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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    No, not anywhere near where I am. Thanks for the concern!

    A few of the hostages have escaped, but no one really knows what this is, yet. The pictures they have taken inside the cafe, seems to show an older middle Eastern looking man, on his own. I don't mean to minimalise a potentially very dangerous situation, but I am really am hoping this turns out to be something very different, to what has been reported so far, by the sensationalist media, we have in this country.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    glad it's not close to you. The media is outrageous everywhere!

    2 hours sleep. Grr

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    A gift. Well, when my DD was trying to convince me to open gifts on fake Xmas eve I said we couldn't and I missed the days when the kids would make me gifts so she ran off and came back with a seashell with I Love You written inside. This made me laugh. But I cherish it now for two reasons:

    She Loves her seashells (even the cracked ones).

    She is 13...she rarely says she loves me anymore.

    I still wouldn't let her open her gifts early. Lol.

    Thinking of our two lovely ladies today: DP and Bobo.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Checking in.  Must go to LE PT appt. Woke up with that arm numb today.  Great. Now I have numbness in both arms.  And after I got rid of all the plastic too.

    M:  I hope that situation turns out ok and no one is hurt.

    A: I love seashells too!

    **waving to all**

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Glennie, sorry to hear about your arms. How far down does the numbness extend? I have had pain/numbness from bulging discs in my spine, so I know that sucks. What can they do for you?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    that is sweet Andrea. Waiting for MO to come in. Port wouldn't give blood. Arm barely gave any, literally. Research needs three extra tubes and they didn't think we were going to make it. You should have seen all the positions I've been in this morning. Finally trickled out enough drops to call it full. So I knew that meant low BP. It is 102/62.

    Ready to get this show on the road. Hugs to bobo. Hope everything is going well and dr is behaving.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    DP that reminds me of when my son wouldn't let the tech take blood from his arm and insisted they prick his finger. Well, twenty minutes later they were still squeezing drops out. Next time they took it from his arm and he agreed it hurt less.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    omg Andrea. I can't imagine getting it all from a finger! I hate finger pricks worse than blood draws.

    Well I got kicked out of the study already. When she found out about the progression in my brain mri, she had to come back and take my drugs away.

    According to MO, one tumor has doubled in size and two more have nearly doubled. She didn't seem hopeful that RO will suggest cyber knife. Don't know what options I will have. She did say I need to be back on steroids.

    My toes hurt. I don't know how the hell I ever iced for 3.5 hours at a time.

    Any bono updates?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Well, crap, DP!  That sucks!!

    Have not heard from DLLP yet.  

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    finally home. One of the dogs has D. Poor baby, whichever one, they never go in the house. Gma wouldn't let me clean it.

    RO says there are five visible lesions now. 3 Of them have either doubled or nearly doubled in size since 10/31. He says best option is to go after them all with cyber knife. Mr radiation has no risks or side effects says that there are risks, so that is a bit scary. But obviously we need to control the disease, so this is what needs to be done. Said there can be tissue death around the treated areas, in ither words, brain damage. He would like this to happen ASAP and before Xmas but he is concerned about insurance approvals.

    I put on my fentanyl patch. MO and chemo nurse told me to. Super tired. Going to see if the steroids will let me nap.

    Check in later. Still looking for that bobo update.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Well Crap on a Chapstick indeed!!! Gamma knife is supposed to be good. I can see why they would want to get the damn things out before they grow more. That is a lot of news to take in. F#CK!!!

    Give your dog Pumpkin from a can. Stops D in its tracks. Like Immodium for dogs.

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited December 2014

    Well heck, DP! You need a break! I hope you can get cyber knife scheduled quickly, stuff the insurance, they had better not muck you around. I hope you got to have a nap, let Grandma take care of you. Xx

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    I am okay. I second pumpkin in can. DP, Crap on a Chap. I am glad, though,that they are doing something and glad patch will get you out of pain. Maybe cyberknife will kick this bastard to the curb, then chemo to finish it up.

    Cannot write much. Many drugs, blocks, etc. This is going to be a bad one. PS told DLLP. She's extremely worried and hovering. Charge nurse made v specific pain management schedule. G, how is your numb arm?

    DP, I am sorry about stress. It must be stressful. But I am so glad they just did not send you home with nothing, like they always do. I will be extremely in the bag for you.

    I can tell this is going to be a v painful one, when the blocks wear off. Many incisions. Many. I want Z right now.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    Damn it,, I wish for once you could get a break, DP. I agree with Bobo, hopefully cyberknife will get rid of it and then chemo will do it's thing. That just sucks about the trial. I wish they would allow people to just try the damn drugs, whether you 'qualify' or not for the study.

    Glad to see Bobo made it through... LAST ONE!!! Just stay on top of those meds girl. It's nice that DLLP is hovering isn't it? Shows she cares. I wish I had someone to hover over me!! I could use some hot chocolate right about now and my hovering friend could hip hop to it. Whats that you say? Why yes I would like my pillows fluffed.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Bobo:  glad you are home.  Stay on top of pain med regimen. Hate to think of you in pain.. ***last one***

    DP:  Crap and more crap.  Hope patch gets you out of pain and lets you sleep. Don't need insurance stress. Dicktor should be yelling at insurance company that he wants you to have this done NOW.  Cyberknife can kick this crap to the curb and then you can get on with chemo, etc. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Morning all! So glad to see that Bobo is home and DLLP is hovering, thank goodness, this is the last one and you have the pain management. Please take it easy and let DLLP look after you. I want too book in for a Skype, when you're up to it.

    DP, as scary as it may seem. I am so pleased there is at least something, being offered to you now. What's the deal with insurance? Can they actually hold it up? I am sorry the steroids have been rolled out again, but if they're going to help, it's worth it isn't it? I am sending you a big hug! Isn't that considered a good blood pressure reading?

    PRB, hugs to you too, I'd hover, fluff your pillows and make you hot chocolate if I was closer!

    Hi Dawny, as much as we may whinge about Medicare, it works pretty well doesn't it! I was actually given the option of using my private health, or not and I was given lots of extras, from both the Hospital and my Specialist, for using it. How are you doing, still flat out?

    Hi Andrea! I can't imagine trying to squeeze a tube of blood out of a finger, that must have been agony!

    Glennie, 3 dead including the dickhead who started it all. Apparently the gunman started to doze off and a man tried to get the gun away from him but he managed to wake up and shoot him and a young mother of 2, also died in the ambulance on the way to Hospital. The Police stormed the cafe after the shots were fired and killed the gun man who was out on bail for arranging the murder of his ex wife. He had a record of sexual assault and a list of other stuff, basically just a waste of space, who should have been in prison.

    Catch you later...M x

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    I'll 3rd the canned pumpkin, BUT NOT THE PIE MIX,

    Yay for Bobo

    Yay Aussie cops got him!!!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    what an awful story m. I marvel at the convicted criminals we have walking the streets. You wouldn't believe so many off applicants backgrounds. It was unbeleivable that they were out on the street.

    Yay bobo is home. So sorry about the impending pain. Glad you are being hovered over. And that you dot have to do this any more.

    So from what the RO inferred about insurance company is that if I am a lost cause they don't want to waste their money on this procedure. He said it is good ammo that I am highly functional. But that they can latch on to the fact that the rest of my cancer has not been responsive to treatment. So basically they don't want to waste their money on the living dead girl.

    Not sure if patch working yet. They said it could take a day. Side not excruciating. Left temple and jaw hurt pretty bad.

    What activities do we have going this week?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    M: I am glad they got the gunman, but I'm sorry about the other people. Very sad.  He should have been locked up.

    DP:  yes, it could take up to a day to reach "steady-state" blood level.  Then you change the patch every 3 days at the same time. It will keep the blood level of the med stable.  Did they mention if you could take any of the hydrocodone for breakthru pain? F*cking insurance companies! They better approve it, or all of us will do the dance of the humpy back spider on them.   How are the dogs?  Still have diarrhea?

    This week's activities:   I see my other PT tomorrow.  I have 2 !  I am special that way.  Haircut Friday.  Off Weds. Will see if Bobo would like soup delivery. Or I can walk Bobo dog.   Otherwise,, work,,, as usual. Really must straighten the house. It is a disaster beyond belief.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Jesus, DP. That is awful what they are saying. We do not feel that way about you. Cyber knife will cut the ca right out. And then there is a good chance == they can try chemo out on turmor samples from the tumor, they did it on mine -- they will find a chemo that works for this particular tumor. Don't those Dicktors know anything?

    Can't even think about my list at the moment. Had an incredibly long list yeaterday. Glad your side is a little better. Fentanyl is my favorite and I don't say that kind of thing about drugs, usually.

    Check in whenever you want, DP. We are standing by. XXX

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Aww DP, what a horrible day you've had.... I'm so pissed off to hear about insurance bullshit... when will you know.. are they contacting the insurance company? I agree with the others.. cyberknife is supposed to be fantastic... am waiting anxiously to hear what their response is... in the meantime, rest as much as you can.

    Bobogirl, so happy to hear from you, did everything go as anticipated??? Last one right?? Hopefully the pain management schedule will work as planned.. I hope for once you get an easy ride.

    Glennie, hope your arm is feeling better!

    M, I heard about the hostage situation this morning, they said it was 13 hour mark at that time... glad to hear it finally ended.. but sad about the ones that lost lives... ridiculous.

    Very upset over DP :(

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    Glad to hear Bobo is home, but not liking to hear about the impending pain, sending hugs! Take it easy and slow.

    DP, ohI how I hate when I hear insurance can do these things! So wrong, Hope your dr. keeps after them big time! Anxiously awaiting to hear too! Hope you can get some peaceful rest, you must be just exhausted! Hugs to you too.

    Glennie, how is the arm?

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    Double crap on a Chapstick! Who do we need to call? Absolutely ridiculous.

    And yes I've heard good things about gamma knife and would sign up in a heartbeat if needed. Get that RO on the phone. Bypass the NP. Go for it! Screw the paperwork.

    I know there are risks and they've got to lay it on the line. My RO did when I first saw him. Whatever it takes.

    That being said. We got your back. You want to fight, we'll fight. You don't, we won't. I'm so sorry. Whatever you need or want, just let us know what we can do. Somebody is around 24/7.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    Keep chanting last one, last one and stay on the pain schedule. Let DLLP hover and let glennie bring you some soup. Put Chinese on speed dial.

    Sorry about the Australian drama. So sad. I remember the big one in Africa? And those little kids laying so still so not to draw their attention. I can't imagine mine doing that.

    Made cookies tonight. One white choco, cranberry. Haven't tried them. Other was choco and peppermint. Was very rich.

    Tomorrow is paperwork and Christmas cards. As a reward my sister is baking illegal (pecans) cookies so hopefully I'll be motivated.

    Boy has basketball practice. BG had swim lessons and it's pajama day at school. She's going to wear her new Peppa Pig ones, complete with tutu.

    Wed the washer repair comes back. Merry Christmas to me! I hope. Have about 6 loads, half is bedding.

    Thurs is all about me, me, me. Haircut, pedicure and finish the shopping. Then boys Christmas program.

    All the above is subject to change, of course. They got their flu shots this morning. No hollering but his leg was hurting after school. She actually seems to feel better. Finally!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014


    This is what we saw on the way to get their shots. DH couldn't get rock delivered today so they could install new tracks. Assume bank caved in. No one hurt. Just coal in the water. It's organic right?

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    omg that looks horrible, glad nobody got hurt and glad BG is feeling better.. love the pajama outfit lol she must look adorable.

    I bet a bunch of us making calls could maybe have some effect and I am game to try if needed... to insurance co.. to RO.. whatever.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    DP, my heart just dropped to my ass, when I read that, that can't be true , how can that be, I am sick to my stomach with bureaucracy, I hate bean counters.

    Please tell us, if there is anything we can do, petitions, current affairs, TV, anything. or if you just want us to STFU, that's fine too. We all love you!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    train pic is super creepy. Coal is organic. Good one. And probably is ok in water.

    Glennie they said I could do the hydro for breakthrough pain. Didn't say how much. I took 10mg earlier because I was having a lot of sharp pains that were really bad. I'm sure that was the chemo working. Any clue to what is safe? NP did say to be careful with it and record how much I was taking. I am worried because I have on this patch and took the 10 of hydro but can still feel headache in my temple. Does that mean it is a really awful headache?

    RO said to call his PA in 2 days if I have not heard anything. Said I need another mri scheduled and that alone takes a while. He wasn't real clear on the difference between gamma knife and cyber knife. Cyber knife can treat other things. You also don't have to have a cage screwed into your head, so I'm all for that.

    Glad bg is feeling better. Does she wear combat boots with her tutu PJs? I hope so. Or rain boots. Hope Thursdays plans do not change and you her to have some you time.

    It still not m? How are True Grit and the Duke doing? Did you tell him what perverts we are or spare him?

    Rest rest rest bobo. Find Home Alone on OnDemand. Let DLLP and glennie pamper you.

    Dogs seem ok now. Pretty sure it was Reggie. No telling what bond fed them yesterday.

    Thank you all for your kind words. You all mean so much to me.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    The patch probably has not had time to kick in yet. Probably won't until tomorrow. I think you could take it up to 4 times a day for breakthru pain. Just keep track and let them know if it is enough or not.  Everyone's pain works differently,, so pain management is not an exact science. Start low,, titrate up as needed.

    I don't blame you for not wanting a cage screwed in your head.  NOt sure of the difference between gamma and cyber either.

    I hope to see a pic of BG in her PJ's, tutu and boots. That would be soooo cute.

    Glad the dogs are better.

    Ok, work is over,,, I'm off to bed.  See you all in the morning.   Hope everyone sleeps well.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    DP, I am so sorry they're being such dickheads. I hope the fentanyl kicks in soon and you feel much better. Why can't they schedule the MRI while they wait for approval to actually do it? I'll join the crowd in whatever you need/want us to do. Hugs.

    We definitely need a picture of BG in PJ's, tutu and boots. I love the outfits I see kids in these days. Our clothes were so boring.

    NOW we're getting lists for the little kids. Found a game today and think we can get a Santa gift tomorrow if we're willing to drive a long way for it. And find a parking place near Toys r us. HaHaHa.