "governor" the man who bought the office twice. Yeah, we have free speech here, but if I said what I really think of him I'd be in jail somewhere

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    oh my. Now we've resorted to name calling. Trixie will soon have to join a protection program.

    Spookie is my first card of the year too. Thank you spookie!

    M weren't you just telling us how you found loads of Marika you didn't know you had? Tsk tsk

    Draining went ok. Not the most pleasant procedure but not so bad either. Had a little chest pain at the end so he left a small amount behind. 1.2 liters this time. Then, bonus jonas, there was a gift market going on in the lobby of the hospital. So bond and I did a little shopping. Then we stopped for an early lunch. I could only eat a few bites. We sat outside thiugh( it was in 70s today) and had a nice time. We stopped at 2 horrible estate sales on the way home. Then we had a short nap. Side was still hurting bad so I've been popping pills. In case you didn't notice, I have not mentioned a sofa anywhere in these events. I insist on having a new sofa today. Waiting for traffic to die down now before heading 2 cities over to te store I want to go to. Hopefully I will be back with good sofa news.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    DP, jealous over your 70 degrees.. cold as a witches you know what here.. already over winter. Glad your draining was uneventful and hope you are feeling much relief now. Good luck with the sofa shopping!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    idesim:  Marika has pants for short people?  As Bobo will attest, I am a midget. I'm always excited to find pants that do not need hemming.  Do you recommend any certain sites for best prices?

    Spookie is my first card too.  Thanks, Spooks!

    DP:  that's a lot of fluid.  Did they say anything about the gelee?    If you are in pain, pop those pills!  Good luck with sofa shopping,,, I will stay tuned for report.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014


    Ava is so cute in the pic!!!!! Did you bribe her with a treat to get that adoring look? My first card too, thank you

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    I can't remember if I bribed her.  That picture is actually 2 years old,,but it is the best one of her in costume.  Glad you like it!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Glennie, they did on I think it was a 29" inseam, with 20% off they were like $13.00. I'm 5' 1/2" so I'm always struggling with pant/skirt lengths!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    Wish you felt better DP. Sounds like you and bond made the best of the day. Good luck with the sofa. Yes jealous of weather.

    Idesim. Up to your usual I see. Very tempted to get pants I don't have to hem. 29" inseam. Think 50% off ends tomorrow. I miss GrammaB too and Granwe.

    I feel your pain Bobo. Want to trade partners?:) Don't choke on your drink! Keep us posted on wedding. May surprise you. Glennie keep a sofa open.

    I'm so tired. Tree done. Still need to wrap and mail and clean. Even by my standards, it's messy but going to bed. F! It.

    Gymnastics, birthday parties, parade tomorrow. Sunday is forever family day. Adopted kids 2 and 3 years ago. Not sure how we'll celebrate.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    29" inseam is good for me!  Must check this out.

    Z: have 2 sofa beds and inflatable mattress.  2 bathrooms. 1 super friendly dog. It might be a little small and cramped, but doable!!  Now we have to arrange this for my weekend off,,, or i'll need to swap weekends with one of the co-workers.  **thinking**  OH, yes, know which one to ask.

    YAY for Forever Family Day!!  How exciting!!  Can't wait to hear about it.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    Z That sounds lovely. I've heard of Gottcha Day, this sounds wonderful. I never had either, don't know when they are. All that stuff was sealed. Enjoy with them

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Free shipping at $49 - 20% off with code merry20

    AND.. they have 22 oz yankee candles that come to $11.04, which I checked the scents at they are stocked so you can either keep them and give as gifts or exchange for candle of your choice!!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    I may surprise as well if airfare is in the budget.

    Z you have too much going on as usual.. forever family day sounds like fun.