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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    In the bag, DP, and I have today off. I could make calls. We are here whenever you need anything. Anything frivolous. Call everyday -- don't wait per RO's instructions. Will Bond call for you?

    sI too need to know how True Grit and his cement mixer are doing. Z, I like the sound of that thurs. Right now have ho pedicure. Toes are natural. They don't let you at sx, and I've started to obey, because they told me residents monitor anaesthesia and I propofol. Oh, DP, guess what? They let me keep my wishing bracelet on! They didn't say a thing about it!

    DLLP slept in front to keep animals away. Charlotte up all night waking up DLLP. And DLLP set alarm to give pain meds to me. Now it's 5 a and she is peeling potatoes. It is pot luck Christmas brunch at her work. I told her to pick something up == gave million suggestions == but she insists on making a quiche. She is going to burn herself out first day -- she does not multitask well -- and then she will be good for nothing and irritable and I will have to beg for tea. It has always been thus.

    Wren, why d o you get the lists? Who do they thinl you are, Santa? :)

    DP, in rhe bag.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    It's raining and she insisted on rain boots and not peppa pig slippers. Also messy ponytail. Her hair is so fine and soft. Nothing stays in.

    Boy says leg hurts from shot. Possibly. Told him if he didn't participate in gym or fussed about it, no basketball practice tonight. Put a tea bag on it last night and gave him Tylenol.

    A second grader girl on his team was going to come home with us today since her sister had therapy and they can't be in two places at once. Found out about tonight's practice on Sunday.

    DH left his deodorant out on the counter. Boy out some on and said he didn't want stinky armpits for this girl.

    But no therapy appt so not coming home with us. Her sister plays with Keira at practice. Need to pack more activities.

    Yes DP call every day. They should have MRI appts for emergencies. Headache was probably stress and chemo. And it probably was a bad one. Should feel better once you process the news. Hold a finger.

    I surprised myself. Thought I should hold my middle finger for anger or pinkie for should do. Got a reaction from Mr. Pointer. That's fear. Thumb is worry. Wish we were closer.

    Don't know much about gamma vs cyber either. Cage doesn't sound like much fun.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    DP, how are you today? Are you calling? This is a gentle nudge in that direction.

    What is your shoe size? I don't want to know for any special reason, just curious... :)

    Sending you hugs. {{{DP}}}}

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    I should hope you have today off bobo! And the rest of the week I would hope!! I'm so sorry you are in pain. Do you have plenty of meds? Take them! If I can stop being stubborn you can too. Ha

    Not feeling too shabby at the moment.Contemplating getting up now nuts it's pretty cozy. Was wandering around the house earlier picking things up and seeing bond off. Have new vacuum cleaner to play with. Lots of attachments. Came back to bed and then Toby followed me. Oh and now Reggie just came too. I guess now I have to stay in bed a while.

    Lots of things I could be doing that are productive. Maybe later I guess. Stomach growling grrr.

    Yes wren, are you Santa? Can I send you my list too?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Boy did not want stinky armpits for girl??  Oh my,,, they do grow up fast!

    I really must learn which finger to hold for what.  Thumb is worry,,, ok,,, will try to remember that.

    Bobo:  sorry about DLLP over stressing herself.  I bet you had a million good suggestions for something to pick up. Keep on your schedule.

    DP:  how you feeling today?  Hope patch has kicked in and headache is better and you got sleep!

    **waving to all**

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    DP, see earlier message. What shoe size are you??!! :)

    Apparently this was going to be a painful one, as I have said, so PS got out big guns of pain meds. Won't be able to go of at 48 hours as planned, that's for sure. This is first time --- in eight or nine surgeries -- that I have actually been high. Let's be high together and send ourselves the high report!!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    posting at same time. Rain boots. Awesome! I should send bg some of my many now useless to me hair pretties, as bond calls them. Not to mention all of the hair products I amassed in just a few months. It's crazy. Glad boy has good hygiene habits already. I always had to nag my stepson about things like that and tell him he would never get a girlfriend if he smelled.

    I will call the office around noon. They are not open yet right now. Then they will have a while to work on it.

    I am size 8 bobo. Which totally sucks when you go to a clearance sale! That's when I long to be a size 6.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    I'm in bed with the snoring dog. Very cozy. Yes should be more productive but it's rainy. Might get up for a cookie.

    Yes it's awfully young and it's an older woman! Lol

    Thumb worry

    Pointer fear

    Tall man anger

    Ring man stress???

    Pinkie shoulda, woulda, coulda

    Just hold whichever one feels good. I also hold each one in succession on drive to appts. Relaxed by the time I get there. No I don't hold while driving:)

    Keep up with pain meds and softeners. Saw chocolate covered prunes.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    enjoy it bobo! That's what bond always tells me when I say i don't want to take too many meds and be dopey. Oh and glennie reminded me, quiche at 5am! Is she on steroids??

    Hi glennie. Maybe patch working now. Put it on at 2:30 yesterday. Had awful pain at 3am this morning and took 10 more of hydro. So far so good since 5am now. Increasing blurry vision in left eye. I see the ophthalmologist tomorrow but it is obviously due to my brain. I don't have some chemo SE in just one eye! But I will play along. Whatever, the referral was sent like three weeks ago.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    DLLP not on steroids -- she is pokiest bad-multitasker in the land. When I had cancer dx she shambled about like a mess for weeks. It's painful to watch. She is also a 'slow walker.' She drives me crazy!

    Quiche was because she just 'got it into her head' to do it. She is stubborn as mule.

    DP, maybe blurred vision is from patch? I have had patches of all kinds,and they always say blurred vision is an SE. Did I tell you ** poss. repeating myself ** Yesterday during sx they gave me the even stronger version of fentanyl. They told me the name but I have forgotten it. Glennie will know what it is. XXXOOO

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Size 8? I wish. Mine are 9 1/2-10. Yep, boats. Lol.

    Glad you're getting some relief DP. I love my Shark Vaccuum! Great suction. And light. Better than my daughters Dyson have fun playing with it.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    Andrea size 10 makes out good at the clearance sales too.

    It's not the patch bobo. This has been going on for some time. The episodes have be one more frequent the last couple of days. They had made the Referal before my mri when they thought everything was fine.

    Oh I hate slow walkers. Of course now I'm one of them. Lol bond has ADD it drives me insane. Nothing is ever completely finished.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    I have seen a lot of size elevens in clearance lately. And that makes my feet feel small. Lol.

    I hope Colin is having better luck than me. Urologist confirmed I still have the stone. Really wishing I had waited until I got back from Canada to blast the first time. Now I have to wait and see if it passes on its own if not we will try again to blast it.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    DP, Hope they can keep your pain under control and you can enjoy whatever you're doing. Just tell yourself: My energy is limited and will be spent on things that will make me happy and content.

    I'm Santa because their town has a small WalMart and nothing else. I live in a big city with a huge metro area and am retired. Her mother is useless (shhhhh). Once we get these things and a couple of books, we'll be done. It's really hard to find science stuff for the older one. Our science for kids store closed - along with most of the game stores.

    I'm with DP on the shoes. Size 8.5-9. Never there on sale. If anyone has access to a Nordstrom Rack, they have good size picks and good variety. Shoes were originally very expensive so not low price, but high quality and probably worth it. Clothing is the same way. I'm going to suggest to LL Bean that they program sales so they can be scanned for size. I get so tired of the cute XS on sale. It should, and apparently doesn't, tell them anything about how much to buy in what size.

    Add me to the being driven crazy by a partner with ADD. Talk about unfinished!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    the secret to happy feet is not wearing cheap shoes. Wish I had learned that sooner than mid 20s. Nordstrom rack is a great place to score bargains. So is Nine West if you shop there enough. They always have good clearance.

    I will never get anything done. Wasn't feeling too bad still when I woke back up. Found surprise in kitchen again. Cleaning the poop made me short of breath so then I had to sit a minute. Next thing my tummy throws a tantrum. Didn't really know you could be constipated and have diarrhea at the same time. I'm also freezing. Have not eaten anything yet today. But now I'm glued to the couch freezing. Stomach cramps are so much worse when I'm cold. Is that universal or just me?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    oh and your an awesome grandma wren

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    I need new shoes. I'm a 6 on a good day. Sometimes I buy kids shoes. Landsend 6 boots are too big:(

    Spent the day in bed except for the two hours I picked up DH and took him to his car. He had to drive dump truck to jobsite. Started a good book on kindle but didn't realize it was a preview. d@mn. Ate too many Christmas cookies.

    Must do paperwork! 1 2 3 go....

    Anyone heard from M? I'm getting concerned. Didn't think Bec was coming until next week.

    Sorry Andrea. Guess we can't call you Mrs Sandman.

    I would say there's something to be done in every room. Probably nothing will get done until we move. Wonder if he's depressed or it's just me? There's no way I can do home improvement stuff now. Well l can change batteries and filters but no painting.

    Does the shark work well on bare floors?

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    everything's worse when you're cold. How much chemo did you get?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    not much chemo. Only 40 ml. It's so small that they have to push the last 10 through with saline. Came back to bed because I couldn't get warm on the couch.

    Don't know how the shark works. Every time I think I'm going to use it, I have another problem. I hope it does because that what I have throughout the house. It has a separate attachment for the bare floors. We will see... Hopefully sometime soon. I was wondering about m also.

    Sorry Andrea. Is it very painful still? Hope it doesn't spoil your trip.

    Could be a but of depression z. Loss of interest is a big symptom. And you know it's hard for men to function on their own on a good day, much less when they don't have a woman to guide them. Or scary ass life matters going on. Perhaps making a list of what all needs to be done and going over it together? Or would that just irritate him? Is the move in the near future

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    Lists don't work. He's not home much anyway. Self employed have to work when they can and he's in demand right now.

    A sweet deal on our house right now. Free rent on 200 acres in exchange for keeping equipment up. Safe place for kids about 1/2 from road. Well I thought it was safe. Just got sent a pix about a mtn lion killed in the county.

    BG just took herself to the potty!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    that is a sweet deal z. Is it coming to an end? Lions, tigers and bears. Oh my!! That's scary.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    and yay bg!!! But if there was a prize for going to the potty, I think I would win it today. Bahaha. Bobo is right. We are disgusting. She and I anyway. Hope all is ok with m and Colin.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    Mountain lion where you are? I don't EVER remember hearing ANYbody talking about that!!!!! And I had a LOT of farming relatives there

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    We had cougars when i lived in the mountains, and again on Vancouver Island. I hate them. More dangerous than bears. They like to eat small children and pets.

    DP my kidney doesn't hurt that much. I hope you warm up .

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    that's scary. I freak out when foxes and coyotes are running around here. A hawk did try to take my grandparents dog a few times. Not the same.

    Glad it's not too bad Andrea. But it's just something all the time for us all isn't it? Wishing we could all have some carefree days ahead.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Just a quick Hello and a wave. I have been busy doing some stuff for a gf. Why am I the only one with a landline? My friends have cell phones and it's too expensive to call the US that way, so I do it!

    Have to get into shower, have things to do today, but have read posts, Woo Hoo BG, fucking mountain lion? now that's scary. I just heard of a gf who has been bitten by a brown snake, she's in Hospital, and OK. She doesn't live near here, but they are saying this year will be a bad year for snakes, oh joy!

    DP I hope you get to the bottom of the eye problem. I had 1 cataract, caused by steroids. I had the lens replaced in that 1 eye and they were very surprised that I never needed the 2nd one done. I hope it turns out to be something like that. OMG, I agree that everything feels worse when you're cold!

    I got a Dyson cordless recently which has heaps of attachments ans is meant for pet hair. I only have hard floors, slate and timber with a couple of rugs, but it is fantastic. I haven't even tried any of the attachments yet.

    I agree about the good shoes! I spent my adult working years in heels, but always leather and tragically expensive. The Rheumatoid has changed my feet so that all the care I took isn't worth a crap now, but may have been worse, if I hadn't taken care. I get a gf who is an 8.5 to wear in, my size 8's for me, she stretches them just enough to be comfortable for me.

    Andrea, so sorry you are still having stone problems. I guess Colin still having the stent, has been what has made the sand, from the blasting move through and the big stones were retrieved in surgery. I sure hope this doesn't cause problems on your holiday.

    Wren, you are a great Gma!

    Sorry if I have missed anyone, will be back...M x

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Oh boy... and so it starts.. putting on deodorant for the ladies... at least he is concerned over hygiene. I too would love to see a picture of the pj outfit.

    DP, staying in bed is productive.. we all say so, therefor it must be true. How's the head feeling? I am a size 6 in shoes and never find anything in a clearance either.. you aren't missing out on anything.

    Chocolate covered prunes sounds a bit gross I have to say.. probably delicious though. Wouldn't the chocolate somewhat cancel out the benefits of the prunes?

    Bobogirl, you appear to still be doing well.. I am so happy! How did DLLP's quiche come out? Leave DLLP alone, she sounds like she is really stepping up this time... course it may not last :)

    I just got a new vacuum too.. a shark.. got a great price for it on Woot.. it has all sorts of bells and whistles.... F dyson.. not paying an arm and a leg for a vacuum. This thing is like a jetliner.. I was afraid it would suck me up. Love having the new toy cuz then I actually clean like mad.. the enthusiasm won't last tho. I love that it has a pet hair tool... need that for sure with one of the cats bein rather long haired and constantly shedding... plus he drools on the furniture. And yes, it works well on floors.. I didn't not have to use another attachment. I think it's a shark navigator.

    Andrea, is it painful for women to pass stones? Think about what men have to squeeze those things out of lol.

    Wren, hope the stores aren't too horrible being so close to Christmas, I have to get a couple last minute things this weekend and I am not looking forward to that. Then of course, I haven't wrapped a g'damn thing. That's a good idea on the scanning, although I didn't mind so much when I was an XS.. those days are long gone!

    I concur with everything being worse when cold.

    woo hoo BG! Hope it continues.. wtf mountain lion? That is really scary. Coyotes are nasty pieces of work.. we get lots of hawks for some reason.

    M, you are one of the only people I know with a landline.. we ditched ours at least 5 years ago.

    Let me go check the other thread.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    well Idesim, now you know two with a landline, that would be me!!! I think you all know we live in the "boondocks"., and being so close to Canada our cell phones will bounce off their towers and you do Not want to pay that bill! Many people also have a booster for their cell which helps for service but we don't have one, we never turn our cells on unless we are traveling..... I know, I know not living in this century huh?

    Wren you are a good gma, I told one of mine how much we would spend on each girl and if she sees something they would like get it and I will give her the money and she is one that would never take advantage , let's just say she is very frugal!, good luck finding all.

    Hope you are warm and pain free and can get some sleep.

    Bobo, you are probably warm but wishing .you pain free days ahead.

    Waving to all.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014


  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    The lion was found in a tree late Monday afternoon by a lady walking her dog. It doesn't say where exactly but the house we are building for a client is in the northern part. Said it might have been a pet. Will know more after autopsy. Yes scary.