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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Beautiful dog!!

    Idesim, no offense taken. And I love the poem! It really describes all you ladies perfectly!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    Wren his hair is so long on his ears and tail and it gets curly on his ears because he is terrified of brushing. I need to have him groomed. His hair between his toes is out of control but I'm afraid of traumatizing him.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    We love our dogs and couches and cats too and gutter gums. I've gotten really bad. My therapist and trainer both call me snippy. Try walking in my shoes. Would love a change of attitude. Lack of sleep doesn't help.

    Whats the recipe for mexi corn dip?

    BG back in our bed.

    Gotta get crackin. 20 min before kids get up. So looking forward to Christmas break!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    He's a happy pup! Got a chewy and a blankie

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Is that Toby? Oh he is so cute. He has a human face. I love him. I see your tree in the background!

    Idesim, love the poem. We are all tired, so any Disney trip would need to take that into consideration. For me and Z I think that means Hotel. We will not drive back to my house in same day. Also, how much Disney do kids need? I say, dinner at the hotel, then kid party in bed. Z, you are snippy? If I saw you being snippy it would just make me laugh with pleasure. DLLP is snippy right now because of her period. That does NOT make me laugh with pleasure. Her menopause is not going to be funny.

    Ahhhh. Everyone is gone. Have million essays to grade. The pressure is on to get everything done this week and weekend. DLLP has work Christmas party the afternoon before my sx, which knocks out any chance she will help me around the house Sunday, and the kids are invited. At least I'll have a moment of peace.

    M, in the bag for Colin tomorrow! And I will be in the bag, DP, for when you start up. Idesim, I love your poem. We are not offended. As DP said, we are disgusting. You should see M on the other thread! I steered a newbie over there, because this thread is of a disgusting and private variety, and bang! M starts up the potty talk.

    Hooray BG! She is ice cream addict. XXX

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Orlando as overnight trip, better idea.  TOOOOO exhausting to go down and back in one day.

    M:  we are in the bag for Colin.  How is he holding up? 

    43 degrees here this AM.   Cold for me. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    in the bag for Colin.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    Spookie thinks it's chilly today. Need to do something about that bed head.image

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Serious bed head!!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    Love the dog pic Spookie, makes me miss ours. Zills, yep a lack of sleep makes me more than snippy.. that is the nice way of saying things. I told DH a few days back.. that if I was him I wouldnt be saying anything to me because of the mood I was in!! He got the hint and clammed up!! Had a very fun time last night at our Bunco Christmas party.. first off was the wife of the young man I mentioned on here that had lymphoma and he has been having treatments and a scan yesterday and on their way home got the call that his tumor is GONE!!! She was over the moon! Of course that called for some extra glasses of wine! We laughed so hard all night, one table was talking fake gel nails and one table was talking sex and boobs!! and the third table was listening to the rest of us... I told them they needed to get a life.. all a great bunch of ladies tho. Today, back to reality... getting ready to leave Fri. morning for the Christmas holiday with kids, suitcases to pack, house to clean, work at office... geez need some more wine!

    In the bag for Colin and DP and anyone else. Waving to all

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    ohhhh spookie and Toby clearly use the same hairdresser. Adorable.

    I think you deserve to be snippy z. If I was juggling everything you do I would be a colossal bitch, so a little snippy is a o k.

    It is freezing in here. How am I supposed to be productive when I can't stand coming out from under the blanket. Brrr

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014


    I also add 1/2 cup of diced pickled jalepenos. Drain cans well. Combine all ingredients. Bake 45 minutes at 375 in a shallow baking dish.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    I didn't mention it, but today I had my endo cancer checkup. This always involves a pap smear which is usually no big deal...ahh but today, a resident was there. I usually say no to this kind of shinanagins, but my gyn/onc didn't ask if it was ok.... and the resident did have a nice white coat that said "D.O." on it, so figured perhaps this would work out. Well, let that be a lesson to me...never again! lol She just about killed me. I wanted to tell her that I did not have Andrea's perfect VJJ and it has probably shrunk down to the size of a damn it be nice to me! I wonder how Trixie would have handled that? Probably would have yelled right at her stupid face. Me.. being the joyful ray of sunshine I am - did have a smart ass comment for my regular doctor though. He said "so any spotting, bleeding blah blah blah?"... I said "well no...but I probably will after that!!". Caught him off guard, and he mumbled something like.. well yes, there is that possibility. hah Oh well.. I survived... and the good news is I don't have to go back for a year (assuming it comes back ok). He did scold me for not taking my Arimidex - "there's a reason they want you to take it"... but that was about it. I like him.. he's a handsome dude and always looks so clean. All doctors should be that clean looking.

    So tomorrow is Colin's day, correct? Or is it Wednesday already there? He might be having it right now. Hope all goes well and we hear from M soon.

    Spookie has some serious hair!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    UGH!!  Boooo on residents!! Your poor VJJ. 

    Personally, I think we all have a right to be snippy. Every single one of us.  We all have crap going on.  Hormones, kids, surgery, scans, doctor visits, chemo,,,,,whatever.   Be snippy and proud!!!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Snippy and proud!

    PRB, F that resident! You know how I feel about residents. I know how it is to feel 'off your game' and unable to keep them from coming at you. I am employing DLLP at this next sx and her jobs are as follows:

    1. Keep dirty things away from me. Don't let people lean over me with filthy lab coats, stethoscope tubes, etc.

    2. Keep all junior nurses, residents, and fellows away from me. Do not let a junior nurse do my IV. They always fuck it up. I am getting to the point at which I hate junior nurses very much.

    3. Get me out of the surgical center as soon as possible. I do not want to spend the whole day there.

    I am just boiling mad right now for you, PRB! I am so mad that I feel snippy.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    This is more like ME, the DIVA of this house!!!! I'm the only snippy one allowed!!! Kris is just another dumb male, and I tell him so. Frequently.image

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    Snippy and Proud! Is this our new motto? I like it :) Hell, maybe we should start a new thread for all the botched up crap these 'medical professionals' do to us under the guise of medicine.

    Bobo, I think DLLP can do all those things, she just needs M's power suit and magical leather brief case! We just need to empower her. Reminds me of the very first time I saw another woman on the playground discipline a nasty kid. All of us parents standing there like goofballs... not doing anything... just hoping our kids wouldn't get hurt...and this woman stood up and took charge. I was in awe... and it changed my world. People (or kids) respect that kind of authority and we need to just find our damn voice to stand up to things like dirty lab coats and stupid residents.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    I think it is good motto.  And I bet we could do a thread on that  Sad

    M is probably wearing her power suit now for Colin's procedure. Is it Weds in Aus yet?  I can never remember. Then she can teleport it over for DLLP to wear.   Hey, I think I have white lab coat!  Should DLLP wear that???  Make her look so official!!

    stupid residents.  grrrrrr,,,

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Spookie looks adorable!!  She is a diva. 

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited December 2014

    Yes it is wednesda here. 7:45 a.m. Must get up. 1,2,3.......

    Love Spookie before and after shots!. I am still having trouble posting. Waving to everyone. In the bag for Colin xxx

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    what a precious girl spooky is. I think I like the "before coffee" look best though. This one is after she gets her face on.

    So I am watching Americas Book of Secrets today because well because I like to know everything about everything. Anyhow, during the episode on the Playboy Mansion they were talking about secret and lesser known visitors. I began to wonder...... If our M has ever been a visitor there. It would not surprise me one bit! Learning about Scientology now. Very interesting.

    Snippy and proud! Shall we make signs?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Morning all! Just got Colin into the Ambulance to go to the Airport, they were smart to organise the Air Ambulance and there is a note on his file for the return if the plane is available. Maybe the "Dance of the Humpyback Spider" I did when they returned him 4 hours by road, after the last procedure, reached someone.

    I haven't been around for a day, unusual for me, just hung out with Colin and got his bag packed etc. It was too early for his carer to come this morning as she has kids to get to school, so it was just the 2 of us, like old times when I would do the morning get up. I can still do in 20 minutes, what takes the carers 45! LOL

    I always find it weird how quiet the house is, when one is away, even if they would be in the office working.

    The procedure is tomoorrow, Thursday our time and he should be home late Friday, I hope!

    Love the dog pics, but as I scrolled down to the first Spookie pic I just saw the top of the leather couch and though someone had posted a pic of big butt cheeks! Looking at Spookies toy stash under the desk, looks a bit like my place, but Dex is a rubber tooth cleaning nut. After everything he eats, he chews a rubber cleaner. He has the sweetest breath of any dog I have ever had and did I mention, he never farts! He does eat pro biotic dog food, but I mean "never".

    PRB, I had the junior for my pap smear just recently too, mine was about 12 years old and male, fortunately he did ok, but I could have been his worst nightmare, if he had hurt me! LOL

    PRB, my Mother was that woman you are talking about! She did the same thing to the school bully when I was a kid. I was embarrassed at the time, but boy did she tear strips off that bitch and it did a lot of good, she never came after me again and toned it down for everyone else somewhat, too. I learned from my Mother, that you don't take shit from anyone, you're never rude, absolutely never swear, but you stand your ground, if you feel you are justified. When I got older, I loved to watch her take down bad sales people, Dicktors and the like. She was always there for the underdog too, which was a great quality. My Dad was very similar, he didn't need to be assertive, really, everyone just loved him.

    Glennie, I don't expect to need the power suit, but I have it ready, just in case. Colin likes the surgeon, he has spoken to him and they seem to be on the same page. We'll see.

    ndgirl, your night out sounds like a lot of fun, I remember you talking about the Bunco group last year, doesn't time fly!

    Bobo, now don't you be thinking you can do any Disneyland in a few casual hours, no, no no, it has to be done over a whole day or 2!!!! at the very least. A Hotel, is a great idea, you can go back there and rest up before the Night time activities and light shows. Gosh, I wish I could go too, I had it down to a fine art, go on every ride as you come to it, never think you'll go back and do it later. Do a whole "Land" at a time, keep really hydrated......oh, the list goes on and on. hahaha

    DP love the sound of that recipe, but can't have the cheddar or the sour cream, probably wouldn't work without them.

    Love that poem ldesom, you, offend? not fucking likely! hahahaha

    Hey Dawny, dull and gray here again, it has been a pretty lousy week. Lots of rain, which I didn't mind, but the mosquitoes are in full force even though the house has been sprayed. Looks like it will be a bad year for them. Do you get them bad, down your way?

    I have had a twitching right brow, for 3 days now, not constantly, but lot of the time. It is driving me nuts. Anyone know what that is or how to stop it?

    Must jump in the shower, catch you later. M x

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    The Scientologists have their main headquarters here in Clearwater. Very secretive organization. Most locals don't like to go close, they tend to swarm all over the sidewalks. I feel sorry for them, get sucked in, and pay big $ to learn about it. They say they are a church, not a cult . IDK

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Ahhh, DP, nope, never been to the Mansion, always found Hugh a bit creepy and having been a very, very, dark brunette, I would never have fitted in there. I did. however have a marle gray Playboy T shirt that I wore to bed! Bought it on my first ever trip to the US, in I think 1972, that was my first trip to Disneyland too. I think I spent 3 days at Disneyland the first time and I didn't even have a kid with me! LOL That was also my first time in Vegas, my gf stayed on a floating bed on the swimming pool all day and got sunstroke, so I was up all night with her hallucinating and throwing up, not my idea of a fun time in Vegas!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Glad Colin got sorted with the air ambulance and not the long road trip!!!  That Dance really works!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    How did Trixie get dragged into it again?? Lol

    Dawny, I have had trouble posting today too. We will see what happens with this post.

    In the bag for everyone.

    Snippy and Proud...count me in!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    Glad to hear that Colin will be air lifted!! hoping for the best outcome.

    Andrea...poor Trixie.. she must be exhuasted!SillyHeart

    Spookie, careful for the Scientologist!! I always question when big churches want big money!! and then hard to get out of... not my bag, but to each their own.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    Count me in for snippy and proud.

    DS had a white car with red and black ants painted crawling all over it. He said Scientologists left literature on his car even if no one else had any. For years he would buy a car for $200, put $200 worth of work into it, drive it a couple of years and sell it for $200. He only got one lemon. It only lasted about a week and died on the interstate. We told him it was because he had painted it with pink polka dots and it was too embarrassed to continue.

    In the bag for Colin.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    well I fell asleep and didn't get to learn about Scientology. Darn it.

    Glad Colin got to fly. Good job m. Hope everything goes smooth and that he gets to fly back also. So you learned these tricks from watching your mom. That is great.

    Did absolutely nothing today. Side is aching. Been taking my pills on the dot of six hours. Took one 45 minutes ago but it hasn't helped yet. Brain MRI in the morning then th NP. Going to tell her I need something else.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Does he always paint his cars in interesting ways?  Just curious.