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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Incredibly, even though that post was so long, I reply to myself. ND, we are posting at same time! I feel I miss you, ND. I want to can with you. What will you do to spoil your G kids? That sounds so fun.

    I have not done any wrapping. I am not finished making the princess' slippers. Things are something of a mess. I just hope I can get it together in time. Trying not to shift into hyper-overdrive. Wait. I have all MD-family-style presents wrapped and out of the house. I have all Christmas cards out of the house. Well, DLLP hasn't finished addressing a last few. To be honest, I am too tired to nag her about it. You can really see the difference when I am 'on strike!'

    DP, did you get a new Fentanyl patch? As I have said before, hate pain meds -- mostly they don't make me feel good -- but Fentanyl is my favorite. Yay Fentanyl!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    Kmart. Back in the early 80's when I started investing, my broker suggested either Kmart (because it had a dividend) or this new chain down south called Walmart. Yup.. went with Kmart because Walmart was not known at the time. Me thinks I could have retired very early had I bought that stock. Instead, Kmart went bankrupt and I lost that money. Oh, he had also suggested another new chain at the time called Home Depot. If only......

    Geez Zills - you make me tired just reading all that stuff. I think it's good to know that things do calm down as they get older. My daughter is in 7th grade and a lot of the activities from school have lessened. Seemed like there was always something to turn in, something to volunteer for, or a field trip to go to in elementary school, but now those things are rare...and bonus...I can barely help her with math anymore, so she has to do all her own homework. They have their 'winter wonderland celebration' this afternoon and their very first dance. Will be interested to hear the details from that.

    M - VI was so handsome. Breaks my heart to think that he made it through so many difficult situations and had your love and support, but it still wasn't enough. Congrats on your 2 year anniversary. Time flies.

    DP - glad to hear you seem to be getting the pain under control. Keep eating, please!

    Bobo - I like that you are home and yakking up a storm. My daughter is adopted too, and I am so fortunate that two of her good friends are also adopted. If there's anything about being adopted that she's uncomfortable talking to me about, I know she has her friends. Adoption is such a beautiful thing. For me, one of the neatest things was watching her blossom from this non-English speaking toddler to saying things like "this apple is delicious!" in a matter of months. Miracles right before my eyes all the time in that first year.

    Vacation start in 4 hours! Really looking forward to some down time. Decorate the tree, wrap some presents...hell I might even bake some cookies with DD. We had the power outage last year and didn't get to do anything like that, plus I was stressing about doing rads or getting the mx. Glad that is behind me .. was a very dark time in my life.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    here's to a very different Xmas for PRB than last year. Hope you and dd make cookies and wonderful memories.

    Z you make me tired. Always so much going on. You need a weekend just for yourself. Go stay in a hotel room. Maybe a good New Years gift for yourself.

    Crap I hate when the page chanea and I can't scroll back and see all the posts.

    Put on new patch yesterday. Still taking 10 of hydrocodone every 7 -9 hours. Will discuss with NP on Monday. The fentanyl definitely takes the edge off and then when I add the hydro, I get the "good" feeling for a little while. I've become too dependent on it though. Especially for sleep. This mornjng at 3am I was pondering how much pain I actually had vs the fact that I wanted to take it just to go to sleep.

    Bond is home an napping. Poor guy was staggering around the house. Face all swollen and then then he was trying to work! I heard him on several phone calls.

    Visit was nice. I did over do it a bit with vacuuming. I think it was a combo of not eating and overdoing. So when I finally stopped to eat something I could only do two bites because I felt so crappy and sick. Even still, the house is far from perfect. I just wanted to have less dog hair everywhere.

    RO office just called and said to take steroids due to eye swelling and hemorrhage. Still no news on insurance. Hoping not to have the steroid nightmare start again. Ugh.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    DP, hope you are resting. It can be too strenuous to have visitors. Please don't worry about 'liking' the pain meds 'too much.' You are in legitimate pain! You should have a good feeling! And you should have a specific dicktor who is managing that part of your care for you, for Pete's sake! Hoping Bond gets some rest too.

    I will write breaking news on your thread for when you wake up. URGENT BREAKING NEWS! My brother asked the cougar to marry him! Here's how I found out:

    Me (on phone, out of nowhere -- he was complaining about something): Are you going to ask [the cougar] to marry you?

    My brother: I already did (two weeks ago).

    So that's lovely, that he didn't tell me, but whatever. I have begged him to have the boys on NY eve and he is still not telling me 'yes' on that, but not an official 'no.'

    Anyway, trying to stay cheerful, so here is the delicious part:

    Me: Have you told mom?

    My brother (saying nothing extra): Yes.

    Me: Well? How did she take it?

    My brother: She didn't say anything.

    HA HA HA HA HA! MD does not like the cougar! As I have told you! DLLP has caught MD giving the cougar several dour looks! HA HA! Don't worry about the bride: she is from New Jersey, she is running for President right now with MD, but she will be fine eventually. Meantime, delighting in this new feeling of MD being v v unhappy about this! Ha ha ha!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    DP, Sorry they want you on the steroids again. Ugh is right. When my Dad was so ill and had problems eating, Mom had the frig full of little pyrex dishes of things he liked. When he was hungry, she could have food in front of him in 5 minutes before the feeling went away.

    We went to dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant last night because we heard they were closing the end of the year. They were absolutely slammed. We arrived about 6:45 and were done at 9:00. The staff was operating at a dead run. Our server said they hadn't expected it on a week night. The food was as good as ever and I will truly miss it. It's decorated with paintings done by the owner and people were buying them off the wall. He gives me hope because he's gone from painting pretty dreadful stuff to not bad at all.

    DP and Bobo, Stop worrying about the house looks. Bobo, pick a corner where you can't see it and stay there. Someone commented to my friend with 6 huskies that it must be a lot of dog hair. She replied, It's how I stay warm in the winter.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    That's pretty good advice, Wren. For a normal person. I'd have to be a whole different person to follow it. But, in a sense, I am. I lay down when I can. I don't see much cat hair here. Your mom seems totally smart and prepared -- I can see how you must have gotten your own calm intelligence.

    WHY is the restaurant closing?! It seems to be doing good business. It's not the one near the former Fred Meyer is it? Across from the mall? That made its own homemade tortillas? I loved that place.

    DP, FFF! the Fing steroids! XXX

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Oh my goodness, what a wonderful read this morning, you lot have been busy!

    bobo, I love that your brother has asked the cougar to marry him, clapping my hands with glee! MD will have the face like she's sucked a lemon, ahh and the cougar can hold her own, that's gold, some would say Instant Karma!

    I am glad you are sounding better, are you able to see the results of the surgery yet? are you happy with it?

    DP, I keep wondering if they have sorted out that damn insurance yet. Glad you spent some time with the girls. Oh poor Bond, dental stuff is so unpleasant, I hope he's feeling better soon. Sorry about the steroids again, I know how you hate them.

    Thank you for the kind words, girls, about Vi, I do miss him at this time of year, especially. I think adoption is so special and know the bond is so strong. Even though, Vi came to us as a young teen, and it wasn't a normal adoption, per se, there was something magic about it and his longing for family meant he fit right in. His upbringing, in a tiny remote village, also gave him great respect for elders and he adored my parents, taking time to help whenever he could. He and his friends would take my Father, when he was terribly ill, shortly before he passed, down to the soccer field, one on each side to support him, another carrying a lawn chair, so my Dad could watch the team, play soccer. So many of those kids were feared by the establishment, we lived in a very white, old, established area, but I adored them all and never had the slightest fear of any of them, in fact, I never felt safer, than when I was with them. I also remember how sad I felt when I found out that when he first arrived in Australia, with no English at all, he would go to a cafe and say Coke and Chip, he lived on Coke and fries, because he didn't know how to ask for anything else. Although his English improved dramatically, I only wish I could have spoken his language half as well, he always had an accent and there were some words that he could never pronounce properly and they became woven into Bec's and my language too. I find I still use them occasionally and it takes me back to those fun times. He and Bec would bicker too, but he would always be more than fair with her. I remember her being grounded for something, which would prevent her from going to a school dance and he begged me to ground him, so she could go.

    Bobo, I will scan some other pics where you can see Vi's beautiful hair, that pic with me it was in a pony tail so you couldn't see the length. I still have 2 very long ponytails, that he had cut off at different times.

    Wren, I hope the restaurant gets a reprieve with the added interest, it is always sad when a fave place closes down. My Mother did the same thing for my Dad when he was ill, I seem to remember cheese sandwiches were the about the only thing he'd eat.

    PRB, I hear you, isn't investor hindsight a wonderful thing! Another adopted child, how wonderful! several of my close girlfriends are also adopted, which is slightly more unusual in my age group, they found their birth parents, but 2 of them didn't even start to look, till their adoptive parents were gone.

    So glad you are having a better Christmas this year too, without the worry of last year. You're officially on leave now, enjoy!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Gosh Zills, that's a busy time for you I don't know how you keep up with it all!

    ndgirl, I love to hear about you enjoying the Grandkids. What a wonderful surprise, your Grandson arriving unexpectedly, just like a wonderful Christmas movie!

    I remember the "sun baths", my parents did the same with me. I also remember, in Scotland they would take me to the beach, but I would be wearing a little fur coat. they'd take off my shoes and sock for me to paddle in the freezing salty water, I think they removed me when my lips turned blue.My Mother would fill a lemonade bottle with sea water to take home, so she could wash my face with it later. I hated that salty tight feeling on my face, but they thought they were doing something good for me, bless them! LOL

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Awww, Bobo, you missed me. I am under the weather but trying desperately to get ready for our international trip in four days....silent scream!!!

    My kids had colds this week but i made them go to school because they didnt seem so bad. Karma baby! Now I have a slight fever and acheall over. But I am willing myself well.

    The last time we went home for Xmas in 2011 we all got the Norwalk virus (17 out of 20 family members were vomiting for 24 hours each at least). People were dropping like flies. The only ones who didnt get sick were men. Figures!

    Anyway, I dont want to be sick when we are out of the country, especially.

    I am too sick to know or care here Trixie is or what trouble she is getting into. But I will be sure to let her know u asked after her.

    Take care everyone

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    oh what delicious news bobo. Cougar in law. Bwahahaha

    M I am very glad they removed you when your lips turned blue. That cracks me up.

    I slept all day!! Omg. I laid down with bond after posting and didn't get up until 3:30. He was totally knocked out and doped up. Now he's whining about having to eat a soft diet. Once again didn't get anything done that I was planning on. Well I guess I did get the living room and dining room floors done. Maybe tomorrow...

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    oh no Andrea. I hope you feel better. Get rest and drink your orange juice. What an awful 2011 experience! Let the kids and DH do the packing and you stay in bed. You so so much for them. They need to take care of you!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    DP:  give the new patch (25, I assume?)  a few days. They can always kick it up again if needed.  Don't worry about needing it!  You do need it!  and good sleep is important. Nothing wrong with taking it for that reason. That's what I do.

    Bobo:  I chuckle with glee at your news! 

    Wren:  sorry about favorite restaurant. I hate it when that happens.

    M: we had sun baths too.  Important to get Vitamin D.  And sea water was good for healing cuts and bug bites.  "pull off that band-aid and let your boo-boo get some air so it will heal up".   Yup.  That was the thinking.

    **waving to all*

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    this is still 12.5 glennie. Will ask for 25s on Monday. Can I just wear two? :-)

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Yes, you could.  Just keep track of which one needs to be changed when,,,,  if you put them on at different times.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Listen to our G, DP. She is actual pharmacist at hospitals. The whole reason you are able to take a comfortable nap is because FINALLY we got that FUCKWIT NP to prescribe you appropriate meds for your level of pain. I am holding a stuffed baby goat right now and it is making me even more assertive and irritable. What is that NP's name?

    There is such a thing as breakthrough pain of course, and I am not a Dicktor, but for the most part you shouldn't have to be putting other meds on top of meds because the first ones are not right dosage. Get with the program, NP!

    G, please give DP the right statement to say to NP so that NP will prescribe the proper dosage of Fentanyl patch. DP, I just left excellent update of cougar-in-law on the other thread. Enjoi! (that is what we say here when we say 'Enjoy!' We say it with a thick French accent).

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Bobo:  you are holding stuffed baby goat??? 

    DP:  tell NP that you are taking (how many) tablets of hydrocodone a day to help with the breakthru pain, and that is helping the fentanyl make your pain TOLERABLE.  You have to take one to sleep.  Ask to go up to the next patch level, 25.   It's ok to use the hydrocodone for breakthru pain, but I think adjusting your patch up is needed at this point.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    Bobo, No it was the Santa Fe Cafe. The parking on Broadway has become atrocious, so I haven't been up there in ages. I loved that restaurant too. We lived close and went often. I don't know if it's still there. Seattle is changing so rapidly. The Harvard Exit theatre has been sold and is going to be (gag) offices and a restaurant. Going there was such a treat. They are building condos and apartments here (without parking) like crazy and charging more than houses are going for. If we didn't own our house we couldn't live here.

    The news about your brother and the cougar is wonderful! I am laughing till I can't stand it picturing MD and the cougar facing off. I think the cougar will win.

    DP, I'm feeling sorry for Bond. Nothing makes you crave foods like being told you can't have them. Let's get that NP in line to make you comfortable.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    Last trip to post office today. Napped. Cards need to be stamped and return label. Note to self. Spring for preaddressed return envelopes. May have to wrestle with laptop to print labels.

    Kitchen a wreck. Laundry manageable. Still have to wrap. Had hoped to get boys help today but waited to long at po and napped. Priorities.

    Gymnastics tomorrow and make brownies, deviled eggs and sausage balls for family Christmas on Sunday. Will wrap all presents while kids gone to sister.

    No more ripping and running until Jan 5th. Would like to help boy practice bb and swimming while off.

    Up the meds DP. You are not an addict. Sleep is very important. Hope bond is better.

    Poor Andrea. Hope you feel better soon. Push the vit c.

    Sleep tight everyone

    PS. Anyone know where to find tiny panties? 2t -3t are too big and gap open and ride up. Poor thing is too young to be having wedgies.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    Lovin the MD stories! Makes me forget about DH and his miserable self for awhile

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Awww spookiesmom, DH is being a "misery guts" that's what we call it here! Colin got a short sharp snarl from me yesterday when he had snapped at me for the 3rd time, everyone get's 3 from me and then all bets are off. I told him he is obviously getting sick again, because he's a total pain in he ass. After he recovered from that home truth, he agreed and asked me get another prescription filled for the antibiotics, just in case that was what was going on. I went to the pharmacy, they insisted that prescription had already been filled, I was polite and said "How can that be, if we received it in the mail from the Hospital and I am standing here holding it and it is in pristine condition, not stamped or with a staple in it?"

    They made me go to the Dicktor's office to beg for another. I went there, practicing what to say during the short drive. I explained in Readers Digest format and was asked to wait, the Dicktor called me in only to say that this is a restricted antibiotic and she has to call Canberra to get permission to prescribe it and she really needs to see the patient, I am beginning to unravel, by now, but I keep it together and suggest she look in her records because it has been prescribed form here already too. Colin is a quad, in a wheelchair, does she really need him to come all the way down here for this? She, the genius, decides to call the Pharmacist, they have a confab and decide to try to use the number on the prescription again. This time it works Hallellujah, they tell me to go back to the Pharmacy, I get there and no, it won't go through the system unless I pay full price for it, not the PBS price which is a mere $6, I am having trouble now, opening my mouth to speak in case I jump the counter and take the Pharmacist down, with a bite to the throat. I tell them, "whatever!, I don't care what it costs", just give me that damn prescription. They tell me to wait another 5-10 minutes, WTF, I am standing here, you have the bottle in your hand, what does he have to do, go out the back for a bong or something before dispensing? Sorry Glennie, you are exempt from this Pharmacists rage. Anyhoo, finally I get called and handed a white paper bag, now I am wondering if I have enough cash in my wallet to pay for it, "Hi Moira, how are you? all ready for Christmas?" says the beaming "asssitant" typo intended! That's $10.50 thankyou! Oh my giddy aunt, I just laughed and left. I got home and handed the bag to Colin, he asked "Any hassles? "Nah!"

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    LOL M.. why does everything have to be a hassle, right? I loved that you were about to become a mountain lion and jump the counter to bite the pharmacist! Way to keep your composure.

    Glennie.. that does bring up an interesting question.. why oh why does it take 20 minutes to fill ALL prescriptions when there is nothing else going on? I mean a tube of xyz is there... all it needs is to slap a label on it.. so why 20 minutes? Always.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    i do really like that phrase,,, "Oh my giddy aunt".  I must learn to incorporate that into my conversations.

    M: I'm sorry you had such a terrible time. What kind of fancy antibiotic is it that it is "restricted"???

    PRB:  Too many interruptions. Phones ringing. Faxes arriving. People yelling at you. Now there are electronic prescriptions coming thru the computer system.  (so glad I do not work retail anymore)  In a busy store, you can be pulled in 5 different directions at once.Don't get me started on Drive thru's!!  And the chains have "metrics".  How many RX's do you fill in a day?  How many rings does it take you to answer the phone?  How many people have you signed up for automatic refills?  Makes my quota look like a game. Well, it's all a game.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Yeah, Glennie! We are all ganging up on you demanding answers! No, really. I see them holding the bottle in hand. Stupid fuckwits. Our princess could die if they F up her medication. As you know. You really helped me with that, I followed all instructions.

    M, peeing myself at your day at the pharmacy! Love how you got all wound up already with John Wayne, then, fire still lit, those stupid fucktards continued to whip you into a frenzy. Don't they have eyes? They must have seen the look on your face, right? Love how you thought it was going to cost thousands -- they really had you going for that extra $4.50! I know someone who is specifically NOT getting a jar of fig jam this year.

    Birdie -- the Harvard exit!? Oh no! Totally understand about the stupid parking. What is the problem? It is a big town! They are just not planning it well. I do love the coffee carts you can just walk up to and get the most delicious coffee from.

    Hark, ye who are loving cougar-bride updates -- avast, remember this is only DAY ONE. There are going to be more updates! I know it!

    Z, I cannot believe you are doing that much cooking tomorrow, plus family Christmas on Sunday?! Plus full-on kids until January fuck-me o'clock? Yikes. I am hoping there is real egg nog at your party. You look so pretty in your Christmas picture!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    There are a lot of stupid fuckwits in this job. I know. I have worked with many. It frightens me to think that one day, I may be ill, and have to go into "My" hospital and be taken care of by these nitwits. Truly scary. And I am looked down upon as I'm older and have the old BS degree where all the young ones have the new fancy PharmD degree and can be called "Doctor".  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.    My @ss, they are doctor. Not in a million years.  I have been doing this since before they appeared on this earth. Yes, I am dinosaur.  I have been called that too.

    I am thrilled that this is only day one of Cougar update.  I anxiously look forward to more.

    I do not know how you all with young children get it all done. I am impressed. It must be exhausting.  We all need a vacation.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    M, you have me in tears over that story... I'm clapping my hands and peeing myself at the same time. M almost goes all Bruce Lee over the pharmacist lol. Seriously though, wtf with the runaround? I'm surprised the humpy back didn't occur in the Dicktor's office. I love the Vi stories, how sweet to want to be punished so Bec could go and how sad that he only had soda and fries because he didn't know other words.

    Sorry DH is still being miserable Spookie, hope he snaps out of it soon.

    Zils, how the hell do you do it. F the cards. I too wish I lived closer to give you a hand, I'm glad you'll at least have a hopefully quiet night to catch up. Glad you got a nap! Did you get your day of pampering yesterday... maybe I missed a post. I'm not sure what you have available to you for shopping... I'm mainly an internet shopper.. so... my advices is Amazon or Walmart haha...

    Wren, I'm interested too why the restaurant is closing down.. sounds like they did a fantastic business.. maybe just too much? You still have time to get another meal in before they close.. I hate when favorite places close down and then you get the string of bad experiences before you find something else.

    Loving all the great advice Glennie is giving DP.... so handy having your knowledge on these matters.

    Bobo, what is up with the stuffed goat? That's an interesting stuffed animal to have :) Loving the Cougar in Law (nice one DP!), now you must make sure that MD knows how much you love the cougar and are so happy about this marriage. This is rather sudden isn't it? And what's with that cat... I'm starting to wonder if it has it out for you lol. I love Tabitha too!!! I haven't watched any of them for quite awhile, but I think she is awesome... and I'm a little scared of her too! Yes, you do appear to be much more "F it" this time around, which I am pleased to hear although I'm not happy to hear you are not getting proper nutrition.

    Andrea, hope you are getting plenty of rest and as somebody else pointed out.. lots of Vitamin C.. hopefully the kids are feeling better.. nothing more miserable than traveling sick... unless it's being around 17 family members puking their brains out.. now there's a party.

    DP, if you got it.. take it. Rest is so important and it sounds to me like you overdo it on a regular basis. I do get wanting to house to look nice, can't really blame you there. Glad you had a nice visit and also glad to hear you are drinking Gatorade. Sorry about the steroids.. I agree with you they suck big time... but they have their purpose so you have to look at them as a necessary evil.. they're on your side and helping you battle. How's bond feeling? Hate dental work.

    PRB, we still have Kmarts here.. am I missing something.. did they reorganize or something... I was unaware.. never a store I liked very much. Yeah, Walmart is huge.. you would for sure be living large had you invested in it way back when. Go bake cookies with DD, you'll have a blast!

    Ndgirl, how nice to have the surprise from your GS and to have such a nice window of spoiling opportunity!!! I am not a good baker either.. once in awhile I get lucky and something comes out ok, but I usually have a lot of "bird food"... I just enjoy doing it even though I suck at it!

    Went out with my gf earlier to a favorite chinese restaurant. Neither of us were particularly hungry and didn't order too much. We just relaxed and were catching up. The damn waiter kept hovering around, made me so uncomfortable. Of course they just want you in and out which was a bit annoying.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Hi all, just in from vacuuming my patio, yep, the only way to get the sand out of the joints of the bricks, it is so hot out there, I was going to mow the lawns, but too hot. I will finish the vacuuming in a minute and make a long cool drink and read some more. Meant to say yesterday, I like Tabitha, she is just one step away, from being a domanatrix don't you think? I love how she does the pointy eye thing at those naughty, slack, hairdressers.

    Glennie, it is Norfloxacin and the ONLY drug this particular bug, was sensitive to. I have no iddea why it is restricted, but we have lots of stuff like this. I just couldn't believe it was only $10.50!

    Must run, have to go down to the beach with the camera for Colin to take shots of him racing the model yacht. M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Interesting about the Norfloxacin.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Hi all, just in from vacuuming my patio, yep, the only way to get the sand out of the joints of the bricks, it is so hot out there, I was going to mow the lawns, but too hot. I will finish the vacuuming in a minute and make a long cool drink and read some more. Meant to say yesterday, I like Tabitha, she is just one step away, from being a domanatrix don't you think? I love how she does the pointy eye thing at those naughty, slack, hairdressers.

    Glennie, it is Norfloxacin and the ONLY drug this particular bug, was sensitive to. I have no iddea why it is restricted, but we have lots of stuff like this. I just couldn't believe it was only $10.50!

    Must run, have to go down to the beach with the camera for Colin to take shots of him racing the model yacht. M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    And work is done!   3 day weekend!!  Yee-haw!!!  I'm pooped.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    M, I'm wondering if they misplaced the decimal point. In any rate, you're out the door and it'll be down the hatch, so what can they do? My favorite part of your story is where you almost jump the counter and bite his throat. I'm amazed that hasn't happened to someone. Robbery is not the reason they hide behind those plastic screens.

    I think the restaurant owners wanted to retire. It's been around long enough for the owners to be at that age. And it specializes in New Mexican cooking, not TexMex. So maybe not so many people would know how to do it.

    Our Christmas tradition is to have tamales for breakfast Christmas morning. They're very filling and last until dinner is on the table. I'm starting to get hungry for them now.

    I've joined a group here called Buy Nothing. They create localized circles in neighborhoods. Anything you want to get rid of you post on their facebook page. People respond if they want the item. If lots respond, they use a randomizer to pick the person. Interesting stuff gets posted and snapped up.