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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Great cartoon, Andrea.  I haven't had to defrost a car yet, but I'm still flashing. Good on you for getting the decorations done. Silly kids not helping. They would probably be mad if you went to Epcot w/o them. OH well. Tell them to save up their allowance.

    I love Ikea and Costco.  Wish we had them here in town.

    DP: that is so cute that Reggie wags his tail for Ava!! Poor Toby, missing his love seat, but it sounds like he will get used to the new couch. Good on you for sticking to that salesperson. HA!   You should consider the pain management center. You have pain. You need relief. Ask about it, cuz we worry about your pain.  We will all be in the bag, including Trixie the plush puppet.  (great idea!!))

    No working this weekend.  I am off. But I'm beat. Can't decide if it is the emotional toll of the legal proceeding wearing me down, or the Prozac or if I'm just plain tired. After taking Ava to see Santa, I just lounged around and read my library book. Then I watched the dog show that I recorded on Thanksgiving day.  The Bloodhound won best of show. Happy about that, he was an awesome dog. Had a real personality.  Today is gloomy and gray. Sharon and i are supposed to hit an art show and then go see the Penguin movie.  Let's see what really happens. Will report back later.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    I've done pain mgmt. a good doc has lots of things they can try before resorting to pills. Pain doc is the one who nailed my fibro. Pain doc did Botox injections in my shoulder for nerve pain from botched surgery.

    And they do other types of treatments regular docs don't mention.

    And hard narcos. That's when you really need to count pills and watch it. Plan on drug tests, at least here. If you follow as prescribed you're ok. It would be good for you to see one if you can. Yeah, another doc, but so worth it

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    DP, Ask your doc about a fentanyl patch. It can go right on the hurting place. It's narcotic, but not system wide, so you might be able to use both. Which side is hurting?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    thanks wren. I will ask about the patch and also look into a pain dr. It is the left side. I assume it is my lung but it also hurts into the skin. Sometimes feels like something poking my skin the last couple of days. It's weird. It is similar to the nerve pain I had after lung surgery but I don't think that is it.

    Finally got the star on the tree today. Yay! Really want to get cards done today. We will see how that goes.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    DP:  a fentanyl patch is system-wide. Doctors don't start you on those until you are on a higher amount of narcotics than I presume you are currently on. You could ask for a lidocaine patch which would help the particular area that needs the pain relief.  You can use up to 3 patches to cover the area needed.   How many times a day do you take the hydrocodone?  Which dose is it?  Maybe that needs upping???

    YAY for getting the star on the tree.   We went to art show,, very small,, done in 15 mins.  Went to see Penguins of Madagascar. Very cute. Very silly.  Recommend for laughs.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    Back from IKEA. That was my first time going.....what a neat place, and so cheap! It was about an hour's drive and my friend's hubby drove, so it was really a treat to not be driving. Apparently they go down there once every couple of months, so they knew where everything was and DD and I just followed along. Bought a bunch of stuff I don't need, of course, but may go back for a rocker. I am not a good shopper, but my friend has always been one of those who impulsively buys stuff. She made me buy a few things...MADE me I tell ya. And the food was delicious. Perfectly cooked salmon for $6...unreal.

    Way to finish your tree, DP. You put me to shame. I was thinking about lugging up the tree and then DD was very disappointed that we weren't going for the real tree. ugh. I guess I'll be out looking for a tree stand this week.

    It's cold here but sunny. I guess December is going to be a mild one. Yea! I really don't care how cold it gets, as long as there's no snow.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    I do love my lidocaine patches. The generics have lousy glue and must be taped down, still work wonders.

    Are Duragesic? Fentanyl

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Good morning all! I love Ikea, but it is considerably more expensive over here. They blame it on the transport costs, but hey, you are a long way from Sweden too! lol Their food is so good, I love to eat there, PRP and they do exactly the same menu all over the world. That salmon is fabulous!

    DP, I hope you can find a pain Doctor that can help you with that, it's so true, what Spookiesmom says about them using all kinds of things as well as the drugs, but with pain as their main focus, they are sure to hit on something, to manage yours. We don't want you to have pain! Glennie, our resident drug expert has the names of stuff, to ask for!

    Hooray for the star on the tree. I guess Bond did some junk shifting and climbing over boxes to get to it, yay for Bond!

    Ahhh, the changeover to the new sofa, aren't the pups funny, don't like change! I get it, but they live in the moment, so the new one will be the favorite, in a heartbeat!

    Dreary here again today, strange weather for this time of year. I can't remember having the heating on in December before. I may goo into town today to Aldi, I want to buy up lots of their Coconut Dessert, in case it disappears again. Will pack Colin's Hospital bag too, so he is ready to go on Wednesday. Anyone want to jump in the bag with me, for that one? We could raise some hell, in Melbourne and possibly, fly back!

    Hey Glennie, movie sounds sweet! I hadn't thought of the patches for DP, but they get great cred from people I know who have used them for chronic pain. We bought shares in a medical company, years ago, they developed a transport system called TPM for delivering meds. They went into skin care and used that same delivery system for the ingredients in the skin care. They have done well with it in both areas. I think it is a wonderful discovery, that meds can be directed straight to the source of the pain without having to go through the whole system.

    Andrea, cute cartoon! My ex used to tell me he could feel me radiate heat from the opposite side of the bed, I took Evening Primrose oil and it cut the flashes down a lot.

    Take it easy ladies, catch you later...M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014
    Hi DP, how is the pain? Glennie is right: we are all worried about your pain. You shouldn't have so much, they should not allow it. I must say, after sx fentanyl was an excellent drug for me. No SEs on my end. And here we have a resident pharmacist should you have any questions! If you have pain that isn't being managed, you should get a doctor who will help you manage it. Enough is enough!

    Sooo jealous of your Ikea trip PRB! I love Ikea. I am the poster child for Ikea. Too tired to go before Christmas. Usually I always go and make the Christmas extremely Ikea-themed. I know DLLP wants to go -- maybe after -- but it's always best to go when you are ready to spend some serious money. It's a long drive for us with the greedy and feckless eight-year-olds.

    The thread is so funny today! M, your story about the old Aunt is hilarious! What a mess! And Andrea, your own feckless children will not help you decorate the tree?! I say, go to Epcot without them. Have them save their allowance! Are we really thinking about a Disney trip? Seriously? I sure hope so -- that would be beyond fun. I never get to do fun things like that. Some people travel all over, go on fun mini-breaks -- not me. I'm here having sx and taking care of eight-year-olds (and animals).

    I just made a huge fantastic dinner -- wish you guys were here!
  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    I thought we were going to Vegas? Darn it.

    NP offered me patches (didn't say what kind) when she gave me the hydrocodone. I said I wanted the pills just because I remembered what a PITA the nausea patches were. Will ask this week.

    Oh ikea. I have not been in years. What fun. I love all the organizing gadgets. It's not as cheap there as it used to be and that was a few years ago, who knows what it's like now. A super fun day trip though. Is never be able to make it through there these days.

    Glad Colin's procedure is soon m. Hope it brings much relief and no complications. Then maybe some rest for you.

    I need to get my butt in gear and see what shopping I have left and do wrapping. Would be wise to get everything done before chemo starts up again.

    Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday. I think this was the best weekend I've had in months. :-)

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    PRB:  yes, food at IKEA is cheap and tasty.  I do love wandering in that store. Closest one is 2 hours from me.

    Spooks:  agree that the generic had crap adhesive.  Duragesic = fentanyl

    M: I am ready to jump in bag and head to Melbourne!! That would be fun!!  I do hope Colin's trip and hospital visit is uneventful and gets the job done!!

    Bobo:  agree, fentanyl is excellent drug. Patches are made for drug to be delivered over 72 hours. Used for chronic pain. Patient needs to have a certain tolerance for narcotics before they are switched over to that.    You want the wedding at Disney or Epcot?? That would be beyond fun.  We could make a side trip to IKEA too.  Assuming the marriage law goes thru on Jan 6th, where would you like to get married?  Inquiring minds want to know. **substitute nosy for inquiring**   BTW: Penguin movie is very cute and child appropriate.  I recommend.

    DP: Vegas would be fun too!!  I think we all would have a blast anywhere we go!!

    So, I like the show Naked and Afraid.  Anyone seen it?  It starts a new season tonight, and the TV Guide claims that actors James Franco and Seth Rogen are on it???  This can't be real. This is very grueling show!  Can't imagine that they would do it. Must be a gimmick.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Disneyworld & Vegas sounds good to me! I love them both! Have to get a Cabana at the pool, with cute cabana boy! Where do you stay?

    DP, I am so glad you had a good weekend!

    Hey Bobo, so glad you liked the Aunt story, I knew you would. If she wasn't dead already, at least, I think so, I never have checked in with her again after what she put my parents through. lol We could have put her up against MD, now that would have been funny, seeing those two, go toe to toe!

    Bobo, you must put fun mini getaways, on the list of things to do, when this surgery shit is over. It doesn't have to be far, or expensive, it's the stuff great memories are made of. I still remember the great times I had with my Dad, (my Mother didn't come along) where we would go to the station and choose a place to go to and just take a day trip to somewhere we had never been, or he'd take me to the heart of the city to the areas of different nations restaurants, he would strike up conversations with people, he had usually been to their country and we'd end up friends, I learned so much about the world that way. I tried to do the same kind of things with Bec and my goodness, how Vi absolutely loved it too. Bec still remembers lots of fun stuff we did on the spur of the moment. I know that it is so easy to get bogged down in the everyday grind and how money can be tight, but kids really couldn't give a crap about doing expensive stuff, they just love to hang out with you away from the normal environment.

    Rain has started again, I am trying to work out how to approach the new neighbors 2 doors down who are letting their dog roam free while they are doing the renovations to the house. This is the same dog that charged at Dex and me, when we went for a walk past the house and it almost knocked me over. Now the damned dog is constantly pooing outside, on the common ground in front of my next door neighbor and my place. The owners have never cleaned up after it and I see it do it a couple of times a day. I hate to have problems with my neighbors but it is really starting to annoy me. What do you guys think is the best way to approach it? I have no problem confronting, but don't want to start a war.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    Big applause for DP's good weekend!!! We all love to hear that. I am a bit puzzled how you can have a good weekend with a lot of pain, but that's just me...I am a serious wimp when it comes to pain. DP, I barely made it at IKEA. Place is so damn huge and by the end of the trip I was sitting on some bathroom organizer thing to rest. I was thinking of hi-jacking a couple I saw using electric carts...couldn't they buddy up and use just one and give me the other? lol My friend kept saying "we're almost at the end" so I must have looked worn out. We located the rocker I wanted in the warehouse section to see how big the box was, and it's very do-able on another trip with less adults and kids.

    Disney, eh? My daughter is the only kid in the state of Michigan who has never been there.

    M - I'll hop in the bag for Colin's trip, but you must have big bottles of hand sanitizer in there since hospitals really freak me out with all their germs. And please sit far away from everyone in the waiting room. I know this will be hard for you since you are such a social butterfly. Don't know what to tell you about neighbor's dog. My experience has been that people like that won't change even if you ask them politely. Is there any kind of ordinance about leashes and poo? My pet peeve is people who put their dogs poo in my garbage can on garbage day. I'm ok with that if its before the trash is picked up, but when I come home to an empty container with their 'bag of doggie goodness' at the bottom of my trash can on a 90 degree day, I get a little pissed.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    imageHoe about a yard sign like this

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    OMG, there would be blood spilled if anyone put doggie bag in an empty garbage can here! We have rules about leash and disposal, but these people are renovating their house, no fences. I just called my very nice, very wise, next door neighbor to ask for advice on how to approach and he tells me they are "over it" too and a number of other issues which are happening with both them and the neighbors on the other side of the renovation, so my complaint is "small potatoes"by comparison. I have decided to say nothing till the works are finished and there are fences. If it continues after that, we will all do something together.

    PRB, no problem at all, I am the hand sanitizer queen! I have bottles of it everywhere and can drive everyone mad offering it around! In fact let's just go in the bag to the nearest cafe and I will stay in contact with Colin by phone. He hates me going to the Hospital with him, anyway!lol

    PRB, I am a bigger kid than most kids when it comes to Disneyland. I would have to be one of the only Mothers who had their kid asking to go back to the Hotel, that she had had enough, while I was lining up, to go on Pirates or the Haunted Mansion again! I love to sit in New Orleans Square and watch the people, oh I had so much fun there.

    I don't "get" Naked and Afraid, I haven't watched a whole one, but I figure, if they are going to fuzz out the rude bits, why don't they just wear pants? Am I missing something?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Spookiesmom, that is fantastic! Just carried the laptop into Colin's office to show it to him!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    Hi everyone, checking on DP, darn so sorry to hear about the pain situation, hoping you can get some relief very soon! Yay for getting a new couch, getting the star on the beautiful tree! You rock!

    Ariom, hugs to you and Colin for Wednesday, praying all goes well.

    Bobo, wedding plans, surgery, you too are amazing. I could never keep up to you.

    Spookie and Glennie, thanks for the cards, (what a cute pic of Ava), I finished mine today so putting in the mail tomorrow, you ladies across the pond may not get them in time for Christmas, but maybe.

    I have been so darn busy lately and so tired, not sleeping well at night again, but enough of my complaints. So many of you gals have and are going through so much more, I will quit complaining!!

    I was listening to 60 minutes a little earlier, very interesting about finding a cancer cure, I could never explain it to you with this pea-brain of mine, even not taking the arimidex making things worse, but if you are interested I am sure you could google it and watch the program on CBS. Not sure if FDA would allow things to happen soon enough for us but maybe the push will be on. Glennie you may understand much better than me.

    Will catch up later, DP sending you a bunch of hugs and hoping you get some help for pain, I just cannot stand to think of you having to put up with that.

    ps, I sent a Christmas card to GrammaB and also Grammwe, hoping they are ok.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    LOL Spookie...cute.

    Hey Glennie. DD and I started watching Naked and Afraid a couple of months ago. Maybe they were reruns? If DD and I were to go, our two items would be a big knife and a live goat. People get pretty cranky when they haven't eaten or drank we think we'll be good to go with milk from the goat..and then some nice protein from the meat! Oh, and we must be dropped off on a tropical island so there will be some kind of fruit, bamboo trees for carrying water, and large leaves for the shelter! We've got this thing figured out :)

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    M - I like the idea of relaxing at the cafe and keeping in contact via phone. Hah I just had a thought..maybe that will be the next big craze... conferencing in during the surgery - "watch the surgery from your phone - choose the angle you prefer a) up close and personal, or b) a general sweep of the Operating Room to make sure all goes well". Or better yet, someone giving a blow by blow - "the anesthesia has just kicked in and the surgeon is preparing to start the surgery....yes, I think I see a thumbs up from the anesthesiologist and we are ready to begin."

    I am warped. Must have been all that walking at IKEA...too much oxygen to the brain.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    PRB, they'll never do it. How will they slip all the mistakes past everyone?

    Okay, correction: the wedding will not be at Disney. It will be at City Hall. I believe we will do it as soon as it's legal. But, if I have VIP guests, I can make sure we pick a good date.

    Z and I have been talking about Disney World. It isn't as if we have to drive there right after the wedding! But a Disney trip is in the air. You are right, M. I haven't been able to get on top of the day/weekend trip thing lately. I'm pretty wiped with the million surgeries, and it's a miracle we are not bankrupt given all that has gone on! Hopefully I'll get my feet under me this year and plan some day trips.

    ND, I feel like I asked before.. but are you going to graduate to the hard stuff? Like Lunesta or something like that? I don't like the thought of you not sleeping. You must be exhausted!

    M, give that puppy treats, then make a sign and thread a ribbon through, tie it around his neck... I know you will be able to write what you want in some charming way!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    PRB, you're my kinda' gal. hahaha I would do that, I love all things medical and actually watched a MX on YouTube after I had mine just to see what happened to me and why I had so many strange sensations. I know now and it was a truly brutal surgery!

    I asked my surgeon if I could have the Mx with some kind of block, because I don't do well with anesthetic, but he said it was too long a surgery and that it wasn't something I would want to be awake for. I have had several hand a wrist operations awake, for the same anesthesia reason.

    When I decided to have my dog ear removed over a year after my Mx, I asked if he would please do that without a general. He agreed, said it was like doing a very small Mx, but he wasn't really keen on doing it that way. As it turned out, we chatted the whole way through it and he even took pictures for me! I asked him if he does this kind of surgery often and he said I was the first, most women don't want to do another surgery, let alone stay awake for it. I understand that, totally, but this dog ear wasn't just unsightly, it was alive with cut nerves that zapped and zinged all the time. I didn't even realize how irritating it was, till it was gone. It is totally numb now like the rest of my chest and underarm and the 7cm/ 3" scar, which is joined to the Mx scar and curves around my back, is so fine, you can barely see it.

    Bobo will think we're both nuts now!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Ha Bobo, posting at the same time. No way, am I going near that dog, it nearly knocked me over, when it went for Dexter. I am really nervous of it, which isn't like me. I just heard that it is on antidepressants????? Isn't that for behavioral problems in dogs? Apparently it rushed another woman and her dog recently too, wouldn't you think they would keep it inside with them or better still leave it at the other house till this one is fenced? I hope it doesn't spoil my walking time with Dex, I am already checking to see if it is around, before we go out.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    Bobo, not sure if you asked before about me hitting the hard stuff... I have tried Lunesta and the first night I took it I slept like a baby.. 8 hours and woke feeling like a million.. well soon after I could not handle it, my head ached so badly I thought I would scream!! so went off. Afraid of ambien.. might do all sorts of crazier things than I do now! have been trying melatonin, but not sure about it either. I dont handle meds real well. my Mom was like that too. Yes, I am chronically tired! I heard Dr. Andrew Weil on FB say to find a mantra and keep repeating to yourself been trying that, it is to shut off your mind, which I struggle with. I have some meditation dvds too. I think I need a baseball bat to knock me out!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    M: do you have a really loud boat horn that you could blare at the dog if he charges you?  I know it would scare Dex too, but at least it could give you a chance to get away.  We have poop issues around here too. I've had it out with a few people but to no avail.  People are either jerks, or they are not. Seems like you can't change them. Now, when I find poop in my back yard, I pick it up with shovel and throw it in their backyard.  (these people let their 3 dogs run loose behind my place and do not pick up poop.  They charge Ava when we are outside and make her nervous. One is a Dobie and one is a German Shepherd.)

    My co-worker got me started on Naked & Afraid. I find it interesting to see if they will be able to survive and if they will get along or not. He thinks they should be allowed to have bikini underwear just so that they don't have to blur the private parts. After all, that really isn't much protection from the elements and bugs.  I know I couldn't do that show,, the bugs alone would have me tapping out on day one.

    Bobo:  City Hall is great option. Just as soon as legal,, be the first in line! Honeymoon/vacation later. Your kids do not follow traditional school vacations,, so you could get to Disney at an off time, when other kids still in school. Well worth it to go at not crowded time.This is LAST surgery!!  Next year can be more relaxing. Day trip to St. Augustine and see the fort?

    I do not want to watch surgery. I prefer to be out for it. I didn't like working in the O.R. and walking in on other peoples' surgeries,, I surely do not want to watch my own.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    ND: I have a sleep CD but I think I've used it for too long and need a new one. I've had it about 3 years now! Now that I'm in hot flash land, it is definitely not helping. Waiting for the Prozac to kick in and hope it works.  I had bad time with Ambien,, I got physically dependent on it and had terrible time getting off of it.  So I'm leery about taking the same med every night for sleep.  I want to rotate meds. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    Even when I was in school, I knew a steady hum could put me to sleep. Remember flu resent? lights? I had a hard time with them. The furnace, a/c, fridge, a loud fan. Knocks me right out. The fan I use for hot flashes in summer runs all winter too. Not blowing on me now, but for that steady droning hum. Zone in on that, see if it helps. Drug free! Plus, it helps to drown any street noise.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014


  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014
    Too funny!!
  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    Oh Spookie, good one!! I like a fan too, but this time of year and a fan doesnt work too well. Hard to believe we have no snow and it was raining today!! but that only means ice and I would much rather have snow. Southern people are always blamed for not knowing how to drive in snow but take it from me there is plenty of know-nothings up north when the first snow/ice hits too. November temps were very cold and now Dec. is much warmer than usual, it can continue and please me.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Maybe try one of those sound machines. I had one that played rain, brook, white noise, etc,,, but I gave it to my nephew.