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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    tree is very lovely msqueen.

    I still haven't finished wrapping. Mostly done though. With what is here anyway. Still quite a bit to come in mail. Hope it is on time. Some of my "guaranteed by Xmas" packages didn't make it last year.

    Wren I so often wonder about the it's past lives based on the odd behaviors that they have. It can be baffling. Are the cats not able to jump on top of fridge?

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    No, they can't get up there. Squeakers noticeably jumps less than when we had him 2 years ago and Goldie doesn't jump at all. She can get on the sofa and the bed, so she doesn't need to jump higher. She's very long and thin, so perhaps that has something to do with it.

    M, We even had bat rescue in Australia hit the news here. It was so hot that the mother bats died and the babies were rescued and bottle fed and wrapped in tiny fleece blankets. Very cute.

    DP, Now I'm worried about the one I ordered that's to be from Santa. Don't want to explain that one.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    The following post is being attempted with my first experience with fake nails.. please disregard any typos or any tantrums during it.. thank you.

    I'm going to do a post as I catch up on each page... so some of what I am replying to is old news.. tough.. deal with it! It's the only way I can reply before I forget everything or lose my post by flipping through pages!

    Page 112

    Lets just say.. I think we are all thinking of Colin's penis.. thanks a lot for that Bobogirl.... I am also been pondering amateur transvestites.. another lovely visual.

    Holy crap, Wren lost her temper!!! Love it! I'm glad you found it Wren, and it wasn't too expensive.. you are the best Santa around!

    Happy Chanukah to BG, I hope she is feeling better.

    DP, Toby staring wistfully out the window brought such a smile to my face. I'm so glad you had a good day :) I love your description of the QVC models!! Did you shout insults to the tv at them? :) Hell, if you want to watch the movie 5 times a day, go for it.. just glad I don't have to live with you hee hee.

    PRB, glad the PC is on the mend.. haven't seen that yellow arrow in years (knocking on wood). You have me laughing over no laxative needed for your 3 day rescheduling call... I would have Sh!t myself too!! I have my happy pappy on Tuesday! Finally made the appt. and usually I have to wait months and months and now I get it in a couple of days.. hmmm.. perhaps just coincidence.

    woohooo!!! Glad to hear that Colin is doing better.. dare we hope that he doesn't need any further procedures. So M, are you saving the sand? haha. M, I'm the same with napping, no more than 1/2 hour or I feel crappy.. but 20 mins to 1/2 hour and I'm raring to go! Right after viewing that picture, I bought my plane ticket.. that's it... I am moving to your boat shed. True Grit indeed.. please sing Mr. Sandman to him morning and night... k?

    Bobogirl! You are so bad! Did you end up going rogue or did you cave in at the last minute? Hope you got poor Bobo fixed up... and look on the bright side.. everything will be nice and clean.. hmm.. maybe I need to get myself some fleas, maybe then I'll feel like cleaning the damn house. I hope you told MD where to go and how to get there!! That woman has no boundaries.. wtf.

    Glennie, I love you house names, especially GIlligan's Island!! I can relate!

    Wren, I don't think the tree thing is odd at all.. I've often gotten very sad seeing the unchosen trees.

    End Page 112.. time to start dinner.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Ho all I hope everyone is having, a wonderful Fake Christmas!

    I am happy to just sit back and watch the fun and games of naming Colin's whatsit! You're a very creative lot! The sand seems to have dissipated, so we are hoping that kidney stone chapter is almost closed. Getting the stent out in couple of weeks will be the end...we hope.

    Andrea, I would have turned into a raving banshee, omg, those parents didn't give a toss that their kid, shot your son in the leg! That's appalling behavior, I wonder how those kids turned out?

    Lovely tree PRB! One of Colin's carers brought me a little tree that her daughter made for me, which is a magazine with all the pages folded half way into the center to form the tree shape and then that is covered in tinsel and ornaments with a paper plate as a base. Her Mother told me it took nearly 2 hours for her to fold the 350 pages. I have it on the island in the kitchen, it's really lovely and everyone who has come in has commented on it.

    Wren, I am an Angel devotee too. I had a friend who was a working psychic who also took meditation classes. She got me into the habit of always asking the Angels to help and to do Angel meditations. Since I am not at all religiously inclined, I am actually surprised, that the whole Angel thing has always felt comfortable for me. I have just about every Angel book that's available, from the Religious side, to kids Angel experiences and everything in between.

    I wonder where the bat rescue was Wren? I guess these babies will be hand raised and then relocated. We have a huge bat problem in Bairnsdale, which is the next big town from where we are. There is a section along the river which is absolutely covered in trees, which are just laden with bats. I drove down there some months ago to see what all the news reports here, were about. It was probably one of the creepiest things I have ever seen and I have never seen anything like it before. As you have seen from the pic I posted a while ago we have some really huge bats around here and to see thousands of them all hanging and making noise along this stretch of the river is just amazing and gross all at the same time. The people who live in the houses opposite the river have been driven insane by the noise, and the stench is dreadful. It is the oldest part of town with beautiful big, turn of the century homes. It would be impossible for people to sell the homes with this going on and since the bats are a protected species, so I have no idea what they can do. I think there is talk about trying to catch them and to relocate them, but I can't imagine how they'll do that. Next time I am in town I will take a picture of them to show just how many there are, it is very eerie. I am waiting to see if the 3 we have at night in the Fig tree show up again this year. Bec likes to sit outside in the evenings when she is here, but she's scared of these ones.

    I have the power suit ready, I am in the bag! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Hi ldesim, posting at the same time! No not saving sand, just had to report on it, poor nurse in the Hospital was on "straining" as in tea strainer, duty, I said F that, when he told me. I could see it in the bottle, that was enough for me!LOL

    You just reminded me, I loved the house names Glennie had too! There are some funny ones on the holiday houses, like LIngaLonga, The Last Resort. Wait N Sea.

    I am hanging out for the MD update! I need to know what she ate, has she lost any weight. It seems the DP's Clueless Bitch actually made good with her stomach surgery.

    Shower time...M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    This was in my FB messages this morning!


  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Page 113

    DP! That damn song is STUCK in my head.. damn you..

    PRB, I like you list of do overs.. and I hope that you find relief from the cough. Hey, it's supposed to be traditional to put the tree up on Xmas eve, so you still have plenty of time to find the stand and to find some christmas spirit and think of how happy you will make Wren when you get your charlie brown tree :)

    I am not commenting any further on Colin's exposed privates... and I do not agree with Mr. Pink.. Bobogirl you so bad!!!

    MsQueen, sorry you have the blahs, but totally understandable... I know that Arimidex can be a pain in the arse. Your tree is the most adorable thing ever! I love it! I think it just needs one little string of lights!!

    Merry fake Christmas Andrea, hope you had a lovely day.

    Z, hell to the no on the BB gun.. not even if he's 10 in my opinion... it really is a challenge raising kids in this day and age, so many things to worry about and over. Hope you enjoyed your cold pizza and chocolate..

    DP, we are all hoping the chemo makes a difference and we all want to see you not in pain and not scared. I hope you are feeling batter today, after all it is fake christmas. I made a sparkly want right after my surgery to I could regally point to things I wanted.. I am going to dig out that wand and wave it around and pray that this treatment kicks the cancer's ass.

    omg Andrea.. why do people think bb guns are no big thing? My cousin had one growing up and it could do quite a bit of damage to things... I just dont get it.

    To quote Glennie... "that is why I thought John Thomas Wayne would be a good name for his penis. I admit it is a bit long," hahaha.

    I love that DLLP thinks everybody is extremely over the top for discussing penis names and then comes up with one of her own! HA! Yay! You stayed away from the evil witch!! Sounds like you had a wonderful day.

    Oh PRB, DD's trip sounds like SO much fun.. I want to go!!!!! I can't resist a buy 1 get 1 sale.. not at all.

    Ndgirl, hope you have a safe trip.... and I think your name is my favorite... the DUKE!! hahahaha Duke of Driftwood.

    End of page 113

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014
    Oooh! Goldie story! Thank you Wren! She never had such a good mommy as you.

    Idesim! How are the fake nails? What color? And are they a 'gel manicure'? Are they Christmasy? Do they make you feel like you can't breathe? I can get a pedicure, but a manicure makes me feel suffocated.

    MD update -- I did not see her, as you know, I ate dumplings. She's sending nauseating texts today -- 'oh, luv you,' etc. She hasn't offered to help, and she's relieved she doesn't have to do anything. Asking DLLP how many hot dogs MD ate... DLLP: 'Um, two. two that I know of. She just kept putting extra scoops of what's leftover in her dish.'

    Me: Does she look like she's lost weight?

    DLLP: Not at all. She was wearing her muu muu so it was hard to tell. Not thinner.

    How is that for an update?

    DLLP: I don't think the surgery is working.

    I like the name The Duke for Colin's penis. Leave it to ND! She names penises so well!

    Wait. Is tomorrow fake Christmas? Or is it today? DP, I did some wrapping for packages to send today, although we did put lots of packages in big bags and have DLLP take them to MD. That was excellent savings on postage.

    Update: My two had such a wonderful time playing with their cousins. It is so sweet. My nephews are special, as you know. Texted my brother and asked, If you are going out with the cougar this year for new years (did not use her pseudonym to my brother), may we have the boys for New Years' Eve? He texted back to say it was very possible. He will never give me a straight answer. But that would make me happy. What a blowout that will be!

    In the bag for DP. What are you doing right now, DP? Are you watching Home Alone? Do you know I have never seen it?

    What's on the coffee table, Idesim?

    Andrea: DLLP made dinner tonight. Score! XXX
  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014
    I reply to myself. Our idesim said she was not going to talk about Colin's penis anymore, and then... she talked about Colin's penis more. This is just indicative of her true nature.

    Oh, and p.s. How much do I love this from PRB? It's me exactly. Was peeing myself while reading.

    (of course that comment was from a lesbian couple who always do everything right...damn you lesbians and your organic/vegetarian meals stored in glass containers)
  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Thank you Bobo, I must have missed that you were not going, that was excellent! You give me such a visual, MD in a MUMU and no she hasn't lost weight, not at all, the 2 hotdogs and the scooping up the leftovers were gold! bahahaha, I have no idea why this tickles me so much, but I find it hysterical.

    I have to admit I had a good belly laugh at the description of the Lesbian couple by PRB too, nailed it! The glass containers are so true! I love you Bobo!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014
    I am the Queen of glass containers. I often go through the house (though not in a tangerine-colored peignoir ensemble) and conduct a War on Plastic.

    DLLP got the great idea that I not go! It was genius! And Z had me award DLLP a cookie.
  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Oh! Sweet Goldie.. what a wonderful home she has now.

    I haven't even started wrapping, I haven't even started to start thinking about wrapping... hmm.. perhaps it will be a gift bag year!

    Oh M! I've seen the trees that have been made out of books & magazines. they are so adorable. I never saw them decorated, they were beautiful just as they were. I love the Moira house.. I love that you guys name houses.. I think only the very wealthy do here in the US.

    Sat my arse down and did the xmas cards, now just have to mail them tomorrow. Every year now I add people that I know will be pissed off because they'll feel the need to send one back now... that usually keeps me entertained through the process.

    Made red velvet cookies and french toast muffins... both sounded so yummy in theory, but they came out crappy. So if anybody needs assistance with christmas spirit, you are welcome to come visit... the birds and squirrels should be sh1tting a lovely shade of red all around the back yard.

    Bobo and DP, in the bag for you tomorrow.... somebody else will have to bring the baked goods :)

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    oh idesim I'm so glad it wasn't just me who picked up on glennies it's a bit long comment. I would've mentioned it but didn't want to be the lone pervert. Ha. I too vote for duke of driftwood.

    Fake Christmas wasn't productive at all. On the couch all day. Side and back pain that the meds couldn't keep up with. And funny head feeling. I think I better start getting out of bed and doing something right away on these days when I wake up feeling good at 4 and 5 am. No home alone today. NCIS Christmas episodes marathon. However I have scheduled home alone 2 to record tonight. It was a good sequel.

    Bobo I prescribe that you watch home alone while you are resting after sx. Maybe not first day after though because it is pretty funny sometimes and you may hurt yourself. Do you have to spend the night at hospital?

    Know I am forgetting things. Will have to reread.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    lmao.. who has the tangerine peignoir ensemble.. or is it ensemble. You must be talking about M. No, you go storming about in a plastic rage in yoga pants with your arse hanging out... wait.. so do I... never mind.

    Haha.. I'd say the surgery was... a bust! I'm glad you didn't go.. Yay DLLP! and Double Yay that she cooked dinner too.. DLLP is on best behavior it sounds like :)

    Coffee table will have chicken, green beans and rice (sweet potato for me). Joe just has to have friggin chicken on Sunday and OH OH OH OH!!! There will be a pudding pie on the table!! He surprised me with one on Friday and tonight will be the last of it... I thought the pudding pie days were over.. but fear not! They aren't!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Oh yeah, and Bobogirl, since you love nothing more than discussing peoples private parts... did you have any trimming done for your procedure *wide grin*

    The nails are press ons.. not like lee press ons from the 70's, but nice ones.. they are short and french (not like I like my men btw) haha. My real nails are just shredding from the Tamoxifen and I'm hoping this will give them a chance to strengthen.. we'll see.

    Chicken time and watching grumpy cat movie.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    oooo, Fun posts!!!  DLLP is genius!!  MD in a muumuu, eating hot dogs!  **snorts with glee**  idesim,, you are too funny. 

    DP:  sucks that you are not feeling good on fake Christmas.  I think you need a do over.

    thanks for the laughs on my break,, back to work.

    **waving to all** 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Oh my gosh no, not just wealthy people here, I never know if stuff I post about, that is normal here, sounds pretentious over there. In fact some of the loveliest house names are on little workers cottages. One I love is "Loch End", it was near where I used to live and it was a sweet old Scottish couple who lived there the house was like something off a chocolate box and the name was perfect. When I was growing up and walking to school, it was unusual for a house not to have a name plaque. My parents house was called "Strathclyde" after a street in Scotland. I still have the plaque, I snaffled it, when I sold the house, it is going up in my little studio shed when I get it together, to find the drill and the screws!

    I as going to ask what your nails were too ldesim. I am toying with the idea of going back to acrylics. I always had them, but stopped when I moved here because there wasn't a decent nail tech in the area. I have a couple things called Rheumatoid nodules on my first knuckles and they cause my nails to grow with big ridges, not the best look, but can I be bothered with the maintenance of acrylics? I doubt it. There is a new nail salon in town, so it would be easier, not sure.

    I was wondering if Bobo has had a "coiffure" for this final procedure, this will be the inner thigh retrieval, won't it? Shame we hate this guy so much, she could have surprised him with some Christmas glitter, like a friend of mine did once for our fave gyn. Maybe a pair of shiny balls? No, ok, Bobo, I didn't think so! Sorry, couldn't resist that.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    in the bag for bobo and DP. Yes bobo did you trim the hedges? Inquiring minds want to know. Yes Bobo watch Home Alone alone. It's great. Chanting it's the last one, last one. Tell DLLP to be snippy and proud while giving instructions.

    PRB. Try this. I tried it on BG and her cough stops for hours. Nothing to lose and everything to gain. I think it's awesome and it must feel good/work because she asked for it again and again. Only takes a minute.

    Tomorrow flu shots, dentist, Christmas cards hopefully and Christmas cookies. Have a new recipe for cranberry oatmeal white chip cookie. And going to try Madeline's. Bought the pan two years ago. GF coming over to help. But after work so hope I don't conk out on her.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    Glad you all liked the lesbian comment because it is so damn true. I love this particular couple so much and they have gone out of their way to help me many many times. Solid individuals I know I can count on. That's a treasure for a single mom like me.

    Duke of Driftwood. I like it.

    Looked at 2 houses today. Really liked one of them and it's reasonably priced. DD was shocked to see kids she knows riding their bikes in the neighborhood. I want her to experience that. We are very isolated in the city.

    Hey..I got a tree!!! After house shopping I decided to look at trees. There's a place about 3 blocks away that sells them every off we went and found the perfect little blue spruce. Get this.. they mount the tree on some kind of platform, make sure it's straight, and then drill a hole into the bottom of the trunk. Then.. you buy their stand for $20 (I had paid $50 for the one from the store)...the stand has a 4 inch pointed thing in the middle, and you bang it into the pre-drilled hole with a hammer. Easy peasy, and the tree is secured and straight! Stand is re-usable and 'unscrews' from it's little hole when you're done. But wait.. that's not all! Because I live so close, they non-chalantly said they were delivering it to my house FOR FREE! I was like OMG really? thank you thank you thank you...and I asked the guy if I could tip him and he said sure! lol So the tree was easy, but moving the furniture around (and cleaning all the crap underneath) was exhausting. Apparently hair tie heaven is located under the coach. Who knew?

    OK signing off. Wishing all good things for both DP and Bobo tomorrow. Please check in as soon as possible. Oh..and how great was it seeing Ideism? You crack me up. Well most of you crack me up. I think we should just keep having fake Christmas whenever we want. I like it way better than the real thing.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    That's the beauty of these things, they took 10 mins tops to put on.. they feel a little weird, but look good and hopefully not a lot of upkeep.. we'll see if they hold up. I was going to try the gel with the uv light.. but honestly that sounds like too much damn work for me. I always had beautiful nails, so never had to do much to them but basic upkeep... one of the many things gone due to the lovely BC :)

    DP, I'm glad to be your partner in perversion lol. Sorry your fake christmas was a bust, could the funny head feeling be from the damn pain meds? I wish I had some great advice to give to make the pain go away.

    Ugh Zils, you did this to me last year.. those sound delicious! We tried a oatmeal chocolate cranberry recipe, I think from Martha Stewart a couple of weeks ago and they were yummy! I don't like white chocolate, so just used a different kind of chocolate haha. Busy day for you tomorrow.. hope BG is feeling better.

    M, you don't sound pretentious at all.. just glamorous as usual :) I love the shiny balls idea.. that would be a hoot!!!!

    Bobogirl, last one, last one last one, I am keeping my now glamorous fingers crossed!!!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    prb:  I'm very excited that you saw a house you liked!!!  And you got a tree!!  And it got delivered!!  Exciting!!!!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    OMG, just turned on the TV and we have a hostage situation in a cafe in Sydney, man with a gun and an Islamic flag, FFsake!

    I am just going into town for a few things, catch yo later...M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    oh no!!  Insanity!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    I saw that! Is that close to you?


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    M doesn't live near Sydney.  She is away from big cities.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Zills, I love Madelines. They are simple to make.

    Bobo, fake Christmas was today. It was the best turkey dinner. And that's saying a lot since I am not a fan of turkey. Kids were happy with what Santa brought them. It was a nice day.

    In the bag for you and DP tomorrow .

    Trixie didn't get a gift this year...shes on the naughty list...again!

    I hate bats! I appreciate their importance in the ecosystem blah blah blah, but they freak me out!

    PRB tell us about the house.

    Waving goodnight to everyone!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    In the bag for DP and Bobo. Chanting last time, last time. Sorry my nails aren't glamorous. I cut them years ago to do pottery and haven't had them long since. I do wear clear nail polish trying to keep them from shedding layers at the tips.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    My nails are not glamorous, but I will chant.

    Last time. Last time. Last time.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    are those the Impress brand nails idesim? Heard good things. was wanting to try them before my world turned upside down again. Now I will be icing again in hopes to not lose any nails. Brrr

    Glad you had a good fake Xmas Andrea. Did the kids come up with a gift for mom? I am not a turkey fan either.

    Are you ready to go bobo? Last one last one last one!

    Z those cookies sound delicious. You'll have to share the recipe. That was one of my favorite Otis spunkmeyer flavors to order. I swear that dumb cookie oven kept an extra 10 lbs on everyone in the office.

    Exciting about the house and tree PRB. Very cool that dd saw people she knows in the neighborhood. You had a good fake Xmas. Mine turned around a little. Finished up wrapping while watching it's a wonderful life with bond. He also got all the wreaths moved around to where I wanted them. Now just waiting for everything else to arrive. Oh and also my new vacuum cleaner. Got a shark from qvc and not feeling patient. Side hurts like hell but what am I gonna do? Just whine. Ugh. In bed now and watching home alone 2. Anxious to see what RO has to say about brain tomorrow. Wasn't able to eat hardly anything today. Hopefully I can get a little sleep.

    Happy fake Christmas #1 to all!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    oh and m that is terrible. You'll have to let us know how it plays out. Hopefully no one gets hurt. People are so crazy.