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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    Toby says: I don't know what's so great about this new couch. It still takes just as long for dad to get home as the old one.


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Poor Toby.

    Tylenol with codeine is similiar to the hydrocodone.  You can take that if you run out of the hydrocodone, but hopefully they will call you back pronto!

    OH, and the post office was out of holiday stamps.  So everyone else is getting their cards with Harry Potter stamps.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    glad you got the all clear glennie.

    No nap for the weary. Didn't even lay down. Wrapping hanging over my head. I am the biggest procrastinator.

    BG came home saying Happy Chanukah. She has a junky cough and swollen tonsils. Z pack. Yuck. Also referred to ENT for removal of adenoids and tonsils. Doesn't think she needs to be allergy tested. Heard a slight heart murmur.

    Boy has swimming lessons tonight. Would love to skip. BG will want to get in. DH home late. Thinking about pizza.

    They get their flu shot on Monday. Hope it's not too late. Caroling at nursing home cancelled because of flu.

    Christmas parade and gymnastics tomorrow. Taking my laundry to my sisters and hanging out. Maybe nap then.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    This is a rant. If you want sweetness and light, don't read. I've been talking on here about not having a Christmas list for my grandsons (who are hard to buy for because they are male). Today DIL sends me an email. The younger one wants a specific box of trading cards - which is out of print. She owns a hobby shop and can't get them. Am I supposed to use witchcraft? She doesn't know I drew her name for Christmas. Do they still sell coal? IMHO that would be appropriate. And nothing suggested for the older one.

    We came through the wind just fine. Lights flickered once. We turned on the electric blankets early, so if we lost lights we could go to bed in a warm bed. We live in a formerly Scandinavian area of town. The joke is that when a Norwegian sees a tree he sees board feet. They cut down the trees to build houses so there aren't many trees to fall on power lines. DD was not so lucky. Her power was out by 8pm.

    I'm with PRB. DH pretends he doesn't know how to wrap, so I get to do it all (except for mine, of course) I just have to make sure the ones for Oregon are done with recyclable paper.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Happy Hanukkah, BG!!  But ugh for being sick.

    Wren:  gift cards?   Can you do witchcraft??  I am impressed.  I'm sure you can buy coal. If not, charcoal briquets??

    Time to work.  So not motivated.  Repairmen outside and drilling.  Lots of noise. Wheeee.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Birdie, you are making me pee.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    Sounds like we are having a good Friday! DP had a scary good day (we want you to be scared like that more often), Glennie's VJJ is ready for prime time, and Wren still has electricity! Oh Wren, that would be annoying to have someone asking for the impossible gift. Maybe you should just give him one of those pigs with wings and see if she gets the connection.

    Very happy to report that my pc is all better. Amazing how much clearer one can think when it's not 3 in the morning. Downloaded appropriate drivers just now and the yellow triangle under device manager / display adapter is gone... yes yellow triangle means 'oh shit you f*ked something up'. I know you guys probably don't know what I'm talking about, but it's kind of embarrassing that I mess my own pc up when I have been in technical support for over 30 years.

    To answer my own question earlier, it seems that no one did notice that I slept for about 40 minutes at work! Woke up by my gyn/onc's office calling. Nothing like getting the heart racing when they call 3 days after your pap test. False alarm..just the secretary scheduling next years appointment. They have messed around with this whole appointment thing for the last few years. First, it was business as usual...schedule as you leave. Then it was no scheduling until 2 weeks before you were due to come in and they would call you with the date and time (this really was a bad design). So now, apparently, they call you 3 days after your last appointment to schedule the next appointment so they can scare the shit out of you. No laxative needed.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    she must want you to go on eBay and spend a fortune wren.

    Having to take a break from wrapping. Have only wrapped 4 but feeling funny and back hurts. Grandma came by to visit and did my laundry. I let her because it makes her feel good. And well since I can't get out to buy new underwear. She has gone now to pick up my rx.

    Keep having what feels like hot flashes. Happened at same time of day yesterday. No reason for me to be having HF. Don't know what it is. Don't have a fever either.

    Poor bg. Hope it gets better soon.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    what a stupid system PRB!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Good morning all! Colin says Hello and thank you, for all the kind thoughts and well wishes. I hope this isn't TMI, but he is actually peeing sand!!!!! I have never seen anything like it. The surgeon said that all the stones that were blasted will just go through the stent, with no problem. First night in months that he hasn't had bad night sweats or the shakes. I think all is well!!!!

    Well, it seems that no one is really all that thrilled about Christmas, I say Happy Hanukkah to Glennie and BG! and Bah Humbug to Christmas, for causing so much stress to get everything done and all the presents wrapped. I think you've all done really well to be almost done with 12 days to go.

    I love a 1/2 hour nana nap, I always feel good after that, but any longer and I can turn into a sloth!

    Looks like Toby is having a big stretch, to see out the window on the new couch. I saw a short vid on YouTube yesterday of a reunion between a dog and its master, who had been separated when the guy was deployed overseas for 6 months. It was so incredible to see this big dog cry and whimper and almost wag its rear end off, while trying to get every inch of itself up on the guy's lap. It was a real tear jerker!.I have a Kodak moment, every time I get home and Colin lets Dex out to greet me. It's a long way from the house, to the carport so he gets up to full speed before he reaches me and it's like I've been gone for months!

    Z, I am sorry BG has the cough and the tonsils going again, will that stop the Flu shot from happening? Can't believe you're still without your washing machine, it feels like it has been ages.

    Glennie, so pleased you got a clean bill of health after the surgery and that you think the meds are working! Excellent!

    Waving to everyone, have to get into the shower, catch you later...M x

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    I actually found the rare item on Ebay at a reasonable price! Unfortunately it's from Santa, so I still need a gift for him. It's probably his last year believing in Santa, so it's worth it.

    I'm happy to hear that Colin is home and peeing sand. As long as it stays that size, he can get it out.

    Sorry about BG. DD had tonsils a lot at that age. They talked to us about having them out, but she got better and stopped having the problem.

    I saw a video of a cat greeting a serviceman coming back from deployment. It was heart warming. People say cats don't care about people, but that one sure did. Jumped from the floor into his arms.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Peeing sand?   Oh my.  That must be interesting. But I guess it's a good thing the big stone is all busted up. Colin, you are now dubbed the Sand Man!!   I bet it's great to be home!!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    QVC Alert - Just heard from my sister that Lisa is on right now and this is her last night. I think she's on for 2 hours ... so DP and Bobo better tune in to get their Lisa fix!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    DP you make me laugh! Ooh and I got your card today! Thank you. It is on my card stand along with Ava's adorable card, SCG'S hilarious card, and Spookies Florida card! All so lovely!

    Trixie seems a bit too happy to jump into everyone's bag...the little tart!

    Glennie happy for your good news from Gyn. So sorry BG is feeling poorly. Hope the rest of the family keep healthy. My son is complaining of a sore throat tonight. Hope he sleeps it off and it is just from the heater blowing dry air around.

    Peeing sand eh? Can't erase the visual. My xrays don't show any stones, but I am having some pain. Now let me clarify:

    That is My interpretation of my xrays...and my dad's (he was a radiographer for 35 years). Although I am not sure I appreciate him pointing out that you could see my belly on the xray. Then he felt bad I guess because he kept referring to it as the area of higher concentration.

    "Fat dad!!! Its ok to say it. It's not like it's a surprise!!" Lol. Poor dad.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    lol Andrea. Area of higher concentration. That's my whole body.

    Watched Lisa's final show. A bit disappointing. She was super serious. Also I was highly disturbed by the models tonight. I guess they ran out of them and ha to pick up a band of prostitutes off the street. The one who kept her lips ever so slightly parted and kept looking lustily off Ito the distance was making me ill. I did not realize that the GILI line belonged to qvc and she was only designing for them. She won't be doing that any more. I didn't buy anything. Yay me. Of course it was a luxury show so I couldn't afford any of it. Did you watch bobo? I fell asleep at the end and had to rewind thirty minutes.

    Great idea, shall we call Colin sandman now? Poor guy. I'm sure he's happy to be home, pissing sand or not.

    Felt awful this evening. Not so bad now. Arching home alone for third time this year. It is my favorite Christmas movie. Don't make fun of me.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Hey DP, I have a mental picture of the slutty model who was dragged into the studio, for that show, you always give me a laugh!

    Colin prefers "True Grit" to Sandman, I will humor him for a few days! He insisted on going model boat racing today, but his boat got swamped and had to be rescued, the boat, not Colin, he wasn't happy. They were racing off the beach at Sunset Cove, which is just down the hill from us, so Dex and I went for a walk and ended up there. Colin was Race Officer so he had to do the starts and finishes and the times. When he finally got home he did admit he may have overdone it. I think and early night will be in order.

    Love that story of your Dad Andrea! I have plenty of area, of higher concentration! LOL

    Just saw the Chloesmom has posted, she's doing really well after her BMX.

    I don't know if anyone remembers, we were trying to find a name for the house when all the renos were all finished and the new fence was up. We had a list of about 5 that we've been kicking around and have finally decided on "Driftwood". That will be the final addition, to the front fence and it's all done. Sigh!

    I like Home Alone too!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    I took this for Colin, when he was in the Hospital a couple of nights ago. The nights are getting warm now.

    I tooimage

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Wow, M, that is a beautiful picture! You live in paradise! True Grit it is -- I think we should just go whole hog and call him John Wayne. Colin #1 is also good since it has layers.

    'Oh, I am Andrea's vagina, I am so fancy. I did not show up on the x-ray, I am like Greta Garbo that way. STOP referring to me as an 'area of extra concentration,' I possess the perfect amount of flesh, and it is none of your business. Andrea cannot stop imagining Colin #1's penis with sand and urine coming out of it, that is disgusting of her, the penis is attached and it is part of the visual. I have nothing to do with Andrea.'

    DP, I taped it but haven't watched it yet. DLLP will NOT let me watch that while she is in the room. Now that I hear your report, though, I might not watch. Never watched her anyway -- just saw her coming and going -- but wanted to see if there was any drama in the last show. Thanks for the heads up, PRB! I have been missing Isaac. And then when he is on, things have never been the same since Shawnie Sue's miscarriage. I know how she feels. Knew about GILI -- that product line is wack.

    I am supposed to be grocery shopping at 8 a.m., pet store, etc, before yoga, but I am not doing it. Instead, I am just going to yoga, then going shopping afterward. This is what is known in my house as 'going rogue.' DLLP took the kids to the bagel store, then to Walmart to stock up on (natural) supplies because we are doing a total flea intensive. Bobo is flea allergic, he is driving us crazy, the idiot vet gave him wrong flea meds. So we are doing (no pesticides) his correct flea meds (with the permission of our real vet), applying flea meds to cats same day, borax on rugs and vaccuuming, vaccuuming couches, and all pillows and comforters in dryer on high for ten minutes, in rotation. Bobo! You are driving me crazy! If you have one flea you itch yourself all night!

    I am going to be in a frenzy this weekend before sx. And guess what? MD is in town. **cue music** She texted yesterday -- she is babysitting my brother's kids for weekend while he goes to out of town company Christmas party -- and she wanted to know if she could bring the boys, with my dad, to my house tonight, for me to make them dinner, so that she didn't have to clean up my brother's house as much before he comes home. This is a great way to help me out the weekend before surgery, don't you think?

    Anyway, want the kids to see them before holidays, so have arranged to go to my brother's house. She will want to do takeout and stick me with the bill, but I will arrange to go to grocery store for rotisserie chicken dinner for my family only, and she can get others what she wants. It's a constant putting up of boundaries. And then, good news: I will not have to mail all of the Christmas presents to her area.

    Okay. Christmas packages made (handmade chocolates from a shop in our town for everyone, Christmas card -- I realize they won't think it's enough), cards nearly completely addressed, and all will be out of the house before sx. Well, the Christmas cards will wait at our mailbox for Monday. Anyway. Doing my best.

    How is your pain, DP! I love when you have a pain-free hour. I want more pain-free hours for you! Let's get that pain management team going! I am angry just thinking about it! XXX

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    I reply to myself. DP, do you know the story behind my avatar? That is bobo on Christmas morning. The kids were really little. He stayed up late helping us with Santa, then he was up before dark (before five o'clock in the morning) when the kids got up, and he unwrapped presents, running like a maniac with their toys, grabbing the wrapping paper and running with it, and then had special Christmas allergy-free breakfast, and then he collapsed on the couch, unconscious, and I covered him up with an expensive Ikea Stockholm blanket. Merry Christmas Bobo!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    M that photo is breathtaking!!

    Naming your house sounds so British! Lol. Is that a common Australian thing too? I love the name you I feel the need to name my house(we only rent it) The following names come to mind:

    The Dumpster or Animal Farm (because my family are pigs )

    Dantes Inferno (ironic since the furnace keeps breaking down)

    Pandoras Box (this applies to our tiny laundry room off our kitchen ..."NO, DONT OPEN THE DRYER!!!)

    Downton Abbey (because I love that show..and my children seem to think I am the chauffeur, cook and maid)

    Gilligan's Island (because it was only suppose to be temporary, and now we can't seem to leave)

    So pleased Chloesmom is doing well.

    Waving to everyone!!!

    Edited to add:

    Dear Colin, I am not picturing your penis...well now I am but I wasnt before. Damn you Bobo!!!

    I am sorry, and now I will stop. Right now. No now!

    Signed, Trixie (the misunderstood one)

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Andrea, you are making me pee. I like several of those names, I cannot choose.

    You make me pee because almost every morning, while in a reclining position, I say to DLLP, 'Downton Abbey me some coffee.'

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Bobo I had to edit to add Trixie's reply.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    My husband decided we shoukd celebrate our Xmas this weekend since we are leaving on Dec 23 for our trip and wont be taking our kid's presents with us to Canada. I bought their gifts, there gifts for their dad, their gifts for each other, their gifts for their friends. My daughter wants to open gifts today instead of tomorrow. I reminded her that they hadnt got their gift for mom yet...she just shrugged . I think I will go buy myself something I want and that will be my gift from them! Hmmmm a trip to Disney for 1 please!!!!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Andrea, I swear, do not tease me about trip for one to Disney. It's a big expense for us, but I swear if you are going to spring for it we are going to make it happen! And Z will come, I know!

    'Oh, I am Andrea's vagina, I am NOT picturing Colin #1's penis, that is actually Andrea. I will NOT be a pawn in her sick displacement activity. I do not picture penises. Penises picture ME.'

    Do not have Christmas this weekend! That is wack! I am not ready!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    I am laughing at all your posts!!

    Driftwood is a nice name, M.  I could call my place the Dog House,, since The Princess rules here.   Or the Diva's Den.   Princess Palace?  Or the Lake House,, since I do have a pond behind me. Never really thought about it. A couple of my friends name their cars. Mine is called Zippy.

    Christmas this weekend?  It's not even Hanukkah yet??  You are early!!

    Oh, Bobo,, just what you do not need,, MD in town! Sucks.  Glad you figured out a way to deal with it. Poor Bobo dog.  Did vet give him the med that instantly kills fleas that are on him?  I had to do that with Ava one time. She is now on Trifexis for heartworm/fleas.  Had no more fleas since that one episode. The topical stuff stopped working. Damn fleas built up a resistance to it.

    M: that is a lovely picture. You live in a beautiful place. We all want to move to Driftwood.  How would True Grit feel about that?

    DP:  that is a hilarious movie. I say, watch multiple times if you wish.  How is pain today?  You got meds, right?

    Trixie is picturing Colin's penis.  **does Colin know?** Is M telling him all of this stuff?  

    Friend wanted to go to breakfast,, called me at 7:45am.  *did I wake you up?**   Yeah.  I did get up and walk/feed Ava. They bought me breakfast. Went with them to Home Depot. She's looking for paint again. Then I took Ava for car ride, came home,, neighbors out visiting in the circle so we went and visited with them.  Ava gets Pupperoni from her Uncle Steve.  She LOVES him.  **not a surprise**  Now she is napping in a sunny spot, and I'm trying to get the energy to go to the gym.  Work at 330.  It will be a struggle to stay up until midnight tonight!  Wheeeee!!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    what a beautiful picture m.

    Andrea you are on a roll this morning. Those are all great names. Lol. And thanks a lot because now you made me picture Colin's penis or is that bobos fault? Hmm. I am thinking of other things!

    Bobo watch a little of the show just to see the whore models. It is crazy. I bet you will be able to spot the one I described right away. Tell MD they can't come because you are treating for fleas. That will go over great.

    Xmas thi weekend? Nooooo! Not already.

    Past aoc hours since last pill. Side feels ok. Just have a general feeling of unwell. Left eye really bugging me last couple of days. Been trying to ignore it.

    Sounds like everyone will be busy today.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    I am known in my family for getting emotional about trees that are not chosen. This is why I have an artificial one. I don't have to go to stores that sell trees and mourn for the forgotten ones. Yesterday I walked past some little baby trees at the store and it hit me. They're so young, just babies. I finally told myself they have time to get chosen and someone will take them. I will avoid this store closer to Christmas. I know this is kind of nuts, but oh well. I was a little kid in Sunday school when the teacher said that pagans think trees have spirits. I thought, of course they do. How silly to think they don't.

    MD certainly has a knack for showing up at the wrong time. I agree about mentioning the flea treatments. Maybe that will make her itch without even coming to your house.

    DP, hoping for lots of pain free hours for you today.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    I think the trees have spirits too. One year I bought a Norfolk Island pine in a pot. It got really big after a few years.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Birdie, I love you for that. I always get the ugliest tree. I feel it will not get chosen.

    DP, have you been having some pain-free hours? OMG. I have LR on now. Who are these skanky old models? I have an idea. The real models are backstage at the party. So they had to get ones LR does not know. Wow. They look like really rough amateur transvestites! They are really cheering me up.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    LOL @ Bobo and DP and their snarky model comments. I watched most of LR's presentation and never noticed those models...but then again, I am not an experienced QVC watcher. I thought she seemed really... how can I say this... 'non-cheery' through most of it. Almost deadpan. Maybe she took something before the show to get through it. That must have been difficult to do after 20 years on the show.

    Cough is back, but I will be wise this time and use cough syrup if it gets out of hand. No more hurt ribs for me! I don't think I've ever had a virus return like this, so I'm a tad concerned. But that's what I do.. I worry for no reason most of the day. If I ever had a 'do over' for my life, being able to not worry about everything would be at the top of my list. Second would be to move to a warm climate right out of college. Third would be to stay active / fit and at a decent weight. Fourth would be to allow myself to be happy. Hmmm... maybe if I put happiness at the top of the list, the rest would follow.

    Poor Colin's penis has now been 'exposed' here. Shall we give it a name? I bet it already has one ;) People who name their houses surely have names for their private parts! M - your house is simply beautiful, and yes.. we are all coming to live with you. When will the other houses be finished so we can come live on the Driftwood plantation?

    Not feeling well has put finding the damn tree stand on hold. If I don't get the tree up this weekend, I may not bother. Did I mention I hate Christmas? haha.. told you I was going to remind you guys from here on out until that DAY is over. Heck, I'll be the one buying the ugly tree and then it will be so ugly it's cute, right?

    Posting before it goes bye bye. I did send a message to the mods to let them know of our forum quirks. I suspect it's got to do with certain operating systems because I had zero problems before this new laptop.

    edited to say.. wow mods have already responded to my message I just sent. They say they are looking into it. Good deal.