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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    yay for a 3 day weekend glennie. I guess you don't log your hours giving us advice.

    I know the steroids are both my friend and enemy. I am comtlaltong taking one now instead of waiting until mornkng new aye I have the familiar pain and pressure in my left temple. They told me take two a day. One in mornkng and one in afternoon. So I only took one today.

    Spookie we have a made up word for that in my house. I do love making my own language. It is "grunky". So m could say Colin what's wrong with you? Why are you being so grunky? Oh because you piss sand? Ok then. Rofl. Sorry Colin I know it's not funny.

    Heavens m! What a hassle. Good on you for maintaining composure. Vacuuming your patio? For really?? Ok I do get it. Just way outside my scope right now.

    Bobo I'm glad you get the kids for New Years but what an exhausting exchange to her there! Holy crap. I hate people that say things like "WEEEE feel it is important" geez where area nausea meds? However, can't you just picture MDs face turning absolutely purple while having one of these exhausting conversations with her in the future? Tehehe

    We have not had Kmart in Texas in about ten years. It was so much easier than Walmart.

    Oh z. Whisk whisk whisk around. You are super woman as usual. Can we hire an assistant for you?

    Bobo is it a screaming stuffed goat? It's probably a fainting one. Now about that cat. I give you advice in the words of one of my very favorite bands:

    Fuck you kitty your gonna spend the night

    Fuck you kitty your gonna spend the night

    Fuck you kitty your gonna spend the night


    I only hope you know the melody so it gets in your head. :-)

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014
  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Meow, meow,meow, meowyow, I know that one DP.! Colin had a laugh at being grunky. He hasn't taken the damn tablets, but he is much better today!

    I know it sounds weird and anal, to be vacuuming the patio, but because of my rheumatoid hands and wrists, sweeping is really hard for me, but a vacuum, especially an outside one, with much bigger hoses to hold on to, are much easier for me to use. We have brick paving in circular patterns which catches the dirt in the mortar lines, so this just removes it all in a minute. Since we will be virtually living out there, when Bec comes, I want it all clean and tidy and I won't need to do it again, unless we get more big storms.

    I have no idea, what is this stuffed fainting goat about? I mentioned it to Colin and he said, "I thought you said Bobo was a Vegetarian!" I almost wet my pants, he thinks it's Christmas fare at Bobo's house, I said I thought it may be an anesthesia vision, like I have after surgery, not sure, please explain!

    Wren, we have a similar thing, but in Aus land, everything has to have a casual name, so ours is "Free Stuff!" people list things they want to give to a new home and the people giving it away decides who can have it. Colin got a lovely painting of a wooden boat on a beach when we lived in Melbourne and then we gave it the next door neighbors, when we didn't have a place for it here.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    We have a web site here too for free stuff. I haven't looked at it in years, but it was always mildly entertaining because people would post stuff like "3 bags of size L women clothes - must be picked up by 4 pm today or it is gone". I always imagine people just going into a frenzy cleaning and then posting it on the site that day because they don't want it in their house after all that sweat. Get it out of here! Now!

    The day I vacuum outside is the day they must put a white jacket on me and take me to the mental ward. Sorry M.. I get what you are saying about it being easier than sweeping for you.... but that just isn't happening in my lifetime. I think it's great that you want everything to be perfect for Bec. I bet you just can't wait to see her!!

    There's a whole lot of pee'ing going on here with all you ladies laughing so much. In that vein I will just add that since I had my horrible cough, if I cough too hard now...yes, there might be mild peeing. I think that means I am officially old. Speaking of peeing, did you know that they can tell men from women when they find decayed bodies based on the stretched out bladder of the women? Someone told me that years ago..not sure it's true, but it makes sense to me. All those years, waiting in line for the 3 stalls available...while the men's bathroom was unoccupied. I swear, we should have all just went in the men's bathroom (and yes, I did do that when there was just no other choice).

    Listened to the kitty song. Cracked me up. DP were you a head banging rocker? I love you even more. I like the word grunky and will have to try and use it. DD has her own made up word that she uses all the's Crag. Like "what the Crag?" I have no idea where she got it from. Too much Japanese anime? She is now watching Korean dramas with subtitles. This kid of mine! She told me yesterday she wishes she was a nerd. I told her not to worry.. anyone who watches all that foreign stuff (oh I should have said crag instead of stuff!) and enjoys reading subtitles surely qualifies as a nerd.

    Glad you are enjoying your cougar Bobo. Sounds like there will be entertaining news coming from the family for years to come! For some reason, I always imagine MD as the woman who plays the mother on that show Two and a half men. Cold and calculating with her own agenda. Congrats on getting to have your nephews for the evening. I bet the kids will have a blast. Oh, and I agree with DP, I don't like people who talk like that, and would probably say something really inappropriate to let them know it. I'm just special that way.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    You all are so funny. Bobo eating goat. Yuck. I'm not vegetarian and I wouldn't touch it. I can only imagine it smells like lamb does. Ugh. It is popular here to BBQ but never been invited.

    I hate the run around at the pharmacy. We had a small independent that DH said was rude to him during chemo. Switched to a chain. They take excellent care of me. Even called to check on me. Must take them donuts (again).

    Thankfully I haven't had any of those crazy hoops to jump through but it's a coming. The worst was the boys epi pen refill before thanksgiving (pecan nightmare). Allergist wouldn't authorize it. Called my PCP. Ridiculous.

    Sounds like bobo is going to have a wonderful new year. Nephews on New Year's Eve. Cougar in law. No more sx. Disney.

    DP. Sorry about the steroids. Will it make your vision clear up? How's bond today? I understand about cleaning but you and bobo are going to have to pick your spot and let the rest go. Cue the Frozen music. "Let it go, let it go". Even my BILs can sing it.

    Ldesim. Me a jill of all trade and master of none. Not sure if my cooking tastes good or not. D@mn chemo. I would love to have a few go to recipes.

    Mr Sandman must be feeling better if you're racing around taking pix. I understand about the sweeping. I need to invest in a real vacuum. Not a $20 dust buster on a stick. Jealous of you and Bec's relationship. Hope I have that with BG.

    Yes glennie for a three day weekend.

    PRB. Report back with cookie details. Looking for a good recipe.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    Andrea. This is for you. Hope you can understand.

    Make an ok sign with thumb and forefinger with right hand with finger on top. Drape left hand on right shoulder. Keep left hand on shoulder. Wherever is a comfortable spot. Make proper ok sign with thumb on top. Repeat ok signs with thumb on top with rest of fingers.

    Hold each one a few minutes. Switch and repeat on left side. Left fingers make ok sign and right hand draped over left shoulder.

    This is a JSS move to boost immunity. I believe in it. Also rest and fluids and vit c. Good luck!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    I call him the Grinch, DD calls him grump. He doesn't like Fl, doesn't consider it home, been here 30 years. Anything that's wrong in his life is my fault. He wants to go north to spend Christmas with his family. The ones who can't be bothered to come here. He goes around singing Mr.Lonely. But no body held a gun to his head to move here, and why didn't he go back when we were divorced? It's MY fault. I ignore him as much as I can, some days are harder than others.

    Sears bought KMart several years ago. Now neither are doing well and are going under. Prices and quality I guess are doing it.

    We have something called FreeCycle, works the same way. I live on a fairly busy street, I just put unwanted stuff on the curb. It always disappears

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    I am wondering if Bobo was holding a stuffed TOY goat???   I hope she reports in. Wondering if it was a present for someone that she was wrapping?  I cannot imagine her having goat to eat in the house???

    Everyone has bad stories about pharmacists. I too have bad stories and it's my job.  It wasn't so bad back in the 80's when I started. No computers. Most people did not have restrictive RX insurance,, most people didn't have RX insurance at all.  Cash for most. The most expensive RX was Brand Keflex at the time and it was $40.  I would always warn people,,, it's expensive,, you want half now and half later in case you have a reaction? It was rough working in poor neighborhoods and your customer would say, just give me $5 worth of my BP med to last until pay day. Before computers, we could "play" with the prices,,, can't do that now.   Anyone who looked like they needed it, became an honorary "senior citizen" in my store so they could get the senior discount.  With computers, you can't get away with helping people out anymore.   If you buy 30,, it's $1 a pill,,, so why if you pay only 10, it's 1.75 a pill?  I always thought that was highway robbery. A pill should have one price.  So if my customer wants $5 worth of BP meds, he should get 5 pills. In my opinion.   OK, rant over. You can see why I can't do this job anymore.


    **waving to all***

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    ooooo, more cards!!  So excited!!  Thanks O2 and Ldesim!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    the thought that it was not a stuffed plush goat never enteredyjnd until m chimed in. Then I was laughing out loud at the vision of a whole stuffed and BBQ goat laid out on her table like a roasted pig. Omg y'all.

    Yes PRB I was a little punk rocker back in the day. Purple hair and blue nails and all. Before it was cool like it is now.

    Spookie maybe his name should be grunchy then. Or better yet Eyeore, tell him enough with the whining already. Is my tail still there?

    You don't have to justify the cleaning m. I get it. Especially if your using the shop vac.

    Had qvc potstickers for breakfast. They were delicious. Doubt vision will improve from the steroids. Last time they made my vision blurry on their own.

    Wishing everyone a productive day

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    DP:  our own punk rocker!  Glad you enjoyed potstickers!  They are yummy.  Sucks about your vision, but maybe the steriods will help this time?

    Day off,,, not feeling productive.  Neighbor with the puppy in hospital with infected foot!  She might come home today. Offered to help with puppy. Will check back with them.

    Abandoned townhome next door was definitely sold. Hoping for quiet neighbors this time. Place needs a lot of fixing up before someone moves in.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    DS and GF at that time would say "Don't be Chuck!" when the other was being difficult. Pretty soon we picked it up and used it appropriately. They explained that Chuck was one of the roommates at college and was just dreadful. I think the English word tiresome (used in old books) was close to the definition.

    Never occurred to me that the goat wasn't a stuffed toy. We have a gelato place here called Fainting Goat. Their T-shirts have an upside down goat on them. The owner had seen the video of them. It's a genetic defect that makes them fall over fairly often. They don't seem to be hurt and jump up ready to go again.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    I love potstickers! Used to get them at this teeny tiny Chinese place that had 4 tables back in the 80's. They were called dumplings back then. I think I could live on well made, thinly wrapped chicken ones.

    I love that DP was a punk rocker. One of my best friends used to listen to those bands. Only bands I can remember that she loved was Queens of the Stone Age , The Meat Puppets and The Dead Milkmen. I believe she still has her biker boots. DP.. we need to see what's in your closet (besides all those condoms!).

    It's probably a little lamb... Bobo is just too high to know the difference.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Had a quick read through. (I am supposed to be wrapping) and I spit out my coffee... never for a moment did I think she had anything but a stuffed goat ROFLMAO! Thank you, made my day... will be back later.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    More cards!  Thanks Wren and Bobo!!  The kids look great in their Santa picture!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Of course our DP was punk rocker. Hi DP! ** waves** how is your vision doing? Are steroids kicking in? Don't go on a cleaning bender.

    OMG, you guys, you think I would eat a dead goat? You are all crazy! Goats are my favorite people -- I love them. It is a stuffed goat, I love him. He is right here, in fact. Colin, I did have anaesthesia nightmares, they were not good, but that is some time ago. Haven't had pain meds for a few days, except Motrin. I have pain either way, really.

    Bird, No buying! That sounds so great! DLLP would love that site. She would want to 'buy' things, I would want to give things away. Except no one would want things after our kids have had a crack at them.

    Z, I too need a better vacuum. I need a Shark. I had one but I killed the cord with the stupid automatic thing that sucks up the cord. So then we got a cheap one and I hate it. In the new year I want a great vacuum.

    I love the kitty song! That kitty jumped on my stomach AGAIN this morning (not sleeping) and I did put her outside. Fuck you, kitty! She never jumps on me when I am not covered with bruises.

    Okay. Today is the best day. MUCH MD news to share with you. I think I will not give it all at once, must put dinner on. Remember last week when MD came into town on a whim and then I did not go? Well, she knew about the engagement already. DLLP did not. My nephews told my children, and they knew but didn't think to discuss it, I guess. Thus there was this delightful exchange. Bear in mind that MD is hating DLLP lately for unknown reasons.

    DLLP and MD sit together at dinner table, not speaking.

    DLLP (innocently): So, how is [cougar-in-law]? How's she doing?

    MD (tonelessly): I guess she is fine.


    Today. MD and me, on phone.

    Me: Why did you not pick up your phone.

    MD: I don't know what you're talking about. We're talking on the phone right now.

    Me: My dad picked up your cell phone. Why didn't you pick up your own phone.

    MD: Oh. I don't know. Wait. I know --

    Me (interrupting): Why didn't you tell me [my brother] is engaged? Why didn't you talk about it when you saw [DLLP]? Is it some kind of 'secret'? Everything is a secret in this family.

    MD (tonelessly): No. It's not a secret. He said I could tell anyone I wanted.

    Me (reveling in 'the upper hand'): Isn't it wonderful! It's so exciting.

    MD (colorlessly, as if repeating a mantra): If he's happy, I'm happy.

    Me: I can't believe they are going to have four boys in the house! Yuck. I hope [my brother] is going to let her have a cleaning lady [he did not let my ex SIL have one].


    (interrupting herself, tonelessly): If he's happy, I'm happy.

    Me (gleefully): So, where is everyone going to sleep? I guess the older son will be in the guest room [MD redecorated this room, which my ex-SIL used to sleep in, and bragged to everyone that it was 'her room.' Now she's not going to have a room at his house at all].

    MD: Yes. If he's happy, I'm happy. [All this is verbatim. It is a Christmas miracle.] Guess what I got [our princess]? A beautiful black Barbie. She's wearing a designer outfit.

    Me: Look. Don't send the children's presents to me with a note instructing me to wrap them. I'm not going to do it this year.


    **much applause, by me, as I am clapping and peeing myself with delight**

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Good morning all! Still waiting for an explanation of the goat from Bobo! Z, the smell of goat is a hundred times worse than lamb and I can't tell you how ugly goat's milk is. When I first found out about my dairy allergy, we didn't have all the alternatives we have now, soy was not all that common, but goat milk was available. Oh my giddy aunt, it tastes exactly like the smell, makes my tummy turn just thinking about it. I had this friend Rod, who was an artist and he used to wear this massive goat coat, it had long hair and looked like a Greek Flokati rug, but you had to walk upwind of him, because it stank to high heaven. When I first met Colin, he had a mounted wild goat head in his room, it was almost a deal breaker! When we got together, I told him, it was the goat or me, the goat head, was our first ever Ebay sale!

    Awww spookiesmom, that's not fun for you. Good grief 30 years and it still isn't home for him, now that's just plain stubborn!

    Never heard of potstickers, so I googled. We eat them at Dim Sum, yum!

    Oh Wren, I spit out my drink as I read the name of the place you wet to I read it as Farting Goat and thought what a dreadful name for an Ice Cream place.

    New neighboors Glennie, I hope they are nice people. My great neighbors have just had their first grandchild, like me, they never thought it would happen, but now they are torn and considering going back to the city. I would hate to lose them.

    I think our DP was a bit of a wild child! Love her punk and alternative music choices. Bec had green hair and black nail polish and listened to music that other parents would have found strange, but having a step dad who was on the first commercial FM radio station and was a TV music interviewer and music researcher, meant that none of her choices were misunderstood. My parents, on the other hand had a really tough time with that stage, of Bec's growing up LOL.

    Glennie, we don't have a breaking down the pills system here, a prescription is whatever the pack is. We do have a government system that means anyone who holds a pension or a disability card gets medicine that has been passed on the PBS for $6.00 each. Most drugs for the general public is around $25.00, but of course there are the really OTT ones like the drug Embrel, they wanted me on for my Rheumatoid and it was $80,000.00 yep $80K per year. Like pushers, the drug company offered me 2 free infusions of it, but I refused, there was no way I was going to try that, find it worked and then go broke taking it! It is now on the PBS for $6.00 and I am grateful I never took it, because it is one of the Biologics that they are looking at in BC.

    Zills, Mr Sandman is feeling better, he was racing model boats yesterday, but his was swamped again and almost sank. I am not sure what the problem is, but these things seem to be more trouble than the big boat.

    Ha PRB, you reminded me of my first house, when Bec was born. We had a tiny courtyard in the back and I lay astro turf as it was called back then, for Bec to play on, because it was a concrete area. My friends would call around and find me outside vacuuming the grass, it was just a continuation of the carpet in the house to me.

    Today I am going to mow the lawns and that's the whole place finished and ready for Bec and visitors.

    Catch you all later....M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    M, I just wrote! Didn't you see goat update above? X

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Oh Bobo, posting at same time, so glad I checked for more posts! That was a stellar conversation! You so won that one, licking finger, making a 1 sign, in the air for you! Oh and there will be more, it's delicious, MD is seething..... "If he's happy, I'm happy!", oh dear, I love that and the finale, of wrap your own presents, bitch, was just gold! bahaha

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Yes, got the goat update, I knew you'd never be eating it! LOL

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    MD is finding out karma is a bitch!


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    **clapping hands with glee**    LOVE the convo with MD!!    No room at brother's house for her now. If he's happy, I'm happy.  LOL!!  This is great, and I'm sure there is more to come!!  

    Bobo:  have you gone to the vaccum place by Ward's? Very helpful in there. That's where I got my last vaccum. Not a Shark, it's a Steril-Aire,, has built in HEPA filter. I have dust allergy. Good vaccum.

    I never get out at night, since I'm usually working. But we went out for dinner, and then drove around looking at Christmas lights. Lots of good places right in my neighborhood. Who knew?  *I never get out*

    M: you are so energetic!  Now mowing lawns!!  Where do you get your energy?  The shakes don't work that good for me!

    **waving to all**

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Spooks, it has only just begun. Have had mass quantities of AFT liposuction. Am going to spend any summer visits with MD walking around her swimming pool in a STRING BIKINI (I have never worn one in life -- in fact I rarely get into a bathing suit at all).

    I am going to walk around the pool in wedge heels and bikini while saying aloud in her earshot, 'I do not know what it is. I just cannot put on weight.' In fact, this mental image is what has got me through the last year.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Ooh! I am going to try that vacuum place! I never thought of that.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    That;s so fantastic Bobo, I can see you now, looking like one of those divine 40's stars with the wedge shoes and beautiful suit or 2 piece on a killer body, maybe a sunhat with a wide brim, where she can just barely see, your satisfied grin! I can see MD now, in a colorful, but ugly MuMu, on her stomach, pounding her fists to the ground, in a full blown, bitchy tantrum! You could sell tickets! I'd come!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    I am still concerned about you sickos who thought bobo was eating a stuffed goat. What the heck so you stuff a goat with anyway? Herbed feta?

    Had nice day with bond. He is feeling pretty well. Still pissed about can't eat what he wants. But the potstickers (yes dumplings) were soft and he's had lots of pudding and jello. I am making bean soup for dinner. It is starting to smell good. I ate decently today. He took me to dollar store to her supplies for the soup in a jar gifts I am making.

    Is that Rod Stewart m? Wouldn't surprise me. Grandma wasn't a fan of my style but she got used to it. I caused a huge rift in the family when gpa gave me the money for and my mom took me to buy my first pair of dr. Martens. I knew she didn't want me to have them but she never actually sai I couldn't. She thought my personality would change by my wearing them *eyeroll!*. After that I found this most awesome shoe store in Las Vegas that carried so many differnt styles of docs. Super girly ones and crazy colors. Then I ended up with a dozen pair. She admitted to liking the baby blue paisley fabric ones.

    Omg bobo. That is a delicious MD conversation. And I can't wait to see this bikini and high heel get up while you prance around sipping a smoothie.

    Shark is running an infomercial right now. Tey have the vacuum I just bought from qvc for 200 along with the steam mop which I paid over 100 for a year ago. Together for 250 I think. Qvc also has several models online still.

    Hope you get good neighbors glennie. If not, you be the pest. Crank loud music and leave your trash out. Lol

    Think bond is ready to help with soup jars. Back later. Oh and vision worse today.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    DP you sound so good today. Glad you ate something.bean soup sounds good. I need to start making soup this winter.

    I feel achy and have a stupid cough, but the cold isnt any worse. Zills I will try your suggestion.but i might record me doing it. I suck at following directions. I cant do origame if my life depended on it. Or knotting.

    One year we took the train from Detroit to Montana . I got a book on making jewelry with cording. Thirty-three hours on a train and I still couldnt figure out a single knot. Lol.

    I have to pack for our trip. Somehow I have to fit gifts for 24 family members and clothes for four of us into two suitcases. About now i am thinking gift cards might have been the way to

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    OHHHHH BOBO!!!  What a FAB idea!!!   That is sooo perfect!!! Cannot wait for summer now!

    DP: you sound good. Glad you are making soup. How nice Bond is helping you. Sucks that your vision is worse today. Those steriods need to kick into gear.

    Andrea: Hope you feel better soon. It sucks to fly with a cold.  I am a terrible packer,,, hope you fit everything in the suitcases!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    imageI'm going to put this on Warm & Fuzzy, couldn't resist here too

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    That is so funny!!