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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    I don't like them either. Can do waaaaay more harm than good. Get a massage instead!!!!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    oh I know. But that's how desperate u am that it seemed lie an option for a moment. Have you seen that thing on tv that you lay on and it moves your butt around? Seems like it might feel good.

    Waiting again at opthomologist. Have to have some vision field test. I do believe this is all crap because this is obviously being caused by my brain. Ready to go home.

    Used shark briefly this morning. Gma walked in and said oh you got a new rug. Hahaha. Works pretty good didn't try pet hair tool or bare floor tool yet. Worked well on bare floor without it.

    Ready to go home. Waaaaaa

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Moorning all, meant to say thank you for the menthol cream, heads up, it's on my list.

    Andrea, I wasn't game to say how many phones we have, we have 5 too, with another one to go in my studio/shed too! LOL

    Hi 02, good to see you!

    DP I am in the bag too.

    Glennie, glad you slept a bit better. I am so grateful that you're here, for the pain and drug information for the girls.

    Hi ndgirl, I agree about BG! and the Princess too! I am smiling here at the reaction I got, from our dangerous animals here in Aus, but no one shared with me that you can walk under a tree where you girls are and a stonking great lion, can jump down on you. If that's not enough, you have to ascertain whether it is hungry or not, before you take your chances by running.I'll take disemboweling, angry kangaroos any time.

    DP, I know that feeling abut the fabulous handbag. I am more handbag, than shoes these days, but I still seem to use the same one every day. I bought this fabulous hook and strapping device, that attaches to the back of a door to hang 12 handbags, the rest are in their dust bags in a cupboard, I had a serious addiction, but living in the country has slowed it down.

    Wren, we have the Indian/ Pakistani telemarketers too. They call right on news time here and if it isn't for something like a deal on electricity, it is a scam about my slow running computer. I have tried every tactic with them, from really nice and accommodating to expletives when they won't take no for an answer. We have a number here to call, to be taken off their databases, but it doesn't work.

    Having take 2, of the lunch with my friend who lost her son recently. She had to cancel the last one, she just couldn't leave the house, but has called to ask me, if we can try again today. Weather is nice, not too hot, so we will go and sit outside and hopefully there will be dolphins to watch. Be back later....M x

  • jennie93
    jennie93 Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2014

    O2, I would read this before taking any kind of cholesterol meds......

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Thanks for the Christmas Card, M!  It's very pretty!   How was the lunch with your friend?

    DP:  how did the rest of the appt go?  I'm in the bottom of the bag and can't hear a thing!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Hi Glennie, it is only 11.30am, she just called and still can't do it. She's having a rough time. I am going to the supermarket for a few things and to the Opp shop, my friend there isn't doing well, I am not expecting her to be there, but hopefully I can find out how she's doing today.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    Sorry about your friend M.  I was hoping she would get a little boost from your fairy dust at lunch. 

    oh my gosh, I could not see forever after they dilated my eyes.  It still isn't great.  I look like one of those big eyed dolls still.  It's creepy.  Had to drag out the real laptop.  So I have major vision field loss I my left eye and some in my right eye.  This is from brain lesions.  I have a hemorrhage in my optic nerve and a swollen disc in my left eye.  Don't know what any of that means other than its bad and the dr did not like it at all.  Said she was sending all info to the oncologists.  Called RO office to check on Cyber Knife and ask if I should be taking steroids for the swelling.  Have had pain in my temple also, so that's not good.  She said they were working out the insurance now, whatever that means, and will call me back tomorrow with answer to steroids. It was late in the day. Dr was probably already gone. 

    Was wiped out and hurting by the time I got home.  Took hydro, then talked to Bond long enough to get past the sleepy period.  So then I wrapped xmas presents while I couldn't see a darn thing.  Alarmed to see how much still has not arrived in the mail. 

    If I ever get to have this sale that I've been trying for a year and half, I'm going to sell most of my bags.  That was the plan back when I still left the house every day even.  lol  Now I can get rid of lots of fabulous shoes too. 

    ok can't look at the screen any more so waving to everyone.  Bobo don't think I didn't notice your nonresponse to my lecture - so I hope you got some rest and some relief today. 

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    I'm hoping that working out the insurance means there is progress happening there.. at least they didn't say it was denied... on standby to make phone calls and pitch a bitch if I must.

    I don't know where I got this guy from.. but he makes me smile...


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    He looks like a character in a children's book.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    oh silly little kitty

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Oh bugger, DP that's shitful news. I know this sounds really dumb, but I was hoping for a cataract! I hope they get somewhere with this insurance company soon.

    Aren't those eye drops the worst, they last for about 8 hours for me, those doll eyes. I have to wear sunnies in the house all day after getting my eyes tested. I see Bobo must be sleeping, because she hasn't responded to your

    How's our Bond doing, DP? What's up with the grandparents, have they found anything yet?

    ldesim, that is the creepiest cat I have ever seen. I'd be too scared to go to sleep with that guy around, for fear of it being on my chest watching me, when I woke!

    I had a haircut today and when I got home I gave Dex a bath. it was really hot and he dried quickly in the sun. He is all fluffed up and has a really good Rod Stewart do, so Bec will be pleased with that, next week.

    You have reminded me DP, about the big bags I have for my GF to sell at a market, or for me to put on ebay. hmmm, will think about that another time! M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    hi M! Someone else is awake. Yaaaay!

    Isn't it fun THINKING about putting things on ebay? Too bad it doesn't pay much or clear out the clutter. I really wan to er the house super clean by Xmas but I don't really have my hopes up too much.

    I was also hoping for a cataract.

    Bond is ok. He jas been busy at work. He is off on Friday for a dental surgery. Then he will be off Xmas eve and the day after. Looking forward to it. A couple of days last week, I woke up to him watching me and crying. Makes me sad that he's sad and that his life has been turned upside down too. He is happy that I started the fentanyl. I muat admit that it is an improvement. Probably makes it more tolerable being around me.

    Grandparents supposedly have a house. Should be closing on te 23rd. Don't her me started on all the ridiculousness of this deal- I will be happy for it to finally be over- no matter how stupid the decisions are. Ahem.

    Did you find anything good at the opp shop? When does bec arrive?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Oh yeah, DP, I do a lot more thinking about it than doing it! I should have checked earlier to see if you were here, I have been watching stupid tutorials on those press on nails ldesim was talking about yesterday. They have some great colors and designs, so I thought I would get some to try. I have a gel lamp and a gazillian gel colors, but I hate removing it. It is nearly as bad as trying to get glitter polish off, very tedious.

    I'm glad you weren't mad about me hoping you had a cataract:( Isn't it weird how here, we can actually verbalize, that we hope someone has another shitful ailment, when they are being tested. That must have been so hard for you to see Bond like that and it breaks my heart to think of both of you dealing with this shit.

    Today I got some really great glass beads at the opp shop, for my Sun Catchers. The girls all keep and eye out for beads for me now. I had a look at the site you gave me and then ended up buying a lot from ebay. I like JesseJames beads, there are some great and unusual czech glass beads. They should arrive tomorrow along with the 6 tops I bought from Marika on black Friday for about $6.00 each and a bunch of Eve Pearl makeup and more $9.00 bras from Metromedicalonline.I got a couple of pairs of Amoena yoga pants too. Iknow, I know when will I ever wear all this stuff! I can't pass up a bargain.

    Bec arrives on Wednesday at about lunchtime, I can't wait to see her. She is coming for over 3 weeks! Tomorrow it my 2 year anniversary since my surgery, she came here to help me for a couple of weeks and it was just the best time ever. We stayed up, watched movies, ate lots of yummy stuff and laughed a lot. She wouldn't let me do a thing, I enjoyed it! lol I hope it is fun like that, this time too. At least i won't be fallling asleep mid sentence, like I did then! The only thing I miss about moving here, being a few minutes drive from Bec.

    We have had big storms here tonight, the power went out and the lightning was amazing. It's bed time for me now. I hope you got some sleep and I will check back to see how you're doing, in my morning. Take it easy!

    Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite! M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    You guys are right! I slept all day yesterday. DP, that is the most shitful news. Awaiting word on Cyberknife. Hoping that they will zap those lesions to the curb. Hugs to Bond, too. Could it be that your GPs really have a house? I don't believe it! Who will be doing all of their unpacking and arranging of things? I hope you do not think it is going to be you... you need your rest.

    Oh, I did see your lecture, and I thought, Oooh. A spanking from our DP. Me likey. But I was too tired to type it! How is your vision this morning?

    I don't think that is a creepy kitty. I think that is an adorable kitty. M, so sorry about your friend who cannot have lunch and your friend at the op shop. Poor friends. You know, you are a perfect person to help someone who has suffered the kind of loss your friend has. I hope she will 'let you in' a little bit.

    I can't wait for Bec to come! It seems like only yesterday that you had your sx, doesn't it? What fun things have you got planned for her? Are you going to have a slumber party?

    Overdid it a little bit this morning. Woke up and started running around the house putting things away. A lot. Now am too dizzy to take a shower! Will wait.

    What are you going to eat today, DP? Maybe some yogurt? A protein shake? I want to make sure you are eating. XXX

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Hey Boboo, just saw you'd been here too, I just posted on the other thread,chasing you around the boards. I hope DP is sleeping again.

    My friend, who lost her son has actually been great, I have been around to her house a few times, she is just having a hard time going out in public again. It is a small town, I understand her nervousness to have to talk to people. We are going to shoot for lunch sometime next week,

    I have lots of stuff that we can do when Bec is here, but I will leave it up to her because she has had such a heavy couple of years at work and not much down time, so whatever she wants to do is fine with me. I have my 6 month check up with my Surgeon while she's here which is in a town over an hour away so we will make a day of that and go shopping and for lunch. I want to take her out on the boat, but I think we will hang here a lot.

    Take it easy Bobo, there's plenty of time to be running around tidying up, give your body a little down time will you! Gentle hugs....M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    That is a scarey cat.

    DP: that is crappy news. I hope you hear about the Cyberknife today. Zap all those damn things. The GP's really have a house??  Excellent.  It's their deal,, let them handle it. Even if it is crazy.   Hugs to you and to Bond. Hope his dental surgery is minor.

    M:  excited that Becs is coming for a nice long visit!

    Rest, Bobo!  it's only day 3.  I hope you are getting enough protein.  Are you eating? Put things away later. I know they annoy you, but rest while you can when the kids are at school and DLLP at work.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Morning Ladies! I was hoping there may be some news from DP today, about the insurance company or the treatment.

    Ready to do the "Dance" stupid Hospital in Melbourne failed to organize Colin 1's appointment to have the damn stent removed, the surgeon was here at the Hospital operating yesterday, but since no one followed his orders, Colin had no booking, so may have to make the looooooong trip back to Melbourne to get the thing removed. Surgeon was very angry, but couldn't do anything. In limbo now trying to find out when this can come out and worried because it is keeping valve open that can allow any infection up to the kidney. I hate incompetence!

    I spoke to Colin 2 yesterday, he is still waiting to get the all clear about his clot in the leg, so they can remove his thyroid, but they have to wait 6 till weeks after he stops the Warfarin. He has forced himself to do exercise and is now doing 30 pushups, 12 chin ups and lots of sit ups, I am so impressed with how he has managed to get inspired enough to do it, considering he couldn't make it to his own front gate, when he first got home 5 weeks ago. He is still waiting for more information on his liver and lymphoma, so not a pleasant holiday time for him. He's also had some real problems with the wound healing since his lung surgery and has had to go to the clinic every day to have the dressing changed. He told them he was going to take off the dressing, swab it with alcohol and sit out in the sun, bu they became frantic and said they would refuse to treat him, or help him any further if he did anything so silly! Good grief, I was out in the sun with my top off, a couple of weeks after my surgery and after I had an infection, best thing ever for healing and drying up a stubborn wound.

    I have a few things to do today, so I will catch you all later....M x

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited December 2014

    Oh, M, that sucks! Another trip to Melb hospital? Colin must be soo over this by now. Wow Colin no.2 is doing a lot!? Yes, I am still flat out. :)

    Thank you M, Glennie, Andrea and Spookiesmom for the Christmas cards, I do still like receiving "old fashioned" mail. I get excited opening the mail box, sad but true.

    Hope DP got some sleep, and Bobo isn't over doing it. Can't believe it is only six sleeps until Christmas.

    Still having trouble posting, very annoying.

    My Christmas cards are posted, but I don't think they will make it to the U.S. In time, sorry :(

    Waving to vintage gal, who has had a tough time. Xx

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    Approval not done yet, but the mri I have to have beforehand was (?) so I had to go do that today.  Big hassle because I insisted on using my port and stopped at the cancer center on the way to be accessed.  PA from RO office had to driver and bring over the heparin so they could flush immediately.  Now I know that next time I can bring it myself.  I called beforehand and asked if it was ok and they only told me that I would have to go back to where I have it accessed to be flushed.  Whatever. 

    Back and neck and side hurt.  I'm cranky today.  Don't want to even think about food.  Asked bond for French onion dip on a whim.

    That is just stupidity M! All of that extra trouble caused by someone's incompetence.  Good to hear Colin 2 is getting back in shape.  Hope he gets some good news soon.

    How was your day bobo?  Are you behaving or upsetting all of us hens here?

    waving to everyone


  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Hi DP! **waving** I hate MRIs! How is your back and side and neck? I just do not understand why they have to make it such a hassle for you to access your port, it is ridiculous. You should not have that MRI contrast in your veins all the time! It makes sense to use the port. I can feel M getting her suit on now to go over there and kick some ass.

    Did you get French onion dip? Will you dip crudite in it? Will it be served in a bread bowl? You have to keep your strength up. How is soup feeling to you? Maybe some cream of mushroom soup?

    I stayed down today, for the most part, but was contacted by my boss several times about a stressful work issue, so had to deal with that all day. Just finished. Hopefully things have gone smoothly with that.

    I keep wanting to get up and start a project, but instead I take a nap! Apparently I am very tired. Tomorrow the kids have early release -- rest time over!

    Dawny! Hi Betty! **waving** Are you flat out? What's wrong? How are you feeling? I don't think my AUS cards will make it in time for Christmas either. I had them done, but DLLP kept not posting them. How are your Christmas preparations coming?

    M, you must be furious about what happened with your Colin! I hope they are going to straighten that out soon? We don't want him to have an infection. That is an amazing story about Colin #2 and his exercises! He has so much to deal with. What are his holidays going to be like?

    I can't wait for Bec to get there. I am sure we will all want the full report! What does her hair look like now? What is she collecting? Has she met any new exotic gay BFs at the mall?

    Hugs to everyone. XOXO

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Oh UGH, M!!  Surgeon right there!!!  Now might have to go back to Melbourne. That sucks!!    Colin2 is up and moving!  Wow.  What a man!!  And I agree about the sun being healing. Let the wound air out!  **I am not giving medical advice here. Disclaimer**  Only my opinion.

    DP: I cannot believe how stupid they are about your port. That is just ridiculous. Did you get onion dip?  When are they going to up your fentanyl patch?

    Bobo:  I'm sorry that work bugged you, but glad you got naps. That was needed. How is the pain?  Have you pooped yet?  Prune juice? Are you getting protein?

    Back to work,,, busy tonight,,,, back later

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Hello girls, 2 year anniversary of my Mx today. Yay! Where does the time go?

    I just came across this pic of me and Vi at Christmas, in the early 90's, not a great shot, he was much more beautiful, than this shows. He was in his teens and had never had a Christmas, before he came to us. As tough as he was and after all he'd been through, in the refugee camps, he still had to have his red Santa Sock (see fireplace behind him) on the fireplace.

    You can now, see what I meant, when I introduced him to people as my son, I would tell them, "He looks more like his Dad!" LOL

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    2 year anniversary??  Wow!

    Very nice picture of you and Vi.   He was very handsome.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    wow two years already! VI is so handsome... I wish we could see his hair better. Bec for 3 whole weeks, that is going to be so much fun for you... hopefully Colin will be sorted out. I agree with the consensus, sun does seem to heal better.. I think Colin 2 has the right idea.

    Hugs to Bond, and sorry you're still feeling shitty DP, hopefully the insurance will come through for you. DP, if you're not eating (which damnit you really need to try to do!), I hope you are at least drinking fluids... you don't need additional problems.

    Bobogirl, I am so surprised that you've been resting as much as you see, to have been!! I'm very impressed! You're not fibbing to us, are you? :)

    Had our work xmas party and I ate way too much.. I'm just laying here like a beached whale lol. I think I was the only one there not drinking. Funny, I've never been told I can't drink, but I just haven't had a drink since all this mess started.

    TGIF, having dinner tomorrow night with a couple of girlfriends I haven't seen in awhile, so I am really looking forward to that. Then a busy weekend getting everything ready for Christmas.. wrapping, baking and more wrapping and baking... tired just thinking of it.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Just had phone contact with the Hospital, bahahaha, they called my cell by mistake, so I let them have it, over the appointment not being followed up their end, then passed it over to Colin, it is being investigated now! Steam coming from my ears and the "oointy eyes" Bec says I get when angry! FFS, get it together!

    Hey Bobo, I am with you, I hate MRI's too, they never bothered me till 1 I had for my neck injury from the Chiro and they asked me over and over if I was claustrophobic, I kept saying no, but the power of suggestion must have triggered something, because I couldn't handle being in there and the pain from lying flat was mind blowing. They cracked the shits with me and pulled me out, shot me full of Vallium and shoved me back in again. I have never been comfortable in those things since.

    Well, fuck your Boss, what is he 12 and can't do anything without you? Gosh, I wish they could just leave you alone, for a minute.

    Colin 2 is a grinch, all year, he's a grinch! I know how to approach him, but he isn't an easy man to deal with. He will be fine, I don't think he really gives a toss about Christmas. I invited him to come here, but of course he won't come. I will call him on the day.

    As far as I know, Bec is sporting an "Inverse Bob" colored black, at the moment, but that may have changed, by the time she gets here, She will likely have photos of hairstyles that she wants me to do for her and a pack of the least toxic hair color she can find, for me to color her hair:) No gay BF's around for a long time, when Jon went underground, the others moved away too, so she's a bit light on for gay friends now, apart from FB.

    DP, cranky? you deserve to be! I love your attitude, all that port access shit and you're ......"whatever!"

    Hi Dawny, good to see you! The Alfred, need I say more?

    Glennie, how stupid is it that they discount all the old tried and true healing methods, simply because someone has come up with a different protocol. Well, that protocol didn't do shit, for Colin 2's wound!

    UPDATE!!!! Hospital called, looks like surgeon may be here in mid January, that's still a long way off, but they will let him know next week...yeah, yeah, yeah! If Colin gets another infection and has to go to Hospital next week, ( cancel cancel, shouldn't even think or say that) there will be Hell to pay!

    I should go and meditate this anger out for a bit....catch you later...M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    I am picturing M with the Oointy eyes,,, and I'm scared!!  Those hospital people should be scared!! Oointy eyes and humpy back spider dance!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    that is a great pic M. You both look wonderful. 2 years! Time does fly. You and bec are going to have so much fun. Glad the surgeon is coming back soon. It will be here before you know it.

    Onion dip was a bit salty. I think because it was the fat free kind. I make sure I eat a little something each day. Been drinking water and some Gatorade lately. I'm over soup at the moment. Once I eat something once or twice it kind of goes on a dead list. Still need to get yogurt.

    So glad you rested bobo. I hope you are able to tomorrow also. Your body needs it to heal.

    Picturing you idesim, laid back and holding your full belly. Lol. I was the same about drinking the first time around. This time they told me not to though. It makes me want a drink. Hehe.

    Speaking of bellies. Has anyone seen the kmart commercial with the pregnant women dancing? It is mesmerizing to me for some reason. I miss having kmart. I always had to go to the one in Vegas when we went.

    Girls from work want to visit tomorrow. Bond has his dental sx early in the morning. One of them is going to pick him up so I don't have to drive. Will make for an early morning though with me trying to clean before they get back. The sx is only 30 minutes! I should get up and do it now but I don't want to wake bond. Will try to let these pain pills make me sleepy. I've become pretty good at controlling that now. Good morning and waving to everyone. Have we heard from z lately? Hope she's not buried in Xmas wrappings and cards and laundry.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    Yesterday was insane. Nonstop stops from 8-3. Then another stop with kids. Ugh. I'm so embarrassed by their squabbling and don't know what to do. Dinner, Christmas program and then wrapping.

    Today I have four hours to myself. Boy has 1/2 day. Want to get caught up. I hate this. I always start early, have good intentions, then still run around like a chicken with no head.

    Sisters have invited kids to a sleepover on sat. We are doing the family Christmas on Sunday. Planning on wrapping kids then.

    Found a bunch of How To Train Your Dragon stuff for boy's birthday yesterday. Still want a stuffed toothless and some wall stickers.

    Off to the races. Already want to nap! 1 2 3 go!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    Hello all! DP, don't worry much about cleaning for a visit, if they are friends they won't care if things aren't perfect, I always say if people come looking for dust bunnies Inshould supply a few. Hope you enjoy the visit and don't overdue. Hope Bond's dental sx is ok, always sounds rough to me. Hope your pain will be controlled now.

    Ariom, 2 years! Wow, and such a lovely picture of you and Vi. Beautiful! Makes my heart ache that he is no longer with you, can only imagine how you feel. I also hate incompetence , hoping the best for Colin, that is a long time to wait I am a strong believer in sun/air healing, and you have the benefit of the ocean to heal you as well. I was a skinny little girl and was sick a lot and an old dr told my mom to give me sun baths! I remember laying on the porch in the sun, loved it. I was not a good eater back then, hard to believe now, love everything so sure I was enemic. Have a great visit with Bec.

    Idesim, I haven't done any baking this year, good for you! I am not a good baker and don't like to do it, but love eating it, my gf is a wonderful baker so I gain enough weight from that.

    Zills, you are a busy gal, hope you get a break soon, wish you had some help, if I was closer would love to pitch in!

    Bobo, please continue to take it cool, is this falling on deaf ears?. You need a break as well. Keep that pain under control.

    Waving to all, busy with grand kids the oldest surprised us yesterday when he arrived home from his first year of college, nice surprise. The parents are gone until tomorrow so really get to spoil them .

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Hi DP! **waving** How does plain steamed veg sound to you? Like plain steamed butternut squash? How does a baked potato with sour cream sound? I agree with M -- you sound unflappable about things like that port ridiculousness, which would have made me absolutely crazy. Are you looking forward to your GFs coming? Don't overdo the cleaning. M, do you feel okay about Colin #1 and The Duke waiting until mid January? Keeping everything crossed for no infections.

    Loved my Bec hairdo update. Have I told you I have stopped coloring mine? I have this handful of grays in front. They don't usually show that much, but I have liked to look polished and hate thinking I have coarse hoary grays. Plus I have been feeling angry and punk, so as you know I have been doing different things. But then I had a dream that my yoga teacher told me to stop coloring it in order to be a more authentic presence for any future yoga students. I have been thinking about getting certified. So I stopped!

    M, that is SUCH a beautiful picture of you and Vi. The two of you are beautiful together. You are obviously mother and son to me. I love that he had to have his sock. I keep forgetting that saying-- 'He looks more like his father'! I always think I want to try it myself, but I can't because it would open a 'can of worms,' since my princess has two mommies.

    Speaking of 'cans of worms,' don't want to open an adoption one. But our princess -- though she is adopted -- her story is different from other stories people might assume about her. I know you know what I mean, M and Z. In fact, I bet all of you sisters know what I mean. It was a closed, private, very sudden adoption. There are so many different kinds of adoption, aren't there? Adoption can be a painful topic for people, can't it?

    One two three go Z! We have a half day too. My two squabble too, in a very specific way, it is part of their relationship. DLLP and I call them The Bickersons. Sometimes I get so sick of it. Esp W Boy. He is a particularly whiny Bickerson.

    Idesim, I have actually been staying down quite a bit with this one, I swear. Last time I had to vault out of bed and go back to work. This time, because they were able to move up the sx, I have five days off. Off pain meds, but not sleeping that well at night. I'm pretty wiped out by this sixth one. The sixth one is the charm!

    Kitty jumped on my stomach again last night -- yikes! She made the bruise blood red in the middle. DLLP had to put her in front and sleep with her. I have to say, you couldn't do a more painful thing to me at this point.

    DLLP said she feels bad that she just leaves me all day to fend for myself. I told her it was fine -- she is working -- but it is true I am not getting a ton of protein. Trying to do a shake. Working on it. She is so worried about my doing too much that she actually vacuumed this morning.

    M, do you have Tabitha's Salon Takeover? She is an AUS hairdresser. I love her. BTW, where is Andrea? And where is her vagina?