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  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Hahaha, Zills, imagining Bobo choking on her Vitamix smoothie, you crack me up! Swap partners, indeed! You are a whirlwind, I don't know how you do it all!

    ldesim, I knew what you meant and I have a goal now, 100 Marika outfits! That was a great bargain you found and the right length too! Some of mine are way too long and I never have trouser leg length issues. You're right, I did find a bunch I had packed away, but some of them are too long in the leg and hemming is not one of my strong suits. I bought a lot of their plus size hoodie tops with the kangaroo front pockets. I find their sizes run so small, and I like my tops to be big and casual, so I hope they arrive and fit like I want them to.

    DP you never cease to amaze me, you go and have yourself vacuumed out and then lunch, gift market, 2 estate sales and then shopping for a couch, I am on the floor, bowing to you, you're an amazing girl! I am not worthy, I am not worthy, you win hands down, the tenacious shopping bitch title is yours!!!!!

    Spookiesmom, glad you "get it" In another time, I would have been hung for treason!LOL I hate to see people being duped by the lies of this poor excuse, for a human being.

    OMG, I couldn't stand it, I had to go to that store and check it out. The stuff was already 50%+ off and the other 20% at the checkout was fantastic. I am trying not to buy anything, but at those reductions, it's just against my nature, not to shop!

    Lunchtime here, catch you later....M x

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    So Ms Bondie needs to take a long walk off a short dock so Bobo can get married. Ms B is the pita Attorney General for florida, who doesn't think same sex couples should marry(hurts the state you know), and keeps filling legal crap to stop it.

    If she and King Ricky(the gov) decide to leave it alone, after Jan 5, Bobo could marry here

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    That would be so uber exciting!! Florida needs to get with the times and the majority of the other states and let this happen.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    Looks like I will plan to arrive after the wedding...... cause someone will have to bail you all out of jail....especially if MD is at the wedding!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    thank goodness, someone will have bail money!!!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    I dont like the T word. My ex used to call me a stupid T***, for me it was as bad as the C word.

    I wish I could come to the wedding. But cant afford the trip, much less the bail money required.

    I hope DP is getting some well deserved rest tonight. And that she found her new sofa.

    I planned on a lazy morning in bed tomorrow since I dont have to drag my kids out of bed for school. HA! My son volunteered to ring the bells for the Salvation Army Christmas Kettles. He remembered to tell me at bedtime. It's going to be cold standing out in the rain for an hour at 9 a.m. but he is so excited to do it.

    Goodnight ladies! Good morning Aussie friends!.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Hmmm, glad to hear you got away from that ex!

    Hi Andrea, the things we do for our kids! They always tell us about stuff they need, at the last minute. I used to find myself up all night making costumes that had to be ready tomorrow, but I had never seen the sheet that came home 2 weeks ago!

    I am hanging out for a DP update too. I hope she got home, went to bed and is still sleeping.

    Sleep well Andrea! Dinner time here...M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014
    • No kidding! I wonder how much stuff they will remember when they are grown. I remember my mother staying up late typing out my reports that were due the next day. I still remember the click, click, click as i drifted off to sleep. She never said no, although she often asked why I had to wait until the last minute. Lol.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014
    • No kidding! I wonder how much stuff they will remember when they are grown. I remember my mother staying up late typing out my reports that were due the next day. I still remember the click, click, click as I drifted off to sleep. She never said no, although she often asked why I had to wait until the last minute. Lol.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Name calling is mean.  I don't like the C word or the T word, personally.  I don't like the P word when it is used in a bad way, like calling a guy weak or something.  A nickname for our female parts should not be used as a bad slur word.

    Andrea: what a good Mom you are.  It's 9:00 here and I bet you are with your son at the kettle. I hope you can lounge in bed tomorrow.

    Good morning all, and good night to Aus friends.   

    DP: what happened with the couch shopping?  Many curious minds here.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    no couch. Boo.

    Very disappointing. And now I will feel ripped off no matter what I get because I was not able to take advantage of the fabulous sale. Second store had a beautiful sectional $1000 off but I had two problems with it. The Fabric would likely show wear easily and I could see Reggie drooling on it and getting in big trouble wit bond. Second, the "sales" person there had the personality of a zit. No way was I letting her get any commission off me. She was terrible. I like sales people who want to sell things.

    Side still hurts something awful. Beginning to wonder if this is "cancer pain" and not from the effusion. Questioning my decision to wait two weeks to start chemo.

    The c word isn't a big deal in Australia, right? It is quite shocking to us here because no one ever says it. I don't give any words too much power. Although I am not a fan of the word moist at all and wish people wouldn't say it.

    Don't know where to look next for sofa.

    That was sweet of your son to volunteer Andrea and that he is excited. Hopefully you can stay in bed tomorrow.

    I think trixie should be bobos flower girl.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    We went to see A Theory of Everything with our birthday gift card. It's about Stephen Hawking, the physicist. Very sweet movie. The previews were all full of fighting and explosions and gore. Guess I won't be going to any more movies soon. Then we went to the food court at the mall and had Japanese food.

    DP, Sorry about the sofa. I've wanted a new one for years, but haven't saved enough money yet because the prices keep going up. I may tackle a slipcover despite my total lack of knowledge in that area. DD swears it's easier to just reupholster, but then it couldn't be washed. Now it is covered with a beige couchcover that doesn't fit at all and the pillows are wrapped in deep orange suede fabric. Not bad except I hate the beige part. I hope you're taking the pain meds (and stool softeners) regularly. Remember that it's easier to stay out of pain than to get out of pain so in the end you need fewer meds.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Trixie as flower girl??!!   **chortles**   Great idea, DP!

    Boo on not finding a couch.

    I took Ava to get her Santa picture made. Will post in a minute.  Then we visited with the neighbors to show off Ava's reindeer outfit. Ava had 4 pound puppy and 10 month old grandbaby on her! She's so sweet and patient. Baby wanted to pet Ava's tongue! Hilarious. Wish I had pics of "vicious" pit bull with baby and puppy. Screw all you pit bull haters.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    Glennie, It's the owner not the breed. We fostered a pit bull/basenji mix. Smart and hard headed.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Trisie woukd like to be a flower girl!! But I might be taking her to Canada and she wont be available.....still i wouldnt rule it out entirely.

    My son was so excited to volunteer. We got there at 8:50 for the first shift beginning at 9:00. But no one dropped off the bells and kettle until 10:20. His shift ended at ten. Luckily we walked by later and they let him ring bells for a few minutes. It was very cold and damp out, but he didnt complain. He even got two donations without having a kettle there.

    I love looking for furniture!! But I rarely can agree with my hubby in what we should get.

    So sorry to hear about your pain DP,That just sucks!!! Dont understand why the doctor's arent doing more for you. Maybe They should work on commission.

    Glennie that us beyond adorable! !!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Trixie would like to be a flower girl!! But I might be taking her to Canada and she wont be available.....still i wouldnt rule it out entirely.

    My son was so excited to volunteer. We got there at 8:50 for the first shift beginning at 9:00. But no one dropped off the bells and kettle until 10:20. His shift ended at ten. Luckily we walked by later and they let him ring bells for a few minutes. It was very cold and damp out, but he didnt complain. He even got two donations without having a kettle there.

    I love looking for furniture!! But I rarely can agree with my hubby in what we should get.

    So sorry to hear about your pain DP,That just sucks!!! Dont understand why the doctor's arent doing more for you. Maybe They should work on commission.

    Just got your card.Glennie that is beyond adorable! !!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    I got your card, Andrea. It's lovely and I love the snowflake!!

    It's nice to see kids excited to volunteer!  Setting a good standard for the future.

    Ava is pooped after her Santa excursion. She is napping.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    OMG, that picture of Ava is the cutest thing I've ever seen. DP, no sofa? booooo. I am with M, you are one real-ass bitch, getting your gelee drained and then off to the shops! You make our M look like a cheap hack in the shopping department.

    'Oh, I am Andrea's vagina, I have got something to say, I do not like the word 'twat,' it's cheap. I won't be referred to that way. In fact I have insisted on a real name, just as all of you have been named. I will not be a flower girl, it's an insult to say I need flowers, I don't. I myself am as beautiful and delicate as a flower.'

    Let's see. Stress continues apace. I am just beat, went to bed at 7 p.m., then spent all day at a stupid ballet (Cinderella). They duped us -- it was not Cinderella, it was a stupid four-hour show with many musical numbers designed to get all hefty ballerinas a place in the spotlight, it was unbearable. Our princess kept asking when Cinderella would come back.

    DLLP driving me crazy. And now she's mad at me back because I got a parking ticket because she would not handle the fax portion of the parking decal renewal. Well, I am mad at her back. She's undependable. She should be extra-nice to me. I've had it up to here. Eighteen years, Andrea. We've been married various times, in various states, whenever we've been in a state that had unions, because we needed the protection -- whatever protection was offered. But this is the big one. We'd planned for NC but we'll do it local if they legalize it, just as a show of support. However, that means I'd better get cracking on the (small, modest) plans. Plans still need to be made, even for the tiniest weddings. Of course, you are all welcome and I would be thrilled to have you! No kidding.

    Z, was just thinking you would come and then we would all go off to Disney World like we have been planning. It's a good time of year for it -- off-season. Fun place for a large honeymoon party!

    I am max exhausted by all of this 'bump surgery up' planning. Idesim, you are so funny, you are a bad influence, just as you have always been. I miss granwe too and I worry about her. How are you feeling DP? Did the lung draining make you feel any better? And just who in the heck is the Dicktor in charge of your care? We need to get to the bottom of your pain. XXXXOOO

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    I reply to myself. Yes, Z, I will switch spouses with you, because I have been meaning to beat the hell out of yours and now I will have my chance! Am freakishly strong.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Bahahaaha, Bobo, you are so funny, I love a good laugh in the morning. Beating the hell out of Zills Husband is not what she had in mind! I can't wait for your surgery to be over and we can see the back side of that surgeon of yours. I want to find someone for DP that can take care of the pain. I love that ldesim is back and giving shopping tips. Poor DP missed out on a couch and a bad sales person too, poo to that. I agree with all of you, I hate the C word, never use it myself, except to try to explain my total distrust and abhorrence, of our current PM, but it is becoming increasingly popular in the language over here. I personally don't mind swearing, but I hate it when kids don't stretch for some real vocabulary and resort to just swearing. I had a swear jar in the breakfast program I used to run at Bec's high school. I had to learn how to swear in many languages to be able to extract the coin from the kids! LOL

    Oh dear, you've reminded me of a story! I had what felt like the biggest stomach punch, when my Mother's elderly sister, who I hadn't seen since I was 5 arrived unannounced, for a 2 month stay from Scotland at my Mother's house. That, in itself, should have been a warning of what was to come. She swore like a sailor and let me tell you, hearing the C word coming from the mouth of an 80 year old, sweet looking Grandma, is really, really confronting. My Mother, on the other hand would have to be furious before she would utter her biggest swear word, which was "bloody". The disparity between these two, was like night and day. I thought my Mother was going to pass out several times, every day, from hearing all of that profanity! LOL It was, a very looong 2 months, oh and I almost left out the best part, my Aunt liked a drink, my Mother never touched alcohol, my aunt promptly finished all the Duty Free alcohol she brought with her and then started in on my Father's bar. My dear Dad who was in Hospital, passed away while she was here, on the uninvited visit, but she was too drunk to go to the funeral, which was a blessing. I can't imagine what she'd have gotten up to if she had been there. You can choose your friends, but not your relatives!

    I am so jealous, Disney World with all the kids and a wedding! You girls better Skype me when you're all together.

    Andrea, you are so calm about the hour and a half wait for the bell delivery. you have the patience of Job, whoever was late, would have been wearing the bells if that had been me! LOL

    Posted on the other thread...have to shower.. the rain has stopped, Colin tells me we have had 53mm (2'') in the past 24 hours. M x

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    Bobo - have you ever read the lyrics to Pink's "true love" song? It sounds like you and your are so mad at her, yet you're planning the wedding. I love that song.

    DP... I agree with the others. You just had over a liter of fluid taken out and you act like you stopped off at Target to get some new towels or something....and then off to shop for sofas! Simply amazing how you push through all this shit. What is the next plan of action? I guess I'm hoping those damn doctors have a plan.

    Good to see Ideism back, and JLS on the other thread too. I always wonder about the people who are away for awhile and how they are doing. Sometimes I think I should leave because as much as I love reading your posts, I think it also reminds me on a daily basis about the beast that lurks among us...and I'm pretty sure that's not a good thing.

    Pleased to announce that I ordered a shitload of stuff off Amazon today... yea me. Christmas shopping is nearly complete. From zero to 95% in one day! Now I just have to concentrate on getting the tree up. Won't be tomorrow - am going to IKEA with a friend. She keeps trying to get me 'out and about', but you all know I'm a hermit in disguise and will be fretting about going in the morning!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    I love IKEA. I want to go.

    Not my day. Yes DP is a bad ass and puts us all to shame.

    Dizzy spell. Probably ears. We had 2" of rain too. Skipped Zumba. Had friend drive me to high tea. Had reservations since oct. Too cold/rainy for parade. Now going to bed.

    To top it off. Washer has error code. Part $100+. Will be Tuesday before it gets here. So family day will be spent in laundromat. Boy must have uniforms and DH clothes are still in washer.

    And dog. Rolled in mud and got in trash. Had a bath yesterday. Prefers dirty diapers. Ewww. Had to mop.

    BG getting into everything. Worse than a baby. Bright side. Slept all night in her bed with backwards pjs. Came and told me she had to potty. Wore panties until she got to playing and had an accident.

    Hope tomorrow is better and Murphy goes elsewhere.

    Nighty night.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    I just love checking in and seeing so much activity. We decorated the house tonight. And by We I mean my husband decorate one tree and I decorated the other. The kids didnt want to have anything to do with it. Curse 12 and 13ear old laziness.

    We turned into a competition . He won the best tree, but I claim the prize for best mantle. Now we are both wiped out. I usually decorate our staircase, but I dont have the energy tonight.

    I Love IKEA too!

    Dont be sending Murphy over here!!!

    Disney world sounds wonderful.just wondering how much my kids would hate me if I went without them. I want to go to Epcot.

    Thinking of you DP and hoping you are having a better day today.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    oh please! I am such a bum. I spend the majority of my time in bed or on the couch. Speaking of, got one finally. It's the one from the second store last night. Got it from a different sales person. Gave old couch to neighbor and he helped bond get the new pieces in.

    You guys are the bad asses. Z always chasing kids and keeping house. Glennie working all the time. Bobo running amok. M flitting about spreading her fairy dust. I could go on but I'm already tired.

    Side hurts so bad tonight. I'm 10 mins away from pill time. It hasn't hurt like this before. I don't know what the deal is but I am concerned.

    Talking trixie is cracking me up as usual. Should we make talking trixie plush puppets?

    Got cards from Andrea and glennie today. Ava is so adorable. I showed Reggie her picture. He is interested. And Andrea the snowflake is just perfect on my tree of white ornaments this year! It is beautiful.

    Ok. Can't stand it. Taking pills five monies early. Later guys.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Yay DP, you got your couch and stuck it to the bad salesgirl, high five to you! Like the line in Pretty Woman "You work on commission, don't you? Big mistake, Big mistake!" bahahaha How cool that you could give the other to a neighbor and get help to get the new one in.

    DP, I am so sorry about your pain. Do you have pain management centers over there? They are available here, for any kind of chronic pain and although I never went for my RA, I know that they put a total plan together, with drugs, and alternative modalities, like TENS, I have one of those machines, it really works and massage, acupuncture etc. It may be worth investigating, you can't keep having constant pain.

    I love Ikea and I miss Costco, they are both too far away for me to shop there now and Ikea doesn't deliver! Boo!

    Andrea, you got the decorating finished, well done! Bet the kids would hate it if you decided not to do it at all. M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    We do have pain management centers here. I don't know anything about them. I've always thought of hypochondriacs and drug seekers when I saw them. I guess that's me now. Bah!

    Toby was so upset last night, presumably that I got rid of his love seat, He went to bed by himself before anyone else. He has never done that. Of course he left when we came to bed. I took a peek in te living room when I got up for bathroom in middle of the night. Guess who was sprawled right in the middle of the new couch. Can't blame him for being mad really. He did spend more time on that love seat than anyone else.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    Reggie wags his tail when I show him Ava's picture.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014
    Dogs can be so funny. Our Shitzu cross comes running the second anyone uses nail clippers (or even holds them). He just sits right beside you and won't take his eyes off them. When you put them down he walks away. So weird!
  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014
