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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Good Morning all! OMG I can't lleave you alone for a minute and you're naming Colin's penis! No, it doesn't already have a name and house names are common here, in fact I have photos that friends send me because "Moira" is a house name that comes up occasionally. Just down the road from us we have "The Point", "Grandview", "Lakeview" "Toonaloook", which is the indigenous name of this area and IMO a much nicer name, than Paynesville. The 2 top contenders for our place was "Driftwood" and "Amaroo" the latter being the Aboriginal name for "Beautiful Place" Colin loves Driftwood and I seem to collect bits of it when I walk with Dex, so we decided since his Father loved to work with wood and my Father loved the water, "Driftwood" would be the name.

    Had a call to say Colin's carer is sick and there isn't anyone else available so I am going to head out to the Market and get him up later. He will enjoy a late get up!

    Now can I leave you alone for a while? or will I have red, burning ears, while I am away because you're talking about me and Colin's poor, violated, with strange instruments, rude bits? Hmmmmm....I'll be back...M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    I think Colin's penis' name should be Mister Pink.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014


    John Thomas Wayne.

  • Msqueen57
    Msqueen57 Member Posts: 25
    edited December 2014

    glennie19, my Florida friend, funny you should mention having a Norfolk island pine in a pot for a Christmas tree a few years ago. That's exactly what I did this year. Wanted a live tree (usually put up an artificial tree), but I didn't want one that would die in a month. Best case scenario I will get several years use out of it, and I can always plant it later.

    Trying to get into the Christmas spirit. Very hard this year since I am still not feeling well and we are broke. The amount of medical debt after a double mastectomy is amazing and on top of everything else. Grateful my children are grown and understand. Still having mood swings from the Arimidex. See oncologist this Friday and will discuss the mood swings with him. So as you can tell, Christmas is going to be a blast at my house. Husband doing his best to understand but I think I am scaring him. Know it gets better but when?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    since Colin took true grit, his penis can be Mr. Sandman.

    Then m will be singing- mr sandman bring me a dream....

    Bom bom bom bom bom bom bom

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    MsQueen,,, I should warn you.  If you plant a Norfolk Island Pine in South FL,,, it will get HUGE!!  And they are not hurricane friendly!  We had one at my childhood home in Miami.  My father decorated it every year,,, well, up to a certain height, anyway.  Finally had to have it taken out. That sucker was really tall.  Just a word of warning!!

    Really sorry about holiday blues. I totally get that.  I hope you can find some inexpensive ways to enjoy the holiday.  Make little construction paper ornaments for the little tree. See holiday lights on people's homes.  Your diagnosis and surgery are still very recent. Yes, it takes a while.  Definitely talk to MO about the blues. Arimidex can be rough.

    DP:  great name,,, now the song is in my head.

  • Msqueen57
    Msqueen57 Member Posts: 25
    edited December 2014

    glennie19, my Florida friend, funny you should mention having a Norfolk island pine in a pot for a Christmas tree a few years ago. That's exactly what I did this year. Wanted a live tree (usually put up an artificial tree), but I didn't want one that would die in a month. Best case scenario I will get several years use out of it, and I can always plant it later.

    Trying to get into the Christmas spirit. Very hard this year since I am still not feeling well and we are broke. The amount of medical debt after a double mastectomy is amazing and on top of everything else. Grateful my children are grown and understand. Still having mood swings from the Arimidex. See oncologist this Friday and will discuss the mood swings with him. So as you can tell, Christmas is going to be a blast at my house. Husband doing his best to understand but I think I am scaring him. Know it gets better but when?

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    Glennie, Your name suggestion cracked me up. I do like Sandman, however.

    We had a Norfolk Island Pine for a Christmas tree for 6-7 years. Finally it got too big for our tiny living room. DH took it to work and left it in the lobby with a sign saying "Homeless in Seattle" along with a letter explaining what it liked in the way of light and water and boasting of it's ability to be a Christmas Tree. I saw some grown ones in Hawaii and they're bizarre. They looked like plastic trees.

    They may have fixed the glitch on this thread. I just highlighted and back spaced and it didn't go to the page before. That would be lovely.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Oh dear, now i have that dreadful song Bo, bom., bom, in my head and not sure how I am going to share with Colin that his privates are being discussed by a bunch of women on a worldwide forum!

    I find it amazing that you are talking about Norfolk Island Pines, Norfolk Island is such a remote place, between Australia and New Zealand, but their trees seem to be loved everywhere!

    I went to the market and bought a ton of fresh organic veg, then I got handfuls of herbs from my garden, bought fresh bread and I made a lovely Vitamix soup for dinner tonight.

    We had a big storm come through, so everything has cooled off, it was really hot earlier. I am going to sit outside with a book for an hour..catch you, bom, bom, bom bom.....shit DP!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Bom, bom,bom,bom,bom.....yep, singing it here too.

    So everything is ready to go for our early Xmas on Sunday.

    We had originally talked of having it Saturday, but decided we needed more time. But my 13 year old was going crazy all day today begging to open her gifts.

    Her: "Come on mom. Why can't we open our gifts tonight and have Christmas dinner tomorrow?"

    Me: "Because it isn't fake Christmas until tomorrow."


  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Bom, bom,bom,bom,bom.....yep, singing it here too.

    So everything is ready to go for our early Xmas on Sunday.

    We had originally talked of having it Saturday, but decided we needed more time. But my 13 year old was going crazy all day today begging to open her gifts.

    Her: "Come on mom. Why can't we open our gifts tonight and have Christmas dinner tomorrow?"

    Me: "Because it isn't fake Christmas until tomorrow."


  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    rofl Andrea. Because it isn't fake Christmas until tomorrow! I hope y'all have a nice time.

    M is right. Poor Colin doesn't deserve all of our "attention". Then again, to experience the magical presence and love of our m, he should be willing to pay any price. Between this and the bill Clinton drama, he may forbid you from playing with us any more.

    So tired of feeling bad :-( really hope chemo makes a difference this time. And that RO can do something about my brain. I don't think it's a good sign that they began growing again so quickly. Also tired of being scared all the time. Going to try to sleep maybe tomorrow is a better day. I know it must be - it's fake Christmas!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    Happy Fake Christmas!

    Slept for 3 hours before BG arrived. Hate to kick her out when she doesn't feel good. Now wide awake and thinking about cold pizza. Sure I could convince Sasafire to be up with me.

    She played with a stuffed bear tonight. Even fetched but gave up after I threw it down the hall too many times. She has a thing about the hall and kitchen door. No matter how bad she has to go!

    Got a text from boys step gpa. Asked if he could have a BB gun! If not here, could he keep it there? Really? He's 5, can't keep his hands to himself, has active imagination and is supremely confident.

    I don't even like the Nurf guns. They gave him one when he was 2 or 3. I don't want him shooting his sister or the horses or the cows or the cats or the... Do not want to get evicted!

    I even have mixed emotions about him watching Home Alone. I love it but don't want him scared or get into mischief. He already talks about shooting bad guys that get into his school or home. I thought I filtered tv pretty good but that's why we don't have one anymore. I hate that he knows about such tragedies. I want him to be happy and carefree as long as possible. We know this d@mn dx is going to affect him. Isn't that enough?

    Cold pizza here I come. And a big glass of water. Maybe even some chocolate. I drank almost 2 qts at my sisters today. Maybe I am dehydrated. Skipped Zumba because of another dizzy spell.

    Checked on boy. Sasafire in the bed. He's sound asleep on the floor and we have no carpet.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    That's so funny Andrea! "NO, you can't open your presents until the the "real" fake Christmas and that's not till tomorrow!" bahahaha

    Oh DP, I am sorry you're feeling bad and so scared. I think of you often, as I know the others do and I just wish I could reach over there and give you a great big hug. I have everything crossed, that this chemo hits the beast hard. I hope you have a better day tomorrow. M x

    Colin spent the day in bed and I gave him treats to eat, while he watched SciFi movies Dex has been in there hoping Colin will drop something yummy, that Dex can clean up.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Hi Z, posting together! it must be tough with small ones, trying to filter what they see and hear on TV and such. I can't say I'd be happy about a BB gun at 5, either, I hate guns.

    I hope BG is feeling better. I was one who had tonsilitis all the time as a kid, but they decided to leave my tonsils alone. I ended up having them out at nearly 18!

    You've done so well with Sasafire! She seems to have fit right in and she's passed obedience school too. I can't remember how old she is.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    BB gun for a 5 year old, hmm. Well at least he asked first? It blows my mind what it must be like in school these days. There's no way you can shield tem from everything.

    Glad Colin got some spoiling and that dex is helping.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    A BB gun?? Seriously?? My son got shot by one of those in his leg in our communal backyard (damn no fence rule) by a little kid that was visiting a neighbor. I dragged my crying son over to complain to the parents of the two boys and got met with shrugs, and boys will be boys crap. It could have done more damage than it did, and luckily it didn't hit him in the eye!

    Bobo, how is your weekend with your mother going? I just can't relate to the relationship you have with your mother. Mine is story book perfect...seriously. She makes Me look like Maleficient...the cartoon version, lol. But my brother, that's another story. It was his 64 birthday yesterday, and he hasn't spoken to us or seen us since he was 37 (or his son either). I don't care, but I hate to see the pain it has caused my parents and my nephew. The dumbass!

    DP: I so wish that M could wave her wand and sprinkle her fairy dust and make all your fears go away. Whoever said "There is nothing to fear, but fear itself" was obviously a man, and never had breast Cancer!!! We all understand your worries, and want to help you in whatever way we can. My fake Christmas wish is for the new Chemo to kick ass!!!!

    Many tight (but gentle) hugs dear cuz!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Tomorrow is going to be a better day, DP. Because it's fake Christmas!

    I need to make another pitch for 'Mister Pink.' It is a much better name for a penis than Sandman. Sandman refers directly to the sand coming out of his penis, which is not virile and is an unpleasant reminder for the penis' owner. And Sandman implies that the penis has a magic way of putting people around the penis to sleep, which is also not sought after.

    In the bag for your appt tomorrow, DP, and sending you hugs. {{{DP}}}

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    Penis name rebuttal: but when I hear mr pink I think of Steve buscemi which is not virile either. And it's MR sandman. That is much more manly. In my experience, the best sleep ever is after good sex. Crap on Chapstick! This must be why none of us sleep well.

    Happy fake Christmas everyone. Andrea just made me think of A Christmas Story. Have not seen that this year. I was already picturing you walking over with your son in tow telling those wrotten parents that he could have put an eye out. And then you threw it in hahahaha. I am not an advocate of guns for kids.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    But Colin likes True Grit,, that is why I thought John Thomas Wayne would be a good name for his penis.  I admit it is a bit long, but it sounds studly.   I vote against Sandman too.   Have Trixie given us an opinion on the name yet?

    Sasafass in the bed and boy on the floor.  The dog has a good life. I vote against the BB gun for a 5 year old. I wouldn't want him shooting anything either. Hope BG is feeling better today.

    Happy fake Christmas, everyone!!

    Bobo,, we are all in the bag for you tomorrow.  Will DLLP text Z or me afterwards so that we can report in? Hoping MD has gone home and you have some alone time today to relax.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    DP; we post at the same time.  You are right:  sleep after sex is wonderful.  No wonder I haven't slept well in years. That explains it now.   

    A Christmas Story is great movie!!  I love the dogs !!  It is an excellent movie.  Worth watching multiple times.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014
    I am not an advocate of guns for kids either. I don't let W boy even make a 'gun' with his fingers. Not that he does much of that. He is what would have been known in the 70's as 'a sissy.'

    Andrea, skipped outing with MD at DLLP's urging! It was great! Stayed home with giant med device on and watched Love Actually and ate veg dumplings.

    Happy fake Christmas everybody! My fake and real Christmas wish is chemo leading to NED for our DP. It will be a Bond-DP-NED love triangle.

    DLLP thinks it is extremely over-the-top to have conversations in which we try to name Colin's penis. Her name for Colin's penis: Cement Mixer.
  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    Hmmm, Mister Pink? I'm not buying it. Now, Woody...because we all know M likes wood and it also corresponds to the new house name would seem the obvious choice for me.

    New chant for DP...'Kick It's Cancer Keester" or KICK for short. Is this the trial drug? Starts tomorrow? Big day for both you and Bobo. We will all be thinking of both of you and plan for good reports. Since it's fake Christmas tomorrow, we'll just have to hop on Santa's sleigh for a quick zip from one town to the other. Won't people be surprised when they see Santa's bag and hear all the chanting!

    Zills I saw you posting earlier this morning. I was up at 5 am too. Is there a full moon or something? I ate some toast, played a game of online spades and then went back to sleep. I don't fight it anymore, just go with the flow.

    I did manage to get out of the house yesterday and get a tree stand...and many other items that were not needed. OK, so I did need some new gloves and daughter wanted a pair of leather ones, so that was the bargain because they had a buy one item, get the other one for $1. She was so cute and looking all sophisticated with her new leather gloves. I know she has no real occasion to wear them, but they are darling. I also made her buy another pair of gloves and a cute hat for no reason whatsoever except that well.. it was buy 1 get the other 1 for $1! I think they will come in handy this winter when her entire 7th grade class goes to winter camp. 4 days/ 3 nights - 100 miles away, and what I suspect will be the time of their lives. 300 kids! There's a huge tube hill, cross country skiing, snowshoeing and horseback riding. No electronics of any kind, and nightly group singing competitions from each cabin. I am excited and worried for her all at the same time. It's in Feb. so I have a lot of time to ponder it..and gather all the necessary items like wool socks and snow pants. Funniest line at the camp meeting was "Don't worry, we promise to make the boys shower at least once!" or maybe better yet was "the boys cabins are over the river and thru the woods... far far away from the girls cabins".

    Going to go look at a couple of houses today and then afterwards hopefully find a tree that has more than 4 branches on it. I told DD about you guys picking out the ugly tree and the spirits of the trees. She's really into karma and stuff like that, so she gets the whole spirit thing. I think she will be excited no matter what the tree looks like because it's real. Our first one. I suppose it's kind of perfect because, after all, it is fake Christmas today!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Well the DD that couldn't wait for fake Christmas morning actually slept in! Which meant I could have slept in theoretically. I never do.

    Present unwrapping is done and now DH makes the turkey. Not excited: tired of turkey. But he loves doing it, so whatever. Just happy I don't have to cook today.

    Trixie says there are a lot of killers with three names:

    John Wilkes Booth

    Lee Harvey Oswald

    John Wayne Gacy

    James Earl Jones

    Ok. Last one was Trixie's way of seeing if you were paying attention. She doesn't like naming penises...takes the attention away from her.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    All these posts while I was typing! Love it. I am against all guns also. I did know someone who lost an eye when I was a there's always that story. When DD was young and being invited for play dates, I always asked if there were guns in the house and if so.. were they locked up. Interesting reactions from parents, and for the most part people loved the question, because as one mom said "good, we are on the same page!". (of course that comment was from a lesbian couple who always do everything right...damn you lesbians and your organic/vegetarian meals stored in glass containers)

    Happy fake Christmas to all.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Bobo:  I'm so glad you had a good night. Movie and dumplings!!  YAY!

    PRB: Bravo on the shopping!  Winter camp sounds awesome.  Good lines.  DD will have fun.

    Trixie really likes the attention!  What did she get for fake Christmas?

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    I have been just reading and chuckling about naming Colin's penis, so just have to chime in, being John Wayne was mentioned how about "The Duke" or Duke of Earl? You gals are a hoot! Ariom, just don't tell him his privates are being discussed!! Ha ha

    DP, I just ache all over at how you are feeling, I wish we could wave some magic dust for you to sprinkle. Hope that coming here can help you, we all love you!

    Merry faker Christmas all, we are driving in fog today to Wi, I so hate fog, it isn't so dense that we are not safe but still don't like it!

    Will check in later, have Bobo and DP on my mind all the time.

    Zills, hope BG and boy are doing ok as well as you, such an amazing mom you are.

    A bob gun for a 5 yr old? Nope, my Dil was so against having her boys play with guns of any sort! But have to admit how much I love the movie Christmas Story.... You'llshoot your eye out kid!! My brother and I had one growing up and loved to shoot tin cans! Of course we were on a farm and a different era when all rural kids had a bob gun and hunted. I never liked hunting nor do any of my boys , but hubby used to, not so much anymore.

  • Msqueen57
    Msqueen57 Member Posts: 25
    edited December 2014

    imageThank all for all the comments on my Norfolk island Pine. Use to buy them when DH and I were first married (35 years this coming January). It is just enough for this year.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    It looks lovely!!!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    DP, I knew a woman who would make scattering gestures while saying angels, angels, angels. It left a positive feeling. Might be worth a try.

    Happy fake Christmas everyone. I sure wouldn't be ready if it happened today. I finally have an idea for the boys and something to find for DIL (who's name I drew).

    Msqueen, Love your tree. I used to get curling ribbon and drape it over the branches. Shiny and no weight.

    I have the catnip mice stored on top of the refrigerator. Goldie is learning to play with feather toys. I don't think she ever played. I wonder about her previous situations.