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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Yeah, Birdie, how is your back?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    oh yes glennie. I count down the minutes until I take my pills now. I wait six hours instead of four but that may be changing soon. The last hour has been really rough for the last couple of doses. Bonds mom is a nurse. Says I should do the fentinyl and not be in pain. She said oh she probably has 25s, most people have 50s. I have 12.5mg. Lol. Still scared though. Also skeptical of her drug knowledge. She sends bond all sorts of rx in the mail. She's kind of nutty. She's a really cool lady though. Wears John Lennon glasses with hot pink lenses. Got her first tattoo a couple years ago. She may be coming to visit us soon.

    I could be dehydrated. N

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    oh yes glennie. I count down the minutes until I take my pills now. I wait six hours instead of four but that may be changing soon. The last hour has been really rough for the last couple of doses. Bonds mom is a nurse. Says I should do the fentinyl and not be in pain. She said oh she probably has 25s, most people have 50s. I have 12.5mg. Lol. Still scared though. Also skeptical of her drug knowledge. She sends bond all sorts of rx in the mail. She's kind of nutty. She's a really cool lady though. Wears John Lennon glasses with hot pink lenses. Got her first tattoo a couple years ago. She may be coming to visit us soon.

    I could be dehydrated. Not drinking as much as I should lately. Prob only 30 oz so far today. I'm supposed to have like 90oz. Of course now I know my tumors are growing again so that doesn't help. It's all in my head can be both literal and figurative.

    I wrangled all the presents onto the giant new ottoman. He asked what it was when he got home. Told him I was having a gift market. Can't believe tomorrow is Friday already. Promise to wrap something tomorrow. Bond has to take me to the store some time to get ingredients for soup jars that I want to make. Bless his heart. He is so not the couples errands type of guy. Now he has been having to do all this crap with me. Like going to the dollar store. You can imagine how fun that is for him.

    Nap lasted 5 minutes. Think that made me cranky. Now it's too late. Watching qvc. Love the gift shows. Finally have in earlier and bought the potstickers. They have looked so good for two years! When is Lisa's last day bobo?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    I think you should take it every 4 hours. Try that for a day or two regularly and see how it affects your pain level.  I have nothing against the fentanyl patches,, but they are meant for people who have been on narcotics at a certain level,, and I'm not sure you are at that level yet. I would really like to see you get some time release oxycontin or morphine, like I mentioned in the other post and see how that keeps your pain under control.  When do you see one of the doctors or NP next?     I just do not want you to get on the patch too soon, before your body is used to the effects of these meds.

    When I worked at the hospital,, not at home,,, I had a lot of experience with pain management. Thus the very long post above. I know what the MO's do around here. So I am advising you as if you were one of my patients here at my hospital.   If you were here, I would be so snippy and make sure they took good care of you. 

    Try the hydrocodone every 4 hours, regularly,,,  and see how it affects your pain levels.  At 4 hours, are you ok,, or at what level pain?  If you can keep track of that on a piece of paper or your phone,, then you can report to doctor or NP when you see them again.

    Sorry if I am nagging,,, I just don't want you to be in pain.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    I just got back from the mx store where I purchased a new, lighter foob. Still silicone but much much lighter weight. The woman helping me pointed out that my back is swollen where it hurts. Could it be truncal lymphadema? Glennie, what were your symptoms? Fitter suggested using ice which I'll do as soon as I'm done looking at BCO. I want to read in case we lose electricity tonight. The east side of the horizon is blue or pale gray with light clouds. The west side has purple clouds that are moving fast. Sort of eerie looking. They remind me of the photos of the dust storm approaching.

    DP, I hope you find a level that works with pain and doesn't scare you about side effects. Poor Bond. DH would hate taking me around to those stores.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Birdie, so sorry about your swelling. Watch out with icing that area. My people don't let me ice anything anymore for fear of 'burning the tissue.'

    DP, agree with Glennie. If the rx says it could be taken every 4 to 6 hours, why not take it every four and have Bond help you record how you feel? It's a good idea.

    How about gift bags instead of wrapping so many things? Take Bond to the dollar store for some tissue paper (laughing), put the tissue in some pretty gift bags, and voila! You are done!

    Sometimes I love to wrap presents... sometimes I let the kids do it. Not their own presents, of course.

    Hugs, DP! We want you to be completely pain-free, and we're not afraid to be snippy and proud to any of your Dicktors!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Oh Wren,, I hope it is not truncal LE.  When mine first started,, I didn't have pain, but a swollen feeling. The area felt big and swollen. It didn't look very swollen, but it felt big to me. But I didn't have pain. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Damn, I love wrapping.  I wish I was there to wrap for you. Bobo has good idea about the gift bags. 

    Maybe Bobo will let me do her wrapping.  Happy


  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    Oh I loved getting my mail today! Thanks for the cards gals,, Sgc, yours was so cute and funny!

    DP, how I wish I was closer to help you with any or everything! I was also going to suggest the gift bags, pretty quick and easy. I am so hoping this new program helps you, but it seems to me Glennie has some great advice and knowledge! how fortunate we are to have a pharmacist here. Getting that pain under control it so important, so if every 4 hours works go for it! I was so pleased to get your card knowing how crappy you feel right now, thanks so much, we all love you and are ready to fight the fight with and for you.

    Spookie, love the pictures, cant believe it is warmer here than in FL.. unreal! but you will soon warm up.. we wont.

    Wren, have been seeing your area on the news and was thinking of you. I said to dh tonight that I hoped you are ok, saw where power is lost, trees down, what a mess.. stay safe! How is your back, and sorry to hear about the swelling, sure hope it is not le of any kind.

    Ariom, lovely card arrived today with a cute little sticker inside... thank you. Glad Colin is done with procedure and hope no more are needed. I saw on FaceBook a friend of mine in AZ just had a stent put in and going through the same thing.. she waited for 6 hours in ER, she is a retired nurse and was furious!! Said the pain was unbearable, in our rural area that is unheard of, but of course the dense population of AZ explains it, but still that is a long time in pain.

    Hello to all you ladies, must run, leaving in early morning and still not packed!! check in later to see how things are going... special hugs to DP

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    Gosh DP. You could have written that post as me. Still no wrapping here either. Last present arrived in mail today so want them out tomorrow and the cards too! I had time today but just can't get my act together.

    Washer part in next week. Still need to get boy the big Santa. Tried to look at rc boats today but store opened late.

    LE feels sore and heavy not swollen.

    Glad Colin's on the move.

    Gotta go. Phone ready to die.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    Well so much for my helpful hints post about the touchpad and possibly easing the quirks of typing in this forum. Just hit backspace and lost all but 4 words of my post. I'm with whoever said it earlier today... the mods need to look into this. As far as I know, it just started happening in the last month or so.

    Anyhow, as I was saying before my post went bye-bye.... thanks for the cards ND and Glennie. I didn't get on the list, but somehow you found me :)

    Now my mind is a complete blank... I must have hit backspace on my brain tab.

    Oh I remember what I was going to say. I think most of my presents have arrived. I need to check because one year I let the parade of Amazon boxes arrive and never opened them up... then on Christmas Eve I discovered a couple of important gifts were not here for DD. I don't like wrapping presents. I don't like much about Christmas except when it's over. Still no tree even.

    DP - hoping as always that you get your pain under control. It really is great having our own pharmacist with such logical advice. We're lucky to have you Glennie!

    So thankful tomorrow is Friday...even more thankful that there isn't any snow! DD's orchestra concert was last night and it was cold..but no snow or gusting wind. I think that might be a first!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    Oh yes, the Mail has been fun!!!!! Love them all. Cut a piece of ribbon, attached cards to it, hung where I can see and enjoy.

    May be the only holiday decorations, DH is acting like Grinch. I can't get stuff down from attic, wrist is healed, but I'd probably fall off ladder. Oh well

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    PRB, I sent a PM to the Mods about the backspace. They wanted to know what operating system and browser I'm using. I'm hoping you'll do the same thing so they won't think it's just me.

    Nothing wrapped here because nothing purchased. I keep threatening to have pajama gram deliver matching pajamas for DS family including the dog. Don't know what to do about the guinea pigs tho. I don't have a clue what to get DH.

    DH brought me his ugly green and gold winter hat with a huge grease stain on it. We put zout on it and most of it washed out, but not quite all. Then I looked at it closely. He had worn it inside out and the stain was on the inside. Doesn't show at all with the hat right side out. I was hoping to replace it. No excuse for anything that ugly unless it's your beloved school colors. Doesn't go with any of his coats either.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    Wren - My new PC is Windows 7 - Home Premium. My old PC was Windows7 - Professional. I wonder if that's the problem? I notice that my Outlook Exchange Web App also messes up occasionally...but I rarely am typing in there, so really am not sure. I will send some info to the mods. I don't think it's just us...would be nice if they'd send out a survey to gather some stats.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    no, it's not just you.  Over on the Bonfire of the Goddesses thread,, they are complaining loudly!  Several of them are haviing issues. And interesting, that many of them use Ipads.  Wonder if that is a connection.  Apple says no, according to the ladies.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    wren I wouldn't put ice either. My truncal LE did look slightly swolen but it was also achy and felt huge. Hope you don't have LE.

    Have fun nd!! Hope you are packed by now.

    Glennie I am so grateful for all of your info. I have to call in the morning anyway because I realized tonight that I don't have enough pills to make through Saturday and that is at six hours. When I first got them, was taking one or two every few days and 100 pills seemed like it would last forever. I could find the bottle in the dark because It was the heaviest. Lol. I'll be in the dog house though because we are supposed to make requests three days ahead now with the new law on narcotics. She's going to be like daaaang crackhead, I just gave you all that fentinyl. I am usually feeling best between hours 3 and 4. It takes anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and a half to kick in and give some relief.

    I used to love wrapping. I was one whose stripes and patterns were perfectly aligned and I put extra chachkies in the bows. Loads of ribbon, double sided tape. Loathed gift bags. That was before the career that absorbed every moment of my life. So it's possible that I could get back into it now that I have loads of free time. Always wanted one of those "wrapping rooms". And I am totally sad that NO ONE lives remotely close to me. No fair!

    Did Colin get home m? Not sure what day it is.

    I had to sort of repierce my left ear today. I was t able to wear earrings during wbr and then I just never put any back on since I rarely leave the house. Right ear was fine but the left, which is the side I've had all the problems on, was closed up in the back. There's also a tiny little knot that wasn't there before. Will keep earrings in now. In other unfortunate news, mystery acne has not cleared up. Keeps coming back. AND despite losing 16 lbs in the last couple of weeks, the steroid double chin/neck fat from hell is still hanging on. I could go on but I won't. Ha!

    Hope everyone has a peaceful night.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    Well now I did it. I went to the dell site to see if there were any new drivers for my pc that might help this situation. Downloaded some Dell analyze package and executed it against my whole pc. Yeah.. not a smart move.. video drivers are whacked and I have spent almost 2 hours trying to get it back to normal. I know better than to do something stupid like this. Guess I know what I'll be doing this weekend - formatting my 1 month old pc. Not happy.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    oh no PRB! So sorry. That's another area I'm lost in because ex always just handled it.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Colin just got in, came home by road, grrrrr, don't ask why, it was supposed to be by air, but there was another patient coming here so they brought them both in the same Ambulance. He looks good, tired, but good and he says he feel better, so we will see how it goes. He has heaps of paperwork, so I will read it all later and find out what appointments he has.

    Wren, I sure hope it isn't LE. Which foob did you get?

    ndgirl, glad you got the card, I am sorry to hear your friend has gone through this stent and kidney thing too, and that wait in er, is just awful.

    I don't know what I'd do with computer stuff if Colin wasn't here. I am clueless about fixing problems.

    I used to love wrapping too, every year I would have a slightly different theme, but usually with tartan involved, because my Mother loved that! My favorite was matte brown wrapping paper, with tartan ribbon and real pine cones. These days, I use the gift bags.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    yay welcome home Colin. Just being at home must make him feel some better. Now needs good rest.

    Grandpa used to get this giant box of fancy wrappings and accessories every year from one of the vendors. It was always so elegant and lovely and coordinating. I couldn't wait for him to bring home that big ol box every year. I delighted in all of the gifts coordinating.

    THat wrapping sounds lovely m. I've always wanted a tree that would produce pine cones. One of the houses we looked at had one and I was already jumping ahead to Xmas projects with the little girls.

    Tummy growling angrily. Must go find something

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    DP, I would delight in gifts coordinating too. Like M, I favor matte brown wrapping paper -- kraft paper -- with ribbon. At Ikea they have all sorts of different natural matte kraft paper wrapping, with patterns. But I didn't get there this year. So my idea was this: I got lots of wrapping paper, and w boy and I got some stamps! Like, you dip it in ink and stamp it. And we got red and green pads. And I found wonderful old ribbon at the older person op shop -- it isn't like anything you'd find in a store. And then I found some antique-looking regular wrapping paper -- two different rolls -- for the Santa presents. Can't wrap anything too early here because I have to hide it, and then it would get all banged up. Nowhere to hide anything in the tiny house.

    DP, are you out of pain? I am worried about you filling that new rx. Will you let us know when it comes in? Just tried to fill my rx for after sx, as I think I told you, and ended up going to the hospital to fill it.

    Birdie, your hat story is funny. Throw that hat away and get him a new one from Santa. I hope you don't have LE -- will you go to the specialist to find out? Are you in the dark? Personally, I think pajamagram is an excellent idea. Carrot for the hamster.

    Welcome home Colin! M, you must be thrilled to have him home. When is Bec coming?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    I love wrapping.  It was my job to wrap all the presents, except for mine, of course. And I loved getting the corners tucked in just perfectly, and making fancy curls on the ribbons and such.

    YAY!  Colin is home!  That is good news.

    PRB: I'm sorry for your computer woes. I am hopeless at that. I completely freak out anytime something goes wrong. I have a serious love/hate relationship with the electronic world.

    DP: tell her you are not a crackhead. That you are not using the fentanyl yet. That your pharmacist had other advice that you wanted to try first.  OR  **idea** she could send you to pain management!!  I wish you were closer. I have lots of pine cones around here! And I would do all your wrapping under your direction.

    Yesterday I found big pee spot on rug in the office. Not sure if it happened Weds night or Thurs AM while I was out.  I know she can get out the doggie door cuz there was poop on the patio yesterday.  Then last night, she woke up around 10PM, and seemed quite distressed. I think she needed to pee and didn't want to go on the towels (where the rug used to be) cuz I was in the room. Working so I really couldn't walk her right then.  So I opened the human door to the patio and she went out and had a big pee. Then she huddled under my feet.  I wish she could talk so I would know what's wrong.

    Off to the GYN for internal exam. Lucky me. Let's see if the stitches are all healed up this time.

    **waving to all**

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Welcome home to Colin! I am waiting to be called in for a KUB xray. Yesterday was bad....checking to see if the blasting worked or if further blasting is necessary. I have to get all my ducks in a row before our trip to Canada. I dont want to be sick up there!!!

    You all put me to shame....I would like to give the presents in the bag I brought them home from the store in

    Oh they called my name. Got to go.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    In the bag, Andrea! In the bag for our Ava too.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    In the bag Andrea, glennie and DP. You must get those meds!

    Sasafire graduated last night from obedience school.

    BG sick. 1/2 her class out. So much for a day to myself to get crap done. Bah humbug!

    I usually am frantically wrapping on Christmas eve. I always have good intentions. Being rushed makes it sloppy. My friend has a wrapping room and makes beautiful bows.

    Pajama grams sound wonderful. Maybe they have doll sized ones for gp? Does he have a ball to travel in?

    Can't have too many hats. I have found two new ones. One is grey and pink and will match both coats and is reasonable. The other is lime green and is outrageous!

    If I lay down for 30 min, will I feel better or worse?

    I bet everyone is spoiling Colin. He deserves it. Give him our love.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Personally, if I lay down for 30 minutes, I feel worse. Bah humbug that your errand day has been sidelined. Feel better, BG!

    In the bag for Glennie!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    Oh you wrapping presents freaks! I have never understood how people can enjoy such a task :) Did I mention I don't like Christmas? I think I shall mention it every day from here on out until THAT day is over.

    So - I got the new drivers working on my pc last night. I am dead tired here at work - didn't get to bed until 3'sh. Cough and junk in throat seems to want to make a comeback. I think I am on the same sick schedule as z's BG. DD doesn't help anything by saying stuff like "I can't believe you are still coughing".

    Welcome home to Colin...make a lot of noise so M appreciates that quiet time she had!

    Glennie - Don't let the resident take a look!

    Andrea - hope you don't need more shakin' up. I worked with someone who had kidney stones...seems to me he took some kind of prescription to try to keep them from forming.

    Wonder if anyone will notice if I take a nap under my desk?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    haha,, NO residents!!  Just my own personal GYN.  She says I'm healing nicely.  All is well. Call her if I need anything, and come back next year. Keep her posted on the HF's and how the Prozac is doing.  I think it is helping. I need to give it 4-6 weeks for a good trial.

    I got Christmas cards from DP and ND!!  Woot!!  Thank you!!

    PRB: sorry you are sick and the computer was a pain.  I don't love Christmas,, I'm Jewish!  But it's the whole "everyone has a wonderful family" TV shows and commercials that get to me.  Not all of us have wonderful families, and this season is sort of a slap in the face to those of us who don't.  There's my rant.   I still like to wrap, though,,, I feel creative or something.

    Congrats on Sassfas graduating. Bummer on BG being sick. UGH.    I always feel worse if I lay down too. My body says time to give up.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    I feel better if I can nap for 20 minutes but 30 is a bit too long. Lay down for 30, sleep for 20.

    I was feeling scary good this morning around 4am. Almost no back or side pain, breathing ok. Stayed in bed and watched driving miss daisy. Then I fell asleep for a few hours. Not feeling as good now. Back hurts and groggy. Should have gotten up earlier.

    Omg I think I am a craxkhead. When I took my pills I saw I only have three more doses and I feel freaked out. I've left a message with dr office. If I don't hear nck in a few hours, I will have to go down there because there is no way I can get through the weekend. I do have some Tylenol with codeine stashed away in several bottles from each different surgery. Is that the same thing glennie?

    I too love the brown paper natural wrapping look. I found a lot of cute pattern brown paper one year and that was my theme that year. Unfortunately, tape does not stick to that paper worth a flip. By Christmas mornjng the gifts had unwrapped themselves.

    Good luck at the dr glennie. I won't let trixie peek out of the bag, in case the dr might see her and would then be ruined for all future vaginal exams, after witnessing the angelic perfection.

    Speaking of trixie, I wish she would turn around and have a talk with your kidneys Andrea. Sorry your having so much trouble.

    Glad you for your computer sorted PRB. I would just have to buy a new one. Lol. Sorry your cough is making a comeback. Maybe time to see dr?

    Z I can only imagine what would happen at your house if the gifts were all wrapped and put out too early. I picture piles of half unwrapped gifts in BGs shopping cart. Poor little girl sick again. Maybe she needs some NyQuil and rest. Then you could have a little quiet time too. Great job Sasafire. Very proud. Do you think she really learned anything?

    I think pajama gram sounds good too. In fact I was just watching a fancy lounge wear presentation in qvc yesterday morning. I was thinking wow those look really nice. They were very chic and looked high quality but I couldn't justify spending $50 on pjs for myself. I almost had myself talked into it on one set that was 3 pieces and could pass as normal clothes but just couldn't. It's not like I wouldn't get lots of use out of them now but I am just stubborn about money with some things. Is anyone else that way? Like I will spend and frankly waste money on a variety of things but will get super stubborn about spending a certain amount on other things. Sometimes over just a dollar or two. I must get that from my gpa.

    Ok these gifts ain't wrapping themselves!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    posting at same time glennie. Cheers for your healthy vagina!! :-)