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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Hi all, heard from Colin, just as I lathered up with shampoo in the shower and had to try to make it to his office without slipping, no more news, just that he is scheduled for this morning.

    I just heard from my friend who just lost her son. I was supposed to be having lunch with her today, but she is experiencing another bad day and can't face going out, or seeing people. I know how awful it is to have these losses at the Holiday time, my Dad passed on New Years day and I refused to do anything on New Years Eve for many years, because I always felt so awful.

    So sorry to hear about your friend's loss too Glennie.

    I have Simon, the amazing window cleaning man here this morning, he's so great, my RA wouldn't allow me to do all this glass and we chat as he goes up one side and down the other. He was Dx with a type of ca at the same time I was, so we have our appointments around the same time.

    DP, ouch! I hate those MRI machines, I hope it's all done now and you're out of there.

    I went to the letterbox and thought, oh wow! I have a card from Z, but when I turned it over, it was addressed to Colin, yep, Colin gets a get well card from my friend Z!!!!!! I called him and he asked me to open and read it to him. You nailed it Z,LOL Colin would have to be the biggest fan of Duct Tape there is, it is used for everything around here and he buys it in bulk rolls! Not only did he get the spot on funny card, but he got drawings from the kids too!!!!!!!

    Andrea, I saw that terrible plane accident on the news here, how terribly sad.

    Wrenn, I am so sorry to hear about your back pain. I hope you can get that under control.

    Whoa there Bobo! Wow, tell us what you really think! That's one angry post from you, but I had to laugh at your retisense at confrontation, that was pretty darn good, what you did to make those girls cry, a very passive aggressive, confrontation, that really cracked me up!

    PRB, I am the same, just keep those drugs there, in case I might need them. Then they are out of date and I throw them away. My Rheumy used to go ballistic at me, for that. He'd almost pull out his hair, asking me if I thought the drugs would magically infuse into me, if I kept them in the packet. He did have concede that I had built up a pretty high tolerance to pain and that I seemed to have made the disease take a back seat, because I refused to acknowledge it.(his words)LOL

    Don't know what I'll do today, it is pretty windy and it has been raining again. My friend at the Opp Shop is not doing well, so she won't be there today. I might just head down there for a look around and come back here to potter around. It is so weird not having Colin in the house.

    Take it easy ladies, be back later..M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    had to have another chest xray today because NP hears fluid in there. They make me lay on my left side on top of this hard foam thing for one of the films. It hurts like hell. Still does. Worst ever. Talked to her about pain. She suggested increasing dose of hydrocodone. I brought up patches. She didn't seem on board but said she would prescribe if I wanted. Now that I've read the insert I am afraid to use it.

    Didn't expect mri results today but np got them. Not so good. Three of the tumors have grown since Halloween. Don't know how much larger. Have to wait until Monday to see RO. NP took report to him but he said he needed an hour to analyze it.

    That's all I got for today. Going to up my hydrocodone for now, being that the fentanyl says you need to be on a continuous high dose of other narcotic drugs before taking it or you could OD and die. Yes it says that.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    oh an thank you for card sgc. It made me giggle.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Oh DP, that is shitful news. And you have to wait until Monday to see the RO?? Who do these people think they are?

    M is right, I am angry. Although I got a card from SGC that made me laugh out loud -- thank you S! And then back to being angry. Grrr. Snippy and proud!

    In the bag, DP. M, I miss your Colin too! Hope that care package from Z cheered him up. XXX

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    DP, you should be done about now. I havent had earphones in an MRI before. Hope it went well.

    Lukewise hope Colins procedure went smoothly, and blasted the stone to smithereens. I am having some residual pain from my procedure last week, but not bad enough to take any meds.

    My biggest complaint is I have a little sore on the end of my tongue today that is driving me to distraction. I get those a few times a year. My mouth is very dry today too...I wonder what I can take for relief.

    I havent had any bad experiences with residents...oh wait, the anesthesiologist resident chipped my front tooth putting in the airtube during a surgery 12 years ago. Two of my daughters are nurses, maybe thats why I let students participate in my medical exams. But I draw the line at IVs.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    OH, lovely,, Colin gets get well card and drawings from the kids! Sweet!!  Hope to hear more news from M before I go to bed.

    DP:  yes,, you could OD and die. Talk to your resident pharmacist and tell me how much hydrocodone you are on now,, what mg and how many you are taking. And what dose Fentanyl patch they gave you. Definitely up your dose of hydrocodone cuz you are having pain, which the dicktors need to address! Can they start you on time-released oxycodone or time-release morphine that you take scheduled twice a day, and then you have immediate release med for breakthru pain?  Can't believe you have to wait until Monday for report. And she hears fluid?  Did she schedule drainage again?   What about going to pain management doctor?    **concerned**

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited December 2014

    Yea! My cards are arriving! Glad you got a giggle DP! And made Bobo laugh out loud when she was snippy and proud? Well I guess I have fullfilled my mission! You too are most welcome Glennie!

    Spookie your card was first to arrive and I loved it! Then glennie's Ava made me smile! Of course no one can beat our crafty Andrea! I love the snowflake which fits perfectly with my snowman inspired tree! You all made my mailbox visits happy ones.

    The mother and children in MD who were tragically killed have my last name-my maiden name that I still use. My cousins also live in MD and before the victims first names were released I held my breath! Several people were calling various family members to see if it was any of us. I am happy to report that it isn't my family. However, I am so deeply saddened by this tragedy! The dad and daughter have such a long road ahead of them.

    I know I haven't been posting lately, but I am keeping up with all that is going on! I am in the bag for all appointments, tests, treatments, and surgeries! I am just a bit quiet these days, but you can find me there sipping on my piña colada! I am cheering for all victories-large and small. I am cussing out all dicktors, residents, and God forbid, interns! I have prayed for relief, recovery, and feeling of well being. I have laughed and cried with you all on a daily basis. I am here, just quietly so.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Just got home again and had some lunch, no news, Colin is still in the OR, not sure what's going on.

    Hi Sgc. good to see you!

    DP, I know I probably piss you off, going on and on, but I can't tolerate this total lack of urgency to help you, by these fucking Dicktors. It makes me shaking angry! Can you get an appointment at a pain center? Even if you don't want to follow what they offer, just to see someone that is only interested in relieving this incessant pain for you, would have to be a good thing. I am sorry you haven't had a good report so far, with the test today and now you have to wait again. I just want to punch someone!

    Andrea, get some Bonjela, or similar, I have those little things on my tongue occasionally and baby teething stuff is the best thing for healing them, or anything to do with the mouth and it numbs it too. Sorry you are having some pain from your procedure, I hope that clears up soon.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    DP, you should be done about now. I havent had earphones in an MRI before. Hope it went well. Likewise I hope Colins procedure went smoothly, and they blasted the stone to smithereens. I am having some residual pain from my procedure last week, but not bad enough to take any meds.

    My biggest complaint is I have a little sore on the end of my tongue today that is driving me to distraction. I get those a few times a year. My mouth is very dry today too...I wonder what I can take for relief.i left my Gentian Violet behind in Canada.

    I havent had any bad experiences with residents...oh wait, the anesthesiologist resident chipped my front tooth putting in the airtube during a surgery 12 years ago. Two of my daughters are nurses, maybe thats why I let students participate in my medical exams. But I draw the line at IVs.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Just heard from Colin, he has had the procedure and the large stone is gone, some others in that side have been blasted, but they have replaced the stent again in that side, because they have to keep it open and the swelling is major, so not sure if he will have to return to the city to have that removed or if it can be done here. Still have the other side to do, apparently they never do both sides at the same time in case the kidneys shut down, so I think it could be a long drawn out thing. Anyway, he's fine and very chuffed that all of you are interested in how he's getting on!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Well now, not sure why my post came up again. I deleted one. Maybe its my new phone. I have better luck using my iPad.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Andrea, a chipped front tooth? I would have been really annoyed by that.

    I just remembered that I spoke with the young resident who was present at my Mx after my surgery. She was so excited to tell me that my scar was extended a little further across onto my other breast because they had fixed some sun damage I had on my chest, while they were doing the Mx. I am pleased to say that I did indeed lose a wrinkly, sun damaged area in the middle of my chest, which is now nice and smooth, so I couldn't complain about that one!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    Yea Colin! Glad the card arrived just in time.

    Poor DP. I can't imagine. When do you get to see the new trial dr that's supposed to be great? Monday? I agree you need to do something about the pain. Pallative care? I don't like their attitude. Can you bribe them with a treat so they treat you better?

    Didn't drain the rotel and had to go buy a can. Only four were there. Dip was good but needed some jalapeños. I left them out. Was a little oily. Sent leftovers home with the bachelors. Had a black bean brownie. Yummy!

    At my aunts tonight. Hoping to sleep in.

    Sorry about the tragedies. Kinda glad I'm clueless. I don't even keep up with the weather anymore.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    gosh Andrea I would say a chipped tooth was reason to complain!

    Glennie I am taking 10mg four times a day right now which I have recently increased from 5 mg a couple times a day. Fentinyl is 12.5. She said I could still take hydrocodone for breakthrough pain. I'm too scared to use patch now. Says can cause major breathing problems which is the SE of the hydrocodone too. Maybe 15 mg hydrocodone will be ok. Will see today.

    PRB that must have been nerve wracking. Sad for them but glad it wasn't your family. And glad your hanging out with us.

    I know I'm missing something but I'm kind of scattered. Hi bobo. Poor Colin. I hate never ending procedures. Going to try to go back to sleep. Later ladies

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    sorry th dip didn't come out just right z. Def have to drain everything good. Of course bachelors don't care. Lol

    I don't actually get to meet the trial dr. Deal with the research person. Looking at drs at UNT. At this point I kind Of feel like they are doing what they can right now - with my nudging, which I shouldn't have to do. It's just a shitful situation.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Well DP, Crap on a Chapstick and Poop on. Popsicle!!! I hope at least your increase in Hydro help with your pain.


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    I suggest asking for some time-released oral meds before trying the fentanyl patch.  I think that would be a good place to start.  The hydrocodone is short acting and good for breakthru pain, but it has acetaminophen in it, so it also limits how much of it you can take in a day.  Also these meds can have an effect of breathing, depress respirations, so you don't want to jump up your dosages too fast. Your body needs to get used to it.

    Ask them for Oxycontin 10 mg twice daily.   You may need to go up to 20 mg twice daily in a few days.  It is timed-released so if you take it regularly, every 12 hours, you will have a steady amount in your body after a couple of days.  I am hoping that using this regularly will help keep your pain under control and then you can use the hydrocodone for breakthru pain.  Or they could give you oxycodone immediate release (with no acetaminophen--tylenol)  for the breakthru. then you don't have to be concerned with how much acetaminiophen you are taking.

    I wish you could get to pain management doctor. Someone who would see you at least once a week, twice would be better, to assess your pain, and get your meds managed.  The Oxycontin can go higher too. I just suggest that for a starting point.  Or you could use Ms Contin (morphine)  15 mg twice daily, increasing to 30 mg twice daily in a few days. And you could use immediate release morphine or immediate release oxycodone or the hydrocodone for breakthru pain.  The MS Contin can go higher too.  Again, just a suggestion for starting point.


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Dear Colin:  glad that the large stone is gone and others have been blasted. However, it is shitful that they keep the stent in and you still have to have that out in the future.  And the other side done too!  Crap on a chapstick!  I hope the procedure has you feeling much better at least. Hoping you will be feeling well enough to get out sailing again. Get home soon. M misses you.



  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    I had a older dental surgeon chip one of my front teeth. I was really pissed. So I have a thing about really old surgeons too. Not too young, not too old. I want experience, but still have steady hands. ages 40 to 60ish.  

    Cold here,, 39 degrees,,,, brrrrrr.   Must go out too.  **waving at everyone***  back later.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Hi DP! **waving** Sending you hugs. Do you need any support finding a pain-management doctor in your area? I -- or any one of us -- would be glad to make phone calls and set up appts.

    We are pushy, snippy, and proud! Hope you are having some pain relief today and cuddling with Toby. XXX

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    wow glennie. Thanks for all the good info. Someone from Medicaid actually called me in Monday to enroll me in some new wellness program. I had to set a goal so I said pain management. I told her I was going to talk to dr about it weds and she is supposed to check in with me to see what happened. I probably need a stupid Referal to go to a clinic. I will talk to her about it. The purpose of the program is to help texans meet their health goals. Lol. Could be perfect timing.

    I forgot about the only nice thing yesterday. There was a comfort dog named Phoebe at the cancer center. She was a golden retriever and such a sweet girl. You could tell she hasn't been a pro very Long though because she still wanted to do what she wanted to do a lot of time. Of course that made her even cuter to me.

    I must manage to get some wrapping some today. Not doing too well on those goals for this week.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Phoebe sounds so sweet.  Glad you had a dog for company!

    Yes, this program sounds like good timing!  I hope you get a good referral to pain doctor.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    one day at my rads center an older man came through with an older German Shepherd. His head was bigger than Spookie! But he made the rounds of the room, was a sweet old boy, I caught 50 extra sniffs when I got home. Made for a better day

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    The Mallards must think it's cold too. Probably a few hundred in this pond.image

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    Just lost another post due to backspace acting like escape. I'm going to complain to the mods. Ridiculous you can't use backspace to correct spelling.

    Rainy here with wind predicted. The front page of the newspaper listed the numbers to call to report electrical outages. Trees here seem to get uprooted easily because the roots are shallow. I grew up in Oklahoma where trees have to go deep to find water. I think the trees have a point system where taking down the power line has a certain number of points, leaning against the power line has fewer, and taking out a house earns much higher points.

    DP, I sure hope someone lights a fire under these people who are not taking your pain seriously enough.

    M and Colin, Sending healing thoughts for a quick recovery. Shitful that they want to do the other side too. Do kidney stones mean you have to make dietary changes?

    I need to get my cards finished. Hurt too bad yesterday to work on them. PT appt today for my ankle and I'm going to drop by the mastectomy store to discuss foobs and new bras. Maybe I'll try the valetta since they said they could bill it as a bra and it would be covered.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    My DH has developed stones several times over the past 40 years. They have been analyzed, primarily calcium. So he avoids dairy, but still drinks waaaaay too much soda

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Morning ladies! Just read Colin your post to him Glennie. He is waiting for pick up to go the the airport, hopefully he will be back early afternoon. Still not certain if the other side needs to be done, it seems the stones in there are small enough to pass on their own, so he may not have to have another stent. The surgeon said the stones have gone to pathology to see what type they are. Colin is a big dairy eater, Spookiesmom, he loves cheese, so who knows it may be that. Wren, they haven't mentioned anything about that yet..

    I am so glad there is something happening for you DP. I can understand how you're afraid of he SE's of those heavy pain medicines, but it sounds like you may be on your way to getting someone who will focus on getting that right for you. I sure hope you are feeling better and pain free soon.

    Love all the ducks n the pond! Spookiesmom, we used to take our old dog Gizmo to see my Mother in the Nursing Home, all the residents loved him and he would go to everyone for a cuddle and then we'd take Dexter, to the same place when Colin's Mother was there and he'd do the same thing. It's weird how well behaved Dex would be in that situation, yet here, he can be like a naughty puppy!

    Waving to everyone, I hope you've had a good day, I am just starting mine! M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    Pretty picture spookie. Wren I heard them talking about storms in the news earlier. I wasn't paying attention but maybe she was talking about you. I did catch that she said it was "one of the windiest and rainiest storms ever". I thought she could have used better descriptors but I guess they were accurate.

    Didn't get anything wrapped. Did get everything gathered in one place and accounted for. Have several things still coming in the mail and a couple more things to get., if inly I knew what they were. Walmart has free shipping with no minimum purchase today only, if anyone is interested. Went through my stash of unopened products that I end up with. Decided that I don't have enough girly girls on my list.

    Have headache. Want nap.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Poor DP. Hope your headache is better after a nap. Are you drinking enough water? Can our Bond help you schlep out all the presents and make your plans? Sending you hugs.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Hope Colin liked his letter and that he is home soon!

    DP:  I hope a nap makes your head feel better. Did you take a hydrocodone?  Are they helping? Bobo is right about the water. I was not drinking enough these last couple days and having headaches and drinking extra water helped me. Don't get dehydrated.

    Nice ducks, Spooks!

    Wren:  agree about the trees and the points system.  Hope PT helps the ankle. Back is still hurting??

    **waving to all**