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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    that's hilarious wren

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Wren, i love that, the $200 neverending car! One lemon in all that time is fantastic! I like the ants, the polka dots, not so much!

    DP, that pain in your side is a real pain in the ass, I hope they can find something else that can remove it. I guess you have to find what's actually causing it first. MRI tomorrow, I am in the bag.

    Yep DP, from my Mum! Bec still talks about how Grandma looked if she was mad about something, yep, just like the Queen when she's not amused! hahaaha

    Colin just called he is at the Hospital, he wouldn't even be half way there yet, if he was in a car.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    In the bag for tomorrow DP! Make them give you something that will help!!

    oh I like the polka dots, that car would be amazing!! Fun story Wren, I love it.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014
    This site has been acting strange for the past few weeks if you ask me. Hitting backspace 'sometimes' takes me off the page and back to the previous page.

    Oh M - of course that was your mother ...taught by the best!! I'm not kidding, that moment in time really did change the way I react to bratty kids. Kids with sticks running around on the playground?.. NO MORE!!! Kids running at a sporting event just about taking people out...NO MORE!!! lol I love to be the bad ass adult and tell them to stop (in a gentle but firm way) ... and what's even more amazing is that they do stop.. in their tracks... with looks of amazement. Love it.

    Thinking of you DP and yet another scan for you. They need to get your pain under control. I just thought of mother had a lot of breakthrough pain and she had a script for 'instant morphine' capsules. This was 15 years ago, so don't know if that is still an option, but it might be something to ask about. Sorry, don't know what they were really called.. probably quick release morphine or something like that. Maybe Glennie knows. I think they were purple and gray capsules.

    Glad Colin is safe and sound and will be home soon to make some noise in the house! Hope it goes well.

    Last thing - yes I have spotting from that stupid resident. They really shouldn't put residents with cancer patients... like we don't have enough shit to fucking worry about. Eating frosting out of the can in hopes it helps my body heal :)

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Bobogirl!!! haha.. I caught that.. you shooing the newbie into the safer forum and M just waltzing on in and turning it all X rated :)

    Well DP, it appears you made a good choice in sofa... that is one content canine haha. He is beautiful!!!!!

    And Spookie!! I don't know which picture is more adorable!! Love the bed head :)

    Glennie, the F word is my best friend. My co-workers don't even flinch anymore.

    Zils, if I had on my plate what you seem to have on yours, snippy would be the least of it. What are the kids hoping for Christmas this year?

    Bobo, sorry that DLLP is snippy, but I am glad you got some quiet time... from what you've described of DLLP, it is probably a good thing that her and the kiddos will be gone for the day and you can do your own thing, don't you think?

    Ndgirl, Bunco always sounds like so much fun!! What was the consensus on the fake gel nails.. I have to do something with mine, Tamoxifen has just done a number on them and my hands look atrocious, plus they shred and break if I even look at them and it's starting to be painful. What good news on the tumor being gone!!! It's so nice to hear that!

    PRB, I'm glad you got the all clear... I have been putting off and putting off having mine done.. absolutely dread it. Hooray for getting a pass for another year :)

    Glennie, I think I want that on a T'shirt.. snippy and proud, if you don't like it.. go f yourself... or stfu or something to that effect.

    haha.. I spit my water out when DP asked about M being in the Playboy mansion.

    Posting... have only caught up half way.. how the HELL do you ladies manage to write so friggin much? Bunch of damn jabbermouths haha.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    M, I have the twitching brow too.. my right one.. no clue why.. just figure it was muscle spasms of some sort. I literally get the giggles every time you say dance of humpy back spider. In my mind I see somebody on the ground with all of their limbs sticking out and kinda gyrating up and down.. I think this should become a yoga move. I literally can't stop laughing to myself every time I read it.

    Not sure what time it is there.. but I'm thinking that soon Colin will have his procedure... I sure hope everything goes ok. Leave it to you to see something dirty in an innocent picture.. butt cheeks indeed.. lol.

    Wren, i would have loved to see the car with the ants.. how ingenious.

    DP in the bag for your MRI and I hope you get relief from your painful side soon :(

    PRB, frosting from a can definitely helps healing.. I'm sure there's a study somewhere proving that :)

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    There was an MSIR capsule that was purple and gray,, but it is off market now.  There is liquid morphine and tablets that are immediate release.

    I cannot believe you are having spotting!!  Damn resident dicktor!

    In the bag tomorrow, DP!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    we post at same time, idesim.  I like the tee shirt idea.  I have such a potty mouth,,, I have to remember to reign myself in when there are children around.

    Snippy and proud!!! 

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Me too, it's terrible at times... I am good about not letting loose around kids and clients.. but, I know those days are probably numbered.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    I was talking to my boss on the phone a little while ago,, and she dropped the F bomb with me.  We have a good rapport!!   I work from home, so usually our conversations are via IM, but this discussion was too involved for IM so I had called her.  I'm sure she would not have typed the F bomb!  **chortles**

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    I used to giggle inside when a client would drop the F-bomb or something equal. He would look embarrassed and apologize. I used to attend an AA meeting frequented by bikers. I don't think a client could say anything I hadn't already heard.

    In the bag for DP and Colin tomorrow. Hope they find something that works for your pain. Have you tried the Marinol? Did it help at all?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Hi Ladies, just realized the big post I did earlier is not here. I hate that.

    Ahhh yes, the F bomb, it is my favorite, but I am happy to say I do have a filter that makes me turn it off if I have to, couldn't be dropping that one in my job, or around my Mother. My Mother had the reach of a boxer and could slap me, before I even saw it coming!

    How funny ldesim, I didn't bat an eye at DP asking me about the Mansion. It was my ex who named it the Dance of the Humpy Back Spider, I can't remember how it came about, I must have been charging about, ranting over something. It has stuck and lots of my friends still say it to me.

    I wonder what this twitch is about, I am holding that brow while I read because it is annoying me so much. Seriously, just do a slow scroll down and tell me that doesn't look like huge butt cheeks. Hahahaaha

    Colin's surgery is at about 8am tomorrow, which is about 14 hours form now. They admitted him today because he had an early procedure the next day and couldn't get there that early from here. M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    have not picked up the Marinol yet. It will likely be another one of those full bottles sitting around that I fill and never take, like ambien, Effexor, Celebrex.. I could start a pharmacy. On a serious note, I have like 90 doses of lovenox sitting around. Glennie is it possible to donate those somewhere or is that illegal? It's such a waste.

    Funny thing is I wouldn't blink if m said she LIVED in the mansion for a time. Heck m could have been the one who inspired the midsummer nights dream parties. Fairy dust anyone?

    Chemo killed Off a lot of my filter. It must have been made of fast growing cells. I can generally keep it on when needed but some words have just be one part of normal vocabulary and don't get filtered. Like jackass and dick. Oops

    I also get a visual when I seer humpy back spider. Many years ago we had gonecamping at Turner Falls in Oklahoma. We were hiking the side of a mountain that contained little cave dug out things that supposedly outlaws like Bonnie & Clyde used to hide out in. We were resting for a moment inside of one of these and I was looking out the window hole at the lovely view when I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye. I backed up and saw the entire wall pulsating. As my eyes adjusted , I realized what I was seeing was thousands of daddy long legs spiders. They were all over each other and hopping up and down. I had just been inches from them looking out the window. Oh I was so creeped out. I had never seen a group of them together before. There were piles of them all over that place. I've told other people this story and they weren't freaked out, so this must be normal daddy long legs behavior. Lol. But every time I hear of m doing the dance, I picture that wall of thousands of dancing spiders.

    I need to get a Netflix receiver. There is never anything good on at night. Ex was a techie, bond is not. It's funny the things we don't know we have always taken for granted.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    in the bag for Colin. Glad he has an early procedure. Better to get it over with and get back home. And already being at the hospital is better than getting up in the middle of the night to get there!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    haven't been back to sleep. Grrr. Bond got up an hour ago. He just came and made the dogs get in bed. Maybe that will help.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Gosh, DP, you still up? You do the same thing I do, fill prescriptions, but never take them.

    That spider story is amazing, I have never seen anything like that. we get daddy longlegs, but only solitary ons. I am surprised at how few spiders we have here. There seemed to be more in the city than here.

    I spoke to Colin for a while tonight he is up first for the morning, he saw the surgeon today, apparently they will blast some of the stones, but they may put in a stent on the other side and he will have to do this all over again. I can see this being a very long drawn out process. Fingers crossed they can retrieve all the stones tomorrow.

    I thought I would hear from Colin 2 today, he had an appointment to find out about having his thyroid out, maybe tomorrow.

    Pouring rain again, I am off to tomorrow...M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    12 more minutes of peace and quiet. BG can come sleep with you dp. She snores like a freight train. Must call dr.

    In the bag. We have a faith pharmacy that takes donated rx. Not sure about the heavy stuff. I donated my IVF drugs back to dr to hand out.

    Need to find the rotel. Know I bought it. Going to try your dip. Tonight is bc mtg and hoping to spend night with aunt. I need some me time.

    Love the bed head. BG has rats nest on the ends. Sometimes I just put it up in a pony and let her rip. Yesterday she had on a rain boot and a suede boot. I'm going to win mommy of the year:)

    Nd have a wonderful time! Sounds like you've already started.

    I don't mind grand daddy long legs but that many would give me the creeps. As the boy says " that's freaking me out". Where does he hear these things?

    I really need to watch my potty mouth in front of BG. F! father comes out a lot. Boy has even said sh!t and d@mn. And yes it all comes from me.

    In the bag. Give Colin our love.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    In the bag for Colin!

    M and idesim, that pulsing is stress-related or fatigue related, don't you think? I get a pulsing in my eye for those reasons. Can you rest with a lavender-scented eye pillow?

    Birdie, I would never say the F word around you, even if I were a biker at an AA meeting. Whoops, I already have said the F word around you. A lot.

    PRB, FFFFFFFFFFF about that resident. I have got to say, I dislike confrontation. And I have taken a lot of crap. But I really believe I am at the point at which if a Dicktor walked in with a resident, I would be like, You have got to be kidding. In fact I have done that already from time to time. Years ago, after my first sx, the Dicktor walked in with TWO resident med student girls with long blonde hair. The Dicktor said she wanted them to feel my area. I said, Absolutely not. And then the Dicktor left the room, indicating that the girls were to question me. They started in with questions about my entire history, starting from beginning. I said nothing. We just sat in silence, the girls starting to cry (with red faces).

    I think we should revolt against residents. I don't give an F if they need education. I have more than done my part. My tumor is as rare as they come. International panels. I have had thousands of junior nurses practice on me. And I am doing an experimental procedure now, thus educating the PS himself. I must say, I have had it up to here!!

    DP, I have also had it up to here with your 'NP.' She had better get to the bottom of your pain! You cannot be permitted to just sit here in pain all day long, it is criminal. I am going to come over there and do the Dance of the Humpybacked Spider! In the bag for your scan and appt.

    Z, BG's outfit and hair sounds like that of our princess. When they see one another, they will be like twins and we will be unable to tell them apart :)

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    don't remember if I said before but be sure to drain the rotel too z.

    Gosh I hope they get Colin straight today and he doesn't have to do this all over again.

    BG can climb in too. I also snore like crazy. Dogs left cuz they heard bond open the door to leave. But they left a warm spot for my feet so it's ok. So tired. Back hurts so that I couldn't resist 7am pain pills even though I need to get up in a while. Hopefully I won't be too groggy. Check in later.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    In the bag, DP!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    Ya know Bobo...I usually refuse the residents too, but I wasn't sure if this was a resident or his new NP that I was supposed to meet. I loved, loved, loved his old NP, but she left over a year ago. I was used to Holly doing my paps every 3 months, and then one day in walked Dr. M and Holly was gone :( I love that you refused to give the residents answers! It is so hard to be assertive sometimes. For the most part I hold my own - I'm the patient with that piece of paper with all the questions. Not sure why he didn't ask if it was ok with me to use the resident. I think things were a little out of sorts because they just started doing things electronically, and he was visibly upset that my records were all screwed up.

    M & DP - I fill all my prescriptions and then don't take them too. What's up with that? We are just rebels! I am weird though in that I keep them around... just in case I need them? I figure most meds are ok expired...just less potent.

    OK, I didn't need to hear that spider story!! That's just freaking me out (to quote z's boy!).

    Short day at work today...out at 12:30. wheeee. DD gets out early today and then orchestra concert tonight. We had to buy formal shirts and bow ties (both girls and boys) - can't wait to see how they look tonight. Professional photographer will be there to take pictures.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    You have been busy since I left last night.  DP:  not sure about donating the meds. Many places would probably like them but concerned about risk of tampering. The Lovenox might be OK, since it is individually wrapped. Just not sure who will take them. Let me Google search and see what I find.  That spider story was creepy!  I can't imagine seeing that many at one time!  I would freak out.

    I hope they get all of Colin's stones in one go. Would suck to have to do this again.

    And I agree about saying FFFFF the residents!  I want the damn real doctors, thank you very much. Some of them are not worth much either, but I don't want anyone practicing on me.

    In the bag for Colin and DP.  Will check in later.

    Just heard,, one of the techs at the hospitals,, really nice person,,, her husband just died. SUCKS.  Co-worker wonders if they misdiagnosed him. Yes, at my hospital. Oh man,,,, I'm so bummed for her.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    Glennie, What sad news. And so close to the holidays seems to make it worse.

    Zills, We always blamed the kids vocabulary on day care even tho they were really picking it up at home.

    DP, I was holding my breath that you were going to say tarantulas. Now that would really freak me out. We have daddy long-legs in the house and pretty much leave them alone. They aren't allowed in the shower or above the bed tho.

    My mystery back pain is back. It hurt all day yesterday and is hurting this morning. I'm waiting for DH to get out of the shower so I can get the tylenol. I've already taken naproxen. Picking up my coffee cup causes a spasm. In my book that's a serious problem. I would go to bed if I weren't volunteering at the senior center. We're going to be busy too, because Fri is bingo-karaoke night. It's very popular with 30ish folks, sells out in 20 minutes and brings in a ton for the senior center. I hear the woman who calls is very salty with her comments and that goes over well.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    OH no,, mystery back pain??? WTF?? Massage? Chiropractor?  (Don't read that, M) Heat or ice?  Did you lift anything? Just wondering if you know what set it off?  SUCKS. I hope it goes away soon.

    I will have to check at work to see what they are going to do for her.  I'm so so sad for her. She is one of the happiest people I know,, and SO IN LOVE with her hubby. You know that kind of person?  Like really really in love?  OMG,, that is her. And she's been married for years,, but her eyes just light up when she would talk about him.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    Oh Glennie.. that is so sad to hear. Had he been sick? I only ask because you had said something about a possible wrong diagnosis.

    OK everyone.. I may have found a solution to all my whoa's on this site and losing posts, cursor moving around, losing lines of text etc. My laptop is pretty new, and it dawned on me that I never had problems before ... so what has changed? Well, my new laptop has a 'gestures' feature for the touchpad. It also has something built into it to recognize palm sensitivity on the touchpad. I disabled the gestures feature and turned the palm sensitivity up to max..that way if my palm, or thumb or whatever lightly touches the touchpad, it doesn't react. So far so good... I typed a long 'test' post with lots of backspacing, paragraphs..etc just to see what would happen...and I haven't experienced any problems. I hated when I'd hit backspace and *poof* I was on the last screen...or I'd be typing away and the cursor would jump to the middle of the previous paragraph and start inserting text into already typed sentences. I'd have to just keep typing to try and find where the hell it was located! Anyhow, just thought I'd share that tidbit with you...maybe it can help someone else...and maybe it's too soon to tell, but I haven't had any problems with this post.

    Thinking Colin's procedure is starting right about now..hope it goes well. Waiting for a check-in from DP to see how MRI and discussion of pain meds went.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    He went into the hospital with dizziness and some other vague symptoms. They thought he was doing better and transferred him out of ICU.  Then he coded. So co-worker thought maybe they missed a heart problem or stroke. Who knows? 

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    So tragic about her husband. Think it must be harder around the holidays with all the emphasis on family and loved ones.

    We had a terrible thing happen here in Maryland this week. A small jet crashed into a house killing a young mother and her two little boys (3yrs and 7 weeks old).luckily her girl was at school and her husband at work so they were ok. I dont know how they even go on now after such a loss.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Oh, wow,, that is terrible.  Too much bad stuff.


    I got a Christmas card from SGC!!  So excited.  Adding to the collection!  Thanks, SGC!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    those are both awful stories. Very sad. Not crazy about this mri location. The tech was super nice and there was no waiting. BUT it's a tiny machine, they don't do headphones, and the stupid nurse lady or whatever she was went hunting way too long before they sent in the guy who "is really good at IVs". On the upside, the pain from that distracted me from the awful pain in my side from the way I was laying. Crap. Back later

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Poor G's friend and Andrea's Maryland people. That is terrible.

    In the bag still, DP! Terrible to have shitful tests. Standing by.